HomeMy WebLinkAbout20141001PAC to Staff Attach 6.5.pdf Proposal name in bottom right of each page 5 Home Energy Savings 2013 Tactical Plan For Internal Audiences Only February 15, 2012 ID PAC-E-14-07 IPUC 6 Attachment IPUC 6-5 1 of 31 Table of Contents 1. 2013 Situational Analysis ....................................................................................................................... 1 External Analysis ................................................................................................................................................. 1 Internal Analysis .................................................................................................................................................. 1 2. 2013 Tactical Plan Summary ................................................................................................................. 3 2013 Goals........................................................................................................................................................... 3 2013 Strategies .................................................................................................................................................... 3 New Areas of Focus to Increase Savings ............................................................................................................ 3 3. 2013 Tactics, Deliverables, and Metrics ................................................................................................ 6 Client Management .............................................................................................................................................. 6 Operations ........................................................................................................................................................... 9 Business Intelligence ......................................................................................................................................... 15 Engineering ........................................................................................................................................................ 16 Marketing ........................................................................................................................................................... 18 Channel Management ....................................................................................................................................... 22 Outreach ............................................................................................................................................................ 27 ID PAC-E-14-07 IPUC 6 Attachment IPUC 6-5 2 of 31 Presented by PECI 2013 – 2014 Home Energy Savings Strategic Plan | Page 1 1. 2013 Situational Analysis External Analysis The most immediate concern of the HES program is that lighting savings will be dropping dramatically over the next 3 years. The easy savings provided by CFL lighting will eventually go away, necessitating a monumental shift in focus this year to aggressively begin replacing lost lighting savings with other energy savings. Further, residential energy efficiency programs have matured at the same time cost pressures have gone up. In parallel, baselines for energy efficiency measures are up too, resulting in lower energy efficiency savings through standard products. The easily obtainable, cost-effective savings offered by measures like the appliance program will go away as baseline standards increase, creating smaller savings. Finally, PECI has not been able to meet all the contract (quality, compliance, and savings) deliverables over the past two years that were expected. This created discord and distrust with the client in 2012, and substantial delivery and budget chaos internally. That said, the PacifiCorp team did extensive work to respond to these issues throughout last year, including preparing for and making a strong showing during the program audit. The client noticed the extensive strides made in improving delivery, which help rebuild trust. The team continues to work with diligence to ensure PacifiCorp’s contract and core business needs are met, focusing on delivering a strong 2013 result and a contract extension for 2014. Internal Analysis The goals set in the 2011-2013 PacifiCorp HES contract were based on assumptions that ultimately have not come to fruition, thereby making the savings expected unachievable and the budget insufficient to meet contract parameters. Further, retainage was overly weighted towards non-lighting savings, and the program did not align resources and strategies to this necessary shift. Lastly, the rigidity of what energy savings can be counted and how and where money can be spent limits the team’s ability to always take the smartest steps to achieve savings. Fortunately there is opportunity in developing a new contract for 2014 to address the above issues that have impacted PECI’s ability to meet PacifiCorp’s needs. Historically, the residential practice has also suffered from a lack of systems that support implementation automation, leading to extensive manual work and data access and quality challenges. This has impacted every aspect of the PacifiCorp business from time tracking to project management to invoicing and rebate processing to customer service to team communication. With PECI and the residential practice prioritizing systems in 2013, the intent is to have some basic systems in place by mid to late year, for example RPS improvements, check request processing, and work towards the KWYS replacement. If completed by mid-year, they may however be enough to prove to the client PECI’s ability to continuously improve delivery and provide them the confidence needed to extend the contract through 2014. For PacifiCorp, the work of defining the functions, the expertise needed, and the output expected that has started and will continue in 2013 in order to meet PacifiCorp’s information and expertise needs follows.  Work was done to create a new Business Intelligence team to uncover, organize, and cleanup program data, create a forecasting methodology to improve accuracy, and provide tools to report in a meaningful, user-friendly way. More development is needed in these areas, as well as developing progressively more knowledge on the markets we work in and on the data available about what opportunities exist across the program (locales, stakeholders, measures, etc) and the best way and time to go about approaching them. This function was not originally budgeted in the contract yet is critical to the program’s success; further, the client is very excited and supportive of focus in this area. More budget has been assigned to this area than last year.  Prior to 2012, Engineering was not prioritized as a core part of the PacifiCorp program. Due to the issues facing the program and the fundamental need for technical insight and direction to address them, they became proactively involved in measure maintenance, measure development, and tariff ID PAC-E-14-07 IPUC 6 Attachment IPUC 6-5 3 of 31 2013 Home Energy Savings Tactical Plan | Page 2 management activities in 2012 (all previously undefined areas). Substantial work is expected from the client by this team in 2013 – focused on measure management and tariff development – so allocating budget while managing expectations will be key.  During 2012, an Operations function was formed at the practice level and is beginning to collaborate with the PacifiCorp (program) level. The intent will be to have one point of contact in the program to work with the larger Operations team, optimizing activities to ensure quality, efficiency, and cost- effectiveness across the program. This includes forecasting and reporting, budget / invoice management, knowledge management, and partnering with the larger Operations team to implement incentive processing and call center management, and systems and tools development. Role definition and resource needs are still a work in progress.  To date, a true Channel Management group has not existed. The importance of understanding all the different players and partners who can support and drive savings for the program is fundamental to success in 2013 and beyond. In 2012, initial work was done to develop a clearer retail strategy and in defining efforts to improve retail key account relationships, but this just scratches the surface. In 2013, work will be done to develop out this function across all key stakeholders – manufacturers, distributors, retailers, trade allies, builders, associations, and other key partners – developing a consistent protocol for approaching, engaging, and managing those relationships, strategies for each channel, prioritizing tier 1 contacts, etc. It will take some time to set this up, and budget is very limited to do so, but once in place should impact savings opportunities substantially.  Marketing has been an area of success with the client this past 18 months due to the relationship mending and overall upleveling done in late 2010 and 2011 to meet client expectations. Continued focus will be made to leverage previous marketing work done for programs, optimize existing external work, develop foundational, templatized solutions for easier cross-program use, and further results tracking to assess ROI. Further, with the support of a holistic program strategic plan that states program goals and integrated strategies, marketing will be able to provide a unified communication theme/ messaging matrix for the program’s audiences, and foundation sales / educational materials to be used across the program. Much of this will be foundational work completed in the first two quarters and should be able to be used for the long-term through 2015 and beyond.  During 2012, a formal Outreach function was created with an assigned lead. While some initial progress was made, 2013 will be a year to increase savings by enhancing and optimizing Outreach efforts. This group will work closely with marketing and channel management to provide a more focused, professional, intentional approach that should be able to increase savings through partnership. It will also be the first time quantitative goals will be provided to each field staff member that equate to a set number of kwh savings.  Historically many aspects of the work above have been held within the Client Management team. As the function model is integrated across the practice, PacifiCorp’s Client Management team will shift to become a more traditional leadership hub, with oversight for all goals and strategic direction, but empowering the functions to more fully own and be accountable for their tactical approach and output. This transition is a work in progress – ensuring the right work is handed off to the right people, team expectations match function resources available and tactical decisions properly align across groups to best meet the goals – with the risk being the functions are not yet structured or resourced sufficiently to take on the entire load desired. That the PacifiCorp team had been able to rebuild the client’s confidence by the end of 2012 at the same time substantial program mishaps occurred is a testament to the herculean effort made by the implementation team ID PAC-E-14-07 IPUC 6 Attachment IPUC 6-5 4 of 31 2013 Home Energy Savings Tactical Plan | Page 3 and managers who worked to reconfigure how the program is functioning. It is not clear at this point whether PacifiCorp’s initial willingness to extend the business through 2014 will manifest, but what has become clear to PECI’s executives, residential leads, and the PacifiCorp team is that the business must be run differently in order to succeed. Following is a summary of how the program will be tactically implemented so that the ship can continue to turn in the right direction to meet the client and company goals for success. 2. 2013 Tactical Plan Summary 2013 Goals The PacifiCorp program has set internal kWh savings for 2013, intending on making up the balance in future years. The nonlighting program goals will be 50% of the contract goal, except for in Washington where the missed savings from 2012 will be made up, along with the 2013 contract savings goals. Non-Lighting Contract Goal Non-lighting Revised Goal Lighting Goal Total estimated for 2013 CA 799,637 600,000 1,637,555 2,237,555 ID 2,280,643 1,250,000 1,179,638 2,429,638 UT 25,121,288 12,560,644 80,798,365 93,359,009 WA 4,253,196 6,174,558 5,220,523 11,395,081 WY 2,566,260 1,283,130 6,089,870 7,373,000 Total kWh 35,021,024 21,868,332 94,925,951 116,794,283 2013 Strategies These four strategies articulate where resources and program efforts / activities will be concentrated in order to meet program goals most efficiently and effectively. Strategy #1: Provide Proactive Technical Management Evolve data integrity, analysis, and operations of measure and tariff management, providing thought leadership, strategic recommendations, and proactive measure and product management to increase savings. Strategy #2: Enhance Recruitment, Education, and Support to Build Long-Term Relationships Strengthen how we recruit, educate, and support program participants, cultivating a spirit of partnership and community to improve customer’s homes, strengthen partner’s businesses, and capture energy savings. Strategy #3: Leverage the Network to Scale and Optimize Efforts Strengthen alignment and partnership externally across market participants and internally across PacifiCorp’s suite of energy efficiency programs and partners, leveraging activities, optimizing budget, and increasing focus and effectiveness. Strategy #4: Optimize Program Operations to Increase Efficiency and Effectiveness Prioritize operational excellence, continuing to build out a program foundation that operationalizes optimization and continuous improvement across the program’s structure, systems, processes, and communications. New Areas of Focus to Increase Savings In 2013, PECI will work with PacifiCorp to proactively assess and implement new cost-effective, scalable tactics that use the market to its full advantage. While these efforts will include previously successful as well as new lighting savings efforts (onboarding new lighting manufacturers, bringing back stores with fewer than 90% PacifiCorp customers, developing eCommerce partnerships, looking for non-traditional methods to sell lightbulbs, etc), prioritization will be on new non-lighting savings solutions that shift the program’s focus in order to replace the upcoming lost lighting savings. ID PAC-E-14-07 IPUC 6 Attachment IPUC 6-5 5 of 31 2013 Home Energy Savings Tactical Plan | Page 4 Based on the analysis of non-lighting measures done during strategic planning, an opportunity to prioritize duct sealing and insulation and attic insulation was revealed, as these two provide 50% of savings. In fact, 94% of the savings in 2012 came from a small number of measures: duct sealing and insulation; attic insulation; wall insulation; evaporative cooler premium; evaporative cooler replacement, and evaporative cooler permanently installed; fixtures; refrigerators; and windows. 2013’s focus will be on a whole home approach that pushes weatherization, duct sealing and insulation, and variations of high efficiency heating and cooling equipment (similar to the Super Bundle incentive in Idaho and Utah). We will focus on a house as a system / “biggest- bang-for-your-buck” story that provides improved education of stakeholders and a pathway for repeat participation that achieve high savings. Listed below is a summary of new efforts to be taken in 2013. They are broken into three categories: new avenues to achieve savings, existing avenues that can be further leveraged, and operational areas where we can be smarter and more efficient. Create new avenues to achieve savings With PacifiCorp’s support, PECI will assess, propose and implement approved new ways to acquire savings. Cross-Program  Shift who is getting incented, looking to mid- and up-stream distributors and manufacturers to drive savings instead of customers  Uplevel channel management approach across the program, including new homes.  Assess and develop out distributor channel  Assess collaborative allocation w/ neighboring utilities; determine which are open to partnerships  Develop new partnerships with national retailers, e.g. Walmart and Kmart, and partnerships through Western Region Utility Network (WRUN) Lighting  Assess stores that have lower than 90% customer rates  Increase retail channel opportunities by establishing one or more eCommerce partnerships  Define opportunities to sell bulbs through non-traditional methods (GE pop up stands, school programs, etc)  Assess how LEDs are addressed in the market and define ways to push more through the program  Onboard new lighting manufacturers Non-Lighting  Define multi-family market strategy by state and implement  Implement ID/UT "clean up" and WA tariff program activities  Facilitate PacifiCorp alignment opportunities to increase savings (e.g. Solar program)  Lay foundation for whole-home approach, leading to super energy efficient homes  Evaluate and deliver emerging technology / new measures  Drive behavior-based savings into program  Develop proposal for inspectors to do in-home surveys Leverage existing avenues to achieve savings Cross-Program  Create efficiency and improve effectiveness and opportunity through program communications o Align program communications under one theme to deepen education and create re- engagement hook ID PAC-E-14-07 IPUC 6 Attachment IPUC 6-5 6 of 31 2013 Home Energy Savings Tactical Plan | Page 5 o Develop templatized, audience-centric program and measure messaging (description and benefits) under program positioning; once created, it can be used across all outward-facing materials and communications, improving consistency and increasing efficiency o Develop promotion and engagement efforts based on a prioritized measure schedule o Assess communication material/activities value and streamline to increase efficiency and effectiveness  Improve education and training for program partners on HES program and measure benefits o Develop master and modular PPT (static and animated) providing audience-customized education pieces / sales tools o Uplevel industry-required training to program partners o Provide relevant one-sheet sales tools to program partners o Increase / provide builder-relevant content  Increase value and support to program partners o Provide activity/performance reports that support business growth o Improve ease of incentive application usability and submission o Hire Merchandising Reps to outsource POP installation and maintain compliance, freeing up field staff to deepen relationships and grow account opportunities o Increase support to “small independents”  Leverage existing efforts and/or partner to take advantage of other market stakeholders efforts o Align better regionally with retail partners o Continue to leverage PacifiCorp communication efforts o Strengthen partnerships with existing national retailers o Increase presence in-stores, e.g. end caps and other proven tactics Lighting  Streamline in-store lighting materials  No longer fund lighting-based marketing, advertising, or promotions, focusing these resources on non- lighting efforts Non-Lighting  Target recruitment towards multi-franchise contractors selling high quantity of HES measures  Develop year-long trade ally contest to drive increased sales of prioritized measures each quarter  Develop plan for leveraging contractor measures in-store  Increase customer communities’ access to participating contractors  Increase awareness of the HES program’s New Home incentives with builder associations  Develop data-driven re-engagement communications for recent and/or past participants Get smarter and better in doing our work Expand program data capture and analysis to increase quality, efficiency, and alignment  Improve forecast accuracy  Understand market penetration to develop strategy and design tactics  Uplevel methodology for measure selection / savings impact  Define and track program metrics  Increase market / audience targeting to enhance engagement ID PAC-E-14-07 IPUC 6 Attachment IPUC 6-5 7 of 31 2013 Home Energy Savings Tactical Plan | Page 6 Increase program systems, tools, and automation to increase quality, efficiency, and alignment  iPads distributed to field staff  RPS improvements  Incentive processing improvements  (Enterprise) online rebate processing solution  (Enterprise) data warehouse implemented  (HES website overhaul / moved to CMS?) Evolve program structure and roles to increase quality, efficiency, and alignment  Move lighting outside of client management into a cross-practice service.  Develop channel management structure and protocol  Improve outreach structure and resourcing strategy  Have strategic planner provide annual and quarterly planning support Evolve program planning to increase quality, efficiency, and alignment  Hold monthly face-to-face client meetings to improve program alignment  Identify key metrics across functions and track for 2014 planning  Set up foundation policies, processes, templates, and communications in Stakeholder Management, Marketing, and Outreach in Q1  Formalize quarterly strategic plan check-ins  Formalize an annual strategic discussion and SWOT analysis with PacifiCorp  Use the strategic/tactical plan to track progress against and to help stay focused and aligned Evolve program processes to increase quality, efficiency, and alignment  Develop retail infrastructure maps for top 10 in UT  Ensure function-based insights are shared monthly across the team  Place all partner accounts into a tiered model  Assign quantifiable metrics to each function  Create a program-wide task tracker overseen by Implementation Manager  Improve development ease, quality, and value of monthly client report 3. 2013 Tactics, Deliverables, and Metrics Client Management TACTIC 1: Provide excellent client management that leads to a contract extension b0y providing solutions and value, ensuring promises are kept, sharing information regularly, and pushing back diplomatically as necessary to keep the program and client successful Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4  Accurate 2012 annual reports delivered  Revised goals for 2013 approved by client  Client meetings (weekly 1 on 1 / monthly team)  Client meetings (weekly 1 on 1 / monthly team)  Monthly report / metrics  Quarterly plan summary  Client / program SWOT in prep for 2014 planning  Win contract extension  Client meetings (weekly 1 on 1 / monthly team)  Monthly report / metrics  Deliver 2-year strategic plan, with 2014 tactical priorities  Client meetings (weekly 1 on 1 / monthly team)  Monthly report / metrics ID PAC-E-14-07 IPUC 6 Attachment IPUC 6-5 8 of 31 2013 Home Energy Savings Tactical Plan | Page 7  Monthly report / metrics  Quarterly plan summary  Quarterly plan summary  Quarterly plan summary TACTIC 2: Provide program leadership, direction, and communication across all program functions, ensuring strategic alignment, operational excellence, staff development, and issue resolution Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4  Define UES data ownership and process  Define tariff oversight and process  Complete existing tariff audits  Get Channel Mgmt team and plan in place  Lighting leadership, roles, and staff assigned  Finalize channel/outreach needs and guide optimization of marketing plan  Identify expectations, needs, and process for how new requests / opportunities are raised, discussed (trade-offs), and decided on  Staff annual performance reviews  Hold regular leadership meetings  Ongoing cross-program alignment and issue resolution  Hire, train, and oversee program staff  Hold regular leadership meetings  Ensure ongoing cross- program alignment and issue resolution  Hire, train, and oversee program staff  Staff mid-year performance reviews  Hold regular leadership meetings  Ensure ongoing cross- program alignment and issue resolution  Hire, train, and oversee program staff  Hold regular leadership meetings  Ensure ongoing cross- program alignment and issue resolution  Hire, train, and oversee program staff TACTIC 3: Assess the market and new strategic opportunities to shift program design towards non- lighting solutions as well as increasing overall program savings Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4  Showerhead approach proposed for approval  Add ecommerce as a channel approved  Propose revisions for 3  Showerhead approach proposal approved  First distributors brought onto the program  Collaborative allocation  Financing options assessed/developed  Propose revisions for 1 tariff  Ongoing identification of  Financing options proposed for approval  Ongoing identification of other leverage points to increase savings ID PAC-E-14-07 IPUC 6 Attachment IPUC 6-5 9 of 31 2013 Home Energy Savings Tactical Plan | Page 8 tariffs (ID, UT, WA)  1-2 new methods for selling light bulbs defined  Mid-market approach developed  Confirm distributor plan of attack  Confirm new builder plan of attack model proposed and approved  Propose revisions for 1 tariff  1-2 new methods for selling light bulbs presented for approval  Inspector home surveys proposed and approved  Mid-market approach proposed for approval  Ongoing identification of other leverage points to increase savings  Multifamily cross- functional plan confirmed other leverage points to increase savings TACTIC 4: Facilitate cross-group tactical alignment across task priorities and implementation, ensuring quality, efficient delivery that meets savings goals Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4  Attain quarterly savings goals  Contract compliance as relates to savings  Ongoing cross-functional tactical alignment (priorities and implementation) and issue resolution  Program task alignment (bi-weekly)  Program team meeting (monthly)  Program talking points and initiative focus provided (monthly)  Metrics tracked and shared out (quarterly)  Process manuals up-to- date (quarterly)  Implement new initiatives (TBD)  Content for supplemental technical worksheets  Manual, applications and  Attain quarterly savings goals  Contract compliance as relates to savings  Ongoing cross-functional tactical alignment (priorities and implementation) and issue resolution  Program task alignment (bi-weekly)  Program team meeting (monthly)  Program talking points and initiative focus provided (monthly)  Metrics tracked and shared out (quarterly)  Process manuals up-to- date (quarterly)  Implement new initiatives (TBD)  Content for supplemental technical worksheets  Manual, applications and  Attain quarterly savings goals  Contract compliance as relates to savings  Ongoing cross-functional tactical alignment (priorities and implementation) and issue resolution  Program task alignment (bi-weekly)  Program team meeting (monthly)  Program talking points and initiative focus provided (monthly)  Metrics tracked and shared out (quarterly)  Process manuals up-to- date (quarterly)  Implement new initiatives (TBD)  Content for supplemental technical worksheets  Manual, applications and  Attain quarterly savings goals  Contract compliance as relates to savings  Ongoing cross-functional tactical alignment (priorities and implementation) and issue resolution  Program task alignment (bi-weekly)  Program team meeting (monthly)  Program talking points and initiative focus provided (monthly)  Metrics tracked and shared out (quarterly)  Process manuals up-to- date (quarterly)  Implement new initiatives (TBD)  Content for supplemental technical worksheets  Manual, applications and ID PAC-E-14-07 IPUC 6 Attachment IPUC 6-5 10 of 31 2013 Home Energy Savings Tactical Plan | Page 9 worksheet updates worksheet updates worksheet updates worksheet updates TACTIC 5: Facilitate strategic and tactical planning, monitoring, and realignment across program functions, ensuring client expectations and market realities are aligned with program priorities Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4  2013 tactical plan and timeline confirmed  Function metrics and insights defined  Tactical plan tracking process  Q1 tactical summary /successes  Q2-4 tactical review, revisions, and cross- team alignment  Update tactical plan documents  Q2 tactical summary /successes  Q3-4 tactical review, revisions, and cross- team alignment  Update tactical plan documents  Q3 tactical summary /successes  Q4 tactical review, revisions, and cross- team alignment  Update tactical plan documents  Gather all program analysis for 2014 planning (BI)  Assimilate insights and trends in prep for 2014 planning (leads)  Document cross-team SWOT in prep for 2014 planning  Define program goals and strategic priorities, functional expectations, communication plan, and schedule (SPM)  Q4 tactical summary /successes  Facilitate / develop 2- year strategic plan  Confirm function metrics and insights  Facilitate 2014 tactical plan development  Identify 2014 quarterly planning schedule dates Client Management Metrics  Contract vs. forecast vs. actual kWh savings  Budget percent spent (labor and directs)  Number of redeemed measures by state  New strategic solutions approved / implemented  Signed contract extension  Percentage of quarterly deliverables completed  Number of ad hoc requests (client/internal)  New/improved processes  New/improved communications  New/improved systems/tools  Quarterly planning completed (y/n) Operations TACTIC 1: Ensure high quality, accurate and timely data and client reports, while continuously looking for ways to improve program efficiencies Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 ID PAC-E-14-07 IPUC 6 Attachment IPUC 6-5 11 of 31 2013 Home Energy Savings Tactical Plan | Page 10  Streamline client report content and process w/ BI (monthly / quarterly approach)  Develop reporting tools (e.g. Tableau, Salesforce)  Define reporting standards (e.g. what each team should provide, metrics, narrative)  Define reporting processes (e.g. development, upload process, etc)  Staff training on new report approach  Oversight and collaboration with BI for forecast / reporting efficiencies  Weekly, monthly and quarterly audits  Client monthly report  Client quarterly report  Forecast timely delivery  Compliance oversight for program operations  Synch Sprocket to Tableau dashboard  Internal / client ad-hoc requests  Explore and propose forecast / reporting process efficiencies across program  Integrate KWYS into reporting software (Salesforce)  Weekly, monthly and quarterly audits  Client monthly report  Client quarterly report  Forecast timely delivery  Compliance oversight for program operations  Synch Sprocket to Tableau dashboard  Internal / client ad-hoc requests  Program audit oversight (if requested)  Explore and propose forecast / reporting process efficiencies across program  Develop glossary, define metrics and set policies for reporting (Salesforce)  Staff training on new data reporting structure, processes and reporting  Revise annual report related to monthly report update; automate thru systems  Weekly, monthly and quarterly audits  Client monthly report  Client quarterly report  Forecast timely delivery  Compliance oversight for program operations  Synch Sprocket to Tableau dashboard  Internal / client ad-hoc requests  Program audit oversight (if requested)  Weekly, monthly and quarterly audits  Client monthly report  Client quarterly report  Forecast timely delivery  Compliance oversight for program operations  Synch Sprocket to Tableau dashboard  Internal / client ad-hoc requests  Program audit oversight (if requested) TACTIC 2: Ensure quarterly and annual budgets align to program goals and tactics while improving transparency, quality control, and efficiency for budgets and invoicing Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4  Allocate expenses based on tactics and priorities. Monitor - ongoing  Automate current invoicing process  Transition invoicing to accounting  Enhance delivery and provide regular updates on budget and savings  Strengthen program budget development, oversight and economic forecasting  Allocate expenses based on tactics and priorities. Monitor  Provide regular updates on budget and savings status to the team  Allocate expenses based on tactics and priorities. Monitor - ongoing  Initiate 2014 budget  Provide regular updates on budget and savings status to the team  Monitor and QC incentive invoices  Allocate expenses based on tactics and priorities. Monitor - ongoing  Complete 2014 budget  Provide regular updates on budget and savings status to the team  Monitor and QC incentive invoices ID PAC-E-14-07 IPUC 6 Attachment IPUC 6-5 12 of 31 2013 Home Energy Savings Tactical Plan | Page 11 status to the team  Monitor and QC incentive invoices  Review and approve monthly client invoices  Move invoicing to Mondays to create efficiencies  Development of standard cross-program budget tracker  Monitor and QC incentive invoices  Review and approve monthly client invoices  Explore and propose budget / invoice process efficiencies across program; confirm plan  Review and approve monthly client invoices  Review and approve monthly client invoices TACTIC 3: Provide incentive processing and customer support excellence for existing and new program measures while overseeing transition efforts to increase automation Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4  Define IPC process for new measure and educate client team  Update complaint resolution procedure  Import retail customer data  Test retail data imports for accuracy  Set processing guidelines with NBS and ensure implementation of retail apps  Update retail process docs to reflect application transition and NBS processes  Create and propose efficiencies plan resulting from NBS  Update staffing as needed related to NBS changes  Support ADG with testing of ongoing KWYS enhancements and release modules  Meet with Facilities RE: workspace optimization and implement plan  Work with IT to get multiple phone lines set  Test PTS, track fixes and 'wish list' for phase II, and launch.  Update complaint resolution procedure  Coordinate with NBS to transition contractor applications and test data imports  Test contractor data imports for accuracy  Coordinate contractor application changes impacting the database  Set processing guidelines with NBS and ensure implementation of contractor apps  Update contractor process docs to reflect application transition and NBS processes  Review check payment process and propose efficiencies; agree to plan and deliverables  Support ADG with testing of ongoing KWYS enhancements and release modules  Approach marketing RE: CS scripts to improve  Facilitate PTS Phase II, in coordination with ADG and test  Update complaint resolution procedure  Launch complete contractor application entry with NBS  Implement approved check payment process efficiencies  Support ADG with testing of ongoing KWYS enhancements and release modules  Support Marketing to assess 2014 materials refresh needs  Partner with team to launch online processing  Monitor online processing impact to IPC staff/data processing  Provide input on tariff changes, application revisions, and other IPC- relevant changes  Partner with client mgmt and rest of team in preparation for new measures  Launch PTS phase II  Support Marketing to assess / implement 2014 materials refresh needs  Update complaint resolution procedure  Monitor contractor application imports - monitor for efficiencies  Monitor check expedition process, resolve problems, review for efficiencies, provide summary by end of Q4  Support ADG with testing of ongoing KWYS enhancements and release modules  Monitor online processing impact to IPC staff/data processing  Provide input on tariff changes, application revisions, and other IPC- relevant changes  Partner with client mgmt and rest of team in preparation for new measures  Provide fulfillment for incentives (w/in 45 day), ID PAC-E-14-07 IPUC 6 Attachment IPUC 6-5 13 of 31 2013 Home Energy Savings Tactical Plan | Page 12  Evaluate automation options for approving high efficiency gas furnaces; confirm plan and resources  Work with IT to explore alternative messaging to answer customer inquiries prior to ring through to IPC  Assess additional manual processes that can be automated; prioritize, present, and agree to rest of year plan  Update process docs to include clothes washer recycling or comparable new measure  Provide fulfillment for incentives (w/in 45 day), mailings, and material requests  Review PTS tickets w/ ADG, update timeline, and begin testing  Lead training review on existing measures and new program info (quarterly)  Partner with client mgmt and rest of team in preparation for new measures  Review staffing levels and address changes as necessary  Provide input on tariff changes, application revisions, and other IPC- relevant changes  Maintain call center hotline  Maintain CRM system for all customer inquiries  Maintain phone response time (30 seconds/call)  Evaluate and support customer service experience and upsell  Develop, test and implement Q2 automation improvements  Partner with client mgmt and rest of team in preparation for new measures  Provide fulfillment for incentives (w/in 45 day), mailings, and material requests  Provide input on tariff changes, application revisions, and other IPC- relevant changes  Lead training review on existing measures and new program info (quarterly)  Maintain call center hotline  Maintain CRM system for all customer inquiries  Maintain phone response time (30 seconds/call)  Ad-hoc project requests (TBD)  Provide fulfillment for incentives (w/in 45 day), mailings, and material requests  Provide input on tariff changes, application revisions, and other IPC- relevant projects / changes  Lead training review on existing measures and new program info (quarterly)  Maintain call center hotline  Maintain CRM system for all customer inquiries  Maintain phone response time (30 seconds/call)  Ad-hoc project requests (TBD) mailings, and material requests  Lead training review on existing measures and new program info (quarterly)  Maintain call center hotline  Maintain CRM system for all customer inquiries  Maintain phone response time (30 seconds/call)  Ad-hoc project requests (TBD) ID PAC-E-14-07 IPUC 6 Attachment IPUC 6-5 14 of 31 2013 Home Energy Savings Tactical Plan | Page 13 requests to move other processing activities into IPC (as requested)  Ad-hoc project requests (TBD) TACTIC 4: Develop, enhance, and/or support systems and tools that automate processes, enhance capabilities, or improve ease of use and information transparency Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4  Work with ADG to ensure program needs are met in the Enterprise platform plan (esp. regarding incentive processing)  Efficiency improvements for online applications  Support ongoing KWYS enhancements (contractor apps, NBS)  Integrate unique systems (Primo & KWYS): ID/UT tariff completion, RPS launch completed  RPS improvements: PacifiCorp + Tacoma scope/requirements, design  Incentive invoice processing: finish requirements, design  Misc. Sprocket enhancemts requested by Client Mgmt  KWYS Replacement: design and develop (TBD - as defined in enterprise plan in Q1)  Incentive invoice processing: develop, launch  Check request processing: finish requirements, design, develop, launch  Reporting Enhancemts scope/ requirements, determine make or buy  RPS improvements: PacifiCorp + Tacoma development, launch  Measure Mgmt enhancemt requirements, design, develop  Misc. Sprocket enhancemts requested by Client Mgmt  KWYS Replacement: design and develop (TBD - as defined in enterprise plan in Q1)  Reporting enhancemts design, develop, launch  Work with Engineering and ADG to integrate Technical Reference Database info into Sprocket (assuming approval in Q2)  Forecasting enhancements: design, develop, launch  Misc. Sprocket enhancemts requested by Client Mgmt  Enterprise Data Warehouse  Work with Engineering and ADG to integrate Technical Reference Database info into Sprocket (assuming approval in Q2)  RPS enhancements: design, develop, launch  Misc. Sprocket enhancemts requested by Client Mgmt TACTIC 5: Provide operations program leadership by defining operations strategic direction, improving the function’s strategy, structure, processes, and communications, and continuous ensuring cross- team alignment, operational excellence, and client satisfaction Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4  Restructure / update implementation manual  Track and ensure operations contract compliance  Maintain implementation manual  Confidentiality training (revised for improved employee training)  Maintain implementation manual  New employee training developed  Track and ensure  Maintain implementation manual  Track and ensure operations contract compliance ID PAC-E-14-07 IPUC 6 Attachment IPUC 6-5 15 of 31 2013 Home Energy Savings Tactical Plan | Page 14  Oversee audit tasks and annual audit (as necessary)  Develop and manage program calendar  Develop and manage LOOP space  Lead Q1 Ops strategic review / metrics summary  Lead Q2-4 Ops tactical plan revision  Provide input on 2014 contract  Assess and facilitate improved cross-team information sharing RE: Ops and the larger team  Ops lead for weekly leadership meeting  Ops lead for monthly program meeting  Ops lead for monthly client meeting  Hire, train, manage, and develop operations staff (as necessary)  Oversee Ops resource management; set and manage labor and directs budget  Track and ensure operations contract compliance  Oversee audit tasks and annual audit (as necessary)  Manage program calendar  Manage LOOP space  Q2 Ops strategic review / metrics summary  Q3-4 Ops tactical plan revision  Provide input on 2014 contract  Weekly leadership meeting  Monthly program meeting  Monthly client meeting  Hire, train, manage, and develop operations staff (as necessary)  Oversee Ops resource management; set and manage labor and directs budget operations contract compliance  Oversee audit tasks and annual audit (as necessary)  Manage program calendar  Manage LOOP space  Q3 Ops strategic review / metrics summary  Q4 Ops tactical plan revision  Ops SWOT and 2014 strategic plan assessmt  Weekly leadership meeting  Monthly program meeting  Monthly client meeting  Hire, train, manage, and develop operations staff (as necessary)  Oversee Ops resource management; set and manage labor and directs budget  Oversee audit tasks and annual audit (as necessary)  Manage program calendar  Manage LOOP space  Q4 Ops strategic review / metrics summary  2014 Ops tactical plan revision  2014 Ops strategic / tactical plan development  Weekly leadership meeting  Monthly program meeting  Monthly client meeting  Hire, train, manage, and develop operations staff (as necessary)  Oversee Ops resource management; set and manage labor and directs budget Operations Metrics  Number of applications received, by category  Number of applications processed  Number of applications missing info  Number of nonqualified applications  Number of duplicate records  Average incentive amount per application  Age of applications  Incentive dollars spent / savings  Payments within 45 days  Payments within 90 days  Percentage of calls answered within 30 seconds  Number of calls  Number of ad hoc requests (client/internal)  Percentage of quarterly deliverables completed  New/improved processes ID PAC-E-14-07 IPUC 6 Attachment IPUC 6-5 16 of 31 2013 Home Energy Savings Tactical Plan | Page 15  New/improved communications  New/improved systems/tools Business Intelligence TACTIC 1: Improve quarterly forecasts to a +/- 10% variance Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4  Forecast +/-10% (quarterly)  Analysis and explanation if not within +/- 10% variance (quarterly)  Retainage planning  5 state economic forecast  Forecast +/-10% (quarterly)  Analysis and explanation if not within +/- 10% variance (quarterly)  Retainage update  Develop application- based unit forecast by month  Forecast +/-10% (quarterly)  Analysis and explanation if not within +/- 10% variance (quarterly)  Forecast +/-10% (quarterly)  Analysis and explanation if not within +/- 10% variance (quarterly) TACTIC 2: Enhance reporting for monthly client reports, application processing, and call volume Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4  Enhanced, iPad-friendly monthly Executive Dashboard using Tableau  Partner to define metrics for each function; agree which BI will track  Collaborate on client report (monthly)  Create internal dashboard to incorporate lighting, non- lighting, and function metrics tracking  Function metrics reported (which TBD)  Collaborate on client report (monthly)  Function metrics reported (which TBD)  Collaborate on client report (monthly)  Function metrics reported (which TBD)  Collaborate on client report (monthly) TACTIC 3: Uplevel market, measure, customer, and data analysis to increase awareness, participation, re-engagement and satisfaction Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4  Weatherization and insulation penetration analysis  Facilitate discussion on what info needed for key measures and who is accountable for delivering what info to who; agree to quarterly deliverables across groups  Product lifecycle analysis (TBD on new boss capabilities)  Database target analysis for customer acquisition of highlighted products  Move-in date correlation analysis (how predictive a recent move is)  Store analysis for lowered allocation lighting strategy  Energy path modeling /  Present target analysis data for acquisition and develop acquisition plan with Mktg/Outreach  Present retention / reactivation data and develop retention / reactivation plan with Mktg/Outreach  Program partner survey data analysis  Other analysis TBD based on info needs and  Restructure Salesforce fields to make analysis easier  RSAT savings allocation (annually)  Other analysis TBD based on info needs and priorities from Q1 discussion ID PAC-E-14-07 IPUC 6 Attachment IPUC 6-5 17 of 31 2013 Home Energy Savings Tactical Plan | Page 16 probabilistic decision tree (nonlighting)  Other analysis TBD based on info needs and priorities from Q1 discussion priorities from Q1 discussion TACTIC 4: Provide business intelligence leadership and staff direction, ensuring team operational excellence, efficiency, alignment, and issue resolution across the program and with the client Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4  BI insights shared (monthly)  BI metrics shared (quarterly)  Contract renegotiation prep / analysis (if necessary)  Quarterly tactical plan and budget realignment  BI insights shared (monthly)  BI metrics shared (quarterly)  Contract renegotiation prep / analysis (if necessary)  Quarterly tactical plan and budget realignment  Develop pilot / test for 2014  BI insights shared (monthly)  BI metrics shared (quarterly)  Analysis in prep for 2014 strategic planning  Quarterly tactical plan and budget realignment  BI insights shared (monthly)  BI metrics shared (quarterly)  Develop 2014 BI strategic and tactical plans Business Intelligence Metrics  Forecast accuracy (+/-x%)  Number of new customers / kWh savings  Number of new multifamily / kWh savings)  Number of returning customers / kWh savings  Number of returning multifamily / kWh savings  Number of bundles sold / kWh savings  New analytic tools or methodologies implemented or improved  Number of ad hoc requests (client/internal)  Percentage of quarterly deliverables completed  New/improved processes  New/improved communications  New/improved systems/tools Engineering TACTIC 1: Ensure existing measure standards, specs, and analysis are maintained and upgraded to support program goals and federal regulations Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4  Measure spec and analysis quarterly update  Evaluate and ensure access to MMDS  Complete TRD spreadsheet population and determine Sprocket integration plan  Measure spec and  Measure spec and analysis quarterly update  Analysis of market factors affecting  Test TRD spreadsheet integration into Sprocket (TBD)  Measure spec and analysis quarterly ID PAC-E-14-07 IPUC 6 Attachment IPUC 6-5 18 of 31 2013 Home Energy Savings Tactical Plan | Page 17 analysis quarterly update  Analysis of market factors affecting measure update  Evaluate and ensure access to MMDS measure update  Evaluate and ensure access to MMDS update  Analysis of market factors affecting measure update  Evaluate and ensure access to MMDS TACTIC 2: Shift HES program design towards non-lighting solutions by laying a foundation for a whole- home approach that leads to super energy efficient homes, emerging technologies and new measures, and integrating behavior-based savings into the program Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4  Define BBEE program approach and identify potential strategic partners  Multifamily methodology developed  Develop a case for a new measure  Provide emerging technology updates  Whole home proposal developed  Whole home proposal presented  Multifamily analysis implemented  Bundling proposal presented; next steps agreed  Present and get approval for BBEE evaluation methodology  Propose BBEE pilot to client  Present case for a new measure to client  Provide emerging technology updates  Launch BBEE pilot  Develop a case for a new measure  Reanalyze home electronics  Finalize whole home approach  Provide emerging technology updates  Evaluate BBEE pilot  Present a case for a new measure to the client  Provide updated recommendations for home electronics  Get whole home approach approved  Provide emerging technology updates TACTIC 3: Facilitate tariff development and delivery, providing technical leadership and client management Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4  Lead definition and content creation of CA and WA measure development  Provide ad hoc support to client on regulatory issues  Complete CA and WA tariff process with client  Hand off comprehensive CA and WA tariff content to team leads  Propose new tariff measures and oversee process (state TBD)  Provide ad hoc support to client on regulatory issues  Complete tariff process with client (state TBD)  Hand off comprehensive tariff content to team leads (state TBD)  Propose new tariff measures and oversee process (state TBD)  Provide ad hoc support to client on regulatory issues  Complete tariff process with client (state TBD)  Hand off comprehensive tariff content to team leads (state TBD)  Provide ad hoc support to client on regulatory issues ID PAC-E-14-07 IPUC 6 Attachment IPUC 6-5 19 of 31 2013 Home Energy Savings Tactical Plan | Page 18 TACTIC 4: Provide engineering leadership externally on sub-committees and internally through technical content / support to the team and team management and direction, ensuring operational excellence, efficiency, alignment, and issue resolution across the program and with the client Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4  Lighting UES revisions overseen/resolved  Provide measure content and energy/cost savings analysis for sales/ education materials  Revise and implement new tariff development process  Engineering insights shared (monthly)  Engineering metrics shared (quarterly)  Provide input on 2014 contract extension (as needed)  Ongoing technical support on HES issues  Subcommittee participation  Quarterly tactical plan and budget realignment  Get input on and implement new measure development process  Revise measure development process  Develop alternate cost- effectiveness methodology  Provide input on 2014 contract extension (as needed)  Engineering insights shared (monthly)  Engineering metrics shared (quarterly)  Ongoing support for technical content and other HES issues  Subcommittee participation  Quarterly tactical plan and budget realignment  Engineering insights shared (monthly)  2014 Engineering SWOT  Engineering metrics shared (quarterly)  Ongoing support for technical content and other HES issues  Subcommittee participation  Quarterly tactical plan and budget realignment  Test alternate cost- effectiveness methodology  Implement alternate cost-effectiveness methodology  Engineering insights shared (monthly)  Develop 2014 engineering strategic and tactical plans  Engineering metrics shared (quarterly)  Ongoing support for technical content and other HES issues  Subcommittee participation Engineering Metrics  Number of measures screened  Number of measure briefs  Number of measure work papers written  Number of pilots approved  Number of new measures approved  Number of tariff recommendations delivered  Number of ad hoc requests (client/internal)  Percentage of quarterly deliverables completed  New/improved processes  New/improved communications  New/improved systems/tools Marketing TACTIC 1: Develop an HES program ‘story’ and messaging hierarchy under which all communications and tactics fit within, increasing communications consistency, energy efficiency education, and ongoing engagement ID PAC-E-14-07 IPUC 6 Attachment IPUC 6-5 20 of 31 2013 Home Energy Savings Tactical Plan | Page 19 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4  Develop program messaging matrix  Develop program and measure info / benefits messaging (trade allies, customers)  Add to and uplevel trade ally Orientation PPT (messaging / brand guidelines / design  (If PPT completed in Q1, initiate voice-over vignettes for trade ally)  Complete voice-over vignette for trade ally orientation PPT if not complete  Develop HES homepage blurb and graphic  Retail training/ sales tool PPT - TBD in Phase II based on Channel / Outreach feedback  Develop program / benefits messaging for builders, multifamily – TBD in Phase II if requested by client mgmt  Update template messaging / PPTs as necessary  Update template messaging / PPTs as necessary TACTIC 2: Develop and manage content, communications, and materials that enhance sales support and education Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4  Deliver "Answer book" HES overview brochure (updated for ID per client request)  Design and print program incentive table (post online)  Develop branded ‘sales kit’ folder to be provided to mfr/distributors to add info to and hand out  Deliver 1-sheet customer program summary / benefits (used by trade ally, retailer, and builder) OR a generic HES overview brochure (customized by state) (need to get client mgmt buy-off on 1 or both)  Finalize and print generic HES overview brochure (customized by state)-if approved in Q1  Add avg measure cost vs. energy/cost savings to incentive table (post online) - TBD in phase II  Deliver 1-sheet multifamily talking points / sales tool (used by trade ally and builder) - TBD in phase II  Incorporate survey insights into materials (TBD).  Other materials updates as needed  Incorporate survey insights into materials (TBD)  Other materials updates as needed ID PAC-E-14-07 IPUC 6 Attachment IPUC 6-5 21 of 31 2013 Home Energy Savings Tactical Plan | Page 20 TACTIC 3: Develop engagement activities that increase participation and re-engagement Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4  Define more effective trade ally newsletter approach; deliver Q1 newsletter in existing manner  Deliver Feb. bill inserts February: HES lighting coupon (WY), HES home show (UT), SYLR (Jaco)/HES TBD topic (rest of states)  Assess existing in-store communications / materials against shopper needs (client mgmt to facilitate alignment around problem / need first)  HES Web audit and recommendations proposed  Retail communication needs TBD (client mgmt to facilitate alignment around problem / need first)  Lead development of survey re: program partner interest, plans, satisfaction with tools, etc (baseline survey); implement end of Q2  Develop and send trade ally newsletter (new medium)  April bill insert – SYLR (Jaco) /HES TBD topic combo  Develop in-store material protocol / standards w/ Outreach, and Key Acct (what, why where, quantity, etc) (dependent on outreach)  Streamline / update revised lighting materials to support shopper needs  Develop and send trade ally newsletter (new medium)  PacifiCorp bill inserts July – HES lighting coupon (WY) September – SYLR (Jaco/HES) (all states)  Create and upload builder-specific webpage with info and + links (start Q2/post early Q3)  Design and launch re- engagement tactics - either tool / data for Trade Allies and/or direct piece to homeowner (based on BI acquisition / retention data analysis)  Develop and send trade ally newsletter (new medium)  October bill insert – HES lighting coupon (WY); November bill insert HES for RMP states only  Measure re-engagement tactics and define 2014 approach with BI  WY TV promotion launched (if relevant) TACTIC 4: Maintain the HES Program’s existing communications and allow limited time for miscellaneous projects Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4  PacifiCorp material reorders (applications, print materials, SWAG)  Print production and delivery for reprinting of lighting POP  Update materials and applications as needed  Voices newsletter review (as requested by PacifiCorp)  Wattsup newsletter reviewing/editing (as requested by PacifiCorp)  PacifiCorp material reorders (applications, print materials, SWAG)  Tariff implementation: develop timeline then update web communications, applications, materials, social media, etc  Facilitate assessment with program leads if/what would make the UT Home and Garden show meaningful; decide  PacifiCorp material reorders (applications, print materials, SWAG)  Tariff implementation: develop timeline then update web communications, applications, materials, social media, etc  Utah Fall Home and Garden Show - implement based on plan and/or request no presence to client  PacifiCorp material reorders (applications, print materials, SWAG)  Tariff implementation: develop timeline then update web communications, applications, materials, social media, etc ID PAC-E-14-07 IPUC 6 Attachment IPUC 6-5 22 of 31 2013 Home Energy Savings Tactical Plan | Page 21  Web edits (monthly)  Inventory audit and reorders (quarterly)  Tariff planning; implement UT and ID amendment notices if ready  Utah Home and Garden Show digital display  Support online processing requirements definition and usability/ interface design (as needed)  Utah Home and Garden Show digital display  Web maintenance updates  HES Web audit  WY TV promotion (canceled) if go/no goto propose to client  Support online process. requirements definition and usability/interface design (as needed)  Facilitate assessment with program leads if/what would make the UT Home and Garden show meaningful; decide if go/no go; propose to client TACTIC 5: Provide marketing leadership to the HES Program and oversight to the marketing team, ensuring strategic direction, operational excellence, program alignment, and issue resolution Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4  Marketing insights for client report (monthly)  Hire, train, manage, and develop marketing staff  Oversee resource management; set and manage labor and directs budget  Attend weekly leadership meeting and client marketing meeting  Attend monthly program meeting and client meeting  Q1 Mktg metrics summary  Q2-4 Mktg tactical plan revision  Marketing insights for client report (monthly)  Hire, train, manage, and develop marketing staff  Oversee resource management; set and manage labor and directs budget  Attend weekly leadership meeting and client marketing meeting  Attend monthly program meeting and client meeting  Q2 Mktg metrics summary  Q3-4 Mktg tactical plan revision  Provide marketing input on 2014 contract extension (if needed)  Marketing insights for client report (monthly)  Hire, train, manage, and develop marketing staff  Oversee resource management; set and manage labor and directs budget  Attend weekly leadership meeting and client marketing meeting  Attend monthly program meeting and client meeting  Q3 Mktg metrics summary.  Q4 Mktg tactical plan revision  Mktg SWOT in prep for 2014 strategic plan  Marketing insights for client report (monthly)  Hire, train, manage, and develop marketing staff  Oversee resource management; set and manage labor and directs budget  Attend weekly leadership meeting and client marketing meeting  Attend monthly program meeting and client meeting  Q4 Mktg metrics summary  2014 Mktg strategic plan development  2014 Mktg tactical plan development ID PAC-E-14-07 IPUC 6 Attachment IPUC 6-5 23 of 31 2013 Home Energy Savings Tactical Plan | Page 22 Marketing Metrics  Number of participating customers from promotion / kWh savings  Direct mail response rate  Email click-through rate  HES web activity  Earned media  Number of ad hoc requests (client/internal)  Percentage of quarterly deliverables completed  New/improved processes  New/improved communications  New/improved systems/tools Channel Management TACTIC 1: Establish a consistent infrastructure across channels – strategic approach, templates, processes, and cross-channel communications – to better prioritize, manage, and grow relationships, as well as improve channel leadership, operational efficiency, and alignment Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4  Channel infrastructure defined (see above); begin implementation  Confirm individual channel strategies with SPM  Define alignment/ decision-making process w/ client mgmt, mktg, and outreach  Update all existing accounts into new infrastructure (partial)  Channel insights shared (monthly)  Channel strategic review and metrics shared (quarterly)  Identify cross-channel opportunities  Q2-4 channel mgmt tactical plan revision / cross-team alignment  Weekly program leadership meeting  Monthly client meeting  Complete channel infrastructure implementation and documentation  Update all existing accounts into new protocol (completed)  Channel insights shared (monthly)  Channel strategic review and metrics shared (quarterly)  Identify cross-channel opportunities  Q3-4 channel mgmt tactical plan revision / cross-team alignment  Weekly program leadership meeting  Monthly client meeting  Channel insights shared (monthly)  Channel strategic review and metrics shared (quarterly)  Identify cross-channel opportunities  Complete channel mgmt SWOT analysis for 2014 planning  Q4 channel mgmt tactical plan revision / cross-team alignment  Weekly program leadership meeting  Monthly client meeting  Channel insights shared (monthly)  Channel strategic review and metrics shared (quarterly)  Identify cross-channel opportunities  Develop 2014 channel mgmt strategic and tactical plans  Weekly program leadership meeting  Monthly client meeting TACTIC 2: Continue to evolve the HES program lighting strategy based on industry changes and opportunities, cultivating new opportunities, setting priorities, and offering guidance across channel, outreach, and marketing activities to ensure the greatest savings and efficiencies (Christy for now) ID PAC-E-14-07 IPUC 6 Attachment IPUC 6-5 24 of 31 2013 Home Energy Savings Tactical Plan | Page 23 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4  Audit to assess additional stores to add  Prioritize manufacturers to approach based on state/measure priorities  Proposal for allocation reduction to client  Oversight of RPS data migration  Determine Lightfair attendance, goals, and meetings to set  Oversee allocation reduction plan implementation  Oversight of RPS data improvements  Identify and assess lighting strategy opportunities  Determine ENERGY STAR attendance, goals, and meetings to set  Oversee allocation reduction plan implementation  Provide support for identification, mapping, and assignment of stores into account model  Identify and assess lighting strategy opportunities  Audit to assess additional stores to add  Identify and assess lighting strategy opportunities TACTIC 3: Identify, prioritize, build and leverage strategic relationships with manufacturers and distributors, cultivating interest, education, and partnership opportunities in the HES program to increase savings Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4  Research and identify relevant L/NL distributors and mfrs based on prioritized states/ measures; prioritize for greatest impact  Begin meeting with distributors and mfrs (2 each in Q1)  Analyze distributor model to determine viability  Develop a proposal for building the L/NL distributor channel  Follow up with 2 UT lighting distributors who have contacted PECI  Identify alignment and promotion opportunities w/ distributors and manufacturers; work with program leads to develop support plan  Identify multi-family  Continue meeting with new distributors and manufacturers (# TBD)  Assess distributor LED partnership opportunities for Q4 lighting season  Identify alignment and promotion opportunities w/ distributors and manufacturers; work with program leads to develop support plan  Implement multi-family plan in UT/WA  Quarterly check in with existing accounts  Secure distributor LED partnership tactics for Q4 or 2014  Identify alignment and promotion opportunities w/ distributors and manufacturers; work with program leads to develop support plan  Quarterly check in with existing accounts  Identify 2014 manufacturer and distributor L/NL strategic and tactical plans  Secure distributor LED immediate or 2014 partnership tactics  Identify alignment and promotion opportunities w/ distributors and manufacturers; work with program leads to develop support plan  Quarterly check in with existing accounts ID PAC-E-14-07 IPUC 6 Attachment IPUC 6-5 25 of 31 2013 Home Energy Savings Tactical Plan | Page 24 opportunities with manufacturers (mid- market or upstream) - focus on UT/WA TACTIC 4: Prioritize, build and leverage strategic relationships with retail key accounts, cultivating interest, education, and partnership opportunities in the HES program to increase savings Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4  Identify prioritized retailers to partner w/ based on prioritized states/measures  Establish relationship with Walmart  Prep goals, meetings, for CES; report back on opportunities for electronics to come into program  Work at corporate level to bring on end caps in 2 retail chains  Develop document/ process for retail territory map, contacts, and access points  Work with program leads to tie WRUN promo opportunities to HES savings  Provide input on content for retail associate training and approach  Identify opportunities to leverage contractor measures in retail; propose plan to team  Quarterly check in with existing accounts  Identify alignment and promotion opportunities w/ retailers; work with program leads to develop support plan  Onboard lighting program at Walmart (Q2 or Q3)  Finalize contract with Amazon.com (client approval dependent)  Finalize contract with Sears.com (client approval dependent)  Assess retailer LED partnership opportunities and propose ideas for lighting season  Meet with 1 key retail partner to grow savings  Quarterly check in with existing accounts  Identify alignment and promotion opportunities w/ retailers; work with program leads to develop support plan  Bring Sears.com online (client approval dependent)  Bring Amazon.com online (client approval dependent)  Onboard lighting program at Kmart  Determine if any LED partnership opportunities for Q4 / 2014  Meet with 1 key retail partner to grow the partnership  Prep goals, agendas, and set meetings for ENERGY STAR conference  Quarterly check in with existing accounts  Identify alignment and promotion opportunities w/ retailers; work with program leads to develop support plan  Identify prioritized retailers to partner w/ in 2014 based on prioritized states/ measures  Work at the corporate level to bring on end caps in 2 retail chains  Attend ENERGY STAR conference; define / finalize partnership opportunities  Quarterly check in with existing accounts  Identify alignment and promotion opportunities w/ retailers; work with program leads to develop support plan TACTIC 5: Identify, prioritize, build and leverage other strategic relationships in PacifiCorp's network, cultivating interest, education, and partnership opportunities in the HES program to increase savings ID PAC-E-14-07 IPUC 6 Attachment IPUC 6-5 26 of 31 2013 Home Energy Savings Tactical Plan | Page 25 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4  Research and identify relevant market stakeholders based on prioritized states/ measures; prioritize for greatest impact  Meet w/ NEEA to assess efforts on ductless heat pumps, ENERGY STAR New Homes, and heatpump water heater; propose partnership opportunities  Identify market stakeholders in multifamily space for each state; prioritize for greatest impact  Identify schools to assess for training and education offerings (start w/ WSU)  Engage with and assess HBA's regional demographics and needs (WA, UT); develop tactics  Quarterly check in with existing accounts  Identify alignment and promotion opportunities; work with program leads to develop support plan  Oversee agreed NEEA partnership tactics/deliverables  Engage multifamily contacts, based on Q1 discovery findings  Identify additional schools to assess for training and education offerings, develop plan  Engage with and assess HBA's regional demographics and needs (rest of states); develop tactics  Quarterly check in with existing accounts  Identify alignment and promotion opportunities; work with program leads to develop support plan  TBD based on Q1/Q2 efforts  Quarterly check in with existing accounts  Identify alignment and promotion opportunities; work with program leads to develop support plan  TBD based on Q1/Q2 efforts  Quarterly check in with existing accounts  Identify alignment and promotion opportunities; work with program leads to develop support plan TACTIC 6: Ensure lighting program operational excellence by maintaining active contracts and schedules and ensuring pricing is compliant, systems are maintained, and relationships are supported and cultivated for continued and/or increasing savings Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4  Sylvania contract signed, POP/pricing in place, schedules created  Bring on Energy Mad and 1 other manufacturers, POP/pricing in place, schedules created  Develop account plans for existing mfrs (completed)  Assess mfr LED insights and partnership opportunities and propose ideas for lighting season or 2014  Oversee implementation of LED-specific efforts for Q4 lighting season or 2014 plan  Prep goals and agendas, then set meetings for ENERGY STAR conference  Implement 2 lighting end caps  Attend ENERGY STAR conference; meet with key Mfr partners to grow partnership  LED tactics implemented, if relevant ID PAC-E-14-07 IPUC 6 Attachment IPUC 6-5 27 of 31 2013 Home Energy Savings Tactical Plan | Page 26  Receive and upload all 2013 contracts  Get 2013 schedules signed and input into Sprocket  Bring on 2 lighting end caps  Develop account plans for existing mfrs (partial)  Research relevant manufacturers based on prioritized states and measures  Capture insights on mfr LED insights  Ensure inventory alignment /availability  Prep goals, agendas, then set meetings for Lightfair  Quarterly check in with existing accounts on needs, program updates, that all qualified stores participate, stock is in store, and promotional opportunities  Update team on alignment and promotion opportunities; lead discussion to decide go/no go  Provide field staff with up-to-date, accurate pricing references  Provide mfr content input for program PPT development  Hire, train, manage, and develop staff  Oversee resource management; set and manage budget  Bring on 2 additional manufacturers  Attend Lightfair; meet with key Mfr partners to grow partnership  Once Sylvania signed, establish lighting program at Kmart  Quarterly check in with existing accounts on needs, program updates, that all qualified stores participate, stock is in store, and promotional opportunities  Update team on alignment and promotion opportunities; lead discussion to decide go/no go  Provide field staff with up-to-date, accurate pricing references  Ensure inventory alignment /availability  Provide field staff with up-to-date, accurate pricing references  Quarterly check in with existing accounts on needs, program updates, that all qualified stores participate, stock is in store, and promotional opportunities  Update team on alignment and promotion opportunities; lead discussion to decide go/no go  Ensure inventory alignment /availability  Quarterly check in with existing accounts on needs, program updates, that all qualified stores participate, stock is in store, and promotional opportunities  Update team on alignment and promotion opportunities; lead discussion to decide go/no go  Provide field staff with up-to-date, accurate and easy to use pricing references  Ensure inventory alignment /availability Channel Management Metrics  Number of new distributors recruited  Number of new builders recruited  Number of new partnership tactics / opportunities proposed ID PAC-E-14-07 IPUC 6 Attachment IPUC 6-5 28 of 31 2013 Home Energy Savings Tactical Plan | Page 27  Number of new partnership tactics / opportunities implemented  Number of partners re-engaged / kWh savings  Number of events held (share results)  Number of trainings held (share results)  Number of ad hoc requests (client/internal)  Percentage of quarterly deliverables completed  New/improved processes  New/improved communications  New/improved systems/tools Outreach TACTIC 1: Provide outreach leadership, improving the function’s strategy, structure, process, and communications and ensuring cross-team alignment, operational excellence, and client satisfaction Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4  Outreach insights defined to share out  Assess existing inventory and develop tracking process  iPads distributed/trained  Revised framework for coaching / escalations implemented  UT and WY field staff hired  Document area contacts and access points for Walmart  Document area contacts and access points for Home Depot, and RC Willey  Tier 1 trade ally performance reports developed  Field staff assigned quantifiable success metrics (quarterly)  Implement improved field staff structure, process, expectations, and communications  Place all accounts into tiered model, assign staff, confirm metrics for each tier  Outreach insights shared  Proposal for inspector in-home surveys  Technical training plan and materials completed  metrics (quarterly)  Document area contacts and access points for Greenlite  Document area contacts and access points for Lowes and Independents  Field staff metrics recalibrated (quarterly)  Outreach insights shared (monthly)  Outreach metrics shared (quarterly)  Provide input on 2014 contract extension (as needed)  Quarterly tactical plan and budget realignment  Field staff metrics recalibrated (quarterly)  Document area contacts and access points for Costco  With help from Outreach, document infrastructure map for Sears  Outreach insights shared (monthly)  Outreach metrics shared (quarterly)  Provide input on 2014 contract extension (as needed)  Quarterly tactical plan and budget realignment  2014 Outreach SWOT  Field staff metrics recalibrated (quarterly)  Document area contacts and access points for Sams  Document area contacts and access points for Best Buy  Outreach insights shared (monthly)  Outreach metrics shared (quarterly)  Recalibrate tiered accounts for 2014  Develop 2014 outreach strategic and tactical plans ID PAC-E-14-07 IPUC 6 Attachment IPUC 6-5 29 of 31 2013 Home Energy Savings Tactical Plan | Page 28 (monthly)  Outreach metrics shared (quarterly)  Provide input on 2014 contract extension (as needed)  Quarterly tactical plan and budget realignment TACTIC 2: Increase training and education to ensure program partners have the information they need to engage and succeed Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4  Input on content for training materials being developed  Begin industry training resource assessment  New protocol training for all field staff (quarterly)  Account mgmt training (quarterly)  Field staff inspection training (quarterly)  Key messages provided to field staff (monthly)  Monitor inspection rates and provide coaching (monthly)  Industry training proposal developed and initiated  Survey development input provided; survey implemented  Retail associate training implemented  Ongoing account mgmt training support (quarterly)  Field staff inspection training (quarterly)  Key messages provided to field staff (monthly)  Monitor inspection rates and provide coaching (monthly)  Ongoing account mgmt training support (quarterly)  Field staff inspection training (quarterly)  Key messages provided to field staff (monthly)  Monitor inspection rates and provide coaching (monthly)  Survey implemented  Ongoing account mgmt training support (quarterly)  Field staff inspection training (quarterly)  Key messages provided to field staff (monthly)  Monitor inspection rates and provide coaching (monthly) TACTIC 3: Recruit, engage, and leverage trade allies and retailers to be the program’s main sales force Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4  New WA recruits: 2 HVAC, 2 WX, 1 HPWH  New WY recruits: 2 HVAC, 2 WX, 1 HPWH  New ID recruits: 3 WX, 3 HVAC, 1 HPWH  New CA recruits: 2 HVAC  Input on trade ally contest  New WA recruits: 2 HVAC, 2 WX, 1 HPWH  New WY recruits: 2 HVAC, 2 WX  New ID recruits: 3 WX, 3 HVAC, 1 HPWH  New CA recruits: 2 HVAC  Implement trade ally contest  Implement re- engagement plan for trade allies and retailers who left  Implement trade ally contest  Implement trade ally contest  Increase trade ally priority measure and/or multi-family participation by 10% ID PAC-E-14-07 IPUC 6 Attachment IPUC 6-5 30 of 31 2013 Home Energy Savings Tactical Plan | Page 29 TACTIC 4: Increase opportunity for lighting, appliance, and contractor measures savings in store Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4  Tier 1 trade ally performance reports delivered (quarterly)  Bring on 6 new end cap opportunities  Identify and assign which tier 2 stores to target to advance tier level  Consult on automation options for approving high efficiency gas furnaces  Develop plan to bring in trade allies through ProDesk  Increase bulb sales in at least 1 location (quarterly)  Tier 1 trade ally and retail performance reports developed and delivered (quarterly)  Bring on 2 new end cap opportunities  Implement plan to bring in trade allies through ProDesk  Develop and implement plan for assessing big shops who've left the program  All account goals set  Increase bulb sales in at least 1 location (quarterly)  Tier 1 trade ally and retail performance reports developed and delivered (quarterly)  Implement in-store lighting event  Increase bulb sales in at least 1 locations  Prep for UT (and WA?) Home Show  Tier 1 trade ally and retail performance reports developed and delivered (quarterly)  Bring on 2 new end cap opportunities  Implement and track UT Home Show  Increase bulb sales in at least 1 locations TACTIC 5: Identify, target, and develop relationships and partnership opportunities to expand multi- family participation and savings Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4  Identify 1 trade ally to do multifamily in each state  Confirm priority measures, develop multifamily generation plan (focus on engaging property maintenance staff)  Implement multifamily generation plan  Implement plan to engage property maintenance staff  Implement multifamily generation plan  Implement plan to engage property maintenance staff  Implement multifamily generation plan  Implement plan to engage property maintenance staff Outreach Metrics  Number of retail site visits (tiered)  Number of trade ally visits (tiered)  Number of new trade allies recruited  Number of trade allies re-engaged  Percentage of random inspections (5% minimum)  Tactic results (pre/post)  Number of ad hoc requests (client/internal)  Percentage of quarterly deliverables completed  New/improved processes  New/improved communications  New/improved systems/tools ID PAC-E-14-07 IPUC 6 Attachment IPUC 6-5 31 of 31