HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150203PAC to Staff 1-16.pdfROCKYMOUNTAIN :.r"ii';: .' ! Bp,IFn* - ' -' ?tii f [B -3 Pl{ 3: 53 llt.' '.- ', February 3,2015 rili! lTi-r ilt''i' l' :':'itli' Jean Jewell Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472W. Washington Boise,ID 83702-5918 jean j ewell@puc.idaho. gov (C) Neil Price Neil.price@Buc. idaho. gov (C) 201 South Main, Suite 2300 Salt Lake City, Utah 841 I I RE: ID PAC-E-14-10 IPUC Data Request (l-16) Please find enclosed Rocky Mountain Power's Responses to IPUC Data Requests 1-16, excluding 2,5 and 16. The remaining responses will be provided separately. Also provided are Attachments IPUC I and 3. Provided on the enclosed Confidential CD is Confidential Attachment IPUC 4. Confidential information is provided subject to the terms and conditions of the protective agreement in this proceeding. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at (801) 220-2963. Sincerely, I d'.-f'rcl fue4 fu^",1 /,,r**-- J. Ted Weston Manager, Regulation Enclosures PAC-E-14-1 0/Rocky Mountain Power February 3,24$ IPUC Data Request 1 IPUC Data Request I Please provide an itemized breakdown of Net Power Cost (NPC) for the 2015 ECAM deferral period for the Hunter and Huntington plants separating cost associated with this Application (Deer Creek Mine) for each plant from other costs not associated'*'ith the Application. For the Application related costs, identi$, the costs that will be ongoing, eliminated, and I or added in the future. Please include all worksheets with formulas intact. Response to IPUC Data Request I fhe Company assumes the question seeks information for the 2015 ECAM Application, which includes the deferral period December 2013 through November 2014 for which the Company requested recovery of its costs. F'or this deferral period, no impacts related to the Deer Creek Mine Application were included as part of net power costs in either the Hunter or Huntington plants. Notwithstanding this response, please refer to Attachment IPUC 1, which provides Hunter and Huntington consumed tons and dollars by month for the period covered by the 2015 ECAM Application. Coal supplies are received into coal inventory at each plant by supplier and source. A weighted average price per ton of coal inventory at the plant is calculated and used to record the cost of coal consumed at the plant. Consumed coal tons and dollars by specific coal supply is not available. Please refer to the Company's response to IPUC Data Request 2, which provides continuing Deer Creek Mine related costs in the Application. Recordholder: Brian Dickman / Jeff Potter Sponsor: Doug Stuver PAC-E- 14-1 0lRocky Mountain Power February 3,2015 IPUC Data Request 3 IPUC Data Request 3 Please provide the historical actual burn rates (MMBtu's of coal consumed per MWh produced) for the Huntington and Hunter plants over the past l2 months. Response to IPUC Data Request 3 Please refer to Attachment IPUC 3. Recordholder: Greg Hunter Sponsor: Doug Stuver PAC-E-I4- I 0/Rocky Mountain Power February 3,2015 IPUC Data Request 4 IPUC Data Request 4 Please provide all of the cost assumptions and worksheets (with formula's intact) used to perform the Present Value Revenue Requirement analysis included in Exhibit No. 6 of witness Crane's testimony. Response to IPUC Data Request 4 Please refer to Confidential Attachment IPUC 4. Confidential information is provided subject to the terms and conditions of the protective agreement in this proceeding. Recordholder: Brad Davis Sponsor: Cindy Crane PAC-E- 1 4- 1 OiRocky Mountain Power February 3,2015 IPUC Data Request 6 IPUC Data Request 6 Please explain why the Company's proposed calculation of NPC difference multiplies the base-to-actual weighted-average cost per MMBtu difference times the "total MMBTU consumed for the two plants included in base net power costs" instead of actual total MMBtu consumed for the two plants. (See Crane, Di, Page 25,lines 19-23 and Page26,lines 1-3), Response to IPUC Data Request 6 The Company's proposed calculation of the net power costs Q.{PC) difference attributable to the transaction takes the difference in weighted-average dollars per million British thermal units ($/IvIMBtu) between base and actual NPC for Hunter and Huntington Plants, i.e., the price variance, and multiplies this by MMBtu consumed at Hunter and Huntington in the base period; this calculation isolates the impact of the Transaction on fuel costs in the Energy Cost Adjustment Mechanism (ECAM). Under the Company's proposal, because these impacts result from the Transaction, which produces net benefits, they should not be subject to the ECAM sharing band. Volume-related variances, on the other hand, are unrelated to the Transaction and the Company is not opposed to these being subject to the sharing band. Recordholder: Steve McDougal Sponsor: Doug Stuver PAC-E-I 4- I O/Rocky Mountain Power February 3,2015 IPUC Data Request 7 IPUC Data Request 7 Please explain how the NPC Defenal calculation of "Incremental CostslBenefits of Fueling Costs related to the Transaction" shown in Cindy Crane's testimony differs from how the NPC Deferral is calculated using the IPUC authorized methodology in the ECAM. Please illustrate using an example. (See Crane, Di, PageZl,lines 19-23 and Page 26, lines 1-3). Response to IPUC Data Request 7 The principal difference from the current Energy Cost Adjustment Mechanism (ECAM) calculation is that Hunter and Huntington plant fuel cost calculations need to be carved out separately from the remainder of the ECAM calculation to determine the incremental fuel costs at these plants zol subject to sharing bands. The incremental fuel cost calculation for Hunter and Huntington as described in Ms. Crane's testimony is calculated in dollars per million British thermal unit ($AvlMBtu), whereas other ECAM calculations are based on dollars per megawatt-hour ($AvIWh). The units will be converted to be consistent in the carve-out calculation. Not all fuel cost differences at Hunter and Huntington are necessarily attributable to the Deer Creek closure; such differences are limited to the price differences attributable to the closure and replacement coal supply agreements (CSA). Other diftbrences including volume differences at these plants will impact the ECAM but will not be picked up in the carve-out calculation described above; to the extent such diftbrences exist, they will still be subject to sharing bands. Recordholder: Steve McDougal Sponsor: Doug Stuver PAC-E- 1 4- I 0/Rocky Mountain Power February 3,2015 IPUC Data Request 8 IPUC Data Request 8 Please explain the reason(s) and/or dependency(s) for the Trail Mountain Mine being part of the "Transaction". Response to IPUC Data Request 8 The Trail Mountain Mine assets hold value as a strategic location. The assets provide possible access to the coal reserves ofthe Fossil Rock Coal Leases. Recordholder: Cindy Crane Sponsor: Cindy Crane PAC-E- 14-1 0/Rocky Mountain Power February 3,2015 IPUC Data Request 9 IPUC Data Request 9 Please explain the dependency of the Retiree Medical Obligation Settlement to the overall "Transaction." Is the settlement of this cost obligation dependent upon any further action by the Company? Response to IPUC Data Request 9 Settlement of the retiree medical obligation is not dependent on the overall Transaction; however, settlement of the retiree medical obligation would not have occumed without early closure of the Deer Creek Mine. In the most recent labor settlement, the Company was successful in reaching the retiree medical settlement because the union was aware of the Company's intent to pursue a sale of the Deer Creek mine, or closure in the event the Company's efforts to sell were unsuccessful. Without the union's awareness of the Company's intentions, the Company does not believe it would have been able to settle its retiree medical obligation. During the preceding unsuccessful labor contract negotiations, the Company was unable to alter the level of retiree medical benefits provided. Settlement of the retiree medical obligation is not dependent on any further action by the Company other than to transfer $150 million to the union in accordance with the memorandum of understanding (MOU). Recordholder: Cindy Crane Sponsor: Cindy Crane PAC-E- I 4- I 0/Rocky Mountain Power February 3,2015 IPUC Data Request 10 IPUC Data Request 10 How did the Company ensure that asset prices in the Asset Purchase Agreements (APA's) are the highest the Company could obtain? Was there a competitive bidding process for example? Please describe the methods used and provide documentation showing the results, including bids by interested parties. Response to IPUC Data Request 10 The Company reached out to several parties who expressed some interest in the Company's mining assets. Please refer to two Berkshire Hathaway Energy (BHE) Board presentations made in April 2013 and October 2013. BHE Board presentations are highly confidential but may be made available for review on the Company's premises. Please contact Ted Weston at (801) 220-2963 to make necessary arrangements for review. Recordholder: CindyCrane Sponsor: Cindy Crane PAC-E- 14- 1 O/Rocky Mountain Power February 3,2015 IPUC Data Request 11 IPUC Data Request 11 Is the Company seeking a determination of prudency for the Coal Supply Agreements (CSAs)? If so, is the request for a determination of prudency compelled by Bowie or by the Company, and u,hy? Response to IPUC Data Request 11 The new Coal Supply Agreements (CSA) are part of the closure of the Deer Creek Mine for which the Company is seeking approval. The Company is requesting a determination of prudency so that it may recover these costs in rates. Recordholder: N/A Sponsor: N/A PAC-E- 14-1 0/Rocky Mountain Power February 3,2015 IPUC Data Request 12 IPUC Data Request 12 Please explain how the Company is ensuring that the Bowie contracted coal prices in the CSAs are least cost and least risk compared to other coal fueling strategies (e.g., market) or contracts with other coal suppliers (e.g., competitive bidding process). Please describe the methods used and provide documentation showing the results, including any bids by interested parties. Response to IPUC Data Request 12 The Bowie coal supply agreement (CSA) delivered coal pricing to the Fluntington plant is below Energy Ventures Analysis (EVA) forecasted market prices for Utah coal during the time period of the CSA. The risk profile for the Company associated with the Bowie CSA has changed. Before the CSA, the Huntington plant's coal supply was dependent upon one mine and one longwall mining machine. With the CSA, Bowie can provide coal from any of its three different mining operations in Utah. The supply risk profile has changed by having more supply sources available. Additionally, Bowie has the right to provide "substitute" coal from other approved coal supply sources in the region, Recordholder: Brad Davis Sponsor: Cindy Crane PAC-E- I 4- I 0/Rocky Mountain Power February 3,2015 IPUC Data Request 13 IPUC Data Request 13 Did the Company investigate CSAs with shorter or longer contract terms with prospective coal suppliers? If so, please provide documentation between the parties demonstrating that it was investigated and outlining the terms. Response to IPUC Data Request 13 The Company had internal discussions regarding the proper length of the contract term. A shorter contract term would have potentially subjected the Company to the risk of higher coal market pricing. The forecasted higher coal pricing relates to a decline in the total tons being mined in Utah. With the closure of Deer Creek and other mining operations that are nearing depletion, the estimated total coal production is declining. A longer contract term potentially exposes the Company to more risk and uncertainty surrounding future govemmental environmental regulation. Recordholder: Brad Davis Sponsor: Cindy Crane PAC-E- 14- 1 0iRocky Mountain Power February 3,2015 IPUC Data Request 14 IPUC Data Request 14 Please explain how the Company evaluated the risks and fadeoffs associated with CSAs of varying contract term lengths. Please provide the analysis. Response to IPUC Data Request 14 Please refer to the Company's response to IPUC Data Request 13. Recordholder: Brad Davis Sponsor: Cindy Crane PAC-E-14-1 0/Rocky Mountain Power February 3,2015 IPUC Data Request 15 IPUC Data Request 15 In case of scaled back operation at the Huntington Plant due to environmental regulations, the Right of First Refusal language in the CSA may require PacifiCorp to take delivery of coal from Bowie for open positions of coal at the Company's other Utah Plants. Please describe the feasibility of transporting coal to the Company's other plants and an estimated quantification of additional cost using comparable current cost estimates. Response to IPUC Data Request 15 The process of transporting coal to the Company's other Utah plants resulting from scaled back operations at the Huntington plant due to environmental regulations is highly feasible. There is adequate trucking capacity and healthy competition among the various trucking companies conducting business in the region. There may or may not be added costs in the form of transporting the coal to other Utah plants. This depends upon the mine sourcing location of the coal. Truck transportation rates are determined and influenced by the total miles calculated between the point of origin and loading and the final destination and delivery point. Depending upon the specific coal source(s), the actual mileage for transporting coal could actually be less than the mileage determined for a specific coal source distance to the Huntington plant. Recordholder: Brad Davis Sponsor: Cindy Crane oo(o roo- t-F(orf (D.rtr (, ol\foNO) <ri odoott- trr\F++rr, (\I(Y) (\l !f(o(r) o,(o- (\t-o()olt(', (\t ti (v, ct roGr(D =OGrF OIOrdot dd!lOOGO dl\ci (,t $ 6i ccoo9-q, -qri 9.E o .9.ts =cc EcEo=5 af fOII FII @T\*(Do_ g)_ F@co t\(r- o_(ot\ e)oo(oF- @-oI o)otoN- O_tr) ro C)-ttN(o d, @ c\i<(,(r) sl o*\t\loo,d<.t(ot\ C4' (\T @Nol c)g)- lo-c) (\tlo l',q 'o-(\t o) oc, 8- 8_U)-ON@t\dd to-C)f\- (\1_(\t roolr)\ c"-ol o, to(o\t(\j +d c.ttJ)+ro(ociJ o oot(uo. OIO) sioO\t ro(Y,e)c) <ro)dat cli dNr Ost(\I F._ 6t C\r@o F(v) rO(OtalcD rt -CD O+Jcri ut<ri6to (\l(')(o- cD- (\t NNO) (Y)t olr)O- O-@- \ (\r- (o_(v)t 1O-cto @oF- @- (') (\l t@ Otr) O\trtrD N+CD- (D-++ dd(')6) (\r-o-\ ('r 6rat@ e)(o F--(\l N@- (q @_ cD- lllF 6Cn(\t(o N(v)or- st_ (, (\tc)o (t, (Y, r t-o@ (V)o -- (D- r- (D- -U) (\l@(o6t (DN -- (D- (v) (\l sfO 2il5 tEB -3 Pg l: Str uI iilfri\id'dto u'iu *' * n xp,x 6l olo-s(,(0 o3g coEEo6E o $ lrjo-{ rro-5oo- lD PAC-E-14-10 IPUC 3 Attachment IPUC 3 ldaho Docket PAC-E-14-10 Unit Net Heat Rate Btu/kWh Attachment IPUC 3 11 e^t-rUI'i,L.?F! ts r'i-'l1.f*'/''- ?fl15 fm -3 PH 3: St+ Hunter uTrJ1dit[Hir;r*uil;st*is 11,530 LL,7A6 10,055 10,165 L0,289 10,381 LO,437 LO,32L 1o,259 10,181 10,344 1o,127 Huntington Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Nov-14 Dec-14 9,787 9,87L 10,450 10,540 70,377 10,083 9,945 LO,204 LO,464 10,571 lo,49l 10,245 Attach IPUC 3 (2).xlsx Page t of 1