HomeMy WebLinkAbout20021028_306.pdfDECISION MEMORANDUM TO:CO MMISSI 0 NER KJELLAND ER COMMISSIONER SMITH COMMISSIONER HANSEN JEAN JEWELL RON LAW LOU ANN WESTERFIELD DON HOWELL RANDY LOBB DAVE SCHUNKE RICK STERLING TONYA CLARK BEV BARKER GENE FADNESS WORKING FILE FROM:LISA NORDSTROM DATE:OCTOBER 24, 2002 RE:IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF UNITED WATER IDAHO INC., TO AMEND ITS CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY NO. 143 TO INCLUDE THE NAMPA CHARTER SCHOOL. CASE NO. UWI-02- On August 1 , 2002, United Water Idaho Inc. (United Water; Company) filed an Application with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (Commission) requesting authority to amend the certificate service area boundaries of its Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity No. 143 (as amended) to include the Nampa Charter School. The Commission issued a Notice of Application, Notice of Modified Procedure, and Notice of Comment /Protest Deadline on August 23 2002. The Commission Staff, Wes Miller and Coventry Development (Coventry), and United Water Company each filed comments. On October 25, 2002, Staff and United Water entered into a Stipulation settlement regarding the refund amount owed to Coventry. THE APPLICATION The expanded certificated area proposed in the Application is located in Canyon County off Lewis Lane between 12th Avenue Road and Powerline Road. By installing a pipeline along Sunnyridge Road, this proposed expansion would connect to the Coventry Place Subdivision - which is within United's certificated territory and only 0.4 mile from the Nampa Charter School. Reference Application Exhibit A legal description; Idaho Code 9 61-526; Commission Rules of DECISION MEMORANDUM Procedure, IDAP A and -201. The proposed area to be served is non-contiguous to United Water s main system. United Water contended that the areas requested are not within the authorized service territories of any other public utility water corporation under the jurisdiction of the Commission and will not interfere with the operation of any water utility corporation under the Commission jurisdiction.The Company further stated that there are no known public utilities, persons or corporations with whom the expansion is likely to compete. United Water indicated that the owners of the Nampa Charter School have executed a Water Main Extension Agreement, which it has attached as Exhibit B to its Application. The Company noted that the Agreement is identical to standard form agreements approved by the Commission in previous cases. United Water stated that it intends to provide service pursuant to its Tariff No. 1 (General Metered Service). United Water also maintained that the requested expansion of its Certificate No. 143 and service territory is consistent with the public convenience and necessity. STAFF COMMENTS In short, Staff recommended that the Commission approve United Water s Application to amend and revise its certificate of convenience and necessity to provide service to the Nampa Charter School under the terms and conditions of service proposed by United Water without a supply source refund to Coventry s developer. Staff noted that Commission Order No. 27976, issued on March 29, 1999, authorized United Water to serve the Coventry Place subdivision as a non-contiguous area. Future growth in subsequent phases of the Coventry subdivision will occur in the general direction of the Nampa Charter School, lessening the distance between the subdivision and the school. As long as no other capable public water provider in the area objects to United Water providing service to the Charter School, Staff supported United Water s Application to expand the non-contiguous area and provide service. Staff stated that water sources were adequate to serve both the subdivision and the School and that other customers would necessarily be harmed by United Water providing service to the Nampa Charter School. The Nampa Charter School has a fire flow requirement substantially higher than the requirement for the residential customers in the Coventry subdivision. In order to meet the fire flow requirement of the School, United Water required the Charter School to bear the entire cost of the DECISION MEMORANDUM necessary pump modifications because they were made solely for the benefit of the Charter School and not for other customers in general. In accordance with United Water s tariffs, the Non-Contiguous Water System Agreement (Agreement) for the Coventry Place subdivision contains a provision that requires United Water to reimburse the developer of the subdivision for use of the source of supply by latecomers. The Agreement also contains provisions specifying an $800 source of supply refunds for residential customers, including provisions for proportional refund amounts when multiple sources of supply are utilized. In this instance, Staff found that the Nampa Charter School was in fact a "latecomer" and utilized the same wells as Coventry. However, all incremental costs for source of supply needed to serve the Nampa Charter School were paid for by the School. Staff argued that the School effectively contributed its own source of supply and relied only partially on the source of supply contribution provided by the developer of Coventry. Since the costs Coventry originally contributed will provide sufficient capacity to serve the needs of the subdivision through build out, Staff maintained that the developer was no worse off and would continue to receive refunds as customers within the subdivision utilize his contributed supply. Staff also argued that the Charter School is not a residential customer for which the $800 refund was intended. Even if a refund were warranted in this case, Staff believed it should not be based on average residential consumption when the new connection serves a commercial customer that has the potential for significantly different annual consumption. COMMENTS OF WES MILLER AND COVENTRY DEVELOPMENT In response to Staff s Comments, Wes Miller and Coventry Development, Inc. (collectively referred to as "Coventry ) filed comments in this case on October 18 , 2002. Mr. Miller is the developer of the Coventry subdivision whose well would serve the Nampa Charter School. Of the $152 000 expended for its own distribution lines, the Charter School paid approximately $7 000 in well improvements. Coventry s comments contrasted this with the approximately $240 000 spent by Coventry to drill the well and install the water system. Although the well was designed to be adequate for 400 to 500 lots, the School's use of the water will cut down on the number of lots that can be connected to the well. Coventry stated that its agreement with Untied Water entitled them to be repaid for the cost of the well and water system at the rate of$800 per hook-up. When fully developed Coventry Place Subdivision will only have 53 lots, which will not generate sufficient monies to reimburse DECISION MEMORANDUM Coventry for its costs. Rather, 300 hook-ups at $800 each are required to reimburse Coventry costs. Since the agreement to reimburse Coventry s costs is limited to Coventry s out-of-pocket expenses, United Water will never pay Coventry more than the $240 000. Coventry agreed with United Water that the utility owes it a fee resulting from the Charter School hook-up. If United Water is not allowed to pay a fee for each hook-up including the Nampa Charter School's hook-up, Coventry argued that it would never receive reimbursement for turning ownership of the well and system to United Water. UNITED WATER'S REPL Y COMMENTS While United Water appreciated Staffs recommendation to amend and revise its certificate of public convenience and necessity to provide service to the Nampa Charter School, the Company disagreed with Staff s recommendation to disallow a refund to the developer of the Coventry Place Subdivision for two reasons. First, United Water argued that Staff s proposed disallowance of refunds would undermine the predictability of the non-contiguous expansion program and impair United Water contract with Coventry. Although Staff stated that the development of non-contiguous systems should be encouraged, United Water stated that Staffs recommendation to disallow refunds would act as a disincentive since developers will install their own systems if they cannot receive reimbursement by "latecomers." The Company agreed with Staff that the Nampa Charter School qualified as a "latecomer" under the Agreement. Since Coventry s developer had a contractually- based expectation of receiving refunds pursuant to Paragraph 14, the Company argued it would be highly inequitable to rewrite the contract after the fact. Second, United Water maintained that Staff misunderstood the level of investment made by the Nampa Charter School. While Coventry s developer advanced $240 570 for source of supply, the Nampa Charter School paid only $8 315 in source of supply costs to upgrade the pump for fire flow requirements. Increasing the capacity of the well did not take into account the other components or costs necessary to develop a well as a source of supply, i., land, pump house, well drilling and development, and electrical pumping equipment. The Company did not believe the 315 paid by the Nampa Charter School has any bearing on the cost advanced by Coventry developer that is subj ect to reimbursement under the Agreement. Although Staff based its recommendation on Paragraph 10 (its text was printed above) of the Agreement, the Company did not feel that this paragraph applied to reimbursement of costs for DECISION MEMORANDUM Source of Supply triggered by "latecomers." Rather, Paragraph 10 established the amount of reimbursement for each lot within the Project and how much reimbursement would be divided in cases where additional sources of supply were developed. The Company strongly disagreed with Staff s position that the $8 315 cost to increase the size of the pump bowl paid by the Nampa Charter School was an "additional potable Source of Supply" as contemplated in Paragraph 10 of the Agreement.According to the Company, Staffs logic that any number of "latecomers contributing various upgrades to a single source of supply would then result in an innumerable number of sources of supply where in fact only one existed, misapprehended the configuration of the existing water system. STIPULATION On October 25, 2002, Commission Staff and United Water filed a Stipulation resolving the refund amount owed to Coventry s developer. The Stipulation resulted from clarifications made at a meeting held on October 24, 2002. Pursuant to Commission Rule of Procedure 272, Staff notified Coventry s attorney of the conference but he declined to participate. Staff and the Company stipulated that Coventry Place is entitled to a one-time refund of 600. The rationale for this amount is that since a one inch meter residential connection generates a refund of $800 under the Non-Contiguous Agreement between Coventry and United Water, then Nampa Charter School's two inch meter connection should generate a refund of $1 600. The Company and Staff also agreed to discuss possible revisions to the standard form non-contiguous agreement regarding refunds to "latecomers" with a view toward recommending any appropriate revisions to the Commission. Finally, United Water and Staff stipulated that the Commission may approve United Water s Application to Amend its Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity subject to these clarifications without objection. COMMISSION DECISION Does the Commission wish to extend the certificate service area of United Water Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity No. 143 (as amended) to include the Nampa Charter School and authorize United Water to pay a $1 600 supply refund to the developer of the Coventry Subdivision? (J\ JL2Iv p/l \.. Lisa Nordstrom M: UWIWO203 In2 DECISION MEMORANDUM Dean J. Miller (ISE No. 1968) McDEVITT & MILLER LLP 420 West Bannock Street O. Box 2565-83701 Boise, Idaho 83702 Tel: 208-343-7500 Fax: 208-336-6912 RECEIVED II)FILED 2082 nCT 25 AM 11: ((JuLIC UTILITIES Cm.tMiSS1ON BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF UNITED WATER IDAHO INC., TO AMEND AND REVISE CERTIFICATE OF CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY NO 143 TO INCLUDE THE NAMP A CHARTER SCHOOL Case No. UWI-02- STIPULATION United Water Idaho Inc., (United, the Company) and the Commission Staff (Staff), stipulate and agree as follows, to wit: On October 24 2002, the Company and Staff met at the Commission offices to discuss issues set forth in Comments filed by United and Staff. Pursuant to IPUCRP 272 the attorney for the developer of Coventry Place was notified of the conference, but declined to participate. As a result of clarifications made during the conference Staff and the Company stipulate and agree that: Pursuant to the Non-Contiguous Agreement between Coventry Place and United, Coventry Place is entitled to a one-time refund of One Thousand Six Hundred Dollars ($1 600.00). The rationale for this amount is that since a one-inch meter residential connection generates a refund of Eight Hundred Dollars ($800), then a two- inch meter connection, as is the case with Nampa Charter School, should generate a refund of One Thousand Six Hundred Dollars ($1 600.00). STIPULATION Page 1 The Company and Staff will meet further to discuss possible revisions to the standard form non-contiguous agreement regarding refunds to "latecomers" with a view toward recommending any appropriate revisions to the Commission. United's Application to Amend its Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity may be approved by the Commission subject to the foregoing clarifications. Dated this y of October, 2002 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION STAFF~~J~Lisa No strom Deputy Attorney General ISi~AHO ' mc. Dean J. Miller Attorneys for United Water STIPULATION Page 2