HomeMy WebLinkAbout20131227PAC to Staff 7-16.pdfROCKY MOUNTAIN 20!South Main,Suite 2300‘POWER Salt Lake City,Utah 84! ADIVSION OFPACIFICOFP rr .P 1:fJ -IDecember24,20li - Jean Jewel! Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W.Washington Boise,ID 83702-5918 jean.jewelltpuc.Idaho.gov (C) RE:ID PAC-E-13-15 IPUC 2”Set Data Request (7-16) Please find enclosed Rocky Mountain Power’s responses to IPUC 2nd Set Data Requests 7-16. Also provided are Attachments IPUC 16 —(1-3). If you have any questions,please feel free to call me at (801)220-2963. Sincerely, Z J.Ted Weston Manager,Regulation PAC-E-13-15/Rocky Mountain Power December 24,2013 IPUC Data Request 7 IPUC Data Request 7 Please state whether the Company calculates cost-effectiveness of each DSM program based upon a program’s annual gross benefits rather than net benefits. Please explain the Company’s rationale. Response to IPUC Data Request 7 Cadmus calculated costs-effectiveness following the California Standard Practice Manual methodology.Gross benefits are used only for the Participant Cost Test, while all other test perspectives use net benefits to determine cost-effectiveness. Recordholder:Esther Giezendanner Sponsor:To Be Determined PAC-E-13-15/Rocky Mountain Power December 24,2013 IPUC Data Request 8 IPUC Data Request $ Please provide all assumptions,and corresponding sources,used to calculate net benefits and gross benefits for each DSM program. Response to IPUC Data Request 8 Cost effectiveness calculations during 2011 and 2012 used avoided cost decrements,line losses,armual measure energy savings,low income non-energy benefits,measure life,and the net-to-gross ratio to calculate benefits for each DSM program. Table 1 shows these inputs and their sources. Table 1 Innut Sources Inputs Source Avoided Costs PacifiCorp’s 2011 IRP Avoided Cost Decrements Program Specific Annual Energy Program Administrators /Evaluations/Planning Savings Low Income Non-Energy Benefits Health,Safety and Repair Costs Residential and C&I Line Losses PacifiCorp Electric Operations Loss Study Program Specific Measure Life Multiple Sources Including Regional Technical forum Program Specific Net-to-Gross Ratio Annual Impact Evaluations Recordholder:Esther Giezendanner Sponsor:To Be Determined PAC-E-13-15/Rocky Mountain Power December 24,2013 IPUC Data Request 9 IPUC Data Request 9 Please provide the amount of low-income energy conservation kits distributed during 2012. Response to IPUC Data Request 9 151 kits were distributed in 2012.This number is included in the 2012 Annual Report on page 24. Recordholder:Becky Eberle Sponsor:To Be Determined PAC-E-13-15/Rocky Mountain Power December 24,2013 IPUC Data Request 10 IPUC Data Request 10 For 2011 and 2012,please provide the number of Participants,Units and/or Projects that were reported for the Agricultural Energy Services,Home Energy Savings,and FinAnswer Express programs. Response to IPUC Data Request 10 Agricultural Energy Services Home Energy Savings finAnswer Express 2011 219 7,606 72 2012 206 8,778 $1 Recordholder:Esther Giezendaimer Sponsor:To Be Determined PAC-E-13-15/Rocky Mountain Power December 24,2013 IPUC Data Request 11 IPUC Data Request ii In 2012,were any Office of Energy Resources projects reported?If so,did the Company claim savings and expenditures? Response to IPUC Data Request 11 There were no Office of Energy Resources projects reported in 2012. Recordholder:Lisa Romney Sponsor:To Be Determined PAC-E-13-15/Rocky Mountain Power December 24,2013 IPUC Data Request 12 IPUC Data Request 12 Please provide the number of workshops the Company conducted and the amount of participants for each commercial/industrial/agricultural program in 2010,2011 and 2012. Response to IPUC Data Request 12 Golden West 2/24/2010 Idaho 30 Overview of program Irrigation Pivot FaIls,ID offerings &VFD energy School savings presentation. Rain For Rent 2/25/2010 Idaho 30 Overview of program Customer Falls,ID offerings &VFD energy Appreciation Day savings presentation. Valley Implement 2/25/2010 Preston,50 Operated a booth and Customer ID presented program Appreciation Day information. NW TAN Hands on 05/06/2010 Idaho 80 Workshop and lighting controls Falls,ID presentation RMP Program 05/06/2010 Idaho 80 Program update Review/Incentive Falls,ID presentation Review NW Food 10/19/2010 CaIdwell Unknown Workshop and Processor Idaho presentation NW Food 10/20/2010 Twin Unknown Workshop and Processor Falls,ID presentation Eastern Idaho Ag 1/18/2011 Pocatello,50 Operated a booth and Expo ID presented program information. Eastern Idaho Ag 1/19/2011 Pocatello,50 Operated a booth and Expo ID presented program information. Eastern Idaho Ag 1/20/2011 Pocatello,50 Operated a booth and Expo ID presented program information. Rain For Rent 2/24/2011 Idaho 40 Operated a booth and 2/23/2010 Idaho Falls,ID 30GoldenWest Overview of program Irrigation Pivot offerings &VFD energy School savings presentation. PAC-E-13-15/Rocky Mountain Power December24,2013 IPUC Data Request 12 Valley Implement 2/24/2011 Preston,50 Operated a booth and Customer ID presented program Appreciation Day information. Idaho Energy 05/03/2011 Idaho 70 Workshop/Presentation Efficiency Alliance Falls,ID Training IIEA —Irrigation 1/5/2012 Idaho 30 Presentation on program Show &Falls,ID offerings and custom Conference projects. Eastern Idaho Ag 1/17/2012 Pocatello,50 Operated a booth and Expo ID presented program information. Eastern Idaho Ag 1/18/2012 Pocatello,50 Operated a booth and Expo ID presented program information. Eastern Idaho Ag 1/19/2012 Pocatello,50 Operated a booth and Expo ID presented program information. New tariff 08/08/2012 Idaho 50 Presentation workshop Falls,ID Lighting Workshop 02/14/2012 Idaho 50 Workshop/presentation Falls,ID Note:the number of participants at each event is estimated.The total number was not recorded at the time of the event. Recordholder:Nancy Goddard Sponsor:To Be Determined Customer Appreciation Day Falls,ID presented program information. PAC-E-13-1 5/Rocky Mountain Power December 24,2013 IPUC Data Request 13 IPUC Data Request 13 Please provide the 2010 and 2011 Annual Performance and Activity Results in a manner identical to the 2012 DSM Annual Report. Response to IPUC Data Request 13 The Company does not have this information available.Please refer to the Annual Reports that are posted online at:http://www.pacificorp.com/es/dsmlidaho.html Recordholder:Lisa Romney Sponsor:To Be Determined PAC-E-13-15/Rocky Mountain Power December 24,2013 IPUC Data Request 14 IPUC Data Request 14 Please provide the savings goats from the Company’s Conservation Potential Assessment (CPA)and Integrated Resource Plan (IRP)for each year 2010-2015 for Idaho.Please delineate by program.If the forecast(s)were not attained, please provide a detailed description as to why. Response to IPUC Data Request 14 for Class 2 energy efficiency energy resources the CPA and IRP do not assess opportunities or economically screen and select targets at a specific program level (CPA and IRP assess and model at a measure and bundled measure level, respectively)so providing this level of delineation is not possible.The table below details JRP targets for the years requested,results achieved (if available), and general variance explanation. IRP Achieved Variance Explanation Selection Results (MWh)(MWh)(MWh) 2010 l&$24’13,0962 -3,728 In smaller less diverse service areas variations are normal year to year; company seeks to acquire identified and selected opportunities over time (down in 2010 and 2011,up in 2012 and 2013).No outstanding issue identified other than the company ceased funding and reporting savings associated with NEEA beginning in 2010. 2011 15,650 9,513 -6,137 See note above 2012 9,3755 12,6156 3,240 Seenoteabove 2013 7,165 15,615g 8,450 Seenoteabove ‘200$IRP Update (March 2010)Energy Efficiency Selections.Run —BPV2 Study with 8/31/09 Loads $45 C02 (BP1001920_DSM) 200$IRP Update (March 2010)2011 BPVI Study with 04/01/10 Loads $45 C02 ($54 T&D Credit) 2011 Energy Efficiency and Peak Reduction AnnuaL Report —Idaho —(Revised August 2,2012) 20I1 IRP Preferred Portfolio with 09/02/10 Loads $19 C02 ($54 T&D Credit) Idaho Energy Efficiency and Peak Reduction Annual Report January 1,2012 December 31,2012 (April 30,2013) 2011 IRP update 2013 Business Plan Vi (Preliminary)$54 T&D Credit PAC-E-13-1 5/Rocky Mountain Power December 24,2013 IPUC Data Request 14 2014 11,090w tbd tbd 2015 11,470’°tbd tbd Recordholder:Jeff Bumgarner Sponsor:To Be Determined 8 Preliminary 2013 forecast.November,2013 GAP/Forecast Report. p2013 IRP (April 30,2013) 102013 IRP (April 30,2013) PAC-E-i3-15/Rocky Mountain Power December 24,2013 IPUC Data Request 15 IPUC Data Request 15 Please provide the projected annual cost-effectiveness,participation,expenditure level,and energy savings for each DSM program in 2013,2014,and 2015?If the projection is greater or less than the CPA and IRP forecast,please explain why. Response to IPUC Data Request 15 Projected annual cost-effectiveness and program participation for 2013,2014 and 2015 are not available at this time.2013 results will be available concurrent with the filing of the Company’s 2013 annual report to by April 30,2014. Projected annual expenditures by approved/existing program for 2013 are based on actuals through November and estimated forecast for December.Years 2014 and 2015 are based on the Company’s 10-year business plan and are as follows’: Programs 2013 2014 2015 Low Income $235,000 $380,000 $380,000 Home Energy Savings $660,000 $860,730 $1,000,642 Refrigerator Recycling $99,900 $101,964 $102,036 Energy finAnswer $376,100 $473,400 $263,064 finAnswer Express $868,000 $695,400 $730,800 Irrigation Energy $975,000 $600,000 $600,000 Savers Irrigation Load Control2 $5,075,000 $7,100,000 $7,100,000 Projected energy savings for 2013 by program in the following table is provided based on the information available at this time:actual results through October, 2013,and forecasted results for November through December3.final results for 2013 will be provided concurrent with the filing of the Company’s 2013 annual report by April 30,2014. ‘2013-2015 business case budgets (June,2013),approved/existing programs only. 2 Costs are expensed and not recovered through Schedule 191,Customer Efficiency Services Rate Adjustment. Preliminary 2013 forecast.November,2013 GAP/forecast Report. PAC-E-13-1 5/Rocky Mountain Power December 24,2013 IPUC Data Request 15 Programs 2013 Forecasted Savings (MWh) Low Income 171 Home Energy Savings 2,850 Refrigerator Recycling 800 Energy FinAnswer 2,552 FinAnswer Express 5,638 Irrigation Energy Savers 3,605 Irrigation Load Control 0 Projected energy savings at a program level for 2014 and 2015 are expected to be similar to 2013 however are not available at this time.The CPA identifies resource opportunity at a measure level and the IRP screens those resource opportunities for economic viability/initial cost-effectiveness.IRP resource selections of energy resources are screened at a bundled measure level,not by program (see PacifiCorp’s 2013 IRP,Volume I,page 142,“Class 2 DSM,Energy Supply Curves”).As a result,it’s not possible to provide variance comparisons between IRP selections and Company energy savings forecasts at a program level. Recordholder:Jeff Bumgarner Sponsor:To Be Determined PAC-E-13-15!Rocky Mountain Power December 24,2013 IPUC Data Request 16 IPUC Data Request 16 Please provide all attachments and exhibits contained in the Company’s application and production requests in electronic format with all formulas intact. Response to IPUC Data Request 16 Please see Attachments IPUC 16-1,IPUC 16-2,and IPUC 16-3. Recordholder:Esther Giezendanner Sponsor:To Be Determined ID PA C - E - 1 3 - 1 5 At t a c h m e n t IP U C 16 - 1 IP U C 16 AT T A C H M E N T 1 ES T I M A T E D RE V E N U E FR O M SC H E D U L E 19 1 FR O M EL E C T R I C SA L E S TO UL T I M A T E CU S T O M E R S DI S T R I B U T E D BY RA T E SC H E D U L E S IN ID A H O HI S T O R I C 12 MO N T H S EN D E D DE C E M B E R 20 1 2 Pr e s e n t DS M Re v e n u e Li n e Av e r a g e Re v Ra t e Re v No . De s c r i p t i o n Sc h . Cu s t MW H ($ 0 0 0 ) * % ($ 0 0 0 ) (1 ) (2 ) (3 ) (4 ) (5 ) (6 ) (7 ) Re s i d e n t i a l Sa l e s I Re s i d e n t i a l Se r v i c e 1 43 , 6 8 5 42 4 , 8 6 6 $4 9 , 0 8 1 2. 1 % $1 , 0 3 1 2 Re s i d e n t i a l Op t i o n a l TO D 36 14 , 2 7 9 26 0 , 6 1 2 $2 5 , 7 2 3 2. 1 % $5 4 0 3 AG A Re v e n u e $3 4 To t a l Re s i d e n t i a l 57 , 9 6 4 68 5 , 4 7 7 $7 4 , 8 0 7 __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ $1 , 5 7 1 5 Co m m e r c i a l & In d u s t r i a l 6 Ge n e r a l Se r v i c e - La r g e Po w e r 6 1, 0 4 8 28 1 , 8 9 9 $2 4 , 1 5 7 2. 1 % $5 0 7 7 Ge n e r a l Sv c . - Lg . Po w e r (R & F ) 6A 21 9 32 , 3 9 6 $2 , 9 4 5 2. 1 % $6 2 8 St t h t o t a l - S c h e d u l e 6 1, 2 6 7 31 4 , 2 9 5 $2 7 , 1 0 1 $5 6 9 9 Ge n e r a l Se r v i c e - Hi g h Vo l t a g e 9 15 11 8 , 8 3 7 $7 , 8 3 7 2. 1 % $1 6 5 10 Ir r i g a t i o n 10 4, 8 9 4 65 8 , 3 2 5 $6 0 , 4 9 8 2. 1 % $1 , 2 7 0 11 Co m m . & In d . Sp a c e He a t i n g 19 11 6 8, 5 5 9 $7 2 6 2. 1 % $1 5 12 Ge n e r a l Se r v i c e 23 6, 8 4 1 14 5 , 1 7 3 $1 4 , 7 0 9 2. 1 % $3 0 9 13 Ge n e r a l Se r v i c e (R & F ) 23 A 1, 8 2 3 24 , 2 8 1 $2 , 5 7 0 2. 1 % $5 4 14 Su b t o t a l - S c h e d u l e 23 8, 6 6 4 16 9 , 4 5 4 $1 7 , 2 7 9 $3 6 3 15 Ge n e r a l Se r v i c e Op t i o n a l TO O 35 3 1, 1 4 4 $9 8 2. 1 % $2 16 Sp e c i a l Co n t r a c t 1 40 0 1 1, 4 0 0 , 1 1 4 $8 3 , 3 7 5 0. 0 % $0 17 Sp e c i a l Co n t r a c t 2 40 1 1 10 6 , 6 4 6 $6 , 2 9 0 0. 0 % $0 18 AG A Re v e n u e $5 9 9 19 To t a l Co m m e r c i a l & In d u s t r i a l 14 , 9 6 1 2, 7 7 7 , 3 7 4 $2 0 3 , 8 0 2 __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ $2 , 3 8 4 20 Pu b l i c St r e e t Li g h t i n g 21 Se c u r i t y Ar e a Li g h t i n g 7 19 4 25 6 $9 9 2. 1 % $2 22 Se c u r i t y A r e a L i g h t i n g ( R & F ) 7A 13 4 10 8 $4 5 2. 1 % $1 23 St r e e t Li g h t i n g - Co m p a n y 11 30 71 $3 2 2. 1 % $1 24 St r e e t L i g h t i n g - C u s t o m e r 12 27 6 2, 4 4 4 $4 4 6 2. 1 % $9 25 AG A Re v e n u e $0 26 To t a l Pu b l i c St r e e t Li g h t i n g 63 4 2, 8 7 8 $6 2 1 __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ $1 3 27 To t a l Sa l e s to Ul t i m a t e Cu s t o m e r s 73 , 5 5 9 3, 4 6 5 , 7 2 9 $2 7 9 , 2 3 0 __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ $3 , 9 6 8 al n c l u d i n g th e or d e r e d ba s e re v e n u e in c r e a s e in 20 1 4 an d es t i m a t e d EC A M re v e n u e . Pr o p o s e d DS M Cr e d i t Ca l c u l a t i o n Pr o p o s e d on e - t i me cr e d i t $1 , 4 0 0 , 0 0 0 To t a l Sc h e d u l e 19 1 ch a r g e s fr o m Oc t o b e r 20 1 2 to Se p t e m b e r 20 1 3 fo r cu r r e n t l y ac t i v e cu s t o m e r s $3 , 7 8 6 , 6 5 6 Pr o p o s e d on e ti m e DS M Cr e d i t 37 . 0 % An n u a l ne t re v im p a c t ex c l u d i n g AG A an d Sc h 40 0 & 40 1 0. 7 3 % Av g . re s i d e n t i a l re f u n d pe r cu s t o m e r $8 . 3 2 At t a c h IP U C 16 - 1 . x l s x pa g e 1 of 1 IDAHO DSM SCHEDULE 191 BALANCING ACCOUNT Monthly Program Accrued CostsCosts-Fixed BalanceAssets Rate Recovery Cash BasisCarryingAccumulatedChargeBalance Accrual Basis Accumulated Balance 2011 totals 1 January 2 February 3 March 4 April 5 May 6 June 7 July 8 August 9 September 10 October 11 November 12 December 2012 totals 1 January 2 February 3 March 4 April 5 May 6 June 7 July 8 August 9 September 10 October 11 November 12 December 2013 totals 897,419.48 764,123.40 666,213.77 563,623.39 478,597.93 47,328.91 (550,777.59) (898,989.04) (842,616.74) (840,821.92) (675,441.27) (690,166.89) (770,340.02) (637,327.79) (585,871.55) (456,132.24) (584,267.68) (900,498.90) (1,184,678.38) (1,475,929.15) (1,634,799.36) (1674445.73) (1,707,228.02) (1,768,625.71) 1,371,372.05 1,178,052.57 1,099,973.24 1,025,117.46 921,779.64 519,558.87 38,214.56 (312,398.59) (399,715.66) (488,709.04) (331,352.31) (370,752.86) (359,235.15) (259,097.17) (171,868.56) (97,752.93) (316,649.34) (654,810.24) (941,492.89) (1,210,012.77) (1,376,916.23) (1,416,562.60) (1,449,344.89) (1,510,742.58) 2006 totals 2007 totals 2008 totals 2009 totals 2010 totals $1,524,295.02 $-$(1,374,343.46)$6,053.00 $2,120,643.37 $-$(2,048,020.29)$11,692.00 $4,767,955.02 $-$(4,287,059.82)$49,236.00 $6,432,685.21 $-$(5,010,485.78)$46,170.00 $7,515,026.38 $-$(5,939,833.12)$31,829.00 $2,669,984.25 $380,980.18 $(5,356,975.10)$24,350.00 105,440.79 92,972.39 (392,089.99)867.00 221,185.20 (60,023.40)(355,173.28)692.00 238,009.53 19,830.30 (336,515.16)596.00 203,097.08 27,734.60 (306,199.46)512.00 366,808.41 (18,312.36)(452,267.87)434.00 277,172.96 29,048.25 (708,660.98)219.00 306,786.59 116,762.19 (904,683.09)(210.00) 339,573.56 (2,401.70)(687,181.01)(604.00) 463,651.28 (143,689.37)(406,553.98)(725.00) 259,877.05 (90,788.20)(257,381.23)(701.00) 382,425.80 (8,023.92)(216,413.15)(632.00) 207,728.96 (24,674.93)(221,885.58)(569.00) $3,371,757.21 $(61,566.15)$(5,245,004.78)$(121.00) 187,387.34 91,690.84 (266,990.47)(570.00) 386,781.98 (32,874.25)(253,183.75)(586.00) 278,520.13 35,772.37 (226,554.89)(509.00) 327,008.97 (55,623.68)(196,835.66)(434.00) 159,913.93 (90,760.97)(287,578.37)(471.00) 148,490.26 (21,929.68)(464,103.48)(618.00) 350,916.53 (2,503.17)(634,228.01)(868.00) 232,358.90 22,730.89 (522,501.67)(1,108.00) 246,269.20 (8,033.25)(403,843.41)(1,296.00) 207,700.00 -(246,000,00)(1,346.37) 202,200.00 -(233,600.00)(1,382.29) 196,000.00 -ç256 000 00,(1.397.69) $2,923,547.24 $(61,530.90)$(3,991,419.71)$(10,586.35) Page 1 of 2 IDAHO DSM SCHEDULE 791 BALANCING ACCOUNT $$-$ Monthly Program Cash Basis Accrual Basis .Accrued Costs CarryingCosts-Fixed Rate Recovery Accumulated AccumulatedBalanceChargeAssetsBalanceBalance 1 January 247,50000 -(265,100.00)(1,466.52)(1,787,692.23)(1,529,809.10) 2 February 252,300.00 1,148400.00 (2,073.37)(389,065.60)(131,182.47) 3 March 253,200.00 -(225,000.00)(335.97)(361,201.57)(103,318.44) 4 April 260,600.00 (195,600.00)(328.08)(296,529.66)(38,646.53) 5 May 269,200.00 (285,700.00)(240.23)(313,269.89)(55,386.76) 6 June 272,000.00 (461,100.00)(182.27)(502,552.16)(244,669.03) 7 July 287,300.00 (630,500.00)(275,79)(846,027.95)(588,144.82) 8 August 290,500.00 (519,000.00)(609.81)(1,075,137.77)(817,254.64) 9 September 273,300.00 (401,200.00)(842.66)(1,203,880.42)(945,997.29) 10 October 263,700.00 -(244,400.00)(1,011.28)(1,185,591.70)(927,708.57) 11 November 258,000.00 -(232,100.00)(998.78)(1,160,690.48)(902,807.35) 12 December 253,900.00 (256,700.00)(966.08)(1,164,456.56)(906,573.43) 2014 totals 3,181,500.00 (2,568,000.00)(9,330.85) 1 January 316,600.00 -(265,100.00)(991.84)(1,113,948.40)(856,065.27) 2 February 322,800.00 -(251,600.00)(957.96)(1,043,706.35)(785,823.22) 3 March 324,000.00 -(225,000.00)(911.01)(945,617.36)(687,734.23) 4 April 333,300.00 -(195,600.00)(845.39)(808,762.75)(550,879.62) 5 May 344,300.00 -(285,700.00)(698.39)(750,861.13)(492,978.00) 6 June 348,000.00 -(461,100.00)(578.59)(864,539.73)(606,656.60) 7 July 367,500.00 -(630,500.00)(610.87)(1,128,150.59)(870,267.46) 8 August 371,600.00 -(519,000.00)(878.71)(1,276,429.30)(1,018,546.17) 9 September 349,600.00 -(401,200.00)(1,042.19)(1,329,071.49)(1,071,188.36) 10 October 337,400.00 (244,400.00)(1,146.31)(1,237,217.80)(979,334.67) 11 November 330,100.00 -(232,100.00)(1,071.85)(1,140,289.65)(882,406.52) 12 December 324,800.00 (256,700.00)(978.62)(1,073,168.27)(815,285.14) 2075 totals 4,070,000.00 (3,968,000.00)(10,711.71) $ $$-$..$ Page 2 of 2 ID PAC-E-13-15 IPUC 16 Attachment IPUC 16-3 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP 2!P j:9I.P.U.C.No.1 1 ‘Original Sheet No.95 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO.95 STATE OF IDAHO Demand Side Management (DSM)Credit PURPOSE:The DSM Credit is designed to provide a one-time credit to currently active retail tariff Customers who were subject to electric service Schedule 191. AVAILABILITY:At any point on the Company’s interconnected system. APPLICATION:This Schedule shall be applicable to currently active retail tariff Customers who were subject to Schedule 191 Customer Efficiency Services rate anytime from October 2012 through September 2013. ONE-TIME BILL CREDIT:In addition to the Monthly Charges contained in the Customer’s applicable schedule,all qualifying currently active customers shall receive a one-time credit to their bill.The credit will be 37.0 percent of the Customer’s total Schedule l9lcharges from October 2012 to September 2013.A single bill credit will be applied to each qualifying customer bill.Bill credit processing will commence on February 1,2014 and will end no later than March 31,2014. Submitted Under Case No.PAC-E-1 3-15 FILED:November 7,2013 EFFECTIVE:February 1,2014 Page 1 of 1