HomeMy WebLinkAbout20021125_332.pdfDECISION MEMORANDUM TO:COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER CO MMISSI 0 NER SMITH COMMISSIONER HANSEN JEAN JEWELL RANDY LOBB DON HOWELL LYNN ANDERSON JOE CUSICK CAROLEE HALL WAYNE HART DOUG COOLEY BEVERLY BARKER RON LAW GENE FADNESS TONY A CLARK WORKING FILE FROM:BIRDELLE BROWN DATE:NOVEMBER 22, 2002 RE:REVOCATION OF A VISTA COMMUNICATIONS OF IDAHO, INC. CERTIFICATE NO. 352 AND PRICE LIST A letter from Avista Communications dated August 19 2002, requested revocation of the Company s Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity and cancellation of its price list. Certificate No. 352 was issued to One Eighty Communications, Inc. on November 18 1998. The Company subsequently changed its name to Avista Communications of Idaho, Inc. and the Certificate was revised accordingly. A vista advises the Commission that they have cancelled their interconnection agreements with Qwest and Verizon and that its former customers are being served by other providers. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that Certificate 352 be cancelled. Does the Commission agree? ~JUP Birdelle Brown coTTesp/cpcns/avista withdrawaLcom