HomeMy WebLinkAbout20141001PAC to Staff Attach 6.4.pdf 2013 PACIFICORP COMMUNICATIONS BRIEF Program: PacifiCorp Campaign Lead: Rachel Schmitz (Kathy Wright / Karen Healey) Project Name: House as a system- themed umbrella campaign Date: December 14, 2012 Kickoff Date: TBD – see dates in individual briefs Project Due Date: Phased – see dates in individual briefs Project Description In 2013, the PacifiCorp HES team will further evolve the strategic approach and effort towards alignment across program communications and promotions. This will manifest in three key ways: a) by implementing a campaign ‘story’ under which all communications, program messaging, and contests/promotions will sit within; b) ensuring promotions and other engagement activities are developed and promoted across all program functions, supporting the same goals, strategies, and messaging consistently; and c) individual function deliverables are sequenced accordingly to support the overall effort. This HES Program Communications Brief provides the explanation of the communications and promotions strategy and deliverables for 2013; all other lighting, non-lighting and function tasks that support savings acquisition outside of communications and promotions can be found in their specific tactical plans. This document is the partner document to those tactical plans, explaining the communications umbrella under which all engagement will sit within. The specific deliverables mentioned in this document are also populated in the appropriate plan (lighting, non-lighting, or function) and quarters they will be developed in. Campaign Messaging All program tactics will be housed within a holistic (cross-state, cross-audience) communications campaign. The umbrella concept will support a “your house is a system” theme, providing a foundational storyline for educating our target audiences, an understanding of the energy efficiency path they can take, supported by the HES program, and driving them to purchase more energy efficiency products, as well as fill out the form to get their incentive. This storyline will be developed to deepen homeowners understanding of the interconnected nature of the structure they spend their lives in and, in simple terms, explain the elements that contribute to their costs and comfort. Campaign Approach All communication and promotion deliverables will be developed using a template-based approach, enabling them to be easily switched out depending on market, audience, or product. Secondary and tertiary messages supporting the ‘your house is a system’ theme will be based on audience demographics and/or the specific product being promoted. A re-engagement communications pilot will targeted prior customers, considering timing, product, messaging, and incorporate promotions if/as available. Due to budget limitations and efficiency efforts, a concerted effort by marketing and the program leads will be made to minimize the amount of variance in communication devlierables and engagement tactics between states, measures prioritized (see below) and/or tactics. The effort will be to limit changes and variations from a set of streamlined materials and tactics that can be re-used across quarters in order to limit ongoing ‘from scratch’ marketing development efforts. Targeted Measures Key measures have been selected to focus engagement activities around. These measures will drive activities each quarter, for example what the contest award is, what field staff is focusing training on, what is highlighted in the re-engagement direct mail pieces, and what is highlighted at events. Following are the products that will be targeted by state, by quarter. ID PAC-E-14-07 IPUC 6 Attachment IPUC 6-4 1 of 9 STATE Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Utah 2013 campaign / contest under development Trade Ally Contest Insulation Retail Promotion (TBD) will use retail ‘off the shelf’ promotion template (1 cross-state promo per quarter) Trade Ally Contest Permanent Evap. Coolers (High efficiency cooling) Retail Promotion (TBD) will use retail ‘off the shelf’ promotion template (1 cross- state promo per quarter) Trade Ally Contest High Efficiency Heating (95% gas furnace w/ECM - Questar co- branded - and duct sealing and duct insulation Retail Promotion (TBD) will use retail ‘off the shelf’ promotion template (1 cross-state promo per quarter) California 2013 campaign / contest under development Trade Ally Contest High Efficiency Heating (Heat pump equipment - air source conversion/ upgrades, and ductless) Retail Promotion (TBD) will use retail ‘off the shelf’ promotion template (1 cross-state promo per quarter) Trade Ally Contest Permanent Evap. Coolers (High efficiency cooling) Retail Promotion (TBD) will use retail ‘off the shelf’ promotion template (1 cross-state promo per quarter) Trade Ally Contest High Efficiency Heating (Heat pump equipment - air source conversion/ upgrades, and ductless) Retail Promotion (TBD) will use retail ‘off the shelf’ promotion template (1 cross-state promo per quarter) Idaho 2013 campaign / contest under development Trade Ally Contest Insulation Retail Promotion (TBD) will use retail ‘off the shelf’ promotion template (1 cross-state promo per quarter) Trade Ally Contest Permanent Evap. Coolers (High efficiency cooling) Retail Promotion (TBD) will use retail ‘off the shelf’ promotion template (1 cross-state promo per quarter) Trade Ally Contest High Efficiency Heating (Heat pump equipment - ground/air source conversion and upgrades, and ductless - and duct sealing and duct insulation) Retail Promotion (TBD) will use retail ‘off the shelf’ promotion template (1 cross-state promo per quarter) Washington 2013 campaign / contest under development Trade Ally Contest Insulation Retail Promotion (TBD) will use retail ‘off the shelf’ promotion template (1 cross-state promo per quarter) Trade Ally Contest Permanent Evap. Coolers (High efficiency cooling) Retail Promotion (TBD) will use retail ‘off the shelf’ promotion template (1 cross-state promo per quarter) Trade Ally Contest High Efficiency Heating (Heat pump equipment - air source conversion and upgrades, and ductless - and duct sealing and duct insulation) Retail Promotion (TBD) will use retail ‘off the shelf’ promotion ID PAC-E-14-07 IPUC 6 Attachment IPUC 6-4 2 of 9 template (1 cross-state promo per quarter) Wyoming 2013 campaign / contest under development Trade Ally Contest Insulation Retail Promotion (TBD) will use retail ‘off the shelf’ promotion template (1 cross-state promo per quarter) Trade Ally Contest Permanent Evap. Coolers (High efficiency cooling) Retail Promotion (TBD) will use retail ‘off the shelf’ promotion template (1 cross-state promo per quarter) Trade Ally Contest High Efficiency Heating (Heat pump equipment - air source conversion and upgrades, and ductless - and duct sealing and duct insulation) Retail Promotion (TBD) will use retail ‘off the shelf’ promotion template (1 cross-state promo per quarter) Benefits - The ‘your house is a system’ theme (actual language/messaging TBD) creates an educational and logistical pathway for repeat/increased participation for the customer by a) helping them understand the multiple components that make up a home’s energy efficiency, and b) acknowledging there will be multiple steps in getting to energy efficiency, thereby opening the door for repeat contact and engagement. - The ‘your house is a system’ theme and messaging follows the industry trend moving in this direction (supported/tested by PECI’s work with ETO’s EPS and the Utah Home Performance program) to create a sales pathway for trade allies to drive multiple measure installs (on first or return visit) and establishes a reason for ongoing engagement and long-term relationship building with customers. - This framework supports trade ally and builder recruitment by inherently building in value and potential growth for their business. - The framework provides an opportunity to increase trade ally knowledge about the larger system they are working within, improving their knowledge and ability to sell. - The framework provides an opportunity for contractors to diversify their offerings in support of growing their business. - The framework can support efforts for increased customer satisfaction due to longer-term relationships / partnerships between customers, contractors, and utility. - Addresses the industry’s research and acknowledgment that a fragmented approach to communicating around, educating on, and engaging with energy efficiency measures is inefficient, ineffective, and inadequate to reach the savings needed because it causes confusion, provides limited hooks for deeper engagement, and wastes the power of partnership opportunities that increase impact while decreasing costs. Goals: What we are trying to accomplish? Following are the 2013 HES kWh savings goals and metrics. The first is the end goal (savings goals by state), with the following three being the supporting goals that will help us achieve it. Project Goal Achieve HES savings goals Non-Lighting Goal (Revised from Contract)* Lighting Goal 600,000 1,637,555 1,250,000 1,179,638 12,560,644 80,798,365 6,174,558 5,220,523 1,283,130 6,089,870 600,000 1,637,555 ID PAC-E-14-07 IPUC 6 Attachment IPUC 6-4 3 of 9 Increase program partners recruited from 2012 - WA recruits: 4 HVAC, 4 WX, 2 HPWH - WY recruits: 4 HVAC, 4 WX, 1 HPWH - ID recruits: 6 WX, 6 HVAC, 2 HPWH - CA recruits: 4 HVAC - Increase trade ally participation 10% (in priority measures and/or multi- family work Increase non-lighting customer participation from 2012 (% TBD) - Increase first-time customers from 2012 - Increase first-time multifamily customers from 2012 - Increase returning participants - Increase number of bundles sold from 2012 *Achieve non-lighting additional savings gap - TBD by Anne Audience: Who do we want to influence? What do they think now? What do we want them to think? Customer - Best case, they are not aware of our program; worst case, they either are aware but don’t think participating brings them much value or they find it too expensive or cumbersome to deal with. - Their goal typically is to save money, be more comfortable, increase the worth of their home (and for some, help the environment) - Most times, customers are not motivated to purchase EE products because of HES incentives, they need a product and it’s an added bonus that there is an incentive. - We want them to think this program addresses those needs and to feel inspired to participate - Customers in Utah (and WY) are particularly untrusting of RMP. They think the rates are high and that they are profit driven. They feel insulted that the program exists. - Our desired outcome is to get them started on the path toward energy efficiency or if they’ve started, to get them to keep moving along it - Specific targets could include remodelers and the retired set - We need to focus on the ease of participation for these customers, on all fronts (knowledge, purchasing, applications, etc). They may not be swayed, but will still purchase products. Participation needs to be easy as not to create another opportunity for disappointment. Multifamily Landlord - There is a lot we do not know about this audience yet, and will be working to discover in 2013. Best case, they are not aware of our program; worst case, they either are aware but don’t think participating brings them much value or they find it too expensive or cumbersome to deal with. - Their goal typically is to save money, increase their investment, get people interested in their properties, (and for some, help the environment) - We want them to think this program addresses those needs and to feel inspired to participate - Our desired outcome is to get them started on the path towards energy efficiency or if they’ve started, to get them to keep moving along it. - Again, we need participation to be super easy. They can submit thousands of incentives, but if it’s hard, they won’t touch it. - I assume that many landlords wouldn’t necessarily be interested in updating for the sake of EE. There has to be a profit driven motivation. Review assumptions with Phil Damiano prior to finalizing the content creative brief. Trade Allies - There is more to know about this audience, and we will be working to discover that in 2013. Best case, they are not aware of our program and want to participate; worst case, they are aware but find it too cumbersome to deal with and/or don’t see the value to their business - They want to grow their business and need to know how this is going to help them do that - Any relevant (easy-to-access / afford) education and/or support that helps them grow their business is valued - We want them to think this program adds value / will help them get more business and feel inspired to participate ID PAC-E-14-07 IPUC 6 Attachment IPUC 6-4 4 of 9 - Our desired outcome is for them to see the value, to push customers to participate, to send in their applications, and feel supported to do all of the above. - Same as above. They could benefit from easy participation and proof that it helps their bottom line. Review assumptions with Phil Damiano prior to finalizing the content creative brief. Manufacturer - Manufacturers’ motivation is to sell more products. This can be done in several ways, one being expanding their market. - We are still working to understand what they think and know about energy efficiency and our program now, and will work on understanding this better in 2013. Ultimately we want them to think that partnering with the PacifiCorp’s HES program can increase their sales with little effort on their part. - Our desired outcome is to leverage their marketing dollars or promotions to sell our products and/or get product donations to support events or promotions. Also a resource for training trade allies on equipment and program requirements Review assumptions with Phil Damiano and Christy Evans prior to finalizing the content creative brief. Distributors - Distributors’ motivation is to sell more products. This can be done in several ways, one being expanding their market. - We are not sure what they think about energy efficiency and our program now, and will work on understanding this in 2013. Ultimately we want them to think that partnering with the PacifiCorp’s HES program can increase their sales with little effort on their part. - Our desired outcome is to leverage their marketing dollars or promotions to sell our products and/or get product donations to support events or promotions. Also a resource for training trade allies on equipment and program requirements. Review assumptions with Phil Damiano prior to finalizing the content creative brief. Retailers - All retailers are motivated by three things: increased traffic, increased ticket size / market basket per visit, and improved margins. o Independents see the HES program as a differentiator. By building deeper relationships with their customers and using the program as a tool, they can gain an advantage in the not-so-level playing field of Big Box chains and find other avenues for competing. o National chains can also see it this way, depending on who they are. In an early conversation with Sears, they said they want to stop losing market share and utility incentives can help tip the balance. - Their thinking today is impacted by the fact that energy efficiency is not a defined “category” within their structure or environment, so it does not easily fit into their business model, nor is easily understood. That said, many appliance categories have evolved to recognize ENERGY STAR (E*) as a key brand / selling tool, leading to increased stock. Typically with two like products, E* purchases will be encouraged over non E*. That noted, it is the E* brand, not energy efficiency in general, that drives this. Further, stocking practices can make consistent availability of HES energy efficiency equipment difficult. We are working to influence this, but it is difficult without a larger footprint. Helping them to make the leap beyond E* continues to be important. - Moving forward, we want local, regional, and corporate retailers to want to work with the HES program: o At the local and regional level, we want them to think that partnering with the PacifiCorp’s HES program can increase store traffic, increase ticket size / market basket per visit, and improved margins. This can work if we can help differentiate them from the larger stores, and increase the viability of their stores performance if done well. o At the corporate level, we want them to think that the HES program is flexible and can both do things that other regions will not do to support them in learning about the energy efficiency area and process, as well as make it as easy as possible to participate for them (unless there is a tangible identified value to them). - PacifiCorp’s HES program has the opportunity to leverage our structure and operations, existing training, in- store promotions, events, etc. so that both we and retailers sell more product. We are not there yet. We’ve made progress at the local level but there is room for improvement (consistency, templates), and we are just establishing regional and corporate relationships now. ID PAC-E-14-07 IPUC 6 Attachment IPUC 6-4 5 of 9 Builder - Best case, they are not aware of our program and want to participate; worst case, they are aware but find it too cumbersome to deal with and/or don’t see the value to their business - Their goal is to sell more homes - Is there anything specific about the builders we are engaging or specific segments we are seeking for targeting purposes? - We want them to think this program adds value / will help them get more business and feel inspired to participate - Our desired outcome is to get more builders building energy efficient homes, to send in their applications, and feel supported to do all of the above Review assumptions with Phil Damiano prior to finalizing the content creative brief. What Is the personality we want to project? - Offering something of value (information, cost savings, comfort, etc.) - Simple / easy to understand and participate in - Funny / light / playful What is the take-away message? Recognize your house is a system (who knew?) and embark upon the rewarding journey of discovery to stop wasting money and/or foregoing comfort. What are you waiting for?! What is the messaging- content and architecture? Primary message - Your house is a system(?!) - embark upon the rewarding journey to stop wasting money (and/or foregoing comfort or other relevant demographic messaging). Why are you waiting? … Start now! Secondary message - Specific messaging to be determined by Marketing based on ongoing segmentation research that continues to be refined over the past years o Example: Cost savings message could be something around “biggest bang for your buck if you bundle and/or do more than 1 measure over time Tertiary message - PacifiCorp and their trade ally partners are here to support you on the journey – reach out to - your (contractor, builder, utility, etc) to begin the relationship (discover first steps, financing options, etc) What are the 2013 communication and promotion deliverables? A few core communication pieces will be created to capture savings indirectly by providing education for all audiences and/or be used as sales tools that help our program partners to sell the program to single and multifamily property owners. These include: - An animated PPT (education/sales piece) introducing the house as a system story and the pathway to participation supported by the HES program (available on the website and as digital file for sharing) - A static version of the above PPT (for use in presentations) - 1-sheet talking points for program partners/stakeholders to communicate campaign messaging and benefits to target audiences (to put in their 3-ring binders) - 1-sheet (front/back) incentives table for program partners/stakeholders to reference (show combined incentives where utilities overlap) and on the back, explanation of average product cost vs average energy savings and cost savings expected (to put in their 3-ring binders and available as downloadable PDF online) - 1-sheet HES marketing piece to be included in PCorp solar materials (UT only) ID PAC-E-14-07 IPUC 6 Attachment IPUC 6-4 6 of 9 A couple key templatized promotional or engagement tactics will be created to capture savings directly by driving awareness, interest, and continual participation. These will be developed in Q1 and launch Q2. These include: - Quarterly trade ally contest awarding those who sell the most of a targeted product and/or bundle - Set of retail / customer engagement tactics (a la carte or templatized) that drive savings and increase number of completed applications (solution TBD) - Targeted re-engagement communications promoting prioritized measures relevant to prior participants (highlighting specific measure or bundling promotions in partnership with retail/mfrs. Promotions) - Partner on PacifiCorp’s customer communications: Wattsup newsletter, social media, and events - Manufacturer, distributor, or association partnership promotions – TBD based on Key Account efforts - Customer leave-behind -- TBD based on Q2 trade ally feedback As mentioned above, all elements will be designed to be easily customizable by market, audience, or product. The specific deliverables and versions of each that will be developed are listed below. Content Development* - Campaign positioning statement - Campaign ‘house as a system’ story development in support of the theme and HES program - Audience campaign messaging and list of program benefits defined for o Customer  General customer  Remodeling customer  Multifamily landlord o Manufacturer o Distributor o Trade ally o Builder o Retailer - Homepage campaign-inspired blurb and related graphic (call to action or click through location TBD) Communication Materials* - An animated PPT introducing the campaign story and HES program, customized for the below audiences, to articulate campaign story and benefits to participation (on website and available for download to share) o Customer o Multifamily landlord o Trade Ally o Manufacturer o Distributor? o Builder o Retailer - A static version of the above PPT, customized for the below audiences (for in-person presentations) o Multifamily landlord o Trade Ally o Manufacturer o Distributor? o Builder o Retailer - 1-sheet: Pitch piece / audience talking points to be used by trade ally, builder, retailer (8.5x11 for keeping in 3-ring binders) o General customers o Remodeling customers o Multifamily landlord - 1-sheet (front/back) incentives table for program partners/stakeholders to reference (show combined incentives where utilities overlap) and on the back, explanation of average measure cost vs average energy savings expected + average cost savings expected to be used by trade ally, builder, retailer (to put in their 3-ring binders and available as downloadable PDF online) ID PAC-E-14-07 IPUC 6 Attachment IPUC 6-4 7 of 9 - 1-sheet HES marketing piece to be included in RMP solar marketing materials (UT only) - (Potential for leave behind for customers based on trade ally feedback in Q1/Q2) Engagement Tactics* - Design quarterly contest/raffle to “Get your customers to EE!” (name TBD) to run Q2-Q4 o Define rules, contest format, what to reward, prizes, communication plan, metrics, and how it will be communicated o Develop communication templates for different phases – email template, web landing page, 1 sheet: information sheet handout, templatized copy for each email stage o Purchase (or get donated) prizes for quarterly wins o Possilby hold one annual event where prizes are raffled off and we celebrate trade allies’ participation, and where manufacturers could buy a “table” to showcase their equipment and financing options (Concept and ROI needs to be discussed to determine value) o See the high-savings measure to be highlighted by state, by quarter above - Create templatized retail / customer-facing appliance campaign to push appliance purchases and incentive application completion (run Q2-Q4) o Develop set group of tactics to implement consistently for each campaign throughout the year o Incorpoate targeted re-engagement communication to homeowners and multifamily landlords (direct mail and eblast) as one key tactic to “active” or “dormant” prior participants o May promote bundling incentives in ID and UT or retail/mfrs promotions if/as opportunities arise o See the appliance to be highlighted by state, by quarter above - Partner on PacifiCorp’s customer communications: Wattsup newsletter, social media, and events - Manufacturer, distributor, or association partnership promotions – TBD based on Key Account efforts - Satisfaction / insights survey that assesses their opinion on the campaign story / messaging, how it works as a sales message, the sales tools provided, and contest (Q1 and Q4) o Builder o Retailer o Trade ally *Individual project briefs will be created for the deliverable or deliverable families in this section What insights do we want to capture over the year? This is a new communications approach and we will need to learn as we go how the messaging, materials, and tactics are being received. The expectation is for all members of the team to proactively gather feedback on: - Does the messaging theme resonate with the different audiences? - Does the holistic messaging approach provide desired consistency and integration as expected? - Does setting an annual tactic / measure priority plan to pitch to program partners better support partnership interest and opportunities? - Does the trade ally contest and prizes motivate engagement? What were the results? - Do the retail tactics defined provide a trackable, meaningful impact? What is a meaningful impact? - What suggestions does IMG, Outreach, and Key Accounts have to increase reach across audiences? - What successful campaigns nationally have other programs run? - Other? What related project work can be referred to? - UTHP “house as a system” and home performance language and deliverables - Lighting activities for PacifiCorp (stay aware for alignment and opportunities) - Refer to other whole home messaging campaigns online Who are the key stakeholders Marketing will partner with? Primary Internal Stakeholders - Anne Hill (SPM) - Christy Evans (Savings Manager) - Nicole Casta (Strategic Planner) ID PAC-E-14-07 IPUC 6 Attachment IPUC 6-4 8 of 9 - Jenn Bies (Outreach Lead) - Elizabeth Freeman (Retail Key Account Lead) - Phil Damiano (Mfr / Dist / Builder Lead) - TBD (Product Manager – HVAC, Weatherization, Appliance) Secondary Internal Stakeholders - Emily Kemper (Engineering) - Alex Reed (Business Intelligence) - Shauna Richardson (IPC) What are mandatory requirements for success? - Deliverables, how they are designed, and the messaging must all be conceived to be customizable (reusable) across states, audiences, and products. - All PECI staff must transition their language/messaging to support the ‘house as a system’ theme and messaging scripts provided - Foundational piece development must be prioritized to ensure the most leveragable and/or impactful elements are completed first (e.g. complete copy development of all pieces and the overall story first) - Available research and knowledge should be used to target as specifically as possible in graphics and messages - All tactics must have measurable goals attached - Clear expectations from Anne must be communicated to the team at large, otherwise there won’t be group buyoff or support for this cross-program effort. - The success of this non-lighting plan will depend on a level of discipline not previously in place on PacifiCorp. This discipline manifests through two commitments needed from the PacifiCorp team (especially PECI’s external-facing staff): to support the brand messaging and campaign tactics in all external communications, and to follow the defined, aligned, sequenced deliverables as developed in the detailed plan, avoiding side projects or changes (to tactics or timing) unless a high-potential opportunity or revision that has been properly vetted arises. - Create fun, engaging, humorous metaphors to ‘your house is a system’ -- consider other things / places / environments in life that work as a system and play off that theme to make energy efficiency (or lack thereof) more tangible, desirable, and fun. Creative Kindling ID PAC-E-14-07 IPUC 6 Attachment IPUC 6-4 9 of 9