HomeMy WebLinkAbout20141001PAC to Staff Attach 6.2.pdf Home Energy Savings Program 2011 Marketing Plan November 13, 2010 ID PAC-E-14-07 IPUC 6 Attachment IPUC 6-2 1 of 9 Table of Contents Introduction ................................................................................................................................................. 1  Program Overview ...................................................................................................................................... 1  Marketing Strategies ................................................................................................................................... 1  Market Segments and Key Messaging ........................................................................................................ 2  Strategies and Tactical Ideas ...................................................................................................................... 2  Infuse the power of partnerships more deeply into our marketing platform to increase participation. ............................................................................................................................................ 2  Increase the traffic to and interaction with the online channel to motivate action ........................... 2  Enhance trade alley communication channels to expand education and support. ............................ 3  Partner with PacifiCorp to align all DSM programs marketing efforts to leverage utility brand power. ....................................................................................................................................................... 3  Measurement ............................................................................................................................................... 3  Reporting ...................................................................................................................................................... 4  Appendix ...................................................................................................................................................... 5  ID PAC-E-14-07 IPUC 6 Attachment IPUC 6-2 2 of 9 Introduction The 2011 Marketing Plan supports the Home Energy Savings (HES) program within the Rocky Mountain Power and Pacific Power service areas. This plan outlines the objectives, marketing strategies and tactics for the 2011 program. The HES program has been administered for the last four years by PECI, putting us in a unique position to gauge the market, leverage trade ally relationships and accurately project future savings numbers. Program Overview The overarching goal of the HES program is to reduce kilowatt hours used by customers. The integrated marketing program therefore is designed to educate and encourage consumers and trade allies to change their behaviors and rethink the way they use energy. Incentives for the purchase and installation of high-efficiency appliances, efficient lighting, weatherization upgrades, HVAC equipment & services and new homes, serve as a marketing tool for partners in marketing their equipment and services. PacifiCorp and PECI have worked together to establish and build relationships with trade allies, gas utilities, government offices, retail partners and manufacturers/distributors. The 2011 plan includes similar tactics used in previous years, but with an increased focus on enhancing the program to further foster the relationships with each individual audience, and with each other as a whole. PECI believes that by further cultivating these relationships, the success of the Home Energy Savings program will continue to grow. For this reason, the 2011 plan will focus on strategies that create a deeper level of integration across program participants. The theme as we move forward is “partnerships.” Analysis of program performance in 2010 revealed that the overarching needs in each section of the program were to establish measure tracking indicators that would provide greater insight into what was working well within the program, and where there was room to improve. Further, it was discovered that consumer and trade allies had greater support needs via educational and creative awareness materials, as well as community based outreach. In order to properly plan for unexpected changes to the program (tariff changes, ENEGY STAR® requirement changes, etc.) we will provide a detailed quarterly tactical plan that outlines specific goals, measurement tracking and reporting on the previous quarter results. The broad plan included in this document is subject to change based on program needs. An updated quarterly plan will be communicated with PacifiCorp quarterly to ensure consistency and accuracy. Marketing Strategies The 2011 marketing strategies in support of the program goals are to: • Infuse the power of partnerships more deeply into our marketing platform to increase participation. • Increase the traffic to and interaction with the online channel to motivate action. • Enhance trade alley communication channels to expand education and support. • Partner with PacifiCorp to align all DSM program marketing efforts to leverage utility brand power. Home Energy Savings Program 2011 Marketing Plan 1 ID PAC-E-14-07 IPUC 6 Attachment IPUC 6-2 3 of 9 Proposal name in bottom right of each page 2 Market Segments and Key Messaging The segmentation research we invested in has helped us gain insight into the most effective messages that resonate with our customers. The messages outlined are grouped by state and product. The quarterly marketing plan will outline the specific messages that will be used for each tactic. Strategies and Tactical Ideas Infuse the power of partnerships more deeply into our marketing platform to increase participation. • Design a partnership program that perpetuates program participation across all audiences. o Increased advertising using co-op funding from program partners ƒ Leverage like goals to encourage our trade allies to be our advertising partner • Contractor focused advertising campaign o Radio and Web based • Retailer focused advertising campaign o Radio, Web and print based • Customer focused advertising campaign o Advertising in conjunction with events ƒ Partner with like organizations to create a deep impact advertising campaign • Television, radio, print and Web focused o Multiple participation rewards ƒ Bonus incentives to encourage customers and trade allies to continue to make energy-efficient choices ƒ Focus on promoting measures to make the whole home more efficient • Partnership with like incentive programs to ensure customers are getting the most value o Cash for Appliances o Gas utilities o Home Performance with ENERGY STAR o Direct mail to encourage participation in other programs • Advertise promotions through social media and targeted Web advertising • Direct mail campaign for existing customers/trade allies o Envelope promotions (Green/Blue) o Incentive check inserts o CFL promotion Increase the traffic to and interaction with the online channel to motivate action • Encourage customers to take action online o Website redirect links on promotional materials o Easy online application submission o CFL retail store locators • Enhance the website to include instructional videos for trade allies and consumers o How to fill out your application ƒ Most common missing information o How to properly install a CFL o How to perform services ƒ Trade ally specific ID PAC-E-14-07 IPUC 6 Attachment IPUC 6-2 4 of 9 • Partner with PacifiCorp DSM programs to heighten awareness of Pacific Power/Rocky Mountain Power website during community events and promotions o Use social media to inform and encourage attendance at events Enhance trade alley communication channels to expand education and support. • Motivate participation from trade allies using a partnership program o Benefits for high performing contractors, builders and retailers in each market ƒ Prominent website placement ƒ Co-op advertising preferences • Print and radio advertising to help boost their presence o Increase trade ally training and education on benefits of program participation ƒ Specific curriculum • Quarterly trade ally communication o Print and Web based • Produce support materials o Include program materials ƒ Marketing collateral to help promote the program ƒ Forms/worksheets ƒ Technical support materials ƒ Actual tools necessary to perform services Partner with PacifiCorp to align all DSM programs marketing efforts to leverage utility brand power. • Create a process for communicating upcoming promotions with PacifiCorp’s DSM programs, call center and market partners o Program calendar to share events, outreach schedule and program training • Work with PacifiCorp’s communications department to approve and distribute press releases about events/promotions • Work with DSM program marketing teams to ensure brand is leveraged at all possible events Measurement As part of the quarterly Marketing Plan, specific success metrics and tracking mechanism will be detailed; below are draft tracking mechanisms expected to be used. Measurements will be updated and communicated on a quarterly basis. Infuse the power of partnerships more deeply into our marketing platform to increase participation. • Use toll-free number and Web redirects on print materials o Track monthly • Track number of multiple redemptions from the same account number • Track number of promotional envelopes returned for envelope promotions Home Energy Savings Program 2011 Marketing Plan 3 ID PAC-E-14-07 IPUC 6 Attachment IPUC 6-2 5 of 9 Proposal name in bottom right of each page 4 Increase traffic in the online channel to motivate action. • Use source codes for printed materials distributed at events • Track number of follow-up actions to customers indicating interest on event surveys • Monitor the number of annual impressions on advertising materials Enhance trade alley communication channels to expand education support. • Monitor number of contractors who download online videos • Use Google Analytics to track Web traffic on the HES website • Monitor traffic on specific toll-free contractor support line • Track number of training packets distributed annually • Track number of referrals from program trade allies Partner with PacifiCorp to align all DSM programs marketing efforts to leverage utility brand power. • Use surveys to determine effectiveness of communication o Report monthly • Distribute communications packet to the DSC to ensure that all call agents are aware of collateral in the market o Include images of campaign materials and overview Reporting • Monthly reports will include high level overview of achievements and upcoming promotions o Discussed during monthly face-to-face meeting with PacifiCorp Communications team • Quarterly review of marketing plan o Determine any changes based on PacifiCorp needs ID PAC-E-14-07 IPUC 6 Attachment IPUC 6-2 6 of 9 Home Energy Savings Program 2011 Marketing Plan 5 Appendix Tactical Plan and Schedule See attached files for HES annual tactical list. Each quarter, a detailed tactical outline will be provided. Included in the outline will be specific budgets, measurement and results from the previous quarter. Marketing Reviews and Approvals Careful review of the marketing plan at quarterly kickoff and key milestones by decision-makers will help protect the budget and schedule and ensure marketing deliverables meet expectations. To support this, PECI will schedule formal reviews and approvals at key milestones throughout program implementation. Each review process includes two rounds and consists of the following steps: If the client review schedule extends beyond the agreed timeframe, PECI will do its best to make up any lost time when possible, otherwise adding on the same number of days slipped to the deliverable deadline. If the scope or schedule extends beyond the original agreement, impacting the budget, a change order may be required. Quarterly Check-Ins PECI will initiate a quarterly check-in to ensure the program goals remain inline with the marketing strategies and tactics planned. If a revision to the plan is required, a revised list of tactics and related timeline and/or budget revisions will be reviewed and approved by PacifiCorp Change Orders PECI will provide PacifiCorp with a written description of any changes requested that will affect previously agreed deliverables, schedule or budget specified in the contract; any related cost estimates of these changes will be included in the notification. PECI will wait for written approval from PacifiCorp before proceeding. ID PAC-E-14-07 IPUC 6 Attachment IPUC 6-2 7 of 9 x t t t Q4 July August October November December Deliver/In Market Tentative September t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t Submitted by: PECI-Residential Strategic Marketing Contacts: Rachel Hansen, Marketing Manager 2011 Home Energy Savings Program - All States Tactical Marketing Plan - New Homes, Appliances, Home Improvement, HVAC and CFLs Heidi Griffith, RSM Senior Marketing Assistant Effective date:January 1, 2011 x Develop Target Audience Marketing(list like deliverables for differen Tactics January February March April May June t audiences on separate lines)4 11182 5 1 8 1522 1 8 152229 5 121 926 3 10172431 7 142 128 5 12 19 26 2 9 16 23 30 6 13 20 27 4 11 18 25 1 8 15 22 29 6 13 20 27 SAMPLE: Builders Training postcard (series of 4 unique designs)Q1 Q2 Q3 Infuse the power of partnerships Partner Project General Presentation Folder t t t t General Program Business Cards (Regular)t t t t General Program Business Cards (Tent)t t t t General Program Envelopes (#10)t t t t General Program Envelopes (#15)t t t t General Program Imagery t t t t General Program Labels t t t t General Program Letterhead t t t t Trade Allies Co-op print advertising t t t t Trade Allies Co-op radio advertising t t t t Trade Allies Co-op television advertising t t t t Retailer In-store POP x Consumers Program incentive forms x AllAll Direct mail promotionDirect mail promotion t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t Retailer In-store merchandising display x x xx x x x x x x x x x x x x Consumers Incentive check inserts x x x x x x x x x x x x Trade Allies Pocket guides (reprint)x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Retailer Retailer promotional materials tttttttttttttttttttttttttttt t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t Consumers Utility Bill Inserts x xxx x x x x x x x x Increase traffic and interaction to the online channel Trade Allies Training videos online x x x x x xx t t t t t t t t t t t t t Utility Customized web button/templates tttttttttttttttttttttttttttt t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t General Trade alley locator/maps x x xx x x x x x x x x General Events/promotional Web pages x x xx xx xx x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x PacifiCorp Social Media Content x x x xx xx x x x x x Enhance trade alley communication/expand education and support Trade Allies Educational materials tttttttttttttttt tttttttttttt t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t Trade Allies Newsletter (e-Newsletter and physical)xxxx x x x x x x x x x x x x Trade Allies Program support materials tttttttttttttttttttttttttttt t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t Align DSM program marketing efforts Consumers Promotional giveaway items x x x x x General Program apparel x x x x x Consumers Event Sponsorship tttttttttttttttttttttttttttt t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t Consumers Event promotions tttttttttttttttttttttttttttt t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t Consumers Public relations ttttttttttt ttttttttttttttttt t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t Marketing Measurement Internal Google Analytics xx xx xxx x x x x x ID PAC-E-14-07 IPUC 6 Attachment IPUC 6-2 8 of 9 Number of residential customers by state for bill inserts:Bill Insert:Postage overage costs are $2.10 per thousand 425,000 (not included in total)$892.50 (not included in total) Legend:105,000 $1,627.03 $220.50 Voices Newsletter 100,000 $1,549.56 $210.00 Voices Newsletter - Corp Schedule 617,000 $9,560.75 $1,295.70 Bill Inserts 40,000 $619.82 $84.00 Direct Mail 60,000 $929.73 $126.00 922,000 $14,286.90 $1,936.20 Channel: Concept: Channel: Concept: Channel: Concept: Channel: Concept: Channel:Concept:Channel: Concept: Channel: Concept: Channel: Concept: Channel: Concept: Channel: Concept: Channel: Concept: Channel: Concept: CALIFORNIA New Homes Voices Fall prep 2011 Proposed HES Marketing Communications Plan Pacific Power / Rocky Mountain Power Oregon (ETO)*Oregon (ETO)* Washington Bi l l I n s e r t P r i n t i n g Co s t s Washington Wyoming Wyoming Utah Utah California California Idaho Idaho TOTAL Postage Cost January February March April May June TOTAL (households) November DecemberJulyAugustSeptemberOctober New Homes Voices Fall prep HVAC Voices EE / Tune-up Bill Insert Cooling tips Voices Cooling Tips Voices Fall prep Voices Heating Tips Appliances Voices RAC/CF Voices Fall prep Lighthing Voices EE Voices Fall prep Bill Insert CFL IDAHO HVAC Voices EE / Tune-up Bill Insert Cooling tips Voices Cooling Tips Voices Fall prep Voices Heating Tips Appliances Voices RAC/CF Voices Fall prep Lighting Bill Insert CFL Home Improvement Voices Fall prep UTAH HVAC Voices EE / Tune-up Bill Insert Cooling tips Voices Cooling Tips Voices Fall prep Voices Heating Tips Appliances Voices RAC/CF Voices Fall prep Lighting Voices EE Voices Fall prep Bill Insert CFL Home Improvement Bill Insert H&G show Voices Fall prep WASHINGTON New Homes Voices Fall prep HVAC Voices EE / Tune-up Bill Insert Cooling tips Voices Cooling Tips Voices Fall prep Voices Heating TipsHVACVoicesEE / Tune up Bill Insert Cooling tips Voices Cooling Tips Voices Fall prep Voices Heating Tips Appliances Voices RAC/CF Voices Fall prep Lighting Voices EE Voices Fall prep Bill Insert CFL Home Improvement Bill Insert H&G show Voices Fall prep WYOMING HVAC Voices Voices EE / Tune-up Bill Insert Cooling tips Voices Cooling Tips Voices Fall prep Voices Heating Tips Appliances Voices Voices RAC/CF Voices Fall prep Lighthing Voices Voices EE Voices Fall prep Bill Insert CFL Home Improvement Voices Voices Fall prep ID PAC-E-14-07 IPUC 6 Attachment IPUC 6-2 9 of 9