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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20110808Deloitte letter to Randy Lobb.pdfDeloitte.
20\\ AUG -8 AM 8: 36
Deloitte & Touche LLP
Suite 3900
111 SW Fift Avenue
Portland. OR 97204-3642
Tel: +1 5032221341
Fax: +1 5032242172 2, 201 1
Mr. Rady Lobb
Utilties Division Administrator
Idaho Public Utilties Commission
POBox 83720
Boise, ID 83720
Dear Mr. Lobb:
Your representatives have requested access to our audit documentation in connection with our audit of
the consolidated balance sheet as of December 31, 20 i 0, and the related consolidated statements of
operations, cash flows, changes in equity, and comprehensive income for the year then ended of
PacifiCorp and its subsidiares (the "Company"). It is our understanding that the purpose of your
request is to faciltate your regulatory examnation. Management of the Company has authorized us to
provide you with access to our audit documentation to faciltate your regulatory examination.
Our audit of the consolidated balance sheet as of December 3 i, 2010, and the related consolidated
statements of operations, cash flows, changes in equity, and comprehensive income for the year then
ended of the Company were conducted in accordance with the stadards of the Public Company
Accounting Oversight Board (United States) ("PCAOB Standards"), the objective of which is to form
an opinion as to whether the financial statements, which are the responsibilty and representations of
management, present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position, results of operations, and
cash flows in conformity with accounting principles generaly accepted in the United States of
America. Under PCAOB Standards, we have the responsibilty, within the inherent limitations of the
audit process, to design our audit to provide reasonable assurance that errors and fraud that have a
material effect on the financial statements wil be detected and to exercise due car in the conduct of
our audit. The concept of selective testing of the data being audited, which involves judgment both as
to the number of transactions to be audited and as to the areas to be tested, has been generally accepted
as a valid and sufficient basis for an auditor to express an opinion on the financial statements. Thus,
our audit, based on the concept of selective testing, are subject to the inherent risk that material errors
or fraud, if they exist, would not be detected. In addition, an audit does not address the possibilty that
material errors or fraud may occur in the future. Also, our use of professional judgment and the
assessment of materiality for the purose of our audit means that matters may have existed that would
have been assessed differently by you.
The audit documentation was prepared for the purose of providing the principal support for our
reports on the audit of the consolidated balance sheet as of December 31, 2010, and the related
consolidated statements of operations, cash flows, changes in equity, and comprehensive income for
the year then ended of the Company and to aid in the conduct and supervision of our audit. The audit
documentation is the principal record of auditing procedures performed, evidence obtained, and
conclusions reached in the engagement. The auditing procedures that we performed were limited to
those we considered necessary under PCAOB Standards to enable us to formulate and express an
opinion on the financial statements taken as a whole. Accordingly, we make no representation as to the
suffciency or appropriateness, for your purposes, of either the information contained in our audit
documentation or our audit procedures. In addition, any notations, comments, and individual
conclusions appearing in any of the audit documentation do not stand alone and should not be read as
an opinion on any individual amounts, accounts, balances, or transactions.
Member of
Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu limited
Mr. Rady Lobb
August 2, 201 I
Page 2
Our audit of the consolidated balance sheet as of December 31, 2010, and the related consolidated
statements of operations, cash flows, changes in equity, and comprehensive income for the year then
ended of the Company were performed for the purose stated above and have not been planed or
conducted in contemplation of your regulatory examination or for the purose of assessing the
Company's compliance with laws and regulations. Therefore, items of possible interest to you may not
have been specifically addressed. Accordigly, our audit and the audit documentation prepared in
connection therewith, should not supplant other inquiries and procedures that should be undertaken by
the Idaho Public Utilties Commission for the purpose of monitoring and regulating the financial
affairs of the Company. In addition, we have not audited any financial statements of the Company
since December 31, 2009, nor have we performed any auditing procedures since March i, 2010, the
date of our auditors' report and, significant events or circumstances may have occured since that date.
The audit documentation constitutes and reflects work performed or evidence obtained by Deloitte &
Touche LLP in its capacity as the independent registered public accounting firm for the Company. The
audit documentation contains trde secrets and confidential commercial and financial information of
Deloitte & Touche LLP and the Company that is privileged and confidential and we expressly reserve
all rights with respect to disclosures to third paries. Accordingly, we request confidential treatment
under the Freedom ofInformation Act or similar laws and regulations when requests are made for the
audit documentation or information contaned therein or any documents created by the Idaho Public
Utilties Commission containing information derived therefrom. We furter request that written notice
be given to Deloitte & Touche LLP before distrbution of the information in the audit documentation
(or copies thereof) to others, including other governental agencies, except when such distrbution is
required by law or regulation.
No photocopies or electronic copies of any audit documentation may be made without the express
written permission ofDeloitte & Touche LLP. Upon your request, we may provide photocopies or
electronic copies of selected audit documentation to the Idaho Public Utilties Commission. Any
copies of our audit documentation that we agree to provide you wil be identified as "Confidential
Treatment Requested by Deloitte & Touche LLP, III S.W. Fifth Ave., Suite 3900, Portland,
OR 97204 (503) 222-1341."
Yours trly,
Acknowledged by and agreed to by the
Idaho Public Utilties Commission: