HomeMy WebLinkAbout20110929ICL to PAC 1-11.pdfRECE!VED Benjamin J. Otto (ISB No 8292) 710 N 6th Street Boise, ID 83701 Ph: (208) 345-6933 x 12 Fax: (208) 344-0344 bottocPidahoconservtion.org 2311 SEP 29 PM 3: 12 UTI Attorney for the Idao Conservtion Leage BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIS COMMISSION IN TH MATTER OF THE ) APPLICATION OF PACIFICORP DBA ) ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER FOR ) APPROVAL OF CHANGES TO ITS ) ELECTRIC RATE SCHEDULES ) ) CASE NO. CASE NO. PAC-E-ll-12 IDAHO CONSERVATION LEAGUE'S FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST COMES NOW the Idao Conservation League e'ICL") with the following production requests. Along with the answer to each question, pleas provide any supporting documents, workpapers, caculations, or information sources Rocky Mountai Power ("RMP") relies upon to support its answer. As requied by IDAPA, please indicate the witness who ca answer question regadig the response and who wi sponsor the response at any potential hearg. If any responses include Excel spreadsheets or other electronic fies, please provide them with al formulas intact and activated. Ths production request is ongoing. Accordigly, ICL respectfuly asks RMP to provide additional documents and information that may supplement any initial responses. ICLs First Production Request to Rocky Mountain Power 1 August 29,2011 REQUEST No 1. Reference the Direct Testimony of Chad Teply at page 5. Please provide all documents, analyses, and reports regarding any and all changes to the boilers that were made and/or that are planned to be made to accommodate the buring of different coals. such as higher sulfu coal - so called fuel supply flexibility - than historically used at each coal-fired electrcal generating unit. REQUEST No 2. Please reference the Direct Testimony of Chad Teply at page 11. Please provide copies of the BART permits and constrction permits that "include stand- alone requirements enforceable by the laws of the respective states" that mandate the Company install pollution controls regardless of EPA's final review and approval of the respective state implementation plans. REQUEST No 3. Please reference the Direct Testimony of Chad Teply at page 12. Please provide all analyses, documents, or reports regarding Mr. Teply's statements that the pollution control investments in this case are required to comply with existing regulations for the National Ambient Air Quality Standards. REQUEST No 4. Please describe the regional haze improvements that wil result in Class I areas from the installation of bag houses at Hunter 1, Hunter 2, Huntington 1, Huntington 2, Dave Johnston 3, Dave Johnston 4, Naughton 3, Wyodak, and Cholla 4. Please provide data on actul fiterable and total (filterable plus condensable) pariculate matter emissions durng the two year before the installation of bag houses and ICLs First Production Request to Rocky Mountain Power 2 August 29,2011 projections of fiterable and total pariculate matter emissions in the five years after installation of baghouses. Please provide emissions data and estimates in terms of both pound per milion British Thermal Unit (lb/Mtu) heat input and tons per year. REQUEST No 5. Exhibit 29 to the Direct Testimony of Chad Teply states that Rocky Mountain Power estimates it wil incur $68 milion in capital by 2015 and anual operating expenses wil increase by $21 milion per year to comply with mercur reduction requirements. Please explain, and provide all supporting documents, reports, and analyses regarding what additional pollution control equipment (Le., beyond the control equipment that is par of the company's application) and any changes in coal that might be necessar for each of the Company's coal-fired electrcal generating units to comply with the U.S. EPA's proposed MACT provisions for mercur, acid gases and pariculate matter. REQUEST No 6. Please provide mercur emissions data and/or mercur emissions estimates for each of the company's coal-fired electrcal generating units in terms of pounds of mercur emitted per milion British Thermal Unit (lb/Mtu) heat input during 2005 to 2009. REQUEST No.7. Please provide estimates of mercur emissions in terms of pounds per milion British Thermal Unit (lb/MBtu) heat input for each of the company's coal-fired units for which baghouses are to be installed as discussed in the Company's application. ICLs First Production Request to Rocky Mountain Power 3 August 29,2011 REQUEST NO.8. Exhibit 29 also states the U.S. EPA's tailoring may affect futue costs to the Company. For each of the Company's coal-fired electrcal generating units, please provide all analyses, reports, and documents regarding whether and when the tailorig rule would apply to each unit and for which projects the rule would apply. REQUEST No.9. Reference the Direct Testimony of Chad Teply at page 30. a. Please provide a list of all boiler section replacements and projects in the category of "other" repair and replacement projects at the company's coal-fired electrcal generating units that are included in the Company's application. Please indicate on this list the plant, estimated cost, timeframe, and any change to the energy output of the generating unit. b. Please provide the Company's documents, analyses, and reports regarding the boiler section replacement projects that are included in the Company's application. c. Please provide all documents, reports, and analyses as to whether the boiler section replacement projects wil result, either directly or in combination with other changes at the plant, in an increase in the amount of coal bured per year at each unit and/or an increase in the maximum allowable heat input capacity of the boiler. REQUEST No. 10. Reference the Direct Testimony of Chad Teply at page 29. ICLs First Production Request to Rocky Mountain Power 4 August 29,2011 a. Please provide all documents, analyses, and report regarding the tubine upgrades that are included in the Company's application. b. Please provide a copy of all documents discussing the Company's ''tbine upgrade initiative." c. Please provide all documents, reports, and analyses as to whether the tubine upgrades indicated wil result, either directly or in combination with other changes at the plant, in an increase in the amount of coal bured per yea at each unit and/or an increase in the maximum allowable heat input capacity of the boiler. REQUEST No. 11. Reference the Direct Testimony of Steven McDougal at Exhibit 2 page 4.5.1. Please provide all documents regarding why the Jim Bridger tubine upgrades are being delayed, deferred, and/or potentially cancelled. DATED this 29th day of Augut 2011. ßdt Benjamin J. Otto Idao Conservtion League ICLs First Production Request to Rocky Mountain Power 5 August 29,2011 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on this 29th day of Aug, 2011, I delivered true and correct copies of the foregoing IDAHO CONSERVATION LEAGUE'S FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST to the followig persns via the method of servce noted: Hand delivery Jean Jewell Commission Secretar (Origial and three copies provided) Idao Public Utilties Commission 427 W. Washigton St. Boise, ID 83702-5983 Emai only: Rocky Mountain Power Daniel E. Solander Ted Weston Rocky Mountain Power 201 S. Main Street, Suite 2300 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 daniel.solander~pacificorp.com ted. weston~pacificorp.com Monsanto Rada C. Budge Racine, Olson, Nye, Budge & Bailey, Charered P.O. Box 1391; 201 E. Center Pocatello, Idao 83204-1391 Fax: (208) 232-6109 rcbcPracinelaw.net Data Request Response Center PacifiCorp 825 NE Multnomah, Suite 2000 Portland, OR 97232 datarequest(gpacificorp .com Brubaker & Associates 17244 W. Cordova Cour Sunrise, Anzona 85387 Fax: (314) 275-7036 bcollnscPconsultbai.com IIPA Eric 1. Olsen Racine, Olson, Nye, Budge & Bailey, Chartered P.O. Box 1391; 201 E. Center Pocatello, Idao 83204-1391 Fax: (208) 232-6109 elocPracinelaw.net James R Smith Monsanto Company P.O. Box 816 Soda Sprigs, Idao 83276 Fax: 208-547-3312 jim.r.smithcPmonsanto.com Anthony Yankel 29814 Lae Road Bay Vilage, Ohio 44140 Fax: 440-808-1450 tonytyankel.net CAPAI Brad M. Purdy Attorney At Law 2019 N. 17thst Boise, Id 83702 208-384-1299 FAX: 208-384-8511 bmpurdythotmai.com ICLs First Production Request to Rocky Mountain Power 6 August 29,2011 PILC Ronald Wiliams Wiliams and Bradbur, P.c. 1015 W, Hays St. Boise, ID 83702 ron cPwiiamsbradbur.com Don Schoenbeck RCS, Inc. 900 Washington St., Suite 780 Vancouver, WA 98660 dwscPr-c-s-inc.com Tim Buler PacifiCorp Idao Industrial Customers Agrum US Inc./Nu-West Industries tbullertagrum.com &i ا Benjamin J. Otto ICLs First Production Request to Rocky Mountain Power 7 Augut 29,2011