HomeMy WebLinkAbout20160401Pac to Staff 1-9.pdfROCKY MOUNTAIN POI/I'ER 5?EC E IVED 2016 ePR - I AH ll : 5h iL:,i:i,-; Ii-:ri-ic l40TwNorthremple'suite330 ii i ll I i il:ri coiliJlssioN Salt Lake citv' utah 84116 April 1,2016 Jean Jewell Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472W. Washington Boise,ID 83702-5918 i ean j ewell@nuc. idaho. eov (C) RE: ID PAC-E-16-06 IPUC l't Set Data Request (l-9) Please find enclosed Rocky Mountain Power's Responses to IPUC 1't Set Data Requests 1-9. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at (801) 220-2963. Sincerely, J.T{i k/t/6^ /l-r* J. Ted Weston Manager, Regulation PAC-E-16-06 / Rocky Mountain Power April 1,2016 IPUC l't Set Data Request I IPUC Data Request L For CY 2012-2015, please provide the total accounts receivable as of December 3ltt for irrigation customer served under Schedule 10. Response to IPUC Data Request I Balances >$500 2012 Not available 2013 $ 1,261,400 2014 $ 1.534.884 201 5 $t.714.129 Recordholder: Aric Muhlestein Sponsor: TBD PAC-E-16-06 / Rocky Mountain Power April 1,2016 IPUC l't Set Data Request 2 IPUC Data Request 2 For CY 2012-2015, please provide the total net write-offs for Schedule 10 inigation customers. Response to IPUC Data Request 2 Net Write-off 2012 $rsz.664.76 20t3 $643,652.38 20t4 s282.297.79 2015 $(49.996.03) Recordholder: Aric Muhlestein Sponsor: TBD PAC-E-16-06 / Rocky Mountain Power April 1,2016 IPUC 1'l Set Data Request 3 IPUC Data Request 3 For CY 2012-2015, please provide the number of Schedule 10 customers who: a. owed more than $25,000 as of December 31't; b. had service disconnected for non-payment; c. requested Schedule l0 service for the first time (new customer); d. received 2 or more past due notices during the previous 12 months or irrigation season; and e. filed for bankruptcy, been discharged from bankruptcy, or had receivership proceedings terminated or bankruptcy proceedings dismissed. Response to IPUC Data Request 3 a. Count 2012 Not available 2013 t4 2014 t3 2015 15 # ofServices 2012 23 2013 27 2014 13 2015 11 b. c. d. New Customers 2012 44 20t3 65 2014 74 20r5 62 2 or more Past Due 2012 878 2013 904 2014 923 20ts 1207 PAC-E-16-06 / Rocky Mountain Power April 1,2016 IPUC l't Set Data Request 3 w. Bankruptcies 20t2 1 2013 0 20t4 3 2At5 2 Recordholder: Aric Muhlestein Sponsor: TBD PAC-E-16-06 / Rocky Mountain Power April 1,2016 IPUC l't Set Data Request 4 IPUC Data Request 4 Please provide the criteria the Company is going to use to determine whether a new Schedule 10 customer must pay an advance. [f the customer does not have any history of service with the Company, how will the estimated monthly bill for an irrigation season be calculated? Please explain. Response to IPUC Data Request 4 An advance may be required from current, previous, and prospective Schedule 10) customers prior to providing electric service: r If the customer had a cumulative past due balance equal to or greater than $25,000 on December 31;o If the customer had service disconnected for nonpayment during the last four (4) years;o If at any time the customer sought any form of relief under the Federal Bankruptcy Laws;o If the applicant is requesting service for the first time. If the customer does not have any history of service with the Company, the estimated monthly bill for an irrigation season will be calculated from the previous customer's usage at that location. Recordholder: Aric Muhlestein Sponsor: TBD PAC-E-16-06 / Rocky Mountain Power April 1,2016 IPUC I't Set Data Request 5 IPUC Data Request 5 Please explain how the estimated monthly bill for an irrigation season will be calculated for an existing customer. Response to IPUC Data Request 5 The previous year's usage will be used to calculate the estimated monthly bills when charging an advance. Recordholder: Aric Muhlestein Sponsor: TBD PAC-E-I6-06 /Rocky Mountain Power April 1,2016 IPUC I't Set Data Request 6 IPUC Data Request 6 Do new customer records identiS, the total amount of connected horsepower for each Schedule l0 customer? If not, please describe the criteria the Company uses to determine estimated monthly bills. Response to IPUC Data Request 6 Yes, we do maintain the connected horsepower in our database. Recordholder: Aric Muhlestein Sponsor: TBD PAC-E-16-06 / Rocky Mountain Power April 1,2016 IPUC l't Set Data Request 7 IPUC Data Request 7 Please explain how the Company determined $25K was a suitable threshold for customers required to pay an advance. Response to IPUC Data Request 7 As of January 7 , 2016, Schedule I 0 customers had a balance in arrears totaling approximately $1.6 million. Fifteen of these customers had balances in arears in excess of $25,000, representing $1.35 million of the $1.6 million, or 84o/o of the total balance in arrears. Recordholder: Aric Muhlestein Sponsor: TBD PAC-E-I6-06 i Rocky Mountain Power April 1,2016 IPUC I't Set Data Request 8 IPUC Data Request I In the Company's Application, a guarantor is defined as an active RMP customer on Schedule l0 and have no more than one late payment in the previous 12 months of service. The guarantor is also described as "larger or comparable in size" (See atp.4, 'li l0). What criteria does the Company use to determine the 'osize" of customers? Response to IPUC Data Request 8 This will be based on the guarantor's previous yearos usage for all active metered services. Recordholder: Aric Muhlestein Sponsor: TBD PAC-E-I6-06 / Rocky Mountain Power April 1,2016 IPUC I't Set Data Request 9 IPUC Data Request 9 Is a Schedule 10 customer required to pay a deposit for any amount in arrears from $0.01 to $25k? Please explain. Response to IPUC Data Request 9 A Schedule 10 customer may be required to pay a deposit if they received two or more past due notices within the last twelve months and have a balance in excess of $50.00. Recordholder: Aric Muhlestein Sponsor: TBD