HomeMy WebLinkAbout20120309PAC to Monsanto 1,6,9-12,16-18,24,27,28,30.pdf,."e e ~~;~OUNTAIN RECEIVED 20'2 MAR -9 AMll: 08 201 South Main. Suite 2300 Salt Lake City. Ut 84111 iD/\HO UTILITIESMarch 8, 2012 Radall C. Budge, ISB No. 1949 P.O. Box 1391; 201 E. Center Pocatello, Idao 832041391 rcblIracinelaw.net (C) RE: ID PAC-E-12-03 Monsanto 1 st Set Data Request (1-30) Please fid enclosed Rocky Mounta Power's responses to Monsto 1 st Set Data Requests 1, 6, 9-12, 16-18,24,27,28, and 30. Also provided is Attchment 16. Provided on the enclosed Confdential CD ar Confdential Attchments 1, 6, 12, 17, 18, and 28. Confidential information is provided subject to the tes and conditions of the protective ageement in ths proceeding. If you have any questions, please feel fre to call me at (801) 220-2963. Sincerely,-J,~q~/~ J. Ted Weston Manager, Reguation Enclosure C.c.: Jea Jewell/UC (4 CDs) jean.jewelllIpuc.daho.gov (C) Neil PricelIPUC neil.pricelIpuc.idaho.gov (C) Maurce Brubaker/Monsanto mbrubakerlIconsultbai.com Kate IversonIonsto kiversonlIconsultbai.com (C) James R. Smithonsanto jim.r.smith~onsanto.com Mark Widmer/Monsanto nweclIonlinenw.com (C) ",,e e PAC-E-11-121R0cky Mounta Power March 8, 2012 Monsanto Data Request 1 Monsanto Data Request 1 Please provide a copy of all Root Caus anyses prepared for the ECAM test year. Response to Monsanto Data Request 1 Please refer to Confidential Atthment Monsanto 1. Confdential information is provided subject to the term and conditions of the protective agreement in ths proceeding. Recordholder: Sponsor: Grgory N. Duvall Grgory N. Duvall ..e ti PAC-E-11-121R0cky Mountan Power Marh 8, 2012 Monsanto Data Request 6 Monsanto Data Request 6 Please provide all information which demonstrates tht the West Valley Toll was a prudent resoure acquisition includ but not limted to the traction economic anysis and all informtion necessar to validate said anysis. Response to Monsanto Data Request 6 Plea refer to Confdential Atthment Monsanto 6. The Company also has available a GRID project responsive to ths data request, which ca be provided to pares who request GRID access in ths proceeding. Confdential informtion is provided subject to the terms and conditions of the protective agrment in this proceeding. Recordholder: Sponsor: Gregory N. Duvall Gregory N. Duvall e e ,, PAC-E-11-121R0cky Mountan Power March 8, 2012 Monsto Data Request 9 Monsanto Data Request 9 Plea provide the amount of Bridger Coal expe for fie and citations tht are included in adjusted ac coal expens for the test year. Response to Monsanto Data Request 9 Pines and citations were removed from the ECAM filing as par of the adjustments to acl expenses. Recordholder: Sponsor: Grgory N. Duvall Grgory N. Duvall ..e ti P AC-E-11-121R0cky Mountan Power March 8, 2012 Monsanto Data Request 10 Monsanto Data Request 10 Pleae provide the amount of legal fees for Energy West and Bridger Coal Company that are included in adjusted actu coal expens for the ECAM test year. Response to Monsanto Data Request 10 Legal fees relating to fines and citations for Energy West and Bridger Coal Company were excluded in the ECAM filing. Recordholder: Sponsor: Gregory N. Duvall Gregory N. Duvall e e "" PAC..-11-121R0cky Mounta Power Marh 8, 2012 Monsato Data Request 11 Monsanto Data Request 11 Pleae provide the sta of the Company's 2011 FERC filing for new rates and a copy. Response to Monsanto Data Request 11 Below is a statu reprt for the Company's pendig trmission rate case at the Federal Energy Reguatory Commission: . Trasmission rae case fied May 26, 2011. . FERC issued an order Augut 8, 2011, accepting the filing, supending it for a five-month period until Decmber 25,2011, subject to refud, and establishig hearng and settement procedures. . Settlement meetigs commenced November 2011 and are still pendig. The next settlement conferences have been set for April 23-24, 2012 in Washington, DC. . There is no statutory deadline for settement procedures to conclude or for the Commsion to issue a fi order. A copy of the Company's filing may be found on its OASIS website at the following lin: http://ww.oasis.pacificorp.com/oasis/ppw/RteCase20 11 FERCFiling.html Recordholder: Sponsor: Gregory N. Duvall Gregory N. Duvall :e ti PAC-E-11-121R0cky Mounta Power March 8, 2012 Monsanto Data Request 12 Monsanto Data Request 12 Please provide a copy of the Company's hourly genertion logs by plant for the ECAM test year. Response to Monsanto Data Request 12 Please refer to Confdential Atthment Monsato 12. Confdential information is provided subject to the terms and conditions of the protective agreement in ths proceeding. Recordholder: Sponsor: Grgory N. Duvall Gregory N. Duvall e e " PAC-E-11-12/Rocky Mounta Power March 8, 2012 Monsanto Data Request 16 Monsanto Data Request 16 Please provide actu hourly wholese maket prices for each market the Company tracts. Response to Monsanto Data Request 16 Pleas refer to Attchment Monsanto 16, which provides the available ICE daly prices for the makets in which the Company tranacts. Recordholder: Sponsor: Gregory N. Duvall Gregory N. Duvall :l e e PAC-E-11-12/Rocky Mounta Power March 8, 2012 Monsanto Data Request 17 Monsanto Data Request 17 Pleae provide the workpape and sour documentation, which support the PSCO wholesale sales adjustment. Response to Monsanto Data Request 17 Pleas refer to Confdential Atthment Monsanto 17. Confdential inormation is provided subject to the term and conditions of the protective agreement in ths proceedng. Recordho1der: Sponsor: Gregory N. Duvall Grgory N. Duvall e e \ PAC-E-11-12/Rocky Mounta Power March 8, 2012 Monsato Data Request 18 Monsanto Data Request 18 Please provide workpapers and source documentation, which support the Douglas Wells purcha power adjusent. Response to Monsanto Data Request 18 Please refer to Confdential Attchment Monsto 18. Confdential inormation is provided subject to the terms and conditions of the protective ageement in ths proceeding. Recordholder: Sponsor: Grgory N. Duvall Grgory N. Duvall ,. 'e e PAC-E-11-12/Rocky Mounta Power March 8, 2012 Monsanto Data Request 24 Monsanto Data Request 24 Pleae explai why the Company was agreeable to moving the Nàughton price reopener from Janua 2011 to July 2010 and makg a lump sum prepayment and provide the associated economic analysis which demonstes it was beneficial to customers. Response to Monsanto Data Request 24 At that time, the Company's long-term coal supply agreement with Chevron Min's Kemmerer Mine extended thugh 2016 and included several market price-reopeners. The next applicable re-opener was scheduled for Janua 1, 2011. Due to ficial pressures being incured at the mine, Chevron Ming requested tht the Company consider advancing the market price re-opener date earlier. The contract provided for an intial period of time for the paies to arve at a negotiated price and if the pares were unble to agee to a new contrct price, the Company would then be requied to issue a solicitation for both coal supplies and tranporttion servce. Chevron Mig then would have the option to match the resulti bid price for a five year perod sting Janua 2011. The Company was successfu in negotiatig a new coal price with Chevron which eliminated the 2011 market price reopener provision and enter into a new coal supply agreement. In exchange for the below market price commitment from Chevron Mining, the Company agred to move the effective contract price from Janua 2011 to July 2010. The coal supply agreement delivers coal supplies thugh December 2021. The requestd economic anysis is highy confdential and will be mae available for review at PacifiCorp's offces. Recordholder: Sponsor: Gregory N. Duvall Grgory N. Duvall e e ,., . PAC-E-11-12/Rocky Mountan Power March 8, 2012 Monsanto Data Request 27 Monsanto Data Request 27 Please provide all support workpapers and anyses used in the development of Table 1 of Mr. Duvall's Testiony, includig any electronic spreadheets with all formulae intat Response to Monsanto Data Request 27 The supportg workpapers for Table 1 is Exhbit 1. Please refer to the Sumar tab in Exhbit 1, Excel file provided as Confdential Atthment Monsanto 28, Ths tab ha the formula references where the data was pulled from Exhbit 1. Recordholder: Sponsor: Gregory N. Duvall Gregory N. Duvall . '. '4 ti e PAC-E-11-121R0cky Mountan Power March 8, 2012 Monsanto Data Request 28 Monsanto Data Request 28 Pleas provide Exhbit 1 electronically with all formulae intat. Response to Monsanto Data Request 28 Pleas refer to Confdential Atthment Monsanto 28 for the confdential workpapers of Gregory N. Duvall, includin the electronic version of Exhibit 1. Confdential inormation is provided subject to the term and conditions of the protective agreement in ths proceedig. Recordholder: Sponsor: Gregory N. Duvall Gregory N. Duvall .., ., "e It PAC-E- I 1-12/Rocky Mounta Power March 8, 2012 Monsato Data Request 30 Monsanto Data Request 30 Do the load shown on Exhbit 1 include any buy-thugh amounts? If so, how much? Response to Monsanto Data Request 30 Yes. The Monsato actu load and actu Idao jursdctional load include approximately 5,293 MW and 8,285 MW of buy-though in October and November 2011, respectively. Recordholder: Sponsor: Gregory N. Duvall Gregory N. Duvall