HomeMy WebLinkAbout20141001PAC to Staff Attach 2.3.pdf Appendix 2 2012 Idaho Cost Effectiveness ID PAC-E-14-07 IPUC 2 Attachment IPUC 2-3 1 of 17 Page 2 of 17 Table of Contents Portfolio and Sector Level Cost Effectiveness ............................................................................... 3 Program Level Cost Effectiveness .................................................................................................. 6 Home Energy Savings Program – Schedule 118 ........................................................................ 6 Refrigerator Recycling (See ya later, refrigerator®) – Schedule 117......................................... 8 Low Income Weatherization – Schedule 21 ............................................................................. 10 FinAnswer Express – Schedule 115 ......................................................................................... 12 Agricultural Energy Services (Irrigation Energy Savers) – Schedule 155 ............................... 14 Energy FinAnswer – Schedule 125........................................................................................... 16 ID PAC-E-14-07 IPUC 2 Attachment IPUC 2-3 2 of 17 Page 3 of 17 Portfolio and Sector Level Cost Effectiveness The overall energy efficiency portfolio and component sectors were cost effective on a PacifiCorp Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC), Total Resource Cost Test (TRC), Utility Cost Test (UCT), and Participant Cost Test (PCT) basis. The following table provides the results of all five cost effectiveness tests. 2012 Portfolio and Sector Cost Effectiveness Summary PTRC TRC UCT RIM PCT 2012 Total Energy Efficiency Portfolio 1.364 1.225 1.706 0.722 2.433 2012 C&I Energy Efficiency Portfolio 1.277 1.160 1.747 0.763 1.924 2012 Residential Energy Efficiency Portfolio 1.595 1.394 1.636 0.650 4.357 Sector and Program Level Cost Effectiveness Summaries: The cost effectiveness results for the sector level are aggregations of the costs and benefits from the component programs. The inputs and assumptions that support these results are contained in the program level cost effectiveness results. Table 1: Common Inputs Parameter Value Discount Rate 7.17% Residential Line Loss 11.47% Commercial Line Loss 10.75% Industrial Line Loss 7.52% Agriculture Line Loss 11.48% Residential Energy Rate ($/kWh) (2012 base rate)1 $0.1007 Commercial Energy Rate ($/kWh) (2012 base rate) 1 $0.0843 Industrial Energy Rate ($/kWh) (2012 base rate) 1 $0.0545 Irrigation Energy Rate ($/kWh) (2012 base rate) 1 $0.0831 1 Future rates determined using a 1.8% annual escalator. ID PAC-E-14-07 IPUC 2 Attachment IPUC 2-3 3 of 17 Page 4 of 17 Table 2: Portfolio Costs Portfolio Costs Residential Portfolio Evaluation Costs $100,261 C&I Portfolio Evaluation Costs $696,359 Technical Reference Library $6,477 New Programs $82 Total $803,179 Table 3: Low Income Energy Education Savings Savings (kWh) Low Income Energy Education 20,536 Table 4: 2012 Total Energy Efficiency Portfolio including Low Income Education Savings Levelized $/kWh Costs Benefits Net Benefits Benefit/Cost Ratio Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conservation Adder 0.0749 $4,760,028 $6,494,280 $1,734,253 1.364 Total Resource Cost Test (TRC) No Adder 0.0749 $4,760,028 $5,828,886 $1,068,858 1.225 Utility Cost Test (UCT) 0.0537 $3,415,751 $5,828,886 $2,413,135 1.706 Rate Impact Test (RIM) $8,067,998 $5,828,886 ($2,239,112) 0.722 Participant Cost Test (PCT) $2,962,097 $7,206,270 $4,244,173 2.433 Lifecycle Revenue Impacts ($/kWh) $0.000043739 ID PAC-E-14-07 IPUC 2 Attachment IPUC 2-3 4 of 17 Page 5 of 17 Table 5: 2012 C&I Energy Efficiency Portfolio including Evaluation Costs Levelized $/kWh Costs Benefits Net Benefits Benefit/Cost Ratio Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conservation Adder 0.0786 $3,415,808 $4,360,343 $944,536 1.277 Total Resource Cost Test (TRC) No Adder 0.0786 $3,415,808 $3,963,948 $548,141 1.160 Utility Cost Test (UCT) 0.0522 $2,269,257 $3,963,948 $1,694,691 1.747 Rate Impact Test (RIM) $5,192,203 $3,963,948 ($1,228,254) 0.763 Participant Cost Test (PCT) $2,342,043 $4,504,927 $2,162,884 1.924 Lifecycle Revenue Impacts ($/kWh) $0.000032979 Table 6: 2012 Residential Energy Efficiency Portfolio Including Evaluation Costs & Low Income Education Savings Levelized $/kWh Costs Benefits Net Benefits Benefit/Cost Ratio Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conservation Adder 0.0665 $1,337,662 $2,133,937 $796,276 1.595 Total Resource Cost Test (TRC) No Adder 0.0665 $1,337,662 $1,864,937 $527,276 1.394 Utility Cost Test (UCT) 0.0567 $1,139,936 $1,864,937 $725,002 1.636 Rate Impact Test (RIM) $2,869,237 $1,864,937 ($1,004,300) 0.650 Participant Cost Test (PCT) $620,054 $2,701,343 $2,081,289 4.357 Lifecycle Revenue Impacts ($/kWh) $0.000019618 ID PAC-E-14-07 IPUC 2 Attachment IPUC 2-3 5 of 17 Page 6 of 17 Program Level Cost Effectiveness Home Energy Savings Program – Schedule 118 The tables below present the cost-effectiveness findings of the Idaho Home Energy Savings program based on Rocky Mountain Power’s 2012 costs and savings estimates. The Utility discount rate is from the 2011 Integrated Resource Plan (IRP). Cost-effectiveness was tested using the 2011 IRP 35% load factor east residential whole house decrement. Table 1 lists modeling inputs. The program is cost-effective from the PTRC, TRC, UCT and PCT perspectives. Table 3: Home Energy Savings Inputs Parameter Value Discount Rate 7.17% Residential Line Loss 11.47% Residential Energy Rate ($/kWh) (2012 base rate2) $0.1007 Table 4: Home Energy Savings Annual Program Costs Table 5: Home Energy Savings Savings by Measure Type 2 Future rates determined using a 1.8% annual escalator. Program Management and Administration Other Program Costs Incentives Total Utility Costs Net Participant Incremental Cost Lighting $9,862 $1,918 $85,501 $97,281 $170,568 Appliance $193,291 $37,588 $167,350 $398,229 $273,987 Home Improvement $75,044 $14,593 $52,841 $142,478 $73,829 HVAC $7,464 $1,452 $5,344 $14,260 $13,705 Total $285,661 $55,551 $311,036 $652,248 $532,089 Gross kWh Savings Realization Rate Adjusted Gross Savings Net to Gross Percentage Net kWh Savings Measure Life Lighting 1,871,318 100% 1,871,318 85% 1,590,621 5 Appliance 522,421 100% 522,421 86% 449,282 15 Home Improvement 202,826 100% 202,826 87% 176,459 30 HVAC 20,174 100% 20,174 86% 17,350 18 Total 2,616,739 2,616,739 2,233,711 ID PAC-E-14-07 IPUC 2 Attachment IPUC 2-3 6 of 17 Page 7 of 17 Table 6: Home Energy Savings Cost-Effectiveness Results Levelized $/kWh Costs Benefits Net Benefits Benefit/Cost Ratio Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conservation Adder 0.0569 $873,301 $1,595,571 $722,270 1.827 Total Resource Cost Test (TRC) No Adder 0.0569 $873,301 $1,450,519 $577,218 1.661 Utility Cost Test (UCT) 0.0425 $652,248 $1,450,519 $798,271 2.224 Rate Impact Test (RIM) $1,968,615 $1,450,519 ($518,096) 0.737 Participant Cost Test (PCT) $620,054 $1,847,093 $1,227,039 2.979 Lifecycle Revenue Impacts ($/kWh) $0.000010121 Discounted Participant Payback (years) 1.36 ID PAC-E-14-07 IPUC 2 Attachment IPUC 2-3 7 of 17 Page 8 of 17 Refrigerator Recycling (See ya later, refrigerator®) – Schedule 117 The tables below present the cost-effectiveness findings of the Idaho See-Ya-Later Refrigerator program based on Rocky Mountain Power’s 2012 costs and savings estimates. The Utility discount rate is from the 2011 Integrated Resource Plan (IRP). Cost-effectiveness was tested using the 2011 IRP 35% load factor east residential whole house decrement. Table 1 lists modeling inputs. The program is cost-effective from the PTRC, TRC, UCT and PCT perspectives. Table 7: See-Ya-Later Refrigerator Inputs Parameter Value Discount Rate 7.17% Residential Line Loss 11.47% Residential Energy Rate ($/kWh) (2012 base rate3) $0.1007 Table 8: See-Ya-Later Refrigerator Annual Program Costs Marketing and Program Development Utility Admin Program Management and Administration Incentives Total Utility Costs Net Participant Incremental Cost Refrigerators $878 $7,319 $49,581 $14,760 $72,538 $0 Freezers $264 $2,199 $14,899 $5,070 $22,432 $0 Kits $67 $559 $3,785 $3,497 $7,908 $0 Total $1,209 $10,077 $68,265 $23,327 $102,878 $0 Table 9: See-Ya-Later Refrigerator Savings by Measure Type Gross kWh Savings Realization Rate Adjusted Gross Savings Net to Gross Percentage Net kWh Savings Measure Life Refrigerators 585,480 100% 585,480 49% 284,543 6 Freezers 175,929 100% 175,929 57% 99,576 9 Kits 44,696 100% 44,696 100% 44,696 5 Total 806,105 806,105 428,815 3 Future rates determined using a 1.8% annual escalator. ID PAC-E-14-07 IPUC 2 Attachment IPUC 2-3 8 of 17 Page 9 of 17 Table 10: See-Ya-Later Refrigerator Cost-Effectiveness Results Levelized $/kWh Costs Benefits Net Benefits Benefit/Cost Ratio Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conservation Adder 0.0306 $79,551 $228,086 $148,535 2.867 Total Resource Cost Test (TRC) No Adder 0.0306 $79,551 $207,351 $127,800 2.607 Utility Cost Test (UCT) 0.0396 $102,878 $207,351 $104,473 2.016 Rate Impact Test (RIM) $317,780 $207,351 ($110,429) 0.652 Participant Cost Test (PCT) $0 $427,909 $427,909 NA Lifecycle Revenue Impacts ($/kWh) $0.000004063 Discounted Participant Payback (years) NA ID PAC-E-14-07 IPUC 2 Attachment IPUC 2-3 9 of 17 Page 10 of 17 Low Income Weatherization – Schedule 21 The tables below present the cost-effectiveness findings of the Idaho Low Income Weatherization program based on Rocky Mountain Power’s 2012 costs and savings estimates. The Utility discount rate is from the 2011 Integrated Resource Plan (IRP). Cost-effectiveness was tested using the 2011 IRP medium carbon 35% load factor east residential whole house decrement. Table 1 lists modeling inputs. With non-energy benefits added in, the program is cost-effective from only the PTRC perspective. Table 1: Low Income Weatherization Inputs Parameter Value Discount Rate 7.17% Residential Line Loss 11.47% Residential Energy Rate ($/kWh) (2012 base rate4) $0.1007 Table 2: Low Income Weatherization Annual Program Costs Utility Admin Administration Evaluation Incentives Total Utility Costs Net Participant Incremental Cost Low Income Weatherization $25,454 $25,236 $5,550 $228,309 $284,549 $0 Table 3: Low Income Weatherization Savings by Measure Type Gross kWh Savings Realization Rate Adjusted Gross Savings Net to Gross Percentage Net kWh Savings Measure Life Low Income Weatherization 230,238 65% 149,655 100% 149,655 25 Table 4: Low Income Weatherization Non-Energy Benefits Non-Energy Benefit Program Impact Perspective Adjusted Health, Safety and Repair Costs $82,506 PTRC 4 Future rates determined using a 1.8% annual escalator. ID PAC-E-14-07 IPUC 2 Attachment IPUC 2-3 10 of 17 Page 11 of 17 Table 5: Low Income Weatherization Cost-Effectiveness Results Levelized $/kWh Costs Benefits Net Benefits Benefit/Cost Ratio Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conservation Adder 0.1387 $284,549 $301,356 $16,808 1.059 Total Resource Cost Test (TRC) No Adder 0.1387 $284,549 $198,955 ($85,594) 0.699 Utility Cost Test (UCT) 0.1387 $284,549 $198,955 ($85,594) 0.699 Rate Impact Test (RIM) $474,418 $198,955 ($275,463) 0.419 Participant Cost Test (PCT) $0 $418,178 $418,178 NA Lifecycle Revenue Impacts ($/kWh) $0.000005763 Discounted Participant Payback (years) NA ID PAC-E-14-07 IPUC 2 Attachment IPUC 2-3 11 of 17 Page 12 of 17 FinAnswer Express – Schedule 115 The tables below present the cost-effectiveness findings of the Idaho FinAnswer Express program based on Rocky Mountain Power’s 2012 costs and savings estimates. The Utility discount rate is from the 2011 Integrated Resource Plan (IRP). Cost-effectiveness was tested using the 2011 IRP 69% load factor east system decrement. Table 1 lists modeling inputs. The program is cost-effective from the PTRC, TRC, UCT and PCT perspectives. Table 1: FinAnswer Express Inputs Parameter Value Discount Rate 7.17% Commercial Line Loss 10.75% Industrial Line Loss 7.52% Commercial Energy Rate ($/kWh) (2012 base rate)5 $0.0843 Industrial Energy Rate ($/kWh) (2012 base rate)1 $0.0545 Table 2: FinAnswer Express Annual Program Costs Evaluation Program Costs Utility Admin Engineering Costs Incentives Total Utility Costs Net Participant Incremental Cost Commercial $52,011 $222,595 $40,111 $28,513 $189,481 $532,711 $828,291 Industrial $12,004 $65,652 $5,028 $14,476 $131,129 $228,290 $376,719 Total $64,016 $288,247 $45,139 $42,989 $320,610 $761,001 $1,205,010 Table 3: FinAnswer Express Savings by Measure Type Gross kWh Savings Realization Rate Adjusted Gross Savings Net to Gross Percentage Net kWh Savings Measure Life Commercial 2,205,353 96% 2,117,139 76% 1,609,026 12 Industrial 2,267,759 96% 2,177,049 76% 1,654,557 12 Total 4,473,112 4,294,188 3,263,583 5 Future rates determined using a 1.8% annual escalator. ID PAC-E-14-07 IPUC 2 Attachment IPUC 2-3 12 of 17 Page 13 of 17 Table 4: FinAnswer Express Cost-Effectiveness Results Levelized $/kWh Costs Benefits Net Benefits Benefit/Cost Ratio Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conservation Adder 0.0561 $1,645,401 $2,823,990 $1,178,589 1.716 Total Resource Cost Test (TRC) No Adder 0.0561 $1,645,401 $2,567,264 $921,863 1.560 Utility Cost Test (UCT) 0.0260 $761,001 $2,567,264 $1,806,263 3.374 Rate Impact Test (RIM) $2,633,735 $2,567,264 ($66,472) 0.975 Participant Cost Test (PCT) $1,585,539 $2,784,734 $1,199,195 1.756 Lifecycle Revenue Impacts ($/kWh) $0.000002035 Discounted Participant Payback (years) 5.09 ID PAC-E-14-07 IPUC 2 Attachment IPUC 2-3 13 of 17 Page 14 of 17 Agricultural Energy Services (Irrigation Energy Savers) – Schedule 155 The tables below present the cost-effectiveness findings of the Idaho Agriculture program based on Rocky Mountain Power’s 2012 costs and savings estimates. The Utility discount rate is from the 2012 Integrated Resource Plan (IRP). Cost-effectiveness was tested using the 2011 IRP medium carbon 20% load factor east commercial cooling decrement. Table 1 lists modeling inputs. The program is cost-effective from the PTRC, TRC, UCT and PCT perspectives. Table 1: Agricultural Energy Savers Inputs Parameter Value Discount Rate 7.17% Agriculture Line Loss 11.48% Irrigation Energy Rate ($/kWh) (2012 base rate)1 $0.0831 Table 2: Agricultural Energy Savers Annual Program Costs Evaluation Utility Admin Administration Engineering Costs Incentives Total Utility Costs Net Participant Incremental Cost Equipment Exchange $173 $3,177 $12,626 $23,099 $25,572 $64,647 $18,795 Pivot/Linear Upgrade $855 $15,694 $62,368 $114,105 $108,461 $301,483 $181,101 System Redesigns $664 $12,191 $48,448 $88,637 $136,229 $286,169 $311,194 Total $1,693 $31,061 $123,442 $225,841 $270,262 $652,299 $511,090 Table 3: Agricultural Energy Savers Savings by Measure Type Gross kWh Savings Realization Rate Adjusted Gross Savings Net to Gross Percentage Net kWh Savings Measure Life Equipment Exchange 302,151 100% 302,151 74% 222,081 5 Pivot/Linear Upgrade 1,492,563 100% 1,492,563 74% 1,097,034 5 System Redesigns 1,159,422 100% 1,159,422 74% 852,175 7 Total 2,954,136 2,954,136 2,171,290 ID PAC-E-14-07 IPUC 2 Attachment IPUC 2-3 14 of 17 Page 15 of 17 Table 4: Agricultural Energy Savers Cost-Effectiveness Results Levelized $/kWh Costs Benefits Net Benefits Benefit/Cost Ratio Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conservation Adder 0.0752 $893,127 $1,317,795 $424,667 1.475 Total Resource Cost Test (TRC) No Adder 0.0752 $893,127 $1,197,995 $304,868 1.341 Utility Cost Test (UCT) 0.0549 $652,299 $1,197,995 $545,696 1.837 Rate Impact Test (RIM) $1,575,263 $1,197,995 ($377,268) 0.761 Participant Cost Test (PCT) $695,360 $1,525,995 $830,635 2.195 Lifecycle Revenue Impacts ($/kWh) $0.000016451 Discounted Participant Payback (years) 1.77 ID PAC-E-14-07 IPUC 2 Attachment IPUC 2-3 15 of 17 Page 16 of 17 Energy FinAnswer – Schedule 125 The tables below present the cost-effectiveness findings of the Idaho Energy FinAnswer program based on Rocky Mountain Power’s 2011 costs and savings estimates. The Utility discount rate is from the 2011 Integrated Resource Plan (IRP). Cost-effectiveness was tested using the 2011 IRP 69% load factor east system decrement. Table 1 lists modeling inputs. The program is cost-effective from the PTRC, TRC, UCT and PCT perspectives. Table 1: Energy FinAnswer Inputs Parameter Value Discount Rate 7.17% Commercial Line Loss 10.75% Industrial Line Loss 7.52% Commercial Energy Rate ($/kWh) (2012 base rate)6 $0.0843 Industrial Energy Rate ($/kWh) (2012 base rate)1 $0.0545 Table 2: Energy FinAnswer Annual Program Costs Evaluation Engineering Costs Utility Admin Incentives Total Utility Costs Net Participant Incremental Cost Commercial $1,569 $15,626 $4,080 $0 $21,275 $0 Industrial $4,904 $79,819 $29,065 $24,535 $138,323 $45,857 Total $6,473 $95,444 $33,146 $24,535 $159,599 $45,857 Table 3: Energy FinAnswer Savings by Measure Type Gross kWh Savings Realization Rate Adjusted Gross Savings Net to Gross Percentage Net kWh Savings Measure Life Commercial - 91% 0 75% 0 15 Industrial 318,915 91% 290,213 75% 217,659 15 Total 318,915 290,213 217,659 6 Future rates determined using a 1.8% annual escalator. ID PAC-E-14-07 IPUC 2 Attachment IPUC 2-3 16 of 17 Page 17 of 17 Table 4: Energy FinAnswer Cost-Effectiveness Results Levelized $/kWh Costs Benefits Net Benefits Benefit/Cost Ratio Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conservation Adder 0.0801 $180,921 $218,559 $37,638 1.208 Total Resource Cost Test (TRC) No Adder 0.0801 $180,921 $198,690 $17,769 1.098 Utility Cost Test (UCT) 0.0706 $159,599 $198,690 $39,091 1.245 Rate Impact Test (RIM) $286,845 $198,690 ($88,155) 0.693 Participant Cost Test (PCT) $61,143 $194,197 $133,054 3.176 Lifecycle Revenue Impacts ($/kWh) $0.000002367 Discounted Participant Payback (years) 2.40 ID PAC-E-14-07 IPUC 2 Attachment IPUC 2-3 17 of 17