HomeMy WebLinkAbout20161206PAC to Staff 1-7.pdfROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A OMSION OF PACJFICORP December 6, 2016 Jean Jewell Idaho Public Utilities Commission 4 72 W. Washington Boise, ID 83702-5918 RE: ID PAC-E-16-13 IPUC 1st Set Data Request (1-7) 201 South Main, Suite 2300 Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Please find enclosed Rocky Mountain Power's Responses to IPUC Data Requests 1-7. Also provided is Attachment IPUC 1. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at (801) 220-2963. Sincerely, J. Ted Weston Manager, Regulation P AC-E-16-13 I Rocky Mountain Power December 6, 2016 IPUC Set Data Request 1 IPUC Data Request 1 On page 4 of Robert Stewart's testimony, he states: "The Company is proposing to lower Facilities Charges to an average rounded value of 0.6 percent for facilities installed at customer expense and 1.3 percent for facilities installed at the Company expense." Please explain how these percentages were calculated and provide the executable electronic workpapers supporting the calculations. Response to IPUC Data Request 1 The percentages are the Use of Facilities Charges in the 2014 Depreciation study. The values in the study are annual values. The filed monthly values are the annual values divided by 12. Please see Attachment IPUC I for the executable electronic workpaper supporting the calculations. This is the same document provided in the filing ID PAC-E-16-13 Application and Testimony Sch 300 Rule 12 (9-30- 16).pdf, as Exhibit No. 3. Recordholder: Mark Paul Sponsor: Rob Stewart PAC-E-16-13 I Rocky Mountain Power December 6, 2016 IPUC 1st Set Data Request 2 IPUC Data Request 2 On page 5 of Robert Stewart's testimony, he states: "Idaho is the only Rocky Mountain Power jurisdiction in which the Company lists the extension advances in Schedule 300." Please describe how extension advances are managed in other Rocky Mountain Power jurisdictions and include copies of applicable tariffs. Response to IPUC Data Request 2 Rocky Mountain Power's line extensions are managed through the Regulation 12 tariffs. The referenced portion of the testimony only address the reasoning for removing the reference to the allowance from Schedule 300, and does not address management of extension advances. Below are links to the line extension tariffs for Rocky Mountain Power's other jurisdictions: Utah, Regulation 12: ~~:.!._!!...!.!_!~=~==~~~~~'.Y~=~=~~' Wyoming, Rule 12: ~~.!..!!...!.!2~~12.!2~~~~~~~~~'::!!..-!.~~!±!;· Recordholder: Rob Stewart Sponsor: Rob Stewart PAC-E-16-13 / Rocky Mountain Power December 6, 2016 IPUC 1st Set Data Request 3 IPUC Data Request 3 On page 9 of Robert Stewart's testimony, he states: "If the Company fails to include the refund as part of the amount to be collected from the new ( additional) customer, it becomes uncollectable by the Company." Please describe how this scenario contributes to overall uncollected expenses as a percentage for the last five years. Please include a supporting executable electronic workpaper. Response to IPUC Data Request 3 There were no line extension refunds that weren't collected during the last five years. Recordholder: Michael Mueller Sponsor: Rob Stewart PAC-E-16-12 I Rocky Mountain Power December 6, 2016 IPUC 1st Set Data Request 4 IPUC Data Request 4 On page 11 of Robert Stewart's testimony, he states: "The Company proposes this change in order to align Idaho's line extension allowance with PacifiCorp's other retail jurisdictions." Please explain why Idaho's line extension allowance should be aligned with PacifiCorp's other retail jurisdictions, particularly given the unique characteristics ofldaho's service territory. Furthermore, please explain differences between the current and proposed line extension allowances in Idaho and line extension requirements in PacifiCorp's other jurisdictions. Response to IPUC Data Request 4 From an operational perspective, consistent line extension rules contribute to efficiencies. The proposed changes to the allowances were determined by looking at Idaho's cost of service. As long as changes are being made to adjust for costs, the Company thought it was rational and practical to move toward alignment of policies. The residential allowance in the other jurisdictions are dollar allowances which, when applied to residential subdivisions, are split between the developer who brings secondary to the lot line and the home builder. While the dollar amount differs in each state Idaho's proposed allowance of $1,550 is more than any other state. The non-residential allowance is a multiple of revenue in the other states, with four of the five having an allowance of one times the estimated annual revenue, the same as proposed for Idaho. Recordholder: Rob Stewart Sponsor: Rob Stewart PAC-E-16-12 I Rocky Mountain Power December 6, 2016 IPUC 1st Set Data Request 5 IPUC Data Request 5 On page 12 of Robert Stewart's testimony, he states: "The $550 is the cost of an 80 foot service plus the meter. Services vary greatly in length but an 80 foot service will cover most residences building within a development." Please provide data showing actual residential service lengths within developments for the last five years. Response to IPUC Data Request 5 The Company does not track that data. A design is not required when a customer or contractor requests service to a home a subdivision with power to the lot line. Section 4(b) of Regulation 12 requires power to the lot line for a residential development. The Company's standard design is to place the power at a junction point located at the front comer of the lot, so as to serve two lots whenever possible. But a design is not required to run the service from that junction point to the customer's meter base. The statement that 80 feet will cover most services is based on experience, observation of developments, and Rocky Mountain Power's meter placement requirement contained in the Electric Service Requirements manual found online at In chapter 7 Residential Single-Family and Duplex Buildings (Dwellings), figures 18 and 19 show the meter has to be within 10 feet of the front of the house or on the front of the house. In standard developments, few lots have a frontage in excess of 200 feet. A meter placed within 10 feet of the front of house on the side nearest the power source will be within 80 feet of the power source. Recordholder: Rob Stewart Sponsor: Rob Stewart PAC-E-16-12 / Rocky Mountain Power December 6, 2016 IPUC I st Set Data Request 6 IPUC Data Request 6 On page 24 of Robert Stewart's testimony, he states: "The line could become overloaded within the contracted capacities, and an upgrade would not be charged to the customer causing the upgrade but would be a Company expense." Please provide the number of times this scenario has occurred in Idaho each year over the last five years. Please also include the Company's costs for each occurrence. Response to IPU C Data Request 6 The Company is not aware of any instances of this scenario occurring in Idaho. However, the Company has had situations in Utah and Wyoming where line capacity was contracted for but there was available capacity with regard to actual loading. Recordholder: Vance Witbeck, Tony Perkins Sponsor: Rob Stewart PAC-E-16-12 I Rocky Mountain Power December 6, 2016 IPUC l st Set Data Request 7 IPUC Data Request 7 On page 26 of Robert Stewart's testimony, he states:" ... its position of not making a development line extension unless there is reasonable assurance of actual applicants for service within five years." Please describe how the Company defines reasonable assurance including all associated policies, procedures, and work instructions. Response to IPUC Data Request 7 For residential and non-residential applicants the Company's general practice is to require evidence that the customer will construct the building or load for which the customer is requesting an extension. Showing ownership of property and a building permit are accepted evidence. For developments of the speculative nature being addressed in the referenced section of testimony, showing ownership and providing proof of interest of buyers and future customers is the evidence the Company is looking for. The Company's policy is to not make investments unless they can be "used and useful", even if financed by CIAC. Recordholder: Rob Stewart Sponsor: Rob Stewmi