HomeMy WebLinkAbout20130705PAC to Staff 17,18,20.pdfROCKY MOUNTAIN HM,R" July 3,2013 Jean Jewell :. 1-:,'. . . ,fl!r 11il -'j ltii lr: l+l+ i,iji- sH- ti".::, :' "r'-t-li l-fr.-:,'.: i t ii,r t : -- i Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472W. Washington Boise,lD 83702-5918 iean j ewell@puc. state. sov (C) Teni Carlock Terri.Carlock@opuc.i daho. gov (C) RE: ID PAC-E-13-02 IPUC Data Request (17-20) Please find enclosed Rocky Mountain Power's responses to IPUC Data Requests 17, l8 and 20. The response to IPUC 19 will be provided separately. Also provided are Attachments IPUC 17, and 18 <1,2, and 4). Also provided is Confidential Attachment IPIIC l8 -3. Confidential information is provided subject to the terms and conditions of the confidentiality agreement in this proceeding. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at (801) 220-2963. Sincerely, J.Wktatm/a J. Ted Weston Manager, Regulation Enclosure C.c.: Randall C. BudgeAvlonsanto rcb@racinelaw.net James R. Smith/lr,f onsanto Company i im.r.smitl-@,.monsanto. com (C) Brubaker & Associatesllvlonsanto bcollins@consultbai.com Jim T. S el ecky/Tvlonsanto JSelecky@consultbai. com (C ) 201 Soutlr Main,Suite 2300 Salt Lake City, Uah 841 I I PAC-E- I 3-O2lRocky Mountain Power July 3, 2013 IPUC Data Request 17 IPUC Data Request 17 Please provide PacifiCorp responses to the following data requests from Utah and Wyoming. Wyoming requests Wyoming Docket #20000-427-EA-13 (WPSC Set 2)o Data Request 2.1.8 Regarding studies utilized by PacifiCorp o Data Request 2.1.9 Regarding cost estimates provided by PacifiCorp Wyoming Docket #20000-427-EA-13 (WIEC Set 2)o Data Request 2-9 Regarding FERC account and survivor curveo Data Request 2-13 Regarding remaining life calculationso Data Request 2-14 Regarding FERC vs intrastate depreciation rateso Data Request 2-15 Regarding proposed changes in depreciation expenseo Data Request 2-16 Regarding probable retirement year o Data Request 2-17 Regarding ARO'so Data Request 2-18 Regarding regulatorso Data Request 2-23 Regarding plant locations o Data Request 2-24 Regxding plant retirementso Data Request 2-27 Regarding final retirementso Data Request 2-34 Regarding Depreciation comparison o Data Request 2-35 Regarding Carbono Data Request 2-40 through2-46 Regarding Asset Accountingo Data Request 2-49 Regarding annual maintenanceo Data Request 2-52Regarding estimateso Data Request 2-53 through 2-55 Regarding industry statisticso Data Request 2-58 Regarding depreciation studyo Data Request 2-62Regarding replacement expenditureso Data Request 2-63 Regarding cost of removal o Data Request 2-65 Regarding point of retirement o Data Request 2-66 Regarding expectationsr Data Request 2-69 Regarding retirement rateo Data Request 2-70 Regarding service lifeo Data Request 2-73 Regarding life studieso Data Request 2-74 Regarding life studieso Data Request 2-75 Reguding retirements vs replacemento Data Request 2-77 Regxding?0l2lOk filingo Data Request 2-79 Regarding Carbon Wyoming Docket # 20000-427-EA-13 (WIEC Set 3)o Data Request 3-1 Regarding Carbon asbestos abatemento Data Request 3-2 Regarding Jordan and Hale plant PAC-E-I 3-O2lRocky Mountain Power luly 3,2013 IPUC Data Request 17 o Data Request 3-3 Regarding Wind Farms o Data Request 3-6 Regarding "replacenients" o Data Request 3-7 Regarding accounting for plant replacement Wyoming Office of Consumer Advocate (OCA Set l) o Data Request 1.3 Regarding Klamath Falls o Data Request 1.4 Regarding Carbon o Data Request 1.5 Regarding Bridger mine Please include all responses provided by you including all data sub-sets (i.e. a, b, c) Utah requests Office of Consumer Services (OCS Set 1) o Data Request 1.12 Regarding company policy for recording depreciation expense o Data Request l.l7 -1.21 Regarding Net Salvage Value o Data Request L25 Regarding Net Salvage Valueo Data Request 1.28 Regarding Net Salvage Value o DataRequest 1.46 Regarding Remaining Life o Data Request 1.5 Regarding Demolition o Data Request 1.54 Regarding Reserve o Data Request 1.56 Regarding SPR o Data Request 1.6 Regarding Account 311o Data Request 1.61 Regarding Account 312 Office of Consumer Services (OCS Set 3) o Data Request 3. I Regarding follow up on Data Request I .17 o Data Request 3.14 Regarding Carbono Data Request 3.15 Regarding Carbono Data Request 3.16 Regarding Carbon Office of Consumer Services (OCS Set 4) o Data Request 4.1-4.2 Regarding Production Life Division of Public Utilities (DPLI Set 2) o Data Request 2.15 Regarding a Confolmance Index o Data Request 2.17 Regarding Total Retirementso Data Request 2.23 Regarding Recent Studieso Data Request 2.24Regarding Carbon o Data Request 2.25 Regarding FERC FORM 1/3Qr Data Request 2.31 Regarding Communication Equipment o Data Request 2.33 Regarding Mine Retirement o Data Request 2.37 Regarding Decommissioning Costs o Data Request 2.38 Regarding Hale Plant o Data Request 2.39 Regarding Small Plants Division of Public Utilities (DPU Set 3)o Data Request 3.la & b Regarding coal reserves PAC-E- I 3-O2lRocky Mountain Power July 3, 2013 IPUC Data Request 17 o Data Request 3.3-3.5 Regarding the Enata filed on February L9,2013 o Data Request 3.16 Regarding Technical Conference Division of Public Utilities (DPU Set 4)o Data Request 4.1 Regarding Gadsby Plant Division of Public Utilities (DPU Set 6)o Data Request 6.3 Regarding DPU 2.25 and Carbonr Data Request 6.13 Regarding Craig Division of Public Utilities (DPU Set 7)o Data Request 10.6 Regarding DPU 2.38 Hale plant o Data Request 10.9 Regarding DPU 2.23 Cafion plant o Data Request 10.10 Regarding DPU 2.23 Carbon Division of Public Utilities (DPU Set 8)o Data Request 8.1 Regarding Craig units I and 2 Response to IPUC Data Request 17 Please refer to Attachment IPUC 17 for the requested copies. Recordholder: Kaley McNay Sponsor: N/A PAC-E- I 3-O2iRocky Mountain Power July 3,2013 IPUC Data Request l8 IPUC Data Request 18 Also, please provide us with any data requests regarding depreciation included in the data requests from Oregon and Washington raie cases. Response to IPUC Data Request 18 Please see Attachment IPUC l8- I for depreciation-related data requests received by the Company in the current general rate cases in Oregon and Washington (dockets IJE 263 and UE- 1 30043, respectively). Please see Attachment IPUC l8-2 and Confidential Attachment IPUC l8-3 for the Company's responses and attachments. Please see Attachment IPUC l8-4 for the Company's responses and attachments to data requests in Oregon docket UM 1647 and Washington docket tIE-130052. Confidential information is provided subject to the terms and conditions of the confidentiality agreement in this proceeding. Recordholder: Sponsor: Kaley McNay N/A PAC-E- I 3 -02lRocky Mountain Power July 3, 2013 IPUC Data Request 20 IPUC Data Request 20 Finally, we are still awaiting responses to our data request #14 and #15, Data Request #14: Please provide a schedule by year showing the dollar changes estimated for Carbon. Include all additions, retirements, depreciation, etc. Please also provide an explanation of the additions and retirements. Data Request #15: Please provide a schedule(s) showing the depreciation components if Naughton Unit 3 separated from the other two units when converted to gas. Explain assumptions and impacts. Response to IPUC Data Request 20 Responses to Data Requests 14 and 15 were provided on May 28,2013. Recordholder: Sponsor: Kaley McNay N/A Mark C. Moench Daniel E. Solander Rocky Mountain Power 201 South Main Street, Suite 2300 salt Lake city, utah 841 1l Telephone No. (801) 22A-4014 Facsimile No. (801) 220-3299 Email: daniel.solander@pacifi corp.com Attorneyfor Roclcy Mountain Power il: l i .1ii;- ii i, '., ';"ii! jJ';,',1', Pii f:; l,g BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF TIIE APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOI]NTAIN POWER FORAUTHORITY TO CHANGE DEPRECIATION RATES APPLICABLE TO ELECTRIC PROPERTY CASE NO. PAC.E-13.02 ATTORNEY'S CERTIFICATE CLAIM OF CONFIDEI{TIALITY RELATING TO DISCOYERY RESPONSES I, Daniel E. Solander, represent Rocky Mountain Power in the above captioned matter. I am Senior Counsel for Rocky Mountain Power. I make this certification and claim oflconfiaentiality regarding a confidential document provided in response to IPUC l8 pursuant to IDAPA 31.01.01 because Rocky Mountain Power, through its supporting workpapers, is disclosing certain information that is Confidential and constitutes Trade Secrets as defined by ldaho Code Section 9-340 and 48-801 and protected under IDAPA and Rocky Mountain Power herein asserts that the aforementioned response is confidential in that the information consists of a discussion of commercially sensitive coal mine reclamation costs. Disclosing this information could give entities access to competitive information Rocky Mountain Power believes could be used to disadvantage it and its customers. I am of the opinion that this information is "Confidential," as defined by Idaho Code Section 9-340 and 48-801, and should therefore be protected from public inspection, examination and copying, ild should be utilized only in accordance with the terms of the Protective Agreement between Rocky Mountain Power and Idaho Public Utilities Commission Staff DATED this 3rd day of July,2013. Daniel E. Solander Attorneys for Rocky Mountain Power oR uE-263 ICNU Data Request 1.36 Please identify whether the depreciation rate for the Carbon plant has cha4gefl-frqm the Company's last general rate case, and, if so, please identify the total Compiny ana - Oregon revenue requirement impact of the change. wA uE-130043 PC Data Request 48 Please provide per books unadjusted Plant in Service on a total PacifiCorp and Washington retail jurisdictional assigned/allocated basis by detailed FERC subaccount at June 30, 2012. If current/existing and Docket UE-130052-proposed depreciation rates have been developed/are being proposed in a more specific, or in a greater level of detail, than the FERC plant subaccount basis (i.e., production generating plant-specific basis), please additionally provide Plant in Service balances at June 30,2012 at such below-the- subaccount basis as may be applicable. This request seeks Plant in Service values in sufficient detail so as to permit a calculation of annualized Washington retail jurisdictional depreciation expense associated with test year end Plant in Service at current/existing depreciation rates as well as utilizing Docket UE-130052-proposed depreciation rates. PC Data Request 49 For any Plant in Service subaccounts for which related depreciation expense is capitalized in whole or in part (as opposed to full reflection as depreciation or amortization expense on the Company's income statement), please provide total depreciation calculated for the entire test year associated with each such Plant in Service balance as well as breakout of such amount of depreciation that was reflected as depreciationlamortrzation expense on the income statement versus the amount that was capitalized during the historic test year. Additionally, provide the June 30,2012 Plant in Service value of each plant subaccount for which related depreciation expense was capitalized in whole or in part during the historic test year. PC Data Request 50 Please confirm that the Company has not proposed a proforma or restating adjustment that annualizes Washington retail jurisdictional depreciation expense based upon June 30, 2012 end-of-test-year balances. Alternatively, please specify exactly where within workpapers provided such annualization adjustment can be observed and the Washington retail jurisdictional value of such adjustment. PC Data Request 51 Please provide current/existing depreciation rates as well as depreciation rates as proposed within Docket No. UE-130052 (and presumably used to develop proforma adjustment 6.3 in the current docket) by detailed FERC subaccount. If such rates are developed in more specific or greater detail than the FERC plant subaccount basis (i.e., production generating plant-specific basis), provide such additional detailed delineation below-the-subaccount basis as may be applicable. PC Data Request 55 Reference the Company's Adjustment 6.3 (Proposed Depreciation Rates- Expense) and Adjustment 6.3.1 (Proposed Depreciation Rates- Reserve) as well as the underlying spreadsheet workpaper entitled "6.3 Proposed Depreciation Rates.xlsx." Please answer/provide the following regarding the noted adjustment and supporting workpapers: a. Please explain the conceptual purpose underlying each noted adjustment. b. Does the posting of the Depreciation Reserve and Accumulated Deferred Income Tax Reserve adjustments represent the theoretical value of the Depreciation Reserve and related ADIT Reserve balance that would exist at June 30, 2OI2if the depreciation rates being proposed within Docket UE-130052 had been in place throughout the historic test year? If no, please state what such values represent. c. When an order is issued within Docket No. UE-130052, when would such depreciation rate changes be used in calculating depreciation expense for financial statement reporting purposes? d. Does PacifiCorp envision, and has it requested authority to, retroactively post adjustments to the Accumulated Depreciation Reserve and related ADIT Reserve once any order approving a change in depreciation rates within Docket UE-130052 is issued to reflect what values would exist in those accounts if the revised depreciation rates had been in effect in periods preceding the issuance of the order? If yes, provide all support for such position. e. Reference Tab 6.3.2 of the spreadsheet workpaper entitled "6.3 Proposed Depreciation Rates.xlsx." i. Please provide all support for the "Proposed Rate" and "Current Rate" values shown. ii. Does the total "DEPE Adjustment" in the amount of $136,301,757 rcpresent the estimated annual increase in Total Company depreciation expense that would have been recorded for the twelve months ending June 30, 2012 if the depreciation rates being proposed within Docket UE-130052 had been in effect throughout such twelve month reporting period? If not, please state/discuss exactly what such value represents. iii. Does the"41010" value of -$5I,727 ,880 represent the estimated total company annual decrease in deferred income tax expense that would be expected to have been recorded for the twelve months ending June 30, 20L2lf depreciation rates being proposed within Docket UE-130052 had been in effect through the twelve month reporting period? If no, please state/describe exactly what such value represents. iv. Assuming subpart (c) (iii) confirms that the value of -$5I,727,88O represent the estimated total company annual decrease in deferred income tax expense that would be expected to have been recorded for the twelve months ending June 30, 2012 it depreciation rates being proposed within Docket UE-130052 had been in effect through the twelve month reporting period, does such calculation assume that the change in book depreciation rates will create a change in tax straight line depreciation expense? If yes, please state and show specifically where such change is considered anywhere within this calculation or in any other restating/proforma adjustment being proposed by the Company. If no, please explain why such revision is unnecessary or inappropriate. f. Reference Tab 6.3 of spreadsheet workpaper entitled "6.3 Proposed Depreciation Rates.xlsx"" v. Please provide the source for, and explain the derivation of the factor, I .35L7o that is applied to "Total Company" Schedule M Additions, Deferred Income Tax Expense, and the Deferred Income Tax Balance to derive Washington jurisdictional valuations of each. vi. Please explain/discuss conceptually how it is possible that an $801,076 change in Washington retail jurisdictional book depreciation expense attributable to a change in authorized depreciation rates can generate a related decrease in Washington retail jurisdictional Deferred [ncome Tax expense in the amount of $3,802,663. WUTC Data Request 68 Requestor: Chris McGuire Re: Major Plant Additions/ Sheet 8.4 Referring to Exhibit No. _ (SRM-3), sheet 8.4, Depreciation Expense and Accumulated Reserve for hydro additions, please explain why the Depreciation Expense value in cell F20 ($5,237,8I3) does not equal the Accumulated Reserve value in cell F15 ($5,774,8r4). WUTC Data Request226 Requestor: Eric Russell Re: Exhibit No.-(ALK-1), Klamath Hydroelectric Project On page 3 of Ms. Kelly's direct testimony, a statement is made that the Company is seeking Commission approval of a depreciation schedule that would depreciate "all costs" associated with the Klamath facilities on a straight line basis so the net book value reaches zero by December 31,2019, to coincide with the target date for decommissioning and facilities removal. Please explain in detail what is meant by "all costs". Does this refer to all costs spent on the relicensing effort to the end of test year in this general rate case, or all costs through December 3I,2019, or some other time period? Please specify the actual costs, or confirm that the costs are those outlined in the present value revenue requirement analysis (Exhibit No._(ALK-5C)). WUTC Data Request 233 Requestor: David Nightingale Re: Exhibit No._(SRM-1T), pagelT, Hydro Decommissioning Mr. McDougal states on page 17, lines l5-I7 of his direct testimony that, based on a2007 depreciation study approved by the Commission in Order 0l Docket UE-071795, an additional $19.4 million is required for decommissioning of various hydro facilities. 1. Please provide all supporting documentation for the statement that the additional depreciation amount is "based on" the 2007 study that the Commission approved. Please include in your response all citations in that Order 01 where this additional depreciation is approved or required. 2. Is the $19.4 million mentioned by Mr. McDougal based solely on the 2007 depreciation study or is it adjusted to include the results of the 201 I depreciation study from Docket UE-130052, Exhibit No. _ (JJS-3)? Please explain in detail. 3. Please reconcile the $19.4 million in Mr. McDougal's testimony with the results of the 2007 versus 2011 depreciation studies. Please include all supporting workpapers in fully functioning format with all formulae intact. Please explain the reconciliation, including reference to any FERC requirements and other considerations. WUTC Data Request23{ Requestor: David Nightingale Re: Exhibit No._(SRM-1T), pagelT, Hydro Decommissioning Please provide: 1. A listing of all West Control Area hydro resources indicating which resources are scheduled for decommissioning and when, and which resources are not scheduled for decommissioning. 2. For each West Control Area hydro resource scheduled for decommissioning: a. Any proposed change in depreciation remaining life span in years and the rationale for each change. b. An explanation of when any new depreciation remaining life span is being proposed to be applied as a revised accrual schedule. 1. 2. c. Depreciation accruals for the test year ending, June 30, 2012, using the2OOT study. d. Depreciation accruals for the test year ending, June 30, 2012, using the 2011 study, if different than the 2007 study, or state that there is no difference. e. The cumulative difference between use of the 2007 versus 201 1 depreciation studies from June 30,2012 through the proposed pro-forma period, December 30,2013. For all West Control Area hydro projects scheduled for decommissioning, the cumulative differences between 2007 and 2011 depreciation assumptions. A reconciliation between the West Control Area projects scheduled for decommissioning total cumulative differences provided above in part 3 and the $19.4 million additional depreciation expense cited by Mr. McDougal on page 17 ,line 17 of his direct testimony. WUTC_OnSite Data Request 2 Please provide a detailed description, along with supporting workpapers or references to workpapers already provided, for the changes in depreciation expense and reclamation expense referenced in Exhibit No.-(GND-1CT), page l4,lines 8-12). J. 4.