HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150409PAC to Staff 34.pdf UNITED MINE WORKERS OF AMERICA 1974 PENSION PLAN WASHINGTON, DC Actuarial Valuation Report For Plan Year Commencing July 1, 2014 ID PAC-E-14-10 IPUC 34 Attachment IPUC 34 1 of 74 ID PAC-E-14-10 IPUC 34 Attachment IPUC 34 2 of 74 ID PAC-E-14-10 IPUC 34 Attachment IPUC 34 3 of 74 TABLE OF CONTENTS PART I: SUMMARY OF RESULTS 1 5 - Year Summary of Valuation Results 2 Changes From Prior Study 3 Experience vs. Assumptions 4 Rate of Return on Fund Assets 5 Funded Ratios 6 Funding Standard Account 7 PPA Funding Status Report 8 Unfunded Vested Benefits/Employer Withdrawal Liability 9 Participant Data Reconciliation 10 Active Information 11 Retiree Information 12 PART II: SUPPLEMENTAL STATISTICS 13 Hours Worked During Plan Year 14 Contribution Allocation 15 Active Information 16 Inactive Vested Information 18 Retiree Information 19 PART III: ASSET INFORMATION 21 Market and Actuarial Fund Values 22 Flow of Funds 23 Investment Gain and Loss 24 PART IV: ENROLLED ACTUARY’S REPORT 25 Normal Cost/Actuarial Liability 26 Actuarial Liability Reconciliation/Projection 27 Current Liability 28 Full Funding Limit 29 Minimum Required Contribution and Full Funding Credit 30 Maximum Deductible Contribution 31 Reorganization Index 32 ASC 960 Information 33 Benefit Payout Projection 34 APPENDICES Plan Provisions Appendix A Actuarial Assumptions and Methods Appendix B Minimum Funding Amortization Bases Appendix C Summary of Endangered and Critical Status Rules Appendix D Glossary of Common Pension Terms Appendix E ID PAC-E-14-10 IPUC 34 Attachment IPUC 34 4 of 74 Page 1 PART I: SUMMARY OF RESULTS ID PAC-E-14-10 IPUC 34 Attachment IPUC 34 5 of 74 Summary of Results United Mine Workers of America 1974 Pension Plan July 1, 2014 Actuarial Valuation Page 2 5 - YEAR SUMMARY OF VALUATION RESULTS Actuarial Study as of July 1, 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 PPA Certification PPA funded status Critical Ser Endg Ser Endg Ser Endg Safe* Progress under FIP/RP n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Funded ratio PPA certification 0.71 0.71 0.73 0.77 0.81 Valuation report 0.71 0.71 0.72 0.77 0.81 Date of first projected funding deficiency PPA certification 6/30/19 6/30/19 6/30/19 6/30/18 Valuation report 6/30/19** * Final PPA status for 2010 was neither Critical nor Endangered status ** Based on assumptions used for the credit balance projection graph as shown on page B-8. Assets and Liabilities Asset values ($ 000,000) Market 4,165 4,093 4,202 4,421 4,254 Actuarial 4,363 4,508 4,658 5,077 5,104 Estimated net investment return (for preceding plan year) On market value 15.74% 9.52% 9.04% 18.20% 15.74% On actuarial value 9.07% 7.61% 3.61% 2.90% 13.09% Credit balance ($ 000,000) 1,445 1,719 1,838 2,155 2,432 Unfnd. vst. ben. ($ 000,000) 4,392 5,478 5,107 4,371 4,153 Participants Active 9,218 10,103 10,825 10,427 10,154 Inactive vested 6,676 7,503 10,570 12,231 14,138 Receiving benefits 90,754 92,218 93,662 95,353 96,862 Total 106,648 109,824 115,057 118,011 121,154 Unrecorded dates of birth 5 Average entry age 29.3 Average attained age 44.4 ID PAC-E-14-10 IPUC 34 Attachment IPUC 34 6 of 74 Summary of Results United Mine Workers of America 1974 Pension Plan July 1, 2014 Actuarial Valuation Page 3 CHANGES FROM PRIOR STUDY Changes in Plan Provisions To the best of our knowledge and belief, the plan provisions underlying this valuation are the same as those valued last year by the prior actuary. Changes in Actuarial Assumptions and Methods The actuarial assumptions and methods used in this valuation differ from those used in the prior valuation in the following respects: In accordance with direction from the Settlors, a change was made in the method used to reflect administrative expenses from a percentage load on plan liabilities to a flat dollar addition to the normal cost. As a result of this method change, we assumed a flat load of $25,500,000 on normal cost for future administrative expenses. This reflects our best estimate of future operational expenses based on recent plan experience. We changed the ERISA rate of return assumption from 8.00% to 7.80% gross of investment expenses and from 7.80% to 7.50% net of investment expenses. These changes provide our  best  estimate  based  on  the  Plan’s  investment  policy  over future years. We changed the current liability interest rate from 3.61% to 3.59%. The new rate is consistent with established statutory guidelines. History of Major Assumptions Actuarial Study as of July 1, Assumption 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 Future rate of investment return 7.80% gross 7.50% net 8.00% gross 7.80% net 8.00% gross 7.8% net 8.00% gross 7.8% net 8.00% gross 7.8% net Post-retirement mortality table RP-2000 Male EE w/BCA +1 (improve 0.75%/yr for 15 yrs beg 7/1/08 for ages 55-99) RP-2000 Male EE w/BCA +1 (improve 0.75%/yr for 15 yrs beg 7/1/08 for ages 55-99) RP-2000 Male EE w/BCA +1 (improve 0.75%/yr for 15 yrs beg 7/1/08 for ages 55-99) RP-2000 Male EE w/BCA +1 (improve 0.75%/yr for 15 yrs beg 7/1/08 for ages 55-99) RP-2000 Male EE w/BCA +1 (improve 0.75%/yr for 15 yrs beg 7/1/08 for ages 55-99) Future operational expenses $ 25,500,000 3.5% of benefit payments 3.5% of benefit payments 3.5% of benefit payments 3.5% of benefit payments Average future hourly contribution rate $5.50 $5.50 $5.50 $5.50 Average expected retirement age* Actives 60.9 Inactive vested 62.0 * Resulting from the application of the retirement probabilities shown in Appendix B to active participants. ID PAC-E-14-10 IPUC 34 Attachment IPUC 34 7 of 74 Summary of Results United Mine Workers of America 1974 Pension Plan July 1, 2014 Actuarial Valuation Page 4 EXPERIENCE VS. ASSUMPTIONS Actuarial assumptions are used to project certain future events related to the pension plan (e.g. deaths, withdrawals, investment income, expenses, etc.). While actual results for a single plan year will rarely match expected experience, it is intended that the assumptions will provide a reasonable long term estimate of developing experience. The following table provides a comparison of expected outcomes for the prior plan year with the actual experience observed during the same period. This display may provide insight  as  to  why  the  plan’s overall actuarial position may be different from what was expected. Plan Year Ending June 30, 2014 Expected Actual Decrements Terminations (actual net of rehires) 898 645 Retirements and disabilities 926 703 Deaths - pre-retirement 99 144 Deaths - post-retirement 5,221 4,887 Asset assumptions Rate of gross investment return on actuarial value 8.00% 9.07% Operational plus investment expenses 3.5% of benefit payments plus 0.2% of assets $ 32,393,000 Comparing  the  prior  year’s   experience to assumptions provides indications as to why overall results may differ from those expected ID PAC-E-14-10 IPUC 34 Attachment IPUC 34 8 of 74 Summary of Results United Mine Workers of America 1974 Pension Plan July 1, 2014 Actuarial Valuation Page 5 RATE OF RETURN ON FUND ASSETS Historical Rates of Net Investment Return Average Rates of Net Investment Return (dollar weighted) Return on Market Value Return on Actuarial Value Period Ending June 30, Period Ending June 30, Period 2014 2013 2014 2013 One year 15.74% 9.52% 9.07% 7.61% 5 years 13.85% 4.52% 9.10% 3.25% 10 years 7.72% 8.95% n/a n/a 15 years 6.06% n/a n/a n/a ID PAC-E-14-10 IPUC 34 Attachment IPUC 34 9 of 74 Summary of Results United Mine Workers of America 1974 Pension Plan July 1, 2014 Actuarial Valuation Page 6 FUNDED RATIOS The present value of vested accumulated benefits is the amount that would have to be invested as of the valuation date in order to pay, when due, the benefits accrued and vested as of the valuation date. This calculation assumes fund assets will earn interest at the assumed rate and all other aspects   of   the   fund’s   experience   will   follow   the   actuarial   assumptions. Similarly, the present value of all accumulated benefits is the amount necessary to fund all benefits accrued as of the valuation date. The extent to which the value of vested, accumulated benefits and total accumulated benefits  are  funded  provides  a  “snapshot”  measure  of  the  plan’s  funded  status  as  of  the   valuation date. The present values shown in this exhibit were determined using the same actuarial  assumptions  as  were  used  to  determine  the  plan’s  funding  period. Present Value of Accumulated Benefits/ Funded Ratios Actuarial Study as of July 1, 2014 2013 Present value of vested accumulated benefits Participants currently receiving benefits $ 5,091,764,210 $ 5,115,063,000 Inactive vested participants 296,791,410 316,289,000 Active participants 597,713,951 622,198,000 Total 5,986,269,571 6,053,550,000 Nonvested accumulated benefits 166,980,340 271,373,000 Present value of all accumulated benefits $ 6,153,249,911 $ 6,324,923,000 Actuarial value of assets $ 4,362,514,000 $ 4,508,468,000 Funded ratios Vested benefits 0.73 0.74 All accumulated benefits 0.71 0.71 Interest rate used to value benefits 7.50% 7.80% The funded ratio can be used as an indication of ongoing funding progress ID PAC-E-14-10 IPUC 34 Attachment IPUC 34 10 of 74 Summary of Results United Mine Workers of America 1974 Pension Plan July 1, 2014 Actuarial Valuation Page 7 FUNDING STANDARD ACCOUNT The Funding Standard Account is used to determine whether the plan meets the minimum funding requirements established by ERISA. Such a determination   is   done   by   subtracting   the   year’s   charges from the credits. A positive result establishes a credit balance that represents the amount the plan is in excess of the minimum required contribution on a cumulative basis. A negative result represents a funding deficiency which could produce excise taxes and actually lead to the forced termination of the plan (unless the plan is following a rehabilitation plan under critical status). Funding Standard Account charges include the normal cost, which represents the cost of benefit accruals in the past year plus assumed expenses. Credits include contributions made in the past year and the credit balance, if any, that existed at the end of the previous plan year. For plans in critical status, the excise tax for failure to meet minimum funding requirements is waived assuming the provisions of the rehabilitation plan continue to be met. This includes making adequate progress under the rehabilitation plan. Funding Standard Account Plan Year Ending June 30, 2015 (Projected) 2014 (Final)* Charges Prior year funding deficiency $ - $ - Normal cost 46,527,168** 23,543,000 Amortization charges (see Appendix C) 862,080,279 855,236,000 Interest on above 68,145,561 68,544,762 Total charges 976,753,008 947,323,762 Credits Prior year credit balance 1,444,564,155 1,719,118,000 Employer contributions 102,251,105 105,527,000 Amortization credits (see Appendix C) 402,790,068 398,534,000 Interest on above 141,773,545 168,708,917 ERISA full funding credit - - Total credits 2,091,378,873 2,391,887,917 Credit balance (credits less charges) $ 1,114,625,865 $ 1,444,564,155 * Estimate. Final values to be provided by prior actuary. ** Includes a flat load of $25,500,000 for future administrative expenses as stated on page 3. The minimum funding requirements have been met for the most recent plan year ID PAC-E-14-10 IPUC 34 Attachment IPUC 34 11 of 74 Summary of Results United Mine Workers of America 1974 Pension Plan July 1, 2014 Actuarial Valuation Page 8 PPA FUNDING STATUS REPORT The Pension Protection Act of 2006 (PPA) established  the  status  designations  of  “Endangered”,   “Seriously  Endangered”,  or  “Critical”  status  and  new   rules that these plans must follow. As the actuary, we must certify within 90 days of the beginning of the plan year if the plan has entered into one of these status designations. We must also certify if the plan has made scheduled progress if it has entered into the funding improvement or rehabilitation period. The criteria for these determinations are outlined in Appendix D. Due to the timing of the PPA certification(s), it relied on data different from that used in this report (see certification letter for additional details). The results are summarized below. Endangered, seriously endangered, and critical status plans have to notify all parties (participants, employers, unions, PBGC, DOL) of such status within 30 days of the actuarial certification and must also set up a plan to improve funding. Refer to Appendix D for more detail on funding improvement or rehabilitation plans. Failure to meet scheduled progress for three consecutive years operating under a rehabilitation plan would trigger an excise tax calculated as if the plan had an accumulated funding deficiency equal to the greater of any existing funding deficiency or the amount needed to make scheduled progress. Failure to meet scheduled progress at the end of a funding improvement plan would trigger an excise tax for seriously endangered plans and a potential penalty for endangered plans. Description Values Used for PPA Certification 2014 2013 Funded ratio 0.71 0.71 Date of first projected funding deficiency 6/30/2019 6/30/2019 Plan year contributions $ 104,599,946 Normal cost $ 20,636,864 Interest on unfunded liabilities, last PY 132,291,587 Normal cost plus unfunded liability interest $ 152,928,451 PV of vested benefits, nonactive $ 5,452,426,090 PV of vested benefits, active $ 591,929,274 Years of benefit payments in assets 8+ 8+ Certified PPA status Critical Seriously Endngrd Making progress under FIP/RP n/a n/a The plan is in Critical status for 2014 ID PAC-E-14-10 IPUC 34 Attachment IPUC 34 12 of 74 Summary of Results United Mine Workers of America 1974 Pension Plan July 1, 2014 Actuarial Valuation Page 9 UNFUNDED VESTED BENEFITS/EMPLOYER WITHDRAWAL LIABILITY The  following  table  shows  a  history  of  the  plan’s   unfunded vested benefits required to compute a specific employer withdrawal liability under the rolling 5 method. Rolling 5 Method June 30, Vested Benefits Interest Rate Value of Vested Benefits* Asset Value** Unfunded Vested Benefits 2010 PBGC*** 8,406,314,000 4,253,508,000 4,152,806,000 2011 PBGC*** 8,792,378,000 4,421,136,000 4,371,242,000 2012 PBGC*** 9,309,607,000 4,202,245,000 5,107,362,000 2013 PBGC*** 9,571,196,000 4,093,377,000 5,477,819,000 2014 PBGC*** 8,557,439,428 4,164,994,000 4,392,445,428 * Includes expenses as outlined under Section 4281 of ERISA. ** Market Value *** The Value of Vested Benefits was computed using the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation's valuation assumptions for multiemployer plans terminating as of the first day of the Plan Year following the date shown. An employer withdrawing during the coming year may have withdrawal liability ID PAC-E-14-10 IPUC 34 Attachment IPUC 34 13 of 74 Summary of Results United Mine Workers of America 1974 Pension Plan July 1, 2014 Actuarial Valuation Page 10 PARTICIPANT DATA RECONCILIATION The  participant  data  reconciliation  table  below  provides  information  as  to  how  the  plan’s   covered population changed since the prior actuarial study. Such factors as the number of participants retiring, withdrawing and returning to work have an impact on the actuarial position of the pension fund. Participants Valued As Active Active Electing Miners New Inexperienced Miners Terminated* Pensioners Total Miners & Truckers Non-Retired Disabled Retired and Disabled Surviving Spouses Total as of 7/1/2013 9,724 33 346 106,120 42 62,447 29,771 208,483 Change due to: New hire 324 0 152 0 0 0 0 476 Rehire 77 0 0 -76 0 -1 0 0 Electing Miners -1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 New Inexperienced Miners -5 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 Termination -693 -2 -27 722 0 0 0 0 Retirement and disability -703 0 0 -1,265 0 1,968 0 0 New beneficiary 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,279 1,279 Death -12 0 0 -132 0 -2,464 -2,423 -5,031 Data adjustment 0 0 -1 49 0 -22 199 225 Net change: -1,013 -1 129 -702 0 -519 -945 -3,051 Total as of 7/1/2014 8,711 32 475 105,418 42 61,928 28,826 205,432** * Based upon entry age and service assumptions it was assumed that 6,676 terminated miners and truckers and no non-retired disabled have vested rights. All non-retired terminated participants over age 63 are assumed to be either dead or ineligible to collect a pension and have thus been excluded from the count of participants with vested rights. Those assumed to be nonvested are excluded from plan costs and liabilities. Terminated counts shown do not include the 0.6% load for unreported prior 1950 Pension Plan vested terminated participants. ** In addition, there are 938 spouses of prior 1950 Pension Plan pensioners who are not currently eligible for benefits, but can become eligible when the pensioner dies. The data reconciliation table shows the movement of participants from one class to another ID PAC-E-14-10 IPUC 34 Attachment IPUC 34 14 of 74 Summary of Results United Mine Workers of America 1974 Pension Plan July 1, 2014 Actuarial Valuation Page 11 ACTIVE INFORMATION Number of Participants Age* Actives Electing Miners New Inexperienced Miners Terminated Vested Participants** < 25 294 1 108 0 25-29 824 0 103 18 30-34 1,081 3 74 96 35-39 1,066 5 68 160 40-44 1,076 7 48 199 45-49 779 2 40 255 50-54 787 5 28 975 55-59 1,677 4 6 3,271 60-64 1,017 3 0 1,743 65+ 110 2 0 0 Totals 8,711 *** 32 475 6,717 The average age and credited service for active employees are 45.0 and 13.2, respectively. The average age and combined credited/supplemental service for electing miners are 46.7 and 12.8, respectively. The average age and supplemental service for new inexperienced miners are 33.1 and 2.0, respectively. The average monthly benefit for vested terminated participants is $530.75 * Age was assumed based on the average age of those with the same status code for 5 Terminated Vested Participants whose age was missing. ** Terminated Vested Participants counts listed here include the 0.6% load for unreported prior 1950 Pension Plan vested terminated participants. *** Of this number, 5,825 were assumed to have vested rights. ID PAC-E-14-10 IPUC 34 Attachment IPUC 34 15 of 74 Summary of Results United Mine Workers of America 1974 Pension Plan July 1, 2014 Actuarial Valuation Page 12 RETIREE INFORMATION Number of Participants Age Regular Retirees Disabled Retirees Surviving Spouses < 55 111 246 546 55-59 5,032 1,174 1,089 60-64 12,237 2,171 2,104 65-69 13,028 2,196 3,111 70-74 9,063 1,577 3,515 75-79 6,002 908 4,059 80-84 3,639 367 4,796 85+ 4,031 146 9,606 Totals 53,143 8,785 28,826 The average monthly benefit for regular retirees is $649. The average monthly benefit for disabled retirees is $563. The average monthly benefit for surviving spouses is $334. ID PAC-E-14-10 IPUC 34 Attachment IPUC 34 16 of 74 Page 13 PART II: SUPPLEMENTAL STATISTICS ID PAC-E-14-10 IPUC 34 Attachment IPUC 34 17 of 74 Supplemental Statistics United Mine Workers of America 1974 Pension Plan July 1, 2014 Actuarial Valuation Page 14 HOURS WORKED DURING PLAN YEAR History of Actual and Expected Total Hours Worked ID PAC-E-14-10 IPUC 34 Attachment IPUC 34 18 of 74 Supplemental Statistics United Mine Workers of America 1974 Pension Plan July 1, 2014 Actuarial Valuation Page 15 CONTRIBUTION ALLOCATION The following allocation charts illustrate the percentage of current expected contributions required to pay for benefits being earned in the current year as well as the expected annual plan expenses, with the remaining portion being applied toward funding of accrued benefits. Contribution Allocation as of July 1, 2014 Benefit Accrual 22% Expenses 25% Plan Funding 53% ID PAC-E-14-10 IPUC 34 Attachment IPUC 34 19 of 74 Supplemental Statistics United Mine Workers of America 1974 Pension Plan July 1, 2014 Actuarial Valuation Page 16 ACTIVE INFORMATION Active Participants* by Age and Service as of July 1, 2014 Years of Service Age < 5 5-9 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40+ Total < 25 393 9 - - - - - - - 402 25-29 706 221 - - - - - - - 927 30-34 639 465 54 - - - - - - 1,158 35-39 540 468 124 7 - - - - - 1,139 40-44 500 487 120 21 3 - - - - 1,131 45-49 332 355 82 35 16 1 - - - 821 50-54 188 192 75 34 183 120 14 14 - 820 55-59 79 86 43 46 184 991 46 212 - 1,687 60-64 15 30 14 25 54 616 60 194 12 1,020 65-69 - 6 5 - 3 25 43 3 19 104 70+ 1 1 1 - - - 1 1 4 9 Totals 3,393 2,320 518 168 443 1,753 164 424 35 9,218 Unrecorded DOB - - - - - - - - - - Total Active Lives 3,393 2,320 518 168 443 1,753 164 424 35 9,218 * Includes 32 active electing miners and 475 new inexperienced miners. ID PAC-E-14-10 IPUC 34 Attachment IPUC 34 20 of 74 Supplemental Statistics United Mine Workers of America 1974 Pension Plan July 1, 2014 Actuarial Valuation Page 17 ACTIVE INFORMATION (CONT.) History of Ratio of Actives to Retired Participants ID PAC-E-14-10 IPUC 34 Attachment IPUC 34 21 of 74 Supplemental Statistics United Mine Workers of America 1974 Pension Plan July 1, 2014 Actuarial Valuation Page 18 INACTIVE VESTED INFORMATION Inactive Vested Participants* by Age as of July 1, 2014 Age Group** Number Estimated Deferred Vested Benefits < 30 18 $ 6,842 30-34 96 39,823 35-39 160 69,762 40-44 199 92,730 45-49 255 128,336 50-54 975 578,021 55-59 3,271 1,747,674 60-64 1,743 901,369 65-69 - - 70+ - - Total inactive vested lives 6,717 $ 3,564,557 * Amount payable at assumed retirement age as used in the valuation process. Amount payable and inactive counts include the 0.6% load to inactive vesteds. ** Age was assumed based on the average age of those with the same status code for 5 participants whose age was missing. ID PAC-E-14-10 IPUC 34 Attachment IPUC 34 22 of 74 Supplemental Statistics United Mine Workers of America 1974 Pension Plan July 1, 2014 Actuarial Valuation Page 19 RETIREE INFORMATION Benefits Being Paid by Form of Payment as of July 1, 2014 Monthly Benefits Being Paid Form of Payment Number Total Average Smallest Largest 1950 Pensioners 2,219 $ 617,990 $ 278 $ 121 $ 425 1974 Pensioners 50,924 33,894,428 666 57 2,889 Disability 8,785 4,944,514 563 249 1,764 Surviving spouses 28,826 9,629,820 334 74 1,945 Totals 90,754 $ 49,086,752 $ 541 $ 57 $ 2,889 Retirees by Age and Form of Payment as of July 1, 2014 Form of Benefits Being Paid Age Group 1950 Pensioners 1974 Pensioners Disability Total < 40 - - 5 5 40-44 - 2 10 12 45-49 - 1 40 41 50-54 - 108 191 299 55-59 - 5,032 1,174 6,206 60-64 70 12,167 2,171 14,408 65-69 276 12,752 2,196 15,224 70-74 340 8,723 1,577 10,640 75-79 335 5,667 908 6,910 80-84 349 3,290 367 4,006 85-89 454 2,194 125 2,773 90-94 276 857 18 1,151 95+ 119 131 3 253 Totals 2,219 50,924 8,785 61,928 plus: Surviving spouses 28,826 Total receiving benefits 90,754 ID PAC-E-14-10 IPUC 34 Attachment IPUC 34 23 of 74 Supplemental Statistics United Mine Workers of America 1974 Pension Plan July 1, 2014 Actuarial Valuation Page 20 RETIREE INFORMATION (CONT.) Age of Participants Retiring from Active or Inactive Vested Status During Prior Plan Year (excludes beneficiaries and disability retirements) Age at Plan Year Ending June 30, Retirement 2014 < 45 1 45 - 46 - 47 - 48 - 49 - 50 - 51 - 52 4 53 5 54 8 55 113 56 309 57 169 58 148 59 127 60 132 61 129 62 181 63 289 64 102 65 79 66+ 161 Totals 1,957 History of Average Retirement Ages (excludes beneficiaries and disability retirements) Retirement During Plan Year Ending In: Number Average Retirement Age 2014 1,957 60.3 ID PAC-E-14-10 IPUC 34 Attachment IPUC 34 24 of 74 Page 21 PART III: ASSET INFORMATION ID PAC-E-14-10 IPUC 34 Attachment IPUC 34 25 of 74 Asset Information United Mine Workers of America 1974 Pension Plan July 1, 2014 Actuarial Valuation Page 22 MARKET AND ACTUARIAL FUND VALUES Asset  information  extracted  from  the  fund’s  financial  statements  audited by Bond Beebe Accountants & Advisors. Market/Actuarial Value of Fund Investments as of June 30, 2014 2013 2012 Invested assets Corporate stocks - common $ 744,339,000 $ 774,456,000 $ 726,405,000 Corporate stock - preferred 3,143,000 3,326,000 1,645,000 Registered inv. companies 663,090,000 562,872,000 374,252,000 Common/collective trusts 1,406,195,000 1,355,286,000 1,227,746,000 Partnership/joint venture 458,560,000 484,651,000 559,064,000 Real estate 170,326,000 184,612,000 236,626,000 Corporate bonds 67,319,000 68,119,000 142,373,000 US government securities 8,334,000 525,160,000 Short-term & foreign currency 3,275,000 2,187,000 3,372,000 Cash and cash equivalents 212,293,000 334,527,000 146,610,000 Securities held as collateral 101,824,000 61,749,000 299,990,000 Office furniture & equipment 637,000 783,000 807,000 Other 392,695,000 349,420,000 283,642,000 4,232,030,000 4,181,988,000 4,527,692,000 Net receivables* (67,036,000) (88,611,000) (325,447,000) Market value $ 4,164,994,000 $ 4,093,377,000 $ 4,202,245,000 Fund assets - Actuarial value Market value $ 4,164,994,000 $ 4,093,377,000 $ 4,202,245,000 less: Deferred investment gains and (losses) (197,520,000) (415,091,000) (455,940,000) Actuarial value $ 4,362,514,000 $ 4,508,468,000 $ 4,658,185,000 Actuarial value as a percentage of market value 104.74% 110.14% 110.85% * Equals receivables, less any liabilities ID PAC-E-14-10 IPUC 34 Attachment IPUC 34 26 of 74 Asset Information United Mine Workers of America 1974 Pension Plan July 1, 2014 Actuarial Valuation Page 23 FLOW OF FUNDS Asset  information  extracted  from  the  fund’s  financial  statements  audited by Bond Beebe Accountants & Advisors. Plan Year Ending June 30, 2014 2013 2012 Market value at beginning of plan year $ 4,093,377,000 $ 4,202,245,000 $ 4,421,136,000 Additions Employer contributions 105,527,000 115,418,000 129,211,000 Net investment income* 602,634,000 377,054,000 372,958,000 Other income 1,962,000 1,997,000 2,618,000 710,123,000 494,469,000 504,787,000 Deductions Benefits paid 609,838,000 573,261,000 685,402,000 Net expenses* 32,393,000 36,316,000 38,285,000 642,231,000 609,577,000 723,687,000 Net increase (decrease) 67,892,000 (115,108,000) (218,900,000) Adjustment 3,725,000 6,240,000 9,000 Market value at end of plan year $ 4,164,994,000 $ 4,093,377,000 $ 4,202,245,000 Estimated net investment return On market value 15.74% 9.52% 9.04% On actuarial value 9.07% 7.61% 3.61% * Investment expenses have been offset against gross investment income. ID PAC-E-14-10 IPUC 34 Attachment IPUC 34 27 of 74 Asset Information United Mine Workers of America 1974 Pension Plan July 1, 2014 Actuarial Valuation Page 24 INVESTMENT GAIN AND LOSS Investment Gain or Loss Plan Year Ending June 30, 2014 Expected market value at end of plan year Market value at beginning of plan year $ 4,093,377,000 Employer contributions and non-investment income 111,214,000 Benefits and expenses paid (642,231,000) Expected investment income (at 8.00% rate of return) 303,671,486 3,866,031,486 Actual market value at end of plan year 4,164,994,000 less: Expected market value 3,866,031,486 Investment gain or (loss) $ 298,962,514 History of Gains and (Losses) Plan Year Investment Ending Gain June 30, or (Loss) 2014 $ 298,962,514 2013 62,448,000 2012 47,196,000 2011 408,910,000 2010 307,966,000 2009 (1,437,048,000) Total $ (314,272,560) Deferred Investment Gains and (Losses)* Plan Year Ending Amount of Gain or (Loss) Deferred as of June 30, June 30, 2014 2015 2016 2017 2014 $ 239,170,000 $ 179,378,000 $ 119,585,000 $ 59,793,000 2013 37,469,000 24,979,000 12,490,000 - 2012 18,878,000 9,439,000 - - 2011 81,782,000 - - - 2010 - - - - 2009 (574,819,000) (431,114,000) (287,410,000) (143,705,000) Totals $ (197,520,000) $ (217,318,000) $ (155,335,000) $ (83,912,000) * 10-year smoothing was elected with respect to the loss incurred during plan year ending 2009. ID PAC-E-14-10 IPUC 34 Attachment IPUC 34 28 of 74 Page 25 PART IV: ENROLLED ACTUARY’S REPORT ID PAC-E-14-10 IPUC 34 Attachment IPUC 34 29 of 74 Enrolled  Actuary’s  Report United Mine Workers of America 1974 Pension Plan July 1, 2014 Actuarial Valuation Page 26 NORMAL COST/ACTUARIAL LIABILITY Normal Cost as of July 1, 2014 Active participants - service prior to valuation date $ - Active participants - service after valuation date 21,948,855 Anticipated administrative expenses (beg. of year) 24,578,313 Total normal cost $ 46,527,168 Unfunded Actuarial Liability as of July 1, 2014 Actuarial liability Participants currently receiving benefits $ 5,091,764,210 Inactive vested participants 435,975,219 Active participants - service prior to val. date 625,510,482 Active participants - service after val. date - 6,153,249,911 less: Fund assets (actuarial value) 4,362,514,000 Unfunded actuarial liability (not less than 0) $ 1,790,735,911 ID PAC-E-14-10 IPUC 34 Attachment IPUC 34 30 of 74 Enrolled  Actuary’s  Report United Mine Workers of America 1974 Pension Plan July 1, 2014 Actuarial Valuation Page 27 ACTUARIAL LIABILITY RECONCILIATION/PROJECTION Reconciliation of Unfunded Actuarial Liability Expected unfunded actuarial liability as of June 30, 2014 Unfunded actuarial liability as of July 1, 2013 $ 1,816,455,000 Normal cost 23,543,000 Actual contributions (105,527,000) Interest to end of plan year 139,987,783 1,874,458,783 Increase (decrease) due to: Experience (gain) or loss – assets (48,184,000) Experience (gain) or loss – plan experience 36,760,832 Plan amendment - Change in actuarial assumptions 143,059,696 Change in actuarial method (215,359,400) Net increase (decrease) (83,722,872) Unfunded actuarial liability as of July 1, 2014 $ 1,790,735,911 Projection of Actuarial Liability to Year End Actuarial liability as of July 1, 2014 $ 6,153,249,911 Expected increase (decrease) due to: Normal cost 46,527,168 Benefits paid (611,067,605) Interest on above (21,335,084) Interest on actuarial liability 461,493,743 Net expected increase (decrease) (124,381,778) Expected actuarial liability as of June 30, 2015 $ 6,028,868,133 ID PAC-E-14-10 IPUC 34 Attachment IPUC 34 31 of 74 Enrolled  Actuary’s  Report United Mine Workers of America 1974 Pension Plan July 1, 2014 Actuarial Valuation Page 28 CURRENT LIABILITY Current liability is developed for the purpose of determining the full funding limitation under Section 431(c)(6) of the Internal Revenue Code and the maximum deductible contribution under Section 404(a)(1)(D) of the Internal Revenue Code. As prescribed under Section 431(c)(6), the current liability uses a different interest rate and mortality table than regular plan funding under ERISA. Current Liability as of July 1, 2014 Vested current liability Participants currently receiving benefits $ 7,833,383,081 Inactive vested participants 535,381,398 Active participants 1,125,557,695 9,494,322,174 Nonvested current liability Inactive vested participants 179,418,454 Active participants 60,937,860 240,356,314 Total current liability $ 9,734,678,488 Projection of Current Liability to Year End Current liability as of July 1, 2014 $ 9,734,678,488 Expected increase (decrease) due to: Benefits accruing 75,417,404 Benefits paid (611,067,605) Interest on above (9,175,234) Interest on current liability 349,474,958 Net expected increase (decrease) (195,350,477) Expected current liability as of June 30, 2015 $ 9,539,328,011 ID PAC-E-14-10 IPUC 34 Attachment IPUC 34 32 of 74 Enrolled  Actuary’s  Report United Mine Workers of America 1974 Pension Plan July 1, 2014 Actuarial Valuation Page 29 FULL FUNDING LIMIT The full funding limit, as required under Section 431(c)(6) and Section 404(a)(1) of the Internal Revenue Code, provides a limitation to both the minimum required contribution and the maximum deductible contribution. Both results are limited to be no greater than the unfunded liability (plus the ERISA credit balance for the minimum required contribution only). This limitation amount is overridden if 90% of the current liability minus the actuarial value of assets is greater or, for the maximum deductible contribution only, if 140% of the vested current liability minus the actuarial value of assets is greater. Projection of Assets for Full Funding Limit Market Value Actuarial Value Asset value as of July 1, 2014 $ 4,164,994,000 $ 4,362,514,000 Expected increase (decrease) due to: Benefits paid (611,067,605) (611,067,605) Investment income 299,051,926 314,458,486 Net expected increase (decrease) (312,015,679) (296,609,119) Expected value as of June 30, 2015* $ 3,852,978,321 $ 4,065,904,881 * Ignoring expected employer contributions (as required by regulation). Full Funding Limit as of June 30, 2015 For Minimum Required For Maximum Deductible ERISA full funding limit (not less than 0) Actuarial liability $ 6,028,868,133 $ 6,028,868,133 less: Assets (lesser of market or actuarial) 3,852,978,321 3,852,978,321 plus: Credit balance (w/interest to year end) 1,552,906,467 n/a 3,728,796,279 2,175,889,812 Full funding limit override (not less than 0) 90% of current liability 8,585,395,210 8,585,395,210 less: Assets (actuarial value) 4,065,904,881 4,065,904,881 4,519,490,329 4,519,490,329 Full funding limit (greater of ERISA limit and full funding override) $ 4,519,490,329 $ 4,519,490,329 ID PAC-E-14-10 IPUC 34 Attachment IPUC 34 33 of 74 Enrolled  Actuary’s  Report United Mine Workers of America 1974 Pension Plan July 1, 2014 Actuarial Valuation Page 30 MINIMUM REQUIRED CONTRIBUTION AND FULL FUNDING CREDIT Minimum Required Contribution Plan Year Beginning July 1, 2014 Minimum funding cost Total normal cost $ 46,527,168 Net amortization of unfunded liabilities 459,290,211 Interest to end of plan year 37,936,303 543,753,682 Full funding limit 4,519,490,329 Net charge to funding std. acct. (lesser of above) 543,753,682 less: Credit balance with interest to year end 1,552,906,467 Minimum Required Contribution (not less than 0) $ - Full Funding Credit to Funding Standard Account Plan Year Ending June 30, 2015 Full funding credit (not less than 0) Minimum funding cost (n.c., amort., int.) $ 543,753,682 less: full funding limit 4,519,490,329 $ - ID PAC-E-14-10 IPUC 34 Attachment IPUC 34 34 of 74 Enrolled  Actuary’s  Report United Mine Workers of America 1974 Pension Plan July 1, 2014 Actuarial Valuation Page 31 MAXIMUM DEDUCTIBLE CONTRIBUTION The maximum amount of tax-deductible employer contributions made to a pension plan is determined in accordance with Section 404(a) of the Internal Revenue Code. For a multiemployer pension plan, Section 413(b)(7) of the Internal Revenue Code and IRS Announcement 98-1 provide that, if anticipated employer contributions are less than the deductible limit for a plan year, then all employer contributions paid during the year are guaranteed to be deductible. If anticipated employer contributions exceed the deductible limit, the Trustees have two years from the close of the plan year in question to retroactively improve benefits to alleviate the problem. Maximum Deductible Contribution Plan Year Beginning July 1, 2014 Preliminary deductible limit Total normal cost $ 46,527,168 10-year  limit  adjustment  (using  “fresh  start”  alternative) 242,683,741 Interest to end of plan year 21,690,819 310,901,728 Full funding limit 4,519,490,329 Maximum deductible contribution override 140% of vested current liability projected to June 30, 2015 13,025,313,060 less: Actuarial value of assets projected to June 30, 2015 4,065,904,881 8,959,408,179 Maximum deductible contribution* $ 8,959,408,179 Anticipated employer contributions $ 102,251,105 * Equals the lesser of the preliminary deductible limit and the full funding limit, but not less than the maximum deductible contribution override. ID PAC-E-14-10 IPUC 34 Attachment IPUC 34 35 of 74 Enrolled  Actuary’s  Report United Mine Workers of America 1974 Pension Plan July 1, 2014 Actuarial Valuation Page 32 REORGANIZATION INDEX Financially troubled multiemployer plans are considered to be in a status of "reorganization" under certain conditions and become subject to special rules regarding funding and adjustments in accrued benefits. As defined in ERISA Section 4241, a plan is in reorganization if the reorganization index is greater than zero. The reorganization index is the excess of the vested benefits charge over the net charge to the funding standard account (FSA). The reorganization index is calculated according to the “current   valuation”   option   described   in   ERISA   Section   4241(b)(4)(A)(i)(II). The reorganization rules have been repealed by the Multiemployer Pension Reform Act of 2014 (MEPRA) starting with the plan year beginning in 2015. Reorganization Index Plan Year Ending June 30, 2014 Value of vested benefits in pay status as of June 30, 2014 $ 5,091,764,210 Value of all vested benefits as of June 30, 2014 5,986,269,571 Assets as of June 30, 2014* 4,164,994,000 Unfunded vested benefits (UVB) in pay status 926,770,210 Unfunded vested benefits not in pay status 894,505,361 Vested benefits charge 10 year amortization of UVB in pay status 125,597,561 25 year amortization of UVB not in pay status 74,648,071 200,245,632 Net charge to the FSA as of June 30, 2014 Total normal cost 23,543,000 Charges to the FSA 855,236,000 less: credits to the FSA 398,534,000 480,245,000 Vested benefits charge less net charge to FSA (279,999,368) Reorganization index (preceding value, not less than zero) $ - Plan in reorganization for plan year ending June 30, 2014? NO * Market value ID PAC-E-14-10 IPUC 34 Attachment IPUC 34 36 of 74 Enrolled  Actuary’s  Report United Mine Workers of America 1974 Pension Plan July 1, 2014 Actuarial Valuation Page 33 ASC 960 INFORMATION The   following   displays   are   intended   to   assist   the   fund’s   auditor   in   complying   with   Accounting Standards Codification 960. The results shown are not necessarily indicative  of  the  plan’s  potential  liability  upon  termination. Present Value of Accumulated Benefits Actuarial Study as of July 1, 2014 2013 Present value of vested accumulated benefits Participants currently receiving benefits $ 7,002,094,897 $ 7,910,935,000 Other participants 1,484,022,604 1,901,050,000 8,486,117,501 9,811,985,000 Nonvested accumulated benefits 307,301,402 104,311,000 Present value of all accumulated benefits $ 8,793,418,903 $ 9,916,296,000 Market value of plan assets $ 4,164,994,000 $ 4,093,377,000 Interest rate used to value benefits First 20 years 3.47% 2.50% Thereafter 3.64% 3.20% Changes in Present Value of Accumulated Benefits Present value of accumulated benefits as of July 1, 2013 $ 9,916,296,000 Increase (decrease) due to: Plan amendment - Change in actuarial assumptions 143,059,696 Benefits accumulated and experience gain or loss (875,573,621) Interest due to decrease in discount period 219,474,828 Benefits paid (609,838,000) Net increase (decrease) (1,122,877,097) Present value of accumulated benefits as of July 1, 2014 $ 8,793,418,903 ID PAC-E-14-10 IPUC 34 Attachment IPUC 34 37 of 74 Enrolled  Actuary’s  Report United Mine Workers of America 1974 Pension Plan July 1, 2014 Actuarial Valuation Page 34 BENEFIT PAYOUT PROJECTION Estimated benefit payments for the next forty years, based upon the actuarial assumptions used in the valuation and benefit levels scheduled to take effect during the term of the collective bargaining agreement applicable to the plan (and reflecting expected future accruals for actives), are shown. Future benefit payments will vary from the projections as actual experience differs from the assumed experience for mortality, turnover, retirement, etc. Plan Year Beginning July 1, Expected Benefit Payments Plan Year Beginning July 1, Expected Benefit Payments 2014 $590,760,222 2034 $319,513,783 2015 589,672,672 2035 300,699,060 2016 586,491,507 2036 281,931,226 2017 581,267,121 2037 263,107,207 2018 575,016,409 2038 244,513,793 2019 566,977,741 2039 226,180,734 2020 557,208,621 2040 208,428,966 2021 544,672,389 2041 191,104,893 2022 530,177,339 2042 174,433,000 2023 514,553,009 2043 158,539,898 2024 497,904,978 2044 143,520,455 2025 480,856,999 2045 129,241,599 2026 463,499,815 2046 116,017,285 2027 445,868,179 2047 103,794,529 2028 428,243,082 2048 92,563,937 2029 410,568,815 2049 82,412,767 2030 392,918,670 2050 73,191,042 2031 375,025,005 2051 64,942,710 2032 356,742,586 2052 57,526,072 2033 338,242,230 2053 50,934,361 ID PAC-E-14-10 IPUC 34 Attachment IPUC 34 38 of 74 APPENDICES ID PAC-E-14-10 IPUC 34 Attachment IPUC 34 39 of 74 Appendix A - Plan Provisions United Mine Workers of America 1974 Pension Plan July 1, 2014 Actuarial Valuation Page A-1 PLAN HISTORY Origins/Purpose The United Mine Workers of America 1974 Pension Plan was established by the UMWA and  the  Bituminous  Coal  Operators’  Association,  Inc.  (BCOA)  during  the  negotiation  of   the National Bituminous Coal Wage Agreement of 1974. It became effective December 6, 1974 and is the continuation of the benefit program established under the UMWA Welfare and Retirement Fund of 1950. Effective June 30, 2007, it is also the surviving plan following the merger with the United Mine Workers of America 1950 Pension Plan. The Pension Plan is managed under the provisions of Article XX of the National Bituminous Coal Wage Agreement of 2011, as amended from time to time, by a Board of Trustees consisting of two representatives from the Union and two representatives from the Employers. The purpose of the Pension Plan is to provide Normal and Early Retirement Benefits, Surviving Spouse Benefits, Disability Benefits, Deferred Vested Benefits, Widow Benefits, and Death Benefits. Employer Contributions The Pension Plan is financed entirely by contributions from the employers as specified in the Collective Bargaining Agreement. Following is a partial listing of hourly pension contribution rates. Date Hourly Contribution Rate 1/1/2007 $2.00 1/1/2008 $3.50 1/1/2009 $4.25 1/1/2010 $5.00 1/1/2011 $5.50 The employers must also pay a contribution based on tons  of  “purchased  coal”.    The   current  rate  is  $1.10  per  ton  of  “purchased  coal”. ID PAC-E-14-10 IPUC 34 Attachment IPUC 34 40 of 74 Appendix A - Plan Provisions United Mine Workers of America 1974 Pension Plan July 1, 2014 Actuarial Valuation Page A-2 PLAN HISTORY (CONT.) Normal Retirement Benefit and Disability Benefit 1974 Pension Plan Following are the monthly historical normal retirement benefit amounts earned for each year of service for retirements or terminations prior to February 1, 1988: Retirement or Termination During: Credited Non- Signatory Service Credited Signatory Service 1st 10 Years 2nd 10 Years 3rd 10 Years In Excess of 30 Years 1/1/1976 to 12/31/1976 $7.50 $12.00 $12.50 $13.00 $13.50 1/1/1977 to 3/26/1978 $7.50 $12.50 $13.00 $13.50 $14.00 3/27/1978 to 6/6/1981 $7.50 $13.50 $14.00 $14.50 $15.00 6/7/1981 to 6/6/1983 $7.50 $14.50 $15.00 $15.50 $16.00 6/7/1983 to 9/30/1984 $7.50 $15.50 $16.00 $16.50 $17.00 10/1/1984 to 9/30/1987 $7.50 $16.50 $17.00 $17.50 $18.00 10/1/1987 to 1/31/1988 $7.50 $17.00 $17.50 $18.00 $18.50 Following are the monthly historical normal retirement benefit amounts earned for each year of service for retirements or terminations on or after February 1, 1988 (the sum of (a) plus (b) plus (c) plus (d) plus (e)): Retirement or Termination During: Credited Non- Signatory Service (a) Credited Signatory Service (earned prior to 2/1/1989) (b) 1st 10 Years 2nd 10 Years 3rd 10 Years In Excess of 30 Years 2/1/1988 to 1/31/1991 $7.50 $20.00 $20.50 $21.00 $21.50 2/1/1991 to 12/15/1993 $10.00 $22.50 $23.00 $23.50 $24.00 12/16/1993 to 8/16/1996* $10.00 $26.50 $27.00 $27.50 $28.00 8/17/1996 to 12/31/1997* $12.00 $28.50 $29.00 $29.50 $30.00 1/1/1998 to 12/31/1999 $12.00 $32.50 $33.00 $33.50 $34.00 1/1/2000 to 12/31/2001 $14.00 $34.50 $35.00 $35.50 $36.00 1/1/2002 to 12/31/2003 $18.00 $38.50 $39.00 $39.50 $40.00 1/1/2004 to 12/31/2005 $20.00 $40.50 $41.00 $41.50 $42.00 1/1/2006 to 12/31/2006 $24.00 $44.50 $45.00 $45.50 $46.00 1/1/2007 to 12/31/2008 $28.00 $48.50 $49.00 $49.50 $50.00 1/1/2009 to 12/31/2010 $32.00 $52.50 $53.00 $53.50 $54.00 On or after 1/1/2011 $34.00 $54.50 $55.00 $55.50 $56.00 * Pension application authorized. ID PAC-E-14-10 IPUC 34 Attachment IPUC 34 41 of 74 Appendix A - Plan Provisions United Mine Workers of America 1974 Pension Plan July 1, 2014 Actuarial Valuation Page A-3 PLAN HISTORY (CONT.) Retirement or Termination During: Credited Signatory Service (earned from 2/1/1989 through 1/31/1990) (c) Credited Signatory Service (earned from 2/1/1990 through 12/15/1993) (d) Credited Signatory Service (earned on or after 12/16/1993) (e) 2/1/1988 to 1/31/1991 $27.50 $32.00 N/A 2/1/1991 to 12/15/1993 $30.00 $34.50 N/A 12/16/1993 to 8/16/1996* $34.00 $38.50 $41.50 8/17/1996 to 12/31/1997* $36.00 $40.50 $43.50 1/1/1998 to 12/31/1999 $40.00 $44.50 $47.50 1/1/2000 to 12/31/2001 $42.00 $46.50 $49.50 1/1/2002 to 12/31/2003 $46.00 $50.50 $53.50 1/1/2004 to 12/31/2005 $48.00 $52.50 $55.50 1/1/2006 to 12/31/2006 $52.00 $56.50 $59.50 1/1/2007 to 12/31/2008 $56.00 $60.50 $63.50 1/1/2009 to 12/31/2010 $60.00 $64.50 $67.50 On or after 1/1/2011 $62.00 $66.50 $69.50 * Pension application authorized Minimum Disability Benefit 1974 Pension Plan Following are the monthly historical minimum disability retirement benefit amounts, based on date of retirement: Retirement Date Benefit Amount Prior to 3/27/1978 $125.00 3/27/1978 to 6/6/1981 $135.00 6/7/1981 to 6/6/1983 $145.00 6/7/1983 to 9/30/1984 $155.00 10/1/1984 to 9/30/1987 $165.00 10/1/1987 to 1/31/1988 $170.00 2/1/1988 to 1/31/1990 $190.00 2/1/1990 to 12/31/1997 $200.00 1/1/1998 to 12/31/2001 $215.00 1/1/2002 to 12/31/2006 $230.00 1/1/2007 to 12/31/2008 $245.00 On or after 1/1/2009 $250.00 ID PAC-E-14-10 IPUC 34 Attachment IPUC 34 42 of 74 Appendix A - Plan Provisions United Mine Workers of America 1974 Pension Plan July 1, 2014 Actuarial Valuation Page A-4 PLAN HISTORY (CONT.) Pension Benefit Increases 1974 Pension Plan Following are the monthly benefit increases applied to prior retirements: A. Pension increases for participants who retired prior to 2/1/1988, excluding those with a Minimum Disability Retirement pension or those with a Deferred Vested Retirement pension prior to 2/1/1988: Effective Date of Increase Increase Applicable to Retirements Prior to Amount of Monthly Pension Increase 1/1/1977 12/31/1976 $10.00 4/1/1978 3/27/1978 $10.00 4/1/1979 3/27/1978 $10.00 4/1/1980 3/27/1978 $5.00 7/1/1981 6/7/1981 $10.00 7/1/1982 6/7/1981 $10.00 7/1/1983 6/7/1981 $5.00 10/1/1984 10/1/1984 $10.00 10/1/1987 10/1/1984 $10.00 2/1/1988 2/1/1988 $20.00 2/1/1990 2/1/1988 $10.00 B. Pension increases for participants with a Minimum Disability Retirement pension who retired prior to 2/1/1988: Effective Date of Increase Increase Applicable to Retirements Prior to Amount of Monthly Pension Increase 4/1/1978 3/27/1978 $5.00 4/1/1979 3/27/1978 $5.00 4/1/1980 3/27/1978 $2.50 7/1/1981 6/7/1981 $5.00 7/1/1982 6/7/1981 $5.00 7/1/1983 6/7/1981 $2.50 Effective Date of Increase Increase Applicable to Retirements Prior to Amount of Monthly Pension 10/1/1984 10/1/1984 $160.00 10/1/1987 10/1/1984 170.00 * 2/1/1988 2/1/1988 190.00 2/1/1990 2/1/1988 200.00 1/1/1998 1/1/1998 215.00 1/1/2002 1/1/2002 230.00 1/1/2007 1/1/2007 245.00 1/1/2009 1/1/2009 250.00 * $165 if approved after October 1, 1984. ID PAC-E-14-10 IPUC 34 Attachment IPUC 34 43 of 74 Appendix A - Plan Provisions United Mine Workers of America 1974 Pension Plan July 1, 2014 Actuarial Valuation Page A-5 PLAN HISTORY (CONT.) C. Pension increases for surviving spouses of pensioners (other than deferred vested pensioners not eligible for the Deferred Vested Retirement – Special benefit for increases prior to February 1, 1988) who died prior to February 1, 1988: Effective Date of Increase Increase Applicable to Retirements Prior to Amount of Monthly Pension Increase 10/1/1984 10/1/1984 $5.00 10/1/1987 10/1/1984 $5.00 2/1/1988 2/1/1988 (1/31/1988 amount + $10.00) x 1.5 2/1/1990 2/1/1988 (1/31/1988 amount + $15.00) x 1.5 D. Pensions of participants eligible for a Deferred Vested Retirement – Regular pension who ceased work prior to June 7, 1981, and satisfy the criteria for a Deferred Vested Retirement – Special pension are recomputed (prospectively only) using the ¼% reduction and the Normal Retirement benefit schedule in effect on the last day of credited service. Pension of such participants are increased by any increases applicable to Early Retirement pensioners which occurred after the date of retirement and application for pension. E. A monthly benefit increase of $15.00 is provided to all pensioners and surviving spouses in pay status, and to all terminated vested participants (not yet in pay status), on January 1, 1998. F. A monthly benefit increase of $15.00 is provided to all pensioners and surviving spouses in pay status, and to all terminated vested participants (not yet in pay status), on January 1, 2002. G. A monthly benefit increase of $15.00 is provided to all pensioners and surviving spouses in pay status, and to all terminated vested participants (not yet in pay status), on January 1, 2007. H. A monthly benefit increase of $5.00 is provided to all pensioners and surviving spouses in pay status, and to all terminated vested participants (not yet in pay status), on January 1, 2009. ID PAC-E-14-10 IPUC 34 Attachment IPUC 34 44 of 74 Appendix A - Plan Provisions United Mine Workers of America 1974 Pension Plan July 1, 2014 Actuarial Valuation Page A-6 PLAN HISTORY (CONT.) Normal and 1950 Partial Benefits: 1950 Pension Plan Following are the monthly historical normal retirement benefit amounts paid: A. For pensioners with at least 20 years of credited service: Period Beginning: Monthly Benefit Without Black Lung Benefit With Black Lung Benefit 1/1/1975 $200.00 $200.00 1/1/1976 $225.00 $215.00 1/1/1977 $250.00 $225.00 4/1/1978 $275.00 $275.00 7/1/1981 $290.00 $290.00 7/1/1982 $305.00 $305.00 7/1/1983 $315.00 $315.00 10/1/1984 $325.00 $325.00 10/1/1987 $335.00 $335.00 2/1/1988 $365.00 $365.00 2/1/1990 $375.00 $375.00 1/1/1998 $390.00 $390.00 1/1/2002 $405.00 $405.00 1/1/2007 $420.00 $420.00 1/1/2009 $425.00 $425.00 B. For 1950 Partial pensioners with less than 20 years of credited service and terminated vested (need 10 years of signatory service, 3 years of which are after 12/31/1970): Period Beginning: Monthly Benefit Amount to be Multiplied by the Ratio of Years of Credited Signatory Service to 20 Years Without Black Lung Benefit With Black Lung Benefit 1/1/1975 $200.00 $200.00 1/1/1976 $225.00 $215.00 1/1/1977 $250.00 $225.00 7/1/1981 $250.00 $250.00 ID PAC-E-14-10 IPUC 34 Attachment IPUC 34 45 of 74 Appendix A - Plan Provisions United Mine Workers of America 1974 Pension Plan July 1, 2014 Actuarial Valuation Page A-7 PLAN HISTORY (CONT.) Pension Benefit Increases 1950 Pension Plan The amounts determined in B. above were increased according to the following schedule: Effective Date of Increase Amount of Monthly Pension Increase 2/1/1988 $30.00 2/1/1990 $10.00 1/1/1998 $15.00 1/1/2002 $15.00 1/1/2007 $15.00 1/1/2009 $5.00 Disability Benefit 1950 Pension Plan Following are the monthly historical Disability Retirement benefit amounts: Period Beginning Monthly Benefit 1/1/1975 $125.00 4/1/1978 $130.00 4/1/1979 $135.00 4/1/1980 $137.50 7/1/1981 $147.50 7/1/1982 $152.50 7/1/1983 $157.50 10/1/1984 $167.50 10/1/1987 $177.50 2/1/1988 $207.50 2/1/1990 $217.50 1/1/1998 $232.50 1/1/2002 $247.50 1/1/2007 $262.50 1/1/2009 $267.50 ID PAC-E-14-10 IPUC 34 Attachment IPUC 34 46 of 74 Appendix A - Plan Provisions United Mine Workers of America 1974 Pension Plan July 1, 2014 Actuarial Valuation Page A-8 PLAN HISTORY (CONT.) Widow’s  Benefit  1950  Pension  Plan Following are the monthly historical Widow’s benefit amounts: Period Beginning Monthly Benefit 3/1/1982 $95.00 10/1/1984 $100.00 10/1/1987 $105.00 2/1/1988 $120.00 2/1/1990 $125.00 1/1/1998 $140.00 1/1/2002 $155.00 1/1/2007 $170.00 1/1/2009 $175.00 ID PAC-E-14-10 IPUC 34 Attachment IPUC 34 47 of 74 Appendix A - Plan Provisions United Mine Workers of America 1974 Pension Plan July 1, 2014 Actuarial Valuation Page A-9 SUMMARY OF PLAN PROVISIONS 1974 PENSION PLAN Participation Completion of at least 1,000 hours of credited service (or 800 hours of credited service for weekend/holiday crew of a signatory Employer) within a 12-month period after the effective date. Class of Employee Covered All eligible persons retiring on or after December 31, 1975, or becoming totally disabled due to a mine accident on or after December 6, 1974. New Inexperienced Miners first hired on or after January 1, 2012 (NIMs) will not earn any vesting, signatory, or credited service. Also, miners who are active participants may opt out of the plan on or after January 1, 2012 (Electing Miners). After the opt-out date, Electing Miners will earn service credit for vesting  and  “any  early  retirement  adjustments  based  on   the  type  of  pension  benefit,”  but  not  signatory  or  credited   service. NIMs and Electing Miners will be eligible for disability benefits and, if they meet the eligibility requirements, lump sum death benefits. Year of credited service For non weekend and holiday employees (non-signatory and signatory service): Hours Worked Service 249 or less 0.00 250-499 0.25 500-749 0.50 750-999 0.75 1,000 + 1.00 For weekend and holiday employees (signatory service): Hours Worked Service 200 or less 0.00 200-399 0.25 400-599 0.50 600-799 0.75 800 + 1.00 ID PAC-E-14-10 IPUC 34 Attachment IPUC 34 48 of 74 Appendix A - Plan Provisions United Mine Workers of America 1974 Pension Plan July 1, 2014 Actuarial Valuation Page A-10 SUMMARY OF PLAN PROVISIONS 1974 PENSION PLAN (CONT.) Normal retirement benefit Eligibility Earlier of (1) later of age 65 or the 5th anniversary employed in signatory service, (2) age 62 and 10 years of signatory service, or (3) age 62 and at least 20 years of credited service including the required signatory service Monthly amount $34.00 per year of credited non-signatory service, plus $54.50 per year for the 1st 10 years of credited signatory service earned prior to February 1, 1989, plus $55.00 per year for the 2nd 10 years of credited signatory service earned prior to February 1, 1989, plus $55.50 per year for the 3rd 10 years of credited signatory service earned prior to February 1, 1989, plus $56.00 per year for any further years of credited signatory service earned prior to February 1, 1989, plus $62.00 per year of credited signatory service earned from February 1, 1989 through January 31, 1990, plus $66.50 per year of credited signatory service earned from February 1, 1990 through December 15, 1993, plus $69.50 per year of credited signatory service earned on or after December 16, 1993. Payable for life if not married. If married, benefits are payable for life, without reduction, with 75% of the benefit continuing to an eligible spouse after   the   participant’s   death. Age 55 retirement benefit Eligibility Age 55 and 10 years of signatory service or 20 years of credited service including the required amount of signatory service Monthly amount Normal reduced by 1/4% for each month prior to age 62. Form of payment same as for Normal Retirement. ID PAC-E-14-10 IPUC 34 Attachment IPUC 34 49 of 74 Appendix A - Plan Provisions United Mine Workers of America 1974 Pension Plan July 1, 2014 Actuarial Valuation Page A-11 SUMMARY OF PLAN PROVISIONS 1974 PENSION PLAN (CONT.) Disability benefit Eligibility 1974 Participants, NIMs and Electing Miners who have at least 10 years of service. Service is credited service plus, for NIMs and Electing Miners, years of Supplemental Pension Contributions. Monthly amount Same as normal retirement benefit. Minimum disability benefit Eligibility 1974 Participants, NIMs and Electing Miners who have less than 10 years of service. Service is credited service plus, for NIMs and Electing Miners, years of Supplemental Pension Contributions. Monthly amount $250 per month. Deferred vested benefit - normal Eligibility Termination of employee prior to age 55 plus either 5 years of signatory service or 20 years of credited service. Monthly amount Normal payable at age 62, or actuarially reduced payable at early. With 20 years of credited service, there is a minimum monthly benefit of $200. If unmarried, the benefit is payable for the participant’s  lifetime.    If  married   with at least 20 years of credited service, benefits are payable for life, without reduction, with 75% of the benefit continuing to an eligible spouse after the participant’s   death. If married with less than 20 years of credited service, a 50% joint and survivor benefit actuarially equivalent to a life annuity is payable. ID PAC-E-14-10 IPUC 34 Attachment IPUC 34 50 of 74 Appendix A - Plan Provisions United Mine Workers of America 1974 Pension Plan July 1, 2014 Actuarial Valuation Page A-12 SUMMARY OF PLAN PROVISIONS 1974 PENSION PLAN (CONT.) Deferred vested benefit – enhanced 1996 Eligibility 20 years of signatory service, termination of employment prior to attaining age 55, benefits were not in pay status on or before August 16, 1996, and either had not refused recall to the mine from which he or she was laid off or had been terminated under Article III, Section (j) of the Wage Agreement (or physically unable to perform work) and was not employed in the coal industry thereafter. Monthly amount Amount and form of payment same as Age 55 retirement benefit. Deferred vested benefit – special permanent layoff Eligibility 20 years of signatory service, termination of employment prior to attaining age 55, and participant was permanently laid off. Monthly amount Normal payable as if age 55 (with 21% reduction) payable at any age under 55. If unmarried, benefit is payable during   participant’s   lifetime.     If   married,   benefits   are   payable   during   participant’s   lifetime  (early retirement reduction only) with 75% of the participant’s benefit continuing to an eligible spouse after   the   participant’s   death. 30 and out benefit Eligibility 30 years of credited service and termination is on or after January 1, 2003. Monthly amount Amount and form of payment same as Normal retirement benefit. Pre-retirement surviving spouse benefit Eligibility Death of participant eligible for an immediate pension at time of death, except Deferred Vested participants with less than 20 years of credited service Monthly amount 75% of the pension that the participant would have received had he elected a pension on the day preceding his death. Payable for life of eligible spouse. ID PAC-E-14-10 IPUC 34 Attachment IPUC 34 51 of 74 Appendix A - Plan Provisions United Mine Workers of America 1974 Pension Plan July 1, 2014 Actuarial Valuation Page A-13 SUMMARY OF PLAN PROVISIONS 1974 PENSION PLAN (CONT.) Pre-retirement joint and survivor annuity Eligibility Not eligible for a pre-retirement surviving spouse benefit, but qualifies for a pension under the plan or has 5 years of signatory service Monthly amount 75% of the pension that the participant would have received had he separated from service on the day of his actual death, and survived to retire at age 55 (or current age at death, if later) and died on the next day. Payable for life of eligible spouse, starting at the later of the first of the month following the date of death or the first of the month following the date the participant would have attained age 55. Lump sum death benefit Eligibility Death of a regular or disabled pensioner (excluding anyone receiving a deferred vested pension based on less than 20 years of credited service or anyone who is an eligible beneficiary of the UMWA Combined Benefit Fund), an eligible inactive NIM, or an eligible inactive Electing Miner. Last service must have been with an employer signatory to an agreement. Lump sum amount $10,000 for the named beneficiary who is the surviving spouse or an eligible dependent, and $8,500 for any other named beneficiary. Special surviving spouse benefit Eligibility January 1, 1998, surviving spouse who 1) was married to a miner who died as a result of a mine accident during the term of the 1978 or 1981 Wage Agreement (with 10 years of credited service) and who was not in Construction Industry Service at time of death, 2) never remarried, and 3) never received a monthly surviving spouse benefit. Benefit Lump sum of $10,000 on February 1, 1998, plus monthly benefit of $100 beginning February 1, 1998, and continuing until remarriage or death. ID PAC-E-14-10 IPUC 34 Attachment IPUC 34 52 of 74 Appendix A - Plan Provisions United Mine Workers of America 1974 Pension Plan July 1, 2014 Actuarial Valuation Page A-14 SUMMARY OF PLAN PROVISIONS FORMER 1950 PENSION PLAN Participation Persons who terminated classified work prior to December 31, 1975 or became disabled between May 29, 1946 and December 6, 1974 as a result of a mine accident. Normal retirement benefit Eligibility Age 55 with 20 years of credited service including the required signatory service Monthly amount $425 payable for life Disability benefit Eligibility Disabled as the result of a mine accident which occurred after May 29, 1946 while in a classified job and eligible for Social Security disability benefits as a result of such accident. Monthly amount $267.50 payable for life 1950 partial pension Eligibility 10 years of signatory service including at least 3 years after December 31, 1970 Monthly amount $250 multiplied by ratio of years of credited signatory service (to the nearest ¼ year) to 20 years. Payable for life. Widow’s  benefit Eligibility Widow of pensioner receiving benefits under this plan at time of death, who was married to the pensioner throughout nine-month period ending on date of pensioner’s  death. Monthly amount $175 payable for life, except payment ceases upon remarriage (Note: In limited circumstances, surviving spouses may be entitled to other survivor benefits in lieu of the above. See next section.) ID PAC-E-14-10 IPUC 34 Attachment IPUC 34 53 of 74 Appendix A - Plan Provisions United Mine Workers of America 1974 Pension Plan July 1, 2014 Actuarial Valuation Page A-15 SUMMARY OF PLAN PROVISIONS 1950 PENSION PLAN (CONT.) Pre-retirement surviving spouse benefit Eligibility One hour of service under the 1950 Pension Plan on or after September 2, 1974 and dies on or after July 1, 2011, but prior to receiving his pension. Monthly amount 50% of the pension that the participant would have received had he elected a pension on the day preceding his death. Payable for life of eligible spouse. Joint and survivor benefit Eligibility One hour of service under the 1950 Pension Plan on or after September 2, 1974 and begins receiving his pension on or after July 1, 2011. Monthly amount In   lieu   of   the   Widow’s   Benefit,   an   actuarially   reduced   benefit of which 50% is payable to the eligible spouse. Lump sum death benefit Eligibility Death of a regular or disabled pensioner on or after February 1, 1991, excluding anyone receiving a deferred vested pension based on less than 20 years of credited service and anyone who is an eligible beneficiary of the UMWA Combined Benefit Fund. Regular pensioners with less than 20 years of credited service who used non- classified service for vesting purposes are not eligible for lump sum death benefits. Lump sum amount $10,000 for the named beneficiary who is the surviving spouse or an eligible dependent, and $8,500 for any other named beneficiary. ID PAC-E-14-10 IPUC 34 Attachment IPUC 34 54 of 74 Appendix A - Plan Provisions United Mine Workers of America 1974 Pension Plan July 1, 2014 Actuarial Valuation Page A-16 HISTORICAL PLAN MODIFICATIONS Deferred vested benefit – special Provisions This benefit was removed for participants who retire under the 2007 or later Agreements because the benefit had become redundant. Special 30-and-out layoff pension Provisions This benefit was removed for participants who retire under the 2007 or later Agreements because the benefit had become redundant. Social security supplement Provisions This benefit was deleted for participants who retire under the 2007 or later Agreements because the benefit had expired by its own terms. Electing Miners Provisions Miners who are active participants may opt out of the plan on or after January 1, 2012. After the opt-out date, Electing Miners will earn service credit for vesting and any early retirement adjustments based on the type of pension benefit, but not signatory or credited service. Electing Miners will be eligible for normal and minimum disability benefits and, if they meet the eligibility requirements, lump sum death benefits. New Inexperienced Miners Provisions New Inexperienced Miners first hired on or after January 1, 2012 will not earn any vesting, signatory, or credited service. New Inexperienced Miners will be eligible for normal and minimum disability benefits and, if they meet the eligibility requirements, lump sum death benefits. ID PAC-E-14-10 IPUC 34 Attachment IPUC 34 55 of 74 Appendix B - Actuarial Assumptions and Methods United Mine Workers of America 1974 Pension Plan July 1, 2014 Actuarial Valuation Page B-1 ACTUARIAL ASSUMPTIONS The following assumptions are used throughout this report except as specifically noted herein. Valuation date July 1, 2014 Interest rates ERISA rate of return used to value liabilities 7.8% per year gross of investment expenses and 7.5% per year net of investment expenses Unfunded vested benefits and ASC 960 accounting 3.47% for 20 years, then 3.64% thereafter Current liability 3.59% (in accordance with Section 431(c)(6) of the Internal Revenue Code) Administrative expenses $25,500,000 per year excluding investment expenses Loading for non-reported vested terminated participants (1950 Plan) Terminated vested liabilities increased by 0.6% Mortality Assumed plan mortality- pre-retirement RP-2000 Mortality Table for Blue Collar Male Employees, set forward 2 years and assumed to improve by .75% per year for 15 years (beginning July 1, 2013) at each age between 55 and 99 - specimen rates shown below for a participant born in 1970: Age Mortality Rate: 25 .0006 .0012 .0020 .0037 .0078 35 45 55 65 ID PAC-E-14-10 IPUC 34 Attachment IPUC 34 56 of 74 Appendix B - Actuarial Assumptions and Methods United Mine Workers of America 1974 Pension Plan July 1, 2014 Actuarial Valuation Page B-2 ACTUARIAL ASSUMPTIONS (CONT.) Assumed plan mortality- post-retirement RP-2000 Mortality Table for Blue Collar Healthy Male Annuitants, set forward 1 year and assumed to improve by .75% per year for 20 years (beginning July 1, 2008) at each age between 55 and 99 - specimen rates shown below for a participant born in 1970: Age Mortality Rate: 55 .0067 65 .0157 75 .0410 85 .1087 95 .2442 Assumed plan mortality- post-disablement RP-2000 Mortality Table for Blue Collar Healthy Male Annuitants, set forward 4 years and assumed to improve by .75% per year for 15 years (beginning July 1, 2013) at each age between 55 and 99 - specimen rates shown below for a participant born in 1970: Age Mortality Rate: 25 .0007 .0013 .0023 .0088 .0218 .0572 .1485 .2949 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 Assumed plan mortality- spouse/widow Unisex Pension 1984 Mortality Table, set back 3 years and assumed to improve by .75% per year for 15 years (beginning July 1, 2013) at each age between 55 and 99 - specimen rates shown below for a spouse born in 1970: Age Mortality Rate: 25 .0012 .0012 .0026 .0061 .0152 .0365 .0859 .1921 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 ID PAC-E-14-10 IPUC 34 Attachment IPUC 34 57 of 74 Appendix B - Actuarial Assumptions and Methods United Mine Workers of America 1974 Pension Plan July 1, 2014 Actuarial Valuation Page B-3 ACTUARIAL ASSUMPTIONS (CONT.) Current liability Separate annuitant and non-annuitant rates based on the RP-2000 Mortality Tables Report developed for males and females as prescribed by Section 431(c)(6) of the Internal Revenue Code. Withdrawal 125% of the Vaughn Table ultimate rates plus 4% Withdrawal Age Rate 20 .273 30 .166 40 .121 50 .096 55 .000 Participants terminating before age 55 with at least 20 years of signatory service are assumed to be permanently laid off. Disability 1.5% per year for ages 20 through 64 Retirement Active lives According to the following schedule: ___Active Participants___ Age Service <30 Years Service  ≥30 Years Vested Terminations 50-53 .00 .13 .00 54 .00 .20 .00 55 .10 .38 .45 56 .07 .34 .19 57 .07 .30 .12 58 .08 .30 .09 59 .09 .30 .06 60 .10 .30 .06 61 .14 .35 .06 62 .40 .70 1.00 63 .30 .45 1.00 64 .60 .30 1.00 65 1.00 1.00 1.00 Resulting in an average expected retirement age of 60.9. ID PAC-E-14-10 IPUC 34 Attachment IPUC 34 58 of 74 Appendix B - Actuarial Assumptions and Methods United Mine Workers of America 1974 Pension Plan July 1, 2014 Actuarial Valuation Page B-4 ACTUARIAL ASSUMPTIONS (CONT.) Future service Participant Category Future Service Active participants who earned a full year of service every calendar year since entry, during the period starting in 1997 1.00 year All other active participants 0.75 year Active Electing Miner and NIMs will earn one Year of Supplemental Pension Contributions for each future calendar year until they enter terminated or retired status. Entry Age Participants with credible past service data: Actual entry age. Category includes participants whose first service credit occurred in 1979 or later at age 45 or younger. Participants without complete past service data: Assumed to enter at age 24 or present age, if younger. Past service Participants with credible past service data: Actual service earned to end of calendar year preceding valuation date plus ½ of the assumed future service for the six-month period ending on the valuation date. Participants without complete past service data: The sum of (a) plus (b) plus (c). (a) ½ of the assumed future service for the six-month period ending on the valuation date. (b) Actual signatory service credits for calendar years 1977 and later. (c) For periods of assumed service prior to 1977, according to the following chart: Participant Category Service Active participants who earned a full year of service every calendar year since entry, during the period starting in 1977 1.00 year All other active and terminated participants 0.85 year Past service is not imputed for New Inexperienced Miners ID PAC-E-14-10 IPUC 34 Attachment IPUC 34 59 of 74 Appendix B - Actuarial Assumptions and Methods United Mine Workers of America 1974 Pension Plan July 1, 2014 Actuarial Valuation Page B-5 ACTUARIAL ASSUMPTIONS (CONT.) Rehire Retired, disabled and terminated participants are assumed to be permanently retired or terminated and not assumed to be rehired. Future hours worked Total plan hours worked the prior plan year, decreasing 3% each year Attained age All participants are assumed to be at least 18 years old. All active participants are assumed to be less than 80 years old. Adjustments were made to the data if participants were reported outside those ranges. (If an active participant is reported younger than 18 years old they are adjusted so that their entry age was 18.) Age of participants with unrecorded birth dates Based on average age of the other participants in the same status category Gender All participants, other than surviving spouses, are assumed to be male Marriage 75% assumed married with the male spouse 3 years older than his wife Inactive vested lives over age 63 Continuing inactive vested participants over age 63 are assumed deceased and are not valued. Section 415 limit assumptions Dollar limit $210,000 per year Assumed form of payment for those limited by Section 415 Qualified joint and 50% survivor annuity Benefits not valued Pre-retirement death benefits following withdrawal and disability for active participants. ID PAC-E-14-10 IPUC 34 Attachment IPUC 34 60 of 74 Appendix B - Actuarial Assumptions and Methods United Mine Workers of America 1974 Pension Plan July 1, 2014 Actuarial Valuation Page B-6 RATIONALE FOR SELECTION OF ACTUARIAL ASSUMPTIONS The non prescribed actuarial assumptions were selected to provide a reasonable long term estimate of developing experience. The assumptions are reviewed annually, including a comparison to actual experience. The following describes our rationale for the selection of each non-prescribed assumption that has a significant effect on the valuation results. ERISA rate of return used to value liabilities Future  rates  of  return  were  modeled  based  on  the  Plan’s   current investment policy asset allocation and composite, long-term capital market assumptions taken from Horizon Actuarial’s  2014  survey  of  investment  consultants. Based on this analysis, we selected a final assumed rate of 7.50%, which we feel is reasonable. This rate may not be appropriate for other purposes such as settlement of liabilities. Mortality Actual mortality rates were last studied for this plan by the prior actuary, using experience from July 1, 2010 through June 30, 2013 for pre-retirement mortality rates and from July 1, 2008 through June 30, 2013 for postretirement, disabled, spouse, and widow mortality rates. The assumed future mortality rates were selected based on the results of this study. Recent plan experience suggests that these retirement rates are reasonable. We will perform a new study once we have a sufficient amount of historical data. Retirement Actual rates of retirement by age were last studied for this plan by the prior actuary, using experience from July 1, 2006 through June 30, 2010 for actives and from July 1, 2005 through June 30, 2010 for vested terminations. The assumed future rates of retirement were selected based on the results of this study. Recent plan experience suggests that these retirement rates are reasonable. We will perform a new study once we have a sufficient amount of historical data. Disability Actual disability rates by age were last studied for this plan by the prior actuary, using experience from July 1, 2004 through June 30, 2010. The assumed future disability rates were selected based on the results of this study. Recent plan experience suggests that these disability rates are reasonable. We will perform a new study once we have a sufficient amount of historical data. ID PAC-E-14-10 IPUC 34 Attachment IPUC 34 61 of 74 Appendix B - Actuarial Assumptions and Methods United Mine Workers of America 1974 Pension Plan July 1, 2014 Actuarial Valuation Page B-7 RATIONALE FOR SELECTION OF ACTUARIAL ASSUMPTIONS (CONT.) Withdrawal Actual rates of withdrawal by age were last studied for this plan by the prior actuary, using experience from July 1, 2005 through June 30, 2010. The assumed future rates of withdrawal were selected based on the results of this study. Recent plan experience suggests that these withdrawal rates are reasonable. We will perform a new study once we have a sufficient amount of historical data. Future hours worked Based on review of recent plan experience adjusted for anticipated future changes in workforce. ID PAC-E-14-10 IPUC 34 Attachment IPUC 34 62 of 74 Appendix B - Actuarial Assumptions and Methods United Mine Workers of America 1974 Pension Plan July 1, 2014 Actuarial Valuation Page B-8 ACTUARIAL ASSUMPTIONS USED FOR PROJECTIONS The assumptions used for the credit balance and funding ratio projections are the same as used throughout the report with the following exceptions. Assumed return on fund assets Current year projections 7.50% (net 0.3% investment expense) Future total hours worked Current year projections 18,491,110 for the plan year ending 2015 with 3% per year reduction thereafter Future normal cost Current year projections 10% reduction per year The 10% reduction is more than the annual hours decline due to the anticipated shift of the active population to NIMs with very limited benefit accrual. Contribution Rate Increases Current year projections None Plan Changes Current year projections None ID PAC-E-14-10 IPUC 34 Attachment IPUC 34 63 of 74 Appendix B - Actuarial Assumptions and Methods United Mine Workers of America 1974 Pension Plan July 1, 2014 Actuarial Valuation Page B-9 ACTUARIAL METHODS Funding method ERISA funding Traditional unit credit cost method, effective July 1, 2009. Population valued Actives Eligible employees with a full or partial year of credited service during the preceding calendar year. Inactive vested Vested participants with no hours worked during the preceding plan year. Retirees Participants and beneficiaries in pay status as of the valuation date. Operational expense The   Plan’s   future   anticipated  operational expenses are valued with a flat dollar load added to normal cost. Asset valuation method Actuarial value Smoothed market value with phase-in effective July 1, 2007.    Each  year’s  gain  (or  loss)  is  spread  over  a  period   of 5 years. The actuarial value is limited to not less than 80% and not more than 120% of the actual market value of assets in any plan year. Unfunded vested benefits For the rolling 5 method, market value is used Pension Relief Act of 2010 10-year smoothing was elected with respect to the loss incurred during the plan year ended in 2009. The 130% cap on actuarial value of assets was elected for the plan year beginning in 2010. ID PAC-E-14-10 IPUC 34 Attachment IPUC 34 64 of 74 Date Established Source of Change in Unfunded Liability Original Amount Original Period Years Months Outstanding Balance Amortization Payment Remaining Period 7/1/2014 7/1/2014 Appendix C - Minimum Funding Amortization Bases United Mine Workers of America 1974 Pension Plan July 1, 2014 Actuarial Valuation Charges 7/1/1976 Intl Unfnd Frz AAL 40 2 0 293,302,240 151,951,7632,096,144,000 7/1/1977 Benefit Increases 40 3 0 8,633,702 3,088,35742,396,000 7/1/1978 Benefit Increases 40 4 0 43,241,814 12,009,861164,492,000 7/1/1979 Benefit Increases 40 5 0 2,381,302 547,5117,492,000 7/1/1980 Benefit Increases 40 6 0 1,209,516 239,7033,262,000 7/1/1985 Benefit Increases 30 1 0 11,897,886 11,897,886149,836,000 7/1/1987 Benefit Increases 30 3 0 11,233,838 4,018,45050,461,000 7/1/1988 Benefit Increases 30 4 0 220,458,546 61,229,543767,523,000 7/1/1989 Assumption Changes 30 5 0 31,873,226 7,328,31391,845,000 7/1/1989 Benefit Increases 30 5 0 58,264,822 13,396,287167,986,000 7/1/1990 Benefit Increases 30 6 0 35,198,856 6,975,75587,508,000 7/1/1991 1950 Assumption Ch 30 7 0 7,617,148 1,337,78618,060,000 7/1/1991 1950 Benefit Incrs 30 7 0 54,688,018 9,604,758129,588,000 7/1/1991 Benefit Increases 30 7 0 129,524,934 22,748,231285,295,000 7/1/1992 1950 Assumption Ch 30 8 0 50,446,088 8,011,638108,079,000 7/1/1993 1950 Asset Transfer 30 9 0 107,084,208 15,616,081210,000,000 7/1/1993 1950 Assumption Ch 30 9 0 44,991,408 6,561,09388,237,000 7/1/1994 1950 Benefit Change 30 10 0 43,969,464 5,958,82179,702,000 7/1/1994 Benefit Increases 30 10 0 187,701,360 25,437,625319,252,000 7/1/1995 1950 Assumption Ch 30 11 0 35,441,406 4,506,74560,136,000 7/1/1995 Assumption Changes 30 11 0 120,507,464 15,323,782192,373,000 7/1/1997 1950 Benefit Change 30 13 0 114,663,626 13,126,500173,833,000 7/1/1997 Benefit Increases 30 13 0 108,026,380 12,366,679155,332,000 7/1/1998 1950 Assumption Ch 30 14 0 24,756,270 2,712,76635,806,000 7/1/1998 Assumption Changes 30 14 0 86,009,308 9,424,810118,380,000 7/1/1998 Benefit Increases 30 14 0 407,364,342 44,638,557560,740,000 7/1/1999 Assumption Changes 30 15 0 3,471,160 365,8034,591,000 7/1/1999 Benefit Increases 30 15 0 35,426,314 3,733,34846,904,000 7/1/2000 1950 Actuarial Loss 15 1 0 487,256 487,2564,801,000 7/1/2000 Benefit Increases 30 16 0 33,645,458 3,423,73543,056,000 7/1/2002 1950 Assumption Ch 30 18 0 11,002,068 1,054,44813,728,000 7/1/2002 1950 Benefit Change 30 18 0 17,808,560 1,706,78822,225,000 7/1/2002 Bnft Incr/Asmp Chg 30 18 0 430,849,650 41,293,014520,163,000 7/1/2003 1950 Assumption Ch 30 19 0 38,875,914 3,631,22447,090,000 7/1/2003 Bnft Incr/Asmp Chg 30 19 0 50,010,576 4,671,26258,888,000 Page C-1 ID PAC-E-14-10 IPUC 34 Attachment IPUC 34 65 of 74 Date Established Source of Change in Unfunded Liability Original Amount Original Period Years Months Outstanding Balance Amortization Payment Remaining Period 7/1/2014 7/1/2014 Appendix C - Minimum Funding Amortization Bases United Mine Workers of America 1974 Pension Plan July 1, 2014 Actuarial Valuation 7/1/2004 1950 Actuarial Loss 15 5 0 11,303,908 2,599,00225,131,000 7/1/2004 Benefit Increases 30 20 0 24,196,788 2,207,92227,854,000 7/1/2005 1950 Assumption Ch 30 21 0 9,321,466 832,68310,645,000 7/1/2005 1950 Plan Change 30 21 0 520,674 46,512596,000 7/1/2005 Benefit Increases 30 21 0 57,568,434 5,142,56864,941,000 7/1/2006 1950 Actuarial Loss 15 7 0 10,593,506 1,860,51817,638,000 7/1/2006 1950 Plan Change 30 22 0 498,036 43,636552,000 7/1/2006 Benefit Increases 30 22 0 56,559,426 4,955,49362,216,000 7/1/2007 1950 Actuarial Loss 15 8 0 1,417,570 225,1332,120,000 7/1/2007 1950 Plan Change 30 23 0 64,955,968 5,591,36670,692,000 7/1/2007 Benefit Increases 30 23 0 461,297,760 39,708,201502,065,000 7/1/2008 Benefit Increases 15 9 0 29,329,146 4,277,06740,344,000 7/1/2009 Benefit Increases 15 10 0 29,152,354 3,950,77937,307,000 7/1/2009 Funding Method Chg 10 5 0 801,503,780 184,282,2841,352,071,000 7/1/2010 Assumption Changes 15 11 0 11,050,578 1,405,19613,283,000 7/1/2010 Benefit Increases 15 11 0 12,897,192 1,640,01315,500,000 7/1/2011 Actuarial Loss 15 12 0 217,199,752 26,120,105247,154,000 7/1/2011 Benefit Increases 15 12 0 12,143,670 1,460,37913,818,000 7/1/2012 Actuarial Loss 15 13 0 205,841,944 23,564,440223,191,000 7/1/2013 Actuarial Loss 15 14 0 38,005,968 4,164,65439,483,000 7/1/2013 Benefit Increases 15 14 0 22,814,792 2,500,02123,701,000 7/1/2014 Assumption 15 15 0 143,059,696 15,076,128143,059,696 Total Charges:5,083,296,536 862,080,279 Page C-2 ID PAC-E-14-10 IPUC 34 Attachment IPUC 34 66 of 74 Date Established Source of Change in Unfunded Liability Original Amount Original Period Years Months Outstanding Balance Amortization Payment Remaining Period 7/1/2014 7/1/2014 Appendix C - Minimum Funding Amortization Bases United Mine Workers of America 1974 Pension Plan July 1, 2014 Actuarial Valuation Credits 7/1/1979 Assumption Changes 40 5 0 3,822,588 878,89212,011,000 7/1/1988 Assumption Changes 30 4 0 132,336,358 36,754,732460,737,000 7/1/1990 1950 Assumption Ch 30 6 0 7,024,248 1,392,07518,772,000 7/1/1991 Assumption Changes 30 7 0 18,268,866 3,208,52840,246,000 7/1/1993 1950 Term. Of Covg 30 9 0 43,968,386 6,411,90686,219,000 7/1/1993 Term. Of Coverage 30 9 0 10,107,328 1,473,95118,492,000 7/1/1994 1950 Assumption Ch 30 10 0 52,202,150 7,074,52994,625,000 7/1/1996 1950 Assumption Ch 30 12 0 8,095,780 973,58612,942,000 7/1/1999 1950 Assumption Ch 30 15 0 22,659,560 2,387,94331,363,000 7/1/2000 1950 Assumption Ch 30 16 0 16,845,906 1,714,22622,441,000 7/1/2000 Assumption Changes 30 16 0 52,852,184 5,378,19767,650,000 7/1/2001 Assumption Changes 30 17 0 3,480,862 343,2294,326,000 7/1/2003 1950 Actuarial Gain 15 4 0 13,186,096 3,662,27035,840,000 7/1/2004 1950 Assumtion Chg 30 20 0 13,845,832 1,263,41216,250,000 7/1/2004 Assumption Changes 30 20 0 109,910,724 10,029,194126,541,000 7/1/2005 1950 Actuarial Gain 15 6 0 6,477,702 1,283,75912,303,000 7/1/2005 Funding Method Chg 10 1 0 26,980,184 26,980,184196,925,000 7/1/2006 1950 Assumption Ch 30 22 0 19,990,432 1,751,47622,227,000 7/1/2006 Funding Method Chg 10 2 0 83,575,184 43,297,987316,469,000 7/1/2007 Funding Method Chg 10 3 0 135,021,656 48,298,518353,477,000 7/1/2007 Funding Method Chg 10 3 0 179,516,106 64,214,602469,970,000 7/1/2008 Assumption Changes 15 9 0 130,966,220 19,098,793180,156,000 7/1/2010 Actuarial Gain 15 11 0 199,254,286 25,337,263239,507,000 7/1/2010 Funding Method Chg 10 6 0 258,905,416 51,310,210376,915,000 7/1/2013 Assumption Changes 15 14 0 71,919,848 7,880,90174,715,000 7/1/2014 Experience 15 15 0 11,423,168 1,203,81311,423,168 7/1/2014 Method 10 10 0 215,359,400 29,185,892215,359,400 Total Credits:1,847,996,470 402,790,068 Page C-3 ID PAC-E-14-10 IPUC 34 Attachment IPUC 34 67 of 74 Date Established Source of Change in Unfunded Liability Original Amount Original Period Years Months Outstanding Balance Amortization Payment Remaining Period 7/1/2014 7/1/2014 Appendix C - Minimum Funding Amortization Bases United Mine Workers of America 1974 Pension Plan July 1, 2014 Actuarial Valuation Net Charges:3,235,300,066 459,290,211 Less Credit Balance: Less Reconciliation Balance: Unfunded Actuarial Liability: 1,444,564,155 0 1,790,735,911 Page C-4 ID PAC-E-14-10 IPUC 34 Attachment IPUC 34 68 of 74 Appendix D – Summary of Endangered and Critical Status Rules United Mine Workers of America 1974 Pension Plan July 1, 2014 Actuarial Valuation Page D-1 RULES FOR ENDANGERED AND CRITICAL STATUS Background The   Pension   Protection   Act   of   2006   (“PPA”),  enacted in August 2006, established special  rules  for  plans  in  “Endangered”  or  “Critical”  status.    These  rules  became effective with the plan year beginning in 2008 and  were  originally  scheduled  to  “sunset”  in  2015. The  Multiemployer  Pension  Reform  Act  of  2014  (“MEPRA”),  enacted  in  December  2014,   made the provisions contained in the PPA permanent. MEPRA also made numerous changes to the PPA rules, including adding a new status for deeply troubled plans: Critical and Declining. Informally,  Critical  Status  is  often  referred  to  as  “red  zone”  and  Endangered  Status  as   “yellow  zone.”    A  plan  that  is  neither  Critical  nor  Endangered  is  said  to  be  “green  zone.” Criteria for Endangered and Critical The table below summarizes the criteria for these categorizations. Projected deficiencies are calculated as of the last day of each plan year and are based on contribution rates codified in bargaining agreements and, if applicable, wage allocations. Critical Status (“Red  Zone”) Endangered Status (“Yellow  Zone”) GETTING IN: Plan is Critical if it is described in one or more of the following: Funded percentage is less than 65%, and, inability to pay benefits and expenses for next 7 years, or Projected funding deficiency (not recognizing extensions) in the current year or next 3 years (next 4 years if funded at less than 65%), or (1) Contributions are less than current year  costs  (i.e.  “normal  cost”)  plus   interest on any unfunded past liabilities, and, (2) value of vested benefits for non- actives is greater than for actives, and, (3) projected funding deficiency (not recognizing extensions) in the current year or next 4 years, or Inability to pay benefits and expenses for next 5 years. Plan is Endangered if it is not Critical and it is described in one of the following: Funded percentage is less than 80%, or Projected funding deficiency in the current year or next 6 years. A non-critical plan that meets both of the preceding criteria is  considered  “Seriously Endangered” A plan that meets one of the two Endangered Status criteria above, but was not in Critical or Endangered for the preceding year, will remain not Critical or Endangered (i.e. it will be in “green  zone”)  provided  it  is  not projected to meet either of the two Endangered Status criteria as of the end of the 10th plan year following the certification year ID PAC-E-14-10 IPUC 34 Attachment IPUC 34 69 of 74 Appendix D – Summary of Endangered and Critical Status Rules United Mine Workers of America 1974 Pension Plan July 1, 2014 Actuarial Valuation Page D-2 RULES FOR ENDANGERED AND CRITICAL STATUS (CONT.) Critical Status (“Red  Zone”) Endangered Status (“Yellow  Zone”) GETTING IN (cont.): A plan with an amortization extension under IRC Section 431(d) or 412(e) that previously emerged from Critical Status in PYB 2015 or later will re-enter Critical Status only if it is described in one of the following: Projected funding deficiency in the current year or next 9 years (including amortization extensions), or, Projected insolvency within the next 30 years GETTING OUT: Plan emerges from Critical Status when it meets all of the following: No longer meets any of the Critical Status tests, and, No projected funding deficiencies in the current year or next 9 years (including amortization extensions), and, No projected insolvencies in the next 30 years A plan with an amortization extension under IRC Section 431(d) or 412(e) emerges from Critical Status when it meets all the following: No projected funding deficiencies in the current year or next 9 years (including amortization extensions), and, No projected insolvencies in the next 30 years Plan emerges from Endangered Status when it no longer meets the requirements to be classified as Endangered or when it enters Critical Status ID PAC-E-14-10 IPUC 34 Attachment IPUC 34 70 of 74 Appendix D – Summary of Endangered and Critical Status Rules United Mine Workers of America 1974 Pension Plan July 1, 2014 Actuarial Valuation Page D-3 RULES FOR ENDANGERED AND CRITICAL STATUS (CONT.) Restrictions for Endangered and Critical Plans The Plan Sponsor of a plan that is in Endangered or Critical status faces a number of restrictions in plan improvements that can be adopted and bargaining agreements that can be accepted. Period Endangered/Critical Restrictions Date of first certification through adoption of funding improvement/rehabilitation plan  (“plan  adoption  period”) No reduction in level of contributions for any participants No suspension of contributions No exclusion of new or younger employees No amendment that increases the liabilities of the plan by reason of any increase in benefits, change in accrual, or change in vesting unless required by law After adoption of a funding improvement/rehabilitation plan until end of funding improvement/rehabilitation period Cannot be amended so as to be inconsistent with funding improvement/rehabilitation plan No amendment that increases benefits, including future accruals, unless actuary certifies as being paid for with contributions not contemplated in funding improvement/ rehabilitation plan and still expected to meet applicable benchmark after considering the amendment Additionally, Critical status plans cannot pay benefits greater than the single life annuity once the initial red zone notice is sent unless the benefit is eligible for automatic cash-out. Critical and Declining Plans Beginning in 2015, plans that are in Critical Status and are projecting insolvency within the next 15 years (20 years in some circumstances) are certified by the actuary as being in “Critical  and  Declining” Status. These plans may have access to new tools that will allow them to reduce many previously-untouchable benefits, including benefits for participants in pay status. However, these expanded benefit reductions require government approval, must not be rejected by a majority of all participants through a vote, and are subject to a number of other requirements and limitations. Selected Other MEPRA Changes (effective with 2015 plan years) Plans projected to be Critical within the next 5 years can elect to be in Critical Status immediately New contribution rate increases required by a funding improvement or rehabilitation plan  are  not  considered  in  calculating  an  employer’s  withdrawal  liability  or  payment   schedule If, upon the expiration of a collective bargaining agreement under a funding improvement or rehabilitation plan, bargaining parties do not adopt a new agreement consistent with an updated schedule, the Plan Sponsor must implement the update to the schedule previously adopted. PBGC premium doubled and indexed PBGC ability to facilitate mergers and partitions expanded ID PAC-E-14-10 IPUC 34 Attachment IPUC 34 71 of 74 Appendix E – Glossary of Common Pension Terms United Mine Workers of America 1974 Pension Plan July 1, 2014 Actuarial Valuation Page E-1 GLOSSARY OF COMMON PENSION TERMS Benefits Accrued Benefit: A benefit that an employee has earned (or accrued) through past participation in the plan. It is the amount payable at normal retirement age. Why it matters: Under the law, Accrued Benefits generally may not be reduced by plan amendment (note that special rules allowing for limited reduction and/or suspension of accrued benefits apply to critical status, critical and declining status and insolvent plans). Actuarial Equivalence: Given a set of actuarial assumptions, when two different sets of payment scenarios have an equal present value. Early Retirement Reduction Factor: A retirement benefit that begins before normal retirement age may be reduced. The plan document defines the amount of the reduction by formula or a table of factors. This reduction may or may not be actuarially equivalent, but its present value can be no less than actuarially equivalent to the benefit payable at normal retirement age. Benefit Crediting (Accrual) Rate: A general reference to the calculation of the amount of monthly retirement benefit earned per dollar contributed or per year or hour worked. Assets Market Value of Assets: The market value of all assets in the fund including on an accrued, not cash basis (matching the plan audit). Actuarial Value of Assets: The amount of assets recognized for actuarial valuation purposes. Recent changes in market value may be partially recognized (there are variations allowed on the exact recognition). Generally the actuarial value is limited to not be less than 80% or more than 120% of the market value. Why   it   matters:   Many   funding   calculations   use   this   “smoothed”   asset   value   method to lessen the impact of volatility in the market value of plan assets. Assumed Rate of Return: Long term assumption of the rate of return on assets based upon the diversification mix of invested assets. Why it matters: This assumption is used in calculating the present values discussed in the Liabilities section below. The Assumed Rate of Return has an inverse relationship with plan liabilities. In other words, a lower Assumed Rate of Return increases liabilities, while a higher Assumed Rate of Return decreases plan Liabilities. ID PAC-E-14-10 IPUC 34 Attachment IPUC 34 72 of 74 Appendix E – Glossary of Common Pension Terms United Mine Workers of America 1974 Pension Plan July 1, 2014 Actuarial Valuation Page E-2 GLOSSARY OF COMMON PENSION TERMS (CONT.) Liabilities Present Value of Accrued Benefits: The discounted value of benefit payments due in the future but based only on the current Accrued Benefits of each participant. The value is based on actuarial assumptions including an assumed rate of investment return. Why it matters: This liability is one  of  the  primary  factors  in  determining  a  plan’s   annual PPA funded status (see Funded Ratio). Present Value of Vested Benefits: The discounted value of Accrued Benefits that are considered vested (non-forfeitable). Benefits that are not vested include those of participants who have not satisfied the plan vesting requirement (usually five years of service). In addition under the law some death and temporary disability benefits are also considered non-vested regardless of service because they are not considered protected benefits. Why   it   matters:   This   liability   is   the   primary   driver   of   a   plan’s   Employer   Withdrawal Liability. Actuarial (Accrued) Liability: For inactive members this is the same as the Present Value of Accrued Benefits above. For active members this depends on the cost method selected by the actuary. Under the accrued benefit or traditional unit credit cost method this is also the same as the Present Value of Accrued Benefits. Under other cost methods (including most commonly entry age normal) this represents an alternate allocation of projected benefit cost over the working lifetime of active members. Under the entry age normal cost method, the active Actuarial Liability is larger than the Present Value of Accrued Benefits. Unfunded Actuarial Liability: The Actuarial Liability less the Actuarial Value of Assets. Current Liability: This is similar to the Present Value of Accrued Benefits, but uses a statutory, significantly lower, interest rate (equivalent to an expected rate of return on a bond only-type portfolio) and statutory mortality tables. The lower interest rate means that Current Liability tends to be significantly higher than the Present Value of Accrued Benefits. This number has very little impact on multiemployer plans. Normal Cost: The present value of all benefits that are expected to accrue or to be earned under the plan during the plan year. The way in which a benefit is considered to be earned varies with the actuarial cost method. ID PAC-E-14-10 IPUC 34 Attachment IPUC 34 73 of 74 Appendix E – Glossary of Common Pension Terms United Mine Workers of America 1974 Pension Plan July 1, 2014 Actuarial Valuation Page E-3 GLOSSARY OF COMMON PENSION TERMS (CONT.) Funding Funded Ratio (Funded Percentage): Present Value of Accrued Benefits divided by the Actuarial Value of Assets. This is one of two key measures used to determine a plan’s  annual  PPA  funded  status.  This  may  also  be  referred  to  as  PPA  Funded  Ratio.     This must be greater than 80% to avoid endangered status. Credit Balance: The accumulated excess of actual contributions over legally required minimum contributions as maintained in the funding standard account. The funding standard account is maintained by the actuary in the valuation process and reported annually in schedule MB to the Form 5500 filing. Accumulated Funding Deficiency: A negative credit balance, indicating an excess of total charges to the funding standard account over the total credits to such account. Prior to PPA, an accumulated funding deficiency caused an immediate excise tax (waiver under PPA if certain conditions are met). After PPA, a current or projected funding deficiency is one of the two main criteria used in determining the annual PPA status. It can eventually trigger an excise tax levied on contributing employers. Funding Period: The  estimated  number  of  years  it  would  take  to  pay  off  the  Plan’s   unfunded liabilities (and be 100% funded). This calculation is based on the entry age normal liability basis. This is determined by taking the excess of expected contributions over expected normal cost and comparing it to the unfunded entry age accrued liability. This is a good single measure of plan health that looks at both current levels of funding and future expectations. It is also a good indicator of the level of risk the plan is taking in funding its future benefits. Withdrawal Liability Unfunded Vested Benefits (UVB): Present Value of Vested Benefits less the value of plan assets determined on either an actuarial or market value basis. The selection of asset measurement is part of the withdrawal liability method of the Plan. Employer Withdrawal Liability (EWL): An employer that withdraws from a multiemployer plan is liable for its proportionate share of Unfunded Vested Benefits, determined as of the date of withdrawal. ID PAC-E-14-10 IPUC 34 Attachment IPUC 34 74 of 74