HomeMy WebLinkAbout20120719PAC to ICL 1-5.pdf"ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A OWISION OF O9COfiP RECE'JE) 2012 Al 19 Ff1 3:25 ' I'Q - 201 South Main, Suite 2300 Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 July 19, 2012 VIA EMAIL Benjamin Otto Idaho Conservation League 710N 6th Street Boise, ID 83701 Botto@idahoconservation.org RE: ID PAC-E-12-11 ICL Data Request (1-5) Please find enclosed Rocky Mountain Power's responses to ICL Data Requests 1-5. Provided electronically are Attachments ICL 1 and 4 —(1-2). If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at (801) 220-2963. Sincerely, J. r( J. Ted Weston Manager, Regulation Enclosure C.c.: Jean JeweIIIIPUC Jean.iewellpuc.idaho.gov (C) Jo Nelson/IPUC Jo.Nelson(puc.idaho.gov (W) Weldon B. Stutzman/IPUC We1don.Stutzman(puc.idaho.gov (C) PAC-E-12-1 1/Rocky Mountain Power July 19,2012 IPUC ICL Data Request 1 IPUC ICL Data Request 1 Please reference Action Item 6 in Rocky Mountain Power's 2011 Integrated Resource Plan Update, submitted to the Idaho PUC on April 2. 2012. a)Please provide all analysis or other documentation that demonstrates RMP's proposed reduction to Schedule 191 will provide sufficient funding to acquire all cost effective energy efficiency resources available in Idaho that may be identified by the "system-wide RFP for residential and small commercial sector savings issued in March 2012." b)Please provide all analysis or other documentation that demonstrates RMP's proposed reduction to Schedule 191 will provide sufficient funding to acquire all cost effective energy efficiency resources available from special contract customers in Idaho the Company expects to be included in the plan identified in this action item. c)Please provide all analysis or other documentation that demonstrates RMP's proposed reduction to Schedule 191 will provide sufficient funding to meet the "staffing levels to achieve programmatic cost effective energy efficiency targets established in this plan." d)Please provide all analysis or other documentation that demonstrates RMP's proposed reduction to Schedule 191 will provide sufficient funding for the Idaho portion of the Company's commitment to to "preform the high-level screening of 40 percent of its distribution circuits in each of the states to identify circuits where cost effective energy savings appears viable...." Response to ICL Data Request 1 a)The forecast is based on the Company's current expectation of the existing programs, as set out in the Company's tariff. This is consistent with the authority as noted in the "PURPOSE" explanation in Schedule 191: "The Customer Efficiency Service Rate Adjustment is designed to recover the costs incurred by the Company associated with Commission-approved demand-side management expenditures." Should the RFP results in new programs and/or the expenses associated with the existing programs deviate significant from forecast; the Company will seek an additional change to Schedule 191. b)Please refer to Attachment ICL 1, which provides analysis of funding required to meet the current program expenditures. c)If approved the reduction in revenue from Schedule 191 will not impact staffing levels. d) As noted in the Company's response to the Idaho Conservation League's data request 1(a), only the costs associated with the delivery of Commission- PAC-E-12-1 1/Rocky Mountain Power July 19, 2012 IPUC ICL Data Request 1 approved demand side management expenditures are eligible for collection through Schedule 191. Record holder: Carol Hunter Sponsor: To Be Determined PAC-E-12-1 1/Rocky Mountain Power July 19, 2012 IPUC ICL Data Request 2 IPUC ICL Data Request 2 Please provide any analysis and documentation that demonstrates RMP's proposed reduction to Schedule 191 will provide sufficient funding to meet the DSM Class 2, Idaho acquisition goals indicated in Table 5.5 in Rocky Mountain Power's 2011 Integrated Resource Plan Update, submitted to the Idaho PUC on April 2, 2012. Response to ICL Data Request 2 Please refer to Attachment ICL 1. Record holder: Carol Hunter Sponsor: To Be Determined PAC-E-12-1 1/Rocky Mountain Power July 19, 2012 IPUC ICL Data Request 3 IFUC ICL Data Request 3 Please provide any analysis and documentation that demonstrates RMP!s proposed reduction to Schedule 191 will provide sufficient funding to meet the DSM action items and acquisition targets described above while reducing or eliminating the current account back balance shown in Attachment 3 of the Application. Response to ICL Data Request 3 Please refer to the Company's response to ICL Data request 1 regarding the DSM Action items and acquisition targets. Please refer to Attachment ICL 1, which provides analysis supporting RMP's proposed reduction. Record holder: Carol Hunter Sponsor: To Be Determined PAC-.E-12-1 1/Rocky Mountain Power July 19, 2012 IPUC ICL Data Request 4 IPUC ICL Data Request 4 Please provide any analysis and documentation - including calculations, assumptions, and any third party evaluations - that demonstrates whether RMP's current energy efficiency programs in Idaho will remain cost effective in 2012 and 2013. Response to ICL Data Request 4 Cost effectiveness analyses for every DSM program in 2012 and 2013 were not conducted on a prospective basis for this filing and such analysis does not exist at this time for some of the programs. However, prospective cost effectiveness analyses were conducted for recent proposed changes to the Home Energy Savings Incentive and FinAnswer Express Programs. Please refer to Attachment ICL 4-1 and Attachment ICL 4 -2. Historical performance of the rest of the programs can also viewed in the 2011 Annual Report on the Company's website at: http://www.pacificorp.comles/dsmlidaho.html Record holder: Carol Hunter Sponsor: To Be Determined PAC-E-12-1 1/Rocky Mountain Power July 19, 2012 IPUC ICL Data Request 5 IPUC ICL Data Request 5 Please explain, and provide any supporting analysis and documentation, how RIvIP projects future participation levels for each energy efficiency program available in Idaho. Response to ICL Data Request 5 The Schedule 21 Low Income Weatherization Program reimbursements are capped at $300,000 annually and assumed to remain in place through 2013. The average reimbursement per home billed by the agencies to Rocky Mountain Power was $2,845 in 2011. With this baseline the participation estimate for 2012 and 2013 would calculate to 105 homes ($300,000/$2,845). The Schedule 118 Home Energy Saver Incentive Program participation projections are based on historic participation, market trends and potential program changes. From 2009-2011 participation ranged from around 4,600 to nearly 8,000 participants. With program changes expected to take effect on August 20, 2012, participation is expected to increase in 2012 and 2013 as demonstrated by the projected savings in the Attachment ICL 4 -1. The Schedule 117 Residential Refrigerator Recycling Program participation projections are based on historic participation. Past participation for 2009 through 2011 averaged 741 recycled refrigerators and freezers. With revamped marketing efforts in 2012 and 2013 the program expects to increase participation. The Schedule 115 FinAnswer Express Program participation projections are based on historic participation, market characterization studies and program changes made effective July 14, 2012. From 2009-2011 participation ranged between 46 and 72 participants. Based on program changes taking effect on July 14, 2012, participation is expected to show an increase in 2012 and 2013 as demonstrated by the projected savings in Attachment ICL 4 -2. The Schedule 125 Energy FinAnswer Program and Schedule 155 Agricultural Energy Services participation projections are based on historic program participation. Energy FinAnswer Program participation for the 2009 through 2011 time period ranged between 8 and 14 and the Agricultural Energy Services Program participation for that same time period ranged between 150 and 250. Other supporting documentation on expected participation is available in the Company's system-wide potential study, available on the Company's website at: http://www.nacificorp.comles/dsm.html. Record holder: Carol Hunter Sponsor: To Be Determined