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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20130712Telephonic Hearing Transcript.pdfVOLUME -Pages 1 -10 ORIGINAL rJ C) CSB REPORTING Constance S.Bucy,CSR No.187 23876 Applewood Way *Wilder,Idaho $3676 (20$)890-5198 Email -;BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER FOR )CASE NO.PAC-E-13-06 AUTHORITY TO SELL THE ST.ANTHONY HYDROELECTRIC GENERATION PLANT LOCATED IN FREMONT COUNTY,IDAHO ) /:n-m _________________________ C cnc: C) 0 BEFORE COMMISSIONER PAUL KJELLANDER (Presiding) COMMISSIONER MACK A.REDFORD PLACE:Commission Hearing Room 472 West Washington Street Boise,Idaho June 27,2013DATE: 1 APPEARANCES 2 3 For the Staff:Donald Howell,Esq. Deputy Attorney General 4 472 West Washington Boise,Idaho 83720—0074 5 6 For Rocky Mountain Power:Daniel E.Solander,Esq. (Telephonically)Rocky Mountain Power 7 201 5.Main Street Suite 2300 8 Salt Lake City,Utah 8411 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CSB REPORTING APPEARANCES (208)890—5198 1 30155,IDAHO,THURSDAY,JUNE 27,2013,10:30 A.N. 2 3 4 COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Well,good 5 morning.This is the time and place for a telephonic 6 hearing in Case No.PAC—E—13-06,also known as in the 7 matter of the application of Rocky Mountain Power for 8 authority to sell the St.Anthony hydroelectric 9 generation plant located in Fremont County,Idaho. 10 My name is Paul Kjellander.I’m the 11 Chairman of today’s proceedings.Also with me is 12 Commissioner Mack Redford,and the purpose of the hearing 13 today is to fulfill the statutory requirements as we look 14 at the sale of the utility resource,and our interest as 15 the Commission is that we must find that the transaction 16 is consistent with public interest,cost of and rates of 17 supplying service will not be increased by reason of such 18 transaction,and the purchaser has the bona fide intent 19 and financial ability to operate and maintain said 20 property in the public service.Also,we need to 21 recognize that it’s the utility that bears the burden of 22 showing that the standards set out above have been 23 satisfied,and that’s a direct quote from Idaho Code 24 section 61—328 (2) 25 As we begin this morning,why don’t we CSB REPORTING 1 COLLOQUY (208)890—5198 1 just identify those who are a part of today’s hearing. 2 Why don’t we begin with the Staff representing the Public 3 Utilities Commission. 4 MR.HOWELL:Thank you,Mr.Chairman.My 5 name is Don Howell,H—o—w-e-1—l,and with me -—and I’m a 6 Deputy Attorney General representing the Commission 7 Staff,and with me are the two Staff technical experts, 8 Sandra Walker and Bryan Lanspery. 9 COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:And as I 10 understand it,Mr.Howell,you have some comments from 11 Staff that have been filed in relationship to this 12 case. 13 MR.HOWELL:That is correct, 14 Mr.Chairman.The Staff filed comments,written 15 comments,in this case pursuant to the Commission’s order 16 of modified procedure,and we filed our comments on June 17 the 24th.I would also,I guess,note for the record 18 that the Idaho Department of Water Resources director 19 also filed written comments and his written comments are 20 dated June the 19th of 2013. 21 COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Okay,and just 22 while we’re on that point,all those comments that were 23 filed were in support or at least not in opposition of 24 the sale of this particular resource. 25 MR.HOWELL:That is correct.The Staff CSB REPORTING 2 COLLOQUY (208)890—5198 1 supported the transaction.The director of Water 2 Resources,his comments were pursuant to Idaho Code 3 42—1701,which allows the Department to opine on whether 4 the transaction will cause injury to other water right 5 holders and the director says in his written comments 6 that I do not propose to add conditions to the sale of 7 the water right involved in this hydro facility. 8 COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Thank you very 9 much,Mr.Howell.We appreciate that clarification. 10 Now,let’s move to the telephone and I believe that we 11 have participants on the line from Rocky Mountain Power. 12 If we could identify you,each of you need to go through 13 and identify yourself and spell your last name so the 14 court reporter can get that correctly entered into the 15 record. 16 MR.SOLANDER:Thank you,Chairman 17 Kjellander.This is Daniel Solander,S—o-l-a-n—d—e-r, 18 senior attorney for Rocky Mountain Power,and I have with 19 me on the line Ted Weston,W—e—s—t—o—n,regulatory 20 affairs manager for the State of Idaho for Rocky Mountain 21 Power,and Mark Stenberg,S-t—e—n—b—e—r-g,senior 22 engineering and operations project manager. 23 COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Thank you very 24 much.Is there anyone else on the line with us today? 25 For the record we’ll note,then,Chat the purchaser of CSB REPORTING 3 COLLOQUY (208)890—5198 1 the project who is not required to be on the line is not 2 and so we’ll move forward recognizing that the burden of 3 proof is on the utility,so with that said,why don’t we 4 see if there are any questions from the Commission. 5 COMMISSIONER REDFORD:No. 6 COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:None from 7 Commissioner Redford.What I’ll do is just quickly run 8 through the three major points that are in the statutes 9 and toss those out as general questions to Rocky Mountain 10 Power.If we could move through those as quickly as is 11 reasonable,we’ll do so.I realize there are three of 12 you.Just identify who will be responding to the 13 question and we can move on from there,so the first 14 point that we are supposed to find as the Commission is 15 the transaction is consistent with the public interest. 16 As we’ve already heard,we don’t have anyone who opposes 17 ±t.Why don’t we just throw that question generally to 18 Rocky Mountain Power for a quick response. 19 MR.SOLANDER:This is Daniel Solander. 20 guess I can address that.As the Commission is aware, 21 the facility consists of a 1—unit powerhouse.It’s rated 22 at 750 horsepower.It is not currently in operation and 23 the purchaser of the plant will be restoring it to 24 operations and we believe it is in the public interest 25 for this project to begin producing hydroelectric in the CSB REPORTING 4 COLLOQUY (208)890—5198 1 future,and the Company believes that it’s in the best 2 interests of the public and utility customers and 3 ratepayers to transfer this facility. 4 COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Thank you for 5 your response.Any follow-up questions from the 6 Commission? 7 COMMISSIONER REDFORD:No. 8 COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:The other area 9 that the Commission needs to find is that the cost of and 10 rates for supplying service will not be increased by 11 reason of this transaction.I believe that Staff in 12 their comments has suggested that that standard will be 13 met.Is that something that the utility concurs with? 14 MR.SOLANDER:Yes,it is. 15 COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Okay. 16 MR.SOLANDER:This will,if anything, 17 potentially,I think,either be neutral or reduce 18 customers’rates. 19 COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Okay,thank you, 20 and the third item that the Commission needs to find is 21 that the purchaser has the bona fide intent and financial 22 ability to operate and maintain said property in the 23 public service.Since the purchaser isn’t here,but I 24 believe its someone that the utility has dealt with 25 previously,if we could get some type of response from CSB REPORTING 5 COLLOQUY (208)890—5198 1 the utility on that point. 2 MR.SOLANDER:Sure and I’ll defer to Mark 3 Stenberg to answer.He’s familiar with this bidder in 4 particular and the other bids from other potential 5 purchasers and why we selected this purchaser to make —— 6 to transfer the facility to. 7 COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Thank you. 8 MR.STENBERG:Mark Stenberg here.Ted 9 Sorenson —— 10 COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Just a moment,I 11 apologize,Ted,or is this Mark? 12 MR.STENBERG:Mark. 13 COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Mark,you need 14 to speak up a little more loudly,so if you are a 15 distance from your phone,please get a little closer. 16 The court reporter is struggling to try to catch you,so 17 if you could perhaps start over,that would be in our 18 best interests. 19 MR.STENBERG:You bet.This is Mark 20 Stenberg,Rocky Mountain Power,and our buyer ——is this 21 better for you? 22 COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Not really. 23 Could you perhaps project? 24 MR.STENBERG:I’ll try.I’m a long ways 25 away.Ted Sorenson,operating under St.Anthony Hydro, CS3 REPORTING 6 COLLOQUY (208)890—5198 1 LLC,of the six proposers that we received,the folks 2 that were interested in acquiring the facility,Ted 3 definitely had by far the most experience in ownership, 4 current ownership,and operation of small hydros.He 5 also had the most cash available of any buyers and 6 demonstrated to us,clearly,that he had cash on hand, 7 the experience,you know,and the team to take this 8 project on and get it done. 9 There’s no question that he can do that in 10 our minds,and that’s one of the things we submitted to 11 FERC,I believe,two weeks ago and in our EERC request 12 for sale approval was documentation of his financial 13 ability to complete the transaction,too,and to get it 14 back up and running. 15 COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Okay.As we 16 move forward as a Commission,are there any timelines we 17 need to be sensitive to in relationship to the sale of 18 this as we move forward and look at issuing an order? 19 MR.STENBERG:This is Mark Stenberg 20 again.The timeline that we’re on,the buyer has to get 21 a certain amount of work done to qualify for an 22 investment tax credit this year,so we’ve requested 23 expedited processing from FERC and we’re hopefully on a 24 90-day FERC timeline and that --I’m just looking back at 25 my calendar ——that went in June,July,August,we should CS3 REPORTING 7 COLLOQUY (208)890—5198 1 get that back at the end of August from FERC,hopefully, 2 and then we want to get our closing scheduled thereafter 3 so Mr.Sorenson can get to work on the facility. 4 COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Okay,thank you. 5 Are there any more questions from the Commission? 6 COMMISSIONER REDFORD:No. 7 COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Is there 8 anything else that the utility would like to add in 9 reference to the case that’s before us now or do you feel 10 you’ve adequately covered the areas of interest to the 11 Commission? 12 MR.SOLANDER:I believe that based on the 13 application and the questions today that we’ve covered 14 everything we need to. 15 COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Okay,thank you. 16 Before we close down the hearing,let me just look to 17 Staff and see if Mr.Howell has anything he would like to 18 add in reference to the application before us today. 19 MR.HOWELL:Thank you,Mr.Chairman.The 20 Staff does not have any additional information.We would 21 rely on our comments previously filed. 22 COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Okay;so with 23 that,then,we certainly as a Commission appreciate the 24 participation and effort that the utility and Staff has 25 put into bringing this matter before us today so that we CSB REPORTING 8 COLLOQUY (208)890—5198 1 can process it as expeditiously as possible,and the 2 Commission will consider this now fully on the record so 3 that we can in due time and as quick as possible render a 4 decision in this specific application,so with that, 5 then,today we are adjourned. 6 MR.SOLANDER:Thank you. 7 (The Hearing adjourned at 10:44 a.m.) 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CSB REPORTING 9 COLLOQUY (208)890—5198 1 AUTHENTICATION 2 3 4 This is to certify that the foregoing 5 proceedings held in the matter of the application of 6 Rocky Mountain Power for authority to sell the St. 7 Anthony hydroelectric generation plant located in Fremont 8 County,Idaho,commencing at 10:30 a.m.,on Thursday, 9 June 27,2013,at the Commission Hearing Room 472 West 10 Washington Street,Boise,Idaho,is a true and correct 11 transcript of said proceedings and the original thereof 12 for the file of the Commission. 13 CONSTANCE S.BUCY 16 Certified Shorthand Reporter #87 17 18 d’%\ 19 y”$CE “ 20 OPC 21 -&B.\/;) 22 “i \o j 25 CSB REPORTING 10 AUTHENTICATION (208)890—5198