HomeMy WebLinkAbout20120309PAC to Monsanto 4,5,14,26,29.pdfe e ~ROCKY MOUNTAINPOR A OMSION OF PAFl RECEIVED 2011 MAR -9 PM 4: 53 March 9,2012 Radal C. Budge, ISB No. 1949 P.O. Box 1391; 201 E. Center Pocatello, Idaho 83204-1391 rcb(iracinelaw.net (C) RE: il PAC-E-12-03 Monsanto 18t Set Data Request (1-30) 201 South Main, Suite 2300 Salt Lake Cit, Uta 84111 Please fmd enclosed Rocky Mounta Power's responses to Monsanto 1 st Set Data Requests 4, 5, 14,26, and 29. Also provided is Atthment 26. Provided on the enclosed Confdential CD are Confdential Attchments 4 and 14. Confdential informtion is provided subject to the terms and conditions of the protective agreement in ths proceeding. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at (801) 220-2963. Sincerely, J,Tdtv~/~ J. Ted Weston Manger, Regulation Enclosure C.c.: Jean Jewell/UC (4 CDs) jean.iewellúipuc.idaho.gov (C) Neil PrcefIUC neil.price(ipuc.daho.gov (C) Maurce Brubaker/Monsanto mbrubaker(iconsultbai.com Katie Iverson/onsanto kiverson(iconsultbai.com (C) James R. Smith/onsanto jim.r.smithCW0nsanto.com Mark Widmer/Monsanto nwec(ionlinenw.com (C) e e PAC-E-11-12/Rocky Mounta Power March 9,2012 Monsanto Data Request 4 Monsanto Data Request 4 Please provide a monthy sum of the amount of hydro generation lost from forced outages during the ECAM test year and a stp by step discussion of how the information was calculate. Response to Monsanto Data Request 4 The Company did not st trackig the amount of energy lost due to forced or planed outages until Janua 2011. Please refer to Confdential Attachment Monsto 4, which provides available actu forced outae inormation for Janua 2011 though November 2011. The outage inormtion is provided in the origin daily form. The outage losses are estimted by operations personnel who have the most direct knowledge of the conditions at the time of the outage. The operations personnel calculate an estimated amount of lost generaon based on the best informtion available at the time, e.g. what the unt was generatig just before the outage, the observed inows bypassed durg the outage, or calculating the bypassed flow lost to generation after the fact. Confdential inormation is provided subject to the terms and conditions of the protectve order in ths procedig. Recordholder: Sponsor: Grg Duvall Grg Duvall e e PAC-E- 11 - 12/Rocky Mounta Power March 9, 2012 Monsto Data Request 5 Monsanto Data Request 5 Please provide the Company's latest calculated rate for system wid integrtion costs. Response to Monsanto Data Request 5 The Company's latest calculated rate for system wind integrtion costs is $3.87/MWh for calenda year 2013 included in the Oregon TAM filing, Docket No. UE245. Recordholder: Sponsor: Greg Duvall Greg Duvall e e PAC-E-1 1-12/Rocky Mounta Power March 9, 2012 Monsanto Data Request 14 Monsanto Data Request 14 Please provide a sumar which includes the amount and an explantion of eah adjusent mae to actu NPC to derive adjusted actu NPC for the ECAM test year. Response to Monsanto Data Request 14 The tota reduction to actual net power costs of$6,631,674 consists offour components: SMUD adjustment, coal cost adjusents, out of period adjustments, and PERC account 566 adjustments. The SMU adjustment reduced actu net power costs by $6,650,534. Ths adjustment reflects the Idao Commission ratemakg treatment for SMU that imputes a $37/MWh sales price on the fi saes and that applies a market price on the provisional trsactions mae under the contrt. Coal cost adjusents reduced actu net power costs by $854,586. These represent the impact of aerial surey adjustments that related to prior periods, the removal of fies, penaties and associated legal fees, and the removal of other out of period adjustments related to coal. Out of period adjustments increased actu net power costs by approximately $778,872 in the Deferr Period. These adjustments represent tractions accounted for in the Deferral Period but that related to operations prior to the Deferral Perod. Please refer to Confdential Attchment Monsanto 14 for a list of the prior period adjustments. Base NPC in the 2008 GRC (p AC-E-08-07) included wheeling amounts that are now booked to the PERC acunt 566, Miscellaneous Tramission Expenses. Consistent with prior ECAM filings, PERC 566 expenses of $94,575 tht were included in the 2008 base in December 2010 were removed from the deferral though an adjustment to actual NPC. Confdential information is provided subject to the terms and conditions of the protective order in ths proceeding. Recordholder: Sponsor: Greg Duvall Greg Duvall e e PAC-E-II-12/Rocky Mounta Power March 9,2012 Monsanto Data Request 26 Monsanto Data Request 26 Please provide the all-in ECAM test perod revenue requirement of each project included in the renewable resource adder in $/MWh. Response to Monsanto Data Request 26 The renewable resource adder is not based on the Company's all-in ECAM test period revenue requirement for the renewable resources, The resource adder was agrd to as par of the Stipulation in Case No. P AC-E-08-08, of which Monsanto was a signatory, (Order No 30904). Paragrph 8 of the Stipulation states: "The Parties recognize that the Company has made signifcant investments in renewable generation projects that are not yet being recovered in Idaho rates and that these projects provide signifcant benefits to customers through the ECAM Therefore from the effective date of the ECAM to the effective date of rates in the next rate case, the Parties agree that the ECAM wil include a renewable generation investment offet adjustment. The adjustment recognizes that actual power costs have been reduced by power generated from these renewable generation projects, but that the costs of these projects are not yet being recovered in Idaho rates. The adustment wil be based on $55.00 per MW, as calculated in Attachment 1, attached hereto, multiplied by the actual MW output generated by the renewable resources that were not included in rate base in Rocky Mountain Power's Case No. P A C-E-08-0 7. " A copy of the above referenced Atthment 1 is provided as Attch Monsanto 26. The Company has not calculated the all-in ECAM test period revenue requiement of each project included in the renewable resource, nor is it relevant to ths application. Paragraph 13 of the Stipulation stated: "In recognition for and as a result of the implementation of the ECAM with an adjustment for renewable generation projects not yet in rate base as specifed in Paragraph 8 above, the Company agrees not to file a general rate case prior to May 1,2010. " Case No. PAC-E-1O-07 was filed May 28, 2010 with rates effective December 28, 2010, thus the renewable resoure adder was rationed for only the first 27 days of Decmber 2010. Monsanto was not subject to the ECAM deferr until Janua i, 2011 so none of the renewable resource adder is included in Monsanto or Agrum's ECAM deferraL. Recordholder: Sponsor: Greg Duvall Greg Duvall e e 10 PAG-E-12-03 Monsanto 26 Attachment Monsanto 26 ATTACHMENT 1 1) Maret Price Foreca for Mid-Columbia an Palo Verde. Source: Company's Offcial Forwrd Price Curve dated 3/31/2009 Month Mid-e PV Mid-CIPV Averae:e Jul2009 $31.28 $37,03 $34.15 Aug 2009 $36.54 $37.00 $36.77 Sep2009 $33.08 $30.88 $31.98 Oct 2009 $32.41 $28.42 $30.41 Nov 2009 $36.04 $28.56 $32.30 Dec 2009 $45.16 $32.08 $38.62 Ian 2010 $49.89 $38.69 $44,29 Feb 2010 $43.03 $36.70 $39,86 Mar 2010 $35.54 $34.10 $34.82 Apr 2010 $34.32 $38.15 $36.24 May 2010 $24.93 $35.81 $30.37 Iun2010 $23.46 $40.81 $32.13 lul2010 $44.10 $53,66 $48.88 Aug 2010 $50.17 $54.51 $52.34 Sep2010 $49.16 $47.02 $48.09 Oc 2010 $48.30 $40.67 $44.48 Nov 2010 $49.05 $39.74 $44.40 Dec 2010 $51.37 $41.67 $46.52 Averae:e $39.88 $38.64 $39.26 2) Idaho Schedule 37 prices for Wind Resour. Contract Non-Levelied Wind Integration Wind Resource Year Rate Charge Rate (1)(2)(1) - (2) 2009 $76,73 $5.10 $71.63 2010 $75.83 $5.10 $70,73 Averae:e*$71.03 *Weighted average for the perod 711/09 - 12/3111 0 3) The reltant average cost per megawatt of wind genertion is calcuated as an average of 1 &2 above. ($39.26/ MW +$71.031 MW) -_ I $55 IAverage == . . 2 Attach Monsanto 26.pdf page 1 of 1 e e PAC-E-11-12/Rocky Mounta Power March 9,2012 Monsanto Data Request 29 Monsanto Data Request 29 Please explan the difference between "Actu Tariff Customer Load" and "Tarff Customer Base Load" as shown on Exhbit 1, lines 6-9 and 14-17. Please provide the source and all workpapers associated with these loads. Response to Monsanto Data Request 29 "Actu Tarff Customer Load" was the actu Idao taff customers' retal load in the deferral period. "Tarff Customer Base Load" was the Idao taff customer load used to develop allocation factors in the Company's genera rate case, included in Mr. Steven R. McDougal's revenue requirement exhbit, tab 10. Please refer to the Company's response to Monsato Data Request 28 for the workpapers associated with these loads. Recordholder: Sponsor: Greg Duvall Greg Duvall