HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150210PAC to Staff 22.pdfROCKY MOUNTAIN Rgmk" ?015 f[B l0 fi${ l0: 2h tl: ,l:',i.,. February 10, 2015 '':: ti-ifl't i;- ir' i' i'i: -i;l:r. ; '': Jean Jewell Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472W. Washington Boise,ID 83702-5918 i eanj ewell@puc.idaho. gov (C) Nei[ Price Neil.prise@ouc. idaho. gov (C) RE: ID PAC-E-14-10 IPUC Data Reque st (17 -22) Please find enclosed Rocky Mountain Power's Response to IPUC Data Request22. The response to IPUC 22 will be provided separately. Provided electronically is Attachment IPUC 22. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at (801) 22A-2963. Sincerely, a-" T.d [4r*t4+r^ fur--o^.--. J. Ted Weston Manager, Regulation Enclosures 201 Soudr Main, Sulte 2300 Salt Lake City, Utah 84lll PAC-E- I 4- 1 O/Rocky Mountain Power February 10,20i5 IPUC Data Request 22 IPUC Data Request1? Please provide a listing of all costs related to the transaction that have been recognized to date including a description and the associated dollar amounts. Response to IPUC Data Request22 Please refer to Attachment IPUC 22 for the joumal entries recorded on PacifiCorp's books in December 2014 related to the Deer Creek Mine closure, withdrawal from the 1974 Pension Trust, and pending sale of various mining assets (e.g., coal preparation, substation, warehouse). Entries for the retiree medical settlement loss and transfer of plan assets to the UMWA and for the pending sale of the coal leases at Fossil Rock Fuels have not been recorded to date. Recordholder: Doug Stuver Sponsor: Doug Stuver tD PAC-E-14-10 IPUC22 Ertd6 b M &r k Cdl Sn. Odm, Mtrht Adn Sdq lrta P6do Tn r *llMeil .d Oer. C'an AA eilnb @ dhil.t (,\.!dAbhtu.d) G Cd. W a4t tlP A..lur UtFdd 1,. Tldng l)@kXlala.d6: Attachment IPUC 22 L kdlYkcr-l.*hhr.srrtq.6tlffi lbEol RcB.crlm lb&2 R€serlm I8@5 f,q Bsrlm lm6 R.g ssrlW l&&l R4wrlm I E660, &r !*tlM 145218 PPdMohl@ 14620E PP&EdA6hlm 140216 PPS;6r6!nl@ l402lE PPAE @t6nrlm 148908 CWP@hlm lM?Ja Ps&I.firil &o 20ta AwNldd &@i.ia sd.hdiadd,A@muhddoFrrio md edatfi Pr@y, pidl nd.$ipB6r Profy, plmr s!.+ipBqt bndohF@rhfidid in p.sr. k didc. - d [u.l .F* Ik al4 Pllry, plxrrd.ryipqrtuiodo htllsi Udadplor i. de (hi6l.)hnc pl&rii i@ie (idtusbl.) Cdrheo d0 FryB- Udi.P'clilrryury ud inEtipio Srry.t AdBulrrd ryirio h d.pddo dddi unliq phnt A@m!l.td Fdno b ffiaud! dold.(orillyphirehul.rd r{id6 fcdry@.do d.ld.ic u{hry pl6l bdd.td pEdro tu oddaio dGld utihy plml Eldd. c&rin degd.il&r i. de C6n&do d in f@r - Es,c Pmlininq u^qed hsnr$td ch{F Ok r.eLt@ ud! hrhdto wt io tsqrcL. Ad.Ekn. ddlii d6hrhcriodUpl,r.Ddic dB opil46E! hEMrhddrdqh$!6 Adrrcbd@@nFi.r &.@1.1ry !t*t AoruLd rdno fd &Fi&o doleE lnls plurqb &H din- ohilt piriqt Ok E&l.rqu*Eldcpl&tio d6 baul.rd ryin6 fd &Feidor doldc untrry plettuoul.rd Flao tu &rid6 dcMic oilry pldr ernuLd rir6 lqdqd.e of .ldctdiiryphi turyl.q6s Pldr nrdrd (@ig $ppliq Oh,.cphq!s A6trrdEbbfM rddlmFis bE Flblc 6 {crd @pid turylqsEe AenE EdtdE 6d .dtid ryrsMehororoid .lsd hbili&r Aller! tsFblc o.id.dIfipiq tucphqu* lt2l7@ t88700 I t23r$ !t2J7@ t&3?u) 18417@ [21?nlu?m l82l?0 1623?Nlu?@ tE2370 426r@rgt@ IE23?N 1823?&[2!r@ l&l7m {XSM l82l7oo rh (:5ll$) lEa?@2ru 465@ lE?@ tBro 188?m 2J3!m t8x?ml!8?@ 250,57t t.43 I 4.454 I.611 170 l2l l?0.t28 2.t53 29J?' 3tll l6l4 rM 15'08lM t&0 I@0 ti'oElmo t&8t0 ftd ry*-E.budnadr 2.lm IMtru 1,!0s uto IMt@ &d A'd fldd fo ${.ldiBmt.il &nirg ed SdalE68ll k'erIt68lJ R.tNll!0218 PPd6ht4s08 csPom 10.456 6l \tniJt4n ,.I2xt Fud @E-rc Sodaho,r kofsd.r - d 6.1'Fr. R4B&t.dh etrylrys*h t0tr16 6t 2@ 4 201 a 2050 20$ t@ t@ tM l@ t@ t@t@tmlm lmIM IM IMlm i l@l@ l@lm twIN ,0$ 20r0 a5c l@ tmtm ts820 t45258 aol?o l&88 r 2?&@ JtI08 tM@ lr59l t42J8 2t8S t&917 ,t5108lsMo rrhui.i l9a P6dd TMHIHl,d Urullq lt7@ UC aR.l rWNddMr 289JIt(trnhO ondrfh-Mdin!fto! wird 6bd.L 4 rpplid irimbt nd FFtd rrydd€ R.t.et tu @hry.etrc ,? d Plon&pNdoGl dt Frd lxp+E&tuat tu didi-dl tu.|eF* Rqccl.qlh Obcel.&ry8*B wdrd ffiO .er .d aRo Fld.et dr.Bq .' d u .dld No [.Bq &D!ld&?ciilo sd trdidio P.@9 rl&r -d sirqr Rq L6 - hNI cdr. Minine kd@d PPe &D ' hovi SFc AenuLd &Fd.nd dd .ffiu,nd PP&E tD - to!@i end bBrlrtd &pd.t6 ud .rdaE 0.lryFEdd6Mr &drd6-cdtudop$Rlgr*lsm & E$l.lqrq Pd6 6[9d6 -dcr &bu h dslq. d tu.I.ry* k 20t. k mt4 h 2cra uojat ll0,68l 9.9!0 l08mt@M1N@ 4165@ llaT@ IIBlN lu7@It8?mtur@ 4It@ ta?@ I EITM2!m 426m I32J?M 36 t868!5l&86 IWt381' 5t10El&0 t&830 20t219 t,5t08 l36m ls8r3 201219 15t08 t86M J_t,2 &.rus9t|ffibllMdwld 6d.d ldL tuddhprrytl&tg rcrRdNMc d. 2l I U9 (?nfrq) frq kydl USili!P.'dl d ba.6b ..@rlt2lttlo(d$a) Mdi&ffi;Gl]dE-re Prydlsdh.SBecd!,te la3r@2gw a&5@ IBlM ],Bt Ed@Frc.MoltMt kdd.'-dtucl.Ft. Rq.ffih Sdrsl.qr6 t@IM 2rilftGrn&d ^lddsEfu*P.rNll 0d b{.6[ ds crrof $lq-ol6.l.F-&dqF+E.h&'6r Attach IPUC22 page 1 of 2 tD PAC-E-14-10 IPUC22 kddiffi br hprb tud dFcmiludotMl tudRF9E.hbMl tu.FlE.&a6l cd ddd - od fud .F& Dtutu6e!@lqdhfdedillgEsluliryDfdMinatrElibihy Drdtuoary$kdE(dl&li'dE*luliq cd ddli . d to.I eFrc hd6da-dhCrya kdidB.dfrdryx MdddruFli6 I (t,512)PEttWE 3 (ql) ftrytl,plutodryiFan $ (26t,e3,Adoul.dd@frdsdlM, $ 11.09 ffiil@ S (6,110) Nryl.be $ (m) oh.r Eglrylr*k g 194:qstrM &6 I Et.72 hydl rd b.[r .dr s (3,a37)Poi66liES6-& t (110,68D Minirg ryn6 ' LT S 427qdd..md t ssMlailnh J 0r3.I5) Cd dd6-d fr.l.,Mrc 271q7 & ryhqu6(&fdd hdn. !B) m l0.ls Mh€oTuPqn@-h mLPPff Pom' (rm.r4) Aftachment IPUCZ.? ,,03r ! ,,t87 I M,t5J I 10.6E I ----l5gi- sJ?rtL99\ n,r92 Llmtm tmlm l@ t@l@ tmtm ,,tmIMlm r6639 Jt5 t6 l&3m 426tm lul@28lm 282 tm 126rruIgrru a26m lul?@aftmlg7@ 15r08l8@,,0t lro${F-ndd RCBINW ML281@5 mL t?l@U5rot rkdhdF*lr@ ilL 5lrl08 tud qp$.E.bodo'nor 186&0 R€.*t.6b AdllriltbdhMddEd.E d alolm/aloll@ &Hi..m6urWE(to5llr)2&r& mmsh@(ros u5) 2,979 \919 J,038 Ilt 1,t30l.Bl tilt 66ryhq.r4 qh.rryhry *b tuc4hiryld lcdy.diM Bhqrc. F Mq 194 koTd R4krrdnthl l9r4 hdo Tdd&plry .s h 1974 P6dq Tds hh.SEffirhlu td.@-tuW T& i*fird8h b tud d@ fil CMPIdpfr cH 3 (0) Attach l?UC22 page 2 of 2