HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150804PAC to Staff 8-11.pdfROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER . r'I.., .' ?Bii p,tlG -h $,t{ sr ll ,,;i-,, t : '' 1: IljlLi-il ::l 'l(j,:.,,',i.rLit ' 201 South Main, Suite 2300 Salt Lake Clty, Uah 84lll August 3,2015 Jean Jewell Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472W. Washington Boise,ID 83702-5918 i eanjewell@nuc.idaho. gov (C) RE: ID PAC-E-15-04 IPUC 2nd Set Data Request (8-l l) Please find enclosed Rocky Mountain Power's Responses to IPUC Data Requests 8-11. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at (801) 220-2963. Sincerely, -i,-[*L il**io,t I Prl J. Ted Weston Manager, Regulation PAC-E-15-04 lRocky Mountain Power August 3,2015 IPUC Data Request 8 IPUC Data Request 8 In Order No. 32890. the Commission directed the Company to increase its efforts toward achieving higher levels of cost-effective DSM, and to present clear and quantifiable metrics regarding decisions to implement or decline to implement energy efficiency programs. Please describe the Company's ellbrts to comply with this order. Response to Data Request 8 The Company continually assesses its DSM portfolio to ensure it includes a robust set of cost-effective programs to customers. As part of this process, and consistent with the Commission's guidance in Order No. 32890, the Company has undertaken a number of specific actions over the past two years to achieve higher levels of cost-effective DSM savings. These actions include the follow'ing: On February 28,2014, the Company posted a public notice for updates to the Home Energy Savings Program after reviewing changes with Idaho Staff. Changes took effect April 13,2014. These changes were designed to improve customer participation, align incentives with changing measure costs and savings estimates, and enable new measure delivery channels, such as the introduction of wattsmart Starter Kits. On May 22,2014, in Advice No. 14-01, the Company filed for approval of tariff modifications to its See ya later, refrigerator@ program. Changes were approved effective July l, 2014. These modifications were designed to increase customer participation, allow commercial and industrial customers with residential units to participate. On August 13,2014, the Company presented plans to begin sending home energy reports to residential customers to Idaho Staff. The reports, which the Company began distributing in January 2015, provide customers with information on how their electricity consumption compares to their neighbors in similar homes as well as suggestions on how to save electricity, including participating in other programs offered by the Company. On August 22,2014, in Case No. PAC-E-14-08, the Company filed for approval to consolidate Electric Service Schedule Nos. I l5 - FinAnswer Express, 125 - Energy FinAnswer, and 155 - Agricultural Energy Services, with modification, into a new Electric Service Schedule No 140, Non-Residential Energy Efficiency. These changes were intended to streamline the process to simplify program participation for customers. Modifications included increased incentive levels, expanding the program to include energy management services and incentives, updating and expanding prescriptive incentive offers, and new offers for small businesses. Recordholders: Eli Morris. Michael Snow Sponsor: Bill Comeau PAC-E-I 5-04 I Rocky Mountain Pow'er August 3,2075 IPUC Data Request 9 IPUC Data Request 9 In its Capacity Balance Determination, the Company explains that it determines its annual system peak obligation by subtracting Existing Class 2 DSM (Volume pages 79 and 136). This was not done in the Company's previous IRPs. Please explain the rationale, methodology, and potential impacts of this change. In particular, please explain: (a) How does the Company derive I l0 MW of Class 2 DSM capacity reduction (page 79) from its 2014 Class 2 DSM energy savings? (b) How was this reduction allocated between the East and West control areas (Page 8l )? (c) Volume II Table D.3. shows a total nameplate capacity reduction of 565 MW. According to Footnote No. 8, this is not a coincident peak reduction (page 66). What coincident peak reduction is associated with this 565 MW capacity reduction? How was this value determined, and how does it relate to the I l0 MW capacity reduction described earlier? (d) According to Table 5.14. the Company anticipates that Class 1 DSM and Class 2 DSM capacity contributions'*'ill remain constant through 2024. According to Figures 8.20 and 8.24,the Company anticipates substantial increases in Class 2 DSM load contributions. Please explain the differences between the anticipated DSM load contributions in Chapters 5 and 8. Response to Data Requcst 9 (a) Because system peak obligations in the Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) needed to be determined before the 2014 Demand-Side Management (DSM) program year was complete. expected 2014 Class 2 DSM megawatt-hour (MWh) savings, by state, were developed based on actual program activity for January through June and forecasted activity for the remainder of the year. Similar to the capacity reduction of new DSM resources, the capacity reduction of these programs by state was determined based on their assumed respective hourly shapes at the time of the Company's system coincident peak (CP). (b) Peak obligation reductions were calculated separately for each state, then aggregated by control area. (c) The CP reduction is provided in Volume I, Table 8.8 of the 2015 IRP, under "New Resources," which shows aggregated amounts of incremental DSM fbr the east and west balancing authority areas (BAA) by year. The 110 megawatts (MW) is the capacity reduction of the existing DSN{ and are PAC-E-15-04 / Rocky Mountain Power August 3,2015 IPUC Data Request 9 reported under "Existing Resources" for East and West balancing authority areas as 73 MW and 36 MW, respectively (the sum of capacity reductions on the East and West sides of the Company's system is rounded to 110 MW). For further details, please refer to the data disks that were provided with the Company's filing with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission on March 31, 2015, specifically, Disk 4_CONF\Chapter - Appendix_CONF.zip\Chapter - Appendix\Chapter 8 - Results\Tbl 8.8, Fig 8.24 2015 IRP Capaoity L&R, resources to meet peak load.xlsx. The following table identifies the Class 2 DSM resources by east and rvest area: #{,idrf$.&ffi-.wt{}$ irlutl#ffi${ {r,[1ir,]13,r{i,9 tii * SOreeonCal West D2 CA CA SOregonCal West D2 OR OR WallaWalla West D2 WW WA Yakima West D2 YK WA Goshen East D2 ID ID Utah North East D2 UT UT WvominpSW East D2 WY WY (d) 'fable 5.14 shows existing resources, thus the constant DSM values as noted. Figure 8.20 and Figure 8.24 show expected levels of future DSM as selected for the preferred portfolio. Please also refer to Table 8.7 and Table 8.8 for the preferred portfolio selections. Recordholder: Ted Drennan Sponsor: Rick Link PAC-E-I5-04 /Rocky Mountain Power August 3,2015 IPUC Data Request 10 IPUC Data Request l0 Please describe the process for validating the Company's System Benefits Tool (SBT) model. Please provide the results of any validation work that has already been completed. How will the SBT model be validated as more information becomes available? Response to Data Request l0 The system benefits tool was vetted through a stakeholder process following the 2013 lntegrated Resource Plan. No further validation work has been completed. The company has indicated that it will develop cost and benefit support for transmission projects for which it is seeking commission acknowledgement and which are not being constructed specific to external drivers such as a transmission customer request or NERC reliability standards. Recordholder: Shayleah LaBray Sponsor: Rick Vail PAC-E-I5-04 / Rocky Mountain Power August 3,2015 IPUC Data Request 1l IPUC Data Request Il The peak capacity contribution values for wind and solar energy presented in Tables N.1 and N.2 differ substantially from those presented in Appendix O of the Company's 2013 IRP. Please explain these differences, and explain why the Company believes the 2015 IRP methodology to be preferable to that used in the 2013 rRP. Response to Data Request 11 The changes in the results between the 2013 Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) and 2015 IRP are driven by a change in methodology. The 2013 IRP relied on capacity of the wind and solar resources available in the top 100 historical load hours. The 2015 IRP relied on the capacity factor approximation method (CF Method), which considers loss of load probability (LOLP) among all hours of the year to develop its capacity contribution values for wind and solar resources. By applying the CF Method, the peak contribution of wind and solar resources was determined based on whether the wind and solar resources would contribute in reducing the LOLP of the Company's system, consistent with how LOLP is used to support selection of a 13 percent planning reserve margin (PRM) in the Company's 2015 IRP PRM study (Appendix I), The CF Method approximates a widely accepted, but computationally intensive approach to deriving capacity contribution values, the effective load carrying capability method (ELCC Method). For further discussion on ELCC method and the approximation of the CF Method, please refer to the report prepared by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), which is quoted in footnote 47 of Appendix N to the Company's 2015 IRP. Recordholder: Ted Drennan Sponsor: Rick Link