HomeMy WebLinkAbout20120827PAC to Staff 7-10.pdfROCKY MOUNTAIN " POWER DMSION OF MCIflCOfiP August 27, 2012 RECEIVE t 2012UG27 PM t: 19 IDAHO FJ UTILITIES COMMISS 201 South Main, Suite 2300 Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 VIA EMAIL AND OVERNIGHT DELIVERY Kristine A. Sasser Deputy Attorney General Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Boise, ID 83702-5918 Kris. Sasserpuc.idaho.gov RE: ID PAC-E-12-08 IPUC Data Request (7-10) Please find enclosed Rocky Mountain Power's responses to 1PUC Data Requests 7-10. Also provided electronically are Attachments IPUC 7-(1-2). If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at (801) 220-2963. Sincerely, J. Ted Weston Manager, Regulation Enclosure C.c.: Jean Jewell/IPUC Jean.jewe11puc.idaho.gov Terri Carlock/IPUC Terri.Carlock@Duc.idaho.gov (W) PAC-E-12-08IRocky Mountain Power August 27, 2012 IPUC Production Data Request 7 IPUC Production Data Request 7 Following up on Production Request No. 4, please provide a list of the major projects that make up the additions in 2008 and 2009 totaling $19,674,540 and $19,856,301 respectively. Please also include the economic analysis for each project. Response to IPUC Production Data Request 7 Please refer to Attachment IPUC Production 7-1 for a summary of the 2008 and 2009 additions by project. Attachment IPUC Production 7-2 includes the economic analyses for all projects that exceed $1 million. The items labeled "ARO Assets" represent the offset to the Asset Retirement Obligation (ARO) liability recorded under accounting requirements. The economic analyses related to ARO projects are prepared prior to initiating the actual removal project. Recordholder: Gary Tawwater / Karl Mortensen Sponsor: To Be Determined PAC-E.-12-08/Rocky Mountain Power August 27, 2012 IPUC Production Data Request 8 IPUC Data Request 8 On page 4 of the Application, it states that retiring the Carbon plant may pose complications with the transmission system. Please provide details and copies of all studies to identify those potential complications. Response to IPUC Data Request 8 The Company is currently reviewing the draft transmission system impact study associated with the Carbon plant. Once the study is finalized the Company will provide it under a supplemental response, which is expected within the month. Recordholder: Chad Teply Sponsor: To Be Determined PAC-E-12-08/PacifiCorp dba Rocky Mountain Power August 27, 2012 IPUC Production Data Request No.9 IPUC Production Data Request No.9 Please provide a discussion and all analyses related to potential extensions to meet air standards and the Carbon retirement due to reliability and/or transmission constraints. Response to IPUC Production Data Request No.9 Please refer to the Company's response to IPUC Data Request 8 as it pertains to the status of the transmission system reliability reviews. Please refer to the Company's response to IPUC 10 as it pertains to potential extensions. With respect to the Company's ongoing analyses of air emissions compliance alternatives for the Carbon plant, such analyses are being completed under attorney-client privilege. Recordholder: Irene Heng Sponsor: To Be Determined PAC-E-12-08/PacifiCorp dba Rocky Mountain Power August 27, 2012 IPUC Production Data Request No. 10 IPUC Production Data Request No. 10 Please identify any and all extension request processes and the timeline for extension requests. Response to IPUC Production Data Request No. 10 The Company's perspective on extension processes and timelines associated with the EPA's Mercury and Air Toxics Standards (MATS) is provided below. The Company's perspective should not be considered a replacement or official supplement to MATS-related information and guidance codified in the Federal Register. Without an approved extension, an electric generation unit (EGU) must be in compliance with MATS on April 16,2015. MATS rules provide for two possible extensions of up to 12-months each. The following discussion summarizes the processes and timelines for submitting extension requests. The first extension may be granted by the Title V permitting agency. The agency is required to evaluate and approve each request on a case by case basis. The permitting agency can grant an extension of 1 to 12 months based on the owner/operator (owner) of the EGU demonstrating to the satisfaction of the permitting agency that additional time is needed to either: 1) complete the installation of the emissions control equipment necessary to meet the MATS; 2) complete new offsite generation to maintain system reliability before retiring a generation unit; or 3) accommodate transmission system reliability work that may be necessary prior to decommissioning a generation unit. An analysis which provides the reasons for the extension request must be included in the request. The request must be submitted to the Title V permitting agency no less than 120 days prior to the MATS compliance date (April 16, 2015). The conditions of the extension will be included in a revised Title V permit. The EPA strongly encourages sources to notify the planning authority, state regulatory agencies and regional reliability entities as soon as possible of plans to decommission units in order to allow such authorities to develop solutions for possible reliability issues. An additional extension may be granted if it is demonstrated that a generation unit must operate in noncompliance with the MATS to resolve specific and documented reliability concerns. This second extension requires an Approval Order (AO) issued by the EPA and can be granted for a period of an additional 1 to 12 months. PAC-E-12-08/PacifiCorp dba Rocky Mountain Power August 27, 2012 IPUC Production Data Request No. 10 For units that may require this second extension, the first step is for an owner to submit a "notice of compliance plan" to the appropriate transmission planning authority within one year of the MATS effective date (April 16, 2013). This notice must identify the units that the owner plans to deactivate and the anticipated deactivation dates. It must also identify the units the owner intends to retrofit or install pollution controls on and the anticipated completion dates. The transmission planning authority will use this information to verify and perhaps remedy any identified reliability issues. In addition, the owner must file an application with the EPA's Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance no less than 180 days prior to the MATS compliance date (October 18, 2015). An owner must submit the request to the EPA's Director of the Air Enforcement Division, the EPA Regional Administrator, and several other interested agencies and planning authorities located within the area where the generator is located. A copy of the request is to also be sent to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). The submittal must include a written request for an enforceable compliance schedule and the owner must show in a written analysis, the reliability risks if the generator unit was not to be in operation. A written concurrence with the analysis or an equivalent analysis by the transmission planning authority must also be included. Recordholder: Chad Teply Sponsor: To Be Determined ID PAC-E-12-08 Attachment IPUC Production 7 -1 IPUC Production 7 ID Case PAC-E-12-08 Question #4 Carbon Balances 1954- 2011 FERC Accounts 310 - 317 TRANSFERS ADJUSTMENTS ENDING BAL NET BOOK VAL CY BAL FWD ADDITIONS RETIREMENTS ACCUM DEPR 1954j - 10,650,788 - - - 10,650,788 1955 10,650,788 1,197,795 - - - 11,848,584 See note regarding accumulated 1956 1957 11,848,584 11,856,684L - 9,656 13,322,981 - (1 ,556)L (498)1 - - - - - 11,856,684 25,179,167 depreciation prior to 1982. 1958T 25,179,167 371,211 (10,259 - - - 25,540,119 19591 25,540 ,119 8,316 j7 - - 25,530,647 1960 25,530,647 1 16,387 - - - 25,547,034 1961 25,547,034iii 6,453 (8,840 - - - 25,544,648 - -- 1962 25544648 72,674 - - - 25,617,321 - 1963 25,617,321 36,355 (6,364) - - - 25647 312 - - - 1964 25,647,312 - (99,458)t (2,522) - - - 25,545,333 1965 25,545,333 24,479 (3,213) - - 25,566,598 - - 1966 25,566,598 38,305 (6,451) (488) - 25,597,965 1967 25,597,965 24,959 (11,851) - - 25,611,073 1968 25,611,073 35,778 (14,862) (2,493) - 25,629,495 1969 25,629,495 12,742 (19,735) - - - - 25,622,502 - -- 1970 25,622,502 196,135 (7939) - - - (1) 25,810,697 1 - (31,241) - 29,885 - 25,809,818 1971L 25,810,697 477 8,872 - 25,865,449 1972 25,809,818 53,774 (7,016) 1973 25,865,449 66,541 (25,327) - ________- - - 25,90663 - 1974 25,906,663 5,053,211 820,180) (820,180)1-- (17,861) - 30,121,834 1975 30,121,834 523,696 (44,603) - - 30,600,927 197& 30,600,927 4,635,018 (53,682) - - 35,182,263 1977 35,182,263 886,254 (152,472) - - - 35,916,045 1978 35,916,045 71,957 (40,074) - - 35,947,927 1979 35,947,927 244,574 (48,905) - - 36,143,596 1980 36,143,596 5,097,426 - (59,174) - - 41,181,848 1981 41,181,848 1,335,242 k (815,035) 1,284 - 41,703,338 1982 - 41 ,703,338 - 397,062 (35,127) - - -- (28,264) 42037 009 (17 ,686,000) - 24,351 ,009 1983 42,037,009 492,218 (29,243) - - - 42,499,983 (19,517,000) - 22,982,983 1984, 42,499,983 1,091,203 (186,118) - - 43,405,068 (20,885,000) 22,520068 1985 43,405,068 2,647,137 (274,259) - - 45,777,945 (22,000,369) 23,777,577 1986 45,777,9451 102,486 (4,290) - - 45,876,141 (23,718,490) 22,157,651 1987 - 45,876,141 - - L 1,979,511 (101,830) - 812,175 48,565,998 (23,842,176) 24,72822 1988 48,565,998 828,911 (123,539) (13,171) - 49,258,200 (24,915,770) 24,342,429 Attach IPUC Production 7 -1 .xlsx (1954-2011 Summary) page 1 of 2 ID PAC-E-12-08 Attachment IPUC Production 7 -1 IPUC Production 7 ID Case PAC-E-12-08 Question #4 Carbon Balances 1954 -2011 CY BAL FWD ADDITIONS RETIREMENTS FERCAccounts 310 - 317 TRANSFERS ADJUSTMENTS ENDING BAL ACCUM DEPR NET Book VAL 1989 k 49,258,200 2,077,728 (186888) - - 51 ,149,039 (26019955)L 2519085 1990j 51,149,039 1,239,415 (333,275) 12,278 - 52,067,458 (27,232,662) 24,834,796 1991 52,067,458 2,365,511 (8,136) - - 54,424,833 (28,420,168) 26,004,665 1992 54,424,833 3,839,338 (658,193) - 3,533 - 57,609,511 (2983,493) - 27,926,018 1993 57,609,511 1 ,841 ,174 (336984) - - 59,113,701 (32379748) 26,733,953 1994 59,113,701 2,921,600 (369,688) 122,366 - 61,787,978 (35,055,029) 26,732,950 1995 61,787,978 1125 996J (155,682) - (830,898) - 61 ,927,394 (37 ,882,276) 24,045,118 - 1996 61,927,394 1,515,24J (263,888) - - 63,178,749 (4814,460) 22,364,289 199711 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 63,178,749 64,326,173 65,577,938 71,878,044 76,144,262 77,083,496t 78,684,163 78,988,063 1,388,624 1 ,292,095 7,880,324 5,684,319 1,493,762 2,058,226 1,195,747 7,792,724 (241,824) (42 850)4 (1,580,218) (1 418 102) (554,527) (457,559) (891,847) (923,324) - 624 2,520 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 64,326,173 65,577 ,938 71,878,044 76,144 ,262 77,083,496 78,684,163 78,988,063 85,857,463 (45,025,597) (49212947) (50,973,958) (49,106,673) (50,98275) (52,988,170) (55,173,406) (56,949,368) 19 ,300,576 16,364,991 20,904,086 - 27037 589 26,100,921 25,695,993 23,814,656 28,908,094 2005 2006 2007 85,857,463 90,525,317 - 91,721,153 6,781,846 2,387,919 2,407,520 (1,229,350) (1494776) (678,020) (884,642) (10615) 7,407 - 313,308 - 90,525,317 91 ,721 ,153 93,458,060 (5937,696) (61,583,455) (65,195,120) 31,487,621 30 137698 28,262,939 2008 93,458,060 19,674,540 (3,447,238) (28,652) - 109,656,711 (61,812,797) 47,843,913 2009 109656711 19856301 (3830896) - 68,644 125,750,760 (60,251 ,371) 65,499,389 2010J 125,750,760 1,105,307 (1,182,176) 72,021 - 38,574 125,784,487 (63,077,834) 62,706,653 2011 125,784,487 1,397,697 (262,174) - - 126,920,010 (66,954,203) 59,965,806 Note tAccumuIated depreciation and net book value are not available by p lant level for years prior to 1982. Accumulated depreciation was kept on a total steam functional group level during those years, and was not allocated to the individual power plant. Attach IPUC Production 7 -1 .xlsx (1954-2011 Summary) page 2 of 2 ID PAC-E-12-08 IPUC Production 7 Attachment IPUC Production 7 -2 PACIFICORP ENERGY A DIVISION OF PACIFICOAP INPUT GLOBAL VARIABLES Plant: I Carbon Maximum Analysis Time Period (In Years): 14 II Unit Number: 2 Project Title: CARBON 2: ECONOMIZER REPLACEMENT In-Service Date (CY Project Is Operational): 2008 Dollar Year (CV In Which Ss Are Specified): 2007 Inflation Rate (I=Yearly, 2Average): Discount Rate: 7.1% Analysts Period In Years (Including Dollar Year): 14 INPUT DOLLAR VARIABLES Capital Capital Avoid. O&M Ilxcluding Depreciable Savings or Calendar AFUDC AFUDC Life (30 (Increases) Year ($000) ($000) year max) ($000) 2007 $944 $41 14 $0 2008 $1,663 $51 13 $80 2009 $O 50 12 $100 2010 $0 $0 11 $130 2011 $0 $0 10 $170 2012 ($600) SO 9 $220 2013 $0 $0 8 $280 2014 $0 $0 7 $360 2015 $O $0 6 $440 2016 ($600) $0 5 $540 2017 $0 $0 4 $0 2018 $0 $0 3 $0 2019 $O $0 2 $0 2020 $0 $0 I $0 2021 $O $0 $0 2022 ** $0 $0 - $0 2023 * $0 SO $0 2024 *5 $0 $0 - $0 2025 ** $0 $0 - SO 2026 ** $0 $0 - SO 2027 ** $ $0 - $O 2028 ** $0 $0 - $O 2029 Ca $0 $0 - $O 2030 $0 $0 - $0 2031 CC $9 $0 - $0 2032 $0 $O - $0 2033 Ca $0 $0 - $O 2034 5* $ $0 - $0 2035 $0 $0 SO 2036 $0 $o - $o 2037 * 2038 •* 9 2039 2040 CC Attach IPUC Production 7 -2.pdf page 1 of 33 ID PAC-E-12-08 IPUC Production 7 Attachment IPUC Production 7 -2 PACIFICORP ENERGY A DIVISION OF PAGIFICORP II INPUT MISC. VARIABLES Forced Risk of Station Heat Rate Capability Outage Forced Use Increase (Restore/Improve) Restore/Improv, Calendar Benefit Outage (decrease) or Loss or (Loss) Year (Equiv. days) (Decimal) (kw) (btu/kwh) Megawatts 2007 0.0 0% - - - 2008 4.0 50% - - - 2009 6.0 50% - - - 2010 10.0 50% - - - 2011 16.0 50% - - - 2012 24.0 50% - - - 2013 34.0 50% - - - 2014 46.0 50% - - - 2015 60.0 50% - - - 2016 72.0 50% - - - 2017 0.0 0% - - - 2018 0.0 0% - - - 2019 0.0 0% - - - 2020 0.0 0% - - - 2021 ** 0.0 0% - - - 2022 ** 0.0 0% - - - 2023 ** 0.0 0% - - - 2024 ** 0,0 0% - - - 2025 ** 0.0 0% - - - 2026 ** 0.0 0% - - - 2027 ** 0.0 0% - - - 2028 ** 0.0 0% - - - 2029 ** 0.0 0% - - - 2030 ** 0.0 0% - - - 2031 ** 0.0 0% - - - 2032 ** 0.0 0% - - - 2033 ** 0,0 0% - - - 2034 ** 0.0 0% - - - 2035 ** 0.0 0% - - - 2036 ** 0.0 0% - - - 2037 ** 2038 ** 2039 ** 2040 ** 2041 ** 10 Attach IPUC Production 7 -2.pdf page 2 of 33 ID PAC-E-12-08 IPUC Production 7 Attachment IPUC Production 7 -2 PACIFICORP ENERGY A OVISION OF PACIFICORP SUMMARY OF RESULTS ($000) AFTER-TAX CASH FLOW WITHOUT RETAIL REVENUE CHANGE After-Tax Cash Flow NPV @ 7.10% > (2007 dollars) Net Benefit to Capital Ratio = = = = = = 2.5 Simple Payback Period = = = = = 5.2 Years Calculated Internal Rate of Return 22.2% Incremental Earnings Calendar Year ($1,000's) 2007 $20 2008 $23 2009 $21 2010 $109 2011 $222 Input for Internal Rate of Return Guess Internal Rate of Return Guess = = = => 15% After-tax Cash Flow NPV at IRR Guess> $782 Revenue Requirement NPV Benefit (Cost) @ 7.10%—> $3,949 (2007 dollars Discounted Rev Req Breakeven -======-- = => 4.7 Years (when cumulative PV of revenue requirement net benefit exceeds zero) IF Attach IPUC Production 7 -2.pdf page 3 of 33 ID PAC-E-12-08 IPUC Production 7 Attachment IPUC Production 7 -2 Project Name:U2 Superheat Replace (In Thousands of Dollars) Project Economics: Customer Cash Flows Cash Flows Revenue Prior to Regulatory After Regulatory Requirement Adjustment Adjustment * PVRR Benefit or (Cost) Total Project $1,091 PVRR Benefit or (Cost) PPW Share $1,091 Project NPV $767 $90 Project H4R 159% 8.6% Discount Rate Used 7.3% 7.3% Capital Productivity Ratio 1.6 1.1 Payback Period (years) 7.0 Years 8.3 Years 2007 2008 2009 Q!Q 2011 Capital Spending w/o AFUDC $713 $1,012 $0 $0 $0 ($200) Capital Spending w AFUDC $730 $1,054 $O $0 $0 ($200) Net Cash Flow Without Regulatory Recovery Annual ($706) ($852) $231 $263 $277 $458 Cumulative ($706) ($1,559) ($1,328) ($I,065) ($788) ($330) Net Cash Flow With Regulatory Recovery Annual ($619) ($811) $243 $230 $218 $382 Cumulative ($619) ($1,430) ($1,187) ($957) ($739) ($357) Incremental Earnings Before Interest & Taxes Without Regulatory Recovery ($57) $70 $165 $222 $250 $251 With Regulatory Recovery $84 $137 $184 $169 $154 $129 Incremental Earnings Without Regulatory Recovery ($25) $56 $71 $109 $129 $132 With Regulatory Recovery $62 $98 $83 $76 $70 $56 Annual Revenue Requirement Calculated $141 $67 $19 ($53) ($96) ($122) Recovered $141 $67 $19 ($53) ($96) ($122) * Includes regulatory lag of zero months. APR10000685_Econ_T.xls Page 1 8/9/2012 11:36 AM Attach IPUC Production 7 -2.pdf page 4 of 33 ID PAC-E-12-08 IPUC Production 7 Attachment IPUC Production 7 -2 PacifiCorp - Thermal Economic Analysis Model Page 1 of 2 Carbon U2: U2 Superheat Replace Offical Curve: 1212912006 Inputs; Dollar Year - 2007 In-Service Date - 2007 Average Inflation Rate - 1.9% Discount Rate - 7.3% Analysis Period - 14 years Have economic model automatically add AFUDC - 0 (1 -yes) Calendar Year Capital Excluding AFUDC (In Thds) AFUDC (In Thds) Book Depreciable Life (Years) Avoided O&M Savings or (Increases) (In Thds) Forced Outage Benefit (Equiv. Days) Risk of Forced Outage (Percent) Incr. Station Use Increase or (decrease) (KrIV) Heat Rate (Restore) or Loss (BtulKwh) Capability Restore or(Loss) lM( ___________ 2007 $713 $1 7 14 2008 $1,012 $42 13 $20 4.0 50% 2009 12 $30 6.0 50% 2010 1 ii $40 1 8.0 50% 2011 10_ $50 10.0 50% 2012 ($200) _9 $60 12.0 50% 2013 8 $75 15.0 50% 2014 _7 $91 18.0 50% 2015 6 $106 21.0 50% 2016 ($200) 5 $121 24.0 50% 2017 4 2018 2019 2 2020 Project Assumptions: Average HTSH tube leak outage duration = 2 days; Average HTSH tube leak cost of repairs = $10,000 Average start up fuel use = 4,500 gal; fuel cost = $2.2519al Number-of avoided outages In 2008=2 and increases by 1 outage per year for four years, then 3 outages per year. The risk of forced outages is assumed 50%. Model assumes avoiding major rebuild capital cost of $200,000 to the HISH each overhaul In 2008, 2012 and 2018. The loaded capital aslue in 2008 has been reduced by 8200k. Fixed Assumptions: Capacity Factor 79.30% Heat Rate 11,040 Btu/KWh Incremental Fuel $21.89 siren BTUIIb 11,400 MDC 105 MW Plant Property Tax 0.73% Total Capital Cost (Spent & Saved) $ 1,385 (in Thdnt $/mmEtu $ 0.86902 Calendar Year Medium IPC In Use (8/lAWN) 2007 N/A 2008 $82.34 2009 $81.57 2010 $59.25 2011 $55.88 Mod Low thg Net After-Tax Cash Flow NPV (In Thds) $767 $212 $1,321 Internal Rate of Return (IRR) 15.9% 9.9% 21.2% Simple Payback Period of Original Investment 7.0 Years 8.2 Years 6.1 Years Net Benefit to Capital Ratio 1.6 1.2 2.0 Present Value Revenue Requirement PVRR (In Thds) $1,091 $197 $1,985 APR10000685_EcOfl_T.xln Page 1 012 Pages 81912012 11:36 AM Attach IPUC Production 7 -2.pdf page 5 of 33 ID PAC-E-12-08 IPUC Production 7 Attachment IPUC Production 7 -2 PacifiCorp - Thermal Economic Analysis Model Page 2 of 2 Carbon 1.12; U2 Superheat Replace Official Curve: 12129/2006 Calculated Revenue Requirement Detail in Thds) Medium Level Calendar Year Capital - Revenue Requirement O&M Coat Reduction (increase) Neat Rate (Coat) or Benefit Station Use & Cap. Restore or (Impact) Outage (Cost) Benefit Total (Cost) Benefit Cumulative PV Revenue Req. Benefit 2007 $14 ($141) ($136) 2008 $21 $194 ($67) ($198) 2009 - $31 $278 ($19) ($212] 2010 $43 $322 $53 ($171) 2011 $54 $338 $96 ($101) 2012 $66 $302 $122 ($19) 2013 $85 $420 $283 $161 2014 $104 $564 $455 $429 2015 $123 $726 $652 $787 2016 $143 $923 $932 $1,265 2017 ($114) $1,210 2018 ____________ ($196) $1,163 2019 ($98) $1,123 2020 ($82) $1,091 Totals ($2,770) $670 1 $0 10 1 $4065 1 $1965 2007 NPV ($1,908) $419 1 $0 1 $0 $2561] $1091 Net After-Tax Cash Flows Without Reaulatorv , Recovery (In Thds) Official Curve: 12/2912006 Calendar Year Net Operating (Coat) or Benefit Property Tax Income Tax Payments Capital Investment After-Tax Cash Flow PV After-Tax Cash Flow Cumulative PV After-Tax Cash Flow 2007 $19 ($713) ($706) ($682) ($682) 2008 $215 ($12) ($1,012) ($852) ($767) ($1,450) 2009 $309 ($11) $231 $194 ($1,256) 2010 $365 ($10) $263 $205 ($1,050) 2011 $392 ($106) $277 $202 ($848) 2012 $368 ($104) $200 $458 $311 ($537) 2013 $505 ($161) $336 $214 ($323) 2014 $665 ($224) $435 $257 ($67) 2015 $850 ($296) $549 $302 $235 2016 $1,067 (8 $200 $883 $452 $688 2017 $20 $19 $9 $697 2018 821 $20 $9 $705 2049 $21 $21 $9 1 $714 2020 $136 $136 $53 $767 Totals $4735 1672) ($1,267) ($1326) 12,071 1 $767 2007 NPV $2,999 ($54)1 (8817)1 ($1362) 1 $767 APR10000685_Econ_T.xls Page 2 of 2 Pages 8/912012 11:36 AM Attach IPUC Production 7 -2.pdf page 6 of 33 ID PAC-E-12-08 IPUC Production 7 Attachment IPUC Production 7 -2 Project Name:U2 Bottom Ash Conveyor Rebuild/Replace (In Thousands of Dollars) Project Economics: Customer Cash Flows Cash Flows Revenue Prior to Regulatory After Regulatory Requirement Adjustment Adjustment * PVRR Benefit or (Cost) Total Project $11,022 PVRR Benefit or (Cost) PPW Share $11,022 Project NPV $6,873 $33 Project IRR >100% 7.8% Discount Rate Used 73% 73% Capital Productivity Ratio 6.8 1.0 Payback Period (years) 1.1 Years 9.1 Years 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Capital Spending w/o AFUDC $931 $366 $0 $0 $0 $0 Capital Spending w AFUDC $949 $395 $0 $0 $0 $0 Net Cash Flow Without Regulatory Recovery Annual ($935) $8,381 $30 $28 $26 $24 Cumulative ($935) $7,446 $7,477 $7,505 $7,531 $7,555 Net Cash Flow With Regulatory Recovery Annual ($931) ($191) $186 $176 $166 $157 Cumulative ($931) ($1,122) ($936) ($761) ($594) ($437) Incremental Earnings Before Interest & Taxes Without Regulatory Recovery ($7) $13,970 ($107) ($106) ($105) ($104) With Regulatory Recovery $0 $154 $144 $132 $121 $110 Incremental Earnings Without Regulatory Recovery $7 $8,668 ($90) ($88) ($86) ($84) With Regulatory Recovery $11 $95 $65 $60 $55 $50 Annual Revenue Requirement Calculated $7 ($13,816) $250 $238 $226 $215 Recovered $7 ($13,816) $250 $238 $226 $215 * Includes regulatory lag of zero months. APR 0000591_Econ_T.xls Page 1 819/2012 11:40 AM Attach IPUC Production 7 -2.pdf page 7 of 33 ID PAC-E-12-08 IPUC Production 7 Attachment IPUC Production 7 -2 PacifiCorp - Thermal Economic Analysis Model Page 1 of 2 Carbon U2: U2 Bottom Ash Conveyor Rebuild/Replace Offical Curve: 1212912006 Dollar Year - 2007 In-Service Date - 2008 Average Inflation Rate - 1.9% Discount Rate - 7.3% Analysis Period - 14 years Have economic model automatically add AFUDC - 0 11 =yes) Capital A, ded 'M as - - - - - - -- - -- Project Assumptions: Should a catastrophic failure occur Lead Time for material procurement Is 40 weeks, additionally, 10-days would be required for installation of the new system. Potential down time: 290 days Fixed Assumptions: Capacity Factor 79.30% Rest Rate 11,040 BIu/KIM1 tncremenlsl Fuel $21.69 9/Ton BTIJ/Ib 11,400 MDC 105 MW Plant Property Tax 0.73% Total Capital Cost (Spent & Saved) $ 1,344 (In Thdn) $fmmBtu $ 0.86902 Calendar Year Medium PC In Use ($/MWH) 2007 N/A 2008 $62.34 2009 N/A 2010 NIA 2011 N/A Mod Low High Net After-Tax Cash Flow NPV (In Thds) $6,873 $4,854 $8891 Internal Rate of Return (IRR) >100% >100% >100% Simple Payback Period of Original Investment 1.1 Years 1.2 Years 1.1 Years Net Benefit to Capital Ratio 6.8 5.1 8.5 Present Value Revenue Requirement PVRR (In Thds) $11022 $7,769 $14275 APR10000G9I_Econj.xls Page 1 of 2 Pages 8/9/2012 11:40 AM Attach IPUC Production 7 -2pdf page 8 of 33 ID PAC-E-12-08 IPUC Production 7 Attachment IPUC Production 7 -2 PacifiCorp - Thermal Economic Analysis Model Page 2 of 2 Carbon U2: U2 Bottom Ash Conveyor Rebuild/Replace Official Curve: 12129/2008 Calculated Revenue Reaulrement Detail (In Thds ) Medium Level Calendar Year - Capital - Revenue Requirement O&M Coat Reduction (Increase) Heat Rate (Coat) or Benefit Station Use & Cap. Restore or (Impact) Outage (Cost) Benefit Total (Coot) Benefit Cumulative PV Revenue Req. Benefit 2007 ($7) ($7) 2008 $14,077 $13,818 $12,431 2009 $250 $12,221 2010 ___________ $12,035 2011 - $11,870 2012 $11,724 2013 $11,598 2014 $11,482 2015 $11,382 2016 - ($171) $11294 2017 ($16 $11,215 2018 ($15 $11,151 2019 ($13 $11,093 2020 ($18 $11,022 Totals ($2,580) $0 I $0 $0 $14,077 $11,487 2007 NPV ($1,651) $0 $0 $0 $12,673 $11022 Net After-Tax Cash Flows Without Reaulatorv Recovery (In Thds) Official Curve: 1212912006 Calendar Year Net Operating (Cost) or Benefit Property Tan Income Tax Payments Capital Investment After-Tax Cash Flow PV After-Tax Cash Flow Cumulative PV After-Tax Cash Flow 2007 ($931) ($935) ($903) (9 2008 $14077 ($5 ($366) $8,381 $7,546 $6,642 2009 $30 $25 $8,668 2010 $28 $22 $6,690 2011 $28 $19 $8,709 2012 $24 $16 $8,725 2013 $23 $14 $8,739 2014 $21 $12 $6,752 2015 $20 $11 $6,763 2016 $20 $10 $6,773 2017 $20 $10 $6,783 2016 $21 $9 $8,752 2019 ________ $21 $9 $8,801 2020 $187 $186 $72 $6,873 Totals $14,077 156 9) ($4,824) ($1,297' $7887 $6,873 2007 NPV $12,673 1 ($4,521)I ($1,229)1 APRI0000691_Econ_T.xla Page 2 of 2 Pages 819/2012 11:40 AM Attach IPUC Production 7 -2pdf page 9 of 33 ID PAC-E-12-08 IPUC Production 7 Attachment IPUC Production 7 -2 Project Name:U2 LP Turbine Blades (L-O, L-1, L-2 (In Thousands of Dollars) Project Economics: Customer Cash Flows Cash Flows Revenue Prior to Regulatory After Regulatory Requirement Adjustment Adjustment * PVRR Benefit or (Cost) Total Project $1,867 PVRR Benefit or (Cost) PPW Share $1,867 Project NPV $1,303 $145. Project IRK 16.4% 8.9% Discount Rate Used 7.3% 73% Capital Productivity Ratio 1.7 1.1 Payback Period (years) 7.0 Years 8.5 Years 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Capital Spending w/o AFUDC $1,431 $646 $0 $0 $0 $0 Capital Spending w AFUDC $1,476 $687 $0 $0 $0 $0 Net Cash Flow Without Regulatory Recovery Annual ($1,458) ($439) $278 $332 $373 $458 Cumulative ($1,458) ($1,897) ($1,618) ($1,287) ($914) ($456) Net Cash Flow With Regulatory Recovery Annual ($1,240) ($378) $288 $273 $258 $244 Cumulative ($1,240) ($1,617) ($1,329) ($1,057) ($799) ($555) Incremental Earnings Before Interest & Taxes Without Regulatory Recovery ($182) $98 $203 $296 $368 $511 With Regulatory Recovery $169 $196 $219 $201 $183 $166 Incremental Earnings Without Regulatory Recovery ($85) $59 $89 $150 $197 $289 With Regulatory Recovery $134 $120 $99 $91 $83 $75 Annual Revenue Requirement Calculated $352 $98 $15 ($95) ($185) ($345) Recovered $352 $98 $15 ($95) ($185) ($345) * Includes regulatory lag of zero months. APR 0000662_Econ_T.xls Page 1 8/9/2012 11:34 AM Attach IPUC Production 7 -2.pdf page 10 of 33 ID PAC-E-12-08 IPUC Production 7 Attachment IPUC Production 7 -2 PacifiCorp - Thermal Economic Analysis Model Page 1 of 2 Carbon LI2: U2 Lp Turbine Blades (L-0, L-1, L-2) Otlical Curve: 1212912006 I!tA Dollar Year- 2007 In-Service Date - 2007 Average Inflation Rate - 1.9% Discount Rate - 7.3% Analysis Period - 14 years Have economic model automatically add AFUDC - 0 (11 =yes) Risk .1 - - - -- - - -- Project Assumptions: AN AVERAGE 1.014 PERCENT ANNUAL LOSS IN TURBINE CYCLE HEAT RATE SINCE 1999 WILL CONTINUE FOR THE REMAINING UNIT OPERATING LIFE. FUEL COST REMAINS CONSTANT. THE ESTIMATED LOSS IN FUEL COST IS BASED ON A CAPACITY FACTOR OF 85 9/6 AND A FUEL COST OF 60.849 PER MILLION BTU (CY2004 FUEL COST). A 1% DECREASE IN TURBINE CYCLE HEAT RATE IS ESTIMATED AT $86,479/YR IN FUEL SAVINGS. DESIGN TURBINE CYCLE EFFICIENCY 8418 BllJfK'iNH. BOILER EFFICIENCY 67.5% GROSS UNIT HEAT RATE IS 10005 B1TJ/KWH. DEVIATION FROM DESIGN 424 BTU/KWH. FOR THE PURPOSE OF THIS MODEL WILL USE THE PUBLISHED NUMBER OF 372 BILl/KWH. Fixed Assumptions: Capacity Factor 79.301A Heat Rate 11,040 9/u1KWh Incremental Fuel $ 21.89 5/Ton ETU/lb 11,400 MDC 105 MW Plant Property Tax 0.73% Total Capital Cost (Spent & Saved) $ 2,163 (In Thds) $/mmBtu $ 0.86902 Calendar Year Medium IPC In Use 2007 N/A 2008 N/A 2009 N/A 2010 N/A 2011 N/A Mt Low that Net After-Tax Cash Flow NPV (In Thds) $1,303 $1,303 $1,303 Internal Rate of Return (IRR) 16.4% 16.4% 16.4% Simple Payback Period of Original Investment 7.0 Years 7.0 Years 7.0 Years Net Benefit to Capital Ratio 1.7 11 1.7 Present Value Revenue Requirement PVRR (In Thds) $1,867 $1,887 $1,667 APR10000682_Econ_T.xls Page 1 012 Pages 819/2012 11:34 AM Attach IPUC Production 7 -2.pdf page 11 of 33 ID PAC-E-12-08 IPUC Production 7 Attachment IPUC Production 7 -2 PacifiCorp - Thermal Economic Analysis Model Page 2 of 2 Carbon U2: U2 Lp Turbine Blades (L-0, L-1, L-2) Official Curve: 1212912006 Calculated Revenue Reauiremont Detail (In Thdsi Medium Level Calendar Year Capital Revenue Requirement O&M Cost Reduction (Increase) Heat Rate (Cost) or Benefit Station Use & Cap. Restore or (Impact) Outage (Cost) Benefit Total (Cost) Benefit Cumulative PV Revenue Req. Benefit 2007 ($87) ($352) ($340) 2008 ($68) $338 ($98) ($428) 2009 $374 ($15) ($441) 2010 $466 $95 ($3671 2011 $537 $185 ($232) 2012 $679 $345 $2 2013 $893 $377 $241 2014 - $710 $412 $484 2015 $701 $420 $715 2016 $716 $452 $946 2017 $731 $484 $1,177 2018 $747 $517 $1,407 2019 $762 $550 $11635 2020 $780 $599 $1,867 Totals ($4,130) (5)35) $8,235 $0 $0 1 $3,970 2007 NPV ($2,751) 1 ($126)1 $4,744 $0 $0 $1,867 Net After-Tax Cash Flows Without Reaulatorv Recovery (In Thds) Official Curve: 12129/2006 Calendar Year Net Operating (Coat) or Benefit Property Tax Income Tax Payments Capital Investment After-Tax Cash Flow PV After-Tax Cash Flow Cumulative PV After-Tax Cash Flow 2007 ($87) ($10) 650 ($1431) ($1,458) ($1,408) ($1,408) 2008 $270 ($14) ($646) ($439) ($395) ($1,803) 2009 $374 (5 $278 $234 (54,570) 2010 $466 ($ $332 $259 ($1,310) 2011 $537 (4 $373 $272 ($1,039) 2012 1 679 ($211), $458 $311 ($727) 2013 $693 $464 $294 ($434) 2014 $710 $473 $279 L$155) 2015 $701 $467 $256 $102 2016 $718 $476 $244 $346 2017 $731 $487 $232 $578 2018 $747 $497 $221 $800 2019 $763 $508 $211 $1,010 2020 $780 $758 $293 $1303 Totals $8,099 ($100) i ($2,248) 152,0771 $3,675 1 $1,303 2007 NPV $4,618 1 ($74)1 ($1277)1 ($1.963)1 $1,303 APR1 0000662_Econ_T.xta Page 2 of 2 Pages 8/912012 11:34 AM Attach IPUC Production 7 -2.pdf page 12 of 33 ID PAC-E-12-08 IPUC Production 7 Attachment IPUC Production 7 -2 Project Name:U2 GENERATOR ROTOR REPLACEMENT (In Thousands of Dollars) Project Economics: Customer Cash Flows Cash Flows Revenue Prior to Regulatory After Regulatory Requirement Adjustment Adjustment * PVRR Benefit or (Cost) Total Project $9,954 PyRE Benefit or (Coat) PPW Share $9,954 Project NPV $6,280 $103 Project IRE >100% 9.2% Discount Rate Used 7.3% 7.3% Capital Productivity Ratio 6.2 1.1 Payback Period (years) 0.0 Years 8.0 Years 2009 il 2012 2013 Capital Spending w/o AFUDC $1,293 $0 $O $0 $0 $0 Capital Spending w AFUDC $1,344 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Net Cash Flow Without Regulatory Recovery Annual $6,244 $30 $28 $26 $24 $23 Cumulative $6,244 $6,274 $6,303 $6,329 $6,353 $6,376 Net Cash Flow With Regulatory Recovery Annual ($1,115) $188 $178 $169 $159 $151 Cumulative ($1,115) ($927) ($749) ($580) ($421) ($270) Incremental Earnings Before Interest & Taxes Without Regulatory Recovery $12,013 ($111) ($ill) ($110) ($109) ($109) With Regulatory Recovery $154 $143 $131 $120 $108 $98 Incremental Earnings Without Regulatory Recovery $7,486 ($93) ($91) ($88) ($86) ($84) With Regulatory Recovery $127 $65 $59 $54 $49 $44 Annual Revenue Requirement Calculated ($11,860) $254 $242 $230 $218 $206 Recovered ($11,860) $254 $242 $230 $218 $206 * Includes regulatory lag of zero months. APR90000048_EconT.xls Page 1 8/9/2012 11:30 AM Attach IPUC Production 7 -2.pdf page 13 of 33 ID PAC-E-12-08 IPUC Production 7 Attachment IPUC Production 7 -2 PacifiCorp - Thermal Economic Analysis Model Page 1 of 2 Carbon U2: U2 Generator Rotor Replacement Qffidd Curve: 912812007 Dollar Year- 2008 In-Service Date - 2008 Average Inflation Rate - 1.9% Discount Rate - 7.3% Analysis Period - 13 years Have economic model automatically add AFUDC - 0 (lWlea) - - - - -- Project Assumptions: A 75% CHANCE OF ONE FORCED OUTAGE IN A 15 YEAR PERIOD FOR A DURATION OF 6 MONTHS. Fixed Assumptions: Capacity Factor 79.30% Fleet Rate 11,040 Btu/KWt Incremental Fuel $21.89 5/Ton BTU/lb 11,400 MDC 105 MW Plant Property Tax 0.71% Total Capital Cost (Spent & Saved) $ 1,344 (In Thds) $fmmBtu $ 0.86385 Calendar Year Medium IPC In Use ($/MWH) 2008 $5796 2009 N/A 2010 N/A 2011 N/A 2012 N/A Mt Low High Net After-Tax Cash Flow NPV (In Thds) $6,280 $4405 $8,154 Internal Rate of Return (IRR) >100% >100% >100% Simple Payback Period of Original Investment 0.0 Years 0.0 Years 0.0 Years Net Benefit to Capital Ratio 6.2 4.7 7.8 Present Value Revenue Requirement PVRR (In Thds) $9,954 $6,934 $12,975 APR90000048,Econ_T.xls Page 1 of 2 Pages 8/9/2012 11:30 AM Attach IPUC Production 7 -2.pdf page 14 of 33 ID PAC-E-12-08 IPUC Production 7 Attachment IPUC Production 7 -2 II PacifiCorp - Thermal Economic Analysis Model Page 2 of 2 Calculated Revenue Requirement Detail (In Thds) Medium Level Calendar Year Capital Revenue Requirement O&M Cost Reduction (Increase) Heat Rate (Cost) or Benefit Station Use & Cap. Restore or (Impact) Outage (Cost) Benefit Total (Cost) Benefit Cumulative PV Revenue Req. Benefit 2008 ($266) ($100) $12226 $11,860 $11.4 2009 ($254 911,2 2010 811,0 2011 $10.84 2012 1 $10,687 2013 $10,547 2014 - $10.4 2015 $10.3 2016 $10.2 2017 - $10.1 2018 ($151 $10.09 2019 ($140 $1000 2020 ($119 ($11 $9.9 Totals ($2,536) ($100) $0 1 $01 $12,226 $9,590 2008 NPV ($1,7$9) ($971 so] so] $11,810 $9954 Net After-Tax Cash Flows Without Reaulatorv Recovery (In Thdsl Official Curve: 9128/2007 Calendar Year Net Operating (Cost) or Benefit Property Tax Income Tax Payments Capital Investment After-Tax Cash Flow PV After-Tax Cash Flow Cumulative PV After-Tax Cash Flow 2008 $12,126 ($4, ($1,293) $6,244 $6,032 $6,032 2009 $30 $27 $6,059 2010 $28 $24 $6,093 2011 $28 $20 $6,103 2012 $24 $18 $6,121 2013 $23 $16 $6,136 921 $13 $6,150 2015 $20 $12 $6,162 2016 $20 $11 $6,173 2020 2014 2017 $21 $11 $6,183 201$ V $21 $10 $6,193 2019 $22 $21 $10 $6,203 $186 $186 $77 $6,280 Totals $12,126 1 ($57) ($4089) ($1,293( $6,686 $6,280 2008 NPV $11,713 ($4411 (94,141)1 ($1,249)I $6,280 APR90000048_Econj.xls Page 2 of 2 Pages 8/9/2012 11:30 AM Attach IPUC Production 7 -2.pdf page 15 of 33 ID PAC-E-12-08 IPUC Production 7 Attachment IPUC Production 7 -2 Project Name:U2 WATERWALL REBUILD CV 2008 (In Thousands of Dollars) Project Economics: Customer Cash Flows Cash Flows Revenue Prior to Regulatory After Regulatory Requirement Adjustment Adjustment * PVRR Benefit or (Cost) Total Project $1,390 PVRR Benefit or (Cost) PPW Share $1,390 Project NPV $925 $62 Project IRk 45.7% 8.6% Discount Rate Used 7.3% 7.3% Capital Productivity Ratio 2.0 1.1 Payback Period (years) 3.5 Years 9.1 Years 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Capital Spending w/o AFUDC $222 $873 $0 $0 $0 $0 Capital Spending w AFUDC $226 $904 $0 $0 $0 $0 Net Cash Flow Without Regulatory Recovery Annual ($223) ($591) $543 $586 $588 $301 Cumulative ($223) ($814) ($271) $315 $903 $1,204 Net Cash Flow With Regulatory Recovery Annual ($222) ($724) $158 $150 $142 $134 Cumulative ($222) ($946) ($788) ($638) ($497) ($363) Incremental Earnings Before Interest & Taxes Without Regulatory Recovery ($2) $344 $741 $814 $821 $362 With Regulatory Recovery ($0) $130 $120 $111 $101 $92 Incremental Earnings Without Regulatory Recovery $2 $228 $439 $486 $492 $209 With Regulatory Recovery $3 $95 $54 $50 $46 $41 Annual Revenue Requirement Calculated $2 ($214) ($620) ($703) ($720) ($270) Recovered $2 ($214) ($620) ($703) ($720) ($270) * Includes regulatory lag of zero months. APR10000679_Econj.xs Page 1 81912012 11:35 AM Attach IPUC Production 7 -2.pdf page 16 of 33 ID PAC-E-12-08 IPUC Production 7 Attachment IPUC Production 7 -2 PacifiCorp - Thermal Economic Analysis Model Page I of 2 Carbon 1J2: U2 Waterwall Rebuild Cy 2008 Offical Curve: 12129/2006 j$j Dollar Year- 2007 In-Service Date - 2008 Average Inflation Rate - 1.9% Discount Rate - 7.3% Analysis Period - 14 years Have economic model automatically add AFUDC - 0 (1=yes) Capability Restore or (Loss) - - - - - -- Project Assumptions: The number of tube leaks Increase each year until 2012 when the next major overhaul occurs. Each tube teak will result in a 2-3 day forced outage (3 days if leak is on the upper arch, 2 days for other leaks) The probablity, of tube leaks occurring is high. Fixed Assumptions: Capacity Factor 79.301/. Heat Rate 11,040 Btu1KIM1 Incremental Fuel $21.89 S/Ton STU/Ib 11400 MDC 105 MW Plant Property Tux 0.73% Total Capital Cost (Spent & Saved) $ 1,131 (In Thds) $/mmBtu $ 0.86902 Calendar Year Medium PC in Use ($/MWH) 2007 N/A 2008 $6234 2009 $61.57 2010 $59.25 2011 $55.68 Mod Low thn Net After-Tax Cash Flow NPV (In Thds) $925 $402 $1,448 Internal Rate of Return (IRR) 45.7% 23.4% 67.6% Simple Payback Period of Original Investment 3.5 Years 4.2 Years 3.1 Years Net Benefit to Capital Ratio 2.0 1.4 2.5 Present Value Revenue Requirement PVRR (In Thdu) $1,390 $547 $2,233 APR10000679,Econ_T.xls Page 1 of 2 Pages 819/2012 11:35 AM Attach IPUC Production 7 -2.pdf page 17 of 33 ID PAC-E-12-08 IPUC Production 7 Attachment IPUC Production 7 -2 E_~PacifiCorp - Thermal Economic Analysis Model Page 2 of 2 Carbon 1)2: 1)2 Waterwali Rebuild Cy 2008 Official Curve: 1212912006 Calculated Revenue Requirement Detail (In Thds) Medium Level Calendar Year Capital Revenue Requirement O&M Cost Reduction (increase) Heat Rate (Cost) or Benefit Station Use & Cap. Restore or (impact) Outage (Cost) Benefit Total (Cost) Benefit Cumulative PV Revenue Req. Benefit 2007 1$ ($2) ($2) 2008 ($22 $437 $214 $191 2009 $21 $833 $620 $711 2010 $908 $703 $1,261 2011 $013 $720 $1,786 2012 $453 $270 $1,969 2013 ($173) $1860 2014 ($163) $1,784 2015 ($154) $1,679 2016 ($145) $1,604 2017 ($136) $1,540 2018 ($127) $1,483 2019 ($117) $1,435 2020 ($115) $1,390 Totals ($2,147)l $0 $0 1 $0 1 $3,542 1 $1,395 J11,38311 $0 2007 NPV 1 10 1 $0 I ,396 Net After-Tax Cash Flows Without Regulatory Recovery (In Thds) Official Curve: 12/29/2006 Calendar Year Net Operating (Cost) or Benefit Property Ten income Tax Payments Capital Investment After-Tax Cash Flow PV After-Tax Cash Flow Cumulative PV After-Tax Cash Flow 2007 $1 ($222) ($223) ($215) ($215) 2008 $437 ($147) ($873) ($591) ($532) ($745) 2009 $833 ($284) $543 $455 ($292) 2010 $908 ($314) $586 $458 $160 2011 $913 ($319) $588 $429 $595 2012 $453 ($146) $301 $205 $800 2013 $24 $19 $12 $812 2014 $22 $18 $11 $822 2015 $20 $17 $9 $831 2016 $20 $17 $9 $840 2017 $19 $17 $8 $848 2018 $19 $18 $8 $856 2019 $19 $18 $7 $884 2020 $158 $158 $81 $625 Totals $3542 ($52' ($909' ($1,095' $1,485 $925 2007 NPV $2,773 ($37)I ($81 1)1 ($1,000)1 $925J APR10000679_Econj.xls Page 2 of 2 Pages 8/9/2012 11:35 AM Attach IPUC Production 7 -2.pdf page 18 of 33 ID PAC-E-12-08 IPUC Production 7 Attachment IPUC Production 7 -2 Project Name:U2 TURBINE GENERATOR OVERHAUL (In Thousands of Dollars) Project Economies: Customer Cash Flows Cash Flows Revenue Prior to Regulatory After Regulatory Requirement Adjustment Adjustment * PVRR Benefit or (Cost) Total Project $701 PVRR Benefit or (Cost) PPW Share $701 Project NPV $478 $43 Project IRR 25.0% 7.9% Discount Rate Used '°'° Capital Productivity Ratio 1.3 1.0 Payback Period (years) 4.0 Years 9.5 Years 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Capital Spending w/o AFUDC $52 $1685 $0 $0 $0 $0 Capital Spending w AFUDC $53 $1,711 $0 $0 $0 $0 Net Cash Flow Without Regulatory Recovery Annual ($51) ($1,075) $601 $537 $481 $33 Cumulative ($51) ($1,126) ($525) $12 $493 $526 Net Cash Flow With Regulatory Recovery Annual ($45) ($1,514) $248 $235 $222 $210 Cumulative ($45) ($1,558) ($1,311) ($1,076) ($854) ($644) Incremental Earnings Before interest & Taxes Without Regulatory Recovery ($4) $808 $757 $658 $575 ($143) With Regulatory Recovery $6 $100 $187 $172 $157 $142 Incremental Earnings Without Regulatory Recovery ($2) $516 $438 $379 $330 ($113) With Regulatory Recovery $4 $77 $85 $78 $71 $64 Annual Revenue Requirement Calculated $10 ($707) ($569) ($487) ($418) $216 Recovered $10 ($707) ($569) ($487) ($411) $286 * Includes regulatory lag of zero months. APRI 0005755_Econ_T.xls Page 1 81912012 11.47 AM Attach IPUC Production 7 -2.pdf page 19 of 33 ID PAC-E-12-08 IPUC Production 7 Attachment IPUC Production 7 -2 F PaciflCorp - Thermal Economic Analysis Model Page 1 of 2 N Carbon U2: U2 Turbine Generator Overhaul Offical Curve: 3/30/2007 Dollar Year - 2007 In-Service Date - 2007 LAverage Inflation Rate - 1.9% Discount Rate - 7.3% Analysis Period - 14 years Have economic model automatically add APUOC - 0 (1 =yes) Z.M Jitl - Project Assumptions: ALL REPAIRS ARE A RESULT OF INSPECTiONS PERFORMED IN 1999 AND 2004. THE RISK OF A FORTY- FIVE DAY OUTAGE IS ASSESSED AT TWENTY PERCENT OVER THE NEXT FOUR YEAR PERIOD. IF THE TURBINE BLADES ARE NOT INSTALLED NOW, THE RISK OF A TURBINE FAILURE IS HIGH BECAUSE THE BLADES WOULD NOT BE INSPECTED (OR REPAIRED) UNTIL THE NEXT SCHEDULED MAJOR OVERHAUL (2012). OPERATING LOSSES WOULD CONTINUE UNTIL THE REPAIRS ARE COMPLETED. AN AVERAGE 1.014 PERCENT ANNUAL LOSS IN TURBINE CYCLE HEAT RATE SINCE 1999 WILL CONTINUE FOR THE REMAINING UNIT OPERATING LIFE FUEL COST REMAINS CONSTANT. THE ESTIMATED LOSS IN FUEL COST IS BASED ON A CAPACITY FACTOR OF 85% AND A FUEL COST OF Fixed Assumptions: Capacity Factor 79.30% Heat Rate 11,040 Btu/KWI1 Incremental Fuel $21.89 $TTsn BTU/1b 11.400 MDC 105 MW Plant Property Tax 0.73% Total Capital Coat (Spent & Saved) $ 1,764 (In TEds) $/mmBtu $ 0.86902 Calendar Year Medium PC In Use ($/MWH) 2007 N/A 2008 $66.01 2009 $64.56 2010 $63.31 2011 $61.50 Med Low High Net After-Tax Cash Flow NPV (In TEds) $478 $14 $842 Internal Rate of Return (IRR) 25.0% 7.7% 49.7% Simple Payback Period of Original Investment 4.0 Years 7.5 Years 3.4 Years Net Benefit to Capital Ratio 1 3 1.0 1.6 Present Value Revenue Requirement PVRR (In Thda) $701 ($47) $1,449 APR 000575QEcon_T.uls Page 1 of 2 Pages 9/9/2012 11:48 AM Attach IPUC Production 7 -2.pdf page 20 of 33 ID PAC-E-12-08 IPUC Production 7 Attachment IPUC Production 7 -2 PacifiCorp - Thermal Economic Analysis Model Page 2 of 2 Carbon U2: U2 Turbine Generator Overhaul Official Curve: 3130/2007 Calculated Revenue Reauirement Detail (In Thds) Medium Level Calendar Year Capital Revenue Requirement O&M Cost Reduction (Increase) Heat Rate (Cost) or Benefit Station Use & Cap. Restore or (Impact) Outage (Cost) Benefit Total (Cost) Benefit Cumulative PV Revenue Req. Benefit 2007 ($10) ____________ ____________ ($10) ($10) 2008 ($248) $955 $707 $627 2009 ($334) $903 $569 $1105 2010 ($317 $804 $487 $1,485 2011 ($301 $719 $1,790 2012 ($286 $1,596 2013 ($270 $1425 2014 ($255 $1,274 2015 ($241 $1,142 2016 F ($226 $1,026 2017 ($21' $925 2018 ($197 $837 2019 ($183 $781 2020 ($155 $701 Totals ($3236) $0 $0 $0 $3,381 $146 2007 NPV ($2069)] $0 $0 $0 $2,770 $701 Net After-Tax Cash Flows Without Reaulatorv Recovery (In Thds ) Official Curve: 3/3012007 Calendar Year Net Operating (Cost) or Benefit Property Tax Income Tax Payments Capital Investment After-Tax Cash Flow PV After-Tax Cast' Flow Cumulative PV After-Tax Cash Plow 2007 $1 ($52) ($51) ($49) ($49) 2008 $955 $ ($333) ($1,685) (91075) ($968) ($1,017) 2009 $903 1$ ($291) $601 $504 ($513) 2010 $804 ($ ($257) $537 $420 ($93) 2011 $719 ($229) $481 $351 $258 2012 $41 $33 $22 $280 2013 $37 $30 $19 $299 2014 $34 $28 $17 $316 2015 $32 $27 $15 $331 2016 $31 $27 $14 $344 - 2017 $31 $28 $13 $358 2018 $30 $28 $13 $370 2019 $30 $29 $12 $382 2020 $249 $249 $96 $478 Totals $3,381 ($771 ($5951 ($1,73711 $972 $478 2007 NPV $2,770 1 ($55)) ($669)I ($1,567)) $478 APR10005755_Econ_T.xfs Page 2 of 2 Pages 8/912012 11:48 AM Attach IPUC Production 7 -2.pdf page 21 of 33 ID PAC-E-12-08 IPUC Production 7 Attachment IPUC Production 7 -2 Project Name:U0 Fly Ash Handling System (In Thousands of Dollars) Project Economics: Customer Cash Plows Cash Flows Revenue Prior to Regulatory After Regulatory Requirement Adjustment Adjustment * PVRR Benefit or (Cost) Total Project $1,987 PVRR Benefit or (Coat) PPW Share $1,987 Project NPV $1,266 $33 Project IRR 17.3% 7.7% Discount Rate Used 7.4% 7.4% Capital Productivity Ratio 1.7 1.0 Payback Period (years) 6.3 Years 9.2 Years 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Capital Spending w/o AFUDC $1,450 $629 $0 $0 $0 $0 Capital Spending w AFLJDC $1,462 $670 $0 $0 $0 $0 Net Cash Flow Without Regulatory Recovery Annual ($1,456) ($447) $418 $491 $476 $399 Cumulative ($1,456) ($1,903) ($1,486) ($995) ($519) ($120) Net Cash 110w With Regulatory Recovery Annual ($1,450) ($351) $296 $280 $265 $251 Cumulative ($1,450) ($1,801) ($1,505) ($1,225) ($960) ($709) Incremental Earnings Before Interest & Taxes Without Regulatory Recovery ($10) $90 $425 $551 $532 $414 With Regulatory Recovery ($0) $246 $229 $211 $193 $176 Incremental Earnings Without Regulatory Recovery $2 $53 $225 $306 $298 $227 With Regulatory Recovery $8 $149 $103 $95 $87 $79 Annual Revenue Requirement Calculated $10 $155 ($197) ($340) ($340) ($238) Recovered $10 $155 ($197) ($340) ($340) ($238) * Includes regulatory lag of zero months. APR20000468_Econ_T.xts Page 1 5/9/2012 11:20 AM Attach IPUC Production 7 -2.pdf page 22 of 33 ID PAC-E-12-08 IPUC Production 7 Attachment IPUC Production 7 -2 PactllCorp -Thermal Economic Analysis Model Page 1 s12 Co/ban U2: UO Fly Ash Handling System 016c51 Curae: 3131/2008 1VCt.-1D mx— I.- - C C4 ..Ip.idi.'g al Prot.] L — — :-- -- LI-- — .2rTt1-tFtT1TT ---I r-rn----ir- w r-'r'-i-m--i- r.irrs.I - - - - Calendar I In Use After-Tax Cash Flaw NPV (In mdx) $1266 $337 $2194 net Rate of Return (IRR) 173% 10.3% 234% 219 Payback Period of Original Investment 6.3 Yes/a 83 Years 0.3 Years Benefit to Capital Ratio 1,7 1.2 21 APR20000468_Ecoa_T ale Page I 002 Pages 8/5/2012 11:20 AM Attach IPUC Production 7 -2pdf page 23 of 33 ID PAC-E-12-08 IPUC Production 7 Attachment IPUC Production 7 -2 PacifiCorp hermal Economic Analysis Model Poge 2 of 2 Corbon U2: UO T Fly Mb Hondbn Sy,Iem Official Cu- 3I3120O8 _ci_,,_ UI1 dI•I L.1 - N1 UII Lgl I U1 NJ 111J 2I ci.I i1 2I 4I - liJ NJ I :.c. t•1I i__I - •i srcii - CI 1II 4Ii i 4)1 1J J KrI it1 hI iJUII -:.2j----- i -.i J1s.gI Calendar Year tiLfil -... NCi ti11 oL)11 -° • I tik41 Ubi1 LI IciNJl 1u88 IIIJ W1 ti11 U1 o5MiI i8h ....J tgL91 1 fri 2.J (2~d up :g&:I J1 i aWl J O..i (221I ZiI LSI tIal tIiil ZI'I '2J NJ 2ii .r2I t)l (iUH J1p .801 mcii ac. .liI tiJ1 U01 8bI [I 8i!i 21I tJl tiIil iiii ID .•i 151 (N1t8Icil __ 'III 8LOI 2J 2.1 81 21 - W1 bLciJ gA!liI .:..1 till ILl i Ji.J .1tfl2)il Xlt1iYri.J APR20000468_Econ.T.xls Page 2012 Pages 81912012 11:20 AM Attach IPUC Production 7 -2.pdf page 24 of 33 ID PAC-E-12-08 IPUC Production 7 Attachment IPUC Production 7 -2 Project Name:UO RAW WATER LINE (In Thousands of Dollars) Project Economics: Customer Cash Flows Cash Flows Revenue Prior to Regulatory After Regulatory Requirement Adjustment Adjustment * PVRR Benefit or (Cost) Total Project $815 PVRR Benefit or (Cost) l'PW Share $815 Project NPV $550 $45 Project IRR 23.0% 88% Discount Rate Used 7.3% 7.3% Capital Productivity Ratio 1.9 1.1 Payback Period (years) 6.0 Years 9.0 Years 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Capital Spending w/o AFUDC $71 $626 $0 $0 $0 $0 Capital Spending w AFUDC $72 $648 $0 $0 $0 $0 Net Cash Flow Without Regulatory Recovery Annual ($71) ($513) $141 $148 $153 $145 Cumulative ($71) ($585) ($444) ($296) ($143) $3 Net Cash Flow With Regulatory Recovery Annual ($71) ($530) $101 $95 $90 $85 Cumulative ($71) ($602) ($501) ($405) ($315) ($230) Incremental Earnings Before interest & Taxes Without Regulatory Recovery ($1) $110 $141 $155 $165 $155 With Regulatory Recovery $0 $82 $77 $70 $64 $58 Incremental Earnings Without Regulatory Recovery $1 $10 $75 $84 $92 $86 With Regulatory Recovery $I $63 $35 $32 $29 $26 Annual Revenue Requirement Calculated $1 ($27) ($65) ($85) ($101) ($97) Recovered $1 ($27) ($65) ($85) ($101) ($97) * Includes regulatory lag of zero months. APR10000664_Econ_T.xls Page 1 8/9/2012 11:34 AM Attach IPUC Production 7 -2.pdf page 25 of 33 ID PAC-E-12-08 IPUC Production 7 Attachment IPUC Production 7 -2 PacifiCorp - Thermal Economic Analysis Model Page 1 of 2 Carbon 1)2: 1)0 Raw Water Line Offical Curve: 3130/2007 DollarYear- 2007 In-Service Date - 2008 [Average Inflation Rate - 1.9% Discount Rate - 7.3% Analysis Period - 14 years Have economic model automatically add AFIJDC - 0 (1=yes) Year Capital AFUDC Station Use (decrease) Heat I Re a or Loss -- - - :Ii ts 45M: - -- Project Assumptions: Assumed eight (8) day forced outage equiselent due to both units being derated or offline due to waterline faflure. Began risk at 20% increasing the flak 5% per year up to a maximum 0140% Fixed Assumptions: Capacity Factor 79,30% Heat Rate 11,040 BtuIKWh Incremental Fuel $ 21.89 $/Ion BTU/lb 11,400 MDC 105 MW Plant Property Tax 0.73% Total Capital Cost (Spent & Saved) $ 720 (In Tilds) $/mmBtu 80.86902 Calendar Year Medium IPC In Use ($IMWH) 2007 N/A 2008 866.01 2009 $64.56 2010 $63.31 2011 $61.50 Mod Low thi Net After-Tax Cash Flow NPV (In Thds) $550 $211 $889 Internal Rate of Return (IRR) 23.0% 13.7% 31.8% Simple Payback Period of Original Investment 6.0 Years 7.9 Years 5.0 Years Net Benefit to Capital Ratio 1.9 1.3 2.5 Present Value Revenue Requirement PVRR (In Thds) $815 $269 $1,360 APR10000664_Econ_T.xls Page 1 012 Pages 81912012 11:34 AM Attach IPUC Production 7 -2.pdf page 26 of 33 ID PAC-E-12-08 IPUC Production 7 Attachment IPUC Production 7 -2 PacifiCorp - Thermal Economic Analysis Model Page 2012 Carbon U2: U0 Raw Water Line Official Curve: 313012007 Calculated Revenue Reaulrement Detail (in Thds Medium Level Calendar Year Capital Revenue Requirement O&M Cost Reduction (Increase) Heat Rate (Cost) or Benefit Station Use & Cap. Restore or (Impact) Outage (Cost) Benefit Total (Cost) Benefit Cumulative PV Revenue Req. Benefit 2007 2008 ($142 $170 $27 $24 2009 ($136 $201 $66 $78 2010 ($129 $214 $85 $145 2011 ($123 $224 $101 $218 2012 ($117 $213 $97 $284 2013 ($110 $217 $107 $351 2014 ($104 $224 $120 $422 2015 ($98 $243 $145 $502 2016 ($92 $254 $162 $585 2017 ($8 $284 $177 $869 2018 ($81 $273 $192 $755 2019 ($75 $283 $208 $841 2020 ($69 ($69) $815 Totals ($1364) No $0 10L $2,780 $1416 2007 NPV 1 ($880) $0 $0 $01 $1,695 1 $815 Net After-Tax Cash Flows Without Regultorv Recover (In Thds) Official Curve: 3/30/2007 Calendar Year Net Operating (Cost) or Benefit - Property Thu Income Tax Payments Capital Investment After-Tax Cash Flow PV After-Tax Cash Flow Cumulative PV After-Tax Cash Flow 2007 $O ($71) ($71) ($69) ($69) 2008 $170 _______ ($626) ($513) ($462) ($531) 2009 $201 $141 $118 ($4131 2010 $214 $148 $116 ($287) 2011 $224 4), $153 $111 ($186) 2012 $213 $145 1 99 ($87) $217 $147 $93 $6 2014 $224 $150 $89 $95 2015 $243 $162 $89 $184 2016 $254 $168 $86 $270 2017 P 2 2013 $264 $175 $83 $353 20/8 $273 $181 $80 $434 20/9 $283 $187 $78 $511 020 9100 $100 $39 $550 Totals $2,780 t$32' ($778' ($697> $1,273 $550 2007NPV $16951 (523)1 ($490)1 ($632)1 $550 APR10000664_Econj.xls Page 2 of 2 Pages 6/9/2012 11:34 AM Attach IPUC Production 7 -2.pdf page 27 of 33 ID PAC-E-12-08 IPUC Production 7 Attachment IPUC Production 7 -2 Project Name: U1 BTFR: WATER WALL REBUILD CV 2009 (In Thousands of Dollars) Project Economics: Customer Cash Flows Cash Flows Revenue Prior to Regulatory After Regulatory Requirement Adjustment Adjustment * PVRR Benefit or (Cost) Total Project $3,524 PVRR Benefit or (Cost) PPW Share $3,524 Project NPV $2,274 $88 Project IRR 29.3% 9.0% Discount Rate Used 7.4% 7.4% Capital Productivity Ratio 2,8 1.1 Payback Period (years) 6.0 Years 8.8 Years 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Capital Spending w/o AFUDC $21 $1,439 $0 $0 $0 $0 Capital Spending w AFUDC $21 $1,475 $0 $0 $0 $0 Net Cash Flow Without Regulatory Recovery Annual ($21) ($1,297) $241 $319 $328 $411 Cumulative ($21) ($1,318) ($1,077) ($758) ($430) ($19) Net Cash Flow With Regulatory Recovery Annual ($21) ($1,230) $215 $204 $193 $182 Cumulative ($21) ($1,251) ($1,036) ($832) ($640) ($458) Incremental Earnings Before Interest & Taxes Without Regulatory Recovery ($0) $64 $200 $330 $349 $487 With Regulatory Recovery $0 $171 $158 $145 $131 $118 Incremental Earnings Without Regulatory Recovery $0 $62 $98 $180 $195 $282 With Regulatory Recovery $0 $129 $71 $65 $59 $53 Annual Revenue Requirement Calculated $0 $108 ($42) ($185) ($218) ($369) Recovered $0 $108 ($42) ($185) ($218) ($369) * Includes regulatory lag of zero months. APR 0000701_Econ,j.xls Page 1 8/9/2012 11:45 AM Attach IPUC Production 7 -2.pdf page 28 of 33 ID PAC-E-12-08 IPUC Production 7 Attachment IPUC Production 7 -2 MM (InThds) BENIN _(•_ - - -- - -- Project Assumptions: Economic justification is based on an increasing forced outage rate doe to tuba leaks due to soot blower erosion, Ry ash erosion. and hydrogen damage. There is a 75% chance of the forced outages occurring as oollinnd abuse. The nsajooty of the rooter wait tube replacements dens dosing this project should tool until the ocelot and at tta of the unit. Calendar I to Use I rTax Cash Flow NPV (in Tindal $2.274 $1037 $3512 Rote of Return (IRR) 283% 19.0% 38.1% 'aybacic Period of Original Investment 80 Years 7.4 Years 5.3 Years slit to Capital Ratio 2.8 1.8 18 APRI000070I_Econ_Tvts Page I of Pages 8/912012 1145 AM Attach IPUC Production 7 -2.pdf page 29 of 33 ID PAC-E-12-08 IPUC Production 7 Attachment IPUC Production 7 -2 PaclflCorp Thermal Economic Analysis Model Pag.2-f2 Carbon UI UI Silo Water Wall Rebuild Cy 2009 Official Carve 313112008 t211 t.dI OL.J 021!41 1.191 ii t.dJ1 L1 5l.I 1 -all ZIU I I 2.LJ 001 L2:thl 1A51 2:121L00.0 11 1 r.r EI 131 ci 22:21 I :.i1 t!i1 1II Jt21 il tol t0t2ll 001J U01J 17rb211 0Il uaiigj1 !11 Ur .dll td1 tciDI 09LJ IIOJ] 3•8 Ia01 t091 L0i)1 900 .r1 t1 t1)1 11r21 r2:A1 (2:J1 L..bOI U ZIJ ti'31 1211l1 fJ 9PU jar ii iaL I!iiL1 Li'11 U2:rl1 08(1 t0J1 tIE91 ud jAj 1rJOLI IA.011 t1221 IArZk91 t1K2i1 jA!°01 2:10fL1 u:o' i1ux1UME)1 LI APRI000070I_EcOnj.xla Page 2012 Pegoc 81912012 1145 AM Attach IPUC Production 7 -2.pdf page 30 of 33 ID PAC-E-12-08 IPUC Production 7 Attachment IPUC Production 7 -2 Project Name: U! Condenser Re-Tube (In Thousands of Dollars) Protect Economics: Customer Cash Flows Cash Flows Revenue Prior to Regulatory After Regulatory Requirement Adjustment Adjustment * PVRR Benefit or (Cost) Total Project $3,398 PVRR Benefit or (Cost) PPW Share $3,398 Project NPV $2,223 $115 Project IRR 25.2% 8.7% Discount Rate Used 7.4% 7.4% Capital Productivity Ratio 2.1 1.1 Payback Period (years) 5.9 Years 8.8 Years 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Capital Spending w/o AFUDC $262 $1,950 $0 $0 $0 $0 Capital Spending w AFUDC $265 $2,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 Net Cash Flow Without Regulatory Recovery Annual ($263) ($1,571) $364 $465 $508 $570 Cumulative ($263) ($1,834) ($1,471) ($1,005) ($497) $73 Net Cash Flow With Regulatory Recovery Annual ($262) ($1,595) $319 $302 $286 $270 Cumulative ($262) ($1,857) ($1,538) ($1,237) ($951) ($681) Incremental Earnings Before Interest & Taxes Without Regulatory Recovery ($2) $296 $307 $478 $553 $658 With Regulatory Recovery ($0) $257 $235 $215 $195 $175 Incremental Earnings Without Regulatory Recovery $1 $210 $151 $260 $310 $378 With Regulatory Recovery $2 $185 $106 $97 $88 $79 Annual Revenue Requirement Calculates! $2 ($39) ($72) ($263) ($359) ($483) Recovered $2 ($39) ($72) ($263) ($359) ($483) Includes regulatory lag of zero months. APRI001179I_Econ_T.xls Page 1 8/912012 11:47 AM Attach IPUC Production 7 -2.pdf page 31 of 33 ID PAC-E-12-08 IPUC Production 7 Attachment IPUC Production 7-2 -b1--- - - - Assumptions are based as an initial three lobed outages per year due In condenser tube leaks. Additional tube leaks and associated outages are anticipated to escalate over time due to erosion associated .4th increased seloodies. Current cleanliness factor is 20% lest than design and the number of plugged tubes is greeter than 14% I Calendar I In Uses I After-Tax Cash flow NPV (to Thds) Inst Rate of Return (IRR) pie Payback Period of Original Investment Benefit to Capital Ratio $2223 $1 ,042 $3,404 25.2% 16.5% 33.1% 58 Years 73 Years 5.2 Years 21 15 26 APRI000I75I_Econ_T,ois Page 1 ot2Pages 8/912012 11.47 AM Attach IPUC Production 7 -2.pdf page 32 of 33 ID PAC-E-12-08 IPUC Production 7 Attachment IPUC Production 7 -2 PaclflCorp - Thermal Economic Analysis Model Page 2012 Carbon UI: Ui Condenser Re-lobe Official Cor,e: 613012008 Calculated Revenue Reoulrement Detail (In Thds) Medium Level WI WI WI 0111 901 /4.21 6k/i _901 390.1 ¶0*1 681'I 64• *021 i411 1/1111 3I il111j 6k/Il 008l190J 1441 14418AiJ -1/141 1C41 lJ/3J 81.141 l/1b1 1901 1/I 611.1'/1JI 1.1 1i1 011i91 61/1J 14.22 i.jiThi 93/ 2/Il 4M /421 11g011 U6011 102' 01Iti324I /4I 0411 bh}I c01/19I 0i01 6/41 84901 086 6141 111)1 990011 ¶d•3U 5101 U20111 /46 4/41 W]990L91 14/11 6II.1 U32I /•sr -011.1 WI€tkLiI 0041 1'14• 1/61 1'II. 51k/I e:/1IWlyI --9041 6141 h/in 1411 Old-I WI W3M 1411 651.-I 11/11 456 .0/4/1 )I 990/1I 4/141 651;15141J 1J1 0E9011 590I 090l tk/b1 hfl 90XlE& _1.900Ib0A/I/4I(90tiI 0*411l SOF/441I!016 _ APRI000I791_Econ_T.xs Page 2012 Pages 8/9/2012 1147 AM Attach IPUC Production 7 -2.pdf page 33 of 33