HomeMy WebLinkAbout20120604PAC to Staff 1-5.pdfI, ROCKY MOUNTAIN 201 South Main, Suite 2300 4 POWER Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 ' AD{VISJONOFPACIRcORP ,J L I L 2012 JUN APIIQ:50 June 1, 2012 U II ss VIA EMAIL AND OVERNIGHTDELIVERY Kristine A. Sasser Deputy Attorney General Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Boise, ID 83702-5918 RE: ID PAC-E-12-07 1PUC Data Request (1-5) Please find enclosed Rocky Mountain Power's responses to IPUC Data Requests 1-5. Provided on the Non-Confidential CD are Attachments IPUC 1-1,2-1,4, and 5. Provided on the enclosed Confidential CD are Attachments IPUC 1-2 and 2-2. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at (801) 220-2963. Sincerely, TA LAOp J. Ted Weston Manager, Regulation Enclosure C.c.: Jean JeweIIIIPUC (3 copies of CDs) Jean . i ewe11(W,-,puc . idaho gv Terri Carlock/IPUC Terri.Cariock() uc.j4ogoy (W) PAC-E-12-07/Rocky Mountain Power June 1, 2012 IPUC Production Data Request 1 IPUC Production Data Request 1 Please provide the original economic analysis including cost/benefit analysis associated with the emissions upgrade at Naughton Unit 3. Please include all work papers with formulas included and operational. Response to IPUC Production Data Request 1 The results of the original economic analysis are included in the September 16, 2011 Application filed with the Wyoming PSC for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity for the Selective Catalytic Reduction System and Pulse Jet Fabric Filter System for Naughton Unit 3. A copy of the Application and exhibits is provided here in Attachment IPUC 1 -1 and Confidential Attachment IPUC 1 -2. The results of the analysis are summarized in Confidential Exhibit 2. PAC-E- 1 2-07/Rocky Mountain Power June 1, 2012 IPUC Production Data Request 2 IPUC Production Data Request 2 Please provide the latest economic analysis including cost/benefit analysis associated with the upgrade of Naughton Unit 3 that shows that the upgrade is no longer economically supported. Please also provide all analyses of options that are economically supported. Please include all work papers with formulas included and operational. Response to IPUC Production Data Request 2 The results of the latest economic analysis are included in the Company's April 9, 2012 rebuttal testimony filing in the same Wyoming Docket 20000-400-EA-1 1, in the testimony of Chad Teply and Rick Link. Mr. Teply's and Mr. Link's rebuttal testimony and exhibits are provided here in Attachment IPUC 2-1 and Confidential Attachment IPUC 2 -2, respectively. PAC-E-12-07IRocky Mountain Power June 1, 2012 IPUC Production Data Request 3 IPUC Production Data Request 3 Please provide the critical path schedule for the emissions upgrade to Naughton Unit 3. Response to IPUC Production Data Request 3 The following is extracted from the September 16, 2011 Application for the Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity for the Selective Catalytic Reduction system, Pulse Jet Fabric Filter system, and related upgrades for Naughton Unit 3: Application Section 11(i): (i) State the estimated starting and completion date of the proposed construction: PaciflCorp proposes to begin construction and installation of the equipment proposed in this Application in November 2011, or as soon as all the relevant permits and agreements have been obtained. The proposed operating dates for these environmental projects under normal permit and agreement processing durations, construction circumstances, weather conditions, labor availability and materials delivery are approximately: pre-outage completion on March 1, 2014; mechanical completion on May 24, 2014 (introduction of first flue gas); substantial completion on September 1, 2014 (performance testing complete); and final completion on December 31, 2014, Project Suspension: The project was suspended on February 27, 2012 with a Work Suspension Notice transmitted to the engineer, procure and construct ("EPC") contractor. This Notice suspended all work in March 2012 The EPC contractor was notified on March 28, 2012 with a Work Suspension Extension Notice of an additional two months representing the months of April 2012 and May 2012. The EPC contractor demobilized from the site the week of April 23, 2012. PAC-E-12-07/Rocky Mountain Power June 1, 2012 IPUC Production Data Request 4 IPUC Production Data Request 4 Please provide trial balance account entries for the line items in the following categories as provided in Attachment No. 1: a./INTLAI3 b./CONSULT C. IEPC d.IBHDEVTR e./RESDLBRI Response to IPUC Production Data Request 4 Please refer to Attachment IPUC 4 for the line item details for the categories requested above. PAC-E-12-07fRocky Mountain Power June 1, 2012 IPUC Production Data Request 5 IPUC Production Data Request 5 Please provide emissions records by year for the Naughton Unit 3 plant for 2008 to date. Response to IPUC Production Data Request 5 The annual emissions inventories for the Naughton plant are provided in Attachment IPUC 5.