HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150608Protective Agreement.pdf(irs{ Uo.VAc-€-,50q CONFIDENTIALITY AGREEMENT BETWEEN PACIFICORP AND STAFF FOR THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION This Confidentiality Agreement is entered into as of the N& au1 of ilU,* , 2015, by and between iacifiCo.p, d.b.a. Pacific Power or Rocky tuto* -*.i ("Company"), as6 Staff for the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("IPUC Staff'), each a6'Party" and together the "Parties" ("Agreement"). The Parties will be engaged with the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission, the Public Utility Commission of Oregon, Wyoming Public Service Commission, Public Service Commission of Utah, and the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (collectively "State Commissions") related to the Company's 2015 Integrated Resource Plan ("2015 IRP"). The 2015 IRP will be filed with the State Commissions on or about March 31, 2015, at which time formal dockets will be opened in each state (the *2075 IRP Docket"). In connection with the 2015 IRP, the Company has agreed to provide certain information to interested parties, which the Company deems confidential. In consideration of and as a condition for fumishing the Confidential Information (as defined below), the Company and Staff agree to the following: Now, therefore, the Company and IPUC Staff agree as follows: l. For purposes of this Agreement, the following terms shall be defined in the following manner: (a) "Documents" shall mean and include all written, recorded or electronic graphic matters of any kind or nature whatsoever, and shall extend to any subsequent compilation, summary, quotation, or reproduction thereof prepared at any subsequent time in any subsequent form or proceeding, in whole or in part. (b) "Confidential Information" shall mean and include any documents or other written or oral information that might compromise the Company's ability to compete fairly or that otherwise might impose a business risk if disseminated without the protections provided in this Agreement. Confidential Information will be stamped as such. Any Confidential Information transmitted orally will be clearly identified as such by the Company at the time it is disclosed. (c) "Authorized Persons" shall mean and be limited solely to the attorneys and expert witnesses or consultants of the party receiving the information (Receiving Purty) who will assist counsel in the preparation of the proceedings in the 2015 IRP Dockets. "Authorized Persons" shall not include individuals responsible for marketing or other competitive activities except upon prior approval of the Company. No person shall be considered an Authorized Person under this Agreement unless such person is qualified as such under paragraph 2(d) below. Confi dentiality Agreement Page I of4 (d) "Authorized Use" shall mean and be limited to use solely to address the issues arising in the 2015 IRP Dockets. (e) "Disclose", "make disclosure of', or "disclosure" shall mean and include the dissemination to any person, firm, corporation or other entity of the contents of a document, whether that dissemination is made by means of the transmittal or transfer of the original or a copy of that document or any verbal or other dissemination of the contents of the document. (0 "Receiving Party" shall mean the party that is receiving the Confi dential Information. 2. All Confidential Information and the disclosure thereof shall be subject to the following restrictions: (a) A Receiving Party shall not disclose any Confidential Information to anyone other than its Authorized Persons for the sole purpose of the Receiving Party's review and analysis in the 2015 IRP Docket. (b) When Confidential Information has been produced in hard copy or in some other form, the Receiving Party shall make no copies or reproduction of any kind or nature whatsoever of the Confidential Information so supplied. The Confidential Information shall remain under seal, and shall continue to be subject to the confidentiality restrictions in this Agreement until this Agreement is superseded by either entry of a Protective Order by any of the State Commissions or by the protection afforded by applicable confidentiality rules in the 2015 IRP Dockets. (c) IPUC Staff shall retum all Confidential Information to counsel for PacifiCorp within 30 days after final settlement, or conclusion of the 2015 IRP Dockets including administrative, or judicial review thereof. Alternatively, IPUC Staff may certify, within 30 days after final settlement, or conclusion of the 2015 IRP Dockets including administrative, or judicial review thereof, that the Confidential Information has been destroyed. Counsel provided access to Confidential Information pursuant to the terms of this Agreement may retain their notes, work papers or other documents that would be considered the attorneys' work product created with respect to their use and access to Confidential Information in this docket. An expert witness, accorded access to Confidential Information pursuant to this Agreement, shall provide to counsel for IPUC Staff the expert's notes, work papers or other documents pertaining or relating to any Confidential Information. Counsel shall retain these expert's documents with counsel's documents. Information designated by the Company as "Highly Confidential" will be made available to the Receiving Party for inspection at an agreed upon location. (d) The foregoing notwithstanding, the Receiving Party may not disclose Confidential Information to an Authorized Person unless, prior to the disclosure of such Confidential Information, the Authorized Person has signed a Nondisclosure Confi dentiality Agreement Page2 of 4 Agreement in the form attached hereto as "Exhibit A" and incorporated herein by reference. Upon execution of "Exhibit A", the signed originals shall be furnished to counsel of record for the Company. (e) Counsel for the Receiving Party shall be responsible for designating Authorized Person to whom disclosure of Confidential Information is deemed necessary to assist counsel in the preparation of the 2015 IRP Dockets. The names of authorized persons shall be provided to the Company at least five (5) business days prior to any disclosure to enable the Company to challenge the right of an individual to review Confidential Information for any reason prior to disclosure to that individual. In the event the Parties cannot resolve a challenge between themselves, the Parties agree that the Company shall have the right to seek relief from any of the State Commissions. During the pendency of the challenge, no disclosure shall be made to the individual in question and the Commission shall have the specific authority to extend or adjust deadlines as justice may dictate due to delays caused by the exercise of rights under this provision. 3. The provisions of this Agreement, insofar as they restrict the disclosure and use of Confidential Information governed by this Agreement shall, without the written agreement of the Parties or further order of a State Commission, or if appropriate, a court of competent jurisdiction, continue to be binding after the conclusion of this case or until superseded by entry of Protective Orders by each of the State Commissions in the 2015 IRP Dockets. 4. To the fullest extent permitted by law, each of the Parties waives any right it may have to a trial by jury in respect of litigation directly or indirectly arising out of, under or in connection with this agreement. Each party funher waives any right to consolidate any action in which a jury trial has been waived with any other action in which a jury trial cannot be or has not been waived. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned Agreement as of the date written below PACIFICORP Signature Name: Title: Date: parties have executed this Confidentiality IPUC Stafff rJ.iQ; Signature Name: 0. N€t L (Ac€ riile: kWo(^l^+._--_r- o"r", {f a? f t{ Confi dentiality Agreement Page 3 of4 AgrG@Gnt i!&c fua atEched bomto ar "BrHHtA" md fucpuatodhcscinby rcftEE too. Upm ormnio of"BrhiHt A', ft! dgnld oridDrlr rhrll bG fiudstcd to courlGl of ncord fu thc Cmpuy, (c) Conrcl tutho R*oiviug Psrty rhqll b! roqp@dbb tu acdgnaing Arlbciad Pcrm b vtm dmloaru of C@fidlcthl Ifudm tr dGcocd ncocscry b arftt oorusl h thc pupardm ofths 20t5 IRP lr'oolct!. Itt nnn!! sf anhrlzsdpcs!@! sbdl bc povtdedo tbc Cmpry at lcsn frrc €) hrhcss dayr priu to oy dirclosw to coablo to Cmpary O ohatkup tlc fuft of m indvifral to rEr/isw C@fidcdal Infunatio ftr uy nasou ficto diralo$roto thd lnffvtdual IttbG wcattbpPrrdcr ceotrcslttca e.haUoSG bctumtrlostnol, tho Prrdcr rgroo tbd th! Corysry full hno thc dgh b rcGL rcndft@ ry of 60 Strr Cmidma Duiagttopcoaooy oftho cha[cngc, no dsclosur€ fiatlbomndob futldit/ifud h Erodo Ed ttc Cmisdu shlll hflo tb lpcsifio dbcity b cnhd c 4iust dcadlincr as iudcc mry dcu0t &to to ddEy! aulod by tbc qcrdr of rigb rmdrr tdtpvirio. 3. Ttc povirios of thir Agr@d, il$fu ar @ rcmiot tc dlslosut md ugo of Cmffdodal Infrrmstim gon@od by ttdr AgFococrrt shall fliltort tbc xrlttlo agp@Et of tc Putios u futoc odcr of c 8m Cnmrtrdm, on if anEopiato, a cornt of cryotcnt jtuicdisdm, sduuo b bc bilding & fu mshrdm ofthir oaro o uutil $tpcr$dcd by cotry of Protoctive Oltdas by cach ofthe SEp Cmtsdms ln So 2015IRP lhctctr 4. To tbs ftllest arfotpcmitEdty law' eaoh of thc Mcr waircr sly ri$t it may bnrs to a thl ty jury tn rtrpGst of littgdm drcstty c indircctly uidry out oi udcr u ln co'-stim with tfdr agrccocm. Eaph pafiy filrttc waivpr my'i$t b coasolidac oy aation h x,bich a jury tfut hae ba wofuGd with aay ortbs actio in u,hlch a jury tlal cunot bo c has not bm waived. IN WITNEIIS WIIERBOP, the undadgncd Agrococd as ofthc .lttr uittro bclon, fide Vice President & General Counsel D6: lune2,2OL5 pcticr bsw otccrtrod this Cmfdcodality IPUC $rlf 9,J"^oQ)-*' Slgtadtos Namc:0. N€tr. @-tL€ Confidcotielity Agrccmcnt Pagc3 of4 EXHIBIT A NONDISCLOSURE AGREEMENT FOR THE 2015 IRP DOCKETS I hereby agree that I have read the Confidentiality Agreement between Company and IPUC Staff and agree to be bound by the terms thereof. \ t[^r..^*-,- B"-tr Name IA,J\D ?vbliru-L \,ha ,,bruwiNixt Employer or Firm +ttt') Walv,Xrn*t hoWO C onfidentiality A greement Page 4 of 4 EXHIBIT A NONDISCLOSURE AGREEMENT FOR THE 2OI5 IRP DOCKETS I hereby agree that I have read the Confidentiality Agreement between Company and IPUC Staff and agree to be bound by the terms thereof. z4 i,? / ,rvz,s(aan Employer or Firm 17r{?fr" Z4gr,/UBusiness Address 6'',^oza - | , ii" 2Z "rsa->Signature Confi dentiality A greement Page 4 of 4