HomeMy WebLinkAbout20110718PAC to IIPA 28f-4.pdfPacifiCorp Page 31.2 Results of Operations - December 2010 State of Oregon Total MWhs Temperature Adjustments MWhs Total Oregon Adjusted MWhs Residential 5,452,440 119,373 5,571813 Commercial 4,790,853 57,764 4,848,616 Industrial 1 2,234,425 0 2,234,425 Irrigation 202,248 0 202,248 Public St & Hwy 1 37,205 1 0 1 37,205 Total Oregon 12,717,170 177,137 12,894,307 Source / Formula 305 Report Table 2 A + B 1 Includes Schedules 28 and 48 which were booked under Irrigation Class. ID PAC-E-11-12 IIPA 28 Attachment IIPA 28f -4 Attach IIPA 28f -4.pdf Page 1 of 2 PacifiCorp Results of Operations December 2010 ENERGY Year Month CA OR WA 2010 Jan 80,851 1,305,544 422,795 2010 Feb 71,589 1,156,228 345,538 2010 Mar 76,428 1,234791 354,934 2010 Apr 74,482 1,149866 329,525 2010 May 75,909 1,106,767 325,368 2010 Jon 79,250 1,061,006 310,849 2010 Jul 89,602 1,246481 394,267 2010 Aug 85,603 1,226,650 384,810 2010 Sep 70,467 1,088,771 341,096 2010 Oct 68,238 1,135,089 358,467 2010 Nov 79,115 1,268,375 402,477 2010 Dec 89,228 1399049 445341 Page 1013 I OKtU WRUS (MWII) i-FERC FERC WY Total UT ID W Wt' UT Net UT Total 732,263 2,095,412 295,955 171,058 17,052 2,078,360 5,103,878 661,560 1,869,991 263,287 149,608 14,649 1,855,342 4517,802 700,441 1,870,967 272,177 160,493 16,261 1,854,707 4,670,231 655,182 1,763,537 259,025 150,196 15,761 1,747,776 4381,813 661,838 1,789,517 297,306 158,055 15,587 1,773,930 4414,761 650,320 2004,349 332,472 158,565 17,698 1,966,651 4596,811 709,183 2,401,054 501,026 159,457 21,595 2,379 459 5,501,070 719,078 2,310,919 362,204 153,502 21,225 2,289,693 5242,765 675,913 1972,427 281,539 147,499 17,422 1,955,005 4,577712 694,977 1,873,734 246,550 170,489 15,602 1,858,132 4,547 644 711,023 1,984,787 253,603 167,627 15,854 1,968,933 4867,007 759,014 2,139,002 280,752 167,350 17550 2,121,452 5,279 736 330,792 24,075,697 3,645,897 1,913,898 206!256 23869,441 57,701 130 (less) Year 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec = equals LOADS SERVED FROM COMPANY RESOURCES (NPC) NonFERC FERC nJi8,. CA OR WA E. WY UT ID W. WY UT Net UT Total 80,851 1,305,544 422,795 732,263 2,089,801 295,955 171,058 17,052 2,072 749 5,098,266 71,589 1,156,228 345,538 661,560 1,869,991 263,287 149,608 14,649 1,855,342 4,517,802 76,428 1,234,791 354,934 700,441 1,870,967 272,177 160,493 16,261 1,854,707 4,670,231 74,482 1,149,866 329,525 655,182 1,763,537 259,025 150,196 15,761 1,747,776 4381,813 75,909 1,106,767 325,368 661,838 1,789,517 297,306 158,055 15,587 1,773,930 4,414,761 79,250 1,061,006 310,849 650,320 2,001,992 332,472 158,565 17,698 1,984,294 4,594,454 89,602 1,246,481 394,267 709,183 2,395,277 501,026 159,457 21,595 2,373 682 5,495 293 85,603 1,226,650 384,810 719,078 2,307,424 362,204 153,502 21,225 2,286,198 5,235,270 70,467 1088,771 341,096 675,913 1,968,314 281,539 147,499 17,422 1,950,892 4,573,600 68,238 1,135,089 358,467 694,977 1,873,734 246,550 170,489 15,602 1,858,132 4,547,544 79,115 1,268 375 402,477 711,023 1,984,787 253,603 167,627 15,854 1,968,933 4,867,007 89,228 1,399 049 445,341 759,014 2,131,899 280,752 167,350 17,550 2,114,349 5,272,633 940,763 14,378,617 4,415,467 8,330 792 24047,241 3645,897 1,913,898 206,256 23,840,985 57,672,674 + plus Adjustments for Ancillary Services Contracts lncludin9 Reserves Additions to Load) WNILMM FERC8 4Gj1jSRy FFRC CA OR WA E. WY UT ID W. WY UT Net UT Total 109 197 109 305 125 125 125 193 496 193 689 28 122 28 150 552 348 552 900 185 108 185 293 799 2,434 799 3,233 424 2,018 424 2,443 104 204 104 308 245 40 245 284 842 554 842 1,396 89 3 89 92 Year Month 2010 Jan 2010 Feb 2010 Mar 2010 Apr 2010 May 2010 Jun 2010 Jul 2010 Aug 2010 Sep 2010 Oct 2010 Nov 2010 Dec Year Month 2010 Jan 2010 Feb 2010 Mar 2010 Apr 2010 May 2010 Jun 2010 Jul 2010 Aug 2010 Sep 2010 Oct 2010 Nov 2010 Dec Year Month CA OR WA 2010 Jan 80,851 1,305,544 422,795 2010 Feb 71,589 1,156,228 345,538 2010 Mar 76,428 1,234,791 354,934 2010 Apr 74,482 1,149,866 329,525 2010 May 75,909 1,106,767 325,368 2010 Jun 79,250 1,061,006 310,849 2010 Jul 89,602 1,246,481 394,267 2010 Aug 85,603 1,226,650 384,810 2010 Sep 70,467 1,088,771 341,096 2010 Oct 68,238 1,135,089 358,467 2010 Nov 79,115 1,268,375 402,477 2010 Dec 89,228 1,399,049 445,341 = equals WED FROM COMPANY RESOUI if ERC WY UT ID 732,263 2,089,909 296,152 661,560 1,870 116 263,287 700,441 1,871,160 272,673 655,182 1,763,566 259,147 661,838 1790,070 297,655 650,320 2,002,177 332,580 709,183 2,396,076 503,460 719,078 2,307 848 364,222 675,913 1,968,418 281,743 694,977 1,873,979 246,590 711,023 1,985,629 254,156 759,014 2,131,988 280.755 171,058 17,052 2,072,857 5,098572 149,608 14,649 1,855,467 4,517,926 160,493 16,261 1,854,899 4,670,920 150,196 15,761 1,747,804 4,381,963 158,055 15,587 1,774,482 4,415,661 158,565 17,698 1,984,479 4,594 746 159,457 21,595 2,374 481 5,498,526 153,502 21,225 2286,623 5,241,713 147,499 17,422 1,950 996 4,573,908 170,489 15,602 1,858,377 4,547,828 167,627 15,854 1,969,775 4,868,403 167,350 1 17,550 2,114,438 5,272 725 ID PAC-E-11-12 IIPA 28 Attachment IIPA 28f -4 Attach IIPA 28f -4.pdf Page 2 of 2