HomeMy WebLinkAbout20030127_372.pdfDECISION MEMORANDUM TO:COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER COMMISSIONER SMITH COMMISSIONER HANSEN JEAN JEWELL COMMISSION STAFF LEGAL FROM:JOHN HAMMOND DATE:JANUARY 23, 2003 RE:REQUEST TO PROVIDE NOTICE TO IPVOICE COMMUNICATIONS, INC. THAT ITS AUTHORITY TO PROVIDE LOCAL EXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES IN IDAHO SHALL BE REVOKED WITHIN A TIME CERTAIN IF CERTAIN CONDITIONS ARE NOT MET. CASE NO. GNR- T -03- This Decision Memorandum is submitted to address the failure of IPVoice Communications Inc. to post a bond as a condition for issuance of its CPCN. Furthermore, the Company has had its Certificate of Authority to transact business in the State of Idaho administratively revoked or cancelled. See Idaho Code ~~ 30-128 , 1-1501 and 1-1530. IPVoice Communications, Inc., Previous Case No. GNR-00-20. On July 5 , 2000, IPVoice Communications, Inc. ("IPVoice ) filed an Application for a CPCN to provide local exchange service within the State of Idaho. The Company Application stated that IPVoice was organized to provide resold and facilities-based local exchange and interexchange services throughout the service areas of Qwest North, Qwest South and Verizon. The Commission granted the Application and found that a Certificate should be issued subject to IPVoice Communications, Inc. providing evidence of establishment of a $50 000 bond. See Order No. 28600. IPVoice has failed to provide evidence of establishment of the required bond. Furthermore, Staff has learned that IPVoice s Certificate of Authority to transact business in this State as a foreign corporation was administratively revoked by the Secretary of State s Office on August 6, 2001. In addition, Staff s attempts to contact this Company have been unsuccessful. 1 Contact phone numbers as provided by the Company to the Commission have been disconnected. Attempts to DECISION MEMORANDUM STAFF RECOMMENDATION A CPCN is subject to and contingent upon statutory conditions, regulations and restrictions. See Order No. 26665. The nature of the grant is such that it is always subject to review. The grant of a CPCN entails a reciprocal acceptance of responsibility and duties by the regulated utility. Failure to perform those duties makes it fair, just and reasonable for the Commission to revoke its privilege to provide service. Breach of condition whether express or implied upon which the grant depends is grounds for termination or recission. Staff recommends that the Commission enter an Order notifying the IPVoice that unless it posts a bond as ordered by Commission final Order No. 28600 and obtains a current Certificate of Authority from the Secretary of State to transact business as a foreign corporation in Idaho within thirty (30) days it shall revoke any authority given to the Company in Order No. 28600, Case No. GNR-00-, to provide local exchange telecommunications services in Idaho and IPV oice ' s illustrative price lists and tariffs from its active files. COMMISSION DECISION Does the Commission wish to provide notice to IPVoice Communications, Inc. that its authority to provide local exchange telecommunications services shall be revoked within thirty (30) days if it fails to post a bond as required by Order No. 28600 and obtains a current Certificate of Authority to transact business in Idaho as a foreign corporation? H--. Hammond M:GNRTO305jh contact VergeTech, a company that apparently merged with IPVoice have also been unsuccessful. DECISION MEMORANDUM