HomeMy WebLinkAbout20110718PAC to IIPA 28f-5.pdfPage 3.1 2 PacifiCorp Results of Operations -December 2010 Summary of kWh Adjustments KWhs Total kWhs Total Adjustments' kWhs Total Adjusted KWhs Residential 1,621,177,026 44,647,179 1,665,824,205 Commercial 1,400,524,729 11342,308 1411867,037 Industrial 801,293,727 (2,1 33,736) 799,159991 Irrigation 150,611,458 (89,055) 150,522,403 Public St& Hwy 11,023,888 8,311 11,032,199 Total Washington 3,984,630,828 53,775,007 4,038,405,835 Source / Formula 305 Report Table 2 A + B + C 1 Temperature normalization 60,745,137 kWh, Out-of-Period -6,960,864 plus Tolerance of -9,266 kWh ID PAC-E-11-12 IIPA 28 Attachment IIPA 28f -5 Attach IIPA 28f -5.pdf Page 1 of 2 PacifiCorp Washington Results of Operations December 2010 JAM INPUT TEMPLATE ENERGY Year Month Jan 2010 Feb 2010 Mar 2010 Apr 2010 May 2010 Jun 2010 Jul 2010 Aug 2010 Sep 2010 Oct 2010 Nov 2010 Dec 2010 NORMALIZED LOADS SERVED FROM COMPANY RESOURCES (NPC) Prior to Temperature Adjustment Non FERC FERC CA OR WA L. WY UT IU W WY UT UI IotaI 80,851 1,305,544 422,785 732,283 2,089,909 296,152 171,058 17,052 2,072,857 5,098,572 71,589 1,156,228 345,538 661,560 1,870,116 263,287 149,608 14649 1,855467 4,517,926 76,428 11234,791 354,834 700,441 1,871,160 272,673 160,493 16,261 1,854,899 4,670,920 74,482 1,149,866 329,525 655,182 1,763,566 259,147 150,196 15,761 1,747,804 4,381,963 75,909 1,106,767 325,368 661,838 1,790,070 297,655 158,055 15,587 1,774,482 4415,661 79,250 11061,006 310,849 050,320 2,002,177 332,580 158,565 17,698 1,984,479 4,594,746 89,602 1,246,481 394,267 709,183 2,396,076 503,460 159,457 21,595 2,374,481 5,498,526 85,603 1,226,650 384,810 719,078 2,307,848 364,222 153,502 21,225 2,286,623 5,241,713 70.467 1,088,771 341,096 675,913 1,968,418 281,743 147,499 17,422 1,950,996 4,573,908 68,238 1,135,089 358.467 694,977 1,873,979 246,590 170,489 15,602 1,858,377 4,547,828 79,115 1,268,375 402,477 711,023 1,985,629 254,156 167,627 15,854 1,969,775 4,868,403 89,228 1,399,049 445,341 759,014 2,131,988 280,755 167,350 17,550 2,114,438 5,272,725 940,763 14.378,617 4,415,467 8,330,792 24,050,935 3,652,420 1.913,898 206,256 23,844,679 57,682,891 - less istment for Enema Year Month CA 08 WA Jan 2010 6,765 88,506 26,133 Feb 2010 2,438 44,876 21,888 Mar 2010 (103) 3,742 8,435 Apr 2010 (1,547) (21,071) 2,161 May 2010 (204) (5,442) 2,866 Jun 2010 687 23,554 7,048 Jul 2010 (409) (1,523) (7,029) Aug 2010 151 12,497 (1,435) Sep 2010 387 17,875 5,092 Oct 2010 1,005 15,792 5,960 Nov 2010 (945) (24,681) (12,364) Dec 2010 4,148 43,448 10,210 I'.JfltVIflLlL.CiJ L'JML Year Month CA OR WA Jan 2010 87,616 1,394,049 448,928 Feb 2010 74,027 1,201,104 367,426 Mar 2010 76,324 1,238,532 363,369 Apr 2010 72,935 1,128,795 331,686 May 2010 75,706 1,101,325 328,233 Jun 2010 79,937 1,084,560 317,897 Jul 2010 89,194 1,244,957 387,239 Aug 2010 85,754 1,239,147 383,375 Sep 2010 70,854 1,106,646 346,108 Oct 2010 69,243 1,150,881 364,427 Nov 2010 78,170 1,243,694 390,113 Dec 2010 93,376 1,442,496 455,551 953,130 14,575,188 4.484,430 CAEW 4,7624% 72.8309% 22.4067% CAEE 0.0000% 0.00001A 0.0000% SE 1.6399% 25.0785% 7.7155% SW UT ID 1,540 (13,029) 2,258 (3,703) 11,546 (1,732) 2,786 (2,812) (649) (1,629) (7,553) (1.122) (3,650) 81,200 20.222 2.959 38,258 6,284 1,815 (15.116) 4,482 (2,270) 23,964 4.598 4,415 (10.395) (1,091) 6.535 5,305 (2,545) (3.422) (18.088) (2,350) 2,606 25.215 4.771 7,982 118.497 33.126 = equals R JURISDICTIONAL ALLOCATION )tl-FERC ..VW UT ID 733,803 2,076,881 298,410 657,857 1,881,662 261.555 703,228 1,868,340 272.025 653,553 1.756.013 258,025 650.188 1,871,270 317.876 653,279 2,040.434 338.863 710.998 2,380,960 507,942 716.808 2,331,812 308,820 680,329 1,958,023 280,652 701,512 1.879.285 244,045 707.600 1,967,541 251,806 761.020 2,157,202 285,527 335,774 24.169,431 3,685.546 0.0000% 0.0000% 0.0000% 21.8817% 63.4227% 9.6712% 14.3470% 41.5838% 6.3410% IT Total 287 (13,029) 112,461 (689) 11.548 74,623 532 (2,812) 11,931 (253) (7,553) (31,013) (668) 81,200 94,323 187 38,258 78,976 109 (15,116) (17,671) (131) 23,964 37.374 485 (10.395) 16,767 1.177 5,306 33,230 (668) (18,088) (62.519) 491 25.215 90,889 858 W, WY UT 171,345 17,052 2,059.829 5,211,033 148.919 14.649 1.067,013 4,592,549 161,025 16,261 1,852,087 4.682,851 149,943 15,781 1.740,252 4,350,951 157,387 15,587 1,855.683 4,509.984 158,752 17,698 2.022,737 4.673,722 159.565 21,595 2.359.365 5,480,855 153,372 21.225 2,310,586 5,279.087 147.984 17,422 1.940,602 4,590.674 171.666 15,602 1,863,683 4,581,059 166.959 15.854 1,951.687 4.805.884 167.841 17,550 2,139.652 5.363,614 23,963.176 58.122,263 0.0000% 0.0000% 0.00001% 100.0000% 5.0245% 0.5412% 62.8814% 100.0000% 3.2944% 0.35491/ 41.2289% 100.0000% Page 10.9 ID PAC-E-11-12 IIPA 28 Attachment IIPA 28f -5 Attach IIPA 28f -5.pdf Page 2 of 2