HomeMy WebLinkAbout20121130PAC to Staff 20-24.pdfROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER AOMSIONOFPACIRCORP iiI2NOV30 ?M 3:140 201 South Main, Suite 2300 Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 November 30, 2012 VIA EMAIL AND OVERNIGHTDELIVERY Kristine A. Sasser Deputy Attorney General Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Boise, ID 83702-5918 Kris.Sasser(puc.idaho.gov RE: ID PAC-E-12-07 IPUC Data Request (20-24) Please find enclosed Rocky Mountain Power's responses to 1PUC Data Requests 20-24. Also provided are Confidential Attachments 1PUC 22 and 24. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at (801) 220-2963. Sincerely, J. Ted Weston Manager, Regulation Enclosure C.c.: Jean Jewell/IPUC Jean.jewe11cirnc.idaho.gov (3 CDs) Terri Carlock/IPUC Teni.Car1ock),puc.idaho.gov (W) PAC-E-12-O7lRocky Mountain Power November 30, 2012 IPUC Production Data Request 20 IPUC Production Data Request 20 Please explain how costs were adjusted in the CPCN PVRR analysis (Wyoming Docket No. 20000-400-EA- 11) for shared facilities in scenarios where they are no longer needed by Naughton Unit 3 (see IPUC Production Request No. 18). Response to IPUC Production Data Request 20 Costs were adjusted for Unit 3 by removing costs associated with coal mills, ash handling equipment, ash disposal and the precipitator. Also removed were costs for start-up fuel and mine water. Other chemical costs were reduced by 30%. The outage cycle remained at four years and costs were reduced by 50%. Labor allocated to unit 3 was reduced by 60%. Recordholder: Aric Hunter Sponsor: To Be Determined PAC-E-12-07/Rocky Mountain Power November 30, 2012 IPUC Production Data Request 21 IPUC Production Data Request 21 Please indicate and provide an explanation regarding which of the following were reasonably available at the time of the initial Wyoming CPCN application (Wyoming Docket No. 20000-400-EA-1 1): (a)Operating cost and run-rate capital cost assumptions included in the 2012 business plan with correctly applied tax depreciation life assumptions for certain environmental capital investments (see Rick Link Rebuttal Testimony, page 14, lines 12-16, Wyoming Docket No. 20000-400-BA-1 1); (b)Power requirements of the SCR and baghouse investments in the event that Naughton unit 3 continues operation as a coal-fueled facility (see Rick Link Rebuttal Testimony, page 14, lines 17-19, Wyoming Docket No. 20000-400- EA-1l); (c)Potential costs that might arise from provisions in the coal supply agreement that is in place for the Naughton plant facility (see Rick Link Rebuttal Testimony, page 16, lines 4-17, Wyoming Docket No. 20000-400-BA-1 1); (d)Forecasted average coal costs for Naughton #1 and #2 that might be affected by a change in volumetric deliveries in case Naughton #3 is retired early or converted to a natural gas facility (see Rick Link Rebuttal Testimony, page 16, lines 16-23 and page 17, lines 1-3, Wyoming Docket No. 20000-400-EA- 11). Response to IPUC Production Data Request 21 (a)At the time of the initial Wyoming certificate of public convenience and necessity (CPCN) application for the Naughton Unit 3 selective catalytic reduction (SCR) and baghouse projects (September 2011), operating cost and run-rate capital cost assumptions included in the Company's 2011-2020 business plan were available. Operating cost and run-rate capital cost assumptions for the Company's 2012-2021 business plan would have been in development in mid-2011, but were not reviewed and approved to the level required to reasonably support the economic analysis schedule that formed the basis of the Company's initial application. (b)In September 2011, the approximate incremental auxiliary power requirements for the SCR and baghouse projects were reasonably available to be calculated via competitive market bids that were received in April 2011. The information, however, was not incorporated into the Company's economic analysis that supported the initial application. (c)& (d) In August 2011, the assessment of these potential costs and forecasted coal costs reflected contract terms of the Kemmerer Mine Coal Supply Agreements as effective as of July 1, 2010 and executed September 1, 2010. Recordholder: Chad Teply / Rick Link PAC-E-12-07/Rocky Mountain Power November 30, 2012 IPUC Production Data Request 21 Sponsor: To Be Determined PAC-E-12-O7fRocky Mountain Power November 30, 2012 IPUC Production Data Request 22 IPUC Production Data Request 22 Please provide the base, low, and high case (as described in the original application) PVRR System Optimizer results comparing the optimized simulation (operation of Naughton #3 as a coal plant with emission control investments) with the change case simulation (natural gas conversion) as described on page 11 of Rick Link's rebuttal testimony (Wyoming Docket No. 20000-400-EA-1 1). In both simulations, please use June 2011 forward price curves and any assumptions that were reasonably available when the CPCN application was initially submitted (Wyoming Docket No. 20000-400-EA- 11), including assumptions that the Company indicated as "reasonably available" in Production Request No. 21, above. The intent of this request is to quantify the PVRR difference that the Company would have calculated at the time of the initial application comparing the continued operation of Naughton #3 as a coal plant (with necessary emission controls) with the natural gas conversion alternative capturing both energy and capacity costs and benefits. Response to IPUC Production Data Request 22 The Company has not performed the analysis requested. However, the Company did include with its rebuttal filing the PVRR(d) results that incorporated all updates summarized in the testimony of Company witness Mr. Rick T. Link and that applied the June 2011 official forward price curve (OFPC). Please refer to Confidential Exhibit RMP (RTL-3R) of Mr. Link's testimony, which was provided with the Company's response to IPUC Production Data Request 2. This exhibit graphically shows the PVRR(d) results using the June 2011 OFPC. The numerical PVRR(d) on that figure is provided herein Confidential Attachment IPUC Production 22. Recordholder: Rick Link Sponsor: To Be Determined PAC-E- 1 2-07/Rocky Mountain Power November 30, 2012 IPUC Production Data Request 23 IPUC Production Data Request 23 Please provide an update on the Wyoming regional haze SIP. Has final EPA action occurred and, if so, what was the result? Response to IPUC Production Data Request 23 EPA's pre-publication draft of their final ruling on Wyoming's 309 SIP (focused on SO2 emissions controls) was issued November 13, 2012. The EPA's final ruling on this portion of Wyoming's regional haze SIP is consistent with their originally proposed action to approve the state of Wyoming's participation, along with Utah and New Mexico, in the SO2 Regional Milestones and Backstop Trading Program as a mechanism to ensure Wyoming is achieving appropriate emission reductions. The EPA ruling is not considered to be final and appealable until it is published in the Federal Register. The pre-publication draft of the final ruling on Wyoming's 309(g) SIP (focused on NOx and PM emissions controls) is expected to be issued by December 14, 2012, consistent with a stipulation filed October 3, 2012, in the U.S. District Court for the District of Colorado to extend the previously established consent decree deadline entered into between Wild Earth Guardians and EPA Recordholder: Chad Teply Sponsor: To Be Determined PAC-E-12-07/Rocky Mountain Power November 30, 2012 IPUC Production Data Request 24 IPUC Production Data Request 24 Please provide the status of the Company's efforts to extend the Wyoming regional haze compliance timeframe. Response to IPUC Production Data Request 24 Please refer to Confidential Attachment IPUC Production Request 24. Recordholder: Chad Teply Sponsor: To Be Determined