HomeMy WebLinkAbout20110808IIPA 60-68 to PAC.pdfLAW OFFICES OF RACINE OLSON NYE BUDGE Be BAILEY CHARTEREDW. MARCUS W. NYE RANDALL C. BUDGE JOHN A. BAILEY, JR. JOHN R. GOODELL JOHN B. INGELSTROM DANIEL C. GREEN BRENT O. ROCHE KIRK B. HADLEY FRED J. LEWIS ERIC L. OLSEN CONRAD J. AIKEN RICHARD A. HEARN, M.D. LANE V. ERICKSON FREDERICK J. HAHN, II PATRICK N. GEORGE SCOTT J. SMITH DAVID E. ALEXANDER JOSHUA D. JOHNSON STEPHEN J. MUHONEN CANDICE M. MCHUGH CAROL TIPPI VOLYN JONATHON S. BYINGTON JONATHAN M. VOLYN BRENT L. WHITING DAVE BAGLEY THOMAS J. BUDGE JASON E. FLAIG FERRELL S. RYAN, III AARON A. CRARY JOHN J. BULGER BRETT R CAHOON Jean D. Jewell, Secreta Idaho Public Utilities Commission PO Box 83720 Boise, Idao 83720-0074 Re: Case No. PAC-E-11-12 Dear Ms. Jewell: 201 EAST CENTER STREET POST OFFICE BOX 1391 POCATELLO, IDAHO 83204-1391 TELEPHONE (208) 232-6101 FACSIMILE (208) 232-6109 ww.racinelaw.net SENDER'S E-MAIL ADDREss:elo(§racinelaw.net August 4,2011 BOISE OFFICE 101 SOUTH CAPITOL BOULEVARD, SUITE 300 BOISE, IDAHO 83702TELEPHONE: (208).395-001 I FACSIMILE: (208) 433""0167 IDAHO FALLS OFFICE 477 SHOUP AVENUE SUITE 107 POST OFFICE BOX 50698 IDAHO FALLS, ID 83405 TELEPHONE: (208) 528-6101FACSIMILE: (208) 528-6109 ALL OFFICES TOLL FREE (877) 232-8101 LOUIS F. RACINE (1917-2005)WILLIAM D. OLSON, OF COUNSEL o (..",;~; Enclosed for filing in the captioned matter, please find the original and three copies of Idaho Irrigation Pumpers Association, Inc. 's Fifh Data Request to Rocky Mountain Power Company. ELO:rg Enclosures cc: Service List ~g(Æ)tt~ L. OLSEN Eric L. Olsen ISB# 4811 RACINE, OLSON, NYE, BUDGE & BAILEY, CHARTERED P.O. Box 1391; 201 E. Center Pocatello, Idaho 83204-1391 Telephone: (208) 232-6101 Fax: (208) 232-6109 lOI! Mi",1'~UI. -8 .q. i i.V. '4 i. Attorneys for the Idaho Irrigation Pumpers Association, Inc. BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION) OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER FOR APPROVAL OF CHANGES TO ITS ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE AND A PRICE INCREASE OF $32.7 MILLION OR APPROXIMATELY 15.0 PERCENT ) CASE NO. PAC-E-11-12 ) ) IDAHO IRRGATION PUMPERS ) ASSOCIATION, INC.'S E! Fl-F-iii ) DATA REQUEST TO ROCKY ) MOUNTAIN POWER ) 60. The Company's response to IIPA 18 contains monthy sales data by rate schedule. For Januar 2010 the usage of Schedule 1 customers was listed as 49,849,273kWh. On Exhibit 42, Tab 5, page 14 the Janua 2010 Schedule 1 usage is listed as 50,117 MWH at the sales leveL. The response to lIP A 7 lists a temperature adjustment value of 845 MWH for Schedule i for Januar 2010. Please reconcile these values from these three different sources. 61. For each hour from Januar 1,2008 though the most recent data available, please supply the border load data for each state jursdiction as well as FERC. 62. Comparng the monthly peak hour border load data provided in response to Monsanto 2.81, the 2010 values match those found in the 2010 FERC Form 1. However, five of these monthly peak values for Idaho (April, May, July, August, and December) do not match the values or the dates and times listed on the top of Exhibit 2, page 10.13. For each of these months, please provide a numericalreconciliation between these peak values and why different dates and times are used in Monsanto 2.81 and Exhbit 2 page 10.13. 63. In response to IIPA request 129 in Case No. PAC-E-1O-07 the Company provided five years of loss factors for each jurisdiction on a monthy basis. Please update this monthly data though the most recent data available. IDAHO IRRGATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION, INC.'S FOURTH DATA REQUEST TO ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER 1 64. Please explain how the "'Metered Loads" are developed on the top of page 10.15 of Exhibit 2. Specifically, is this data based upon only "'border load" data? How are losses addressed? What other data is used? 65. In the Company's response to Monsanto request 2.80 these is a description of the various sets of data that are used to temperature normalize system peak data. Please provide a copy of each of the data bases used (normal daily average temperatures, monthly actual temperatues, normal hourly load patterns, etc.) in the normalization process. 66. With respect to the coincident system peak temperature adjustments for May 2010 found on page 10.14 of Exhibit 2, please provide the data used and equations that developed these individual values. 67. For each hour of2010, please provide for each jurisdiction the estimated magnitude of the aggregated load that was curailed and/or interrpted. 68. For each hour of2010, please provide for each jurisdiction the estimated magnitude of the aggregated load that was associated with buy-throughs. RACINE OLSON NYE BUDGE ::~E . EN IDAHO IRRGATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION, INC.'S FOURTH DATA REQUEST TO ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER 2 CERTIFICATE OF MAILING I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this ~ day of August, 2011, I served a tre, correct and complete copy of the foregoing document, to each of the following, via the method so indicated: Jean D. Jewell, Secretar Idaho Public Utilities Commission P.O. Box 83720 472 W / Washington Street Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 i jewell (iuc. state.id. us l.,.S. Mail/Postage Prepaid E-Mail Facsimile Overnght Mail Hand Delivered Ted Weston Idaho Regulatory Affairs Manager 201 South Main, Suite 2300 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 ted. weston(iacificorp.com U.S. Mail/ostage Prepaid (.L E-Mail Facsimile Overnight Mail Hand Delivered Daniel E. Solander PacifiCorp/dba Rocky Mountain Power 201 South Main, Suite 2300 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 daniel.solander(iacificorp.com U.S. Mail/Postage Prepaid VE-Mail Facsimile Overnight Mail Hand Delivered Data Request Response Center Pacificorp 825 NE Multnomah, Suite 2000 Portland, OR 97232 dataequest(iacificorp.com U.S. Mail/ostage Prepaid i../E-Mail Facsimile Overnght Mail Hand Delivered Tim Buller Agrum Inc. 3010 CondaRoad Soda Sprigs, ID 83276 TBuller(iagrium.com U.S. Mail/Postage Prepaid (¿/ E-Mail Facsimile Overnight Mail Hand Delivered Ronald L. Wiliams Wiliams Bradbur, P.C. 1015 W. Hays St. Boise, Idaho 83702 ron(iwillamsbradbur.com U.S. Mail/ostage Prepaid vE-Mail Facsimile Overnght Mail Hand Delivered IDAHO IRRGATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION, INC.'S FOURTH DATA REQUEST TO ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER 3 ~, .. Don Schoenbeck RCS, Inc. 900 Washington Street, Suite 780 Vancouver, W A 98660 dws(ßr-c-s- inc.com Benjamin J. Otto Idaho Conservation League 710 N. 6th Street PO Box 844 Boise, Idaho 83702 botto(ßidahoconservation.org Randall C. Budge Racine Olson Nye Budge & Bailey Chtd. P.O. Box 1391; 201 E. Center Street Pocatello, Idaho 83204 rcb(ßracinelaw.net Brubaker & Associates 17244 W. Cordova Cour Surrise, AZ 85387 bcollins(ßconsultbai.com James R. Smith Monsanto Company P.O. Box 816 Soda Springs, ID 83276 jim.r .smith(ßmonsanto.com Brad M. Purdy Attorney atLäw 2019N. 17th Street Boise, Idaho 83702 bmpurdy(ßhotmail.com U.S. Mail/Postage Prepaid (/E-Mail Facsimile Overnght Mail Hand Delivered U.S. Mail/Postage Prepaid (¿E-Mail Facsimile Overnght Mail Hand Delivered U.S. Mail/Postage Prepaid E-Mail Facsimile Oyernight Mail i:and Delivered U.S. Mail/Postage Prepaid-.E-Mail Facsimile Overnght Mail Hand Delivered U.S. Mail/ostae Prepaid V'E-Mail Facsimile Overnight Mail Hand Delivered IDAHO IRRGATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION, INC.'S FOURTH DATA REQUEST TO ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER 4