HomeMy WebLinkAbout20120523Ridgeline FERC.pdfMay 18, 2012 VIA US MAIL Jean Jewell, Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street Boise, ID 83702-5918 RECEIVED ZO2 MAY 23 PM 2:2k IDAHO PUBLIL UTIUTIES COMMISSION p/:-E 1/ -o /4-- // - o RE: Courtesy Copy of FERC Filings FERC Order and Joint Application for Authorization Under Section 203 of the FPA by Goshen Phase IILLC and Ridgeline Alternative Energy LLC (Docket N6.EC12- 83-000) (Public Version) FERC Order and Joint Application for Authorization Under Section 203 of the FPA by Ridgeline Alternative Energy LLC and Wolverine Creek Goshen Interconnection LLC (Docket No. EC12-82-000) (Public Version) FERC Order and Letter to FERC re Goshen Phase II LLC Amended and Restated Shared Facility Agreement (Docket No. ER12-1292-000) (Public Version) FERC Order and Letter to FERC re Goshen Phase HLLC Amended Common Facility Agreement (Docket No. ER 12-1292-000) (Public Version) Dear Ms. Jewell, On behalf of Ridgeline Energy LLC ("RLE"), RLE hereby submits courtesy copies of the above mentioned Federal Energy Regulatory Commission documents on behalf of Ridgeline Energy LLC and Meadow Creek Project Company LLC. If you or someone at IPUC has any questions, please do not hesitate in contacting me at (206) 462-4843. Sincerely yours, Carolyn J. Bersch Paralegal 1300 N. Northlake Way, 2nd Floor I Seattle, WA 198103 T: (425) 455. 9014 I F: (206) 508.4738 www.ridgelineenergy.com QVEOLIA ENV1RONNEMENT 20120517-3064 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 05/17/2012 FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION Washington, D.C. 20426 OFFICE OF ENERGY MARKET REGULATION Goshen Phase II LLC Docket No. ER12-1292-000 May 17, 2012 Morgan, Lewis and Bockius, LLP 1111 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20004 Attention: Michael C. Griffen, Esq. Attorney for Goshen Phase II LLC Reference: Amended and Restated Shared Facilities Agreement Dear Mr. Griffen: On March 20, 2012, Goshen Phase II LLC (Goshen II) filed an unexecuted Amended and Restated Shared Facilities Agreement (Amended SFA) among Goshen II, Ridgeline Alternative Energy, LLC (RAE), Meadow Creek Project Company LLC (Meadow Creek), and AE Power Services, LLC (AE Power Services).' According to the applicant, the original SFA was between Goshen II and RAE, and this agreement detailed each party's priority use of the Shared Facilities based on its ownership interest.2 In the instant filing, Goshen II states that RAE has assigned to its affiliate, Meadow Creek, certain developmental rights in the Meadow Creek Project. Thus, Meadow Creek will obtain certain of RAE' s rights to acquire an ownership interest in the Shared Facilities, upon commencing operations, and the right to use the Shared Facilities on apro rata 1 Goshen II states it is the designated flier of the Amended SFA, pursuant to the requirements of Order No. 714. Goshen II also states other parties to the Amended SFA will, if required, separately submit a tariff record and a certificate of concurrence assenting to and concurring with this filing. The other parties to the Amended SFA are directed to file the requisite certificates of concurrence. Please review Order No. 714 at P 63, where the Commission articulated an approach for joint fliers to minimize the burden of multiple identical filings. AE Power Services does not own or control the Shared Facilities governed by the SFA, according to Goshen II, but manages, operates, and maintains the shared facilities at the expense of the parties to the Amended SFA. 20120517-3064 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 05/17/2012 Docket No. ER12-1292-000 -2 - basis commensurate with the capacity of the Meadow Creek Project. Goshen II also states that its filing memorializes the inclusion and obligations of Meadow Creek under the Amended SFA. Waiver of the Commission's notice requirements pursuant to section 35.11 of the Commission's regulations (18 C.F.R. § 35.11) is granted, and the unexecuted Amended SFA is accepted for filing, effective when the Execution Date occurs, as stipulated by the Applicants, subject to a subsequent filing of an executed Amended SFA to reflect the actual effective date. The filing was noticed on March 20, 2012 with comments, protests or interventions due on or before April 10, 2012. No adverse comments were filed. Notices of intervention and unopposed timely filed motions to intervene are granted pursuant to the operation of Rule 214 of the Commission's Rules of Practice and Procedure (18 C.F.R § 385.214). Any opposed or untimely filed motion to intervene is governed by the provisions of Rule 214. This acceptance for filing shalinot be construed as constituting approval of the referenced filing or of any rate, charge, classification, or any rule, regulation, or practice affecting such rates or services provided for in the filed documents; nor shall such acceptance be deemed as recognition of any claimed contractual right or obligation associated therewith; and such acceptance is without prejudice to any findings or orders which have been or any which may hereafter be made by the Commission in any proceeding now pending or hereafter instituted, by or against Goshen Phase II LLC. This action is taken pursuant to authority delegated to the Director, Division of Electric Power Regulation - West under 18 C.F.R. § 375.307. This order constitutes final agency action. Requests for rehearing by the Commission may be filed within 30 days of the date of issuance of this order, pursuant to 18 C.F.R. § 385.713. Sincerely, Steve P Rodgers, Director Division of Electric Power Regulation - West Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP 1111 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20004 Tel. 202.739.3000 Fax: 202.739.3001 www.morganlewis.com Michael C. Griffen (202) 739-5257 mgriffen©morganlewis.com Morgan LwS COUNSELORS AT LAW March 19, 2012 VIA eTARIFF FILING Hon Kimberly D Bose, Secretary Federal Energy Regulatory Commission 888 First Street, N.E. Washington, DC 20426 RE Goshen Phase II LLC Docket No. ER12-__________________ Amended and Restated Shared Facilities Agreement Dear Ms. Bose: Pursuant to Section 205 of the Federal Power Act ("FPA")' and Part 35 of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's ("Commission") regulations,2 Goshen Phase II LLC ("Goshen H"), hereby submits for filing an unexecuted form of Amended and Restated Shared Facilities Agreement ("Amended SFA") among Goshen II, Ridgeline Alternative Energy, LLC ("RAE"), Meadow Creek Project Company LLC ("Meadow Creek"), and AE Power Services, LLC ("AE Power Services"). The Amended SFA will become effective upon its execution, which will not occur until after certain conditions described in Section IV, below, are satisfied (the "Execution The original Shared Facilities Agreement ("SFA") among Goshen II, RAE, and AE Power Services, dated as of December 1, 2009, was submitted for filing to the Commission by Goshen II on its own behalf and on behalf of RAE in Docket No. ER1O-2510-000 on August 31, 2010, and was accepted for filing by the Commission on October 28, 2010, with an effective date of September 1, 201 0.3 The Amended SPA proposes to amend and restate the SFA as described in Section III below. 1.16 U.S.C. § 824d (2011). 2.18C.F.R.35.13(2011). 3.Goshen Phase II, LLC, et al., 133 FERC ¶ 61,090 (2010) (the "Original SFA Order"). In addition, the Commission granted Goshen II and RAE waivers of the Commission's requirements under Order Nos. 888, 889, and 890 and Section 35.28 and Parts 37 and 358 of the Commission's regulations. Hon. Kimberly D. Bose March 19, 2012 Page 2 The following materials are included with this transmittal letter: (1)The Amended SFA in clean format; and (2)The Amended SPA in redline format. Goshen II respectfully requests the Commission to issue an order by May 3, 2012, accepting the Amended SPA for filing, without modification, to become effective on the Execution Date requested in Section IV below. As explained in Section IV, the parties to the Amended SFA will execute the Amended SPA upon the occurrence of certain conditions, including the issuance of orders by the Commission on other applications and filings filed with the Commission under Sections 203 and 205 of the FPA. Goshen II understands that prompt action has been or will be requested in such other filings in connection with financing being arranged by Meadow Creek for its wind energy generating facility (described in more detail below). Goshen II further understands that, as part of the financing documentation, Meadow Creek expects to be required to show that its interconnection arrangements, including those addressed by the Amended SFA, have the necessary Commission approvals. Goshen II requests Commission action on the instant filing of the Amended SFA by May 3, 2012, so the parties to the Amended SPA may execute it and make it effective promptly upon receipt of those other PERC orders and other consents and approvals. In compliance with the joint tariff filing requirements identified in Order No. 714 at P 63, Goshen II has been designated as the single filer of the Amended SFA. Other parties to the Amended SFA will, if required, separately submit a tariff record with respect to the Amended SPA and a certificate of concurrence assenting to and concurring with this filing. I. COMMUNICATIONS The names and address of persons authorized to receive notices and communications with respect to this filing are as follows: Gretchen Schott Senior Counsel BP Wind Energy North America Inc. 700 Louisiana Street, 33rd Floor Houston, TX 77002 T: (713)354-2113 gretchen.schott@bp.com Michael C. Griffen Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP 1111 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20004 T: (202) 739-5257 mgriffenmorganlewis.com Please place each of the foregoing representatives on the service list established pursuant to Rule 2010. 18 C.F.R. § 385.2010. Hon. Kimberly D. Bose March 19, 2012 Page 3 II. BACKGROUND Goshen II owns a 124.5 MW wind-powered generating facility (the "Goshen II Facility") located in Bonneville County, Idaho RAE has been developing wind-powered generation facilities to be located near the Goshen II Facility. The Goshen II Facility is, and RAE's proposed generation facilities are planned to be, located near an existing wind-powered generating facility owned and operated by Wolverine Creek Energy, LLC ("Wolverine Creek") 6 The Wolverine Creek generating facility and the Goshen II Facility are interconnected with the PacifiCorp transmission system through interconnection facilities owned by Wolverine Creek Goshen Interconnection, LLC ("WCGI"),7 which includes an approximately 18-mile generator tie-line that interconnects to the PacifiCorp transmission system (the "WCGI Interconnection Facilities"). The proposed generating facilities under development by RAE (the "Goshen Phase III Facility") are also to be interconnected to the PacifiCorp transmission system through the WCGI Interconnection Facilities. Due to the location of the Goshen II Facility and RAE's proposed Goshen Phase III Facility, Goshen II and RAE developed a shared set of interconnection facilities consisting of a substation, an approximately seven-mile 34 .5 kV generator tie-line, and associated facilities (the "Shared Facilities") through which the Goshen II Facility interconnects, and RAE's proposed Goshen Phase III Facility are intended to interconnect, with the WCGI Interconnection Facilities. Through the interconnection with the WCGI Interconnection Facilities via the Shared Facilities, Goshen II has, and RAE's projects are expected to, achieve interconnection with the PacifiCorp transmission system. In connection with the development of the Shared Facilities, Goshen II and RAE entered into the original SFA. The SFA sets forth the rights and obligations under which the Shared Facilities are owned, utilized, operated, and maintained by Goshen II and RAE for the purpose of interconnecting their generating facilities with the transmission system. Under the SFA, Goshen II currently owns the Shared Facilities and RAE has rights to acquire an ownership interest in the Shared Facilities once RAE's proposed Goshen Phase III facility commences operations, with Goshen II and RAE jointly owning the Shared Facilities as tenants in common thereafter. Neither Goshen II nor RAE are to pay the other for services under the SFA or their use of the Shared Facilities; rather, they will share the costs of managing, operating, and maintaining the Shared Facilities.8 5.Goshen II has market-based rate authority and the waivers and blanket authorizations that the Commission routinely grants to entities with market-based rate authority. See Goshen Phase II LLC, Letter Order in Docket Nos. ER1O-1821-000 and -001 (Oct. 7, 2010). Goshen II is also an EWG. See Eagle Creek Hydro Power, LLC, et al., Docket Nos. EG1 0-48-000, et al., Notice of Effectiveness of Exempt Wholesale Generator Status, (Oct. 1, 2010). 6.Wolverine Creek is not affiliated with Goshen II or RAE. 7.Wolverine Creek, Goshen II, and RAE each have an ownership interest in WCGI. 8.AE Power Services was retained to manage, operate, and maintain the Shared Facilities, with Goshen II and RAE sharing the costs of the services of AE Power Services. AE Power Services is a party to the SFA in its capacity as the provider of management, operations, and maintenance services to Hon. Kimberly D. Bose March 19, 2012 Page Under the SPA, Goshen II has priority rights to use and access the Shared Facilities to the extent of 130 MW, and RAE, after interconnecting the Goshen Phase III Facility, is to be responsible for incremental costs and line losses and will have access rights to the remaining capacity of the Shared Facilities. RAE had originally planned to develop an approximately 85 MW wind-powered generating facility but now plans to assign to Meadow Creek, a wholly-owned subsidiary of RAE, certain developmental rights to wind energy electric generation facilities totaling approximately 119.7 MW (collectively, the "Meadow Creek Project").9 The rights that Meadow Creek will acquire from RAE will include rights under the SFA to acquire an ownership interest in the Shared Facilities. 10 To effectuate the assignment of these rights under the SPA, RAE has requested Goshen II to agree to the admission of Meadow Creek as a party to the Amended SPA. As a party to the Amended SPA, Meadow Creek will obtain certain of s rights to acquire an ownership interest in the Shared Facilities upon commencing operations and the right to use the Shared Facilities on a pro rata basis commensurate with the capacity of the Meadow Creek Project. RAE's rights correspondingly will be reduced. Goshen II, RAE, and Meadow Creek have agreed to amend and restate the SFA to account for the priority of use of the Shared Facilities and to memorialize the obligations of Meadow Creek, as described more fully below. Goshen II and RAE under the SFA. AE Power Services does not own or control the shared facilities governed by the SFA. AE Power Services also did not request the waivers which the Commission granted to Goshen II and RAE in the Original SFA Order. 9.The Meadow Creek Project will consist of two "qualifying small power production facilities" within the meaning of the Commission's regulations at 18 C.F.R. § 292.203(a) ("QE"): the approximately 77.7 MW North Point Project and the approximately 38.8 MW Five Pine Project. See Notice of Self-Certification of QF status, filed by Meadow Creek for North Point Project, Docket No. QF 12-175-000 and Notice of Self-Certification of QF status, filed by Meadow Creek for Five Pine Project, Docket No. QF12-176-000, (Jan. 26, 2012). Goshen II understands that given the early stage of the Meadow Creek Project's development, Meadow Creek has not yet applied to the Commission for market-based rate authority, waivers of the Commission's open access transmission requirements relating to its interest in the Shared Facilities (similar to the waivers granted to Goshen II and RAE in the Original SFA Order), or EWG status, but that it will do so prior to the initial generation of electric energy by the Meadow Creek Project. 10.Goshen II and RAE will file with the Commission in a separate docket an application under Section 203 of the FPA requesting Commission authority for Meadow Creek's acquisition of a partial ownership interest in the Shared Facilities (the "Shared Facilities Transaction"). Hon. Kimberly D. Bose March 19, 2012 Page 5 III. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED AMENDED SFA Once the Amended SPA becomes effective on the Execution Date, as described in Section IV below, it will supersede and replace the existing SFA. Under the Amended SPA, once Meadow Creek acquires a partial ownership interest in the Shared Facilities, Goshen II and Meadow Creek will jointly own the Shared Facilities as tenants in common, with RAE retaining residual rights to acquire an ownership interest in and utilize the Shared Facilities in connection with generating facilities to be developed in the future. The Amended SPA proposes to (1) revise the calculation of the Goshen II's rights to use the Shared Facilities to reflect the current capacity of the Goshen II Facility as 124.5 MW, rather than the 130 MW currently in effect; (2) provide Meadow Creek with rights to use the Shared Facilities reflecting ownership of the Meadow Creek Project with a capacity of 119.7 MW; (3) reduce RAE's rights to use the Shared Facilities proportionately by the new Meadow Creek share, such that RAE will retain the residual rights to interconnect another wind energy generation project to be built by RAE (or its successors and assigns) (such new project, the "Phase IV Project"). Under the Amended SFA, neither Goshen II, RAE, nor Meadow Creek will pay the other for services under the Amended SFA or for their use of the Shared Facilities; rather, Goshen II and Meadow Creek and RAE, after it interconnects a Phase IV Project, will share the costs of managing, operating, and maintaining the Shared Facilities."The Amended SPA does not establish rates, terms, or conditions for the provision of a FERC-jurisdictional service, and none of Goshen II, RAE, nor Meadow Creek has collected revenues from the other for the provision of FERC-jurisdictional services under the SPA or the Amended SPA. Other than as described above, the terms and conditions of the Amended SFA are substantially similar to the SFA.12 11.AE Power Services will continue to manage, operate, and maintain the Shared Facilities, with Goshen II, RAE, and Meadow Creek sharing the costs of the services of AE Power Services. 12.As noted in note 3, supra, in the Original SFA Order, the Commission granted Goshen II and RAE waivers of the Commission's requirements under Order Nos. 888, 889, and 890 and Section 35.28 and Parts 37 and 358 of the Commission's regulations, finding, among other things, that the Shared Facilities are limited and discrete, do not constitute an integrated transmission system, and will be utilized only to deliver power from the respective wind-power projects to the transmission grid via the WCGI Interconnection Facilities. See Original SFA Order at P 16. Meadow Creek is an affiliate of RAE and, once Meadow Creek acquires a partial ownership interest in the Shared Facilities, it will utilize the Shared Facilities only to deliver power from its wind-power projects to the transmission grid via the WCGI Interconnection Facilities. Meadow Creek's proposed acquisition of a partial ownership interest in, and proposed utilization of, the Shared Facilities will not materially change the facts upon which the open access waivers were granted and will not trigger any open access transmission requirements. E.g., Terra- Gen Dixie Valley, etal., 132 FERC ¶ 61,215, P47 (2010). Hon. Kimberly D. Bose March 19, 2012 Page 6 IV. REQUESTED EFFECTIVE DATE The Amended SFA will not become effective until the Amended SFA is executed by Goshen II, RAE, and Meadow Creek on Execution Date, which will not occur until the following conditions have been satisfied: (a) the Commission has accepted, without modification, the Amended SFA for filing under Section 205 of the FPA; (b) the Commission has issued an order under Section 203 approving the Shared Facilities Transaction; (c) RAE and WCGI have obtained authorizations from the Commission under FPA Section 203 authorizing a separate transaction affecting the upstream ownership of WCGI (the "RAE! WCGI Transaction") pursuant to which RAE will transfer to Meadow Creek a percentage of RAE's membership interest in WCGI; (d) the Commission has accepted, without modification, under FPA Section 205 an Amended Common Facilities Agreement ("Amended CFA") submitted for filing by Wolverine Creek and WCGI;'3 (e) Goshen II has notified Wolverine Creek, WCGI, Meadow Creek, and RAE in writing that Goshen II has obtained any third-party consents or approvals that it determines it requires (or that no such consents or approvals are required) to execute the Amended SFA, Amended CFA, and the Amended WCGI LLC Agreement; (f) Wolverine Creek has notified RAE, Goshen II, Meadow Creek, and WCGI in writing that Wolverine Creek has obtained any third-party consents or approvals that it determines it requires (or that no such consents or approvals are required) to execute the Amended CFA and the Amended WCGI LLC Agreement; (g) RAE has paid, or caused to be paid, to Wolverine Creek the amount RAE has agree to pay Wolverine Creek to waive its rights under Section 3.2 of the original CFA and certain costs and expenses incurred in by Wolverine Creek in connection with the Amended CFA and Amended LLC Agreement; and (h) RAE has paid, or caused to be paid, to Goshen II all of Goshen II's costs and expenses incurred in connection with the Amended SFA, Amended CFA, and the Amended WCGI LLC Agreement. Goshen II requests the Commission to accept the Amended SFA, without modification, to become effective on the Execution Date. Goshen II does not yet know when the Execution Date will occur because the parties' obligation to execute the Amended SFA is contingent on the satisfaction of the conditions identified above. Goshen II requests the Commission to accept the Amended SFA effective as of the Execution Date and commits to make a compliance filing within ten (10) days after the Execution Date in which it will notify the Commission of the Effective Date and refile the executed Amended SFA with the actual Effective Date memorialized in the refiled agreement. 14 Goshen II requests the Commission to confirm in its 13.The Amended CFA will amend and restate a Common Facilities Agreement in order to effectuate the RAE/WCGI Transaction. Wolverine Creek and WCGI are only parties to the CFA (and the Amended CFA), and not to the SFA (or the proposed Amended SFA). Nor do they own any interests in or control the Shared Facilities. Also, Wolverine Creek and WCGI are not involved in the transactions relating to Meadow Creek's proposed acquisition of rights to the Shared Facilities. Thus, Wolverine Creek and WCGI are not applicants in the Section 203 proceeding involving the Shared Facilities Transaction or this Section 205 filing relating to the Amended SFA. 14.See, e.g., Bishop Hill Energy LLC, et al., Letter Order in Docket Nos. ER12-847-000, et al. (March 5, 2012), as corrected by the Errata to the Letter Order (March 5, 2012) (granting a FERC rate schedule effective date that was tied to an execution date that would not occur until future conditions were satisfied and allowing subsequent informational compliance filing to submit a signed agreement and Hon. Kimberly D. Bose March 19, 2012 Page 7 order accepting the Amended SFA for filing that, to the extent the executed Amended SFA submitted in such informational compliance filing has no changes other than its execution date, signatures, and the completion of other placeholders for dates, no further action will be required by the Commission for the Amended SFA to become effective. Goshen II requests waiver of the Commission's sixty day prior notice requirement under Section 35.3 of the Commission's regulations to the extent that the Execution Date occurs less than sixty days after the date this filing is submitted to the Commission. Waiver is consistent with Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corp., 60 FERC 161,106, order on reh 'g, 61 FERC ¶ 61,089 (1992) because there will be no rate impact associated with an Execution Date that occurs less than sixty days from the date of this filing Also, to the extent the Execution Date occurs more than 120 days after the date of this filing, Goshen II requests waiver of Section 35315 V. FILING REQUIREMENTS UNDER PART 3516 1.List of documents submitted - 18 C.F.R. 35.13(b)(1). A list of documents submitted is provided in the second paragraph of this letter. 2.Proposed effective date -18 C.F.R. § 35.13(b)(2). See Section IV of this letter. 3.Persons to whom a copy of the rate schedule change has been posted - 18 C.F.R. § 35.13(b)(3). In accordance with 18 C.F.R. § 35.2(e)(2), copies of this filing have been served on RAE and Meadow Creek. 4.Brief description of the rate change and statement of the reasons for the rate schedule change -18 C.F.R. 35.13(b)(4) and (5). See Section III of this letter. notify of the actual effective date); Grand Ridge Energy IVLLC, Letter Order in Docket No. ER1 1-128- 000 (Dec. 2, 2010) (unpublished letter order accepting rate schedule tied to satisfaction of future conditions and allowing for subsequent informational compliance filing to submit signed agreement and provide notification of actual effective date). See also Potomac Electric Power Co., Letter Order in Docket No. ER08-1 152-000 (June 23, 2008) (granting a FERC rate schedule effective date of a contract that was tied to the satisfaction of future conditions and allowing a subsequent informational compliance filing to incorporate actual effective date); see also Potomac Electric Power Co., 93 FERC ¶ 61,240, at 61,799 (2000). (The Commission granted request to accept interconnection agreements with effective date tied to a future date and with certain information omitted because it would not be known until such closing date and to make an informational filing after closing). 15.See, e.g., Southern California Edison Co., 106 FERC ¶ 61,183 at PP 5 and 46 (2004) (Commission granted waiver of the 120 day requirement finding good cause where effective date was tied to closing of related transaction). 16.18 C.F.R. § 35.1 3(a)(iii) (rate schedule changes that do not involve a rate increase). Hon. Kimberly D. Bose March 19, 2012 Page 8 5.Showing that all requisite agreements to the rate change have been obtained -18 C.F.R. 35.13(b)(6). The Amended SFA will be executed by the parties to the SFA and Meadow Creek after the Commission accepts the Amended SFA for filing without condition or modification and the Execution Date occurs. Thereafter, as described above, Goshen II will file an executed copy of the Amended SFA with the Commission. 6.A statement concerning costs included in Period I and II cost of service -18 C.F.R.35. 1 3(b)(7). Not applicable. Accordingly, no cost of service statements are included in the filing. 7.Revenue comparison demonstrating the impact of rate change and maps and diagrams for specifically assignable facilities to be installed in connection with rate change -18 C. F. R. § 35.13(c. No rate change is proposed. Also, no facilities are being installed in connection with the Amended SFA VI. CONCLUSION Goshen II respectfully requests the Commission to accept the Amended SFA for filing effective as of the Execution Date and grant the waivers requested of FERC '5 prior notice requirements identified above. Goshen II also respectfully requests FERC to issue an order not later than May 3, 2012. Respectfully submitted, 'U.'4 4 Michael C. Griffen Attorney for Goshen Phase II LLC Enclosures 20120418-3025 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 04/18/2012 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 139 FERC ¶ 62,047 FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION Goshen Phase II LLC Docket No. EC12-83-000 Ridgeline Alternative Energy, LLC ORDER AUTHORIZING DISPOSITION OF JURISDICTIONAL FACILITIES (Issued April 18, 2012) On March 19, 2012, as amended March 21, 2012, Goshen Phase II LLC (Goshen II) and Ridgeline Alternative Energy, LLC (RAE) (collectively, Applicants) filed an application under section 203(a)(1) of the Federal Power Act (FPA)1 requesting Commission authorization for Meadow Creek Project Company LLC (Meadow Creek) to acquire a partial ownership interest in a 7 mile generation tie-line (Tie-Line) (Proposed Transaction). The jurisdictional facilities consist of the Shared Facilities Agreement (Shared Facilities Agreement), Tie-Line facilities, agreements, and various books and record. Goshen Ii, a Delaware limited liability company, owns and operates a 124.5 megawatt (MW) wind-powered generating facility (Goshen Phase II Project) located in Bonneville County, Idaho. The Goshen Phase II Project is interconnected with the transmission system of PacifiCorp in the PacifiCorp East balancing authority area (BAA). Goshen II does not own directly or indirectly any electric transmission facilities other than the limited interconnection generator Tie-Line facilities. Goshen II currently owns the Tie-Line which Goshen II utilizes to interconnect the Goshen Phase II Project to PacifiCorp's transmission system. Goshen II's rights to own and utilize the Tie-Line are addressed in the Shared Facilities Agreement by and between Goshen II and RAE. The Goshen Phase II Project also interconnects to PacifiCorp's transmission system via an approximately 18-mile generator tie line owned and operated by Wolverine Creek Goshen Interconnection, LLC (Wolverine Creek Goshen Interconnection). Goshen II holds an ownership interest in Wolverine Creek Goshen Interconnection and has corresponding rights to utilize the Wolverine Creek Goshen Interconnection generator tie line pursuant to the terms of a Common Facilities Agreement by and among Wolverine Creek Goshen Interconnection and its owners. Goshen II is authorized by the Commission to make wholesale sales at market-based rates. 116 U.S.C. § 824b (2006). 20120418-3025 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 04/18/2012 Docket No. EC12-83-000 -2 - Goshen II is owned directly by AR Goshen II Wind Farm LLC (AE Goshen II) and Goshen Ridge Wind Farm LLC (Goshen Ridge), each of which holds a 50 percent ownership interest in Goshen II. AE Goshen II is an indirect, wholly-owned subsidiary of BP Wind Energy North America Inc. which, in turn, is an indirect, wholly-owned subsidiary of BP p.l.c., a company organized under the laws of England and Wales with its international headquarters in London, UK and its U.S. headquarters in Houston, Texas. Goshen Ridge is a direct, wholly-owned subsidiary of Goshen Phase II Holdings LLC (Goshen Holdings). RAE indirectly holds a 25 percent ownership interest in Goshen Holdings, with Diamond Generating Corporation (Diamond) indirectly holding the remaining 75 percent. Diamond is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Mitsubishi Corporation, a Japanese corporation. RAE is a Delaware limited liability company that was formed for the purpose of developing wind energy projects. RAE is in the early stage of developing a wind farm in Idaho, referred to as the Goshen Phase III Project. RAE is a "holding company" due to its indirect ownership of one or more exempt wholesale generators (EWG) and qualifying facilities (QF), but currently owns directly no physical assets and has neither applied for nor received market-based rate authority from the Commission. RAE currently owns, through intermediate companies, an indirect 12.5 percent interest in Goshen II. RAE also owns 100 percent of Meadow Creek, a Delaware limited liability company that is developing a wind energy project located adjacent to the Goshen Phase II Project in Bonneville County, Idaho (Meadow Creek Project). The Meadow Creek Project will be located in the PacifiC orp East BAA and will consist of two separate QFs, each located more than one mile apart: the 77.7 MW North Point Project and the 38.8 MW Five Pine Project.2 Given the early stage of the Meadow Creek Project's development, Meadow Creek has not yet applied to the Commission for market-based rate authority for sale of electric energy from the Meadow Creek Project, waivers of the Commission's open access transmission requirements relating to Meadow Creek's proposed rights to acquire an interest in the Tie-Line (similar to the waivers granted to Goshen II and RAE), or filed notice of EWG status, but will do so prior to the initial generation of electric energy by the Meadow Creek Project. RAE does not own directly or indirectly any electric transmission facilities other than the limited interconnection generator tie-line facilities. RAE holds rights to acquire an ownership interest in the Tie-Line pursuant to the terms of the Shared Facilities Agreement. RAE also owns directly a 32.3 percent interest in, and through its 12.5 percent interest in Goshen II, an additional 5.6 percent interest in Wolverine Creek Goshen Interconnection, for an aggregate interest in Wolverine Creek Goshen Interconnection of 37.9 percent. RAE is indirectly owned 100 percent by EOLFI S.A., a French Corporation (EOLFI), which in turn, is owned 71.49 percent by Veolia S.A., 2 These projects are currently in development and construction has not yet begun. 20120418-3025 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 04/18/2012 Docket No. EC12-83-000 -3- which specializes through its various subsidiaries in the areas of water cycle management, waste management, public transportation and energy services, 9.46 percent by Asah Lm, a French civil partnership, and 19.02 percent by Transvers, a French private investment corporation. Applicants state that none of EOLFI, Asah Lm or Transvers, or their subsidiaries, currently owns, operates or controls any electric generation or transmission facilities in the United States. The Proposed Transaction involves an assignment by RAE to Meadow Creek, its wholly-owned subsidiary, of certain rights that RAE has under the Shared Facilities Agreement, including rights to acquire an ownership interest in the Tie-Line when the Meadow Creek Project commences operations; and a corresponding reduction in Goshen II's ownership interest in the Tie-Line. In order to effectuate the Proposed Transaction, the Shared Facilities Agreement would be amended and restated to include Meadow Creek as a party to the Shared Facilities Agreement and address the corresponding reallocation of Goshen II's and RAE's rights and obligations under the Shared Facilities Agreement to own and use the Tie-Line as tenants in common. The Shared Facilities Agreement would also be amended and restated to: (1) revise the calculation of the Goshen II's rights to use the Tie-Line to reflect the actual capacity of the Goshen Phase II Project as 124.5 megawatt (MW), rather than the 230 MW currently set forth in the Shared Facilities Agreement; (2) provide Meadow Creek with rights to use the Tie-Line reflecting ownership of the Meadow Creek Project with a capacity of 119.7 MW; and (3) reduce RAE's rights to acquire ownership in the Tie-Line proportionately by the new Meadow Creek share, such that RAE will retain the residual rights to interconnect another wind energy generation project to be built by RAE (or its successors and assigns) (such new project, the "Phase IV Project"). Applicants state that the Proposed Transaction is consistent with the public interest and will have no adverse effect on competition, rates, or regulation, nor will it result in any cross-subsidization or the pledge or encumbrance of utility assets to any associated company. With regard to horizontal competition, Applicants state that the Proposed Transaction will not have an adverse effect on competition in the relevant market, which is the PacifiCorp East BAA, where the Tie-Line is located (and where the Goshen Phase II Project is, the Meadow Creek Project will be, and a Phase IV Project, if constructed, would be located). Applicants state that the Proposed Transaction does not involve the transfer of interests in generation. Applicants state that the Proposed Transaction only involves a change in the ownership of, and in the rights to use, the Tie-Line. With respect to vertical market power issues, Applicants state that neither Goshen II or RAE, nor any of their affiliates, own or control electric transmission facilities in the relevant market other than through their respective interests in the Tie-Line and their interests in the Wolverine Creek Goshen Interconnection generator tie line. The application states that none of the Applicants or their affiliates own or control fuel supplies or fuel delivery systems in the relevant market. 20120418-3025 FERC PIJF (Unofficial) 04/18/2012 Docket No. EC12-83-000 -4 - With regard to rates, Applicants state that since the Proposed Transaction involves a change in the ownership of, and in the rights to use, the Tie-Line, it will not have an adverse effect on any wholesale rates for sales of electric power. Applicants note that Goshen II has been granted market-based rate authority and sells the entire output of the Goshen Phase II Project on a long-term basis to an unaffiliated power purchaser. Applicants state that neither Meadow Creek nor RAE has received or applied for market- based rate authority, although Meadow Creek will do so prior to commencing any deliveries of electric energy from the Meadow Creek Project. Similarly, the application states that none of the Applicants currently provide any transmission services. Applicants state that under the existing Shared Facilities Agreement, Goshen II owns and has rights to use the Tie-Line to connect the Goshen Phase II Project to the transmission grid, and RAE has rights to acquire an ownership interest in and use the Tie-Line to connect projects it has under development to the transmission grid. With respect to the effect of the Proposed Transaction on regulation, the application states that the Commission will continue to have jurisdiction over the Applicants and their jurisdictional facilities, including the Tie-Line and the amended and restated Shared Facilities Agreement, after the Proposed Transaction is consummated. Similarly, the application states that the Proposed Transaction will have no effect on state commission regulation and is not subject to approval by any state commission. Applicants assert that based on facts and circumstances known to them or that are reasonably foreseeable, the Proposed Transaction will not result in, at the time of the closing or in the future, cross-subsidization of a non-utility associate company or the pledge or encumbrance of assets of a traditional public utility that has captive customers or that owns or provides transmission service over jurisdictional facilities for the benefit of an associate company. Applicants state that the Proposed Transaction will not result in, now or in the future: (1) any transfers of facilities between a traditional public utility associate company that has captive customers or that owns or provides transmission service over jurisdictional transmission facilities, and an associate company; (2) any new issuances of securities by a traditional public utility associate company that has captive customers or that owns or provides transmission service over jurisdictional transmission facilities, for the benefit of an associate company; (3) any new pledge or encumbrance of assets of a traditional public utility associate company that has captive customers or that owns or provides transmission service over jurisdictional transmission facilities, for the benefit of an associate company; or (4) any new affiliate contracts between a non-utility associate company and a traditional public utility associate company that has captive customers or that owns or provides transmission service over jurisdictional transmission facilities, other than non-power goods and service agreements subject to review under sections 205 and 206 of the FPA. Information and/or systems connected to the bulk system involved in this transaction may be subject to reliability and cybersecurity standards approved by the 20120418-3025 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 04/18/2012 Docket No. EC12-83-000 -5 - Commission pursuant to FPA section 215. Compliance with these standards is mandatory and enforceable regardless of the physical location of the affiliates or investors, information database, and operating systems. If affiliates, personnel or investors are not authorized for access to such information and/or systems connected to the bulk power system, a public utility is obligated to take the appropriate measures to deny access to this information and/or the equipment/software connected to the bulk power system. The mechanisms that deny access to information, procedures, software, equipment, etc., must comply with all applicable reliability and cybersecurity standards. The Commission, North American Electric Reliability Corporation or the relevant regional entity may audit compliance with reliability and cybersecurity standards. Order No. 652 requires that sellers with market-based rate authority timely report to the Commission any change in status that would reflect a departure from the characteristics the Commission relied upon in granting market-based rate authority.3 The foregoing authorization may result in a change in status. Accordingly, Applicants are advised that they must comply with the requirements of Order No. 652. In addition, Applicants shall make any necessary filings under section 205 of the FPA to implement the transaction. When a controlling interest in a public utility is acquired by another company, whether a domestic company or a foreign company, the Commission's ability to adequately protect public utility customers against inappropriate cross-subsidization may be impaired absent access to the parent company's books and records. Section 301 (c) of the FPA gives the Commission authority to examine the books and records of any person who controls, directly or indirectly, a jurisdictional public utility insofar as the books and records relate to transactions with or the business of such public utility. The approval of this transaction is based on such examination ability. The filing was noticed on March 22, 2012, with comments, protests, or interventions due on or before April 9, 2012. None were received. Notices of intervention and unopposed timely filed motions to intervene are granted pursuant to the operation of Rule 214 of the Commission's Rules of Practice and Procedure (18 C.F.R. § 385.2 14). Any opposed or untimely filed motion to intervene is governed by the provisions of Rule 214. After consideration, it is concluded that the Proposed Transaction is consistent with the public interest and is authorized, subject to the following conditions: 3 Reporting Requirement for Changes in Status for Public Utilities with Market- Based Rate Authority, Order No. 652, 70 Fed. Reg. 8,253 (Feb. 18, 2005), FERC Stats. & Regs.J31,175, order onreh'g, 111 FERCJ 61,413 (2005). 20120418-3025 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 04/18/2012 Docket No. EC12-83-000 -6 - (1)The Proposed Transaction is authorized upon the terms and conditions and for the purposes set forth in the application; (2)The foregoing authorization is without prejudice to the authority of the Commission or any other regulatory body with respect to rates, service, accounts, valuation, estimates or determinations of costs, or any other matter whatsoever now pending or which may come before the Commission; (3)Nothing in this order shall be construed to imply acquiescence in any estimate or determination of cost or any valuation of property claimed or asserted; (4)The Commission retains authority under sections 203(b) and 309 of the FPA to issue supplemental orders as appropriate; (5)If the Transaction results in changes in the status or upstream ownership of Applicants' affiliated qualifying facilities, if any, an appropriate filing for recertification pursuant to 18 C.F.R. § 292.207 shall be made; (6)Applicants shall make appropriate filings under section 205 of the FPA, as necessary, to implement the Proposed Transaction; (7)Applicants must inform the Commission of any change in circumstances that would reflect a departure from the facts the Commission relied upon in authorizing the Proposed Transaction; and (8)Applicants shall notify the Commission within 10 days of the date that the disposition of jurisdictional facilities has been consummated. This action is taken pursuant to the authority delegated to the Director, Division of Electric Power Regulation - West, under 18 C.F.R. § 375.307. This order constitutes final agency action. Requests for rehearing by the Commission may be filed within 30 days of the date of issuance of this order, pursuant to 18 C.F.R. § 385.713. Steve P. Rodgers Director Division of Electric Power Regulation - West 20120418-3025 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 04/18/2012 Document Content (s) EC12-83-000.DOC .......................................................1-6 •**PUfflJC VERSION: PRIVJLEGEI) AND CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION HAS BEEN REMOVED PURSUANT TO 18 C.F.R. .388.112** UNITED STATES OF AMERICA BEFORE THE FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION Goshen Phase IILLC ) Ridgeine Alternative Energy, LLC ) Docket No. ECl2- -000 JOINT APPLICATION FOR AUTHORIZATION UNDER SECTION 203 OF THE FEDERAL POWER ACT AND REQUEST FOR CONFIDENTIAL TREATMENT, EXPEDITED CONSIDERATION AND WAIVERS Pursuant to Sect on 203(a)(1) of the Federal Power Act ("FPA"), as :amended by the Energy Policy Act of 2005,1 and Part 33 of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's ("Commission") regulations.,2 Goshen Phase II LLC ("Goshen II") and Ride1ine Alternative Energy, LLC, ("RAE" and together with Goshen II, the "Applicants") hereby request Commission authorization for a transaction pursuant to which Meadow Creek Project Company LLC ("Meadow Creek") will acquire a partial ownership interest in a generator tie-line, as described more fully below.(the "Proposed Transaction"). The Proposed Transaction relates to interconnection of a wind farm which will be owned and operated by Meadow Creek.. As .described more fully below, the Meadow Creek project will interconnect to an approximately 7-mile generator tie line (the "Tie-Line) currently owned by Goshen Hand in which RAE 'has rights to acquire ownership wider a Shared Facilities Agreement that has been accepted by the Commission for filing as a rate schedule of Goshen II and RAE. 16 U.SC. J 824b. 2 .18 C.F,R. §33.1 erseq. (2008) tv amended by the Commission's Order NO. 669, Transactions Subject to FPA Section 203, FERC Stats & Re s., Regulalions Preambles ¶ 31,200(2005) ("Order No 669"), order on re/z 'g, Order 669-A, 115 FERC ¶ 61,097(20M) 'Order No. 669-A"1, order on reh'g, Order 6694, 116 EERC ¶61,076 2006) "Order No. 669-B"). As explained more fully below, the Proposed Transaction will not have an adverse effect on competition, rates, or regulation, and will not result in cross-subsidization of a non-utility associate company or pledge or encumbrance of utility assets for the benefit of an associate company. Accordingly, the Proposed Transaction should be approved by the Commission pursuant. to FPA Section 203(a)(1), Applicants respectfully request a 21-day comment period, expedited consideration of this Application and that the Commission issue an order authorizing the Proposed Transaction by or before April 18, 2011 L .REOUEST FOR EXPEDITED CONSIDERATh).N.AND APPROVAL This Application qualifies for expedited consideration, as it does not involve a merger or consolidation of a traditional utility with a franchised service area, is consistent with Commission precedent and the public interest, and involves a transaction that does not require an Appendix A analysis, as set forth in Section 33.1 1(c)(2) of the Commission's regulations.3 Accordingly, consistent with Order No. 669, Applicants request that the Commission establish a 21-day notice period for comments on the App licati on. 4 Applicants flirt. her request that the Commission issue an order approving the Proposed Transaction no later than April 19, 2012. Good cause exists for requesting expedited action because. Meadow Creek is arranging financing :for its wind energy project described herein, e.:pects as part of the financing documentation to be required to show that its interconnection arrangements;, including the Proposed Transaction, have obtained all required regulatory approvals.5 18C.F.R. § 33.l.lc)c2). Order NO. at P 194. The Meadow Creek project will also interconnect to the transmission grid via an approximately 18-mile generator tie line owned and operated by Wolverine Creek Goshen Intereonnection, LLC ('WCGI") Through a separate transaction, Meadow Creek will acquire a partial ownership interest in WCGJ from RAE and corresponding rights to utilize the WCGI generator tie line (the "WCGI Transaction') Existing owners of WCGI are RAE :Goshen II, and Wolverine Creek Energy .LLC. Wolverine Creek Energy LLC is not affiliated with RAE, Meadow -2- II. REQUEST FOR cONFmENUAL TREATMENT Pursuant to Sections 33.9 and 388.112(b) of the Commission's regulatons,6 the Applicants request privileged and confidential treatment for the transaction agreements contained in confidential Exhibit!. The information in confidential Exhibit I is commercially sensitive and, therefore, not publicly available. The release of such information would likely cause substantial harm tothe competitive position of the Applicants., including an 'impediment in future negotiations ofsirnilar transactions not'just for the Applicants but for other parties that might engage in similar transactions. The Applicants submit a confidential version of this Application, marked "Contains Privileged and Confidential Information - Do Not Release Pursuant to 18 C.F.R. § 388.122," and ask that the confidential version be placed in the Commissionts non-public files. The Applicants also submit: a public version of this Application with, the confidential agreements removed. The Applicants understand that the Commission Staff will notify them inadvance of any public disclosure of any information contained in confidential Exhibit L Any questions 'concerning this request for confidential treatment should be directed to counsel listed in Section V'I..B below.. A proposed protective order that includes a restriction of the ability of competitive duty personnel to view the confidential material, should it be needed is included as Attachment I. M. DECRIPTICN OF APPLICANTS Goshen TI. Goshen II is a Delaware limited liability company that owns and operates a 1.24.5 MW wind-powered generating facility ("GO:Sbefl Phaseil Project") located in Bonneville County., .Idaho. The Goshen Phase II Project is interconnected with the transmission system of Creek, or Goshen IL Regulatory approvals related to the separate WCGI Ti.' cton are described in more detail in note 14 infra. 6 18C.F,R.*.33..9. and 388.j12(b) -3- PaeifiCorp in the PacifiCorp East balancing authority area Goshen II is owned directly by AE Goshen H Wind Farm LLC ("AE Goshen II") and Goshen Ridge Wind Farm LLC ("Goshen Ridge"), each of which holds a 50% ownership interest in Goshen IL AE Goshen H is an indirect, wholly-owned subsidiary of UP Wind Energy North America Inc. which, in turn, is an indirect, wholly-owned subsidiary of B? p.l.c., a company organized under the laws of England and Wales with its international headquarters in London, UK and its U.S.. headquarters in Houston, Texas. Goshen Ridge is a direct, wholly-owned subsidiary of Goshen Phase II Holdings LLC ("Goshen Holdings"). RAE indirectly holds a 25% ownership interest in Goshen Holdings, with Diamond Generating Corporation ("Diamond") indirectly holding the remaining 75%. RAE is described in more detail below. Diamond is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Mitsubishi Corporation, a Japanese corporation. Goshen H has received market-based rate authority from the Commission and is an exempt wholesale generator as defined in Section .1262(6) of the Public Utility Holding Company Act of 2005 ("PUHCA 2005")! Goshen II does not own directly or indirectly any electric transmission facilities other than the limited interconnection generator tie-line facilities described herein. Specifically, Goshen II currently owns the Tie Line which Goshen II utilizes to interconnect the Goshen Phase II Project to PacifiCorp's transmission system. Goshen U's rights to own and utilize the Tie- Line are addressed in a Shared Facilities Agreement ("f".) by and between Goshen II and See Goshen Phase I1LLC Docket Nos. ERIO-I821..000 and ERIO-1821-001 (Oct. 7, 2010) (unpublished letter order granting market-based rate authority) and Eagle Creek Hydra Power, LLC, at al., Docket Nos. EG 1048- 000, etaL , (Oct. 1, 2010) (notice of effectiveness of exempt wholesale generator status). MI RAE. The Commission accepted the SFA. for filing by order dated October 28,2010. The Goshen Phase II Project also interconnects to PaciflCorp's transmission system via an approximately 18-mile generator tie line owned and operated by Wolverine Creek Goshen Interconnection,LLC ("WCGI"), Goshen II holds an ownership interest in WCGI and has corresponding rights to utilize the WCGI. generator tie line pursuant to the terms of a Common Facilities Agreement ("A") by and among WOCI and its owners. The Commission accepted the CFA filing by order dated January 13, 2006, with an amendment of the CPA accepted by the Commission for filing by order dated April 7, 2010.10 RAE. RAE is a Delaware limited liability company that was formed for the purpose Of .developing wind energy projects. RAE is in the early stage of developing a wind., farm in Idaho., referred to herein as the "Goshen Phase III Projc." RAE is a "holding company" as defined in Section 1262(8) of PUHCA, solely due to its indirect ownership of one or more EWOs and "qualifying facilities" as defined in the Commission's regulations at 18 C.F.R. § 292-101 (b)(1), ("Q"), but currently owns no physical assets and has neither applied for nor received market- based rate authority from the Commission." As noted above, RAE currently owns, through intermediate companies, an indirect 1.2.5% See Goshen Phase if LW, et al, 133 FERC ¶61,090(2010). The Commission also granted Goshen II and RitE waivers of Comm. ission Ord..er Nos 888 889 and 890 and Section 35.28 and Parts 37 and 358 of the Commission's regulations. Wolverine creek Goshen interconnection LLC et al., Letter Order, Docket Nos. ER06267-000, et al., and Errata Notice, Docket Nos. ER06-267-000, et al., (Jan. 27,2006) (collectively, the "WCGI.Order"). Wolverine Creek Goshen Interconnection LLC, et at, Letter Order, Docket No. ERIO-793-000 (Apr. 7, 2010). The Commission granted WCGI waivers of the Commission's Order Nos. 888, 889 and Part 358 of the Commission's regulations, and the same types of waivers and blanket authorizations granted to market-based rate entities with respect to rate and financial regulation under Parts 35, 141 and 34 of the Commission's regulations. See WCGI Order, supra. WCGI is also an EWO. Wolverine Creek Goshen interconnection LLC, 111 FERC 162,209 (2005). 11 The Proposed Transaction does not involve any purchase, acquisition or taking by RAE of any security in :a transmitting utility, an electric utility company or a holding company, and does not involve a merger or consolidation with such entities. Thus, the Commission's jurisdiction under Section 203(aX2) of the FPA is not implicated. -5- interest in Goshen IL RAE also owns 100 0/6 of Meadow Creek a Delaware limited liability company that is developing a wind energy project located adjacent to the Goshen Phase II Project in Bonneville County, Idaho ("Meadow Creek Project"). The Meadow Creek Project will be located in the PacifiCorp East BAA and will consist of two separate QFs, each located more than one mile apart: the approximately 77.7 MW North Point Project 12 and the approximately .388 MW Five Pine Project. u These projects are currently in development and construction has not yet begun. Given the early stage of the Meadow Creek Project's development, Meadow Creek has not yet applied to the Commission for market-based rate authority for sale of electric energy from the Meadow Creek Project, waivers of the Commission's .open access transmission requirements relating to Meadow Creek's proposed rights to acquire an interest in the Tie-Line (similar to the waivers, granted to Goshen II and RAE), or filed notice of EWO status, but will do so prior to the initial generation of electric energy by the Meadow Creek Project. 14 In addition to its interest in Goshen II 'and Meadow Creek, RAE also owns a 20% indirect interest in Rockland Wind Farm •LLC ("Rockland"'), 11 Rockland is a Delaware limited liability company that owns a 79.86 MW wind energy project located in the Idaho Power Company BAA See Notice of Self-Certification of QF status, filed by Meadow Creek for North Point Project, Docket No. QP1-175-000, Jan. 26, 2012, See Notice of Self-Certification of QE status, filed by Meadow Creek for Five Pine Project, Docket No. QF12-176-000, Jan. 26,2012. As noted supra, the Meadow creek Project will also interconnect to the transmission grid via the WCOI generator tie line and, through the WCGI Transaction described above in note 5, Meadow Creek will acquire a partial ownership interest in WCGI from RAE and corresponding rights to utilize the WCGI generator tie line. In connection with the WCGI Transaction, separate requests Will be filed with the Commission, asking that the Commission (I) accept for filing without modification a form of an amended and restated CFA ("Amended CFA "I), which will amend and restate the CFA in order to effectuate Meadow Creek's acquisition of an ownership interest in WCGI and corresponding rights to utilize the WCGI generator tie line, and (ii) authorize the WCGI Transaction under Section 203 of the FPA. The balance of the membership interests in Rockland is held 50% by Diamond (indirectly, through intermediate holding companies), and 30 1/1 a by Atlantic Power Corporation. ("Atlantic Power") (indirectly, through intermediate holding companies). Neither Diamond nor Atlantic Power is affiliated with RAE. -6- ("Rockland Project"). Rockland has received market-based rate authority from the Commission 6 and is an EWG. " The Rockland Project is" a QF.Ls Rockland is not participating in the Proposed Transaction, RAE does not own directly or indirectly any electric transmission facilities other than the limited interconnection generator tie-line facilities described herein. Specifically, RAE holds rights to acquire an ownership interest in the Tie-Line pursuant to the terms of the SFA. R). Also owns directly an approximately 32.3% interest in, and through its 12.5% interest in Goshen II, an additional approximately 5,6% interest in WCGI, for an aggregate interest in WCGI of approximately 37.9%. RAE is indirectly owned l00% by EOLFI S A a French Corporation ("EOLFI") EOLFI is owned 71.49% by Veclia S.A. rVeolia"), a French corporation specializing through its various subsidiaries in the areas of water cycle management, waste management, public transportation and energy services, 9.46% by Asah Lm, a French civil partnership (sociét civile), and 19.02 11/o by Transvers, a French private investment corporation. Other than the subsidianes aforementioned in this Section III A., none ofEOLFI, Asah Lm or Transvers, or their subsidiaries, currently owns operates or controls: electric generation or transmission facilities: in the United States. Through its affiliate, Dailcia 8-A.S., Veolia's energy operations include the operation of biomass (wood) facilities, combined heat and power plants, and local district heating and cooling systems in Europe, Latjn America, China, the United States, Canada, the Middle East and the Si: Rockland Wind Farm LLC, 137 FERC 161,102 (2011). See Paulding Wind Farm II LW, et al, Docket Nosi EGI 1-61-000, at al, Notice of Effectiveness of Exempt Wholesale Generator Status, June 13, 2011. is See Letter Order, Docket No QFIO-574-000, Oct 5, 2010, notice of self-recertification Docket No QFIO- 574-001 ,fiied Sept. 14,2011, Asia Pacific Region. Veolia has an approximately 500A indirect interest in Dálkia North America Holdings, Inc., which in turn, owns several U.S. subsidiaries, none of which is a traditional public utility or an electric generator. IV. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED TRANSACTION The Proposed Transaction involves an assignment by RAE to Meadow Creek, its wholly- owned subsidiary, of certain rights that RAE has under the SFA, including rights to acquire an ownership interest in the Tie-Line; the acquisition by Meadow Creek of a partial ownership interest in the Tie-Line when the Meadow Creek Project commences operations; and a corresponding reduction in Goshen 11's ownership interest in the Tie-Line, in order to effectuate the Proposed Transaction, the SPA would be amended and restated to include Meadow Creek as a party to the SPA and address the corresponding reallocation of Goshen II's and RAEs rights and obligations under the SPA to own and USC the Tie-Line as tenants in comrnon The SFA would also be amended and restated to: (1) revise the calculation of the Goshen II's rights to use the Tie-Line to reflect the actual capacity of the Goshen. ..Phase II Project as 124.5 MW, rather than the 130 MW currently set forth in the SFA; (2) provide Meadow Creek with rights to use the Tie-Line reflecting ownership of the Meadow Creek Project with a capacity of 119.7 MW; (3) reduce RAE'.s rights to acquire ownership in the Tic-Line proportionately by the new Meadow Creek share, such that RAE will retain the residual rights to interconnect another wind energy generation project to be built by RAE (or its successors and assigns) (such newproject, the 'Phase IV Project"), Upon completion of the Proposed Transaction, Goshen II and Meadow Creek would own the Tie-Line as tenants in common in proportion to the capacity of their respective projects and Because the Proposed Transaction will require the SFA to be amended and restated, an amended and restated SEA will be filed separately with the Commission pursuant to Section 20 of the EPA. have corresponding rights to utilize the Tie-Line , to interconnect :their projects to the trnission grid.. Exhibit I contains the transaction agreements for the Proposed Transaction, which are described below. The public version of Exhibit I contains the form of SFA as amended and restated (the "Amended SF A") to effectuate the Proposed Transaction, which will not be executed or become effective until certain conditions are met, including the issuance by the Commission of an order under. Section'2t15 accepting the Amended SFA for filing without modification and an order under Section. 203: authorizing' the Proposed Transaction Confidential.. Exhibit I also contains (1) an agreement among RAE, Goshen .H, Meadow Creek, WCGI, Wolverine Creek Energy LLC ("Wolverine Creek".). regarding, inter al lab the conditions required to be satisfied before the Amended SFA will be executed by RA Goshen II, and Meadow Cree00 and (11) a Bill of Sale and Assignment and Assumption Agreement among RAE and Ridgeline Energy .LLC, as Assignor, and Meadow Creek as Assignee, that will be entered into at the time of the closing of the Proposed Transaction to effectuate the transferto Meadow Creek of certain rights that RAE has under the SFA, including rights to acquire an ownership interest in the Tie-Line as ...relates to the Meadow Creek Project. V. THE COMMISSION SHOULD APPROVE THE PROPOSED TRANSACTION PURSUANT TO SECTION 203-61T. THE FPA A. Legal Standard Commission approval under Section 2:03(a)(1.) of the FPA is required priorto the disposition of jurisdictional facilities with a value in excess of $10,000,000. Section 203(o)(4) (4) of the .FPA :reqiires that the Comnuission approve. jurisdictional. transactions that are "consistent 20 The agreement also addresses the conditions required to be satisfied before the Amended CFA and other related agreements will be executed by WCGI, the existing owners of WCGI (:e ,RAE, Goshen II, and Wolverine Creek) and Meadow Creek, which is required to effectuate, the separate WCGI Transaction described 'earlier. in with the public interest.." When analyzing the effects of jurisdictional transactions on the public interest under Section 203 of the FPA, the Commission relies upon the analysis set forth in Order No. 592, the Commission's Merger Poiicy.Stateme,tt,2l and Order No. 642,22 The Commission generally considers the following three factors in analyzing applications pursuant to Section 203 of the EPA (1) the effect on competition; (2) the effect on rates; and (3) the effect on regulation?' In addition, FPA Section 203(a)(4) requires a showing that a proposed transactiOn will not result in :cross.subsidization of a non-utility associate company or pledge or encumbrance of utility assets for the benefit of an associate company. As demonstrated below, the Proposed Transaction is consistent with the public interest and will not result in cross-subsidization of anon-utility associate company or the pledge or encumbrance of utility .assets for the benefit of an associate company. B. The Proposed Transaction is Consistent with the Public Interest As explained in Section III above, the Proposed Transaction involves an assignment by RAE to Meadow Creek of certain rights that RAE has under the existing SFA (including rights to acquire an ownership interest in the Tie-Line) and the acquisition by Meadow Creek of a partial ownership interest in the Tie-Line when the Meadow Creek Project commences operations such that, upon completion of the Proposed Transaction, Goshen II and Meadow Creek would own the Tie-Line as tenants in common in. proportion tci the capacity of their respective projects and have corresponding rights to utilize the Tie-Line to interconnect their projects to the transmission grid, 21 inquiry Concerning the commission's Merger Policy Under the Federal Power Act: Policy Statement, Order 4o 592, FERC Stats. & Regs., Regs. Preambles ¶ 31,044 (1996) ("Merger Policy Statement"), reconsideration denied, Order 592-A, 79 FERC 161,321 (1997) (codified at 18: C.F.R. Part 2) Revised Filing Requirements Under Part 33 of the Commission's Regulations, Order No. 642, PERC Stats. & Reg., Regs. Preambles 13 1,111, at 31,879(2000) ("Order No. 642"), on reh 'g, Order No. 642-A, 94 FERC ¶ 612892001) (codified az 18C.F.R. §33.2g, See OrderNo. 642, at p. 31,872; Order.No. 592 at p. 30111. go with 'RAE holding residual tights under an amended and restated SFA to interconnect a Phase IV Project to the Tie-Line. Thus, the Proposed Transaction involves a change in the ownership of, and in the: to use, the Tie-Line, which is a facility subject to the Commission's jurisdiction. As demonstrated below, the Proposed Transaction is consistent with the public interest, because it will not have an adverse effect on competition, rates or regulation and does not raise cross subsidy concerns. 1. The Proposed Transaction will not have an adverse effect on competition in the relevant markets The Proposed Transaction will not have an adverse effect on competition in the relevant market, which is the PacifiCorp East BAA ('PacifiCorp East"), where the Tie-Line is located (and where the Goshen Phase II Project is, the Meadow Creek Project will be, and a Phase IV Project, if constructed, would be, located).24 Specifically, as demonstrated below, the Proposed Transaction raises neither horizontal nor vertical market poi.er concerns in the relevant markets. A. The Proposed Transaction raises no horizontal market power concerns Section 33.3(a)(1.) of the Commission's regulations requires the filing of a horizontal competitive screen analysis in order to determine whether a proposed transaction will have an adverse effect on competition?' However, Section 33.3(a)(2)(i) of the Commission's regulations provides that a horizontal competitive analysis is not required if the applicants affirmatively demonstrate that they do not currently conduct business in the same geographic markets or that the extent of their business transactions in the same geographic markets is de minirnis.26 24 See Pacffi Corp. et al., "Order Authorizing Merger and Disposition of Jurisdictional Facilities," 124 FER.0 161,046 at P 6 (July 18, 2008) C. . . PaeifiCorp East includes Paci:fiCorp's leads and resources in the States of idaho, Utah. and Wyoming... 25 18 C.F.R. § 33.3(aXl). 26 19 CFAI. §. 33.3(à)(2)(i). Ste The Proposed Transaction does not involve the transfer of interests in generation. The Proposed Transaction involves a change in the ownership of, and in the rights to us; the Tie- Line. Therefore, the Proposed Transaction does not require a horizontal competitive screen analysis, and raises no horizontal market power concerns. b. The Proposed Transaction raises no vertical market power concerns Section 33.4(a)(1) of the Commission's regulations requires the filing of a. vertical competitive screen analysis in order to determine whether a proposed transaction will have an adverse effect on competition, 7 However, Section 33.4(a)(2) of the Commission's regulations provides that a vertical competitive analysis need not be filed if the applicants affirmatively demonstrate that they do not currently provide electricity products and inputs to electricity products in the same geographic markets or that the extent of their business transactions in the same geographic markets is de minlmls.28 Neither Goshen II or RAE, nor any of their affiliates, own or control electric transmission facilities in the relevant market other than through their respective interests in the Tie-Line and their interests in the WCGI generator tie line, as described in more detail in Section III above. As noted above, Goshen H and RAE have been granted waivers of Commission Order Nos 888, 889 and .890 and Section 35•.28 and Parts 37 and 358 of the Commission's regulations in connection with their activities under the SFA, and WCGI has been gran.ted similar waivers. Additionally, none of the Applicants or their affiliates own or control fuel supplies or fuel 18 C.F.R. § 33.4(a)(1). 2 18 C.F.R. § 33.4(a)(2Xi), 42- delivery systems in the relevant market? Accordingly, the Proposed Transaction does not require a vertical competitive screen analysis, and raises no vertical market power concerns. 2. The Proposed Transaction will not have an adverse effect on rates In assessing the effect that a proposed jurisdictional transaction could have on rates, the Commission's primary concern is "the protection of wholesale ratepayers and transmission customers."30 in the Merger Policy Statement, the Commission made clear that its concern with the effect of a proposed transaction on rates is to protect ratepayers from rate increases Iresulting from a proposed disposition ofjur.isdictional assets. 3,1 Since the Proposed Transaction involves a change in the Ownership of, and in the rights to use, the Tie-Line, it will not have an adverse effect on any wholesale rates for sales of electric power.. Moreover, none of the Applicants has any captive: customers receiving electric power under cost-based rates. Goshen II has been granted market-based rate authOrity by the Commission and., pursuant to its market-based rate authorization, sells the entire output of the Goshen Phase II Project on a long-term basis to an unaffiliated power purchaser. Neither Meadow Creek nor RAE has received or applied for market-based rate authority, although Meadow Creek will do so prior, to commencing any deliveries ofelectric energy from the Meadow Creek Project.. RAE. is subject to the COrn 'ssion's jurisdiction as a public utility only 29 Trigon-Kansas City, an affiliate of Veolia has anon-performing long-term coal purchase agreement for 100,000 tons per year out of a mine in southeastern Kansas Moreover, affiliates of Goshen own interests in the Ferndale Pipeline in Washington state and an industrial fuel use line in California but neither of these facilities is used to transport natural gas for non-owners, and neither is regulated by the states as intrastate pipelines conducting transportation for third parties In addition, several affiliates of Goshen engage in natural gas and oil production and 1. Own or control petroleum products production and disttibution assets but FERC has previously found that these: fuel input markets are sufficiently competitive so as to not raise concerns that these type ..of assets could be used to erect barriers to en tiy E g, Intercoart Power Marketing Company, 68 FERC 161 ,248,order clarifying prior order, 68 FERC 161,314 (1994) (explaining that FERC has previously determined that involvement in oil and gas ventures, excluding natural gas distribution, does not constitute barrier to entry sufficient to preclude inarket-ba.drate 8uthorization). New England Power CO3 et al., 82 FERC ¶ 161;179, at p.61,659, order On reh'g, 83 FERC16i,27s (1998). See Merger Policy Statement at p. 30,123. -13- because the SFA is. on file with the Commission as a rate schedule, and Meadow Creek is not yet a public utility. The Proposed Transaction will have no adverse effect on transmission rates. None of the Applicants currently provide any transmission services to other persons. Under the existing SFA,. Goshen ii oWns and has rights to use the Tie-Line to 'connect the Goshen Phase II Project to the transmission.grid, and RAE has rights 'to acquire an ownership interest in and use the Tie- Line to connect projects it has under development to the transmission grid. Nor will any Applicant provide any transmission serv .ice to other persons upon completion of the Proposed Transaction. Upon completion of the Proposed Transaction, pursuant to the amended and restated SFA, Goshen II will continue to have an ownership interest in the Tie-Line and will continue to have rights to use the Tie-Line to connect the Goshen .Phase II project to the transmission grid, Meadow Creel will acquire a partial ownership interest in the Tie-Line when the Meadow :Creek Project commences operations, and RAE will continue, to hold residual rights to acquire an ownership interest in and use the Tie-Line to connect a Phase IV PrOject. None Would be providing transmission service to the otheror to other persons.. Moreover,, as noted above, the SFA, amended and restated in order to effectuate the Proposed Transaction, will be filed contemporaneously with the Commission under Section 205 o ''fthe FPA. Thus, the SFA as amended and restated, will continue to be a rate schedule subject to the Commission's jurisdiction and have no adverse affect on rates. 3. The Proposed Transaction will not have an adverse effect on regulation The Proposed Transaction will not impair the ability -of the Commission or any state regulatory authority to regulate Applicants or any of their affiliates. The Commission will continue to have jurisdiction over the Applicants and their FPA-jurisdictional facilities, including -14- the TleLine and the amended and restated SPA, after the Proposed. Transaction is consummated. No facilities that are currently subject to the Commission's jurisdiction will be removed from the Commission'..s jurisdiction. The Proposed Transaction will have no effect on state commission regulation and is not subject to approval by any state commission. Therefore, Proposed Transaction will not have an adverse effect on regulation. C. The Proposed Transaction Will Not Result m Cross-Subsidization Under Section 203(a)(4) of the FPA and Section 226(f) of its regulations, the Commission considers whether .a proposed transaction will result in a cross-subsidization of a non-utility associate company by a utility .company, or in a pledge or encumbrance of utility assets for the benefit Of an associate company. The Proposed Transaction does not pose a risk of cross-subsidization and does not pledge or otherwise encumber utility assets. in the 203 Supplemental Policy Statement, the Commission stated that it will recognize three classes of transactions that are unlikely to raise the cross-subsidization concerns described in the Order No. 669 rulemaking proceeding.2 The first such class involves "transactions where the applicant shows that a franchised public utility with captive customers is not involved. If no captive customers are involved, then there is no potential for harm .to customers. . Therefore, compliance with Exhibit M could be :a showing that: no franchised public utility with captive customers is involved in the transctions.03 The proposed Transactions fall within the above: described "safe harbor" adopted by the Commission because no franchised public utilities with captive customers are involved. As described herein, the Proposed Transaction invOlves a than .ge in ownership., and in rights to use, 203 Supplemental Policy Statement at P 16. 201 Supplemental Policy Statement at P .tl (foothote omitted). -15- the Tie-Line. None of the Applicants is or will be a. franchised public utility with captive customers. Because the Proposed Transaction falls within the Commission's safe harbor, an Exhibit M containing a detailed explanation and evidentiary support to demonstrate lack of cross- subsidization is not required. While attaching an Exhibit M may not be required, the Applicants provide Exhibit M out of an abundance of caution but, Consistent with the Commission's policy, do not provide any further evidence to demonstrate 'lack of cross-subsidization because, as shown above, the Proposed Transaction does not involve franchised public utilities with captive customers. VI. INFORMATION REQUIRED BY SECTION 33.2 OF THE COMMISSION'S REGULATIONS AND REQUESTS FOR CERTAIN WAIVERS OF THE INFORMATION REQUIREMENTS Applicants submit the following information pursuant to Part 33 of the Commission's regulations Applicants have provided all information necessary to determine that the Proposed Transaction is consistent with the public interest, as required under Section 203 of the FPA However, because certain information is not relevant to the Commission's consideration of whether the Proposed Transaction is consistent with the public interest Applicants respectfully request that the Commission waive certain of the filing requirements in Part 33 of its regulations, as discussed below. Subject to the foregoing, Applicants provide the fo llowing information pursuant to :Part 33 of the Commission's regulations: -16- A. Name and principal business office of Applicants I. Ridgeline. Alternative Energy, LLC do Ridgeline Energy LLC 1300 North Northiake Way, Second Floor Seattle, WA 98103 2. Goshen Phase H LLC do BP Wind Energy North America Inc 700 Louisiana Street, 33 Floor: Houston, TX 77002 B Names and addresses of the person authorized to receive notices and communications35 The names and address of persons authorized to receive notices and commuthcations with respect to this Application are: For RAE: For Goshen H: Robert M. Ellis* General Counsel Ri4góiine Energy LLC 1300 North Northiake Way, 2nd Floor Seattle, WA 98103 Karen B. Wong* Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy LU 601 South Figueroa Street, 30th Floor Los Angeles, CA 90017 Tel: (213) 8.92-4000 1cwongmilbank.com. James C. Liles* Regulatory Advisor Milbank, Tweed,. Hadley & M cCloy LLP 1850 K Street, IN.W., S uite: 1100 Washington, D.C. 20006 Tel: (202) 835-7500 jliles®rrilbank.com 18 C.F.R. §. 332(a) 18 cFR. §332(b). Gretchen S chott* Senior Counsel BP Wind Energy North America Inc 700 Louisiana Street 33rd Floor Houston,TX 77002 -17. Persons denoted with an asterisk (*) are Those designated for service pursuant to Rule 2010" C Description of Applicants 37 1. All business activities of the applicants, including authorizations by charter or regulatory approval (Exhibit A) The descriptions of the business activities of Applicants are set forth in Section ill above. Therefore, Applicants request waiver of the requirement to file .Ehibit .A 2 A list of all energy subsidiaries and energy affiliates, percentage ownership interest in such subsidiaries and affiliates, and a description of the primary business in which each is engaged (Exhibit B)39 The Applicants' relevant energy subsidiaries and affiliates are described in Exhibit B. Applicants request waiver of the requirement to list in Exhibit B the energy affiliates of Goshen II through BPWENA and Diamond because the Proposed Transaction does not involve either a merger or consolidation with such entities or any increase in concentration with respect to generating facilities, and therefore such energy subsidiaries and affiliates are not relevant to the Commission's analysis of this Application under Section 203 of the FPA Accordingly, the Commission should grant Applicants a waiver of the requirement to list such subsidiaries and affiliates in Exhibit B 36 18C:,F,L385.2010. 18C.F.R.33.2(c). 18 CF.R. § 33.2(c)(1). 18 C.F.R. § 332(c)(2), -: 18- 3.Organizational charts depicting the applicants' current and proposed post-Transaction corporate: structures (Exhibit C)4° The Proposed Transaction does not involve any changes to Applicant? current corporate structures. Therefore, Applicants request that the Commission waive the requirement to submit organizational charts depicting the pre-aid post-Transaction ownership of the Applicants. 4.Description of all .Joint ventures, strategic alliances, tolling arrangements or other business arrangements, including transfers of operational control of transmission facilities to Commission approved Regional Trans ission Organizations, both current, and planned to occur within a year from the date of filing, to which the applicants or their parent companies, energy subsidiaries, and energy affiliates are parties, Unless the applicants demonstrate that the proposed Transaction does not affect any of their business interests (Exhibit D 4' Other than the matters described in this Application, the Proposed Transaction will not have any effect on joint ventures, Strategic alliances or other business arrangements of Applicants or their parent companies, energy subsidiaries and energy affiliates, separate from th Proposed Transaction. Therefore, Applicants request waiver of the requirement to file Exhibit D. 5.Identity of common officers or directors of parties to the proposed Transaction (Exhibit E)42 Goshen II., RE and Meadow Creek are all affiliated parties. The Proposed Transaction will not change these relationships.. Accordingly. Applicants request waiver of the requirement. to file Exhibit E. 40 18 C.ER § 33.2c)3) 1. C.F.R. § 332c)(4). 42 18 C.F.R. § 33.2(c)(5). -19- 6. Description and location of wholesale power sales customers and unbundled transmission services customers served by the applicants or their parent companies, subsidiaries, affiliates, and associatevompaities ''Exhibit )43 As noted in Section V.B.2., only Goshen II currently makes wholesale power Sales to an unaffiliated power purchaser under a long-term power purchase agreement, and none of the Applicants provide 'any transmission service to any person. The Applicants request a limited waiver of the information requirements of 118 C.F.R. 33.2(c)(6)., to the extent waiver may be deemed necessary to provide any additional information including the wholesale power customers of their public, utilities affiliates., because that , information is not necessary or relevant to evaluating the Proposed Transaction and would be unduly burdensome to provide. Therefore, Applicants request waiver of the requirement to file Exhibit F. D. Description of Jurisdictional Facilities Owned, Operated Or Controlled by the Applicants or their Parent Companies, Subsidiaries, Affiliates and Associate Companies (Exhibit G" A description of the Applicants' jurisdictional facilities owned, operated or controlled by the Applicants or the relevant parent companies is provided in. Section III, above. The Applicants request a limited waiver of the information requirements of 18 CIF.L §33.2(4), to the extent waiver may be deemed necessary, to provide information On the FPA jurisdictional facilities of their public utility affiliates because that information is not necessary or relevant to evaluating the Proposed Transaction and would be unduly burdensome to provide. Therefore, Applicants request waiver of the requirement to file Exhibit G. 18 C.F.R. § 312(c)(6). it CF.R. § 33.2(4). -20- E. A. Narrative Description of the Proposed Transaction for Which Commission Authorization i. Requested .(Exhibit 1K) A. narrative description of the Proposed Transaction is provided in Section IV, above. Therefore, Applicants request waiver of the requirement to file Exhibit H. 1.The.identity of all parties involved in the Transaction The parties involved in the Proposed Transaction are Goshen fl RAE j Meadow Creek, 2.All jurisdictional facilities and securities associated with or affected by the Transaction The jurisdictional facilities associated with or affected by the Proposed Transaction are: (a) the SFA and (b) the Tie-Line 3 The consideration for the Transaction The consideration for the Proposed Transaction was reached through are s-length negotiations among the parties to the Proposed Transaction.. 4. The effect of the Transaction on such jurisdictional facilities, and securities The Proposed Transaction will result in a change in the ownership of, and rights to use, the Tie-Line and in changes to the existing. SFA necessary. . to effectuate the Proposed Transaction. F. Contracts Relating to the Proposed Transaction (Exhibit 1)46 The transaction agreements: related to the Proposed Transaction are described in Section. IV above, copies of which are contained in Exhibit I hereto 18C.F.R §312(t). -21- G.Statement Explaining the Facts Relied Upon to Demonstrate that the Proposed Transaction is Consistent with the Public Interest (Exhibit Jf' A statement regarding the consistency of the Proposed Transaction with the public interest j: provided in Section V of this Application. Therefore. Applicants request waiver of the requirement to file Exhibit J. H.General or Key Map Showing the Properties of Each Party to the Transaction (Exhibit K)48 The Proposed Transaction does not involve the merger or other combination of any public utilities with franchised service territories. Therefore. Applicants request waiver of the requirement to file Exhibit K I Licenses, Orders or Other Approvals Required from Other Regulatory Bodies in Connection with the Proposed Transaction, and the Status of Other Regulatory Actions (Exhibit L)4 The Applicants do not require regulatory approvals from other regulatory bodies in connection with the Proposed Transaction Apart from this Application, the Proposed Transaction will require the Commission's acceptance of the Amended SFA without modification. under Section 205 of the FPA. Additionally, the Applicants have agreed, along with Wolverine Creek and Meadow Creek, that the Proposed Transaction will not be consummated until certain other conditions are met, including the issuance by the Commission of the following orders relating to the separate WCG1 Transaction.described ..n footnotes 5 and 14 above:. (i). the issuance of an order accepting for filing without modification the proposed. Amended CFA among WCGI, Wolverine Creek, Goshen II,. RAE and Meadow; and (ii) the I8C.F.R. § 332(g. 49 1. & C.F.R. § 332(h). 1 C.F.R. . 332(1). -22- issuance of an order by the Commission authorizing the WCOI Transaction under Section 203 of the FPA. J. Cross-Subsidization (Exhibit M)5° See Section V.C q supra, and Exhibit M. \pfl PROPOSED ACCOUNTING ENTRIES" None of the Applicants is required to maintain their books of accounts in accordance with the Commission's Uniform System of Accounts in Part 101. Therefore, the Applicants are not required pursuant to 18 C F R §33.5 to present proposed accounting entries to their books or financial statement showing the effects of the Proposed Transaction to the extent there may be any such effects VIII. VFRIF1CAflONS 52 Signed verifications by authorized representatives of each of the Applicants are included as Attachment 2 to this Application 18 C.F.R. § 3320. 1.8 C.F.R. § 335. 18 C.F.R. 33..7•. -23- IX. CONCLUSION WHEREFORE, for the reasons stated above, Applicants request that the Commission issue an order under Section 203(a)(1) of the FPA authorizing the Proposed TransactIon. Applicants further request that the Commission consider this Application on an expedited basis, establish a 21-day comment period, and issue an order approving the Proposed Transaction by April 18, 2012 Applicants also request that the Commission grant any necessary waivers of the Commission's regulations as described herein Respectfully submitted, Is/Robert M. Ellis Robert M. Ellis General Counsel Ridgeline Energy LLC 1300 North Northlake Way, 2 nd Floor Seattle, WA 98103 Karen B Wong Milbank,, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy 601 South Figueroa Street, 30th Floor Los Angeles, CA 90017 Tel (213) 8924000 Fax': (213) 629-5063 kwongCi.miIbank.com Counsel for Ridgeline Alternative Energy, LLC: /5/ Gretchen Schott 'Gretchen Schott Senior Counsel B? Wind Energy North America Inc 700 Louisiana Street, 33 Floor Houston, TX 77002 Counsel for Goshen Phase II LLC Dated: March 19,2012 -24- 'EXHIBIT B EXHIBIT B Energy Subsidiaries and Affiliates The energy affiliates of Goshen Ii and RAE are described below:. In Section VLC.2.ofthe Application, Applicants have requested waiver of the requirement to list the energy affiliates of Goshen II through BPWE NA and Diamond. Affiliates of RAE and Goshen II Ridgeline Alternative Energy, .LLC FERC Order No. 697 Appendix B Table of Energy Affiliates Market-Based Rate Authority and Generation Assets through Veolla Rockland ' ER1 1- Rockland 1ock1and Rockland Wind N/A - l Idaho Power' Northwest 'Expected ' 79.86 MW Wind Farm 4475-000 Wind Farm Wind Farm Farm LLC Company 12/2011 LLC LLC Goshen Phase ERIO-1821 Goshen Phase Goshen Phase Goshen Phase 9/1/2010 PACE Northwest 9/1/2010 124.3 MW IILLC II II LLC U LLC Grays Ferry ERI 0-852 Grays Ferry Grays Ferry Grays Ferry N/A PJM Northeast 1998 1926 MW Cogeneration Cogeneration Cogeneration Cogeneration Partnership Facility Partnership Partnership MATEP, ERIO-1655 MATEP MATE?, MATE!', N/A ISO-NE Northeast 1986 87.8 MW Limited ERI0-1370 Facility Limited Limited Partnership E".84-192 Partnership Partnership MATEP, LLC ER06-1 143 N/A NIA N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0 (power marketer) Montenay N/A Montenay Montenay Montenay N/A Progress Southeast 125 MW Charleston Charleston Charleston Charleston Energy, (currently Resource Facility Resource Resource Carolinas- out of Recovery, Inc Recovery, Inc Recovery, Inc East service) Veolia Energy N/A Veoha Energy VeohaEnergy Veoha Energy N/A PM Northeast 1983 6MW Trenton, Li' Trenton Trenton, LP Trenton, LP Facility Tngen-St ER07471 Trigen-St Thgen St Thgen-St N/A MISO Central 1999 33 MW Louis Energy Lows Energy Louis Energy Louis Energy Corp Facility Corp Corp Veolla Energy N/A Grand Avenue Veoha Energy Veolia Energy N/A KCP&L SPP 1991 5 MW Kansas City, Steam Plant Kansas City, Kansas City, Inc. Inc Inc. #48444$0O55'vI #4844$OO-055y1 .Ridgeline Alternative Energy, LLC• Electric Transmission Assets and/or Natural Gas Intrastate Pipelines and/or Gas Storage Facilities through Veoha Applicant is including any relevant generator tie-lihes , herein out of an abundance of caution. Applicant does not believe or concede that generator tie-lines should be included in the instant electric transmission asset chart because such assets are not networked transmission facilities, are not designed or coiistnjcted.to serve as transrnissionfacilities, and are not intended to serve as transmission facilities for third party transmission customers. 2 As explained in the instant Application, WCOI is a pubHc utility that owns and operates an approximately 117-mile electric :jnrconnect1on line and:related equipment that currently connects wind farms owned by Wolverine Creek Energy LLC, an entity not affiliated with the Applicant, and Goshen Phase II, LLC to the transmission system of PacifiCorp The WCGI hue is limited and discrete and does not comprise an integrated transmission system, and WCGI has been granted waivers of the Commission's open access transmission requirements under Order Nos 888 and 889 and Part 358 of the Commission's regulations See Wolverine Creek Goshen Interconnection LLC, Letter Order, Docket No ER06-267 (Jan 13, 2006), Errata Notice, Docket No RRO6-267 (Jan 27,2006) WCGI is also an EWG See Wolverine Creek Goshen interconnection LW, 111 FERC ¶ 62,209:(2005) ff48444800-0655v1 EXHIBIT C. Exhibit C-i and Exhibit c-2 Applicants have requested waiver of the requirement to submit Exhibits C-i and C-2 because the Proposed Transaction does not involve any change in the existing corporate structure of any of the Applicants AMENDED AND RESTATED SHARED FACiLITIES AGREEMENT among GOSIIEN.P!IASE U LLC as Goshen Ii RIDGELINE ALTERNATIVE ENERGY, LLC as RAE MEADOW CREEK PROJECT COMPANY LLC as MCP and AE POWER SERVICES LLC as Shared Facilities Manager in connection with the GOSHEN WIND FARM located near Idaho Falls, Idaho dated as of 1% 2012 IfloU:3186256.7 TABLE OF CONTENTS ge 1. DefinitionsandJnterpretation.,.....,... ........ ............ .................... ..... ............ 2 1.1 Definitions .............. ............................ ........... .2 1.2 Interpretation 10 2. Term ................. .•. ............ .,.... .......... 11 3. Shared Assets ................ .................... .. ........ .. ................... ... .................. . ... ... ......................... 11 3 1 Shared Real Property Rights 11 3.12 Shared Facilities 11 3.3 Partial Conveyance of Cotenancy 1nterest 12 3.4 Contnuaneof Shared Real PropertyRights ...................................................12 3.5 Access ... ................... ............................................................................. ............................ 12 3 6 Maintenance of the Shared Land 13 3 7 No Interference 13 3 8 Additional Real Property Rights and Facilities 13 39 Conditions to Installation of Additional Facilities or Connecting Phases to the Shared Facilities 14 3.10 Covenants Running with the Land 14 4. Shared Expenses . ........ .. ...................... . .................... .......................... ......................................... 14 4.1 Liabilities for the Account of the Co-Owners No Charging of Fees Premiums orProfits .................................................. .................................... . .......................... ... 15. 42 Shared Expenses 15 43 Invoicing Late Payments 16 44 Rights of Other C9-Owners fbr Non-Payment 16 5. Use of Shared Assets.. ........... . ...... ............................ ....,............. ........ .... . .............. ..... .......... 16 51 j 16 5.2 Shared Facilities Representatives 17 5 3 No Waste or Nuisance Maintenance No Interference 17 5.4 No Public Access 18 5.5 Liens..................................................... .......................................................................... 18. 6 Obligations of the Co-Owners ....................,............................................. 1.8 6.1 Standards of Performance Action Omission or Failure to Perform an Obligation that Results in .aMatjp1 Adverse Effect on Another Co-Owner or thatCo-Owners Phase .................................................................................................. 18 6.2 Taxes...,.................... ... ........ . ................................ 18 6.3 EnvirornentalConipliance. ...... ..........."_ ................................19 64 Interconnection 19 6.5 Wind Data ........................................ ..................... . ................... ...................... ............ 19 66 Voting or Anproval Rights 20 .1 HOU:3I862567 6.7 Relationship of the Co-Owners 20 6.8 Regulatory Status . 20 6.9 No Dedication of Propey...............................................................................................20 610 Additional Partial Assignments. Subeasernents and Suhleases...............................20 6.11, Cooperation.............. ............ .............................. ................... .......................................20 6.12 Co-Owners.. to Shared Facilities Manager........................ .............21 7. Appointment of Shared Facilities Manager.. ......................................................... .........21 7.1. Engagement. of the Shared Facilities Manager ., .................................... .................. 21 7.2 Relationship......................................................................................... .... 21 7.3 Shared Facilities Manager Indemnification............. ....................................... 22 7.4 Co-Owner Indemnification: Disclaimer .................... ................................................ 23 7.5 Removal of the Shared Facilities. Manager .................................................................. 24 7.6 Shared Facilities .Manaer Fees, .............................................. ....................... 27 7.7 Limitation of Liability............ ............................................................................ . ...... 28 7.8 Waiver of Consequential Dam-ores ............. ............. ............ ................... ... ............. 28 8.Duties of the Shared Facilities Manager ..............................................................................29 8.1 In Cieneral.. .... ..................... ....... ............. ..29 82 Specific Authority ....... ................................... .................... ....................................... ...... 8.3 Limitation on Authority ..................................... .............................................. 30 .8.4 Curtailment of Delivery ............. ..................... 31 8.5 Disconnection of Shared Facilities............................................................................. 31 8.6 Additional Real Prooerty Rightsor Fact lities........32 8.7 Reporting: Notices: Records ..................... .. ..... ...... .............. .. ............. ...........32 8.8 Access: Audit. Rights......................... 33 8.9 Shared Facilities O&M Budget .......... ........................... .34 8.10 Emergencies ..... . ................. ................... ........................................................................35 8.11 Cooneration with Lenders................... .......................... .... .................. ............ .................35 8.12 Obligations............... .. 8.13 Inspection.bv.Co-Oers ....................... ............" .........................................................36 8.14 Risicof Los s........................... ..........................36 8.15 Shared Facilities Manager Representative...................................... ................. .......36 8.16 Standards of Performance.................. ... ............................ ............. ........................ 36 8 .17 Assignment of Warranties................................... ....................... .................... .... ..... .... 37 8.18 Rights of Co-Owners: License of Co-Owner Property . ...... .....................................37 9.Representations and Warranties... ....... ......... ............... ............ ......... ....................... .............. 38 9.1 Representations and Warranties............................................................................. 38 9.2 Exclusivity of Warranties..............................................................................................., 39 10.. Force Iviajeure... ...... ............................ ..............................39 11. Indemnification.......................................................................................... .................. 39 11.1 Co-Owner Indemnification , ...................... .... ....... ...... ........................ ...... .......... ...................39 1162 Notice and Legal Defense. ..................... .......................... .39 11.3 Failure to Defend Action.............................................................................................40 11 HOU:31 86256.7 11.4 Indemnification Amount .40 11.5 .4 12. insurance ........... ... . .......... . . ......................... ..+........... ....,... 40 12.1 Co-Owners' Insurance Requirements...............................................................................40 .12.2 Shared Facilities Manager's Insurance Requirernents..•............... . .......................40 12.3 Evidence Terms and Modification oflnsurance Self-Insurance 41 13, Confidentiality 42 13.1 Confidentiality 42 14. Co-Owner Events of Default, Termination, Remedies, Limitation of Liability, Survival 43 K 1 Events of Default 43 142 143 Remedies 44 Reimbursement of Expenses to Cure Lien 44 144 Remedies Cumulative 45 145 Waiver of Partition 45 14.6 Limitation of Liability........................ ...........................45 15. Dispute Resolution........ ....... ........... .............. ... 16 Notices 45 17 Miscellaneous Provisions 47 17.1 172 Transfers....... ........... ............................. .....................47 Assignment by Shared Facilities Manager 48 17.3 FERC Approval ...........................................................................................................48 174 Governing Law 48 175 ComDllance with Laws 49 176 Survival 49 177 Effect of Waiver, 49 17.8 Severability 49 179 Entire ARreement Amendments 49 17 10 Not for the Benefit of Third Parties .............. 49 17,11 Counterparts 49 17.1.2 17.13 Further Assurances ....... ...........49 No Recourse to Affihiaies........... .... ................................ .... ......................................... 50 17.14 Successors and Assigns. ............................................................................... . ......... :50 17.15 17.14 17.17 competing Ventures 50 Memorandum 50 FERC Approval ................, ..................................................50 iii ROth 31 8626.7 EXHU ITS Exhibit A Shared Real Property Rights Exhibit B - Maintenance Responsibilities Exhibit C Billable Rate Schedule Exhibit D . Shared Facilities Manager HSSE Policy Exhibit E - Insurance Requirements Exhibit F Dispute Resolution Procedures In FIOtJ:3186256.7 AMENDED AND RESTATED SHARED FACILITIES AGREEMENT This AMENDED AND RESTATED SHARED FACILITIES AGREEMENT (the "Agreement"), dated as of L 1,2012 (the "Effective Date"), is entered into by and among GOSHEN PHASE II LLC, a Delaware limited liability company ("Goshen 11"), RIDGELINE ALTERNATIVE ENERGY, LLC, a Delaware. limited liability company (formerly known as Ridgelme Airtrieaty Energy, LLC) ("RAE"), MEADOW CREEK PROJECT COMPANY LLC, a Delaware limited liability company ("MC?"), and AE POWER SERVICES LLC, a Delaware limited liability company ("Shared Facilities Manager") Each of Goshen II, RAE, MCP and the Shared Facilities Manager are referred to herein as a "Party" and collectively as the "Parties". RECITALS: WHEREAS, Wolverine Creek Energy, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company ("WCE") owns and operates a 645 MW wind powered electricity generating facility near Idaho Falls, .khiho ("Phase I"); WHEREAS, Goshen II owns and operates a 1243 MW wind powered electricity generating facility near Idaho Falls, Idaho and adjacent to Phase I ("Phase II"), WHEREAS, RAE is planning to develop one or more wind powered electricity generating facilities in the vicinity of Phase II and has, to that end, assigned to its affiliate, MCP, effective as of the Effective Date, that portion of RAE's Project Controlled Assets comprising Phase III (as defined below) and RAE's corresponding rights and obligations hereunder in respect thereof; WHEREAS, RAE has retained therights to, and IS: planning to develop, one or more wind powered electricity generating facilities in the vicinity of Phase II and the corresponding rights and obligations hereunder in respect thereof (collectively, and as further defined below, "Phase IV"; WHEREAS, WCE, Goshen II, RAE and MC? each hold membership interests in Wolverine Creek Goshen Interconnection LLC, a Delaware limited liability company ("WCGI"), which owns a substation, transmission line, and other facilities (collectively; the "WCGI Common Facilities") that are available for use by each of Phase 1, Phase II, Phase III, and Phase IV pursuant to the Amended and Restated Common Facilities Agreement dated F 1,2012 among WCE, Goshen II, RAE, MCP, and WCGI ("WCGI Common Facilities Aeemenf'), WHEREAS, Phase I is connected directly to the WCGI Common Facilities, but Phase. II,. Phase III and Phase IV, due to their location, cannot be connected directly to the WCGI Common Facilities without the construction of a transmission line and related facilities, WHEREAS, for their mutual benefit and the operation of the Phases, Goshen II and RAE constructed a transmission line and related facilities connecting the WCG1 Common Facilities to the Phases and have entered into that certain Shared Facilities Agreement, dated December 1, 2009 (the "Original Shared Facilities Agreement"), and therein agreed, among HOU:3 162S6.7 other things, to share certain real property rights, personal property, services, and other items, to share in the cost of such items, and to engage the Shared Facilities Manager to operate and maintain such items, all subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement; and \VIIEREAS, the Parties wish to amend and restate in its entirety the Original Shared Facilities Agreement to, among other things, reflect the joinder of MCP hereto and the separation of Phase II! from Phase IV, in each case as provided herein. AGREEMENT: NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants contained in this Agreement and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which the Parties acknowledge, the Patties hereby agree as follows: I. DEFINITIONS AND INTERPRETATION 1.1 .Definitions Unless otherwise noted, capitalized terms not defined in the body of this Agreement have the following meanings. "Additional Facilities" has the meaning set forth in Section 3.8. "Additional Real Property Rights:" has the meaning set forth in Section 3.8. "Additional Real Property Rights .or Facilities" has the meaning set forth in Section 18.. "Affiliate" means, with respect to any Party, any Person directly or indirectly controlling, controlled by or under common control with such Party. The term "cntro1" and correlative terms includes the possession, directly or indirectly and whether acting alone or in conjunction with others, of the authority to direct or cause the direction of the management or policies of a Person, whether through the ownership of voting seurities, by contract, or otherwise Notwithstanding the foregoing, none of the Co-Owners shall be considered anAffiliate of any Party for purposes of this Agreement. "Agreement" has the meaning set forth in the preamble. "Amendment" means an amendment or modification of or revision to this Agreement, which will be in writing and will be executed and delivered by the Parties. "Approved Shared Facilities O&M Bud gef' has the meaning set forth in Section 8.9. "Business Day" means any day other than Saturday, Sunday or Other day on which commercial banks in Idaho are required or authorized to be closed. "CERCLA" means the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act of 1980, as amended by the Superflmd Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 (42 U.SC. Sections 9601 et HOU:31862567 "Claim" means claims, actions, damages, expenses (including, reasonable attorneys' fees and court costs), fines, penalties, losses and liabilities, including any tax assessments from applicable Governmental Authorities "Confidential Information", with respect to a given Disclosing Party and the respective Receiving Party, means, collectively and individually, all data, materials and 'information (including software, data, technology, know-how, trade secrets, processes, ideas, inventions (whether patentable or not), prototypes, schematics, design plans, drawings, pricing information, customer and service provider lists, business arrangements, business information, financial information, financial results, technical information, analyses, forecasts, compilations, studies, contracts, agreements, and planning or strategy information) provided by or on behalf of a Party (each Party in such capacity, a "Disclosmg Party") to the other Party (each Party in such capacity, a "Receiving Party") or the Receiving Party's Representatives, or to which the Receiving Party or the Receiving Party's Representatives aregiven access by or on behalf of the Disclosing Party, whether verbally or in written or electronic form, related to the Disclosing Party, the Wind Plant or the Co-Owners in connection with this Agreement Notwithstanding the foregoing, Confidential Information under this Agreement does not include any information that (A) the Receiving Party can demonstrate is now publicly available, or that later becomes publicly available through no action by the Receiving Party or the Receiving Party's Representatives in violation of this Agreement, (B) the Receiving Party can demonstrate is already in the possession of the Receiving Party or the Receiving Party's Representatives and is not subject to a confidentiality or fiduciary obligation at the time of the information's disclosure under this Agreement, (C) the Receiving Party can demonstrate is lawfully received from any source other than the Disclosing Party or the Disclosing Party's Representatives under circumstances not involving, to the Receiving Party's knowledge, a breach of any fiduciary or confidentiality obligation, or (D) the Receiving Party can demonstrate is independently developed by or for the Receiving Party or the Receiving Party's Representatives without reference to, or the use of, any portion of the Confidential Information "Co-Owner Protierty" has the meaning set forth m Section 8.18. 1 "Co-Owner Related Parties" shall mean, for eaöh Co-Owner, such Co-Owner and its Affiliates, and their respective members, directors, officers, employees, agents and representatives (other than the Shared Facilities Manager) "Co-Owners" means all or any of•Goshen II,. MCP and RAE, as the context requires. "Default Rate" means a rate per annum equal to the lesser of (a) a varying rate per annum equal to the sum of (i) the 3-month LIBOR as published in The Wall Street Journal, with adjustments in that varying rate to be made on the same date as any change in that rate is so published, plus (ii) six percent (60/*) per annum, and (b) the maximum rate permitted by Law. "Disclosing: Pad" has the meaning set forth in the definition of "Confidential Information". 3 , HOU 3185256.7 "Dispute" means any controversy, Claim or dispute that arises out of or in connection with this Agreement or the construction, interpretation, performance, breach, termination, enforceability or validity of this Agreement, whether the same is based on rights, privileges or interests recognized by or based upon statute, contract, agreement (whether written or oral), tort, common law or other Law. "Effective Date" has the meaning given in the preamble to this Agreement. "Environmental Laws" means all Laws relating to the protection Of the environment, health or safety or the use, generation, release, treatment, storage, disposal or exposure to Hazardous Materials, including the CERCLA, the Clean Water Act, the RCRA, the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, the Clean Air Act and equivalent State of Idaho laws and regulations. "Event of Default" has the meaning set forth in Section 14.1. "Excluded Facilities" means, with respect to any Co-Owner, the assets and properties of such Co-Owner located on the Land that are not Shared d Assets. "EWG" means an "exempt wholesale generator," as such term is defined in Section 1262(6) of the Public Utility Holding Company Act of-2005 and the FERC's rules a.. 18 C.F.R. § 366.1 (2006). "FERC" means the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and any Successor thtreof. "Financing Party" means, with respect to each Co-Owner, the agent or lead bank and any other financial institutions party to a loan agreement hedge agreement, tax equity financing documents or other financing instrument with such Co-Owner secured in part by such Co- Owner's share of the Shared Assets or all or a portion of such Co-Owner's Undivided Interest. "Fixed Fee" has the meaning set forthin Section 7.6. 1. "Force Maieure" means acts of God or any other casualty or occurrence, condition, event or circumstance of any kind or nature not reasonably within the excused Party's control and which could not have been avoided by reasonable measures, including strikes, slow downs or labor difficulties (other than any such action by or in relation to the Shared Facilities Manager or any of its subcontractors), fires, flood, earthquakes, explosions or other hazards, acts of public enemies, riots, civil commotions, or insurrection. Force Majeure expressly does not include any delay in performing or failure of performance of any contractual provision by a Party (except to the extent caused by a Force. Majeure event); late delivery or breakage of equipment or materials (except to the extent caused by a Force Majeure event); or economic hardship. means the Federal Power Act, as amended. "Full Capaciy" means the maximum actual interconnection capacity of the Interconnection Facilities. 4. HOU31865&7 "GDPIPD" means the Gross Domestic Product Implicit Price Deflator, as published by the Department of Commerce: Bureau of Economic Analysis immediately preceding the applicable date of adjustment, or such other index as mutually agreed upon between the Shared Facilities Manager and the Co-Owne rs, "Goshenij" has the meaning set forthin the preamble. "Governmental Aporoval" means any: (a) permit, certificate, concession, approval, consent, ratification, permission, clearance, confirmation, exemption, waiver, franchise, certification, designation, rating, registration, variance, qualification, accreditation or authorization issued, granted, given or otherwise made available by or under the authority of any Governmental Authority or pursuant to any Law; or (b) right under any contract with any Governmental Authority. "Governmental Authority" means any court, tribunal, authority, agency., commission, official or other instrumentality, including regulatory authorities and bodies, of the United States or any state, county, city or other political subdivision, any quasi-governmental regulatory authority, such as NERC or WECC, acting under delegated authority, arbitrator or any judicial or quasi judicial tribunal of competent jurisdiction. "Hazardous Materials" means any hazardous or toxic substance or waste, pollutant or contaminant as defined under applicable Environmental Laws, including petroleum products, asbestos, polychlorinated biphenyls and radioactive materials. "Incremental Costs" means Phase III Incremental Costs or Phase IV Incremental Costs. "Indemnified Parties" has the meaning set forth in. Section 11.1. "Indemnifvina Parties" has the meaning set forth in Section 11.1. "Interconnection Agreements" means all or any of the Phase II Interconnection Agreement, the Phase III Interconnection Agreement and the Phase IV Interconnection Agreement, as the context requires. "Interconnection Facilities" means the JV Substation, the Transmission Line, and any other facilities pursuant to which the Phases are connected to the applicable Points of Interconnection in. accordance with the Interconnection Agreements. "Interconnection Provider" means any Person providing interconnection services with respect to the Shared Facilities at one or more interconnection points. "JV Substation" means any electric substation that is used by Phase II, Phase .111 and Phase IV, including the substation commonly referred to as the Jolly Hill Substation. "Land" means all or any of the Phase II Land, the Phase III Land and the Phase IV Land, as the context may require. HOU;3 1862561 "Laws" means :Sfly applicable constitutional provisions, statutes, acts, codes, law., rules, regulations, ordinances, orders, decrees, rulings, judgments or decisions of a Governmental Authority or arbitral body. "Liabilities" means any and all debts, losses, liabilities, damages, expenses, awards, judgments, settlement payments, fines, costs, royalties, proceedings, deficiencies or obligations (including those arising out of any action or claim, such as any settlement or compromise thereof or judgment or award therein), of any nature, whether known or unknown, absolute, accrued, contingent or otherwise and whether due or to become due, and whether or not resulting from third party claims, and any out-of-pocket costs and expenses (including reasonable legal counsel?., accountants.', or other fees and expenses incurred in defending any action or claim or in investigating any of the same or in asserting any rights hereunder) "Liens" means all mortgages, deeds of trust, liens, debentures, security interests, pledges, conditional sale contracts, proceedings, judgment liens, orders, rights of first refusal, charges and other encumbrances or restrictions of any kind, whether recorded or unrecorded. "Loss" means any loss, liabjflty, damage, claim, demand, cause of action, fine, penalty, expense and cost (including reasonable attorney's fees and expenses and court costs) whether based in tort, breach of contract or any other cause of action. "MBR. Authority" means authorization by FERC to sell electric energy, capacity and certain ancillary services at market-based rates, and approval by FERC of such regulatory waivers and blanket authorizations :as& customarily granted by FERC to persons with market- based rate authority, including blanket authorization to issue securities and assume liabilities pursuant to Section 204 of the ..FPA. "MCP" has the meaning set forth in the preamble. "NERC" means the North American Electric Reliability Corporation. "Non-Paving Party" has the meanh g set forth in Section 4.4. "Original Shared Fad lities Agreement" has the meaning set forth in the recitals. "Other Co-Owners" has the meaning set forth in Section 17.1.2. "Partieiating Co-Owners" means each Co-Owner wtho sharing in the Shared Expenses or will share in the Shared. Expenses at the time the event, act or vote occurs. "Parties" and "Party" have the respective meani.ngs set.forth .in, the. preamble "?ercentae Interest" means (except as otherwise Set forth in the Agreement), as of any tame, the ratio as of such time of (i) MW installed nameplate capacity of a Co-Owner's Phase to (ii) the aggregate MW installed nameplate capacity of all Co-Owners' Phases, provided that the Percentage interest of each Co-Owner, except as otherwise agreed in writing by all other affected Co-Owners, will not be reduced or adjusted as the result of any loss in output of or reduction in HOU:3 I86256,7 Wind Turbities of the Co-Owner (including as the result of Force Majeure) after the date such Co-Owner became a party to this Agreement "Person" means any individual!, partnership, joint stock company, corporation, trust, unincorporated association or joint venture, any .Governmental Authority, or any other entity. "Phase" means Phase. II, Phase III and Phase IV. "PhaseI" has the meaning set forth in the recitals. 'Phae.Ii" has the meaning set: forth in the recitals. "Phase II Interconnection Agreement" means the Large Generator interconnection Agreement dated October 11, 2006, between WCGI (as :operator of the interconnection facilities and as agent of Goshen II) and PacifiCorp, an Oregon corporation, and to which Goshen U is also a signatory as guarantor, and any other mterconnection agreement with the Transmission Owner and/or Transmission Provider pursuant to which power is delivered from Phase II to the Transmission Owner and/or Transmission Provider at the applicable Point of Interconnection "Phase II Land" means any land on which Phase II will be located. "Phase III" means the wind powered electric generating facilities located in the vicinity of Phase II and to be owned by MCP and having Wind Turbines with a combined nameplate capacity of up to 119.7 MW and all related interconnection facilities and all other rights necessary for the ownership and operation of Phase III and the sale of power from Phase III.. "Phase III incremental Costs" has the meaning set forth in Section 5 1 "Phase Hi Interconnection. Agreement" means the Standard Large Generator Interconnection Agreement for Qualifying Facilities, dated F 1, 2012, between WCGI (as operator of the interconnection facilities and as agent of RAE) and PacifiCorp, an Oregon corporation, and to which MCP is also a signatory as guarantor, and any other interconnection agreement with the Transmission Owner and/or Transmission Provider pursuant to which power is delivered from.. Phase III to the Transmission Owner and/or Transmission Provider at the applicable Point of Interconnection. "Phase III Land" means any land on which Phase III is located. "Phase IV" means one or more wind powered electric generating facilities in the vicinity of Phase II to be owned by RAE and having Wind Turbines with a combined nameplate capacity to be determined and all related interconnection facilities and all other rights necessary for the ownership and operation of Phase IV and the sale of power from Phase IV "Phase IV Incremental Costs" has the meaning set forth in Section 5.1 Phase IV Interconnection Ag eement" means the interconnection agreement with the Transmission Owner and/or Transmission Provider pursuant to which power is delivered from 7 14OU:3186256.7 Phase the Transmission Owner and/or Transmission Provider at the applicable Point of Interconnection. "Phase IV Land" means any land on which Phase IV will be located. "Point of Interconnection" means the point of interconnection under the applicable Interconnection Agreement pursuant to winch a Phase interconnects with the contiguously interconnected electric transmission and sub-transmission facilities over which the Transmission Owner and/or Transmission Provider have rights to provide bulk transmission of capacity and energy from such point of interconnection. "Project .Compames" means, (i) with respect. to Phase II, Goshen Ii; (ii) with respect to Phase III, MCP, and (iii) with respect to Phase IV, RAE "Project Controlled Assets" means, for each Phase, any of the assets comprising such Phase, the Land underlying such Phase and the agreements and contractual arrangements related to such Phase (including the interconnection Agreement of such Phase). For the avoidance of doubt, the Project Controlled Assets shall exclude any of the Shared Facilities "Prudent Wind. Industry Practices" means any of the practices, methods, equipment, specifications, and standards of care, skill, safety and diligence, as the same may change from time to time, but applied in light of the facts known at the time, as are generally applied or utilized under comparable circumstances by reasonably experienced and prudent professionals in respect of the design, development, construction, .commissioning, maintenance,, and operation of wind generating facilities located in the Unites States of America of comparable type and complexity to the applicable Phase "Prudent Wind Industry Practices" do not necessarily mean the best practice,: method, or standard of care, skill,, safety and in all cases, but is instead intended to encompass a range of acceptable practices, methods, and standards. "QISE . Provider" means any qualified scheduling entity engaged by a Co-Owner, to schedule energy generation for its Phase "RAF' has the meaning set :.forth in the preamble. "RCRA" means the Resoure.e,. Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976, as amended, 42 U.S.C. § 6901 etseg. "Receiving Party" has the meaning set forth in the definition of "Confidential: Information".. "Representatives" means, with respect to a Party, such Party's Affiliates, officers, directors, managers, shareholders, partners, employees, lenders, contractors, vendors, suppliers, advisors,, consultants, agents and representatives. "Right -of First Refusal" has the meaning set forth in. Section 17.1.2. 1400:3I562567" " —Shared Assets" has the meaning set forth in Section 32. "Shared Expenses" has the meaning set forth an Section 42 "Shared Facilities"has the meaning Set forth in Section 3.2 "Shared Facilities Manager" has the meaning set forth in the preamble "Shared Facilities Manager Related Parties" shall mean, the Shared Facilities Manager and its Affiliates, and their respective members, directors, officers, employees agents and representatives (other than the Co-Owners) "Shared Facilities Manager Representative" has the meaning set forth in Section 8.15. "Shared Facilities O&M Budget" has the meaning set forth in Section I8.9 "Shared Facilities Percentage Interest" means for (i) Goshen II, the quotient (expressed as a percentage) of 124.5 MW divided by the Full Capacity (such percentage referred to in this definition as the "Goshen II Percentage"), (n) MCP, the quotient (expressed as a percentage) of 1197 MW divided by the Full Capacity (such percentage referred to in this definition as the "MCP Percent age-), and (iii) RAE, 100%minus the sum of the Goshen 11 Percentage and the MC? Percentage. "Shared Facilities Representative" has the meaning set forth in Section 5.2. "Shared Land" has the meaning set forth in Section 3. I. "Shared Real Pronertv Rights" has the meaning set forth in Section 3.1 . "f" means all federal, state, provincial, territorial, municipal, local or foreign income, profits, franchise, gross receipts, environmental (including taxes under Internal Revenue Code § 59A), customs, duties, net worth, sales, use, goods and services, withholding, value added, ad valorem, employment, social security, disability, occupation, pension, real property, personal property (tangible and intangible), stamp, transfer, conveyance, severance, production, excise and other taxes, withholdings, duties, levies, Imposts and other similar charges and assessments (including any and all fines, penalties and additions attributable to or otherwise imposed on or with respect to any such taxes, charges, fees, levies or other assessments, and interest thereon) imposed by or on behalf of any Governmental Authority, in each case whether such Tax arises bylaw, contract Or otherwise. "Transfer" means to grant, sell, transfer, assign, set over, deliver, convey, dispose of or otherwise demise an interest in tangible or intangible assets. "Transferring co-Owner" has the meaning set forth in Section .17.1.1. H01k3186256.7 "Transmission Line" means the approximately 7-mile 161 1kV transmission line with a design capacity of approximately 250 MW that will run between the JV Substation and the point Of interconnection at the WCGI Substation in Bonneville County, Idaho "Undbided Interest" has the meaning set forth in Section 33 'MCC" means the Western Electric Coordinating Council, .a regional entity of NERC. "WCE" has the meaning set forth in the recitals. "WCGF'has the meaning set forth in the recitals. "WCGI Common Facilities" has the .meaning set forth in the recitals. "WCGI Common Facilities Agreement" has the meaning set forth in the recitals. "WCGI Substation" leans the substation :owned and operated by WCGL "Wind Plant" means Phase II, Phase III and Phase IV. "Wind Plant Site" has the meaning set forth in the recitals. :Wind Ti bine" means a wind turbine generator, each including the following components a tower, a nacelle, turbine blades, controller/low voltage distribution panel console (including interconnecting cabling from the nacelle to the ground controller), control panels, wind vanes, FAA lighting, grounding and anemometers 1.2 Interj,retation. 1 2 1 Headings The titles, captions and headings in this Agreement are inserted for convenience only and will not be used for the purposes of construing or interpreting this Agreement 1.2.2 References in this Agreement. In this Agreement, unless a clear, contrary Intention appears (a) the singular includes the plural and vice versa, (I,) reference to any Person includes such Person's successors and assigns but, in the case of a Party, only if such assigns are permitted by this Agreement, and reference: to :a Person in a particular capacity excludes such Person in any other capacity; :() pronouns and reference to any gender includes each other gender, (d) reference to any agreement (including this Agreement), document or instrument means such agreement, document or instrument as amended or modified and in effect from time to time in accordance with the terms thereof and, If applicable, the terms of this Agreement; (e) reference to any Law means such Law as amended, modified, codified or reenacted, in whole or in part, and in effect from time to time, including, if applicable, rules and regulations promulgated thereunder, (f) reference to any Section means such Section 10 HOJ3186256.7 of this Agreement, and references in any , Section or definition to any clause means such clause of such Section or definition; (g) "hereunder," "hereof," "hereto" and words of similar import will be deemed references to this Agreement as a whole and not to any particular Section or other provision of this Agreement; (h) "including" (and with correlative meaning "include") means including without limitation; and (i) relative to the determination of any period of time, "from" means "from and including", "to" means "to but excluding" and "through" means "through and including".. IL 2.3 1dustrv Meanings. Words and abbreviations not defined in this Agreement that have well-known technical or wind power industry meanings in the United States are used in this Agreement in accordance with those recognized meanings. 11,4 Joint Responsibility for Drafting. This Agreement was negotiated and prepared by the Parties with advice of counsel to the extent deemed necessary by each Party. The Parties have agreed to the wording of this Agreement, and none of the provisions Of this Agreement will be construed against one Party on the ground that such Party is the author of this Agreement or any part of this Agreement 1.2.5 Incorporation of Exhibits. The Exhibits attached to this Agreement are incorporated into this Agreement by reference for all purposes. 2.TERM This Agreement will commence on the Effective .Date and remain in full force and effect following the Effective Date until the first occurrence of one of the following: (a) a single Co- Owner becomes the owner of the entire ownership interest in all of the Shared Assets, (b) the mutual agreement of all the Co-Owners or (c) otherwise as provided under this Agreement, subject, in each case, to obtaining any necessary prior FERC approvals for termination. 3.SHARED ASSETS 3.1 Shared Real Property Rights. Goshen II holds the easement, lease or fee interests described on Exhibit A (together with any obligations or restrictions therein and any Additional Real Property Rights, the "Shared Real. Property Rights"). Under no circumstances will the rights under any easement, lease, fee or other real property interests, including any Land, of Goshen II not specifically listed on Exhibit A be deemed Shared. Real Property Rights. The Shared Real Property Rights allow for otherwise do not prohibit, the shared use of the Shared Facilities by the Co-Owners over, in, through, on and upon the land described in Exhibit A (the "Shared Land") as applicable to such Shared Real Property Rights. 3.2. Shared Facilities., The Co-Owners plan to procure, install, and construct certain electrical, interconnection, transmission or communications facilities, including the Interconnection Facilities, for the common use by the Co-Owners for the transmission of ii HOU3196256.7 electricity and for communications over, in, through, on and upon the Shared Land (collectively, the "Shared Facilities" and together with the Shared Real Property Rights, the "Shared Assets"). The Shared Facilities will not include any site access. roads built by any Phase, which roads each Co-Owner shall have the right to use at no cost. 33 Partial Conveyance of Cotenancv Interests. Effective upon the date a Phase commences deliveries of energy using the Shared Facilities, subject to any required regulatory approvals (including any that may be required by FERC), and upon and subject to the terms, conditions, restrictions and reservations set forth. in this Agreement and in the Shared Real Property Rights, the Co-Owner that owns such Phase, as applicable, shall be GRANTED, SOLD, TRANSFERRED., ASSIGNED, AND CONVEYED, AND hereby GRANTS.., SELLS, TRANSFERS, ASSIGNS., AND CONVEYS as of such date an undivided ownership interest in and to the Shared Assets owned or hereafter acquired by the transferring Co-Owner, in eac case in proportion to the Shared Facilities Percentage interest of the transferee Co-Owner i. I n the Shared Assets, AS IS WITH ALL FAULTS AND . WITHOUT WARRANTY. TITLE. INSURANCE POLICY HELD BY. ANY OF THE PARTIES, while at the same time reserving to itself an undivided ownership interest in and to such Shared Assets; provided, in any case, that each Co-Owner will own. an individual interest in the Shamed Assets, jointly, aitenants- in-cOmmon, equal to and in accordance with its Shared Facilities Percentage intere.t in the Shared Assets, for the joint use of the Shared Assets (the undivided interest of each such Co- Owner so owned in the Shared Assets is referred to in this Agreement as the Co-Owner's "Undivided Interest"), Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the foregoing Transfers will include (i) the joint exercise of the Shared Real Property Rights on, over, tinder, across and through the Shared Land, and (ii) the joint use of those certain Shared Facilities located on or under the Shared Land or the Shared Real Property Rights (whether now existing or hereafter constructed), to the extent such Shared Facilities (whether now existing or hereafter constructed) constitute fixtures under applicable Law. Each Co-Owner will have the right to own, hold, and use such Co-Owner's Shared Facilities Percentage Interest in each Shared Asset in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. 3.4 Continuance of :Shared Real Property Rights. Each Co*Owner will be responsible for keeping in full force and effect, and not violating the terms of, the Shared Real Property Rights. Any amounts due under the terms of the Shared Real Property Rights will be paid by the Shared Facilities Manager, subject to reimbursement bythe Co-Owners in accordance with Section 4 below. No Shared Real Property Rights may be terminated, modified or amended without the consent of all of the to-Owners. 3.5 Access. Each CO-Owner and its Representatives will have access over the Shared Land and to any Shared Assets (a) for inspection of such Shared Assets, (b) for maintenance of the Shared Facilities not .performed by the Shared Facilities Manager in: accordance with this Agreement, and (c) for maintenance or repair of any Shared Facility in the event of an 12 HOtJ:3186256.7 emergency and the failure or unavailability of the Shared Facilities Manager or its representatives to respond timely to such emergency. Notwithstanding the foregoing, except in the event of an emergency, each Co-Owner will provide twenty-four (24) hours' prior written notice of its intent to enter upon the Shared Land, and such Co-Owner or its Representatives will follow all applicable written safety, security and site rules established by the Shared Facilities Manager, except to the extent following any such rule would violate applicable Law or otherwise not be consistent with Prudent Wind Industry Practices. In the event of an emergency, prior notice is not required to access the Shared Land to respond to such emergency, but the Co- Owner will provide notice of entry onto the Shared Land as soon as reasonably practicable thereafter. 3.6 Maintenance of the Shared Land. The Shared Facilities Manager will be responsible for the maintenance of the Shared Assets in accordance with this Agreement. Costs and expenses incurred by the Shared Facilities Managers to maintain the Shared Assets will be incurred and shared by the Co-Owners in accordance with Section 4. 3.7 No Interference. Except as set forth in this Agreement,, each Co-Owner's use of the Shared Land or any Shared Facilities will not in any way interfere with the use and enjoyment by the other Co-Owners of their respective Shared Real Property Rights, rights in such Shared Facilities or other rights arising under this Agreement. 38 Additional Real Property Rights and Facilities. To the extent that any additional real property rights ('Additional Real Property Rights") or facilities ("Additional Facilities" and together with the Additional Real Property Rights, the "Additional Real Property Rights or Facilities") are required by any Co-Owner that relate to the Shared Facilities or operation thereof, or that are needed or would materially benefit, in the reasonable belief of the Shared Facilities Manager, the interconnection or operation of the Phases, a Co-Owner or the Shared Facilities Manager will give written notice. to the other Co-Owners of such requirement, with a reasonable explanation of why such Additional Real Property Rights or Facilities are needed. Each Co-Owner receiving such notice .will have thirty (30) days after receiving such notice to determine if such Additional Real Property Rights or Facilities are also needed for its Phase and to So notify the other Co-Ownem in writing of its election to participate in such Additional Real Property Rights or Facilities. Failure to notify the other Co-Owners of its election to participate will be deemed an election not to participate. Any Additional Real Property Rights or Facilities needed by only one of the Co-Owners may be acquired and held in the name of such Co-Owner or if such rights relate to the Shared Facilities, may be added as a Shared. Real Property Right or as Shared Facilities of the Co-Owner under this Agreement, subject to obtaining any necessary approval from FERC. Any Additional Real Property Rights or Facilities that the Co-Owners agree are needed by more than one CoOwner will be (a) procured by a Co-Owner for itself and on. behalf of the other Co-Owners intending to use such Additional Real Property Rights or Facilities, (b) added as Shared Real Property Rights or Shared Facilities, as applicable, under this Agreement, .(c) held in undivided ownership interests, in accordance with each Co-Owner's Percentage Interest, and (d) deemed Shared Real Property Rights or Shared Facilities under this Agreement for all purposes and be incorporated into, and governed by, the terms of this Agreement.. Should the Shared Facilities Manager reasonably believe that the Additional Real Property Rights or Facilities are needed or would materially benefit a Co-Owner and that the Co- 13 HO1J:3 1S6256.7 Owner should participate therein, but such Co-Owner has refused to participate, the Shared Facilities Manager may submit such dispute for dispute resolution under Section 15 Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, upon each Phase commencing operation, the Co Owners shall work together in good faith to revise Exhibit A to reflect the real property rights actually used by, required by or beneficial to such Phase. 19 Conditions tonstallation, of Additional facilities-or Connecting Pba:s.. to the Shared Facilities Any Co-Owner rnstallrng Additional Facilities or connecting its Phase to the Shared Facilities will (a) not interfere with the use or access by the other Co-Owners. of the Shared Facilities, except as may be necessary during the installation, repair, or replacement of Shared Facilities, subject to the indemnification provided in Section 11 . 1 (b) to the extent commercially reasonable, schedule during an off-peak and/or low wind down-tune period any required disconnection of the Shared Facilities to conduct construction activities to minimize the impact on the Phases of the other Co-Owners, (c) provide at least ninety (90) days' prior written notice of commencement of such construction activities together with a reasonably detailed description thereof, (d) provide at least ninety (90) days' prior notice of any planned outages, and the durations thereof, of the Shared Facilities that would result in a disconnection of another Cc- Owner's Phase, (e) take into consideration, to the extent commercially reasonable, any changes in the construction plans or timing of construction required by another Co-Owner, provided that the other Co-Owner does not attempt to interfere with the installation of the proposed Additional Facilities, unless such installation can reasonably be expected to result in an .einergecy or violate the terms of the Shared Real Property Rights or this Agreement or the Interconnection Agreements, and (f) be responsible for obtaining and complying with any necessary FERC approvals, provided, however, in the case of clauses) through Up above, that the Co-Owner installing the Additional Facilities that are needed or would hmaterially benefit less than all Of the Co-Owners, or connecting its own Phase to the Shared Facilities, will. indemnify, defend and hold harmless the other Co-Owners from all Liabilities, including third party claims, property and revenue losses incurred, as a result of such construction or installation activities, to the extent such claims and damages are not covered by the insurance required by Section 12 Installation of Additional Facilities that are needed or would materially benefit all Co-Owners will be at the risk of the Co-Owners, and each Co-Owner will have the right to filly participate, advise and approve all actions to be taken in connection with such installation, and will bear any loss thereof in accordance with Its Percentage Interest, to the extent such loss is not covered by the insurance required by Section 12 3.10 Covenants Running with the Land. Each obligation of the Co-Owners under this Agreement will, for so long as and only for so long as such obligation will be in effect under this Agreement, be a covenant running with the land and will inure to the benefit of and be binding 1.upon, as applicable, the successors and assigns of the Co-Owners, with respect to all such Persons" respective interests in the Shared Facilities and the Shared Real Estate Rights. Notwithstanding the foregoing, upon the termination of this Agreement, each such obligation of the CO-Owners will no longer be a covenant running with the land and will no longer be for the benefit of or binding on any such successors or assigns 4. SHARED EXPENSES 14 HOU:31862$6.7 4.1 Liabilities for the Account of the Co-Ownrs:. No Charging I of Fees, Premiums or Profits. Except as specifically Set forth in this Agreement, each Co-Owner will be solely responsible for its Liabilities relating to its Phase and the operation and maintenance of its Phase. Each Co-Owner will, at its sole cost and expense, maintain in' good. working order and repair at all times each part of its Phase that connects with or may affect the Shared Assets, Further, a Co-Owner will be solely responsible for all Liabilities relating to the acquiring, designing, installing, constructing, use, operating, maintaining and repairing of any of its respective Excluded Facilities. Each Co-Owner (or Co-Owners, if the Additional Real Property Rights or Facilities are, being acquired or installed at the joint expense of two or more Co-Owners) acquiring or intalling any Additional Real Property Rights or Facilities will be responsible for, and pay, all Liabilities relating to the acquisition or installation, as applicable, of the Additional Real Property Rights :QT Facilities, except to the extent otherwise provided in Section 3.9. Further, each Co-Owner will be responsible for all Liabilities arising from such Co-Owner's actions or inactions in violation of this Agreement or the Shared Real Property Rights. The Co- Owners agree that the purpose of this Agreement is for the Co-Owners and their respective Phases to benefit from the cost savings, convenience and efficiencies that result from the sharing of the Shared Assets, and no Co-Owner will charge any other Co-Owner any fee, premium or other profit relating. to the Shared Assets or services provided under this Agreement. This Section 4.1 will not be construed as prohibiting in any way each Co-Owner's obligations to pay for the costs and expenses incurred in connection with the sharing of the Shared Assets or the providing 'of any services as provided in this Agreement. 4.2 Shared. Expenses. 4.2 I Each Co-Owner will be responsible for and will reimburse the Shared Facilities Manager (in accordance with Section 1.3) its pro rata share (in proportion to the Co-Owners' respective Percentage Interests) of the costs, expenses and liabilities relating to the use, maintenance, repair, and inspection of the' Shared Land, the Shared Real Property Rights and the Shared Facilities (the "Shared Expenses"). 4.2.2 Each Co-Owner may, from time to time, propose additional categories or types of expenses to be Shared Expenses to be administered by the Shared Facilities Manager in accordance 'with this Section 4.2. Any such proposed expense must be approved by an Amendment to this Agreement and be subject to any necessary approval by FERC, provided that any Co- Owner that would not be subject to the payment of such expense and would not otherwise be materially affected by the incurrence of such expense must not withhold its consent to such amendment. 4.2.3 Notwithstanding the foregoing, except as provided in Section 4.3, none of the following shall constitute Shared Expenses: (a) the cost of initial construction or installation of the Shared Facilities or shared access roads of any Phase; HOU:318626.7 (b)any other costs incurred in connection with the Shared Facilities of any Phase prior to sharing the use thereof in accordance with this Agreement; or (c)any Incremental Costs 4.3 Invoicing. Late Payments. No later than twelve (12) days after the end of each calendar month following the Effective Date, the Shared Facilities Manager shall invoice the Co- Owners their respective pro rata share (in proportion to the Co-Owners' respective Percentage Interests) of the Shared Expenses and any Incremental Costs The Co-Owners shall pay all payments to the Shared Facilities Ma nager under this Section 4.3 by wire transfer of immediately available funds to the Shared Facilities Manager at an account designated in writing by the Shared Facilities Manager within thirty (30) days of receipt of the invoice by the Co-Owners All sums not paid within thirty (30) days after receipt of such invoice will thereafter bear interest at the Default Rate Each Co-Owner will have the tight to audit, and receive supporting documentation for, any expenses or other amounts required to be paid by such Co-Owner under this .Agreement. If there is a dispute about any amount invoiced by the Shared Facilities Manager, the Co-Owners shall pay the amount not in dispute in accordance with this Section 43 The Co-Owners shall pay any disputed amount ultimately determined as payable plus interest thereon at the Default Rate.. 4.4 Rights : of Other Co-Owners for Non-Payment. If any Co-Owner (a "Non-?aymnn Party") fails to timely make any required payment of amounts due under this Section 4, any other Co-Owner may make such payment on behalf of such Non-Paying Party, and the amount so paid will be immediately due and payable from the Non-Paying Party to such other Co-Owner, together with interest from the date paid until paid to such other Co-Owner at the Default Rate Such remedy will be in addition to the right of such other Co-Owner to pursue any other remedies that may be available to it under applicable Law or this Agreement :5 USE OF SHARED ASSETS 5.1 Use. Subject to the other requirements of this Agreement, each Co-Owner will have the right to use those Shared Assets to the extent of such Co-Owner's Shared Facilities Percentage Interest, including, to the extent applicable, the capacity of the Interconnection Facilities to transmit electricity bi-directionally from and to the Phase owned or controlled by such Co-Owner in an amount up to its Shared Facilities Percentage Interest multiplied by the Full Capacity of the Interconnection Facilities The Co-Owners acknowledge that (t) Goshen II shall have the first priority right to use and access, subject to compliance with this Agreement, the Shared Facilities in connection with Phase II to the extent of 124.5 MW and (ii) MCP shall have the second priority to use and access, subject to compliance with this Agreement, the Shared Facilities in connection. with Phase ill to the extent of 119.7 MW. Prior to connecting Phase III to the Shared Facilities, MCP shall cooperate with Goshen II and the Interconnection Provider to adjust project meters and undertake other arrangements designed to minimize or eliminate any incremental line losses suffered by Goshen. as a result of generation MW from Phase III. After connecting: Phase III to the Shared Facilities, if Goshen II suffers 16 IIOU:3156256.7. any actual incremental and demonstrable economic losses as a result of line losses caused by generation MW from Phase Ill, MCP (or its successors and assigns) shall cooperate with Goshen 11 and the Interconnection Provider to cause an allocation of the underlying line losses to MCP After connecting Phase Ill to the Shared Facilities, MCP will bear other incremental expenses and other Losses that Goshen II may incur (excluding, for the avoidance of doubt, any incremental expenses and other Losses resulting from line losses, which are covered in the immediately preceding sentence) as a result of the use and access of Phase III to the Shared Facilities (the "Phase III Incremental Costs"), and MCP or (to the extent it assigns its rights hereunder in accordance with Section 17 1) its successors and assigns, in accordance With their respective capacities as owners of Phase III, agree, severally and not jointly, to indemnify and hold harmless Goshen II and its successors and assigns, in their respective capacities as owners of Phase II, for and againstany Phase Ill Incremental Costs Pnor to connectIng Phase IV to the Shared Facilities, RAE (or its successors and assigns) shall cooperate with Goshen [I, MCP and the Interconnection Provider to adjust project meters and undertake other arrangements designed to minimize or eliminate any incremental line losses suffered by Goshen II and MCP as a result of generation MW from Phase IV. After connecting Phase IV to the Shared Facilities, if Goshen II or MCP suffer any actual incremental and demonstrable economic losses as a result of line losses caused by generation MW from Phase IV, RAE (or its successors and assigns) shall cooperate with Goshen II and/or MCP, as the case may be, and the Interconnection Provider to cause an allocation of the underlying line losses to RAE After connecting Phase IV to the Shared Facilities, RAE (or its successors and assigns) will bear other incremental expenses and other Losses that Goshen II or MCP may incur (excluding, for the avoidance of doubt, any incremental expenses and other Losses resultmg from line losses, which are covered in the immediately preceding sentence) as a result of the use and access of Phase IV to the Shared Facilities (the 'Phase IV Incremental Costs"), and RAE or (to the extent it assigns its rights hereunder in accordance with Section 17.1) its successors and assigns, in accordance with their respective capacities as owners of Phase IV, agree, severally and not jointly, to indemnify and hold harmless Goshen II and MCP and their respective successors and assigns, in their respective capacities as owners of Phase H or Phase III, as the case may be, for and against any Phase IV Incremental Costs No Co-Owner shall use the Shared Facilities in connection with any projects other than its respective Phase 52 Sharçd Facilities Representatives On or promptly following the date of commencement of operation of a Co-Owner's Phase, such Co-Owner will, by written notice to the other Co-Owners, designate an individual (the "Shared Facilities Representative"), who will have authority to bind the Co-Owner in all matters concerning this Agreement (other than to amend this Agreement) Each Co-Owner may change its Shared Facilities Representative at any tune and from time to time by written notice to the other Co-Owners 53 No Waste or Nuisance: Maintenance: No Interference. No Co-Owner will use or permit the use of the Shared Assets in any manner that would create waste or nuisance, or that would increase the rate, or jeopardize the issuance or maintenance, of any insurance policy relating to the Shared Assets, nor otherwise conduct or cause to be conducted operations on its Lands which would have similar effects on, or otherwise damage or interfere with, the Shared 17 H0th31862563 Assets. The Co-Owners will at all times while conducting their respective operations and activities on the Wind Plant make reasonable efforts to minimize the impact of such operations and activities upon the other Co-Owners' use of the Shared Assets. 5.4 No Public Access. The Co-Owners agree that, unless so ordered by a Governmental Authority, there will be no general public, access to the Shared Assets. The. Q Owners undertake to cooperate in enforcing such requirement for limiting access to the Shared Assets., including establishing and enforcing procedures for security. 55 Liens. No Co-Owner will create, permit Or 'suffer to exist by, through or under the Co-Owner or the Co-Owner's Representatives, and hereby ives..for itself and its Representatives, any Liens on the Shared Assets, or on the Undivided Interests or Excluded Facilities of any other Co-Owner, including (a) Liens for Taxes, unless such Liens with respect to the Shared Assets only are not yet delinquent or which are being contested in good faith by :appropriate proceedings, and (b) Liens in favor of carriers', warehouseman's, mechanics', materialmen's, repairmen's or other like Liens, unless such Liens with respect to the Shared Assets only arise in the ordinary course of business of such Co-Owner and for amounts that are not yet due or which are being contested in good faith by appropriate proceedings, provided, in the case of any such permitted Lien in clauses (a) and (j) above, so long as any such proceeding does not involve any substantial danger of the sale, forfeiture or loss of any part of the Shared Assets and such Co-Owner posts any bond that is required by applicable Law to avoid such sale, forfeiture or loss while s.uch claims are being contested. Any applicable Co-Owner will take prompt steps to discharge any unpermitted Lien fled against any such Shared Asset, or Undivided Interest or Excluded Facilities of any other Co-Owner. if the Co-Owner fails to discharge promptly any such unpermitted Lien, any other Co-Owner will .have the right to notify the Co-Owner in writing and to take any reasonable action to satisfy, defend, settle or otherwise remove the Lien at the Co-Owner's expense. 6. OBLIGATIONS OF THE CO-OWNERS 6.1 Standards of Performance: Action. Omission or Failure to Perform an Obligation Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement to the contrary, each Co-Owner will operate and maintain its Phase and perform its obligations under this Agreement in accordance with (a) all applicable Laws, (b) Prudent Wind Industry Practices, (c) its applicable Interconnection Agreement and the applicable terms 'of the Shared Real Property Rights, and (d) all applicable requirements of the Interconnection Provider (including settlement of nodal costs) Except as expressly permitted by this Agreement, no Co-Owner will take any action, omit to take an action or fail to perform any obligation wider this Agreement, the Shared Real Property Rights or an applicable Interconnection Agreement that materially and adversely affects any other Co-Owner or another Co-Owner's Phase, including any action, omission or failure to perform an obligation that results in damage tow an outage of another Co-Owner's Phase. 62 Taxes. The Shared Facilities Manager shall pay all real and personal property Taxes, general or special, levied against the Shared Assets or the facilities and fixtures located thereon before delinquency and before any fine, interest or penalty will become due or be 18 iIOU:31 86256.7 imposed for their non-payment except that the Shared Facilities Manager may withhold payment of any Tax if such Co-Owner is contesting the payment of such Tax in good faith by appropriate proceedings and such proceeding does not involve any substantial danger of the sale, forfeiture or loss of any part of such Shared Asset, including the posting of any bond that is required by applicable Law to avoid such sale, forfeiture or loss while the payment of such Tax is being contested and notifies the Shared Facilities Manager thereof in writing at least 30 days before such payment is due or paid. All such Taxes and assessments paid by the Shared Facilities Manager shall be treated as Shared Expenses and invoiced to the Co-Owners in accordance with Section 4.3. 6.3 Environmental Conmiiance, Each Co-Owner will, with respect to its Phase, its Excluded Facilities, the Land under its Phase and the Shared Assets located on its Land, be responsible for all investigations, studies, clean up, corrective action or response or remedial action required by any Governmental Authority now or hereafter authorized to regulate environmental or other matters or by any consent decree or court or administrative order now or hereafter applicable to such Co-Owner's use, Operation or ownership of its Phase, its Excluded Facilities, the Land under its Phase or the Shared Assets located on its Land. Each Co-Owner will have the right (but not the obligation, unless otherwise required above) to participate in the management and control of all investigations and any environmental clean up, remediation or related activities relating to its Phase, its Excluded Facilities, the Land under its Phase or the Shared Assets located on its Land or third party disposal sites where Hazardous Materials generated by the Co-Owner may be released in violation of Environmental Laws. The Shared Facilities Manager will, with respect to.. the Shared Land and the Shared Facilities located on the Shared Land, oversee all investigations, studies., clean up, corrective action or response or remedial action required by any Governmental Authority now or hereafter authorized to regulate environmental or other matters or by any consent decree or court or administrative order now or hereafter applicable to the Co-Owner's use, operation or ownership of the Shared Lands or the Shad Facilities located on the Shared Land, and subject to Section 11. 1, each Co-Owner will be responsible, in proportion to its Percentage Interest of the Shared Land, for all Liabilities related to such investigations, studies, clean up, corrective action or response or remedial action, 6.4 interconnection. Each Co-Owner will be solely responsible for securing for its own benefit, and for maintaining, such rights as are necessary to interconnect its Phase with the transmission and interconnection system of the Interconnection Provider through the applicable Interconnection Facilities and to deliver the electrical energy generated by its Phase, or such portion of the electrical energy generated by its Phase, as is consistent with the termsand conditions of this Agreement, to the applicable Point of Interconnection. 6.5 Wind Data. Each Co-Owner agrees to share with all other Co-Owners its current and historical wind data collected from anemometers from locations on its Lands. The sharing . Co-Owner makes no representation or warranty, express or implied, and will have no Liability with respect to the wind data so provided, whether for completeness, accuracy or otherwise. The receiving CO-Owner will maintain the confidentiality of the wind data, received in accordance with the requirements of this Agreement. 19 HOU:318256.7 6.6 Voting or Apuroval, Rights.. Unless specifically provided in this Agreement, each Participating Co-Owner shall have the right to vote or give its approval, on any matter requiring or needing a vote or approval of the Co-Owners, in accordance with its Percentage Interest. •6;7 Relationship of the Co-Owners. The rights, duties, obligations and liabilities of the Co-Owners under this Agreement will be individual and not joint or collective, and no Co- Owner will be responsible for the default of any other Co-Owner under this Agreement. It is not the intention of the Co-Owners to create, nor will this Agreement be deemed to create, any partnership, agency, joint venture, or trust, or to authorize any Co-Owner to act as an agent, servant or employee for any other Co-Owner. Each Co-Owner will remain solely responsible for the actions of its own employees. 6.8 Regulatory Status. No Co-Owner will take any action that could adversely impact (i) any Co-Owner's ability to qualify as an EWG and (ii) any Co-Owner's MI3R Authority with respect to the ownership and operation of such Co-Owner's Phase. 6.9 No Dedication of Property. Each Co-Owner agrees that (a) by the Co-Owner's ,performance of the Co-Owner's obligations under this Agreement, the Co-Owner does not dedicate to public or quasi-public use or purpose any of the facilities which the Co-Owner operates, as applicable, and (b) the execution of this Agreement will not, nor will any performance or partial performance of this Agreement, be or ever be deemed, asserted or urged by the Co-Owner to be a dedication to public or quasi public use of any the facilities of the other Co-Owners. 6.10 Additional Partial. Assignments, Subeasements and Subleases. Each Co-Owner agrees (a) to cooperate, and (b) without additional compensation, to either partially assign or grant a subeasement or sublease over such Co-Owner's Land, in each such case, as reasonably necessary for the development, construction, start-up, commissioning., testing, financing, operation and maintenance of any other Co-Owner's Phase; provided, however, that such partial assignment, subeasement or sublease will not materially and adversely affect the granting Co- Owner's Phase (unless such material adverse effect is solely monetary, in which case, the other Co-Owner may elect to pay to the granting Co-Owner the amount necessary to eliminate the adverse effect, and upon such payment the granting Co-Owner will then be required to provide the assignment, subeasement or sublease). 6.11 Cooperation. Upon reasonable request of a Co-Owner, each Co-Owner will cooperate in the financing or refinancing of such requesting Co-Owner's Phase, including the execution of estoppels, consents to collateral assignments for the benefit of the Financing Parties and other similar agreements as may be reasonably requested by the requesting Co-Owner and its Financing Parties, in the making of any filings required by such requesting Co-Owner for regulatory compliance, and in the operation and maintenance of such requesting Co-Own" ers other projects, all solely at the expense of the requesting Co-Owner. 20 HOtJ:186256.7 632 Co-Owners' .Responslibilities to Shared. Facilities Manager. The Co-Owners shall do all of the following (a)with the exception of information and data the .:Shared Facilities Manager is required to record and collect hereunder, provide the Shared Facilities Manager with all material information, including, but not limited to permits, agreements, data and documents for the 'Shared Facilities that is reasonably required. for Shared Facilities Manager to perform its obligations under this Agreement; (b)examine all material documents submitted by Shared Facilities Manager and render any necessary decisions pertaining thereto promptly;: (c)promptly make material decisions required under this Agreement or any other agreement that the Shared Facilities Manager may be requested to administer hereunder and respond to all reasonable requests from Shared Facilities Manager for approval made hereunder, (d)promptly execute and deliver such evidence of Shared Facilities Manager's authority as may be reasonably required by third parties; and (e)except where the same are being disputed in good faith, promptly make all payments and incur all expenditures required in connection with the Shared Facilities in accordance with this Agreement and the Shared Facilities O&M Budget 7. APPOINTMENT OF SHARED FACILITIES MANAGER 7.1. .Enga&ement of the Shared Facilities Manager. The Co-Owners hereby engage the Shared Facilities Manager as an independent contractor to manage, operate, and maintain the Shared Facilities and to perform other duties pertaining to the Shared Facilities, all as set forth in this Agreement The Shared Facilities Manager accepts such engagement and agrees to perform such duties in accordance with the terms and conditions hereof. Shared Facilities Manager shall be the Shared Facilities Manager as of the Effective Date and shall hold such position until it resigns or is removed or replaced as provided by this Section 7 Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the foregoing, if pursuant to any provision under this Agreement, Shared Facilities Manager is precluded from performing any service, Shared Facilities Manager shall be relieved from its obligation to provide such service.. 7.2 Relationship. The Shared Facilities manager shall act as an independent contractor of the Co-Owners with respect to the performance of its obligations hereunder. Neither the Shared Facilities Manager nor any of its Affiliates, employees, subcontractors, vendors or suppliers; or any employees of any of the foregoing Persons shall be deemed to he agents, representatives, en pioyees, r servants of the Co-Owners as a result of this Agreement or 21 UOU3186256.7 of performing any duties hereunder, and no such Person as a result of entering into this Agreement or of performing any duties., hereunder shall have the right, authority, obligation or duty to assume, create or incur any liability or obligation, expressor implied, against; :j the name of, or on behalf of the Co-Owners; except that the Shared Facilities Manager has the right and obligation to act for and on behalf of and to bind the Co-Owners to the extent expressly contemplated by and in accordance with this Agreement. In no case shall this Agreement be construed to create 'a relationship of partnership or any other association of profit between the Co-Owners, on the one hand, and the Shared Facilities Manager or any of its Affiliates, employees, subcontractors, vendors or suppliers, or any employees of any of the foregoing Persons, on the otherhand. 7.3 Shared Facilities Manager Indemnification. 73.1 Indemnification bj Co-Owners. The Co-Owners shall severally, in accordance with their respective Percentage Interests, indemnify, protect, defend and hold harmless the Shared Facilities Manager and its Affiliates and their respective members, directors, Officers, employees, agents and representatives (other than the Co-Owners) from and against any and all Losses of any of such Persons to the extent arising out of the gross negligence or willful misconduct of the Co-Owners or the material breach of a provision of this Agreement by Co-Owners. 7.3.2 Indemnification by± Shared Facilities Manaier. SHARED FACILITIES MANAGER HEREBY AGREES TO INDEMNIFY, PROTECT, DEFEND AND HOLD HARMLESS CO-OWNER RELATED PARTIES FROM AND AGAINST ANY AND ALL LOSSES OF ANY OF THE CO-OWNER RELATED PARTIES FOR INJURY OR EAT OF NATURALPERSONS OR PHYSICAL LOSS OF OR DAMAGE TO PROPERTY OF ANY PERSON OTHER THAN ANY CO-OWNER RELATED PARTY TO THE EXTENT ARISING OUT OF THE GROSS NEGLIGENCE OR WILLFUL MISCONDUCT OF SHARED FACILITIES MANAGER IN CONNECTION WITH THE PERFORMANCE OF THIS / AGREEMENT. 7.3.3 Disclaimer. IN NO EVENT 'SHALL THE SHARED FACILITIES MANAGER OR ITS MEMBERS, DIRECTORS, OFFICERS, EMPLOYEES, AGENTS AND REPRESENTATIVES BE LIABLE TO ANY CO-OWNER RELATED PARTIES PURSUANT TO THIS SECTION 7.33 FOR ANY LOSS THAT ARISES OUT OF, RELATES TO, OR IS OTHERWISE ATTRIBUTABLE TO THIS AGREEMENT OR THE PERFORMANCE OF SERVICES, OR ANY ADDITIONAL SERVICES, HEREUNDER, EXCEPT TOME EXTENT SUCH LOSS IS CAUSED BY THE GROSS NEGLIGENCE OR WILLFUL MISCONDUCT BY SHARED 'FACILITIES MANAGER. THIS SECTION 7.3.3 SPECIFICALLY 22 MOU:3186256.7 PROTECTS SHARED FACILITIES MANAGER AGAINST SUCH LOSSES EVEN IF AND TO THE EXTENT THAT THEY ARE CAUSED BY THE STRICT LIABILITY OR OTHER FAULT OR RESPONSIBILITY (OTHER THAN GROSS NEGLIGENCE OR WILLFUL MISCONDUCT OF THIS AGREEMENT) OF SHARED FACILITIES MANAGER, AND ALL SUCH CLAIMS FOR SUCH LOSSES ARE HEREBY WAIVED AND RELEASED. 7.4 CgOwner Indemnification; Disclaimer. 741 Co-Owner Indemnification EACH CO-OWNER HEREBY AGREES TO INDEMNIFY, PROTECT, DEFEND AND HOLD HARMLESS THE SHARED FACILITIES MANAGER RELATED PARTIES FROM AND AGAINST ANY AND ALL LOSSES FOR INJURY OR DEATH OF NATURAL PERSONS OR PHYSICAL LOSS OF OR DAMAGE TO PROPERTY OF ANY PERSON OTHER THAN ANY SHARED FACILITIES MANAGER RELATED PARTY TO THE EXTENT ARISING OUT OF THE GROSS NEGLIGENCE OR WILLFUL MISCONDUCT OF CO- OWNER AND IN ANY WAY RELATED TO OR ARISING FROM THE SERVICES, THE ADDITIONAL SERVICES OR THE SHARED FACILITIES MANAGER'S OBLIGATIONS OR RESPONSIBILITIES UNDER THIS AGREEMENT 7.4.2 Disclaimer IN NO EVENT SHALL ANY CO-OWNER BE LIABLE TO ANY SHARED FACILITIES MANAGER RELATED PARTIES PURSUANT TO THIS SECTION 74 FOR ANY LOSS THAT ARISES OUT OF, RELATES TO, OR IS OTHERWISE ATTRIBUTABLE TO THIS AGREEMENT OR THE PERFORMANCE OF SERVICES, OR ANY ADDITIONAL SERVICES, HEREUNDER, EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT SUCH LOSS IS CAUSED BY THE GROSS NEGLIGENCE OR WILLFUL MISCONDUCT BY SUCH CO-OWNER THIS SECTION 742 SPECIFICALLY PROTECTS EACH CO-OWNER AGAINST SUCH LOSSES EVEN IF AND TO THE EXTENT THAT THEY ARE CAUSED BY THE STRICT LIABILITY OR OTHER FAULT OR RESPONSIBILITY (OTHER THAN GROSS NEGLIGENCE OR WILLFUL MISCONDUCT OF THIS AGREEMENT) OF SUCH CO-OWNER, AND ALL SUCH CLAIMS FOR SUCH LOSSES ARE HEREBY WAIVED AND RELEASED. 23 HOU:31862567 7.5 Removal of the Shared Facilities Manager. 75.1 Removal by Co-Owners. (a) Any Co-Owner may remove the Shared Facilities Manager by written notice to the Shared Facilities Manager and the other Co- Owners if any of the following conditions are satisfied (i)For Shared Facilities Manager Breach, Shared Facilities Manager (i) breaches any provision of this Agreement, or (11) engages in negligence or willful misconduct in the performance of its obligations hereunder .or fails to meet its standard of performance set forth in Section 816; and Shared Facilities. Manager fails to cure any such breach o r action within. thirty (30) days after receiving notice thereof from any Co-Owner (or, if such cure cannot reasonably be completed within the thirty (30) day period, Shared Facilities Manager fails to undertake and promptly cure upon receipt of such notice or fails to give adequate assurances to the Co-Owners (m the Co-Owners' sole discretion) that such breach or action will be so cured with all reasonable speed, not to exceed an additional thirty (30) days):; (ii)For Cessation of Oierations. Shared Facilities Manager dissolves, liquidates, or terminates its company existence, (iii)Change of Control. At any time following the Effective Date, if Shared Facilities Manager or any of its Affiliates no longer owns, directly or indirectly, at least 25% of the membership units of one of the Project Companies or the Phases; (iv)For Removal of Project Administrator. At any time following the Effective Date, if Shared Facilities Manager or any of its Affiliates no longer is the Administrator under the Project Administration and Development Agreement., dated December 1, 2009, as amended or modified from time to time; or (v)Exceeding Liabilky Libbliow. The aggregate liability of Shared Facilities Manager to the Co-Owners for Losses incurred under or arising from this Agreement in a given calendar year equals or exceeds the aggregate liability cap of Shared Facilities Manager set forth in Section 7.7 24 HOU:3i862567 (1,) No removal of the Shared Facilities Manager by the Co-Owners shall be effective unless and until a •successor Shared Facilities Manager is appointed with the approval (such approval not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed) :f all Co-Owners. In the event of any removal of the Shared Facilities Manager by the Co-Owners under this Section 7.5.1 Shared Facilities Manager shall provide reasonable assistance to the Co-Owners to assure a smooth, efficient transition of its services to the Co-Owners, or any successor operator selected by the Co-Owners, for which Shared Facilities Manager shall be compensated as a reimbursable expense If so instructed by the Co-Owners, Shared Facilities Manager shall cancel all contracts in a commercially reasonable manner or cause them to be assigned to Co-Owners and otherwise use reasonable efforts to mitigate costs associated with such cancellations or assignments, provided, however, that all such cancellation, assignment and termination costs and expenses shall be borne by the Co-Owners, and not the Shared Facilities Manager, as a reimbursable expense, provided further, that such amounts do not include any sums which are disputed by reason of Shared Facilities Manager's default, and provided further that the Co- Owners shall be entitled to off-set any amounts owed the Co- Owners by Shared Facilities Manager. Shared Facilities Manager shall forthwith deliver to the Co-Owners any plans, designs, papers, computer data, warranties or printouts or other materials which Shared Facilities Manager has generated or has received in the course of performing its duties hereunder. Al! parts, tools and other equipment which is the property of the Co-Owners shall be returned to the Co-Owners. 7.5.2 Resignation by Shared Facilities Manager . (a) Shared Facilities Manager may resign from its position as Shared Facilities Manager if any of the following occur: (i)For Co-Owner Breach Any Co-Owner's failure to make undisputed payments when such payments are due and payable under this Agreement, unless within thirty (30) days after written notice from Shared Facilities Manager to the Co-Owners of such non-payment, the Co-Owners make such payments in accordance herewith, (ii)Chanae of Control At any time following the Effective Date, if Shared Facilities Manager or any of its Affiliates no longer owns directly or indirectly at least 25% of the membership units of one of the Project Cotupames or the Phases; 25 HOU:318625617 (iii)Change in Ownership of Wind Plant. At any time during the term if the Co-Owners (or their permitted ass!gns hereunder) no longer own the Wind Plant, Shared Facilities Manager may terminate this Agreement upon no fewer than ninety (90) days' written notice to the Co-Owners, or (iv)For Cessation of Oper..tions. Any of the Co-Owners dissolve, liquidate, or terminate their company existence, or (v)Notice of Termination. The Shared Facilities Manager provides 90 days' written notice to each Co-Owner of its intention to resign as Shared Facilities Manager hereunder. (b) In the event of any permitted resignation by Shared Facilities Manager tinder this Section 7.5.2, Shared Facilities Manager shall. provide reasonable assistance to the Co-Owners to assure a smooth, efficient transition of its services to the Co-Owners, or any successor Shared Facilities Manager selected by the Co-Owners, for which Shared Facilities Manager shall he compensated as a reasonable reimbursable expense, and Shared Facilities Manager shall be entitled to any outstanding monthly Fixed Fee payments and other reimbursable expenses due and payable prior to such termination If so instructed by the Co-Owners, Shared Facilities Manager shall cancel all contracts in a commercially reasonable manner and otherwise use reasonable effoñs to mitigate costs associated with such cancellations; provided, however, that all such cancellation and termination costs and expenses shall be borne by the Co-Owners, and not the Shared Facilities Manager, as a reimbursable expense. 7,5.3 Obligations at End of Term or Upon Removal or Resinnation.. (a)Shared Facilities Manager shall perform all services with respect to the Shared Facilities as required under this Agreement through the date of termination or expiration of this Agreement or the removal or resignation of the Shared Facilities Manager in accordance with this Section 74, and each Co-Owner shall make all payments required by it hereunder through such date, with such payment to be made in full within thirty (30) days after such termination, expiration, removal or resignation.. (b)The Shared Facilities Manager shall deliver to the Co-Osviem all of the Co-Owner Property (including any copies thereof) upon expiration or termination of this Agreement or the removal or resignation of the Shared. Facilities Manager in accordance with this Section 7.4 and Upon reasonable request of the Co-Owners 26 FIOU:3 8625&7 from time to time. Upon expiration or termination of this Agreement or the removal or resignation of the Shared Facilities Manager in accordance with this Section 74 the Parties shall cooperate with one another in the orderly transfer of services, including providing all information, service schedules, reports and other data in the Shared Facilities Manager's possession and relating to the Shared Facilities and, at the Co-Owners' request, any rights under any contracts with subcontractors to the extent assignable; nrovided, however 4 that any such efforts requested by the Co-Owners and performed by the Shared Facilities Manager after the date of termination or expiration of this Agreement (for any reason) shall be a reimbursable expense and compensated in accordance with Section 16 .3 , 7.6 Shared Facilities Manager Fees. 76,1 Fixed Fee As consideration for the management and scheduled maintenance services to be performed hereunder, beginning on the date Phase ill first delivers energy using the Shared Facilities the Shared Facilities Manager shall be paid an annual fee (as adjusted pursuant to Section 762) equal to Thirty Eight Thousand Seven Hundred Sixty Five Dollars ($38,765 00) (the "Fixed Fee") The Fixed Fee shall be payable monthly in arrears at the rate of one-twelfth (1/12th) of the annual Fixed Fee, and may be prorated for partial months at the beginning and end of the Term hereof. If any of the Co-Owners declare Force Majeure, the Co- Owners shall continue to pay the Shared Facilities Manager the Fixed Fee (as adjusted pursuant to this Section 76) and the reimbursable expenses in accordance with Section 763 The Fixed Fee shall be allocated among the Co-Owners in proportion to their respective Percentage Interests. 7,612 Fee Adjustment The Fixed Fee shall be increased (but not decreased) annually for each calendar year after calendar year 2012 by a factor of one hundred percent (100 0/6) of the percentage change in the GDPIPD, if increased, during such calendar year. 7.63 Reimbursement Expenses. In addition to the Fixed Fee, the Shared- Facilities Manager shall be paid or reimbursed for any unscheduled maintenance repairs to and replacements of the Shared Facilities, and any other work not listed on Exhibit B performed by, or on behalf of, Shared Facilities Manager in accordance with the billable rate schedule set out in Exhibit B attached hereto (subject to Section 822) The Shared Facilities Manager shall have the right to pre-invoice the Co-Owners for any materials and components required to be provided hereunder, and not to proceed with the acquisition of such materials and components unless payment has been received by Shared Facilities Manager for such materials and components. 27 HOU:3186256,7 7.6 .4 Untimely ?avent In the event the Co-Owners fail to make timely payment of a properly rendered invoice in accordance with this Agreement, then the Co-Owners shall be jointly and severally responsible for any interest charged by a vendor or contractor as a result of:Co- Owners' late payment. 73 L•imta, tion of Uabiiltv. EXCEPT IN THE , CASE OF FRAUDI sw&wn FACILITIES MANAGER'S TOTAL LIABILITY INCURRED AS A RESULT OF EVENTS OCCURRING OR CLAIMS ARISING IN ANY CALENDAR YEAR DURING THE TERM OF THIS AGREEMENT, WHETHER BASED IN CONTRACT, WARRANTY, TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE), STRICT LIABILITY OR OTHERWISE, ARISING OUT OF, CONNECTED WITH OR RESULTING FROM THIS AGREEMENT OR FROM THE PERFORMANCE OR BREACH THEREOF, OR FROM ANY SERVICES COVERED BY OR FURNISHED DURING THE TERM OF THIS AGREEMENT, SHALL IN NO EVENT EXCEED THE AMOUNT OF THE SHARED FACILITIES MANAGER'S FIXED FEE UNDER THIS AGREEMENT FOR SUCH CALENDAR YEAR. NOTWITHSTANDING THE FOREGOING, IF FACILITIES MANAGER ELECTS TO EXERCISE ITS RIGHT TO SELF INSURE UNDER SECIION 12.3 OF THIS AGREEMENT, ANY LIABILITY THAT FACILITIES MANAGER WOULD NOT HAVE INCURRED BUT FOR ITS ELECTION TO SELF INSURE UNDER SECTION 12.3 SHALL NOT BE CAPPED BY THE LIMITATION IN THIS SECTION 77 IT BEING UNDERSTOOD THAT PAYMENTS IN RESPECT OF DEDUCTIBLES OR EXCESS LOSSES THAT WOULD NOT HAVE BEEN COVERED BY THIRD PARTY INSURANCE SHALL BE CAPPED BY THE LIMITATION IN THIS SECTION 7.7. 7.8 Waiver of Conseuuentil Darnaaes. NO SHARD FAC•ILITIE$MANAGER RELATED PARTIES SHALL BE LIABLE TO ANY CO-OWNER RELATED PARTIES, NOR SHALL ANY CO-OWNER RELATED PARTIES (OR THEIR RESPECTIVE FINANCING PARTIES) BE LIABLE TO ANY SHARED FACILITIES MANAGER RELATED PARTIES OR ANY CO-OWNER RELATED PARTIES OF ANY OTHER CO-OWNER, FOR ANY PUNITIVE, EXEMPLARY, CONSEQUENTIAL OR SPECIAL DAMAGES THAT ARISE OUT OF, RELATE TO, OR ARE OTHERWISE ATTRIBUTABLE TO THIS AGREEMENT OR THE PERFORMANCE OR NON- PERFORMANCE OF SERVICES, OR ANY ADDITIONAL SERVICES, OR OTHER DUTIES HEREUNDER THIS SECTION 7.8 SPECIFICALLY PROTECTS SHARED FACILITIES MANAGER RELATED PARTIES, AND CO-OWNER RELATED PARTIES (INCLUDING THEIR RESPECTIVE FINANCING PARTIES), AGAINST SUCH PUNITIVE, CONSEQUENTIAL OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES EVEN IF WITH RESPECT TO THE NEGLIGENCE, GROSS NEGLIGENCE, WILLFUL MISCONDUCT, STRICT LIABILITY OR OTHER FAULT OR RESPONSIBILITY OF SHARED FACILITIES MANAGER RELATED PARTIES AND CO-OWNER RELATED PARTIES, AS THE CASE MAY BE, AND ALL RIGHTS TO RECOVER SUCH PUNITIVE, CONSEQUENTIAL OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES ARE HEREBY WAIVED AND RELEASED, EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT SUCH DAMAGES ARE OWED TO THIRD PARTIES IN RELATION TO A LOSS FOR WHICH ONE PARTY 28 HOU:3186256.7 OWES INDEMNITY OBLIGATIONS TO THE OTHER PARTY UNDER THIS AGREEMENT 8. DUTIES OF THE SHARED FACILITIES MANAGER 81 In General. The Shared Facilities Manager shall cause the Shared Facilities to be operated and maintained in alt material respect in accordance with (a) all applicable Laws (b) Prudent Wind Industry Practices, (c) all applicable requirements of the Interconnection Provider, and (d) the terms and provisions of this Agreement, including taking the actions described in Exhibit B Except as expressly stated herein, all decisions with respect to the Shared Facilities shall be taken by the Shared Facilities Manager, winch, except as expressly stated herein, shalt have full authority to act on behalf of the Co-Owners with respect to all matters relating to the 'Shared Facilities. 8.2 Specific Authority. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, and in addition to the authority otherwise granted herein, the Shared Facilities Manager shall have the power, without further consent or approval of the Co-Owners 8.2.1 to negotiate, enter into, execute, acknowledge or amend agreements relating to the use, operation, maintenance, and repair of the Shared Assets (as permitted by this Agreement) on behalf of the Co-Owners, in each..case in accordance with the then-applicable Approved Shared Facilities O&M Budget, and provided that (i) no such actions adversely affect the rights or privileges of the Co-Owners except with respect to incurring additional expenses for the accounts of the Co-Owners and (11) the Shared Facilities Manager shall provide each Co-Owner with copies of any such agreement promptly upon execution thereof; 81.2 to employ from time to time, at the expense of the Co-Owners, persons, firms or corporations to render services generally needed to accomplish the purposes of the Co-Owners with respect to the Shared Assets, provided that if the Shared Facilities Manager retains any party who is an Affiliate of the Shared Facilities Manager for any of these purposes, the fees charged shall be based on the fair market value, for similar services, and the Shared Facilities Manager shall not be entitled to the percentage mark- up set forth in Exhibit C;: 8.23 to pay and collect amounts due in connection with the Shared Assets, and to maintain one or more bank accounts wherein 'funds received by the Shared Facilities Manager in connection with its duties hereunder shall be maintained, In each case in accordance with the then-applicable Approved Shared Facilities O&M Budget, 8.2.4 to expend monies' necessary for the mai'agerent, operation, maintenance, and repair of the Shared Facilities (in accordance with the Approved Shared Facilities O&M Budget); 29 'HOth318256.7 8.2.5 to commit to the expenditure of or spend up to and including One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($1001000) for and on behalf of the Co-Owners to expedite repairs to the Shared Facilities due to an emergency, provided that the Shared Facilities Manager gives concurrent notice by facsimile to the Co-Owners regarding the nature and amount of the expenditure; 8.26 to negotiate with, and represent the Co-Owners' interests before any Qovernmental Authority regarding property valuation and real property taxes (if any) related to the Shared Assets; and 8.27 to execute, acknowledge, and deliver any and all instruments, and take such other steps as are reasonably necessary to effectuate the foregoing and as are consistent therewith. 8.3 Limitation on Authority. 83.1 The Shared Facilities Manager shall not, without the approval of all of the Co-Owners: (a)Create or cause to be created any Lien on any of the Shared Assets; (b)Amend or modify the terms of this Agreement or the Shared Real Property Rights; (c)Perform or omit to perform any act which would cause any person reasonably to believe that the Shared Facilities Manager is a partner of the Co-Owners or authorized to bind such Co-Owners, except as expressly provided herein; .(d) Sell, assign, mortgage, encumber, convey or otherwise transfer all or any portion of the Undivided Interest held by any Co-Owner, or any components of the Shared Assets (other than due to obsolescence or upon winding up hereunder); (e)Borrow funds or otherwise incur indebtedness for borrowed money on behalf of a Co-Owner, (f)Procure any insurance coverage that is less than the coverages required by Section 12; or (g)Adopt any Shared Facilities O&M Budget or amend or modify any Approved Shared Facilities O&M Budget. 83.2 The Shared Facilities Manager shall not, without the approval of all of the Participating Co-Owner: .30 14OU:3186256-7 (a)Commit to expenditures in excess of One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000) for and on behalf of the Participat Co- U19 for repairs to the Shared Facilities due to an emergency. (b)Compromise or settle (I) any single claim, demand, class action proceeding, or debt in which the amount of damages is in excess of One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000), or (ii) claims, demands, class action proceedings or debt in which the aggregate amount of damages during any calendar year is in excess of Two Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($250,000), or (c)Incur cumulative expenses l of more than One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000) in any instance (exclusive of the Fixed Fee) that is not included in the Approved Shared Facilities O&M Budget 84 Curtailment of Delivery The Shared Facilities Manager may, in accordance with the following provisions, direct the Co-Owners to interrupt or reduce deliveries of electrical power (i) when necessary in order to maintain, repair, replace, remove, investigate, inspect or test any part of the Shared Assets, (ii) if the Shared Facilities Manager determines, in its reasonable discretion, that interruption or reduction is necessary due to an emergency, or (in) at the direction of the Interconnection Provider, a QSE Provider or a Governmental Authority. With respect to any interruption or reduction of deliveries of electrical power pursuant to clauses (i) or (ii) of the preceding sentence, the Shared Facilities Manager shall lund the length of any such interruption or curtailment to that time strictly necessary to correct the problem.,Any interruption or curtailment made pursuant to clause (i) of the preceding sentence shall be made to the extent commercially reasonable during periods of low or no winds or low energy prices Unless directed otherwise by the Interconnection Provider, a QSE Provider or a Governmental Authority, the Shared Facilities Manager shall curtail each Co-Owner such that (a) Phase W shall be first Phase, Phase III shall be the second Phase, and Phase II shall be the last Phase, to be curtailed, interrupted or reduced from the JV Substation, and (b) Phase II shall be the first Phase, Phase III shall be the second Phase, and Phase IV shall be the last Phase, to be permitted to use the Shared Facilities, provided, however, in the event the need for the interruption or reduction can be attributed to a particular Co-Owner's Phase or portions of its Phase, then the Shared Facilities Manager shall, to the extent possible, limit such interruption or reduction to such Phase or portions of the Phase, as the case may be Each Co-Owner shall promptly effect such interruption in, or reduction of, delivery as the Shared Facilities Manager shall direct pursuant to this Section 84 upon notice from the Shared Facilities Manager, which notice shall be reasonable under the circumstances 8.5 Disconnection of Shared Facilities.. The Shared Facilities Manager shall have the power and authority to disconnect the Phase of a Co-Owner (a) upon liquidation and removal of the Shared Facilities upon termination or expiration of the Agreement, and Section 14 ,2 .2 upon a Co-Owner's default hereunder, provided that any necessary FERC approvals are obtained prior to effectuating such disconnection, (b) if the Shared Facilities Manager determines, in its 31 UOU:31862567 reasonable discretion, that disconnection is necessary in the event of an emergency; or (o) at the direction of the Interconnection Provider, a QSE Provider or :a Governmental Authority. In the cases of (i) a default for which a proper notice and cure period have already been provided pursuant to Section 14.2.2, (ii) a real or reasonably perceived emergency or (iii) as directed under clause (c) above, the Shared Facilities Manager shall provide notice to the relevant Co-Owner concurrently with disconnecting its Projector as soon thereafter as is reasonably practical. 81 6 Additionaj Real Pronertv.Rights or. Facilities. Upon acquisition of any Additional Real Property Rights or Facilities under Section 3.8. the Shared. Facilities 'Manager will prepare amendments to Exhibit A to reflect the addition of the Additional Real Property Rights or Facilities, which will be submitted to each Co-Owner for its review and approval. Reporting; Notices;. Records. The Shared Facilities Manager shall, from time to time, provide reports to the Co-Owners sufficient to keep the Co-Owners reasonably apprised as to significant matters concerning the maintenance, and repair of the Shared Facilities, including such tatters related thereto as may have a material impact on the operation, maintenance and repair of each Co-Owner's Phase. The Shared Facilities Manager's reporting Obligations shall include all of the following: (a)Providing monthly reports by the fifteenth (15th) Business Day of the following month and attending such regular monthly and/or quarterly meetings as the Co-Owners may reasonably request; provided,the Shared Facilities Manager receives at, least seven (7) days' notice of such meetings, and such meetings either are held within forty (40) miles of the Wind. Plant Site, or maybe attended telephonically. (b)Collecting data and information regarding the Shared Facilities' performance and generating for the Co-Owners performance reports setting forth, among other information reasonably required by the Co-Owners, the Shared Facilities' performance and availability. (c)Promptly after receiving the same, providing to the Co-Owners written notice of any communications, orders or requirements of any Governmental Authority affecting the Shared Facilities. (d)Shared Facilities Manager shall cooperate fully and provide such records and other information that may be requested by the Co- Owners in correction with (i) the filing of its tax returns; (ii) the maintenance and retention of its books and records, (iii) any financial reporting or other disclosures that may be required, and (iv) any audit, litigation or other proceeding by any Governmental Authority, including 'those that pertain to taxes. (e)Collecting and providing any information, to the extent such S nformation is in Shared Facilities Manager's possession or is 32 80th3186256i reasonably available to Shared Facilities Manager, regarding the Shared Facilities required for any reports to any Governmental .Authorities (f)Reporting promptly (and Mi. any event within twenty-four (24) hours of becoming aware of an incident) to the Co-Owners and to any other Persons entitled to receive such notice any incident of explosion, fire, storm, or other emergency on the Wind Plant Site which could reasonably be expected to threaten life or property (g)Providing prompt written notice to the Co-Owners, all in commercially reasonable detail upon learning of the event requiring notice, of (x) any actual violation of any applicable Law, including a requirement of any permit, and (y) all events, occurrences, conditions, and issues that the Shared Facilities Manager reasonably considers are material to, or are reasonably Likely to have a material adverse effect on, the operation, maintenance, or results of operations, 'including notices of liens and claims of liens and any and all notices under any project agreements of defaults, events or other conditions required to be reported to the counterparties thereunder. (Ii) Providing such other reports and information as. may be reasonably requested by the Co-Owners under the terms of this Agreement 88 Access Audit Rights The Shared Facilities Manager shall allow the Co-Owners and the Co-Owners' authorized representatives reasonable access to the Wind Plant and the Shared Assets for the purposes of the Co-Owners and the Co-Owners' authorized representatives access to inspect the books and records maintained by the Shared Facilities Manager with respect to the Shared Assets (excluding, however, (i) the Shared Facilities Manager's company books and records that do not pertain directly to charges or costs upon which reimbursable costs are based, (n) personnel information or compensation or benefits information pertaining to employees of Shared Facilities Manager or its Affiliates (not based at the Wind Plant site), and (iii) information covered by legal privilege or which cannot be disclosed without violating applicable Law) and the Co-Owners' audit thereof to be conducted (at the Co-Owners' sole cost and expense), provided that the Co-Owners shall only have the right to inspect and audit such books and records for any period that is within the seven (7) calendar years from the date of final payment hereunder or the final settlement or disposition of any claim made pursuant to this Agreement If any such inspection or audit discloses an error and that, as a result thereof, any overpayment or any underpayment has occurred, the amount thereof shall be paid within thirty (30) days after receipt of an invoice (with reasonable supporting detail) with interest (except that any underpayment caused by the actions or inactions of Shared Facilities Manager will not bear interest) at the Default Rate to the Party to whom: it is owed by the other Parties, nrovided that a Party shall only be liable for any amounts hereunder that relate to errors discovered and disclosed within the inspection and audit period provided for in this provision 33 HOU3I8256,7 89 shared Facilities .O&M. Budget. (a)Within ninety (90) days after the Effective. Date and no later than September 1 of each calendar year during the term, the Shared Facilities Manager shall deliver to the Owners a proposed budget for operation, maintenance and repair of the Shared Facilities for the following calendar year, or the portions of the year remaining ninety (90) days after the Effective. Date (each, a "Shared Facilities O&M Budget"), describing the scheduled work to be completed in the following calendar year and the general operational plans for the Shared Facilities during such years, including responsibilities and emergency procedures and detailing the expected revenue and expenses for the following calendar year including explanations for any material differences to the base case at closing and such draft budget shall include, at a minimum, the billing rates, estimated cost, based on time and materials and all fees and reimbursable costs contemplated in this Agreement for anticipated operation and maintenance services and repairs to be provided by the Shared Facilities Manager during each month of the following year (or portions thereof), including any Shared Expenses The Shared Facilities O&M Budget shall set forth the respective amounts allocated to the different Co-Owners in proportion to their respective Percentage Interests When approved pursuant to subparagraph (b) below, the Shared Facilities O&M Budget shall be the "Anproveci Shared Facilities O&M Budget" for such year (b)The Co-Owners who at such time have a Percentage Interest greater than zero shall have, thirty (30) days from receipt of the proposed Shared Facilities O&M Budget either to approve the same or to assist the Shared Facilities Manager in preparing an Approved Shared Facilities O&M Budget by October 15th of each year. If the Shared Facilities O&M Budget is approved by Co- Owners representing at least fifty percent (50%) of the Percentage Interests, the Shared Facilities O&M Budget will be the Approved Shared Facilities O&M Budget for the following year. In the event that a proposed Shared Facilities O&M Budget is not approved within the time indicated, the Shared Facilities O&M Budget prepared and, approved for the previous year shall be utilized until such time as the new Shared Facilities O&M Budget is approved. (c)If, during any calendar year the Shared 'Facilities Manager believes that a variance (in excess of the permitted variances described in subsection (4). below) is reasonably likely to occur 'between the actual expense of operating and maintaining the Shared Facilities and the budgeted expense for a particular material budget item, the Shared Facilities Manager shall timely notify the Co-Owners of 34 HO1J:3186256J such belief in writing and advise the Co-Owners of the necessary revisions to the Approved Shared Facilities O&M Budget and the reasons for those revisions If the Co-Owners representing at least fifty percent (50%) of the Percentage Interests agree, the Co- Owners and the Shared Facilities Manager shall proceed in good faith to revise the Approved Shared Facilities O&M Budget in such manner for the balance of the year. (d) The commercially reasonable and necessary costs and expenses incurred by the Shared Facilities Manager that are within ten percent (100%) of any line item on the Approved Shared Facilities O&M Budget and do not cause the overall Approved Shared Facilities O&M Budget to be exceeded, and which are otherwise incurred in accordance with the most recently Approved Shared Facilities O&M Budget shall not require any additional approval of the Co-Owners 8 10 l3ineracncies In the event of any emergency involving the Shared Facilities that could reasonably be expected by Shared Facilities Manager to result in possible personal injury or loss of life or damage to or destruction of property, the Shared Facilities Manager shall take such action as may be reasonable and necessary to prevent, avoid or mitigate such Injury, loss of life damage or destruction and shall, as soon as reasonably practicable, report any such material incident, including the Shared Facilities Manager's response thereto, to the Co-Owners .8 .11 Cooperation with Lenders Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, Shared Facilities Manager shall during normal business hours and upon reasonable prior notice, cooperate with Co-Owners' Financing Parties and their advisors and consultants and shall make all information, reports, logs and other documents relating to the Shared Facilities available to such experts and lenders, and shall make Shared Facilities Manager's personnel available for consultation with such experts and lenders all as reasonably requested The Shared Facilities Manager also agrees that it shall, at any time and from time to time during the term of this Agreement, after receipt of a written request by any of the Co-Owners, execute and deliver to such Co-Owners and/or their lender, any consents to collateral assignments or estoppel statements as may reasonably be requested 8.12 Obligations The Shared Facilities Manager shall have no liability for any obligations except those expressly stated in this Agreement, and nothing in this Agreement shall obligate the Shared Facilities Manager to perform any duties or assume any liabilities under any agreement to which the Shared Facilities Manager is not directly a party unless such duties are also expressly stated in this Agreement and then only to such extent The Co-Owners acknowledge that the Shared Facilities Manager's performance under this Agreement is dependent upon the Shared Facilities Manager having access to all parts of the Shared Facilities and access to all documents as reasonably required by the Shared Facilities Manager, and having required approvals and decisions from the Co-Owners 35 HOiJ:3 I 86256.7 8 1 Inpçction by Co-Qwners. Co-Owners, through. their employees, agents, lenders, experts or representatives, have the right, at all reasonable times, at the expense of the Co- Owners, (a) to inspect or cause to be inspected, the (i) services of Shared Facilities Manager, (ii) the Shared Facilities; and (iii) equipment, materials and methods to be used in the operation and maintenance of the Shared Facilities, provided, however, that such Inspection shall not unreasonably interfere with the operation and maintenance of the Shared Facilities, and any Persons inspecting the work .aliafl abide by any and all reasonable safety rules and procedures established by Shared Facilities Manager that are not inconsistent with this Agreement or otherwise applicable to the Wind Plant, as communicated to them in writing by the Shared Facilities Manager prior to their access to the Wind Plant Site, (b) to attend any and all operation and maintenance meetings, provided however, that such attendance shall not unreasonably interfere with Shared Facilities Manager's performance of its obligations under this Agreement or in connection with the Shared Facilities or the operation and maintenance of the Shared Facilities, and (c) to access, for itself, its employees, agents, representatives or advisors, to all parts of the Shared Facilities. For purposes of clause (b) immediately above, the Shared Facilities Manager shall give the Co-Owners reasonable advance notice of all material construction meetings in order to permit the Co-Owners to send a representative, if it so desires. The Co-Owners' review or inspection of any services provided by the Shared Facilities Manager hereunder will not be construed as constituting approval or acceptance of such services. Shared Facilities Manager at all times will retain responsibility for the services that meet the requirements of this Agreement, regardless of whether or not the Co-Owners have reviewed or inspected suchservices, plans, documentation or other acts or items. 8.14 Risk of Loss. As between the Co-Owners and Shared .Facilities Manager, the Co- Owners (in proportion to their respective Percentages Interest) shall be responsible for the risk of loss to the Shared Facilities or any portion thereof during the operation and maintenance :of the Shared Facilities regardless of cause, except if such loss is caused in whole or in part by the gross negligence or willful misconduct .f Shared Facilities Manager's related parties or subcontractors of any tier, provided that Shared Facilities Manager will only be liable for such loss up to the amount of One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000) deductible per occurrence on the Co-Owners' insurance. 8.15 Shared Facilities Manager Representative. The Shared Facilities Manager designates the General Manager of the Shared Facilities Manager as its individual representative (the 'Shared Facilities Manager Representative") whose instructions, requests, and decisions will be binding upon such Shared Facilities Manager in all matters concerning this Agreement, except that the Shared Facilities Manager Representative shall not have the authority to amend this Agreement. The Shared Facilities Manager shall have the right to change the Shared Facilities Manager Representative at any time and from time to time by written notice to the Co-Owners. 8.16 Standards of Performance. Throughout the term of this Agreement, Shared Facilities Manager shall perform the services and all other obligations under this Agreement in accordance with Prudent Wind industry Practices, the requirements of any financing agreements or other project agreements (which requirements will be related to Shared Facilities Manager by the Co-Owners), the Interconnection Agreements and all applicable Laws All activities and work performed for or by the Shared Facilities Manager shall, at a minimum, ..subject to the 36 H01J:31862567 HSSE policies, standards, and requirements attached hereto as Exhibit D. Additionally, at all times during the term of this Agreement, in the performance of its Obligations hereunder, Shared Facilities Manager shall comply with all applicable Laws of all Governmental Authorities having jurisdiction over the Wind Plant or the Shared Facilities. Shared Facilities Manager shall be responsible, in connection with its performance hereunder, for, (I) all payroll, withholding, old age, social security, unemployment, accident insurance, health insurance, employee benefit, and other taxes of employees of Shared Facilities Manager, (ii) all taxes with respect to compensation paid to Shared Facilities Manager, including income and franchise taxes, and (iii) all surcharges, penalties,, fees and other governmental amounts and charges relating thereto. 8.17 Assignment of Warranties. The Shared Facilities Manager hereby assigns to the 'Co-Owners all manufacturers' warranties that the Shared Facilities Manager receives with respect to any parts or materials provided to and used by the Shared Facilities Manager under this Agreement. The Co-Owners shall assign to the Shared Facilities Manager any claim under a warranty with respect to any part that the Shared Facilities Manager repairs or replaces other than to the extent the Shared Facilities Manager is reimbursed by the Co-Owners pursuant to Section 7.6.3. 8.18 Rights of..Co-Owners: License of Co-Owner Property. 8.18.1 The Shared Facilities Manager hereby acknowledges and agrees that the Co-Owners shall hold title to all specialized equipment, tools, parts, reports, data, information, records, books, plans, designs, papers or print outs or other information used by the Shared Facilities Manager in the performance of Shared Facilities Manager's obligations under this Agreement to the extent such, assets have been paid for by the Co-Owners, including those which the Shared Facilities Manager has generated, received or purchased (but has been reimbursed by the Co-Owners) in the course of performing its duties hereunder ("Co-Owner. Property"), but excluding any Shared Facilities Manager owned or licensed property (including software, or other intellectual property developed outside of the scope of the services provided hereunder). Notwithstanding the foregoing, Co-Owner Property does not include personnel records, information about Shared Facilities Manager's internal costs or internal business practices, trade secrets or 'other confidential information of the Shared Facilities Manager, materials covered by legal privilege, or materials relating to any audit or dispute between the Parties or between Shared Facilities Manager and any other Person. 8.18.2 The Co-Owners hereby grant the Shared Facilities Manager (including its relevant subcontractors) a paid-up, worldwide license to use the Co-Owner Property in connection with this Agreement. Such license shall automatically expire immediately upon the termination or expiration of this Agreement; Drovided that Shared Facilities Manager may retain a copy of Co-Owner Property '(other than equipment, tools and parts). as 37 HOIJ:3 i86267 Shared Facilities Manager deems necessary for compliance with Law or for audit purposes. .9. REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES 9.11 Representations and. Warranties. As of the date of this Agreement, each Party represents.and warrants to each other Party that: (a)it is duly organized, validly existing and in good standing under the Laws of the jurisdiction of its organization or Incorporation, (b)it has the power to execute and deliver this Agreement and to perform its obligations under this Agreement and has taken all necessary corporate, company, partnership and/or other actions to authorize such execution and delivery and performance of such obligations, (c)its execution and delivery of this Agreement and its performance of its obligations under this Agreement do not violate or conflict with any Law applicable to it, with any provision of its charter or bylaws (or .comparable constituent documents); with any order or judgment of any court or other agency of government applicable to it or any of its assets, or with any contractual restriction binding on or affecting it or any of its assets, (4) all authorizations of and exemptions, actions or approvals by, and all notices to or filings with, any Governmental Authority that are required to have been obtained or made by it at the time this representation is made with respect to this Agreement have been obtained or made and are in lull force and effect, and all conditions of any such authorizations, exemptions, actions or approvals have been complied with; (c) this Agreement constitutes the Party's legal, valid, and binding obligation, enforceable against it in accordance with its terms (subject to applicable bankruptcy, reorganization, insolvency, moratorium or similar Laws affecting creditors' rights generally and subject as to enforceability, to equitable principles of general application, regardless of whether enforcement is sought in a proceeding in equity or at law), and (1) except as otherwise permitted herein, it has neither initiated nor .rcceived written notice of..any action, proceeding, or investigation pending, nor to its knowledge is any such action, proceeding, or investigation threatened (or any basis therefore known to it) which questions the validity of this Agreement s or which would materially or adversely affect its tights or obligations as a. Party. 38 HOU;31862567 92 Exc1uivity of Warranties. THE WARRANTIES PROVIDED IN THIS AGREEMENT ARE EXCLUSIVE, AND NO OTHER WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, WHETHER STATUTORY, EXPRESS, OR IMPLIED (INCLUDING ALL WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE) WILL APPLY. 10. FORCE .MAJEURE Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, each Party's obligations .under this Agreement shall be suspended by any Force Majeure if and to the extent that such Party is prevented or delayed from performing by reason of the Force Majeure, provided, however, that (a) the prevention or delay of performance shall be of no greater scope and of no longer duration than is necessarily caused by the Force Majeure and required by any remedial measures, (b) no obligations of any Party that arose before the occurrence of such causes shall be excused as the result of the occurrence, and (c) each Party shall use reasonable commercial efforts to remedy its inability to perform, provided, further, that no Force Maj cure shall excuse any payment obligations of either the Shared Facilities Manager or the Co-Owners due hereunder. If the performance by any Party of its obligations under this Agreement is affected by any Force Majeure, such Party shall as soon as practicable notify the other Parties of the nature and extent thereof. ii. INDEMNIFICATION 111 Co-Owner Indemnification To the full extent permitted by Law, each Co-Owner (an "Indemnifying Party") agrees to mdemmfy, defend and hold harmless each other Co-Owner and the other Co-Owner' directors, managers, officers, shareholders, partners, members, Affiliates, employees, agents, representatives, successors and assigns (collectively, the "Indemnified Parties"), from and against any and all Losses and Liabilities, to the extent arising out of or related to (a) claims of Persons who are not a Co-Owner (including employees of a Co- Owner) to the extent they arise or result from, or are occasioned by or in connection with any breach by the Co-Owner of any of its obligations under this Agreement, (b) any breach of this Agreement by the Co-Owner, (c) any negligent actor omission that causes a material and adverse effect on an Indemnified Party or that Indemnified Party's Phase, including any such action or omission that results in damage to or an outage of the Indemnified Party's Phase, and (d) Hazardous Materials spilled, generated released or introduced into or on the Shared Lands by, through or under such Co-Owner The indemnification provided under this Section 111 will not apply to the extent the Liabilities are caused by the gross negligence or intentionally wrongful acts or omissions of the applicable Indemnified Party. This Section ii will survive the termination or expiration of this Agreement until the expiration of the applicable statute of limitations. 112 Notice and Legal Defense.. Promptly after receipt by a Co-Owner or another Indemnified Party under this Section 11 or other parts of this Agreement of any claim or notice of the commencement of any action, administrative or legal proceeding, or investigation as to which indemnity provided for in Section 11 . 1 may apply, the Indemnified Party will notify the Indemnifying Party in writing of such fact The Indemnifying Party will assume the defense 39 HOIJ3I.862567 thereof with counsel designated by the Indemnifying Party and reasonably satisfactory to the Indemnified Party; provided that if the defendants in any such action include both the Indemnified Party and the Indemnifying Party and the Indemnified Party will have reasonably concluded that there may be legal defenses available to it which are different from or additional to, or inconsistent with, those available to the Indemnifying Party, the indemnified Party will have the right to select separate MJrJ to participate in the defense of such action on behalf of the Indemnified Party, at the Indemnifying Party's reasonable expense. The Indemnifying Party will not, without the written consent of the Indemnified Party, (a) settle or compromise any indemnity claim or consent to the. entry of any final judgment that does not include as an unconditional term thereof the delivery by the claimant or plaintiff of .a written release or releases from all liability in respect of such indemnity claim of all Indemnified Partie. affected by sich indemnity claim, or (b) settle or compromise any indemnity claim if the settlement Imposes equitable remedies or material obligations on the Indemnified Party other thanficia1 Obligations for which :such Indemnified Party will be indemnified under this Agreement. No indemnity claim that is being defended in good faith by the indemnifying Party will be settled or compromised by the Indemnified Party without the written consent of the Indemnifying Party. .113 Failure to Defend Action. Should the Indemnified Party be entitled to indemnification under Section 11..1 as a result of a claim by a third party, and the Indemnifying Party fails to assume the defense of such claim, the Indemnified Party may, at the expense of the Indemnifying Party, contest (or, with the prior written consent of the Indemnifying Party, settle) such claim. 11.4 Indemnification Amount. In the event that an hide tnifying Party is obligated to indemnify and hold an Indemnified Party harmless under Section 11.1. the amount owing to the Indemnified Party will be the amount of such Indemnified Party's reasonable, actual out-of- pocket loss net of any insurance or other recovery. 11.5 Supremacy. The provisions expressed in this Section 11 will prevail over any conflicting or inconsistent provisions contained elsewhere in this Agreement and will survive termination of this Agreement. 12. INSURANCE 12.1 CO-Owners' Insurance Requirements. For the duration of this Agreement, either (a)the Co-Owners shall, at their sole cost and expense, jointly maintain the. insurance policies and coverages described in Part A. (Required Insurance Coverages of Co-Owners) of Exhibit E or (b)upon the agreement of each of the Co-Owners, one Co-Owner may procure such insurance policies and coverage on behalf of all Co-Owners. In either case,. the Co-Owners will bear responsibility for premiums therefor based on their Percentage Interests. 122 Shared Facilities Manager's Insurance Reauirements. For the duration of this Agreement, the Shared Facilities Manager shall, at its sole cost and expense, procure and maintain the insurance policies and coverages described in Part B (Required insurance Coverages of Shared Facilities Manager) of Exhibit E. 40 H0U306256.7 12.3 Evidence, Terms and Modification of insurance: Self-Insurance. (a)Each Party shall provide the other Parties with insurance certificates reasonably acceptable to the other Parties evidencing that insurance coverages are in compliance with this Agreement. Such 'insurance and certificates shall (a) name the other Party's group (i e, Co-Owners or Shared Facilities Manager, as applicable) as an additional :insured under the Commercial General Liability and Umbrella Liability Policies; (b) provide a waiver of any rights of subrogation against the other Party's group i.e., Co- Owners or Shared Facilities Manager, as applicable), and (c)indicate that the Commercial General Liability and Umbrella Liability policies have been endorsed as described above. All policies of a Party shall be written with insurers that the other Parties, in their reasonable discretion, deem acceptable (such acceptance will not be unreasonably withheld or delayed) All policies shall be written on an occurrence basis, except as provided in Section 123(b) All policies of a Party shall contain an endorsement that the other Parties' insurance policies shall be primary in all instances regardless of like coverages, if any, carried by such other Party. No Party's liability under this Agreement is limited to the amount of insurance coverage required herein by virtue of this Section 123 (b)in the event that any insurance as required herein is commercially available only on a "claims-made" basis, such insurance shall provide for a retroactive date not later than the date of the Original Shared Facilities Agreement and such insurance shall be marntamed by a Party, with a retroactive date not later than the retroactive date required above, for a minimum of five (5) years after the term hereof. If any insurance required to be maintained by a Party hereunder ceases to be available on commercially reasonable terms in the commercial insurance market, such Party shall provide written notice to the other Parties, .accompanied by a certificate from an independent insurance advisor of recognized national standing, certifying that such insurance is not available on commercially reasonable terms in the commercial insurance market for electric generating plants of similar type, geographic location and design Upon receipt of such notice, such first- mentioned Party shall use commercially reasonable efforts to obtain other insurance that would provide comparable protection against the risk to be insured, and the other Party shall not unreasonably withhold its consent to modify or waive such requirement, 41 HOU:31862567 (c)Either Party shall have the option -to self-insure any of the coverages in this Section 123 to the extent allowable by statute, and to the extent approved and/or allowed by any lender's insurance advisor. In the event that a Party elects to :self4nsur; it shall provide the other Parties with reasonably satisfactory evidence of such insurance. 13.. CONFIDENTIALITY 13.1 Confidentiality. 13.1.1 The Confidential Information shall not be disclosed or permitted to be disclosed by the Receiving Party to any other person or entity not a Party. hereto without the prior written consent of the Disclosing Party, except: (a)to the Receiving Party's Representatives;. provided that the Receiving Party guarantees the adherence of its Affiliates to, and will be responsible for their breach of; this :Sctiofl 111,1 and provided, further, that prior to making disclosure of Confidential Information to its Representatives who are not directors, officers or employees of the Receiving Party or its Affiliates, the Receiving Party shall obtain a written undertaking of confidentiality not less restrictive than this Section 13.1 . from each such Representative (except in the case of outside 'legal counsel the Receiving Party shall only be required to procure that such legal counsel is bound by a professional legal duty of confidentiality), and (b)to the extent such information is required to be disclosed under applicable Law or stock exchange regulations or by a governmental or court order, decree, regulation or rule, provided that the Receiving Party makes all commercially reasonable efforts to give prompt written notice to the Disclosing Party as far as possible in advance of such disclosure to permit the Disclosing Party to obtain a protective order against or otherwise to limit The disclosure (in connection with which the Receiving Party shall reasonably cooperate with the Disclosing Party), and provided, further, that, in any case, the Receiving Party shall only disclose that portion of the Confidential Information that, in the opinion of the Receiving Party's legal counsel, IS required to be disclosed and shall use its commercially reasonable efforts to ensure further confidential treatment of the Confidential Information so disclosed I1.3I1..2 The Receiving Party shall use the: Confidential Information, or permit the same to be used by the Receiving Party's Representatives, in connection with the Receivmg Party's exercise of its rights and performance of its obligations under this Agreement and for no other purpose whatsoever. 42 HOtJ:31862567 1313 The Parties acknowledge that the Disclosing Party would not have an adequate remedy at Jaw for money damages if the covenants contained in this Section 13.1 were breached. Accordingly, the Disclosing Party shall be entitled to an injunction restraining such disclosure and other equitable relief (including specific performance), without the requirement of posting a bond or other security. 14. CO-OWNER EVENTS OF DEFAULT TERMINATION, REMEDIES, LIMITATION OF LIABILITY, SURVIVAL 14.1 Events of Dfaul. The occurrence and continuation of any of the following events at any time during the term of this Agreement, except to the extent caused by, or resulting from, an act or omission of another Co-Owner in breach of this Agreement or an event of Force Majeure, will constitute an event of default of a Co-Owner (an "Event of Default"): 14. 1.1 Payment. The Co-Owner fails to pay when due any amounts required to be paid by such Co-Owner under this Agreement, and such failure to pay is not cured within fifteen (15) days following written notice from any other Co-Owner specifying the amount to be paid, provided that such period will be extended for so long as the allegedly defaulting Co-Owner is disputing in good faith such amount pursuant to the procedures set forth in Section 15. 14.1.2 Shared Real Property Rights. A Co-Owner breaches, or causes the breach of, a Shared Real Property Right andhils to cure such breach within the time permitted by such Shared Real Property Right, after receipt of a notice of default under. the Shared Real Property Right to cure, or cause to be cured, the default described therein, as is given to the defaulting Co-Owner. Each of the Co-Owners agrees to provide a copy of any notice of default under a Shared Real Property Right that is received, by it to the other Co-Owners within twenty-four (24) hours of receiving such notice of default, regardless of the party or the contract that is alleged to be in default in the notice. 14.1.3 Interconnection Agreement. The Co-Owner breaches, or causes the breach of, its applicable Interconnection Agreement, and the exercise of any remedies for such breach would have a material adverse effect on any of the Shared Assets or this Agreement or the non-defaulting Co-Owners' Phases, and such defaulting Co-Owner ails to cure such breach within the time permitted by such agreement. Each of the Co- Owners agrees to provide a copy of any notice of default received by it to the other Co- Owners under an applicable Interconnection Agreement within twenty-four (24) hours of receiving such notice of default, regardless of the party or the contract that is alleged to be in default in the notice. 14.1.4 Other Defaults. The Co-Owner fails to cure any other failure to perform under this Agreement within thirty (30) days following written notice from any other Co- Owner specifying the nature of the failure to perform, provided that if the default is not reasonably capable of being cured within thirty (30) days, then the default will be deemed 43 HOU:3 86256.7 cured if the defaulting Co-Owner: commences, diligently pursues, and completes action that remedies the default within ninety (90) days of receipt of such notice. 14.1,5 Seizure of.Property, Any substantial part of such Co-Owner's property is subjected to any levy, seizure, assignment or sale for or by any creditor or Governmental Authority that materially affects that Co-Owner's ability to perform under this Agreement. 14.1.6 Bankr.uitcv. if the Co-Owner is adjudicated as bankrupt becomes insolvent, enters into an arrangement or composition with the Co-Owner's creditors, suffers permanent or temporary court-appointed receivership of substantially all of such Co-Owner's property, makes a general assignment for the benefit of creditors, files a voluntary bankruptcy petition or suffers the filing of an involuntary bankruptcy petition that is not dismissed within thirty (30) days after filing. 142 Remedies. Upon the occurrence and during the continuation of an Event of Default by a Co-Owner, each other Co-Owner will have any and all of the following remedies, exercisable only after due mquny that an Event of Default has occurred and is continuing 14.2.1 Tender Perform ce. In its sole and absolute discretion, cure the default of the defaulting Party by making or tendering the required payment or performance, and pennittmg the defaulting Co-Owner's Phase to remain connected to the Shared Facilities and sales of electricity by the defaulting Co-Owner to be continued 14.2.2 Disconnect Co Owner. To cause the disconnection of the defaulting Co. Owner's Phase from the Shared Facilities, provided, that (a) the defaulting Co-Owner's Phase will be permitted to reconnect promptly when and if the default as cured, and (b) any and all damages suffered and incurred by the non-defaulting Co-Owners have been compensated.. 14.2.3 Specific Performance. To bring an action to specifically enforce the provisions of this Agreement The Co-Owners agree that damages may be an inadequate remedy for an Event of Default under this Agreement, and that each Co-Owner will be entitled to seek injunctive and other equitable relief against any other to prevent or eliminate such default 14.2.4 Other Rights and Remedies. TO exercise any and all other rights and remedies which the non-defaulting Co-Owners might otherwise have under this Agreement, at law or in equity.. 143 Reiinbursement.of Expenses to Cure -, Lien. if any Co-Owner elects to cure an Event of Default of another Co-Owner, the defaulting Co-Owner will reimburse the curing Co- Owner for its expenses mcurred in rendering the cure, plus interest at the Default Rate The Co- Owner curing the default will have :a lien on the defaulting Co-Owner's Undivided Interest, to the extent of the amount expended by the curing Co-Owner in remedying the default (including attorneys' fees), and the defaulting Co-Owner hereby appoints the curing Co-Owner as its 44 HOU3.i86256. attorney-in-fact to file, record and otherwise assert such lien, to the extent of the expenditures in relation to such cure or remedy, 14.4 Remedies Cumulative. No right, remedy or election given by any term of this Agreement will be deemed exclusive but each will be cumulative with all other rights, remedies and elections available under this Agreement, at law or in equity. 14.5 Walver of ParUtion. The Co-Owners will not have and hereby waive the right to partition all or any portion of the Shared Assets, or to make application to any court or authority or to commence or prosecute any action or proceeding for partition of the Shared Assets Each Party will be entitled to a decree or order restraining or enjoining such partition, application, action or proceeding upon any breach of the provisions of this Section 145 The Co-Owners acknowledge and agree that they have been paid full consideration for the waiver provided in this Section .14.5. 14.6 Limitation of Liability. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY OTHER PROVISION OF THIS AGREEMENT TO THE CONTRARY, IN NO EVENT, WHETHER AS A RESULT OF BREACH OF CONTRACT, TORT LIABILITY (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR STRICT LIABILITY), OR OTHERWISE, WILL ANY CO-OWNER BE LIABLE TO ANY OTHER PARTY FOR SPECIAL, INDIRECT, PUNITIVE OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY NATURE WHATSOEVER, INCLUDING CLAIMS OF CUSTOMERS, COST OF MONEY, LOSS OF PROFIT, LOSS OF USE OF CAPITAL OR REVENUE, EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT SUCH DAMAGES ARE INCLUDED IN (A) THE AMOUNTS PAYABLE UNDER THE INDEMNIFICATION PROVISIONS SET FORTH IN THIS AGREEMENT FOR CLAIMS OF THIRD PARTIES FOR PERSONAL INJURY OR PROPERTY DAMAGE, OR (B) A BREACH OF SECTION 13. . . IS. DISPUTE RESOLUTION. Unless stated otherwise herein, all Disputes shall be resolved in accordance with the dispute resolution procedures set forth in Exhibit F Notwithstanding the foregoing. (a) the Parties may at any time seek injunctive or equitable relief from a court of competent jurisdiction, and (b) nothing herein shall prevent a Party from defending or pursuing any claim in acourt or other proceeding eding against a third party that. has. been initiated by such third : party. 16. NOTICES. All notices and other communications required or permitted. by this Agreement or by applicable Law to be served upon or given to a Party by another Party shall be in writing and shall be deemed duly served, given and received (i) on the date of service, if served personally or sent by facsimile transmission (with appropriate confirmation of receipt) to the Party to whom notice is to be given, or (ii) on date of receipt, if mailed by certified mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested, or (in) on the date of receipt if sent by a nationally recognized courier for next day service and so addressed as follows: 4.5 H0th3186256.7 If to Goshen II, to GOSHEN PHASE!! LLC do BP Wind Energy North America me. 700 Louisiana St, 33 d Floor Houston, Texas 77002 Attention: Asset Manager Telephone:(713) 354-2100 Facsimile - (713) 354-2120 With a copy to: GOSHEN.I PHASE 1i LLC do BP Wind Energy North America Inc. 700 Louisiana s, 3td Floor Houston, Texas 77002 Attention Legal Manager Telephone: (713) 354-2100 Facsimile: (7.13) 354-2120 With a copy to: GOSHEN PHASE !1LLC do Goshen Ridge Wind Farms LLC 1300 N. Northiake Way, 2 Floor Seattle, WA 98103 Attention: General Counsel Telephone (206) 508-4735 Facsimile, (206) 299-3468 .IftoRAE, to: R1DGELINE ALTERNATIVE ENERGY, LLC 1300 N Northiake Way, 2 Floor Seattle, WA. 98103 Attentiom General Counsel Telephone (206) 508-4735 Facsimile (206) 299-3468 If to MCP, to: MEADOW CREEK PROJECT COMPANYLLC do Ridgeline Energy LLC Legal Department 1300 N. Northláke Way, 2 Floor Seattle, WA 98 103 46 HOtJ:3.186256.7 Telephone: 425.455.9014 Facsimile,: 206508.4738 If to Shared Facilities Manager, to: AE POWER SERVICES LLC do BP Wind Energy North America Inc 700 Louisiana St, 33 d Floor Houston, Texas 77002 Attention: Asset Manager Telephone (713) 354-2121 Facsimile (71-3)354-2120 With a copy to AE POWER SERVICES LLC do BP Wind Energy North America Inc 700 Louisiana:St.,33 4 Floor Houston, Texas 77002 Attention Project Counsel Telephone: (713)354-21111 Facsmule (713) 354-2120 17 MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS 17.1 Transfers 17.1.1. General Restrictions Subject to Section 17.1.2, no Co-Owner may Transfer its interest in this Agreement without the consent of the other Co-Owners, provided, however, no consent of the other Co-Owners shall be required in connection with the Transfer by any Co-Owner (a "Transfemng Co-Owner") of this Agreement when made together with a Transfer of all or substantially all of its respective Project Controlled Assets (or in the case of RAE, if it divides the Project Controlled Assets of Phase III into more than one subdivision thereof in connection with a Transfer of an undivided portion of its interests under this Agreement when made together with a Transfer of all or substantially all of the Project Controlled Assets with respect to each such subdivision of Phase III), provided that the new owner shall be assigned and shall assume the Transferring Co-Owner's interest in this Agreement to the extent of the interest transferred as a condition to the assignment, in whole or in part according to whether the Transfer was total or partial Each Co-Owner may collaterally assign its interest in this Agreement to a Financing Co-Owner or a Power Purchaser, provided that the Project Controlled Assets are collaterally assigned concurrently therewith, but no such assignment shall subordinate or otherwise adversely affect the rights of the other Co-Owners in and to this Agreement or the Shared Facilities covered hereby. In addition, in connection with the financing of each Project, each Co-Owner shall upon the reasonable request of a Co-Owner provide customary estoppels and consents in favor of a 47 H0U3I862567 Financing Co-Owner or a Power Purchaser, including rights of step-in with respect to a Co-Owner's obligations under this Agreement and rights to concurrent notice of default 17.1.2 Right of First Refusal. If Goshen II, MCP or RAE desires to Transfer (other than to RAE, .MCP or Goshen II, as appropriate) any of its rights in this Agreement without a corresponding Transfer of its Project Controlled Assets to which such rights in this Agreement relate, Goshen Ii, MCP or RAE, as the case may be, must first offer in writing to Transfer such interests to the other Co-Owners, as the case may be (the "Other Co-Owners"), on the same terms and conditions as the proposed transferee (the "Right .gf First Refusal") Upon receipt of the Right of First Refusal, the Other Co-Owners shall have twenty (20) Business Days in which to noti1r Goshen II, MCP or:RAE, as the case may be, whether or not the Other Co-Owners elects to accept or reject the offer (on a pro rata basis or any other basis agreed by the Other Co-Owners). If such Other Co-Owners reject or fail to respond within such time period,. Goshen II, MCP or RAE, as the case may be, shall have the right to consummate the Transfer to the proposed transferee any price and terms not being less favorable than the price and terms offered to the Other Co- Owners in the Right of First Refusal delivered pursuant to this Section 17.1,2 17.2 Assignment by Shared Facilities Manager.. The. Shared Facilities Manager may not assign, pledge or otherwise transfer this Agreement without the prior written consent of all of the Co-Owners, which may be withheld in the Co-Owners' sole and absolute discretion, provided, however, such restriction on assignment shall not apply if the assignment is to an Affiliate of the Shared Facilities Manager or constitutes an indirect assignment as a result of a merger, acquisition, sale or other institutional reorganization of the Shared Facilities Manager Or .its Affiliates. 17:.3 ERC ApDrovaL Notwithstanding anything in Sectiçns 17.1 and 112 to the contrary, no Transfer of any Party's interests in this Agreement shall be effective unless and until such Party has obtained any necessary prior approvals from the FERC to effectuate any changes to this Agreement to reflect such Transfer and the change in the parties to this Agreement. 17.4 Governing Law, This Agreement is governed by the Laws of the State of New York, excluding any choice of law rules that would direct application of Laws of another Jurisdiction. I Each Party hereby irrevocably and unconditionally submits to the exclusive jurisdiction of any New York State court or federal court of the United States of America siumg in New York City, and waives, to the fullest extent legally permissible, any objection which it may now or hereafter have to the personal jurisdiction of such courts or venue of any proceeding arising out of or relating to this Agreement in such courts and any defense of an inconvenient forum to the maintenance of such action or proceeding in such courts. IN ADDITION, EACH PARTY HEREBY WAIVES, TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, ANY RIGIITIT MAY HAVE TOATRIA....Y JURY 'IN RESPECT OF.ANY LITIGATION DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY ARISING OUT OF, UNDER OR IN CONNECTION WITH THIS AGREEMENT. 48 HOU;3186256.:7 17.5 Compliance with Laws. This Agreement is subject to. all present and future Laws, including valid orders, rules and regulations of any Governmental Authority having jurisdiction over the Wind Plant, the Shared Assets or Parties. 17:6 Survival.. Notwithstanding any other provision, of this Agreement, the provisions of this Sections 17.6 (Survival) and Sections 7.3 (Shared Facilities Manager Indemnification), 14 (Removal of Shared Facilities Manager), 11 (Indemnification), 1jConfidentia1.ity), 144 (Remedies Cumulative), 146 (Limitation of Liability) and 15 and Exhibit F (Dispute Resolution) are intended to and shall survive termination of this Agreement 'so as to cover all Claims instituted within the period set forth 'in the applicable statute of limitations. 17.7 Effect of Waiver. The Parties agrees that no failure or delay by a Party in exercising any right, power or privilege under this Agreement shall operate as a waiver thereof, unless such waiver is made expressly and confirmed in writing by the Party against whom such waiver would be enforced, nor shall any single or partial exercise by a Party of any right, power or privilege hereunder preclude any other or future exercise thereof. 17.8 Severability. Any provision of this Agreement that is prohibited or unenforceable in any jurisdiction shall, as to that jurisdiction, be ineffective 'to the extent of that prohibition or unenforceability without invalidating the remaining provisions hereof or affecting the validity or enforceability of that provision in any other jurisdiction. 17-9 Entire Agreement: Amendments. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties pertaining to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior agreements, representations, communications and understandings, written or oral, express or implied, pertaining thereto, including the Original Shared Facilities Agreement. Any modifications, amendments, or changes to this Agreement shall be binding upon the Parties only if agreed upon in writing and signed by the authorized representatives of the Parties and shall be subject to FERC approval as set forth in Section 17.17 below; provided, that the Shared Facilities Manager shall be 'required to sign any amendment proposed by the Co-Owners 'except to the extent such amendment adversely affects the rights or obligations of the Shared Facilities Manager hereunder. 17.10 Not for the Benefit of Third Parties. This Agreement is intended to be solely for the benefit of the Parties and their respective successors and permitted assignees, and is not intended to and shall not 'confer any rights or benefits on any party not a signatory hereto. 17.11 Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in a number of identical counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument, notwithstanding that all of the Parties are not signatories to the originator to the same counterpart. A copy of this Agreement signed by a Party and delivered by facsimile transmission to the other Parties shall have the same effect as the delivery of an original of this Agreement containing the original signature of such first-mentioned Party. 17.12 Further Assurances. Each Party agrees to provide such information, execute and deliver any instruments and documents, and to take such other actions as may be necessary or reasonably requested by the 'o'ther Parties, which are not inconsistent with the 'provisions of this 49 FIOU:3 186256.7 Agreement and which do not involve assumptions of obligations or materially affect The cost of performance, other than those provided for in this Agreement, in order togive full. effect to this Agreement and to carry out the intent of this Agreement. 17.13 No Recourse to Affiliates. This Agreement 5 solely and exclusively between the Parties, and any obligations created in this Agreement will be the sole obligations of the Parties to this Agreement. No Party will have recourse to any parent, subsidiary, partner, joint venture, affiliate, director or officer of the other Parties for performance of such obligations, unless the obligations are assumed in writing by the person against whom recourse is sought. 17.14 Successors and Assigns. This Agreement will be binding on, and inure to the benefit of, the Parties and their successors and permitted assigns. The Shared Assets will be held, conveyed, assigned, hypothecated, encumbered, leased, used and occupied, subject to the covenants, terms and provisions set forth in this Agreement, which covenants, terms and provisions will run with the land, and-will be binding upon and inure to the benefit of each Party and each other person and entity having any interest therein during their ownership thereof, and their respective permitted grantees, heirs, successors and assigns, and will create privity of contract and estate among the Parties and their respective grantees, heirs, successors and assigns. 17.15 Competing Ventures. Any Co-Owner or the Shared Facilities Manager may engage in or possess an interest in other business ventures of any nature and description, independently or with others, including but not limited to the ownership, financing, leasing, management, syndication, investment, brokerage and development of real property (including real property of the same type and nature as the. Projects), and neither a Co-Owner nor the Shared Facilities Manager shall have any right by virtue of this Agreement in and to such independent ventures orto the income or profits derived therefrom. 17.16 Memorandum. Concurrently with the execution and delivery of this Agreement, the Parties will execute a Memorandum of this Agreement (in a form reasonably acceptable to the Co-Owners), which Memorandum will be recorded in the official real estate records of the county or counties in which the Shared Assets are located, The provisions of this Agreement will control, however, with regard to any omissions from or provisions of this Agreement. that may be in conflict with, the Memorandum of Agreement. At such time as this Agreement has been terminated, the Parties agree to execute and record in the official real estate records of the counties referred to above, a termination of the Memorandum of Agreement, which termination will specifically refer to the Memorandum of Agreement and will recite that this Agreement has terminated in accordance with theprovisions of this Agreement. 17.17 FERC A2rova1 The Parties acknowledge and agree that: (a)this Agreement will be filed with FERC pursuant to Section 205 of the FPA, and following FERC acceptance for filing will be publicly available as a filed tariff or rate schedule; (b)any subsequent amendments to this Agreement must be filed with FERC pursuant to Section 205 of the FPA and accepted for filing by FER.0 before such amendments can take effect; 50 HOU3t86256.7 (c)any elm ges in ownership or Percentage Interests contemplated by this Agreement may be subject to prior approval by FERC, including approval under Section .203 of the FPA; (d)disconnections or terminations contemplated by this Agreement may require prior FERC approval; and (e)subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the Parties agree to execute and deliver all documents reasonably necessary for this Agreement to comply with FERC rules and practices. [Signature page. follows] Si - flDU:31$2567 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties to this Agreement have caused this Agreement to be executed by their duly authorized re..presentatives as of the Effective Date. "CIosben II " GOSHEN PHASE II LLC By: .. Name: Title: "RAE" RIDGELINE ALTERATIVE ENERGY, LLC By: Name: Title: "MCP" MEADOW CREEK PROJECT COMPANYLLC By: Name: Title: "Shared Facilities Manager" AE POWER, SERVICES LLC By: Name: Title: [SIONATURE PAGE TO AMENDED AND RESTATED SN. D FACILiTIES AOREEMENI H0U3862567 i4; 11 :3 V Shared Real Property Rights Portions ofReal Pror Encumbered by Wind Ener2v.L ease Agreements RAE to GPEI. Assignments Effective Expiration Date MOL Instrument Amend- Amend- Assignments and Landlord Date Date Recorded No. meat meat and Assumption Date Recorded Assumption Instrument Recorded No 11/15/2005 William L7 MY asamonded 1111512045 12/07/05 1208443 1219/09 1351197 Farms and restated 2/9/10 1359945 2/9/10 9/19/2005 Steve & Tamara amended 12/06/07 12/6107 n/a Rhodes and Lorene as amended 9/19/2045 09/20/05 1200008 & and 05/24/06 1224770 Curtis and restated 4/12110 1360990 4/12/10 Trnmiini.i A--r,oarfc, A 1-141 flflfl&LSLISI.Ffl ILXI 1t*t.tfl3 Landlord Effective Date Instrument Date Recorded Now D&K Judy Farms 9/1/09 09/02109 1343188 Sand S Farms 8/31/09 09/02/09 1343191 Judys IdaMon Ranches 9/1/09 09/02/09 1343187 Gary S Simmons (SSR) Trust 9/2/09 09102/09 1343184 Exhibit A -Page 1 11013:3 186256.1 EXHIBIT B Maintenance Responsibilities General General inspection of any and all gates, cattle guards, culverts, security systems, and lighting installed In connection with the development of the Phases, as well as, any fencing erected to enclose any Shared Facilities Maintain access roads by dragging or grader excluding the importation of new road material Dressing of roads Weed abatement and vegetation control Brush control and clear and maintenance of transmission rights of way Snow removal, as needed Erosion control, including culverts, as needed Environmental: Proper disposal of Hazardous Material arising from Shared Facilities and maintenance, activities and completion of all required manifests and logs Compliance with permitting Storage of material in compliance with all regulations: Shared Facilities: Insulator washing, as required Pole line inspection Substation and interconnection facilities inspection Gas-ffll of breakers Torquing of electrical connections and structures Coordinate with the Co-Owners for events or conditions that would affect the Phases Periodic testing of protective relays Transformer testing Transformer maintenance Testing contact resistance and operation on breakers and switches Weed abatement and vegetation control Witness meter and relay calibrations for interconnect as required by interconnect guidelines Auto transformer oil sampling and testing Periodic testing of voltage :regulation/power .factor equipment if installed Other Reporting Billing Eh:ibitBpage.I HOU:3 1162567 EXHIBIT C Billable Rate Schedule Rates Hi-Voltage Labor Market rate plus ltWo Standard Field Labor Market rate plus 100/9 Work Subcontracted Market rate plus 10% Equipment Rates: Co-Tenancy Manager Cost plus 100/0 Equipment Subcontract Equipment Cost plus 10% Travel Rates: (for expedited mobilization in the event of emergencies) Per Diem Market rate Boarding At cost without mark up Travel At applicable hourly rate Parts & Materials Acquired Parts Cost plus 100/0 Notations I All authorized repair work shall he charged at the hourly rates set forth in this Exhibit 2 All work subcontracted (including equipment rentals) and parts and materials, if provided by Shared Facilities Manager, shall be charged at the full amount of the contract price plus the percentage set forth in this Exhibit. 3 Repair work performed during overtime hours and holidays will be performed only by mutual agreement among Shared Facilities Manager and the Co-Owners. 4 Shared Facilities Manager shall provide all personnel, hand tools equipment, small routine supplies (such as hand towels or, stationary supplies), consumables (including grease and oils) and vehicles. 5 Regular work hours shall be understood to mean the hours between 600 am to 3:30 pm, Monday through Friday, excluding national holidays Exhibit C - Page :1 HOU:3186256.7 EXJW.IT D Shared Facilities Manager HSSE. Policy The, Shared Facilities Manager shall comply with the Healdi Safety, Security,, and Environmental (FISSE) program set forth in this Exhibit D (the "HSSE Pro9ram") Shared Facilities Manager shall ensure that any subcontractor it utilizes complies with the HSSE Program A) Shared Facilities Manager's HSSE Program 1 Leadership Commitment. Shared Facilities Manager leadership and management at all levels in the company are fully committed to make safety of employees, visitors, and the community the absolute top priority. 2 Employee involvement All employees, regardless of position are required ,to be involved m the HSSE Program. 3. The Shared Facilities Manager will develop a comprehensive written HSSE training, program All Shared Facilities Manager employees and subcontractor employees will participate, in the training program. 4 Shared Facilities Manager shall have clearly defined HSSE requirements, including the processes for planning, tracking, and verifying compliance Control of work processes, site boundaries, and authorities shall be clearly defined, agreed, and implemented 5. Shared Facilities Manager shall have a hazhrd identification and risk assessment process for 'completing a daily pre-job task hazard analysis and/or work permitting system to identify and control the hazards to an acceptable level. 6 All of Shared Facilities Manager's employees will be trained in the recognition and mitigation of hazards Shared Facilities Manager shall communicate to Shared Facilities Manager's employees the expectation that everyone has an obligation to stop work that is unsafe. 7.Shared Facilities. Manager shall have a behavior-based safety program which, at a. minimum, shall include a safety observation program with performance targets The program shall have elements for rewarding appropriate behavior and a progressive discipline policy to address inappropriate behavior. 8.Shared Facilities Manager will have a written policy for reporting all safety, security and environmental incidents to the Shared Facilities Manager. Shared Facilities Manager's management will investigate all recordable incidents Shared Facilities Manager will investigate at its discretion, or at the request of any Co-Owner, safety violations and near misses that do not cause an injury. Any Co-Owner may conduct a separate investigation at its discretion. Exhibit D - Page 1 HOU:3I 862563 9.. Shared Facilities Manager shalt ensure that regulatory required training for Shared Facilities Manager's employees has been identified and completed. Competency shall be demonstrated. 10. Shared Facilities Manager shall have a Written Waste. Management plan. for use at the Shared Facilities, which at a minimum, requires identification of waste and disposal. methods. 11 Shared Facilities Manager shall have an acceptable Contractor Environmental Management System (C-EM) 12 Shared Facilities Manager shall comply with the Driving Standard as provided to Shared Facilities Manager by Goshen II 13.. Shared Facilities Manager shall have and apply :a Fitness-for-Duty :program which includes assessment of the physical capability of Shared Facilities Manager's employees to perform certain specific tasks and a physical agility testing component .14. Shared Facilities Manager shall have an up to date Environmental, Health and Safety Plan and an up to date Security Plan with historical records that provide assurance that the Environmental, Health and Safety Plan and the Security Plan are being faithfully executed and evidence the degree to which all of Shared Facilities Manager's employees have been trained and have demonstrated that they understand and have the knowledge to comply with the Environmental, Health and Safety Plan and the Security Plan 15. Firearms and weapons are prohibited on all Shared Facilities Manager sites, including all property owned, operated, leased by, or under the control of a Co-Owner and containing Shared Facilities. Shared Facilities Manager shall ensure its employees, affiliates, sub-tiers, vendors or subcontractors not possess or transport weapons or firearms onto a Co-Owner's site. B)1I$SEMeetings Shared Facilities Manager shall conduct or take part in regularly scheduled on-site or off site HSSE meetings discussing, among other topics, facility and job hazards, incidents, near- misses, site-specific safety and health rules, and site-specific procedures C) Incident Reporting and Investigations Shared Facilities Manager shall immediately notify each CO-Owner of all Shared Facilities Manager or subcontractor incidents resulting in personal injury, spills or releases, security issues, loss or damage to property, or near-misses as well as incidents requiring notification under the Environmental Management Plan, and including any inspections by governmental authorities and any pending administrative or judicial proceeding The Co-Owners may require Shared Facilities Manager to conduct an investigation for any HSSE incident Each Co-Owner retains the right to participate or conduct its own incident investigation. For all mcident mvestigations, Shared Facilities Manager shall provide a written investigation report to the Co-Owners The investigation report shall identify possible root causes associated with the11 .Exbiblt :1) Page 2 HOU:3 .1 86256.7 incident as well as proposals for corrective action. When requested,. Shared Facilities Manager shall furnish the Co-Owners with a copy of non privileged reports made by or on behalf of Shared Facilities Manager concerning an incident, including any non-privileged statements or other investigative material, D) Personal Protective Equipment Shared Facilities Manager shall ensure Shared Facilities Manager's employees have proper personal protective equipment (PPE) before services begin, and that PPE is worn as required. Shared Facilities Manager shall Obtain and comply with individual site PPE requirements. E Shared Facilities Manager's Employee Conduct The Co-Owners have the right to require. Shared Facilities Manager to remove and bar from the Shared Facilities any personnel whose conduct (condition or action) jeopardizes the safety of any person. F)Shared Facilitie. Manager's Employee RSSE Competency Shared Facilities Manager shall ensure that regulatory required training for Shared Facilities Manager's employees has been identified and completed. Competency shall be demonstrated. Shared Facilities Manager shall have clearly defmed HSSE requirements, including the processes for verifying compliance. Control of work processes, site boundaries, and authorities shall be clearly defined, agree:., and implemented. G)Short Service Employee Policy Shared Facilities Manager shall comply with its own site-specific short service employee policy, whichever policy is more restrictive. H)Preventative Maintenance Program Shared Facilities Manager shall have a preventative maintenance program that includes, at .a minimum, the identification and prioritization of maintenance for safety and/or environmental critical items. I)Chemicals Brought to Shared Facilities Shared Facilities Manager shall ensure Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDSs) are available at the Shared Facilities for all chemicals Shared Facilities Manager brings to the site, and that the MSDS is reviewed as part of the JSAIJSEA discussion. Exhibit D - Page 3 }IOU 3156256.7 EXHIFIT E Insurance Requirements FAR- RT A- REOUIRED INSURANCE CovERMES OF Co .RS Type of Insurance Minimum Limits of Coverage Commercial General Liability (COL) $1,000,000 combined single limit per occurrence and in the aggregate, where applicable. If COL insurance contains., a general aggregate limit, it shall apply separately to the Wind Plant. COL insurance shall be written on ISO occurrence ,form CG 0001 01 96 (or a substitute form providing equivalent coverage) and shall cover liability arising from premises, operations, independent contractors, products/completed operations, contracts, property damage, personal injury and advertising injury, and liability assumed under an insured contract (including the tort liability of another assumed in ,a business contract), all with limits as specified above COL insurance shall include ISO endorsement CO 24 17 (or an equivalent endorsement) which modifies the definition of "Insured contract!' to eliminate the exclusion of easement or license agreements in connection with construction or demolition operations on or within 50 feet of a railroad There shall be no endorsement or modification of the COL insurance limiting the scope of coverage for liability arising from explosion, collapse, or underground property damage Umbrella Liability $1500000() umbrella liability combined single limit per occurrence and in the aggregate;. The :commercial umbrella insurance shall provide coverage over the top of the CGL insurance, the Business Automobile Liability insurance, and the Employers Liability insurance. The COL and commercial umbrella insurance to be obtained by or on behalf of a Party shall be endorsed as follows "Such insurance as afforded by this policy for the benefit of the other Party shall be Exhibit .E .- Page 1 11.11.1 HOU:31562567 primary as respects any claims, losses, damages, expenses, or liabilities arising out of this Agreement, and insured hereunder, and any .insurance carried by the other Patty shall be excess of and noncontributing with insurance afforded by this policy, and shall provide for claims by one insured against another such that, except for the limits of insurance, the insurance shall apply separately to each insured against whom a claim is made or suit is brought. Business Automobile Liability $1,000,000 combined single limit (each accident), including all Owned, Non-Owned, Hired and Leased Autos Business Automobile Liability insurance shall be written on ISO form CA 00 01, CA 00 05, CA 00 12, CA 00 20, or a substitute form providing equivalent liability coverage. if necessary, the policy shall be endorsed to provide contractual liability coverage equivalent to that provided in the 1990 and later editions of CA 00 01. Workers Compensation Statutory Requirements. Co-Owner may comply with these requirements through the use of a qualified self-insurance plan. Employers Liability $1,000,000 each accident for bodily injury by accident, or $1,000,000 each employee for bodily injury by disease. Builder's Risk Providing coverage, but only during periods when construction, installation and/or erection activities are undertaken, for: ;(j) Physical damage loss to property in the course of construction, installation and erection, on an "all risk" basis and including coverage for earthquake, flood, collapse, faulty workmanship, materials and design, testing of machinery or equipment, debris removal and partial occupancy, with limits sufficient to cover the Probable Maximum Loss (I'fiJ) (ii) Delay in Start-up coverage providing coverage for losses caused by an insured peril with an Exhibit - Page 2 liOU:31962567 '4AI1 Risk" Property indemnity period 6 months and a waiting period not to :exceed I 60 days. The deductible may not exceed $250,000 each and every loss. "All Risk" Property Insurance, in an amount equal to the maximum probable loss The deductible, if any, may not exceed $250,000 each and every loss "All Risk" Property Insurance shall include (i)coverage for fire, flood, wind and Storm, tornado and earthquake with respect to facilities similar in construction location and occupancy to the Wind Plant, with sublimits of no less than $250,000 for flood and earthquake; (ii)Boiler and Machinery Insurance covering all objects customarily subject to such insurance, including boilers and turbines as applicable; and (iii)Business Interruption and Extra Expense Insurance, in an amount required to cover the Party's continuing or increased expenses, resulting from Interruption as a result of a probable maximum loss, for a period of six (6) calendar months The waiting period deductible may not exceed 60 days Business Interruption insurance shall cover suspension or delay of, or interruption in, the operation of the Wind Plant as a result of an insured peril covered under Property 'insurance as set forth above, to the extent available on commercially reasonable terms as determined by the Party, subject to a deductible Notwithstandmg any other provision of this Agreement, Co-owner shall not be required to have Business Interruption insurance until the Placed-In-Service Date:. PART B—RE0uIRW IrJSURANCE.COVERAGE•s OF SHARED FAciums MM4AGER L Type of Insurance Minimum Limits of Coverage Commercial General Exhibit E -Page 3 HOU:3186256,7 Liability (CGL) :$1,00(),000 co. bined single limit per occurrence and in the aggregate, where applicable. If CGL insurance contains a general aggregate limit, it shall apply separately to the Wind Plant CCL insurance shall be ..written on ISO occurrence form CO 00 01 01 96 (or a substitute form providing equivalent coverage) and shall cover liability arising from premises, operations, independent contractors, products/completed operations, contracts, property damage, personal injury and advertising injury, and liability assumed wider an insured contract (including .the tort liability of another assumed in a business contract), all with limits as specified above CGL insurance shall include ISO endorsement CO 24 17 (or an equivalent -endorsement) which modifies the definition of "insured contract" to eliminate the exclusion of easement or license agreements in connection with construction or demolition operations on or within 50 feet of a railroad There shall be no endorsement or modification of the CGL insurance limiting the scope of coverage for liability arising from explosion, collapse, or underground property damage. Umbrella Liability $15,000,000 umbrella liability combined single limit per occurrence and in the aggregate. The commercial umbrella insurance shall. provide coverage over the top of the COL insurance, the Business Automobile Liability insurance, and the Employers Liability insurance The CGL and commercial umbrella insurance to be obtained by or on behalf of a Party shal be endorsed as follows "Such insurance as afforded by this policy for the benefit of the other Party shall be primary as respects any claims, losses, damages, expenses., or liabilities arising out of this Agreement, and insured hereunder, and any insurance carried by the other Party shall be excess of and noncontributing with insurance afforded by this policy., and shall provide for claims by one insured against another such that, except for the limits of insurance, the insurance shall apply Exhibit -:1. age .4 EC U: 31 86256.7 separately to each insured against whom a claim is made or suit is brought. Business Automobile Liability $100O,000 combined single limit (each accident), including all Owned, Non-Owned, Hired and Leased Autos. Business Automobile Liability insurance shall be written on ISO form CA 00 01, CA 00 05, CA 00 12, CA 00 20, or a substitute form providing equivalent liability coverage If necessary, the policy shall be endorsed to provide contractual liability coverage equivalent to that provided in the 1990 and later editions of.CA:00 01. Workers compensation Statutory Requirements Co-Owner may comply with these requirements through the use of a qualified self-insurance plan Employers Liability $1,000,000 each accident for bodily injury by accident, or $1,000,000 each employee for bodily injury by disease Exhibit - Page 5 HOU;3 L86256.7 1 WA 1.1 i 1.) Ii Dispute Resolution Procedures Applicability.. Unless stated otherwise herein, all Disputes shall be resolved in accordance with the dispute resolution procedures set forth in this Exhibit F Notwithstanding the foregoing, (a) the Parties may at any time seek injunctive or equitable relief from a court of competent jurisdiction, and (b) nothing herein shall prevent a Party from defending or pursuing any claim in a court or other proceeding against a third party that has been initiated by such third party. Neotiations..E. Senior Manaeinent. A.In the event of a Dispute aniong the Patties, the Parties will use all reasonable efforts to reach a satisfactory solution by referring the Dispute to senior management of each of the Parties. B.Senior management of the Parties will meet as soon as possible, on no less than seven (7) days' written notice, unless specifically agreed otherwise and shall negotiate in good faith Senior management of the Parties shall examine any submissions by the Parties, and shall,:: if the Dispute cannot be resolved immediately, agree: to convene for furl her negotiations aimed at resolving the Dispute. C.Should senior management of the Parties be unable to resolve the Dispute within thirty(30):days after commencement of negotiation by such senior management, or if any of the Parties fails to comply with the time periods set forth in Paragraph 13 above, then the Parties agree that upon prior written notice to the other Parties (collectively, the "Notified Party"), one or more Parties (collectively, the "Notifying Party") may submit such Dispute to binding arbitration on the following terms L All such Disputes shall be finally settled by binding arbitration, .administered by the .Ametican Arbitration Association in accordance with its Commercial, or other, Arbitration Rules (except to the extent modified by this Exhibit F), by (subject to Paragraph(u below) three (3) arbitrators who are to be appointed an accordance with Paragraph (ii) below and who, to the extent possible, shall be experienced in developing wind farms, knowledgeable of wind industry consensus standards, and otherwise have experience and expertise in the subject matter involved in the Dispute The arbitrator(s) decisions shall be determined in accordance with the standard of a reasonably prudent business person owning the assets involved with respect to the Dispute presented for resolution. The Parties furth..agree that any dispute under any other agreement among the Parties and relating to the Wind Plant (including without limitation, this Agreement, the Omnibus Agreement between BP Wind Energy North America Inc and Ridgeline Energy, LLC, and each of the Transaction Documents (as define in such Omnibus Agreement) shall be brought in the same arbitration as Exhibit F - Page 1 .H0U3182561 the Dispute such that all disputes between the Parties arising under such agreements will be resolved in the same proceeding. ii. Unless all Parties can agree in writing on a. single arbitrator within ten (10) Days after the delivery of notice referred to in Paragravh B above, then, within ten (10) Days thereafter, the Notifying Party, on the one hand (which shall be entitled to specify one arbitrator), and Notified Party, on the other hand (which shall be entitled to specify one arbitrator), shall each notify the other in writing of the name of the independent arbitrator chosen by them to participate as a member of a three-member panel of arbitrators. If either the Notifying Party or the Notified Party fails to give the other timely notice of such appointment, then the Party who timely gave such notice shall be entitled to require that its arbitrator act as the sole arbitrator hereunder. If an arbitrator is timely appointed by each of the Parties, the two named arbitrators shall select the third member of the arbitration panel within ten (10) Days after they have both been appointed, and they shall promptly notify the Parties thereof. Each Party shall promptly notify the other Party and the Party-selected arbitrators in writing if the third arbitrator has any relationship to or affiliation with such Party (a "Notice of Relationship"), in which event another arbitrator shall be selected within ten (10) Days after receipt of such Notice of Relationship by the Party-selected arbitrators If the two initially appointed arbitrators cannot timely agree on a third arbitrator, then any Party may request that the American Arbitration Association select the third arbitrator. The arbitrators, to the extent possible, shall have experience and expertise in the subject matter involved in the Dispute. in The arbitration bearing shall be held at a site in Chicago, Illinois, to be agreed to by a majority of the arbitrators on thirty (30) Days' written notice to the Parties The arbitration proceedings shall be held in the English language iv. The arbitration hearing shall be concluded within one hundred twenty (120) Days after it is commenced unless otherwise ordered by a majority of the arbitrators :fl compelling grounds, and the award thereon or decision with respect thereto shall be made within ten (10) Days after the close of the submission of evidence Arbitration demanded hereunder by any Party shall be final and binding on the Parties and may not be appealed except in the case of manifest error or impropriety in the arbitration proceedings. The decision, arbitration order and relief agreed upon in writing by any two or more of the arbitrators (in the case of a three-member panel) shall be deemed the decision of the panel for all purposes hereof. If two or more members of the arbitration panel cannot agree, then the decision of the arbitrator not appointed by any Party shall control. The references herein to the arbitration panel shall also be deemed to refer to a single arbitrator where a panel is not being used hereunder, and all references to decisions, orders, awards and relief granted by the panel of arbitrators shall mean the decision, order, award or relief agreed upon in writing by the required number of members of the panel, as indicated. Exhibit - Page 2 HOU:3186256.7 v. The Parties agree: that the arbitration panel may render and the Parties shall abide by any mterim ruling that the arbitration panel deems necessary or prudent regarding discovery, summary proceedings, or other pre-arbitration matters. vi The Parties hereby submit to the in personam jurisdiction of the state and federal courts located in Chicago, Illinois, and agree that any such court may enter all such orders as may be necessary or appropriate to enforce and/or to confirm any ruling or decision or any award rendered by the arbitration panel Any court of law of Illinois or the United States of America shall enforce the decision of the panel of arbitrators (or single arbitrator, as applicable) in its entirety and only in its entirety, provided, however, that if a court for any reason refuses to enforce any, equitable remedies ordered by the arbitration panel, such refusal shall not affect any damage or attorney fee award made by the arbitration panel. vii.Any costs or other expenses, including reasonable attorneys' fees and costs incurred by the successful Party, arising out of or occurring because of the arbitration proceedings may be assessed against the unsuccessful Party, borne equally, or assessed in any manner within the discretion of the arbitration panel and shall be included as part of any order or decision re.ndered by the arbitration panel The arbitration panel may also order any Party who is ordered to pay any other Party's .attOrney& fees and costs to pay interest on such award at a rate not to exceed the prime rate published in the Wall Street Journal edition from the date of the award until paid As an initial matter (and until ordered differently by the arbitration panel m connection with an award), the Parties shall each pay the fees, costs and expenses charged by the arbitrator chosen by it, and, in advance, one- half (1t2) of the fees, costs and expenses.. charged by the third arbitrator. viii.Third parties dealing with any Party shall be entitled to fully rely on any written arbitration order or decision with regard to the matters addressed therein, whether or not such arbitration order or decision has been confirmed or adopted by a court, or incorporated in any order of any court. Exhibit F - Page 3 ..HOU:3I862S67 EXHIBIT M EX=LJANATION PROVIDING ASSURANCE THAT TIlE PROPOSED TRANSACTION WILL NOT RESULT IN CROSS-SUBSIDIZATION OR PLEDGE OR ENCUMBRANCE OF UTILITY ASSETS Each Applicant verifies with respect to itself, based on facts and circumstances known to it or that are reasonably foreseeable, that the Proposed Transaction will not result in, at the time of the Proposed Transaction.or in the fttture.: (1)any transfers of facilities between a traditional public utility associate company that has captive customers or that owns or provides transmission service over jurisdictional transmission facilities, and an associate company; (2)any new issuances of securities by a traditional public utility associate company that has captive customers or that owns or provides transmission service over jurisdictional transmission facilities, for the benefit of an associate company; (3)any new pledge or encumbrance of assetS of.a traditional public utility associate company that has captive customers or that owns or provides transmission service over jurisdictional, transmission facilities, for the benefit of an associate company; or (4)any new affiliate contracts between a non-utility associate company and a traditional public utility associate company that has captive customers or that own or provide transmission service over jurisdictional transmission facilities, other than non-power goods and services agreements subject toreview under Sections 205 and 206 of the Federal Power Act v UNITED STATES OF AMERICA BEFORE THE FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION Goshen Phase 11 LLC Ridgelinc Alternative Energy, LLC ) Docket No. .ECl2- -000 PROTECTIVE ORDER (Issued, I This Protective Order shalt govern the use of all Protected Materials produced by, or on behalf of any Participant. Notwithstanding y order terminating this proceeding, this Protective Order shall remain in effect until specifically modified or terminated by the Presiding Administrative Law Judge ("Priding Judge") or the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission ("Commission"). .2. A Participant may designate as protected those materials which customarily are treated by that Participant as sensitive or proprietary, Which are not available to the public, and which, if disclosed freely,, would subject that Participant or its customers to risk of competitive disadvantage or other business injury, 3. Defithtions—For purpose of this Order: (a)The term "Participant" shall mean a Participant as defined in I& C F R § 385.102(b). (b)(I) The term 'Protected Materials" means (A) materials (including depositions) provided, by a Participant in response to discovery requests and desigil' ted by Snch Participant as protected; (B) any information contained in or obtained from such designated materials.; (C) any other materials which are made subject to this Protective Order by the Presiding Judge, by the Commission, by any court brother body having appropriate authority, or by agreement of the Participants; (D) notes of Protected Materials; and (E) copies of Protective Materials. The Participant producing the Protected Materials shall physically mark them on. each page as 'PROTECTED MATERIALS" or with words of similar import as long as the term "Protected Materials" is included in that designation to indicate that they are Protective Materials. (2)The term "Notes of Protected Materials" means memoranda, handwritten notes, or any other form of information (including electronic form) which copies or discloses materials described in Paragraph 3 (b)l). Notes of Protected Materials are subject to the same restrictions provided in this order for Protected Materials except as specifically provided -in this order. (3)Protected Materials shall not include (A) any information or document contained in the files of the Commission, or any other federal or state agency, or any federal or state court, unless the information or document has been determined to be protected by such agency or court, or i(B) information that is public knowledge, or which becomes public knowledge, other than through disclosure in violation of this Protective Order. (c)The term "Non-Disclosure Certificate" shall mean the certificate annexed hereto by which Participants who have been granted access to Protected Materials shall certify their understanding that such access to Protected Materials is provided pursuant to the terms and restrictions of this Protective Order, and that such Participants have read the Protective Order and agree to be bound by it. AllNon-Disclosure Certificates shall be served on all parties on the official service list maintained by the Secretary in this proceeding. (d)The term "Reviewing Representative" shall mean a person who has signed a Non-Disclosure Certificate and who is: (I): Commission Litigatloti.Staff (2)an attorney who has made an appearance in this proceeding for a Participant; (3)attorneys, paralegals, and other employees associated for purposes of this case with an attorney described in (2), (4)ui expert or an..employee of an expert retained by ...Participant: for the purpose of advising, preparing for or testifying in this proceeding; (5) aperson designated as a Reviewing Representative by order of the Presiding Judge or the Commission, or (6)employees or other representatives of Participants 'appearing in this proceeding with significant responsibility for this docket 4. Protected Materials shall be made available under the terms: of this Protective Order only to Participants and only through their Reviewing, Representatives as provided in Paragraphs. 7:, S, and 9 5 Protected Materials shall remain available to Participants until the later of the date that an order terminating this proceeding becomes no longer subject to j'tidic .al. review,. of the date that any other Commission proceeding relating to the Protected Material is concluded and no longer subject to judicial review. If :requested to do so in writing after that date, the Participants shall, within fifteen days of such request, return, the Protected Materials (excluding Notes of Protected Materials): to the Paicipants that produced them, or shall destroy the materials, except that copies of fili,iigs, official transcripts and exhibits in this proceeding that contain Protected Materials, and Notes of Protected Material may be retained, if they are maintained in accordance with Paragraph 6, below. Within such time period each Participant, if requested to do so, shall, also submit to the producing Participant an affidavit stating that, to the best of its knowledge, all Protected Materials "and all Notes of Protected Materials have been returned or have been destroyed or will be maintained in accordance with Paragraph 6 Tot he extent Protected Materials are not returned or destroyed, they shall remain subject to the Protective Order, 6.All Protected Materials shall be maintained by the Participants in a secure place. Access to those materials shall be limited to those Reviewing Representatives specifically authorized pursuant W. Paragraphs 8 and 9. The Secretary shall place any Protected Materials filed with the Commission in a non-public file. By placing such documents in a non-public file, the Commission is not making a determination of any claim of privilege. The Commission retains the right to make determinations regarding any claim of privilege and the discretion to release information necessary to carry out its jurisdictional responsibilities. For documents submitted to Commission Litigation Staff ("Staff', Staff shall follow the notification procedures of 18 C.F.R. § 388.112 before making public any Protected Materials. 7.Protected Materials shall be treated as confidential by each Participant and by the Reviewing Representative in accordance with the certificate executed pursuant to Paragraph 9. Protected Materials shall not be used except as necessary for the conduct of this proceeding, nor shall they be disclosed in any manner to any person except a Reviewing Representative who is engaged in the conduct of this proceeding and who needs to know the information in order to catty out that person's responsibilities in this proceeding. Reviewing Representatives may make copies of Protected Materials, but such copies become Protected Materials. Reviewing Representatives may make notes of Protected Materials, which shall .be: treated as Notes of Protected Materials if they disclose the contents of Protected Materials, 8 •(a) If a Reviewing Representative's scope of employment ihclüdes the marketing of energy, the direct supervision of any employee or employees whose duties :include the marketing of energy, or the provision of consulting services to any person whose duties include the marketing of energy, such Reviewing Representative may not use information contained in any Protected Materials obtained through this,procceding to give any Participant or any competitor of any Participant a coniffietchd advantage. (b) In the event that a Participant wishes to designate as a Reviewing Representative a person not described in Paragraph 3(d) above, the Participant shall seek agreement from the Participant providing the Protected Materials. If an agreement is reached that person shall be a Reviewing . Representative pursuant to Paragraph 3(d): above with respect to those materials. If no agreement is reached, the Participant shall submit the disputed designation to the Presiding Judge for resolution. 9 (a) A Reviewing Representative shall not be ermitted to inspect, participate in discussions regarding, or otherwise be permitted access to Protected Materials pursuant to this Protective Order unless that Reviewing Representative has first executed a Non-Disclosure Certificate provided that if an attorney qualified as a Reviewing Representative has exec ütOd such a certificate, the paralegals, secretarial and clerical personnel under the attorney's instruction, supervision or control need not do so. A copy of each Non-Disclosure Certificate shall be provided to counsel for the Participant asserting confidentiality prior to disclosure of any Protected Material to that Reviewing Representative. (b) Attorneys qualified as Reviewing Representatives are responsible for ensuring that persons tinder their supervision or control comply with this order. 10. Any Reviewing Representative may disclose Protected Materials to any other Reviewing Representative as long as the disclosing Reviewing Representative and the receiving .Reviewing Representative to whom the are disclosed ceases to be engaged in these proceedings, or is. employed or retained for a position whose occupant is not qualified to be .a Reviewing Representative under Paragraphs 3(d), access to Protected Materials by that person shall be terminated. Even if no longer engaged in this proceeding, every person who has executed a Non-Disclosure Certificate shall continue to be hound by the provisions of this Protective Order and the certification. Ii. Subject to Paragraph .17, the Presiding Administrative Law Judge shall resolve any disputes arising under this Protective Order, Prior to presenting any dispute under this Protective Order to the Presiding Administrative Law Judge, the. parties to the dispute shall use their best efforts to resolve it. Any participant that contests the designation of materials as protected shall notify the party that provided the protected materials by specifying in writing the materials whose designation is contested This Protective Order shall automatically cease to apply to such materials five (5) business days after the notification is made unless the designator, within said 5-day period, files a motion with the Presiding Administrative Law Judge, with supporting affidavits, demonstrating that the materials should continue to be protected. In any challenge to the designation of materials as protected, the burden of proof shall be on the participant seeking protection. If the Presiding Administrative Law Judge finds that the materials at issue are not entitled to protection, the procedures of Paragraph 17 shall apply. 12. All copies of all documents reflecthig Protected Materials, including the portion of the hearing testimony, exhibits, transcripts, briefs and other documents which refer to Protected Materials, shall be filed and served in sealed envelopes or other appropriate containers endorsed to the effect that they are sealed pursuant to this Protective Order. Such documents shall be marked "PROTECTED MATERIALS" and shall be filed under seal and served under seal, upon. the Presiding Judge and all Reviewing Representatives who are on the service list. For anything filed under seal, .redcted versions or, where an entire document is protected, a letter indicating such, will alsobe flied with the Commission and served on all parties on the service list and the Presiding Judge. Counsel for the producing Participant shall provide to all Participants who request the same, a list of Reviewing Representatives who are 'entitled to receive such material. Counsel shall take all reasonable precautions necessary to assure that Protected Materials are not distributed to unauthorized persons. If any Participant desires to include, utilize or 'refer to any Protected Materials or information derived therefrom in testimony or exhibits during the 'hearing. in these proceedings in such a 'manner that might require disclosure of such material to persons other than reviewing representatives, such participant shall first notify both counsel for the disclosing participant and the Presiding Judge: of such desire, identifying with particularity "eac ''h.of the Protected Materials. Thereafter, use of such Protected Material will be governed by procedures determined by the Presiding Judge. 13.Nothing in this Protective Order shall be construed as precluding any Participant from objecting to the use of Protected Materials on any legal grounds. 14.Nothing in this Protective Order shall preclude any Participant from requesting the Presiding residing Judge, the Commission, or any other body having appropriate authority, to find that this Protective Order should not apply to all or any materials previously designated as Protected Materials pursuant to this Protective Order. The Presiding Judge may alter or amend this Protective Order as circumstances warrant at any time during the course of this proceeding. 15.Each party governed by this Protective :Order has the right to seek changes in it as appropriate from the Presiding Judge or the Commission. 16.All Protected Materials filed with the Commission, the Presiding Judge, or any other judicial or administrative body, in support of, or as a part of, a motion, other pleading, brief, or other document, shall be filed and served in sealed envelopes or other appropriate containers bearing prominent markings indicating that the contents include P.roteted Materials subject to this Protective Order. 17.if the Presiding Judge finds at any time in the course of this proceeding that all or part of the Protected Materials need not be protected, those materials shall, nevertheless, be subject to the protection afforded by this Protective Order for three (3) business days from the date of issuance of the Presiding Judge's decision, and if the Participant seeking prOtection files an interlocutory appeal or requests that the issue be certified to the Commission, for,an additional seven (7) business days.. None of the Participants waives its rights to seek additional administrative or judicial remedies after the Presiding Judge's decision respecting Protected Materials or Reviewing Representatives, or the Commission's denial of any appeal thereof. The provisions of 18 C.F.R. § 388.112 shall apply to any requests for Protected Materials in the files of the Commission under the Freedom of inforn ation Act (5 U.S.C. § 552). 18.Nothing in this Protective Order shall be deemed to preclude any Participant from independently seeking through discovery in any other administrative or judicial proceeding information or materials produced in this proceeding under this Protective Order. 19, None of the Participants waives the right to pursue any other legal or equitable remedies that may be available in the event of actual or anticipated disclosure of Protected Materials. 20. The contents of Protected Materials or any other form of information that copies or discloses Protected Materials shall not be disclosed to anyone Other than in accordance with this Protective Order and shall be used only in connection with this (these) proceeding(s). Any violation of this Protective: Order and of any Non-Disclosure Certificate executed hereunder shall constitute a violation of an Order of the Commission. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA BEFORE THE FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION Gosken Phase II LLC Ridgeline Alternative Energy, LLC ) 'Docket No. EC12- -000 NON-DISCLOSURE CERTIFICATE I hereby certify my understanding that access to Protected Materials is provided to me pursuant to the terms and restrictions of the Protective Order in this proceeding, that I have been given a copy of and have read the Protective %Order, and that I agree to be. bound by it. I understand that the contents of the Protected Materials, any notes or other rnernoranda, or any Other form of information that copies or discloses Protected Materials shall not be disclosed to anyone other than in accordance with that Protective Order. I acknowledge that a violation of this certificate constitutes .a violation of an order of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.. U NON-DISCLOSURE CERTIFICATE FOR COM PETITIVE DUTY PERSONNEL I hereby certiy my understanding that access to Protected Materials marked "CONTAINS INFORMATION NOT AVAILABLE TO COMPETITIVE DUTY PERSONNEL" in the above-captioned case is provided to me pursuant to the terms and restrictions of the Protective Order in said proceeding, that I have been given a copy of and have read the Protective. Oder, and that I agree to be bound by it I understand that the contents of the Protected Materials that may come into my possession or under my control, any notes or other memoranda, or any other form ..f information tha ...copies: or discloses. Protected, Materials may not be disclosed to anyone other than in accordance with that Protective Order. I promise not to make or facilitate any such prohibited disclosure, and I acknowledge my understanding that,: violation of this certificate constitutes a. violation of an order of the Federal Energy Regulatory 'Commission and may subject me to sanctions and Pun i.sh entin accordance with, law. Title:.............................. Representing:__________________ Date:. .. ..... L.(mD STATES OF AMERICA BEFORE TIlE FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION Goshen Phase II IL ) Ridgeline Alternative Energy, LLC ) Docket No. EC12- 400 Veiificatlon Pursuant to 18 C. EA 133,7 STATE OF TEXAS ) ) COUNTY OF BARS NOW., BEFDRF.. ME, the undersigned authority, personally came and appeared, Joaquin Oliveira, who, after first being duly sworn by me, did depose and say That he is Management Committee Member of (oshen Phase 11 LLC ("Gosben II") and has the authority to verify the foregoing Application on behalf Goshen II, and that to the best of his knowledge. mfonnation, and belief, all of the statements pgo-at, a h Win said Application with respect to Goshen fl are true and correct Management Committee Member of Goshen 11 Subscribed and sworn to before me thi1 , of March, 2012 Public LORICRAt ii Notery Pubftc Steto of Texas My Commission expires MvComlm5IonExPIresj - _L UNITED . STAT... OF AMERICA BEFORE THE FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION Goshen Phase II LLC ) Ridgeline Alternative Energy, LLC ) Docket No. EC12- -000 Verification Pursuant to 18 c.F.R. 33.7 STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) COUNTY OF KING ) NOW, BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, personally came and appeared, Robert Ellis, who, after first being duly sworn by me, did depose and say: That he is Vice President of Ridgeline Alternative Energy, LLC and has the authority to verify the foregoing Application on behalf RAE and its subsidiaries, and that to the best of his knowledge, information, and belief, all of the statements contained in said Application with respect to such entities are true and correct. Robeu Elhs Subscribed and sworn to before inc this 131h day of March, 2012 -- JAMIE M.. ONKA Notary Public State of Washington votary Public My Commission Expires November 03 2012 - My Commission expires FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION WASHINGTON, D.C. 20426 OFFICE OF ENERGY MARKET REGULATION Wolverine Creek Energy LLC Docket No. ER12-1280-000 Wolverine Creek Goshen Interconnection, LLC Docket No. ER12-1281-000 May 9, 2012 Dickstein Shapiro LLP One Stamford Plaza 263 Tresser Boulevard Suite 1400 Stamford, CT 06901-3271 Attention: Laura V. Szabo, Esq Reference: Amended Common Facilities Agreement Dear Ms. Szabo: On March 16, 2012, you filed, on behalf of the applicants to both of the above referenced dockets, the same unexecuted Amended and Restated Common Facilities Agreement (Amended CFA) between Wolverine Creek Energy LLC (Wolverine) and Wolverine Creek Goshen Interconnection, LLC (WCGI).1 Currently, WCGI, Wolverine, Ridgeline Alternative Energy, LLC (Ridgeline) and Goshen Phase II are parties to the existing CFA. You state the Amended CFA reflects Ridgeline's assignment of a portion of its ownership interest in WCGI to Meadow Creek Project Company LLC (Meadow Creek), along with a portion of Ridgeline's Common Facilities Percentage Interest to correspond with Meadow Creek's planned generation. Certain technical modifications and other clarifications have been proposed to effectuate this change in ownership interest and capacity share. Waiver of the Commission's notice requirements pursuant to 1 Designated by the parties as WCGI's and Wolverine's FERC Electric Rate Schedules No. 1. Docket No. ER12-1280-000, et al. 2 section 35.11 of the Commission's regulations (18 C.F.R. § 35.11) is granted, and the Amended CFA is accepted for filing.2 These filings were noticed on March 16, 2012, with comments, protests or motions to intervene due on or before April 6, 2012. No protests or adverse comments were filed. Notices of intervention and unopposed timely filed motions to intervene are granted pursuant to the operation of Rule 214 of the Commission's Rules of Practice and Procedure (18 C.F.R § 385.214). Any opposed or untimely filed motion to intervene is governed by the provisions of Rule 214. This acceptance for filing shall not be construed as constituting approval of the referenced filing or of any rate, charge, classification, or any rule, regulation, or practice affecting such rates or services provided for in the filed documents; nor shall such acceptance be deemed as recognition of any claimed contractual right or obligation associated therewith; and such acceptance is without prejudice to any findings or orders which have been or any which may hereafter be made by the Commission in any proceeding now pending or hereafter instituted by or against Wolverine Creek Energy LLC and Wolverine Creek Goshen Interconnection, LLC. This action is taken pursuant to authority delegated to the Director, Division of Electric Power Regulation - West under 18 C.F.R. § 375.307. This order constitutes final agency action. Requests for rehearing by the Commission may be filed within 30 days of the date of issuance of this order, pursuant to 18 C.F.R. § 385.7 13. Sincerely, Steve P. Rodgers, Director Division of Electric Power Regulation - West cc: All Parties 2 Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corporation, et al., 60 FERC ¶ 61,106, reh 'g denied, 61 FERC 161,089 (1992), and Prior Notice and Filing Requirements Under Part II of the Federal Power Act, 64 FERC ¶ 61,139, clarWed, 65 FERC ¶ 61,081 (1993). 20120510-3031 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 05/10/2012 FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION WASHINGTON, DC 20426 OFFICE OF ENERGY MARKET REGULATION Wolverine Creek Energy LLC Docket No. ER12-1280-000 Wolverine Creek Goshen Interconnection, LLC Docket No. ER1 2-128 1 -000 May 10, 2012 Dickstein Shapiro LLP 1825 Eye Street, NW Washington, DC 20006 Attention: Laura V. Szabo, Esq. Counsel for Wolverine Creek Energy LLC and Wolverine Creek Goshen Interconnection, LLC Reference: Errata to Letter Order Issued on May 9, 2012 Dear Ms. Szabo: On May 9, 2012, the Commission issued a delegated letter order, which accepted for filing in each docket referenced above, an unexecuted Amended and Restated Common Facilities Agreement (Amended CFA) between Wolverine Creek Energy LLC and Wolverine Creek Goshen Interconnection, LLC (collectively, Applicants). In the last sentence of the first paragraph, the delegated letter order states, "the Amended CFA is accepted for filing," without expressly granting the Applicants requested effective date. The sentence is corrected to read, the Amended CFA is accepted for filing effective when the Execution Date occurs, subject to the Applicants filing an executed Amended CFA to reflect the actual effective date." Sincerely, Steve P. Rodgers, Director Division of Electric Power Regulation - West 20120510-3031 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 05/10/2012 Document Content (s) ER12-1280 Errata.DOC ..................................................1-1 L'1I41411 One Stamfatd Plaza J 283 Trea.er Boulevard I Suite 1400 1 Stamford, CF 06901-3271 m009r&4500 I r 203) 9&4501 March 16, 2012 By E-Filing Hon. Kimberly D. Bose, Secretary Federal Energy Regulatory Commission 888 First Street, N.E. Washington, D.C. 20426 Re: Wolverine Creek Goshen Interconnection LLC, Docket No. ER12- -000 Wolverine Creek Energy LLC, Docket No. ER12- -000 Filing of Amended Common Facilities Agreement Dear Ms. Bose: Pursuant to Section 205 of the Federal Power Act (TPA"),1 and Part 35 of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's ("Commission") regulations,2 Wolverine Creek Goshen Interconnection, LLC ("WCGI") and Wolverine Creek Energy LLC ("Wolverine") (collectively, the "Applicants") submit for filing an unexecuted form of an Amended and Restated Common Facilities Agreement ("Amended CFA") that will not become effective until its execution date, which will not occur until after certain conditions described in Section IV below are satisfied (the "Execution Date"). As described in Section III, below, the Amended CFA will amend and restate the Common Facilities Agreement ("CFA"), dated November 18, 2005, and as amended by the First Amendment, effective as of May 28, 2010, among WCGI, Wolverine, Ridgeline Alternative Energy, LLC ("RAE")3 and Goshen Phase II LLC ("Goshen II") that is currently on file with the Commission as Rate Schedules FERC No. 1 for WCGI and Wolverine.4 The 116 U.S.C. § 824d (2009). 2 18 C.F.R. § 35.13 (2009). 3 RAE was formerly known as Ridgeline Airtricity Energy LLC but changed its name to Ridgeline Alternative Energy, LLc. 4 The CFA was originally submitted for filing to the Commission by WCGI and Wolverine in Docket No. ER06- 267-000 on November 18, 2005, which the Commission accepted for filing on January 13, 2006. See Wolverine Creek Goshen Interconnection LLC, et al., Letter Order, Docket Nos. ER06-267-000, 0A06-1-000 and TS06-4-000 (Jan. 13, 2006), Errata Notice (Jan. 27, 2006) (together, "Wolverine Creek Letter Order"). The first amendment to the CPA was filed with the Commission on February 23,2010, in Docket No. ER1O-793-000, which the Commission accepted for filing on April 7, 2010. See Wolverine Creek Goshen Interconnection LLC, et al., Letter Order, Docket No. ER1O-793-000 (Apr. 7, 2010). WCGI and Wolverine submitted a compliance filing on June 4, 2010, notifying the Commission of the effective date of the amended CPA, which was accepted by the Commission in Wolverine Creek Goshen Interconnection LLC, et al., Letter Order, Docket No. ER1O-793-001 (Jul. 1, 2010). DOCSCT-28815020 Los Angeles I New York I Orange County I Silicon Valley I Stamford I Washington, DC DICKSTEINSHAPI ROLIP The Honorable Kimberly D. Bose March 16, 2012 Page 3 developing, owning and operating the WCGI Interconnection Facilities with a transfer capacity sized to deliver the output of its Owners' (or their affiliate's) respective wind-powered generation facilities to the PacifiCorp transmission system.7 WCGI, Wolverine, RAE and Goshen II are parties to the CFA. The CFA sets out the terms under which each of Wolverine, RAE and Goshen has the right to interconnect their respective wind generation projects to the WCGI Interconnection Facilities and use their respective shares of available capacity on the WCGI Interconnection Facilities for delivery of power generated by their respective projects to the PacifiCorp transmission system. Such terms include the Owners' obligations to pay their pro-rata share of WCGI' s expenses once they begin using that capacity. As noted above, the CFA is on file with the Commission as rate schedules of WCGI and Wolverine, and in the Wolverine Creek Letter Order, the Commission granted WCGI and Wolverine waivers of the Commission's open access transmission requirements under Section 35.28 and Parts 37 and 358 of the Commission's regulations.8 WCGI is also an exempt wholesale generator ( 64EWG 3 ).9 Wolverine owns a 64.5 MW (nameplate) wind-powered generation facility (the "WCE Project") that currently interconnects to the WCGI Interconnection Facilities, which are used by Wolverine to deliver its power to the PacifiCorp transmission system.'° Goshen II owns a 124.5. MW (nameplate) wind-powered generation facility (the "GPII Project") that also currently interconnects to the WCGI Interconnection Facilities, which are used by Goshen II to deliver its power to the PacifiCorp transmission system.11 RAE is not at present using the WCGI Interconnection Facilities because its wind-powered generation project or projects have not yet been constructed. Under the CFA, each of the Owners' rights to use the WCGI Interconnection Facilities is based on the ratio of the capacity amount of its generation project over the Design Capacity (as 7 See CFA, 2.1. 8 In the Wolverine Creek Letter Order, the Commission also granted WCGI the same types of waivers and blanket authorizations granted to market-based rate entities with respect to rate and financial regulation under Parts 35, 141 and 34 of the Commission's regulations. 9 See Wolverine Creek Goshen Interconnection LLC, 111 FERC 162,209 (2005). 10 Wolverine has market-based rate authority and waivers and blanket authorizations that the Commission grants to entities with market-based rate authority. See Wolverine Creek Energy LLC, Docket No. ER06-230-000, Letter Order, (Jan. 13, 2006). Wolverine is also an EWG. See Wolverine Creek Energy LLC, 111 FERC ¶ 62,210 (2005). Goshen II has market-based rate authority and the waivers and blanket authorizations that the Commission grants to entities with market-based rate authority. See Goshen Phase IILLC, Docket Nos. ER1O-1821-000 and -001, Letter Order, (Oct. 7, 2010). Goshen II is also an EWG. See Eagle Creek Hydro Power, LLC, et al., Docket Nos. EG10-48-000, et al., Notice of Effectiveness of Exempt Wholesale Generator Status (Oct. 1, 2010). DICKSTE1NSHAPIROLLP The Honorable Kimberly D. Bose March 16, 2012 Page 5 RAE has been developing potential wind-powered projects to be connected to the WCGI Interconnection Facilities. One such project RAE is developing, through its wholly-owned subsidiary, Meadow Creek Project Company LLC ("Meadow Creek"), will consist of wind energy electric generation facilities to be located in Bingham County, Idaho totaling approximately 119.7 MW (collectively, the "Meadow Creek Project' ).'6 The CFA contemplates the interconnection to the WCGI Interconnection Facilities of an RAE Project (defined as one or more wind powered generation facilities developed by RAE or its affiliates in, inter alia, Bingham County, Idaho, with an aggregate nameplate capacity that does not exceed RAE's Common Facilities Percentage Interest), owned by RAE or an affiliate. 17 Because RAE will indirectly own the Meadow Creek Project through its subsidiary, Meadow Creek, RAE plans to assign the portion of RAE's ownership interests in WCGI and RAEs Common Facilities Percentage Interest that corresponds to the 119.7 MW amount of Meadow Creek's generation planned to interconnect to the WCGI Interconnection Facilities (the "Meadow Creek Share") and to reduce RAE's ownership in WCGI and the RAE Share in the CFA by the corresponding amount. RAE has requested that Owners amend and restate the CFA in the form of the Amended CPA to reflect the rights and obligations of Meadow Creek, as an owner of WCGI, with rights to use the WCGI Interconnection Facilities consistent with the Meadow Creek Share. 18 III. Description of Proposed Amended CFA Once the Amended CFA becomes effective on the Execution Date, as described in Section IV below, it will supersede and replace the existing CFA as described below. 16 RAE decided, as a business matter, to assign the development rights for the Meadow Creek Project to Meadow Creek, RAE's special purpose subsidiary, to complete the development of the project. RAE has advised WCGI and Wolverine that the Meadow Creek Project will consist of two "qualifying small power production facilities" within the meaning of the Commission's regulations at 18 C.F.R. § 292.203(a) ("QE"): the approximately 77.7 MW North Point Project and the approximately 38.8 MW Five Pine Project. See notice of self-certification of QF status, filed by Meadow Creek for North Point Project, Docket No. QF 12-1 75-000; notice of self-certification of QF status, filed by Meadow Creek for Five Pine Project, Docket No. QF12-176-000, (Jan. 26, 2012). RAE has advised WCGI and Wolverine that Meadow Creek has not yet applied for market-based rate authority, waivers of the Commission's open access transmission requirements or EWG status, given the early stage of the Meadow Creek Project's development, but plans to do so prior to the initial generation of electric energy by the Meadow Creek Project. 17 See, e.g., CFA, §1.1(oo), 2.1 and 2.6. 18 The admission of Meadow Creek as an owner of WCGI will be implemented through an amendment to the limited liability company agreement of WCGI ("Amended WCGI LLC Agreement"), but it will not occur until after certain conditions are satisfied, including obtaining the Commission's approval under Section 203 of the FPA of the proposed change in WCGI's ownership and the Commission's acceptance under Section 205 of the Amended CFA. On the same date as this filing of the Amended CPA, a separate application under Section 203 of the FPA for the proposed ownership change in WCGI has been filed with the Commission by WCGI and RAE. DICKSTE INS HA P t ROLIP The Honorable Kimberly D. Bose March 16,2012 Page 7 (3)Section 3.2 of the CFA will be amended to modify Wolverine's right to elect to use excess capacity on the WCGI Interconnection Facilities from the current right to elect to use 30 MW of the excess over Design Capacity to the right to elect to use the first 10 MW of excess capacity on the WCGI Interconnection Facilities above the nameplate capacity of the currently existing WCE Project, the GPII Project and the Meadow Creek Project and to confirm RAE the right to use the remaining excess capacity. 24 (4)Certain technical modifications will be made to the metering requirements of Section 2.11 to provide for the collection of additional information, as may be required to track the operation of each project and the addition of Section 2.3(e) to accommodate Meadow Creek's request for equipment to monitor the design capacity usage of the WCGI Interconnection Facilities. (5)Sections 2.3(b) and (c) will be deleted because they are no longer operative or necessary since the referenced facilities in those sections were completed several years ago. (6)The definition of the LLC Agreement will be revised to reference the Amended WCGI LLC Agreement. (7)Certain clarifying language will be added to arbitration and contract integration provisions in Sections 2.21 and 4.3. Other than as described above, the terms and conditions of the Amended CFA are substantially similar to the CFA.25 23 See Amended CFA, §1.1(1). The definition of the GPII Project will also be clarified to reflect the actual nameplate rating. See Amended CPA, § 1.1(v). 24 See, e.g., Amended CFA, §§ 3.2 and 1.1(q). 25 As noted supra, in the Wolverine Creek Letter Order, the Commission granted WCGI and Wolverine waivers of the Commission's open access requirements because the WCGI Interconnection Facilities are limited, discrete facilities that will be used for the purpose of delivering its owners' power to the transmission grid. After the Amended CFA becomes effective, the WCGI Interconnection Facilities will continue to be limited, discrete facilities used by its owners. Since Meadow Creek is an affiliate of RAE (an owner of WCGI) and will be an owner of WCGI, and the existing CFA contemplates interconnection of affiliate projects, the proposed interconnection of an RAE's subsidiary to use a portion of RAE's existing rights to the WCGI Interconnection Facilities does not materially change the facts upon which the open access waivers were granted and does not trigger any open access transmission tariff requirements. See also Terra-Gen Dixie Valley, LLC, et. al., 132 FERC 161,215 at P 47 (20 10) (clarifying that OATT requirement is not triggered upon receiving a request for transmission service from an affiliated third party). DICKSTEINSHAPRO, The Honorable Kimberly D. Bose March 16, 2012 Page 9 (g) RAE has paid, or caused to be paid, to Goshen II its costs and expenses incurred in connection with the Amended CFA, the WCGI LLC Agreement and the Amended SFA.. The Applicants request that the Commission accept the Amended CFA for filing, without modification, to become effective on the Execution Date. The Applicants do not yet know when the Execution Date will occur because it is contingent on the satisfaction of various conditions. However, after the Commission accepts the Amended CFA for filing and the Execution Date occurs, the Applicants commit to make an informational compliance filing within ten (10) days after such date occurs resubmitting the executed Amended CFA in the form attached hereto notifying the Commission of the effective date. 28 The Applicants request that the Commission, in its order accepting the Amended CFA for filing, confirm that, to the extent the executed Amended CFA submitted in such supplemental compliance filing has no changes other than its execution date, signatures, and the completion of other placeholders for dates, no further action will be required by the Commission for the Amended CFA to become effective as their respective rate schedules on the Execution Date. The Applicants request waiver of the Commission's sixty day prior notice requirement under 18 C.F.R. § 35.3 of the Commission's regulations to the extent that the Execution Date occurs less than sixty days after the date this filing is submitted to the Commission. Waiver is consistent with Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corp., 60 FERC ¶ 61,106, order on reh 'g, 61 FERC ¶ 61,089 (1992) because there is no rate impact (i.e., the Amended CFA will adjust the Common Facilities Percentage Interest as described herein and makes a number of technical changes as described herein). Also, to the extent the effective date occurs more than 120 days after the date of this filing, the Applicants request waiver of Section 35•3•29 28 See, e.g., Bishop Hill Energy LLC, et al., Letter Order, Docket Nos. ER12-847-000, et al. (March 5, 2012) as corrected by the Errata to the Letter Order (March 5, 2012) (granting a FERC rate schedule date that was tied to the execution date that would not occur until future conditions were satisfied and allowing subsequent informational compliance filing to submit a signed agreement and notify of the actual effective date); Grand Ridge Energy IV LLC, Letter Order, Docket No. ER1 1-128-000 (Dec. 2, 20 10) (granting a FERC rate schedule date that was tied to an execution date that would not occur until satisfaction of future conditions and allowing subsequent informational compliance filing to submit a signed agreement and notify of the actual effective date); Potomac Electric Power Co., Docket No. ER08-1 152-000 (Jun. 23, 2008) (granting a FERC rate schedule effective date of a contract that was tied to the satisfaction of future conditions and allowing a subsequent informational compliance filing to incorporate actual effective date); see also Potomac Electric Power Co., 93 FERC 161,240 at 61,799 (2000) (The Commission granted request to accept interconnection agreements with effective date tied to a future date and with certain information omitted because it would not be known until such closing date and to make an informational filing after closing). 29 See, e.g., Southern California Edison Co., 106 FERC ¶ 61,183 at PP 5 and 46 (2004) (Commission granted waiver of the 120 day requirement finding good cause where effective date was tied to closing of related transaction). D ICKSTE INS HA P IROLLP The Honorable Kimberly D. Bose March 16, 2012 Page 11 VI. Conclusion The Applicants request that the Commission accept the Amended CFA for filing with the effective date requested herein and grant the waivers requested herein. Respectfully submitted, /s/ Laura V. Szabo Laura V. Szabo Dickstein Shapiro LLP One Stamford Plaza. Stamford, CT 06901 Counsel for Wolverine Creek Goshen Interconnection LLC and Wolverine Creek Energy LLC Patricia Alexander Energy Industry Advisor Dickstein Shapiro LLP 1825 Eye Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20006 139 FERC ¶ 62,043 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION Ridgeline Alternative Energy, LLC Docket No. EC12-82-000 Wolverine Creek Goshen Interconnection LLC ORDER AUTHORIZING DISPOSITION OF JURISDICTIONAL FACILITIES (Issued April 16, 2012) On March 16, 2012, as amended on March 22, 2012, Ridgeline Alternative Energy, LLC (Ridgeline) and Wolverine Creek Goshen Interconnection, LLC (Wolverine Goshen) (jointly Applicants) filed an application pursuant to section 203(a)(1) of the Federal Power Act (FPA)1 requesting Commission authorization for the disposition of jurisdictional facilities resulting from the transaction by which Meadow Creek Project Company LLC (Meadow Creek) will become a member of Wolverine Goshen (Transaction). The jurisdictional facilities associated with the Transaction are the common facilities agreement (CFA) and an approximately 18.2 mile electric FPA jurisdictional interconnection line and related equipment (WCGI Interconnection Facilities). Applicants state that Wolverine Goshen is a public utility under the FPA which owns FPA-jurisdictional interconnection facilities and has a rate schedule on file with the Commission. Applicants state that the current direct owners of Wolverine Goshen are Ridgeline; Goshen Phase II LLC (Goshen), an affiliate of Ridgeline; and Wolverine Creek Energy LLC (Wolverine Creek), which is not an affiliate of Ridgeline or Goshen. Applicants state that the Transaction relates to the proposed interconnection of a wind farm being developed by Meadow Creek, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Ridgeline, which will require that Meadow Creek become a direct owner of Wolverine Goshen and that Ridgeline reduce its ownership interests in Wolverine Goshen by a proportionate amount so that, upon consummation of the Transaction, the ownership interests in Wolverine Goshen held by Ridgeline will decrease proportionally by the amount that Meadow Creek acquires. Applicants state that Ridgeline is a Delaware limited liability company that was formed for the purpose of developing wind energy projects. Ridgeline either directly, or through subsidiaries, is in various stages of developing wind farms in Idaho, referred to herein collectively as the Goshen Phase III Project. Applicants state that Ridgeline is a 1 16 U.S.C. § 824b (2006). Docket No. EC12-82-000 -2 - holding company as defined in Section 1262(8) of the Public Utility Holding Company Act of 2005 (PUIHCA), solely due to its indirect ownership of one or more exempt wholesale generators (EWGs) and qualifying facilities (QFs) as defined in the Commission's regulations at 18 C .F.R. § 292.101 (b)( 1). Applicants add that Ridgeline currently owns no physical assets and has neither applied for nor received market-based rate authority from the Commission. Applicants state that Ridgeline currently owns, through intermediate companies, an indirect 12.5 percent interest in Goshen, which owns a 124.5 megawatt (MW) wind energy project (the Goshen Phase II Project), located in Idaho, in the balancing authority area (BAA) of PacifiCorp East. Applicants state that Goshen has received market-based rate authority from the Commission and is an EWG as defined in Section 1262(6) of PUHCA. Goshen owns an approximately 7 mile generation tie line and associated facilities (Goshen Tie Line) and Ridgeline holds rights to acquire an ownership interest in the Goshen Tie Line pursuant to the terms of a Shared Facilities Agreement (SFA) by and between Ridgeline and Goshen. Applicants state that the SFA was accepted for filing by the Commission and made effective as of September 1, 2010, pursuant to Section 205 of the FPA, and Goshen and Ridgeline have been granted waivers of Commission Order Nos. 888, 889 and 890 in connection with their activities under the SFA. Applicants state that Ridgeline also owns 100 percent of Meadow Creek, a Delaware limited liability company, that is developing a wind energy project located adjacent to the Goshen II Project in Idaho (Meadow Creek Project). The Meadow Creek Project will consist of two separate QFs, each located more than one mile apart: the approximately 77.7 MW North Point Project and the approximately 38.8 MW Five Pine Project. Applicants state that these projects are currently in development and construction has not yet begun. Applicants add that, given the early stage of the Meadow Creek Project's development, Meadow Creek has not yet applied to the Commission for market-based rate authority for sale of electric energy from the Meadow Creek Project or filed notice of EWG status, but will do so prior to the initial generation of electric energy by the Meadow Creek Project. Applicants state that in addition to its interest in Goshen and Meadow Creek, Ridgeline also owns a 20 percent indirect interest in Rockland Wind Farm LLC (Rockland). Rockland is a Delaware limited liability company that owns a 79.86 MW wind energy project located in the Idaho Power Company BAA (Rockland Project). Applicants state that Rockland has received market-based rate authority from the Commission and is an EWG. The Rockland Project is also a QF. Applicants add that Rockland is not participating in the Transaction. In addition to its indirect interests in Goshen, Meadow Creek and Rockland, Ridgeline holds directly an ownership interest in Wolverine Goshen of approximately 43.5 percent and, through its 12.5 percent interest in Goshen, owns indirectly another interest in Wolverine Goshen of approximately 4.7 percent, for an aggregate interest in Wolverine Goshen of approximately 48.2 percent. Docket No. EC12-82-000 -3 - Applicants state that Ridgeline is indirectly owned 100 percent by EOLFI S.A., a French Corporation (EOLFI). EOLFI is owned 71.49 percent by Veolia S.A. (Veolia), a French corporation, 9.46 percent by AsahLm, a French civil partnership (société civile), and 19.02 percent by Transvers, a French private investment corporation. Applicants add that none of EOLFI, Asah Lm or Transvers, or their affiliates, currently owns, operates or controls electric generation or transmission facilities in the United States. Applicants state that through its affiliate, Dalkia S.A.S., Veolia's energy operations include the operation of biomass facilities, combined heat and power plants, and local district heating and cooling systems in Europe, Latin America, China, the United States, Canada, the Middle East and the Asia Pacific Region. Applicants state that Wolverine Goshen is a public utility that owns and operates the WCGI Interconnection Facilities that currently connect a wind farm owned by Wolverine Creek and the Goshen Phase II Project to the transmission system of PacifiCorp. Wolverine Goshen's current direct owners are Wolverine Creek (which is also Wolverine Goshen's managing member), with an approximately 19.3 percent interest, Goshen with an approximately 37.2 percent interest, and Ridgeline, which holds the residual interest of approximately 43.5 percent. Applicants state that the ownership interests of Wolverine Creek, Ridgeline and Goshen in Wolverine Goshen are governed by Wolverine Goshen's limited liability agreement, which calculates the ownership interests using the Common Facilities Percentage Interest definition in the CFA among Wolverine Goshen and its owners that governs their right to use the WCGI Interconnection Facilities. Under the CFA, the Common Facilities Percentage Interest is based on the ratio of the capacity amount of an owner's generation project over the Design Capacity (as defined in the CFA) of the WCGI Interconnection Facilities, which is currently calculated as follows: (A)Wolverine Creek - the ratio equal to (i) 65 MW (as such amount may be increased pursuant to the CFA) (the WCE Share) over (ii) the Design Capacity of the WCGI Interconnection Facilities (WCE Share/Design Capacity). (B)Goshen - the ratio equal to 130 MW or if at the commercial operation date of the Goshen Phase II Project, the nameplate capacity of the Goshen II Project is less than 130 MW, the lesser nameplate capacity (GPII Share) over (ii) the Design Capacity of the WCGI IntercOnnection Facilities (GPII Share/Design Capacity). (C)Ridgeline - the ratio equal to(i),,WCGI Interconnection Facilities Design Capacity minus the sum of the WCE Share and the GPII Share (RAE Share) over (ii) the WCGI Interconnection Facilities design capacity (i e, [Design Capacity - Docket No. EC12-82-000 -4 - (WCE Share + GPII Share)]/Design Capacity). Applicants state that under the CFA, Design Capacity is defined as the design capacity in MW of the WCGI Interconnection Facilities and related substation and equipment owned by Wolverine Goshen, which will be no less than 280 MW. Applicants add that it has been determined, based on a recent study, that the Design Capacity of the WCGI Interconnection Facilities is 334.6 MW, at unity power factor. Thus, using the actual Design Capacity number for WCGI Interconnection Facilities, the Common Facilities Percentage Interests under the existing CFA, and, thus, the existing ownership interests in Wolverine Goshen are approximately 19.3 percent for Wolverine Creek, approximately 37.2 percent for Goshen and approximately 43.5 percent for Ridgeline (which is approximately 145 MW). Applicants state that the Transaction involves an assignment by Ridgeline to Meadow Creek, its wholly-owned subsidiary, of a portion of Ridgeline's ownership interest Wolverine Goshen in connection with the planned interconnection of the Meadow Creek Project to the WCGI Interconnection Facilities, which will result in Meadow Creek becoming a direct owner of Wolverine Goshen and Ridgeline reducing its direct ownership interests in Wolverine Goshen by the amount it assigns to Meadow Creek. Applicants state that the Transaction will require an amendment to the CFA, which is a rate schedule on file with the Commission. Applicants state that Wolverine Goshen, Wolverine, Ridgeline, Goshen, and Meadow Creek will enter into an amended and restated CFA (Amended CFA) to implement the changes needed to reflect Meadow Creek's rights and obligations with respect to its use of the WCGI Interconnection Facilities. Wolverine Goshen has separately filed with the Commission an unexecuted form of the Amended CFA for acceptance by the Commission pursuant to Section 205 of the FPA. Applicants state that the Amended CFA will be executed by the parties after certain conditions are satisfied including, inter alia, obtaining Commission authorization under Section 203 for the Transaction and acceptance under Section 205 of the Amended CFA. Applicants state that when the Transaction is consummated, the calculation of Meadow Creek's and Ridgeline's ownership interest in Wolverine Goshen will be modified from the calculation referenced above as follows: (A) The Wolverine Creek share will be determined based on the ratio equal to (i) 64.5 MW (as such amount may be increased pursuant to the CFA) over (ii) the Design Capacity of the WCGI Interconnection Facilities; Docket No. BC 12-82-000 -5 - (B)The Goshen share will continue to be determined based on the ratio equal to (i) 124.5 MW over (ii) the Design Capacity of the WCGI Interconnection Facilities; (C)Meadow Creek will have a share (the Meadow Creek Share) based on the ratio equal to (i) the 119.7 MW capacity of the Meadow Creek Project, over (ii) the Design Capacity of the WCGI Interconnection facilities; and (D)The Ridgeline Share will be determined based on the ratio equal to (i) WCGI Interconnection Facilities Design Capacity minus the sum of the Wolverine Creek Share, the Goshen Share and the Meadow Creek Share over (ii) the WCGI Interconnection Facilities Design Capacity (i.e., [Design Capacity - (Wolverine Creek Share + Goshen Share + Meadow Creek Share)]/Design Capacity). Applicants state that as a result of the Transaction, Meadow Creek's ownership interest in Wolverine Goshen will be approximately 35.77 percent (i.e., 119.7 MW / 334.6 MW); and Ridgeline's direct ownership interest in Wolverine Goshen will be approximately 7.74 percent (i.e., [334.6 MW - (64.5 MW + 124.5 MW + 119.7 MW)]! 334.6 MW). Applicant adds that Wolverine Creek's and Goshen's ownership interests in Wolverine Goshen will not change as a result of the Transaction. Applicants state that the Transaction is consistent with the public interest and will not have an adverse effect on competition, rates or regulation. With regard to horizontal competition, Applicants argue that relevant market for the Transaction is the PacifiCorp East BAA, because this is where the WCGI Interconnection Facilities are located (and where the Goshen Phase II Project, the Meadow Creek Project, and the remainder of the Goshen Phase II Project are or will be located. Applicants argue that the Transaction raises no horizontal market power concerns in the relevant market because the Transaction does not involve the transfer of interests in generation. Wolverine Goshen does not own any generation; it owns only limited interconnection facilities to accommodate the deliver of the power produced by its owners and their power purchasers. Applicants argue that the Transaction raises no vertical market power concerns because none of the Applicants or their affiliates own or control electric transmission facilities in the relevant market other than the WCGI Interconnection Facilities or other discrete and limited facilities necessary to interconnect generation facilities to the transmission grid. Additionally, none of the Applicants or their affiliates own or control fuel supplies or fuel delivery systems in the relevant market. Applicants argue that the Transaction will not have an adverse effect on any wholesale rates for electric power because Wolverine Goshen does not sell power, thus, it has no wholesale power customers. Applicants add that the Meadow Creek Project and Docket No. EC 12-82-000 -6 - Ridgeline's remaining share of the Goshen Phase III Project have not been constructed, and Meadow Creek and Ridgeline are not yet public utilities. Applicants contend that the Transaction will have no adverse effect on transmission rates. Applicants state that under the CFA, Wolverine Goshen provides its owners (i.e., Wolverine Creek, Ridgeline, and Goshen) with access to the WCGI Interconnection Facilities for delivery of their power to the transmission grid. Applicants add that Wolverine Goshen has filed the form of the Amended CFA under Section 205 of the FPA for Commission acceptance. Applicants state that the Amended CFA, once it is accepted by the Commission, will be a rate schedule subject to the Commission's jurisdiction and have no adverse affect on rates. Applicants add that neither Ridgeline nor Meadow Creek provide any transmission services. Applicants argue that the Transaction will not impair the ability of the Commission or any state regulatory authority to regulate Applicants. The Commission will continue to have jurisdiction over Wolverine Goshen and its FPA-jurisdictional facilities (i.e., the CFA, the Amended CFA, and the WCGI Interconnection Facilities) after the Transaction is consummated as it exercises currently. Applicants add that the Commission will be able to exercise the same jurisdiction over Ridgeline, Meadow Creek, and the wind farms these parties are developing and will own. No facilities will be removed from the Commission's jurisdiction. Applicants submit that the Transaction will have no effect on state commission regulation and is not subject to approval by any state commission. Therefore, Applicants submit that the Transaction will not have an adverse effect on regulation. With respect to cross-subsidization, Applicants argue that the Transaction falls within the "safe harbor" adopted by the Commission because no franchised public utilities with captive customers are involved. Applicants state that the Transaction involves the admission of a new owner in Wolverine Goshen that is a subsidiary of an existing owner. Applicants state that none of the Applicants is or will be a franchised public utility with captive customers, nor are any of the Applicants affiliated with a franchised public utility with captive customers. Nonetheless, Applicants verify that, based on facts and circumstances known to it or that are reasonably foreseeable, that the Transaction will not result in, at the time of the Transaction or in the future: (1) any transfers of facilities between a traditional public utility associate company that has captive customers or that owns or provides transmission service over jurisdictional transmission facilities, and an associate company; (2) any new issuances of securities by a traditional public utility associate company that has captive customers or that owns or provides transmission service over jurisdictional transmission facilities, for the benefit of an associate company; (3) any new pledge or encumbrance of assets of a traditional public utility associate company that has captive customers or that owns or provides transmission service over jurisdictional transmission facilities, for the benefit of an associate company; or (4) any new affiliate contracts Docket No. EC12-82-000 -7 - between a non-utility associate company and a traditional public utility associate company that has captive customers or that owns or provides transmission service over jurisdictional transmission facilities, other than non-power goods and services agreements subject to review under Sections 205 and 206 of the Federal Power Act. The filings were noticed on March 16, 2012, and March 24, 2012, with comments, protests, or interventions due on or before April 6, 2012. None were received. Notices of intervention and unopposed timely filed motions to intervene are granted pursuant to the operation of Rule 214 of the Commission's Rules of Practice and Procedure (18 C.F.R. § 385.2 14). Any opposed or untimely filed motion to intervene is governed by the provisions of Rule 214. Information and/or systems connected to the bulk power system involved in this transaction may be subject to reliability and cybersecurity standards approved by the Commission pursuant to FPA section 215. Compliance with these standards is mandatory and enforceable regardless of the physical location of the affiliates or investors, information databases, and operating systems. If affiliates, personnel or investors are not authorized for access to such information and/or systems connected to the bulk power system, a public utility is obligated to take the appropriate measures to deny access to this information and/or the equipment/software connected to the bulk power system. The mechanisms that deny access to information, procedures, software, equipment, etc., must comply with all applicable reliability and cybersecurity standards. The Commission, NERC or the relevant regional entity may audit compliance with reliability and cybersecurity standards. Order No. 652 requires that sellers with market-based rate authority timely report to the Commission any change in status that would reflect a departure from the characteristics the Commission relied upon in granting market-based rate authority.2 The foregoing authorization may result in a change in status. Accordingly, the Applicant is advised that they must comply with the requirements of Order No. 652. In addition, Applicant shall make appropriate filings under section 205 of the FPA, to implement the Transaction. After consideration, it is concluded that the Transaction is consistent with the public interest and are hereby authorized subject to the following conditions: (1) The Transaction is authorized upon the terms and conditions and for the purposes set forth in the application; 2 Reporting Requirement for Changes in Status for Public Utilities with Market- Based Rate Authority, Order No. 652, 70 Fed. Reg. 8,253 (Feb. 18, 2005), FERC Stats. & Regs. ¶ 31,175, order on reh'g, 111 FERC ¶ 61,413 (2005). Docket No. EC 12-82-000 -8 - (2)The foregoing authorization is without prejudice to the authority of the Commission or any other regulatory body with respect to rates, service, accounts, valuation, estimates or determinations of cost, or any other matter whatsoever now pending or which may come before the Commission; (3)Nothing in this order shall be construed to imply acquiescence in any estimate or determination of cost or any valuation of property claimed or asserted; (4)The Commission retains authority under Sections 203(b) and 309 of the FPA to issue further orders as appropriate; (5)If the Transaction results in changes in the status or the upstream ownership of Applicants' affiliated qualifying facilities, if any, an appropriate filing for recertification pursuant to 18 C.F.R. 292.207 shall be made; (6)Applicants shall make the appropriate filings under section 205 of the FPA, as necessary, to implement the Transaction; and (7)Applicants must inform the Commission of any change in circumstances that would reflect a departure from the facts the Commission relied upon in authorizing the Transaction. This action is taken pursuant to the authority delegated to the Director, Division of Electric Power Regulation - West, under 18 C.F.R. § 375.307. This order constitutes final agency action. Requests for rehearing by the Commission may be filed within 30 days of the date of issuance of this order pursuant to 18 C.F.R. § 385.713. Steve P. Rodgers Director Division of Electric Power Regulation - West ** * * ******** * * * * * ** * * PUBLIC **** * * * * * * ** * ** * * ** UNITED STATES OF AMERICA BEFORE THE FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION Ridgeline Alternative Energy, LLC ) Wolverine Creek Goshen Interconnection LLC ) Docket No. EC12- -000 JOINT APPLICATION FOR AUTHORIZATION UNDER SECTION 203 OF THE FEDERAL POWER ACT AND REQUEST FOR CONFIDENTIAL TREATMENT, EXPEDITED CONSIDERATION AND WAIVERS PUBLIC VERSION PURSUANT TO THE COMMISSION'S REGULATIONS REGARDING REQUESTS FOR PRIVILEGED TREATMENT OF DOCUMENTS SUBMITTED TO IT, 18 C.F.R. §388.112, INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THE PUBLIC VERSION OF EXHIBIT I OF THIS APPLICATION CONSTITUTES PRIVILEGED, PROTECTED, CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION AND HAS BEEN REMOVED ************** * ** *** * *** ** * * ** ** * *** DOCSCT-2881500v2 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA BEFORE THE FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION Ridgehne Alternative Energy, LLC ) Wolverine Creek Goshen Interconnection LLC ) Docket No EC12- -000 JOINT APPLICATION FOR AUTHORIZATION UNDER SECTION 203 OF THE FEDERAL POWER ACT AND REQUEST FOR CONFIDENTIAL TREATMENT, EXPEDITED CONSIDERATION AND WAIVERS Pursuant to Section 203 (a)( 1) of the Federal Power Act ("EPA"), as amended by the Energy Policy Act of 2005,1 and Part 33 of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's ("Commission") regulations,2 Ridgeline Alternative Energy LLC, ("RAE") and Wolverine Creek Goshen Interconnection LLC ("WCGI" and together with RAE, the "Applicants") hereby request Commission authorization for a transaction described herein that will admit a wholly-owned subsidiary of RAE, Meadow Creek Project Company LLC ("Meadow Creek"), as a member of WCGI (the "Proposed Transaction") WCGI is a public utility under the FPA It owns FPA-jurisdictional interconnection facilities and has a rate schedule on file with the Commission, as described more fully below. The current direct owners of WCGI are RAE; Goshen Phase II LLC ("Goshen"), an affiliate of 16 U S C § 824b (2000) as amended by Pub. L No 109-58, 119 Stats 594 (Aug 8 2005) 2 18 C F R § 33.1 et seq. (2008) as amended by the Commission's Order No 669 Transactions Subject to EPA Section 203, FERC Stats & Regs Regulations Preambles 131,200 (2005) ("Order No 669"); order on reh g Order 669-A, 115 FERC 161,097 (2006) ("Order No. 669-A"), order on reh 'g, Order 669-B, 116 FERC ¶ 61,076 (2006) ("Order No 669-13"). DOCSCT-2881500y2 RAE;3 and Wolverine Creek Energy LLC ("Wolverine Creek"), which is not an affiliate of RAE or Goshen.4 The Proposed Transaction relates to the proposed interconnection of a wind farm being developed by Meadow Creek, a wholly-owned subsidiary of RAE described more fully below, which will require that Meadow Creek become a direct owner of WCGI and that RAE reduce its ownership interests in WCGI by a proportionate amount so that, upon consummation of the Proposed Transaction, the ownership interests in WCGI held by RAE will be decreased proportionately by the amount that Meadow Creek acquires. As explained more fully below, the Proposed Transaction will not have an adverse effect on competition, rates, or regulation, and will not result in cross-subsidization of a non-utility associate company or pledge or encumbrance of utility assets for the benefit of an associate company. Accordingly, the Proposed Transaction should be approved by the Commission pursuant to FPA Section 203. Applicants respectfully request a 21-day comment period, expedited consideration of this Application, and that the Commission issue an order authorizing the Proposed Transaction by or before April 15, 2012. I. REQUEST FOR EXPEDITED CONSIDERATION AND APPROVAL This Application qualifies for expedited consideration, as it does not involve a merger or consolidation of a traditional utility with a franchised service area, is consistent with Commission precedent and the public interest, and involves a transaction that does not require an Appendix A analysis, as set forth in Section 33.11 (c)(2) of the Commission's regulations Goshen is not an applicant here because it is not disposing of any Commission jurisdictional facilities or acquiring any interests in Commission jurisdictional facilities or companies in connection with the Proposed Transaction. Wolverine Creek is not an applicant under this 203 Application because it is not disposing of any Commission jurisdictional facilities, nor is it acquiring any interests in Commission jurisdictional facilities or companies, in connection with the Proposed Transaction. 18 C.F.R. § 33.11(c)(2). -2- Accordingly, consistent with Order No. 669, the Applicants request that the Commission establish a 21-day notice period for comments on the Application.6 The Applicants further request that the Commission issue an order approving the Proposed Transaction no later than April 15, 2012. Good cause exists for requesting expedited action because Meadow Creek is arranging financing for its wind energy generating facility, described herein, and expects as part of the financing documentation to be required to show that its interconnection arrangements, including its proposed acquisition of an ownership interest in WCGI pursuant to the Proposed Transaction, have the necessary Commission approvals II. REQUEST FOR CONFIDENTIAL TREATMENT Pursuant to Sections 33.9 and 388.112(b) of the Commission's regulations,7 the Applicants request privileged and confidential treatment for the transaction agreements contained in confidential Exhibit I The information in confidential Exhibit I is commercially sensitive and, therefore, not publicly available. The release of such information would likely cause substantial harm to the competitive position of the Applicants, including an impediment in future negotiations of similar transactions not Just for the Applicants but for other parties that might engage in similar transactions The Applicants submit a confidential version of this Application, marked "Contains Privileged and Confidential Information - Do Not Release Pursuant to 18 C F R § 388.122," and ask that the confidential version be placed in the Commission's non-public files. The Applicants also submit a public version of this Application with the confidential agreements removed The Applicants understand that the Commission Staff will notify them in advance of any public disclosure of any information contained in confidential Exhibit I. Any questions 6 Order No. 669 at P 194. 18CFR §339and388112(b) -3- concerning this request for confidential treatment should be directed to counsel listed in Section VI.B below. A proposed protective order that includes a restriction of the ability of competitive duty personnel to view the confidential material, should it be needed, is included as Attachment 1. III. DESCRIPTION OF APPLICANTS A. RAE and its Affiliates RAE is a Delaware limited liability company that was formed for the purpose of developing wind energy projects. RAE either directly, or through subsidiaries, is in various stages of developing wind farms in Idaho, referred to herein collectively as the "Goshen Phase III Project." RAE is a "holding company" as defined in Section 1262(8) of the Public Utility Holding Company Act of 2005 ("PUHCA"), solely due to its indirect ownership of one or more EWGs and "qualifying facilities" as defined in the Commission's regulations at 18 C.F.R. § 292.101 (b)(1) ("Q"), but currently owns no physical assets and has neither applied for nor received market-based rate authority from the Commission. RAE currently owns, through intermediate companies, an indirect 12.5% interest in Goshen, which owns a 124.5 MW (nameplate) wind energy project (the "Goshen Phase II Project"), located in Bonneville County, Idaho, in the balancing authority area ("BAY) of PacifiCorp East.8 Goshen has received market-based rate authority from the Commission 9 and is an "exempt wholesale generator" ("EWG") as defined in Section 1262(6) of PUHCA. iO Goshen 8 The balance of the membership interests in Goshen is currently held 37.5% by Diamond Generating Corporation ("Diamond") (indirectly, through intermediate holding companies), and 50% by BP Wind Energy North America Inc. ("BPWENA") (indirectly, through intermediate holding companies). Neither Diamond nor BPWENA is affiliated with RAE. See Goshen Phase II LLC, Docket No. ER1 0-1821-000 and -001 (Oct. 7, 2010) (unpublished letter order). See Eagle Creek Hydro Power, LLC, et al., Docket No. EG1 0-48-000, et al., Notice of Effectiveness of Exempt Wholesale Generator Status, Oct. 1, 2010. -4- owns an approximately 7 mile generation tie line and associated facilities ("Goshen Tie Line") and RAE holds rights to acquire an ownership interest in the Goshen Tie Line pursuant to the terms of a Shared Facilities Agreement ("SPA") by and between RAE and Goshen. The SPA was accepted for filing by the Commission and made effective as of September 1, 2010 pursuant to Section 205 of the FPA, and Goshen and RAE have been granted waivers of Commission Order Nos. 888, 889 and 890 in connection with their activities under the SPA." RAE also owns 100% of Meadow Creek, a Delaware limited liability company, that is developing a wind energy project located adjacent to the Goshen II Project in Bonneville County, Idaho ("Meadow Creek Project").12 The Meadow Creek Project will consist of two separate QFs, each located more than one mile apart: the approximately 77.7 MW North Point Project13 and the approximately 38.8 MW Five Pine Project.14 These projects are currently in development and construction has not yet begun. Given the early stage of the Meadow Creek Project's development, Meadow Creek has not yet applied to the Commission for market-based rate authority for sale of electric energy from the Meadow Creek Project or filed notice of EWG status, but will do so prior to the initial generation of electric energy by the Meadow Creek Project.'5 See Goshen Phase II LLC et al.,133 FERC 61,090 (2010) The Goshen Tie Line interconnects the Goshen Phase II Project to the WCGI Interconnection Facilities described in Section 111.13 below. WCGI does not own or control any interests in the Goshen Tie Line nor is it a party to the SFA. 12 RAE was developing the Meadow Creek Project as one of the Goshen III Projects and RAE decided, as a business matter to assign, the development rights for the Meadow Creek Project to Meadow Creek, RAE's special purpose subsidiary, to complete the development of the project. B See notice of self-certification of QF status, filed by Meadow Creek for North Point Project, Docket No. QF12-175-000, Jan. 26, 2012. 14 See notice of self-certification of QF status, filed by Meadow Creek for Five Pine Project, Docket No. QF12-176-000, Jan. 26, 2012. 15 In connection with a separate transaction (the "RAE/Goshen/MC Transaction"), separate requests will be filed with the Commission, asking that the Commission (i) accept for filing without modification under FPA Section 205 a proposed amendment of the SFA (the "Amended SFA"), which will amend and restate the SFA in order to effectuate Meadow Creek's acquisition of a partial ownership interest in the Goshen Tie Line, and (ii) approve under -5- In addition to its interest in Goshen and Meadow Creek, RAE also owns a 20% indirect interest in Rockland Wind Farm LLC ("Rockland"). 16 Rockland is a Delaware limited liability company that owns a 79.86 MW wind energy project located in the Idaho Power Company BAA ("Rockland Project"). Rockland has received market-based rate authority from the Commission 17 and is an EWG.18 The Rockland Project is also a QF.19 Rockland is not participating in the Proposed Transaction. Finally, in addition to its indirect interests in Goshen, Meadow Creek and Rockland, RAE holds directly an ownership interest in WCGI described in Section 111.13 below of approximately 43.5% and, through its 12.5% interest in Goshen, owns indirectly another interest in WCGI of approximately 4.7%, for an aggregate interest in WCGI of approximately 48.2%.20 WCGI is described more fully below. RAE does not own any electric transmission facilities other than through its interest in WCGI and it rights, as described above, to acquire an ownership interest in the Goshen Tie Line. RAE is indirectly owned 100% by EOLFI S.A., a French Corporation ("EOLFI"). EOLFI is owned 71.49% by Veolia S.A. ("Veolia"), a French corporation specializing through FPA Section 203 Meadow Creek's proposed acquisition of a partial ownership interest in the Goshen Tie Line. Meadow Creek needs partial ownership and use of the Goshen Tie Line in order to interconnect the Meadow Creek Project to the WCGI Interconnection Facilities described in Section 111.13 below. WCGI is not involved in the RAE/Goshen/MC Transaction because WCGI is not a party to the SFA (and will not be a party to the proposed Amended SPA) nor does it, or will it, own or control any interests in the Goshen Tie Line. Accordingly, WCGI will not be an applicant in the separate FPA Sections 203 or 205 proceedings involving the RAE/Goshen/MC Transaction. 16 The balance of the membership interests in Rockland is held 50% by Diamond (indirectly, through intermediate holding companies), and 30% by Atlantic Power Corporation ("Atlantic Power") (indirectly, through intermediate holding companies). Neither Diamond nor Atlantic Power is affiliated with RAE. See Rock/and Wind Farm LLC, 137 FERC 161,102 (2011). 18 See Pau/ding Wind Farm II LLC, et al., Docket Nos. EG1 1-61-000, et at, Notice of Effectiveness of Exempt Wholesale Generator Status, June 13, 2011. See unpublished letter order, Docket No. QF 10-574-000, Oct. 5, 2010; notice of self-recertification, Docket No. QF1O-574-001 ,filed Sept. 14, 2011. 20 See Section 111.13, below for a description of how the current direct ownership interests in WCGI held by RAE, Goshen and Wolverine Creek are calculated. its various subsidiaries in the areas of water cycle management, waste management, public transportation and energy services, 9.46% by Asah Lm, a French civil partnership (société civile), and 19.02% by Transvers, a French private investment corporation. None of EOLFI, Asah Lm or Transvers, or their affiliates, currently owns, operates or controls electric generation or transmission facilities in the United States. Through its affiliate, Dalkia S.A.S., Veolia's energy operations include the operation of biomass (wood) facilities, combined heat and power plants, and local district heating and cooling systems in Europe, Latin America, China, the United States, Canada, the Middle East and the Asia Pacific Region. Veolia has an approximately 50% indirect interest in Dalkia North America Holdings, Inc., which in turn, owns several U.S. subsidiaries, none of which is a traditional public utility or an electric generator. B. WCGI WCGI is a public utility that owns and operates an approximately 18 .2 mile electric FPA- jurisdictional interconnection line and related equipment ("WCGI Interconnection Facilities") that currently connects a wind farm owned by Wolverine Creek 2' (the "Wolverine Creek Project") and the Goshen Phase II Project to the transmission system of PacifiCorp. WCGI's current direct owners are Wolverine Creek (which is also WCGI's managing member), with an approximately 19.3% interest, Goshen with an approximately 37.2% interest, and RAE, which holds the residual interest of approximately 43.5%. The ownership interests of Wolverine Creek, RAE and Goshen in WCGI are governed by WCGI's limited liability agreement, which calculates the ownership interests using the Common 21 Wolverine Creek owns and operates a 64.5 MW (nameplate) wind-powered generating facility located in Goshen, Idaho. Wolverine Creek is an exempt wholesale generator and has market-based rate authority. See Wolverine Creek Energy LLC, Docket No. ER06-230-000, Letter Order, (Jan. 13, 2006) and Wolverine Creek Energy LLC, 111 FERC 162,210 (2005). Wolverine is not an affiliate of RAE or Goshen. -7- Facilities Percentage Interest definition in the Common Facilities Agreement ("Qf") among WCGI and its owners that governs their right to use the WCGI Interconnection Facilities. Under the CFA, the Common Facilities Percentage Interest is based on the ratio of the capacity amount of an owner's generation project over the Design Capacity (as defined in the CFA) of the WCGI Interconnection Facilities, which is currently calculated as follows: (A)Wolverine Creek - the ratio equal to (i) 65 MW (as such amount may be increased pursuant to the CFA) (the "WCE Share") over (ii) the Design Capacity of the WCGI Interconnection Facilities ("WCE Share/Design Capacity"). (B)Goshen II - the ratio equal to (i) 130 MW or if at the commercial operation date of the GPII Project, the nameplate capacity of the Goshen II Project is less than 130 MW, the lesser nameplate capacity (the "GPII Share") over (ii) the Design Capacity of the WCGI Interconnection Facilities ("GPII Share/Design Capacity").22 (C)RAE - the ratio equal to (i) WCGI Interconnection Facilities Design Capacity minus the sum of the WCE Share and the GPII Share (the "RAE Share") over (ii) the WCGI Interconnection Facilities design capacity (i.e., [Design Capacity - (WCE Share + GPII Share)]/Design Capacity). Under the CFA, Design Capacity is defined as the design capacity in MW of the WCGI Interconnection Facilities and related substation and equipment owned by WCGI, which will be no less than 280 MW.23 It has been determined, based on a recent study, that the Design Capacity of the WCGI Interconnection Facilities is 334.6 MW, at unity power factor. Thus, using the actual Design Capacity number for WCGI Interconnection Facilities, the Common Facilities Percentage Interests under the existing CFA, and, thus, the existing ownership interests The nameplate capacity of the Goshen Phase II Project at commercial operation was 124.5 MW, which is less than 130 MW, so the Goshen II Share under the CFA is calculated using 124.5 MW as the numerator. See CFA, §1.1(1). In past Commission 203 filings made by WCGI describing the calculation of the amount of its owners rights of usage of the WCGI Interconnection Facilities, or their ownership interest in WCGI, such calculations were made using as the Design Capacity number, the minimum amount of 280 MW as an approximation of the Design Capacity because at the time of those filings, a study had not been done to determine the actual Design Capacity. However, the actual Design Capacity, rather than the minimum requirements, governs the calculation under the CFA and WCGI limited liability agreement of the actual WCGI ownership amounts, and usage rights of the WCGI Interconnection Facilities at any given time. -8- in WCGI are approximately 19.3% for Wolverine Creek, approximately 37.2% for Goshen II and approximately 43.5 % for RAE (which is approximately 145 MW). WCGI and Wolverine Creek filed with the Commission under Section 205 of the FPA the CFA, which has been accepted for filing by the Commission as rate schedules of WCGI and Wolverine Creek. 24 The CFA sets out the terms under which each of Wolverine Creek, RAE and Goshen has the right to interconnect their respective wind generation projects to the WCGI Interconnection Facilities and use their respective shares of available capacity on the WCGI Interconnection Facilities for delivery of power generated by their respective projects to the PacifiCorp transmission system. The CFA also establishes Wolverine Creek's, RAE's and Goshen' s obligations to pay their pro-rata share of WCGI' s expenses for their use of that capacity. The Commission has granted WCGI waivers of the Commission's open access transmission requirements under Section 35.28 and Parts 37 and 358 of the Commission's regulations.25 The Commission also granted WCGI the same types of waivers and blanket authorizations granted to market-based rate entities with respect to rate and financial regulation under Parts 35, 141 and 34 of the Commission's regulations.26 WCGI is also an EWG.27 IV. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED TRANSACTION The Proposed Transaction involves an assignment by RAE to Meadow Creek, its wholly- owned subsidiary, of a portion of RAE's ownership interest in WCGI in connection with the 24 See Wolverine Creek Goshen Interconnection, LLC, et al., Letter Order, Docket No. ER06-267-000, el al., (Jan. 13, 2006) and Errata Notice, ER06-267-000, et al. (Jan. 27, 2006) (the "WCGI Order"). See also Wolverine Creek Goshen Interconnection, LLC, et al., Letter Order, Docket No. ER1O-793-000 (April 7, 2010) (accepting for filing amendment to CFA). 25 Id 26 Id 27 Wolverine Creek Goshen Interconnection LLC, 111 FERC ¶ 62,209 (2005). In planned interconnection of the Meadow Creek Project to the WCGI Interconnection Facilities, which will result in Meadow Creek becoming a direct owner of WCGI and RAE reducing its direct ownership interests in WCGI by the amount it assigns to Meadow Creek .28 Thus, when the Proposed Transaction is consummated, the calculation of Meadow Creek's and RAE's ownership interest in WCGI will be modified from the calculation referenced in Section II. B above as follows: (A)The Wolverine Creek share will be determined based on the ratio equal to (i) 64.5 MW 29 (as such amount may be increased pursuant to the CFA) over (ii) the Design Capacity of the WCGI Interconnection Facilities; (B)The Goshen share will continue to be determined based on the ratio equal to 124.5 MW over (ii) the Design Capacity of the WCGI Interconnection Facilities; (C)Meadow Creek will have a share (the "Meadow Creek Share") based on the ratio equal to (i) the 119.7 MW capacity of the Meadow Creek Project, over (ii) the Design Capacity of the WCGI Interconnection facilities; and (D)The RAE Share will be determined based on the ratio equal to (i) WCGI Interconnection Facilities Design Capacity minus the sum of the Wolverine Creek Share, the Goshen Share and the Meadow Creek Share over (ii) the WCGI Interconnection Facilities Design Capacity (i.e., [Design Capacity - (Wolverine Creek Share + Goshen Share + Meadow Creek Share)]/Design Capacity). RAE's assignment of a portion of its ownership interest in WCGI to Meadow Creek will also be accompanied by corresponding assignment of a portion of RAE's rights and obligations under the CFA. The Proposed Transaction will require an amendment to the CFA, which is a rate schedule on file with the Commission. WCGI, Wolverine, RAE, Goshen, and Meadow Creek will enter into an amended and restated CFA ("Amended CPA") to implement the changes needed to reflect Meadow Creek's rights and obligations with respect to its use of the WCGI Interconnection Facilities. WCGI has separately filed with the Commission an unexecuted form of the Amended CFA for acceptance by the Commission pursuant to Section 205 of the FPA. The Amended CFA will be executed by the parties after certain conditions are satisfied including, inter alia, obtaining Commission authorization under Section 203 for the Proposed Transaction and acceptance under Section 205 Of the Amended CFA. The Amended CFA will contain a clarification to adjust the 65 MW amount currently used for the calculation of its ownership interest to Wolverine's existing project's nameplate amount of 64.5 MW. Thus, there will be negligible reduction in Wolverine's ownership interest in WCGI. The Amended CPA will contain a clarification to insert the 124.5 MW amount currently used for the calculation of Goshen's ownership interest, which is the number already used under the existing CPA Common Facilities Percentage Interest formula. -10- As a result of the Proposed Transaction, Meadow Creek's ownership interest in WCGI will be approximately 35.77% (i.e., 119.7 MW / 334.6 MW); and RAE's direct ownership interest in WCGI will be approximately 7.74% (i.e., [334.6 MW - (64.5 MW + 124.5 MW + 119.7 MW)]! 334.6 MW). Wolverine Creek's and Goshen's ownership interests in WCGI will not change as a result of the Proposed Transaction. Exhibit I contains the transaction agreements for the Proposed Transaction, which are described below. The public version of Exhibit I contains the form of the Amended CFA that WCGI, Wolverine Creek, RAE, Goshen and Meadow Creek will enter into, which will amend the CFA to reflect Meadow Creek's rights and obligations with respect to use of the WCGI Interconnection Facilities to deliver power from the Meadow Creek Project and which will not be executed or become effective until certain conditions are met, including obtaining an order from the Commission under Section 205 accepting the Amended CFA for filing and an order under Section 203 for the Proposed Transaction. Confidential Exhibit I contains (i) the form of an amended and restated limited liability agreement that WCGI, Wolverine Creek, RAE, Goshen and Meadow Creek will enter into in order to effectuate Meadow Creek's acquisition of an ownership interest in WCGI (the "WCGI Amended LLC Agreement"), which will not become effective until certain conditions are met, including obtaining Section 203 approval, (ii) an agreement among WCGI, Wolverine Creek, RAE, Goshen and Meadow Creek regarding the conditions required to be satisfied before executing the Amended CFA and WCGI Amended LLC Agreement, and (iii) the substantially final form of agreement that RAE and Meadow Creek will enter into at the time of closing on the Proposed Transaction to effectuate the transfer of a portion of RAE's ownership interests in WCGI to Meadow Creek. -11- Consummation of the Proposed Transaction is contingent upon, among other things, the Commission approvals described above. V. THE COMMISSION SHOULD APPROVE THE PROPOSED TRANSACTION PURSUANT TO SECTION 203 OF THE FPA A. Legal Standard Commission approval under Section 203(a)(1) of the FPA is required prior to the disposition ofjurisdictional facilities with a value in excess of $10,000,000. The Commission has interpreted Section 203(a)(1) of the FPA to include indirect changes of control of jurisdictional facilities. 31 Section 203(a)(4) of the FPA requires that the Commission approve jurisdictional transactions that are "consistent with the public interest." When analyzing the effects of jurisdictional transactions on the public interest under Section 203 of the FPA, the Commission relies upon the analysis set forth in Order No. 592, the Commission's Merger Policy Statement, 32 and Order No. 642. The Commission generally considers the following three factors in FPA Section 203 Supplemental Policy Statement, FERC Stats. & Regs., Regs. Preambles 131,253 at P 45 (2007), order on clarification and reconsideration, 122 FERC 161,157 (2008) (the "203 Supplemental Policy Statement"), and Phelps Dodge Corporation, et al., 121 FERC ¶ 61,251 at P 15 (2007) (indirect transfers of control ofjurisdictional facilities fall within the "or otherwise dispose" language of Section 203(a)(1)(A) of the FPA). RAE believes that, to the extent it may be considered a "holding company," as defined in Section 1262(8) of the Public Utility Holding Company Act of 2005 ("PUHCA"), Section 203(a)(2) is not applicable because, under the terms of the Proposed Transaction, it is not purchasing, acquiring, or taking any security, or merging or consolidating with, a transmitting utility, an electric utility company or a holding company in a holding company system that includes a transmitting utility or an electric utility company. To the extent RAE might be considered to be indirectly acquiring or taking such a security via its ownership of Meadow Creek, RAE is a holding company solely with respect to its direct or indirect ownership of one or more EWGs, thus, it qualifies for a blanket authorization with respect to Section 203(a)(2) of the FPA pursuant to 18 C.F.R. § 33.1(c)(8). 32 Inquiry Concerning the Commission's Merger Policy Under the Federal Power Act: Policy Statement, Order No. 592, FERC Stats. & Regs., Regs. Preambles ¶ 31,044 (1996) ("Merger Policy Statement"), reconsideration denied, Order 592-A, 79 FERC ¶ 61,321(1997) (codified at 18 C.F.R. Part 2). Revised Filing Requirements Under Part 33 of the Commission's Regulations, Order No. 642, FERC Stats. & Regs., Regs. Preambles 13 1,111, at 31,879 (2000) ("Order No. 642"), on reh 'g, Order No. 642-A, 94 FERC ¶ 61,289 (2001) (codified at 18 C.F.R. § 33.2(g)). -12- I analyzing applications pursuant to Section 203 of the FPA: (1) the effect on competition; (2) the effect on rates; and (3) the effect on regulation. 34 In addition, FPA Section 203(a)(4) requires a showing that a proposed transaction will not result in cross-subsidization of a non-utility associate company or pledge or encumbrance of utility assets for the benefit of an associate company. As demonstrated below, the Proposed Transaction is consistent with the public interest and will not result in cross-subsidization of a non-utility associate company or the pledge or encumbrance of utility assets for the benefit of an associate company. B The Proposed Transaction is Consistent with the Public Interest As explained in Section III above, the Proposed Transaction involves the admission of Meadow Creek as a new owner of WCGI and a corresponding reduction in the direct ownership interests RAE holds in WCGI. Thus, the Proposed Transaction involves a partial change in the direct ownership of WCGI (even though RAE will continue to, in the aggregate, own directly and indirectly, the same amount of ownership interests in WCGI). Although the Proposed Transaction does not involve any change in WCGI's direct ownership of its FPA-jurisdictional facilities, the Commission might view the Proposed Transaction as an indirect disposition subject to its Section 203(a)(1)(A) jurisdiction As demonstrated below, the Proposed Transaction is consistent with the public interest, because it will not have an adverse effect on competition, rates or regulation and does not raise cross subsidy concerns. 1. The Proposed Transaction will not have an adverse effect on competition in the relevant markets The Proposed Transaction will not have an adverse effect on competition in the relevant market, which is the PacifiCorp East BAA ("PacifiCorp East"), where the WCGI Interconnection See Order No. 642, at p. 31,872; Order No. 592 at p.30,111. -13- Facilities are located (and where the Goshen Phase II Project, the Meadow Creek Project and the remainder of the Goshen Phase III Project are or will be located).35 Specifically, as demonstrated below, the Proposed Transaction raises neither horizontal nor vertical market power concerns in the relevant markets. a. The Proposed Transaction raises no horizontal market power concerns Section 33.3(a)(1) of the Commission's regulations requires the filing of a horizontal competitive screen analysis in order to determine whether a proposed transaction will have an adverse effect on competition. 36 However, Section 33 .3(a)(2)(i) of the Commission's regulations provides that a horizontal competitive analysis is not required if the applicants affirmatively demonstrate that they do not currently conduct business in the same geographic markets or that the extent of their business transactions in the same geographic markets is de minimis.37 The Proposed Transaction does not involve the transfer of interests in generation. WCGI does not own any generation; it only owns only limited interconnection facilities to accommodate the delivery of the power produced by its owners to their power purchasers. The Proposed Transaction simply involves the admission of Meadow Creek (a wholly-owned subsidiary of RAE, an existing direct owner of WCGI), as a new direct owner in WCGI and the corresponding reduction of RAE's direct ownership interests in WCGI. Therefore, the Proposed Transaction does not require a horizontal competitive screen analysis, and raises no horizontal market power concerns. See Pacj/ICorp, etal., "Order Authorizing Merger and Disposition of Jurisdictional Facilities," 124 FERC ¶ 61,046 at P 6 (July 18, 2008) (". . . PacifiCorp East includes PacifiCorp's loads and resources in the States of Idaho, Utah and Wyoming. . . 18 C.F.R. § 333(a)(1). 18 C.F.R. § 33.3(a)(2)(i). -14- b. The Proposed Transaction raises no vertical market power concerns Section 33.4(a)(1) of the Commission's regulations requires the filing of a vertical competitive screen analysis in order to determine whether a proposed transaction will have an adverse effect on competition.38 However, Section 33.4(a)(2) of the Commission's regulations provides that a vertical competitive analysis need not be filed if the applicants affirmatively demonstrate that they do not currently provide electricity products and inputs to electricity products in the same geographic markets or that the extent of their business transactions in the same geographic markets is de minimis. None of the Applicants or their affiliates own or control electric transmission facilities in the relevant market other than the WCGI Interconnection Facilities or other discrete and limited facilities necessary to interconnect generation facilities to the transmission grid, as described above in Section III. Additionally, none of the Applicants or their affiliates own or control fuel supplies or fuel delivery systems in the relevant market.40 Accordingly, the Proposed Transaction does not require a vertical competitive screen analysis, and raises no vertical market power concerns. 2. The Proposed Transaction will not have an adverse effect on rates In assessing the effect that a proposed jurisdictional transaction could have on rates, the Commission's primary concern is "the protection of wholesale ratepayers and transmission customers."4' In the Merger Policy Statement, the Commission made clear that its concern with 38 18 C.F.R. § 33.4(a)(1). 18 C.F.R. § 33.4(a)(2)(i). Trigen-Kansas City, an affiliate of Veolia has a non-performing long-term coal purchase agreement for 100,000 tons per year out of a mine in southeastern Kansas. New England Power Co, etal., 82 FERC ¶ 61,179, at p.61,659, order on reh'g, 83 FERC 1 61,275 (1998). -15- the effect of a proposed transaction on rates is to protect ratepayers from rate increases resulting from a proposed disposition of jurisdictional assets. 42 The Proposed Transaction will not have an adverse effect on any wholesale rates for electric power. WCGI does not sell power, thus, it has no wholesale power customers. The Meadow Creek Project and RAE's remaining share of the Goshen III Project have not been constructed, and Meadow Creek and RAE are not yet public utilities. The Proposed Transaction will have no adverse effect on transmission rates. Under the CFA, WCGI provides its owners (i.e., Wolverine Creek, RAE and Goshen) with access to the WCGI Interconnection Facilities for delivery of their power to the transmission grid. As noted above, the CFA is a rate schedule on file with the Commission. WCGI has filed the form of the Amended CFA under Section 205 of the FPA for Commission acceptance. The Amended CFA, once it is accepted by the Commission, will be a rate schedule subject to the Commission's jurisdiction and have no adverse affect on rates. Further, neither RAE nor Meadow Creek provide any transmission services. 3. The Proposed Transaction will not have an adverse effect on regulation The Proposed Transaction will not impair the ability of the Commission or any state regulatory authority to regulate Applicants. The Commission will continue to have jurisdiction over WCGI and its FPA-jurisdictional facilities (i.e., the CFA, the Amended CFA, and the WCGI Interconnection Facilities) after the Proposed Transaction is consummated as it exercises currently. Additionally, the Commission will be able to exercise the same jurisdiction over RAE, Meadow Creek, and the wind farms these parties are developing and will own. No facilities will be removed from the Commission's jurisdiction. The Proposed Transaction will 42 See Merger Policy Statement at p. 30,123. -16- have no effect on state commission regulation and is not subject to approval by any state commission. Therefore, Proposed Transaction will not have an adverse effect on regulation. C. The Proposed Transaction Will Not Result in Cross-Subsidization Under Section 203(a)(4) of the FPA and Section 2.26(f) of its regulations, the Commission considers whether a proposed transaction will result in a cross-subsidization of a non-utility associate company by a utility company, or in a pledge or encumbrance of utility assets for the benefit of an associate company. The Proposed Transaction does not pose a risk of cross-subsidization and does not pledge or otherwise encumber utility assets. In the 203 Supplemental Policy Statement, the Commission stated that it will recognize three classes of transactions that are unlikely to raise the cross-subsidization concerns described in the Order No. 669 rulemaking proceeding. 43 The first such class involves "transactions where the applicant shows that a franchised public utility with captive customers is not involved. If no captive customers are involved, then there is no potential for harm to customers. Therefore, compliance with Exhibit M could be a showing that no franchised public utility with captive customers is involved in the transactions " The proposed Transactions fall within the above described "safe harbor" adopted by the Commission because no franchised public utilities with captive customers are involved. As described herein, the Proposed Transaction involves the admission of a new owner in WCGI, that is a subsidiary of an existing owner. None of the Applicants is or will be a franchised public utility with captive customers. Nor are any of the Applicants affiliated with a franchised public utility with captive customers. 203 Supplemental Policy Statement at P 16. 203 Supplemental Policy Statement at P 17 (footnote omitted). -17- Because the Proposed Transaction falls within the Commission's safe harbor, an Exhibit M containing a detailed explanation and evidentiary support to demonstrate lack of cross- subsidization is not required. While attaching an Exhibit M may not be required, the Applicants provide Exhibit M out of an abundance of caution but, consistent with the Commission's policy, do not provide any further evidence to demonstrate lack of cross-subsidization because, as shown above, the Proposed Transaction does not involve franchised public utilities with captive customers. VI. INFORMATION REQUIRED BY SECTION 33.2 OF THE COMMISSION'S REGULATIONS AND REQUESTS FOR CERTAIN WAIVERS OF THE INFORMATION REQUIREMENTS The Applicants submit the following information pursuant to Part 33 of the Commission's regulations. The Applicants have provided all information necessary to determine that the Proposed Transaction is consistent with the public interest, as required under Section 203 of the FPA. However, because certain information is not relevant to the Commission's consideration of whether the Proposed Transaction is consistent with the public interest, the Applicants respectfully request that the Commission waive certain of the filing requirements in Part 33 of its regulations, as discussed below. Subject to the foregoing, the Applicants provide the following information pursuant to Part 33 of the Commission's regulations: A. Name and principal business office of Applicants 45 1. Ridgeline Alternative Energy, LLC do Ridgeline Energy LLC 1300 North Northiake Way, Second Floor Seattle, WA 98103 18 C.F.R. § 33.2(a). -18- 2. WCGI Wolverine Creek Goshen Interconnection, LLC do Invenergy, LLC 1 South Wacker Dr., Suite 2020 Chicago, IL 60606 B. Names and addresses of the person authorized to receive notices and communications 46 The names and address of persons authorized to receive notices and communications with respect to this Application are: For RAE: For WCGI: Robert M. Ellis* Laura V. Szabo* General Counsel Dickstein Shapiro LLP Ridgeline Energy LLC One Stamford Plaza 1300 North Northlake Way, 2nd Floor 263 Tresser Blvd. Seattle, WA 98103 Suite 1400 Stamford, CT 06901 Karen B. Wong* Tel: 203-905-4517 Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy LLP szabol@dicksteinshapiro.com 601 South Figueroa Street, 30th Floor Los Angeles, CA 90017 Tel: (213) 892-4000 kwongmilbank.com James C. Liles* Regulatory Advisor Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy LLP 1850 K Street, N.W., Suite 1100 Washington, D.C. 20006 Tel: (202) 835-7500 jlilesmilbank.com Persons denoted with an asterisk (*) are those designated for service pursuant to Rule 2010. 18 C.F.R. § 33.2(b). 18 C.F.R. § 385.2010. -19- C. Description of Applicants 1.All business activities of the applicants, including authorizations by charter or regulatory approval (Exhibit A)49 The descriptions of the business activities of the Applicants are set forth in Section III above. Therefore, the Applicants request waiver of the requirement to file Exhibit A. 2.A list of all energy subsidiaries and energy affiliates, percentage ownership interest in such subsidiaries and affiliates, and a description of the primary business in which each is engaged (Exhibit B)50 The Applicants' relevant energy subsidiaries and affiliates are described in Exhibit B. The Applicants request waiver of the requirement to list in Exhibit B the energy affiliates of WCGI through Wolverine Creek and Goshen through BPWENA and Diamond, because the Proposed Transaction does not involve either a merger or consolidation with such entities or any increase in concentration with respect to generating facilities, and therefore such energy subsidiaries and affiliates are not relevant to the Commission's analysis of this Application under Section 203 of the FPA. Accordingly the Commission should grant Applicants a waiver of the requirement to list such subsidiaries and affiliates in Exhibit B. 3.Organizational charts depicting the applicants' current and proposed post-Transaction corporate structures (Exhibit C)5' The Applicants provide in Exhibits C-i and C-2 organizational charts depicting the pre- and post-Transaction ownership of the Applicants. 48 18 C.F.R. § 33.2(c). 18 C.F.R. § 33.2(c)(1). 18 C.F.R. § 33.2(c)(2). 18 C.F.R. § 33.2(c)(3). -20- 4.Description of all joint ventures, strategic alliances, tolling arrangements or other business arrangements, including transfers of operational control of transmission facilities to Commission approved Regional Transmission Organizations, both current, and planned to occur within a year from the date of filing, to which the applicants or their parent companies, energy subsidiaries, and energy affiliates are parties, unless the applicants demonstrate that the proposed Transaction does not affect any of their business interests (Exhibit D)52 Other than the matters described in this Application, the Proposed Transaction will have no effect on joint ventures, strategic alliances or other business arrangements of the Applicants or their parent companies, energy subsidiaries and energy affiliates, separate from the Proposed Transaction. Therefore, Applicants request waiver of the requirement to file Exhibit D. 5.Identity of common officers or directors of parties to the proposed Transaction (Exhibit E)53 There are and will be no common officers or directors between RAE and Meadow Creek, on the one hand, and WCGI, on the other hand. Neither RAE nor Meadow Creek is a public utility. The Proposed Transaction will not change these relationships Accordingly, the Applicants request waiver of the requirement to file Exhibit E 6.Description and location of wholesale power sales customers and unbundled transmission services customers served by the applicants or their parent companies, subsidiaries, affiliates and associate companies (Exhibit F)54 Neither RAE, Meadow Creek nor any of their parent companies currently has wholesale power sales customers nor do they have transmission customers. As described in Section III.B above, WCGI allows its owners pursuant to the CFA to interconnect their respective generating facilities to the WCGI Interconnection Facilities and deliver their power through the WCGI 52 18 C.F.R. § 33.2(c)(4). 18 C.F.R. § 33.2(c)(5). 18 C.F.R. § 33.2(c)(6). -21- Interconnection Facilities to the transmission grid. The Applicants request a limited waiver of the information requirements of 18 C.F.R. §33.2(c)(6), to the extent waiver may be deemed necessary, to provide any additional information including the wholesale power customers of their public utility affiliates because that information is not necessary or relevant to evaluating the Proposed Transaction and would be unduly burdensome to provide. Therefore, the Applicants request waiver of the requirement to file Exhibit F. D.Description of Jurisdictional Facilities Owned, Operated or Controlled by the Applicants or their Parent Companies, Subsidiaries, Affiliates and Associate Companies (Exhibit G) A description of the Applicants' jurisdictional facilities owned, operated or controlled by the Applicants or the relevant parent companies, subsidiaries, affiliates and associate companies of Ridgeline is provided in Section III, above. The Applicants request a limited waiver of the information requirements of 18 C.F.R. §33.2(d), to the extent waiver may be deemed necessary, to provide information on the FPA- jurisdictional facilities of its public utility affiliates because that information is not necessary or relevant to evaluating the Proposed Transaction and would be unduly burdensome to provide. Therefore, the Applicants request waiver of the requirement to file Exhibit G. E.A Narrative Description of the Proposed Transaction for Which Commission Authorization is Requested (Exhibit 11)56 A narrative description of the Proposed Transaction is provided in Section IV, above. Therefore, the Applicants request waiver of the requirement to file Exhibit H. 18 C.F.R. § 33.2(d). 18 C.F.R. § 33.2(e). -22- 1.The identity of all parties involved in the Transaction The parties involved in the Proposed Transaction are RAE, Goshen, Meadow Creek, Wolverine Creek and WCGI. 2.All jurisdictional facilities and securities associated with or affected by the Transaction The jurisdictional facilities associated with or affected by the Proposed Transaction are: (a) the CFA and (b) the WCGI Interconnection Facilities. 3 The consideration for the Transaction The consideration for the Proposed Transaction was reached through arm's-length negotiations between the parties to the Proposed Transaction 4. The effect of the Transaction on such jurisdictional facilities and securities The Proposed Transaction will result in a change in the direct owners of WCGI, which will also result in a modification of the CFA through the Amended CFA. F. Contracts Relating to the Proposed Transaction (Exhibit I) The transaction agreements related to the Proposed Transaction are described in Section IV above, copies of which are contained in Exhibit I hereto The Applicants request a waiver of any requirement to provide other incidental documents that may be executed in connection with the Proposed Transaction because the Applicants do not believe that such documents would provide the Commission with information relevant to its public interest evaluation of the Transaction. 58 18 C.F.R. § 33.2(f). See ElF Berkshire Holdings, LLC, 116 FERC ¶ 61,273 (2006). -23- G.Statement Explaining the Facts Relied Upon to Demonstrate that the Proposed Transaction is Consistent with the Public Interest (Exhibit J)M A statement regarding the consistency of the Proposed Transaction with the public interest is provided in Section V of this Application. Therefore, the Applicants request waiver of the requirement to file Exhibit J. H.General or Key Map Showing the Properties of Each Party to the Transaction (Exhibit K)60 The Proposed Transaction does not involve the merger or other combination of any public utilities with franchised service territories. Therefore, the Applicants request waiver of the requirement to file Exhibit K. I.Licenses, Orders or Other Approvals Required from Other Regulatory Bodies in Connection with the Proposed Transaction, and the Status of Other Regulatory Actions (Exhibit L)" The Applicants do not require regulatory approvals from other regulatory bodies in connection with the Proposed Transaction. Apart from this Application, the Proposed Transaction will require the Commission's acceptance of the Amended CFA under Section 205 of the FPA. Additionally, the Applicants have agreed, along with Wolverine Creek, Goshen and Meadow Creek, that the Proposed Transaction will not be consummated until certain other conditions are met, including the issuance by the Commission of the following orders relating to the separate RAE/Goshen/WC Transaction described in Section III.A above: (i) the issuance of an order accepting for filing without modification under Section 205 of the FPA the proposed Amended SFA among RAE, Goshen and Meadow Creek, and (ii) the issuance of an order approving under Section 203 of the FPA Meadow Creek's proposed acquisition of an ownership 18 C.F.R. § 33.2(g). 60 18 C.F.R. § 33.2(h). 61 18 C.F.R. § 33.2(i). -24- interest in the Goshen Tie Line pursuant to a separate Section 203 application filed with the Commission for that transaction. 62 J. Cross-Subsidization (Exhibit M)63 See Section V.C, supra, and Exhibit M. VII.PROPOSED ACCOUNTING ENTRIES" None of the Applicants is required to maintain their books of accounts in accordance with the Commission's Uniform System of Accounts in Part 101. Therefore, the Applicants are not required pursuant to 18 C.F.R. §33.5 to present proposed accounting entries to their books or financial statement showing the effects of the Proposed Transaction to the extent there may be any such effects. VIII.VERIFICATIONS" Signed verifications by authorized representatives of each of the Applicants are included as Attachment 2 to this Application. 62 As explained in footnote 15, supra, WCGI is not involved in the RAE/Goshen/WC Transaction and will not be an applicant in the FERC Section 203 and 205 proceedings for that separate transaction. 18 C.F.R. § 33.20). 18C.F.R33.5. 65 18C.F.R33.7. -25- IX. CONCLUSION WHEREFORE, for the reasons stated above, Applicants request that the Commission issue an order under Section 203(a)(1) of the FPA authorizing the Proposed Transaction. Applicants further request that the Commission consider this Application on an expedited basis, establish a 21-day comment period, and issue an order approving the Proposed Transaction by April 15, 2012. Applicants also request that the Commission grant any necessary waivers of the Commission's regulations as described herein. Respectfully submitted, _/s/ Laura V. Szabo _/s/ Robert M Ellis Laura V. Szabo Robert M. Ellis Dickstein Shapiro LLP General Counsel lOne Stamford Plaza Ridgeline Energy LLC 263 Tresser Blvd. 1300 North Northlake Way, 2nd Floor Suite 1400 Seattle, WA 98103 Stamford, CT 069016 Tel: 203-905-4517 Karen B. Wong szabol@dicksteinshaDiro.com Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy 601 South Figueroa Street, 30th Floor Counsel for Wolverine Creek Goshen Los Angeles, CA 90017 Interconnection LLC Tel: (213) 892-4000 Fax: (213) 629-5063 kwong(,inilbank.com Counsel for Ridgeline Alternative Energy, LLC Dated: March 16, 2012 -26- EXHIBIT B EXHIBIT B Energy Subsidiaries and Affiliates WCGI does not have any subsidiaries. The energy affiliates of RAE and Meadow Creek are described below. In Section VI.C.2 of the Application, the Applicants have requested waiver of the requirement to list WCGI's energy affiliates through Wolverine Creek and Goshen through BPWENA and Diamond. Affiliates of RAE and Meadow Creek: See attached asset charts. Ridgeline Alternative Energy, LLC FERC Order No. 697 Appendix B Table of Energy Affiliates Market-Based Rate Authority and Generation Assets through Veolia Rockland l ERI 1- Rockland 1 Rockland ' Rockland Wind N/A 'Idaho Power ' Northwest ' Expected 79.86 MW Wind Farm 4475-000 Wind Farm Wind Farm Farm LLC Company 12/2011 LLC LLC ("IPCO") Goshen Phase ER1O-1821 Goshen Phase Goshen Phase Goshen Phase 9/1/2010 PACE Northwest 9/1/2010 124.5 MW II LLC II II LLC II LLC Grays Ferry ER1O-852 Grays Ferry Grays Ferry Grays Ferry N/A PJM Northeast 1998 192.6 MW Cogeneration Cogeneration Cogeneration Cogeneration Partnership Facility Partnership Partnership MATEP, ER1O-1655 MATEP MATEP, MATEP, N/A ISO-NE Northeast 1986 87.8 MW Limited ER1O-1370 Facility Limited Limited Partnership ER98-1 192 Partnership Partnership MATEP, LLC ER06-1 143 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0 (power marketer) Montenay N/A Montenay Montenay Montenay N/A Progress Southeast 12.5 MW Charleston Charleston Charleston Charleston Energy, (currently Resource Facility Resource Resource Carolinas- out of Recovery, Inc. Recovery, Inc. Recovery, Inc. East service) Veolia Energy N/A Veolia Energy Veolia Energy Veolia Energy N/A PJM Northeast 1983 6 MW Trenton, LP Trenton Trenton, LP Trenton, LP Facility Trigen-St. ER07-671 Trigen-St. Trigen-St. Trigen-St. N/A MIISO Central 1999 33 MW Louis Energy Louis Energy Louis Energy Louis Energy Corp. Facility Corp. Corp. Veolia Energy N/A Grand Avenue Veolia Energy Veolia Energy N/A KCP&L SPP 1991 5 MW Kansas City, Steam Plant Kansas City, Kansas City, Inc. Inc. Inc. 1 Ridgeline Alternative Energy, LLC Electric Transmission Assets and/or Natural Gas Intrastate Pipelines and/or Gas Storage Facilities through Veolia Applicant is including any relevant generator tie-lines herein out of an abundance of caution. Applicant does not believe or concede that generator tie-lines should be included in the instant electric transmission asset chart because such assets are not networked transmission facilities, are not designed or constructed to serve as transmission facilities, and are not intended to serve as transmission facilities for third party transmission customers. 2 2 As explained in the instant Application, WCGI is a public utility that owns and operates an approximately 17-mile electric interconnection line and related equipment that currently connects wind farms owned by Wolverine Creek Energy LLC, an entity not affiliated with the Applicant, and Goshen Phase II, LLC to the transmission system of PacifiCorp. The WCGI line is limited and discrete and does not comprise an integrated transmission system, and WCGI has been granted waivers of the Commission's open access transmission requirements under Order Nos. 888 and 889 and Part 358 of the Commission's regulations. See Wolverine Creek Goshen Interconnection LLC, Letter Order, Docket No. ER06-267 (Jan. 13, 2006), Errata Notice, Docket No. ER06-267 (Jan. 27, 2006). WCGI is also an EWG. See Wolverine Creek Goshen Interconnection LLC, 111 FERC ¶ 62,209 (2005). EXHIBIT C Exhibit C-i Pre-Transaction of RAE and WCGI Veolia S.A 71.49% by Veolia Environement S.A. 9.46% by Asah Lm. A French civil partnership 19.02% by Transvers French private investment corporation EolfiS.A. 100% FRidgeline Energy Holdings Inc. 100% Ridgeline Alternative Energy LLC Diamond Clematis 25%** Energy LLC Diamond (Not part of the transaction) Goshen Phase II Holdings 'I LLC "Goshen Holdings" 75%** 100% Goshen Ridge Wind Farm AE Goshen II Wind LLC Farm LLC 43•5%* "Goshen Ridge" "AE Goshen II" Wolverine Creek (owned by BP Wind) (Not 50%** pa of e Energy LLC transaction) Goshen Phase II LLC "Goshen Phase II Project" 50%** 19.3% 37.2%* Wolverine Creek Goshen Interconnection LLC * The ownership percentages of Wolverine Creek Energy LLC, Ridgeline Alternative Energy LLC, and Goshen Phase II LLC are an approximation based on the 334.6 MW design capacity of the WCGI Interconnection Facility. ** Ownership through one or more wholly-owned subsidiaries. Exhibit C-2 Post-Transaction of RAE and WCGI Veolia S.A 71.49% by Veolia Environement S.A. 9.46% by Asah Lm. A French civil partnership 19.02% bvTransvers French private investment corporation Eolfi S.A. 100% Ridgeline Energy Holdings Inc. 100% Ridgeline Alternative Energy LLC I I Diamond Clematis 25%** Energy LLC 100% "Diamond" (Not part of the transaction) Meadow Creek Project Goshen Phase II Holdings Company LLC LLC "Goshen Holdings" 75%** 100% AE Goshen II Wind Goshen Ridge Wind Farm Farm LLC LL'.. 35.8% 77%* Goshen Ridge,, "AE Goshen Il" (owned by BP Wind) Wolverine Creek (Not part of the Energy LLC 50%** transaction) Goshen Phase 11 LLC "Goshen Phase H Project" 50%** 37.2%* Wolverine Creek Goshen Interconnection LLC * The ownership percentages of Wolverine Creek Energy LIC, Ridgeline Alternative Energy LLC, and Goshen Phase II LLC are an approximation based on the 334.6 MW design capacity of the WCGI Interconnection Facility. Ownership through one or more wholly-owned subsidiaries. EXHIBIT I PUBLIC VERSION PRIVILEGED, PROTECTED, CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION HAS BEEN REMOVED PURSUANT TO 18 C.F.R. § 388.112 AMENDED AND RESTATED COMMON FACILITIES AGREEMENT OF WOLVERINE CREEK GOSHEN INTERCONNECTION LLC 1, 2012 HOU:3 186077.7 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ARTICLE I DEFINITIONS ...........................................................................................................2 1.1 Certain Definitions .......................................................................................................... 2 ARTICLE II COMMON FACILITIES AGREEMENTS ..............................................................7 2.1 Use of Common Facilities .............................................................................................. 7 2.2 Construction of Common Facilities................................................................................8 2.3 Design/Capacity of Common Physical Facilities . .......................................................... 8 2.4 Development and Interconnection Rights.......................................................................9 2.5 Priority of Use ................................................................................................................ .10 2.6 Right to Transmit Electricity ........................................................................................ 10 2.7 Shared Expenses and Line Losses ................................................................................ 10 2.8 Interconnection Agreement ........................................................................................... 11 2.9 Shared Easements ......................................................................................................... 12 2.10 Maximum Projects to Interconnect............................................................................... 12 2.11 Wind Data; Metering Data............................................................................................ 12 2.12 Indemnity...................................................................................................................... 12 2.13 Environmental Compliance .......................................................................................... 12 2.14 No Waste or Nuisance; Maintenance; No Interference ................................................ 12 2.15 Liens; Sales ................................................................................................................... 13 2.16 Taxes............................................................................................................................. 13 2.17 Operation and Management.......................................................................................... 13 2.18 Events of Default; Default ............................................................................................ 13 2.19 Remedies....................................................................................................................... 13 2.20 Equitable Relief ............................................................................................................ 14 2.21 Arbitration..................................................................................................................... 14 2.22 Force Majeure 14 2.23 Effect of Force Majeure................................................................................................ 14 ARTICLE III TRANSFERABILITY ........................................................................................... 15 3.1 General Restriction ....................................................................................................... 15 3.2 Increase to WCE Common Facilities Percentages ........................................................ 15 3.3 Transfer of GPII, MCP and RAE Interests................................................................... 15 3.4 FERC Approval ............................................................................................................ 16 ARTICLE IV MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS ..................................................................... 16 4.1 Notices.......................................................................................................................... 16 4.2 Choice of Law ................................................................................................................ 16 4.3 Entire Agreement .......................................................................................................... 16 4.4 Interpretation................................................................................................................. 16 4.5 Waiver ........................................................................................................................... 16 4.6 No Third Party Beneficiaries........................................................................................ 17 11 HOU:3 186077.7 4.7 Counterparts; Facsimile Signatures . 17 4.8 Amendments; Term ......................................................................................................17 4.9 Further Assurances........................................................................................................17 111 HOU:3 186077.7 AMENDED AND RESTATED COMMON FACILITIES AGREEMENT THIS AMENDED AND RESTATED COMMON FACILITIES AGREEMENT (this "Agreement") is made and entered into as of F 1, 2012 (the "Effective Date"), by and among WOLVERINE CREEK GOSHEN INTERCONNECTION LLC, a Delaware limited liability company (the "Company"), WOLVERINE CREEK ENERGY LLC, a Delaware limited liability company ("WCE"), RIDGELINE ALTERNATIVE ENERGY, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company ("RAE"), MEADOW CREEK PROJECT COMPANY LLC, a Delaware limited liability company ("MCP") and GOSHEN PHASE II LLC, a Delaware limited liability company ("GPII"); each also a "Party" and collectively, the "Parties". RECITALS A.Effective as of the Effective Date, each of WCE, RAE, GPII and MCP owns membership interests in the Company. B.The Company, WCE, RAE and GPII entered into that certain Common Facilities Agreement, dated as of November 18, 2005, as amended by that certain First Amendment to Common Facilities Agreement, dated as of December 30, 2009 (the "Original Common Facilities Agreement"), pursuant to which such parties set forth their rights and obligations regarding the use, operations and management of the Company's physical assets for each of the WCE Project, the GPII Project and the RAE Project (each as defined in the Original Common Facilities Agreement). C.WCE has constructed a 64.5 MW nameplate capacity wind energy electric generating facility in Bonneville and Bingham Counties, Idaho and GPII has constructed a 124.5 MW nameplate capacity wind energy electric generating facility in the vicinity of the WCE Project. D RAE (or its successors, assigns or affiliates) intends to construct other wind power generation facilities in the vicinity of the WCE Project and the GPII Project and, to that end, has assigned to MCP, effective as of the Effective Date, a portion of the RAE Project (as defined in the Original Common Facilities Agreement) and RAE's corresponding rights and obligations under the Common Facilities Agreement in respect thereof. E.The Parties have determined, including as a result of that certain Wolverine Creek to Goshen 161 kV Transmission Line Thermal Capacity Study, dated December 2011, prepared by Electrical Consultants Inc., that the Shared Grid Connection Line has a capacity of 334.6 MW at unity power factor. F.The Parties wish to amend and restate in its entirety the Original Common Facilities Agreement to, among other things, reflect the addition of MCP hereto, the separation of the MCP Project from the RAE Project, and effect a reallocation of rights to excess capacity (including to terminate WCE's rights to 30 MW of excess capacity as provided in the Original Common Facilities Agreement), in each case as provided herein. I HOU:3 186077.7 NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing and the agreements and covenants contained herein, and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the Parties hereto agree as follows: ARTICLE I DEFINITIONS 1.1 Certain Definitions. Capitalized words and phrases used herein shall have the following meanings, or the meanings given in the Sections of this Agreement in which they are defined, unless the text expressly or by necessary implication requires otherwise. (a)"AAA" has the meaning set forth in Section 2.27. (b)"Agreement" has the meaning given in the preamble to this Agreement. (c)"Base Design" has the meaning described in Section 23(a. (d)"Common Facilities" means, collectively, the Common Physical Facilities, the Common O&M Agreement, the Construction Contract Warranties, the other Shared Project Agreements, the Shared Licenses and Permits, and the Shared Real Property Documents. (e)"Common Facilities Percentage Interest" means, with respect to each Member, the percentage of the Design Capacity of the Common Physical Facilities that each Member has a right to use. The Common Facilities Percentage Interest of (i) WCE shall be determined based on the ratio equal to (A) 64.5 MW (as such amount may be increased pursuant to Section 3.2, such amount referred to in this definition as the "WCE Share") over (B) the Design Capacity (i.e., WCE Share/Design Capacity), (ii) GPII shall be determined based on the ratio equal to (A) 124.5 MW (such amount referred to in this definition as the "GPII Share") over (B) the Design Capacity, (iii) MCP shall be determined based on the ratio equal to (A) 119.7 MW (such amount referred to in this definition as the "MCP Share") over (B) the Design Capacity, and (iv) RAE shall be determined based on the ratio equal to (A) the Design Capacity minus the sum of the WCE Share, the GPII Share and the MCP Share over (B) the Design Capacity (i.e., [Design Capacity - (WCE Share + GPII Share + MCP Share]/Design Capacity). (I) "Common O&M Agreement" means any operations and maintenance agreement entered into between the Common Operator and the Company (or the Manager on behalf of the Company). The Common O&M Agreement will require the Common Operator, inter alia, to conduct all activities and operations with respect to any Common Physical Facilities (i) in accordance with the terms of each Interconnection Agreement, (ii) in accordance with good operating and utility industry practices, (iii) in compliance with all Laws, and (iv) without causing a material adverse effect on the Company, the Common Facilities, any Member, or any Member's respective Projects. (g) "Common Operator" means the Person engaged by the Company to operate and/or maintain the Common Physical Facilities from time to time. 2 HOU:3 186077.7 (h)"Common Physical Facilities" means the Shared Substation, the Shared Grid Connection Line, and all other interconnection and transmission facilities owned by the Company from time to time, the use of which is contemplated to be shared by the WCE Project, the GPII Project, the MCP Project and the RAE Project in accordance with this Agreement. (i)"Company" has the meaning given in the preamble to this Agreement. (j)"Construction Contract Warranties" means the warranties of the contractors under the Construction Contracts to repair and replace any defects in the Common Physical Facilities. (k)"Construction Contracts" means the contracts for construction of the Common Physical Facilities. (1) "Design Capacity" means, as of any date, the design capacity expressed in MW of the Common Physical Facilities which, as of the Effective Date, is 334.6 MW at unity power factor. (m)"Effective Date" has the meaning given in the preamble to this Agreement. (n)"Environmental Laws" means, collectively, any and all Laws pertaining to pollution or protection of health, safety or environment, including Laws (both statutory and common law) relating to actual or threatened emissions, discharges, or releases of pollutants, raw materials, products, contaminants, or hazardous or toxic materials or wastes into ambient air, surface water, groundwater, or land, or otherwise relating to the manufacture, processing, distribution, use, treatment, storage, disposal, transport, or handling of pollutants, contaminants, or hazardous or toxic materials or wastes, and including all Environmental Permits and agreements and duties issued under or imposed by such Laws (o)"Environmental Permits" means, collectively, all licenses, permits and other authorizations or registrations required under any and all Laws pertaining to pollution or protection of health, safety or environment, including Laws (both statutory and common law) relating to actual or threatened emissions, discharges, or releases of pollutants, raw materials, products, contaminants, or hazardous or toxic materials or wastes into ambient air, surface water, groundwater, or land, or otherwise relating to the manufacture, processing, distribution, use, treatment, storage, disposal, transport, or handling of pollutants, contaminants, or hazardous or toxic materials or wastes. (p)"Event of Default" has the meaning given in Section 2.24. (q)"Excess Capacity" means 25.9 MW (being the Design Capacity less the sum of the nameplate capacities of each of the WCE Project, the GPII Project and the MCP Project -- or 308.7 MW). 3 HOU:3 i 86077.7 (r) "FERC" means the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission or any successor agency. (s)"FERC Fees" has the meaning given in Section 1.1 (tt)(vi). (t)"Financing Member" means (i) any and all lenders providing senior or subordinated construction, interim or long-term debt financing or refinancing for the purchase, installation or operation of a Project, and (ii) any and all equity and tax investors providing financing or refinancing for a Project or purchasing equity ownership interests in a company owning a Member or a Project, and any trustee or agent acting on behalf of any such lenders or equity and tax investors. (u)"Goshen Substation" means the substation owned by the Interconnector (including the revenue meter), located approximately seventeen (17) miles from the Shared Substation to which the Common Physical Facilities are interconnected. (v)"GPII Project" means that certain wind farm located in Bonneville County, Idaho, with a maximum nameplate capacity not to exceed 124.5 MW. (w)"Indemnified Party" has the meaning set forth in Section 2.12. (x)"Indemnifying Member" has the meaning set forth in Section 2.12. (y)"Interconnection Agreements" means, collectively, the interconnection agreements to be entered into between the Company and a Member, on the one hand, and the Interconnector on the other hand, relating to the interconnection of such Member's Project Controlled Assets into the Goshen Substation. (z)"Interconnector" means PacifiCorp. (aa) "Laws" means all applicable laws, statutes, ordinances, rules, regulations, decrees, orders, permits, requirements, judgments, decisions and injunctions issued by any governmental authority, including laws relating to health, safety and the environment. (bb) "Line Losses" means, in respect of the affected Member(s) as provided in Section 2.7, the incremental, demonstrable economic losses actually suffered by such Member(s) as a result of line losses caused by electric generation by the obligated Member in accordance with Section 2.7. (cc) "LLC Agreement" means the Third Amended and Restated Operating Agreement of the Company, dated as of the Effective Date, as amended or modified from time to time. (dd) "Manager" means WCE in its role of Manager of the Company under the LLC Agreement and its permitted successors succeeding to the role of Manager under the LLC Agreement. HOU:3 I 86077.7 (ee) "Maximum Nameplate Capacity" means, as of any date of determination, the aggregate sum of the maximum nameplate capacity ratings of each wind turbine generator included in a Project that has been interconnected to the Goshen Substation through the Common Physical Facilities as of the date of such determination. (ff) "MCP Project" means the wind power generation facilities to be developed by MCP (or MCP's successors, assigns or affiliates) in Bonneville County, Idaho, in the vicinity of the WCE Project with an aggregate Maximum Nameplate Capacity of all such facilities not to exceed 119.7 MW. (gg) "Member" means each of WCE, RAE, GPII and MCP. (hh) "MW" means a megawatt or megawatts, as the context may require. (ii) "Operator" means any person that operates a Project from time to time on behalf of any Member. (jj) "Party" means each of the Company, WCE, GPII, MCP and RAE; and "Parties" means, collectively, the Company, WCE, GPII, MCP and RAE. (kk) "Person" means any individual or entity, and the heirs, personal representatives, successors and assigns of such individual or entity where the context so permits. (11) "Power Purchaser" means PacifiCorp or any other entity purchasing electricity generated by a Project. (mm) "Projects" means, collectively, the WCE Project, the GPII Project, the MCP Project and the RAE Project. (nn) "Project Controlled Assets" means, for each Member, any of the assets comprising its respective Project or Projects (including each such Project's transformer), the corresponding Project Lands and related Project agreements and contractual arrangements, including such Member's Interconnection Agreement. For the avoidance of doubt, the Project Controlled Assets shall exclude any of the Common Facilities. (oo) "Project Lands" means, for any Project, the lands on which such Project is located. (pp) "Purchase Agreement" means that certain Purchase and Sale Agreement, dated as of April 22, 2005, by and among, Invenergy Wind LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, Ridgeline Airtricity Energy, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, Airtricity, Inc., a Delaware corporation, Ridgeline Energy LLC, a Washington limited liability company, and Wolverine Creek Energy LLC, a Delaware limited liability company. (qq) "" has the meaning given in the preamble to this Agreement. 5 HOU:3 186077.7 (rr) "RAE Project" means one or more wind power generation facilities to be developed by RAE (or RAE's successors, assigns or affiliates) in Bonneville and Bingham Counties, Idaho, in the vicinity of the WCE Project with an aggregate Maximum Nameplate Capacity of all such facilities not to exceed RAE's Common Facilities Percentage Interest. (ss) "Right of First Refusal" has the meaning given in Section 3.3. (tt) "Shared Expenses" means expenses necessary for the operation and maintenance of the Common Facilities, including without limitation: (i)All fees and expenses payable under the Common O&M Agreement, and the other Shared Project Agreements. (ii)Operating period insurance under any blanket policy purchased by or behalf of the Company. (iii)The fixed costs payable under any and all contracts for the Members' purchase of backfeed power to supply station load for all the Projects, when and if such contract is single-billed to the Company as agent for all Members. (iv)Property and other use or ad valorem taxes assessed or allocated to the Common Facilities. (v)Reasonable out-of-pocket expenses of the Manager incurred in connection with the performance of its services under this Agreement. (vi)The costs of Shared Licenses and Permits and, including without limitation, any fees charged by the FERC or other governmental entity. Any FERC annual charges or other regulatory fees imposed on the Company with respect to the services provided under this Agreement ("FERC Fees") shall be allocated to the Members for payment to the Company based on output from their Projects or some other objective criteria applicable to the nature of the FERC Fees imposed. (vii)Other shared expenses identified from time to time in accordance with the provisions of Section 2.7. (uu) "Shared Grid Connection Line" means the transmission line which was constructed by WCE and contributed to the Company in accordance with the provisions of Section 2.2. (vv) "Shared Licenses and Permits" means, collectively, the governmental licenses, permits, approvals and authorizations, whether federal, state or local, or domestic or foreign, including Environmental Permits, relating to the Common Physical Facilities. HOU:3 186077.7 (ww) "Shared Project Agreements" means, collectively, the Common Facilities Project Agreements (as defined in the Purchase Agreement), the Common O&M Agreement, the Construction Contract Warranties and all other agreements entered into by or on behalf of the Company relating to the ownership and/or operation of the Common Physical Facilities. For the avoidance of doubt, the Shared Project Agreements shall exclude any agreements entered into by a Member or its affiliates (other than the Company) with respect to such Member's respective Projects, including such Member's Interconnection Agreement. (xx) "Shared Real Property Documents" means, collectively, the transmission land rights, easements and permits described in Schedule 3.7 of the Purchase Agreement and Part B of Schedule 3.20 of the Purchase Agreement and all other easements, option agreements, leases, subordination agreements and other real property agreements, in each case entered into by the Company after April 22, 2005 that create or evidence any real property interests relating to the Common Physical Facilities. For the avoidance of doubt, the Shared Real Property Documents shall exclude any easements, option agreements, leases, subordination agreements and other real property agreements entered into by a Member or its affiliates (other than the Company) with respect to such Member's respective Projects. (yy) "Shared Substation" means the substation which was constructed by WCE in accordance with the requirements set forth in Section 2.3 and contributed to the Company in accordance with the provisions of Section 2.2. (zz) "Sharing Ratio" means, as of any date of determination, with respect to each Member, the ratio equal to the aggregate Maximum Nameplate Capacity of such Member's respective Project(s) over the Maximum Nameplate Capacity of all Projects. (aaa) "Transfer" means, with respect to any asset, the sale, assignment, transfer, pledge, encumbrance, transfer, pledge, or other disposition of, either voluntarily, by operation of law or otherwise, or such asset. (bbb) "Uprate MWs" has the meaning set forth in Section 3.2. (ccc) "WCE" has the meaning given in the preamble to this Agreement. (ddd) "WCE Project" means that certain wind farm located in Bonneville and Bingham Counties, Idaho, with a maximum nameplate capacity not to exceed 64.5 MW except as set forth in Section 3.2. (eee) "WCE Project COD" means the date on which the WCE Project achieved the Commercial Operation Date (as defined in the Purchase Agreement). ARTICLE II COMMON FACILITIES AGREEMENTS 2.1 Use of Common Facilities. The Common Facilities shall be held and used solely to permit the transmission of electricity generated by or on behalf of a Member (or by such 7 HOU:3186077.7 Member's successors, assigns or affiliates) from the Projects through the Common Physical Facilities to the Goshen Substation, and to deliver electricity from a provider of back-up or maintenance power to the Projects. 2.2 Construction of Common Facilities. WCE, in connection with its construction of the WCE Project, caused the Common Facilities to be constructed. WCE shall act as the "owner" under any and all construction contracts entered into in relation to the Common Facilities. Neither the Company, GPII, MCP nor RAE shall have any financial liability or financial obligations related to such construction costs. Effective as of the date of transfer of title of each component of the Common Facilities to WCE pursuant to the Construction Contracts, WCE transferred such assets to the Company as a capital contribution. 2.3 Design/Capacity of Common Physical Facilities. (a)WCE agrees that the Common Physical Facilities shall be designed with a Design Capacity to permit acceptance of electric power from transformers separately owned by each Member (or its successors, assigns and affiliates) located within the Shared Substation yard with an aggregate nameplate capacity equal to the Design Capacity. The Shared Grid Connection Line shall be initially designed (i) to be able to transmit at least 280 MW from the Shared Substation to the Goshen Substation and (ii) to the extent commercially and technically feasible, with a single conductor with substantially the same performance parameters as a 954 ACSR. The Shared Substation shall be designed and constructed with sufficient bus, space, safety, security, and other facilities to initially accommodate the WCE Project and to accommodate additional Projects to be constructed over time in one or more separate phases, in each case with minimal or no outages to the Projects currently interconnected to the Shared Substation. The Common Physical Facilities installed at the Goshen Substation shall be designed to be able to interconnect the Shared Grid Connection Line into the Goshen Substation. The foregoing design specifications and performance criteria of the Common Physical Facilities are referred to in this Agreement as the "Base Design." (b)Reserved. (c)Reserved. (d)Interconnection of MCP Project and RAE Project: Upgrades and Additions. As soon as practical but no less than eight (8) months prior to the expected commercial operation date of each of the MCP Project or RAE Project, as the case may be, MCP or RAE, as the case may be, shall provide the Company and each Member with the proposed plans and requirements with respect to the interconnection of such Project to the Common Facilities, including the proposed Project's nameplate capacity, schedule and needs for interconnection to the Common Facilities. In addition, WCE acknowledges and agrees that GPII, MCP or RAE, as the case may be, shall have the right at any time after the WCE Project COD to propose to, and subject to compliance with this clause (d), install any upgrades or additional design or operational components to the Common Physical Facilities (including enhancements or changes to support the addition of a second conductor to the Shared Grid Connection Line) at GPII's, MCP's or RAE's (as 8 HOU:3 186077.7 the case may be) sole cost and expense. GPII, MCP or RAE, as the case may be, shall keep the Manager informed on a regular basis regarding the status of the development and project schedule for each such Project or such upgrades and additional design or operational components. GPII, MCP or RAE, as the case may be, and the Manager shall cooperate and coordinate plans to assemble, construct and/or install any applicable GPII Project Controlled Assets, MCP Project Controlled Assets or RAE Project Controlled Assets within the Shared Substation and to install meters, bus interface and other interconnection equipment in and with the Common Physical Facilities. GPII, MCP or RAE, as the case may be, agrees that all planning, construction and installation of the required interconnection and transmission facilities required for the their Projects or such upgrades and additional design or operational components into the Common Physical Facilities shall be conducted pursuant to prudent engineering and construction practices and in a manner that will not materially interfere with the normal operation and maintenance of any Project then existing; provided, that the Parties acknowledge and agree that the construction and installation of the interconnection and transmission facilities may result in unscheduled outages or and/or curtailment of some or all of the energy production of a Project then existing. GPII, MCP or RAE, as the case may be, agrees to compensate the Member owning such existing Project for any lost energy production resulting from such outage or curtailment. The Manager and the Interconnector must approve all meters and other equipment supplied by GPII, MCP or RAE, as the case may be, prior to the interconnection of such meters and equipment to the Common Physical Facilities. GPII, MCP or RAE, as the case may be, shall be solely responsible for its costs of interconnection with the Common Physical Facilities, and for any costs incurred (including any penalties imposed on the Company or any Member owning a Project then existing, or damages payable to the Power Purchaser or the Interconnector) or revenues loss suffered (including the cash value of any lost Federal Production Tax Credits) by any Member owning a Project then existing, the Manager or the Company, as applicable, in connection with each interconnection of a GPII Project, an MCP Project or an RAE Project or such upgrades and additional design or operational components with the Common Physical Facilities. (e) The Company and the Members each hereby agree that, in connection with the interconnection of the MCP Project to the Shared Substation, WCE shall, at MCP's sole cost and expense, cause to be installed as part of the Common Facilities a system to monitor the Shared Grid Connection Line to determine whether the use and operation thereof is, at any point in time, exceeding the Design Capacity. During any period of time that the use and operation of the Shared Grid Connection Line exceeds the Design Capacity, including in each instance where such condition is detected by the monitoring system, the provisions of Section 2.5 hereof shall apply to any resulting curtailment or disconnection from the Common Facilities. The monitoring system to be utilized shall be subject to WCE's and GPII's approval. The costs of operation and maintenance of the monitoring system shall not constitute Shared Expenses and shall, instead, be the sole obligation of MCP. 2.4 Development and Interconnection Rights. In addition to the WCE Project and the GPII Project, subject to Section 2.3(d), MCP shall have the right to develop the MCP Project and HOU:3186077.7 RAE shall have the right to develop the RAE Projects and to have such Projects installed and interconnected to the Shared Substation in phases. 2.5 Priority of Use. The WCE Project (excluding the Uprate MWs, if any) shall have at all times priority in the interconnection of its individually owned equipment, transmission of its electricity and use of the Common Facilities over all other Projects using the Common Facilities, including any and all of the GPII Project, the MCP Project and the RAE Project. In the event of any system emergency affecting the Interconnector or any Power Purchaser or curtailment of interconnection or transmission services at the Goshen Substation or within the Common Facilities, (a) the WCE Project (excluding the Uprate MWs, if any) shall be the last Project to be curtailed or disconnected from the Common Facilities and the Goshen Substation, the GPII Project shall be the second to last Project to be curtailed or disconnected from the Common Facilities and the Goshen Substation, the MCP Project shall be the third to last Project to be curtailed or disconnected from the Common Facilities and the Goshen Substation, the Uprate MWs portion of the WCE Project, if any, shall be the fourth to last to be curtailed or disconnected from the Common Facilities and the Goshen Substation, and the RAE Project shall be the first Project to be curtailed or disconnected from the Common Facilities and the Goshen Substation, and (b) the WCE Project (excluding the Uprate MWs, if any) shall be the first Project to be permitted to use the Common Facilities and interconnect to the Goshen Substation, the GPII Project shall be the second Project to be permitted to use the Common Facilities and interconnect to the Goshen Substation, the MCP Project shall be the third Project to be permitted to use the Common Facilities and interconnect to the Goshen Substation, the Uprate MWs portion of the WCE Project, if any, shall be the fourth to be permitted to use the Common Facilities and interconnect to the Goshen Substation, and the RAE Project shall be the last Project to be permitted to use the Common Facilities and interconnect to the Goshen Substation. 2.6 Right to Transmit Electricity. Each Member retains the right to hold and utilize its Common Facilities Percentage Interest, to (a) connect Projects to the Common Facilities up to its respective Common Facilities Percentage Interest, subject to Section 23(d), and (b) deliver or receive electrical energy corresponding to such Common Facilities Percentage Interest in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. Other than the obligation to pay expenses pursuant to Section 2.7, there shall be no charge to the Members to transmit electricity using the Common Facilities. 2.7 Shared Expenses and Line Losses. Each Member hereby confirms its obligation to share in the periodic payment of Shared Expenses, and agrees, severally but not jointly, to pay its respective share of the Shared Expenses as and when due and payable calculated as follows: each Member shall pay a portion of the Shared Expenses based on its Sharing Ratio except that the FERC Fees shall be paid in accordance with the allocation set forth in Section 1.1 (tt)(vi) of this Agreement. The Members shall cause the Manager, as authorized agent for each Member, to administer the collection and payment of the Shared Expenses, whether invoiced by each expense payee against a particular Project or invoiced as an aggregate expense of all Members. Each Member obligated to pay Shared Expenses shall pay each invoice for Shared Expenses promptly upon, in any event within thirty (30) days of, receipt of written notice thereof from the Manager. As it becomes practicable and desirable, the Members from time to time may designate additional expenses as Shared Expenses to be administered by the Manager in accordance with this Section 2.7 to the extent such additional expenses are similar to the other Shared Expenses. 10 061181IMIYikA As an approximation, line losses between the Shared Substation and the Goshen Substation will be allocated as between WCE and GPII (except in respect of the Uprate MWs) in accordance with their respective Sharing Ratios. It is the intent of the Members that, for the purpose of allocating line losses as between WCE and GPII (except in respect of the Uprate MWs), the mechanism for allocating electric generation at the Goshen Substation shall be based on the concurrent ratio of measured electric generation at the Shared Substation. The Members agree to negotiate in good faith as to details of such mechanism, such as metering requirements and averaging periods. If electric generation from the (i) MCP Project causes WCE or GPII to suffer Line Losses, (ii) Uprate MWs causes GPII or MCP to suffer Line Losses, or (ii) RAE Project causes WCE (including in respect of the Uprate MWs), GPII or MCP to suffer Line Losses, the Member (other than WCE) owning the Project (or WCE in the case of Uprate MWs, as applicable) causing such Line Losses shall cooperate with the Member(s) suffering such Line Losses and the Interconnector to cause an allocation of the underlying line losses to the Member (other than WCE) owning the Project (or WCE in the case of Uprate MWs, as applicable) causing such Line Losses. Any imbalance charges or other charges incurred under the Interconnection Agreement that result from the operation of a Project that are reasonably allocable (based on output or some other objective criteria) shall be paid by such Project and shall not be Shared Expenses. 2.8 Interconnection Agreement. (a)Each Member hereby confirms that it will negotiate a separate Interconnection Agreement with the Interconnector containing terms that are approved by the Company, such approval not to be unreasonably withheld if such Interconnection Agreement is not inconsistent with the terms of this Agreement and does not have an adverse impact on any other Member or the Company. Each Member hereby designates the Company to act as its representative for purposes of communicating with, and receiving instructions from, the Interconnector with respect to such Member's Project. Promptly upon receipt of any notice from the Interconnector to the Company or a Member of any default (or any other event) which could give rise to an exercise of remedies, including disconnection of any Project or termination by the Interconnector of the Interconnection Agreement, the Company or such Member shall deliver written notice of the same to the Common Operator and the other Member or the Members, as the case may be. (b)To the extent that the Company receives liquidated damages (to the extent not related to the Common Facilities), transmission network upgrade credits or other credits or refunds pursuant to an Interconnection Agreement, the Company shall promptly remit such damage payment, credit or refund to the Member party to such Interconnection Agreement. (c)Neither the Company nor the Manager shall have any obligation or liability under the Interconnection Agreements to post credit support on behalf of any Member or make any payments thereunder. (d)Each Member agrees that it will furnish the Company with every report or notice it receives from the Interconnector pursuant to its Interconnection Agreement. 11 HOU:3 1 86O777 2.9 Shared Easements. Each Member and the Company shall, to the extent permitted by the Shared Real Property Documents or other underlying real property interest, as applicable, grant nonexclusive easements on such property for the benefit of the other Members for the latter to use roads, have rights of access (e.g., access and utility agreements) and rights to locate and to use subterranean or overhead transmission lines, as applicable; provided, that such nonexclusive easements shall not permit the grantees to interfere in any material respect with the construction, operation or economic value of the Common Facilities or the Project Lands encumbered by such nonexclusive easements. 2.10 Maximum Projects to Interconnect. No Member shall interconnect any of its Projects to the Shared Substation to the extent such interconnection will result in such Member having Projects with a Maximum Nameplate Capacity in excess of such Member's Common Facilities Percentage Interest. To the extent that conditions shall exist as shall result in a Member generating energy from its respective Project in excess of such Member's Common Facilities Percentage Interest, then such Member shall curtail its operation of its Project so as not to exceed such Member's Common Facilities Percentage Interest. 2.11 Wind Data: Metering Data. Each Member shall share with all other Members (i) current and historical wind data collected from anemometers located on its respective Project Lands and (ii) real time data for MWs, MVARs and voltage from the meters relating to its respective Project. The sharing Member shall have no liability with respect to the wind data or metering data provided, whether for completeness, accuracy or otherwise. The receiving Member shall maintain the confidentiality of the wind data and metering data received. 2.12 Indemnity. Each Member (an "Indemnifying Member") shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Company and each other Member (an "Indemnified Party") from and against any and all losses, damages, liabilities, claims, judgments, liens, penalties, costs and expenses, including, without limitation, reasonable attorneys' and consultants' fees, which may be imposed upon or incurred by such Indemnified Party or asserted against such Indemnified Party by any third person or entity in connection with its Interconnection Agreement or any breach of this Agreement or any negligent or willful acts or omissions of or on behalf of the Indemnifying Member on or with respect to its Project Controlled Assets. 2.13 Environmental Compliance. Each Member shall, with respect to its Project Controlled Assets, comply with all Environmental Laws and be responsible for all investigations, studies, clean up, corrective action or response or remedial action required by any governmental authority now or hereafter authorized to regulate environmental or other matters or by any consent decree or court or administrative order now or hereafter applicable to such Member's use, operation or ownership of its Project Controlled Assets. The Members shall have the right (but not the obligation, unless otherwise required above) to participate in the management and control of all investigations and any environmental clean up, remediation or related activities relating to its Project Controlled Assets. 2.14 No Waste or Nuisance: Maintenance: No Interference. No Member shall use or permit the use of the Common Facilities in any manner that would create waste or nuisance, or that would increase the rate, or jeopardize the issuance or maintenance, of any insurance policy relating to the Common Physical Facilities, nor otherwise conduct or cause to be conducted 12 HOU:3 186077.7 operations on its Project Lands which would have similar effects on, or otherwise damage or interfere with, the Common Physical Facilities located on its respective Project Lands. 2.15 Liens; Sales. No Member shall cause or permit any lien or encumbrance to be levied against or attached to the Common Facilities. Each Member agrees not to sell, lease, convey, transfer and/or assign or to enter into any agreement with respect to the sale, lease, conveyance, transfer or assignment of any of the Common Facilities. 2.16 Taxes. Each Member shall pay all real and personal property taxes and assessments, general or special, levied against its Project or the facilities and fixtures located thereon, except for any taxes or assessments that are Shared Expenses. All such taxes and assessments shall be paid before delinquency and before any fine, interest or penalty shall become due or be imposed for their non-payment. 2.17 Operation and Management. Each Member is required to operate and maintain its Project Controlled Assets acting as a prudent operator and manager and otherwise (a) in accordance with the terms of the Interconnection Agreement applicable to such Member's Project, (b) in accordance with good operating and utility industry practices, (c) in compliance with all material Laws, and (d) without causing a material adverse effect on the Company, the Common Facilities, any Member or any of the other Member's respective Projects. 2.18 Events of Default; Default. If a Member shall fail to perform its obligations hereunder in any material respect, then such failure shall not constitute a default hereunder unless such Member shall have failed to cure such default within (a) five (5) days after receipt of written notice of a payment default, (b) the period of time for cure provided in the Interconnection Agreement with respect to a default in performance of the Interconnection Agreement, or (c) thirty (30) days after such Member has received written notice of any other default from a non-defaulting Member; provided, however, that if the nature of the defaulted obligation or obligations other than a payment default is such that more than thirty (30) days are required, in the exercise of commercially reasonable diligence, for performance of such obligation(s), then such Member shall not be in default if it commences such performance within such thirty (30) day period and thereafter continuously pursues the same to completion with commercially reasonable diligence, such extended period not to exceed ninety (90) days, including the initial cure period Failure to comply with the cure periods set forth above shall result in an "Event of Default". 2.19 Remedies. In addition to all other remedies permitted by Law or under this Agreement (all of which shall be cumulative), following an Event of Default, the non-defaulting Member and its lenders or other interest holders shall be entitled following an Event of Default to perform the obligations of the defaulting Member, and the defaulting Member shall reimburse the performing Members for their expenses which they incurred in rendering the performance, plus interest at the Default Rate. The Member curing the default shall have a lien on the defaulting Member's Common Facilities Percentage Interest and the proceeds arising therefrom, to the extent of the amount expended by the curing Member in remedying the default (including attorneys' fees), and the defaulting Member appoints the curing Member as its attorney-in-fact to file, record and otherwise assert such liens, to the extent of the expenditures in relation to such cure or remedy. 13 HOU:3 186077.7 2.20 Equitable Relief. The Parties agree that damages may be an inadequate remedy for a breach by the Company, the Manager or any other Member of its respective obligations under this Agreement (including a breach of Section 2.7), and that each Member shall be entitled to seek injunctive and other equitable relief, including specific performance, against any other Member or the Manager to prevent or eliminate such default. 2.21 Arbitration. All disputes arising under this Agreement will be governed exclusively and finally by mandatory and binding expedited arbitration. In the event a dispute arises between Members (including the Manager), the aggrieved Member shall promptly notify the other Members of the dispute in writing. If the Members having the dispute shall have failed to resolve the dispute within fifteen (15) days after delivery of such written notice, such Members shall, within three (3) days of receipt of a written demand from the other Member to do so, direct a designated representative to confer in good faith within five (5) business days(s), to resolve the dispute. Should the Members be unable to resolve the dispute to their mutual satisfaction within seven (7) days, each Member involved in the dispute shall have the right to pursue the resolution of such dispute by binding expedited arbitration under the Commercial Rules of Arbitration of the American Arbitration Association ("AAA"). The expedited arbitration will be concluded within sixty (60) days of the date of the demand for arbitration. Any party shall have the right to apply to a court of competent jurisdiction for an injunction to protect its interests under this Agreement while the arbitration is pending. The arbitration panel shall consist of the number of arbitrators equal to the number of disputing Members, one nominated by each of the disputing Members (unless a disputing Member is an affiliate of another disputing Member, in which case such affiliated disputing Members may together nominate only one arbitrator), and the arbitrators shall choose the chairman from among themselves; provided, that if the resulting number of arbitrators is an even number, an additional arbitrator shall be nominated by the other arbitrators or, in the absence of agreement, by the AAA, and such additional arbitrator shall serve as the chairman of the arbitration panel. For so long as RAE and its affiliates own less than 50% of GPII, RAE and GPII shall not be deemed to be affiliates of each other, nor shall GPII or MCP be deemed to be affiliates of each other. Likewise, so long as RAE and its affiliates own less than 50% of MCP, RAE and MCP shall not be deemed to be affiliates of each other. The place of arbitration shall be Chicago, Illinois at a site chosen by the arbitration panel or, in the absence of agreement among the panel, at a site chosen by the arbitration chairman. 2.22 Force Majeure. Force Majeure shall mean unforeseeable causes, such as acts of God, the enforcement or adoption of legislation or lawful rules, regulations or orders of any governmental body, acts of the public enemy, riots, strikes, or other industrial disturbances, labor or material shortages, fires, explosions or other causes of a similar nature which are beyond the reasonable control of the Parties and which wholly or partly prevents a Party from performing its obligations under this Agreement. 2.23 Effect of Force Majeure. If, because of an event of Force Majeure, any Party is unable to carry out its obligations under this Agreement, and if such Party promptly gives the other Parties written notice of such Force Majeure in detail, specifying the nature, extent and expected duration of such Force Majeure, the obligations and liabilities of the Party giving such notice and the corresponding obligations and liabilities of any other Party shall be temporarily suspended to the extent made necessary by and during the continuance of such Force Majeure. 14 HOU:3 186077.7 Any disabling effects of such Force Majeure shall be eliminated as soon as and to the extent reasonably practicable by the Party claiming Force Majeure. ARTICLE III TRANSFERABILITY 3.1 General Restriction. No Member may Transfer its interest in this Agreement without the consent of the other Members; provided, however, no consent of the other Members shall be required in connection with the Transfer of this Agreement when made together with a Transfer of all or substantially all of its respective Project Controlled Assets (or in the case of RAE, if it divides its Project Controlled Assets into more than one RAE Project in connection with a Transfer of an undivided portion of its interests under this Agreement when made together with a Transfer of all or substantially all of the Project Controlled Assets with respect to each such RAE Project); provided that the new owner shall be assigned and shall assume the Transferring Member's interest in this Agreement to the extent of the interest transferred as a condition to the assignment, in whole or in part according to whether the Transfer was total or partial, and the new owner shall agree in writing to become a Member of the Company. Each Member may collaterally assign its interest in this Agreement to a Financing Member or a Power Purchaser, provided that the Project Controlled Assets are collaterally assigned concurrently therewith, but no such assignment shall subordinate or otherwise adversely affect the rights of the other Members in and to this Agreement or the Common Facilities covered hereby. In addition, in connection with the financing of each Project, each Member shall upon the reasonable request of a Member provide customary estoppels and consents in favor of a Financing Member or a Power Purchaser, including rights of step-in with respect to a Member's obligations under this Agreement and rights to concurrent notice of default. 3.2 Increase to WCE Common Facilities Percentages WCE owns all rights, title and interest in and to the first ten (10) MWs of Excess Capacity, and may elect in a written notice delivered to each Member to increase the nameplate capacity of the wind turbines comprising the WCE Project to utilize up to such ten (10) MWs (the "Uprate MW5") RAE owns all rights, title and interest in and to the Excess Capacity in excess of the first ten (10) MWs of Excess Capacity. For the avoidance of doubt, except as provided in the first sentence of this Section 3 2, WCE has no rights to Excess Capacity, any other additional capacity in respect of the Common Facilities, or any portion of the Common Facilities Percentage Interest of RAE or any other Member, in each case however arising, and hereby unconditionally and irrevocably waives any and all rights to the same. 3.3 Transfer of GPII. MCP and RAE Interests. If GPII, MCP or RAE desire to Transfer (other than to RAE, MCP or GPII, as appropriate) any of its rights in this Agreement without a corresponding Transfer of its Project Controlled Assets to which such rights in this Agreement relate, GPII, MCP or RAE, as the case may be, must first offer in writing to Transfer such interests to WCE on the same terms and conditions as the proposed transferee (the "Right of First Refusal"). Upon receipt of the Right of First Refusal, WCE shall have twenty (20) Business Days in which to notify GPII, MCP or RAE, as the case may be, whether or not WCE elects to accept or reject the offer. If WCE rejects or fails to respond with such time period, GPII, MCP or RAE, as the case may be, shall have the right to consummate the Transfer to the proposed 15 HOU:3 186077.7 transferee at any price and terms not being less favorable than the price and terms offered to WCE in the Right of First Refusal delivered pursuant to this Section 3.3. 3.4 FERC Approval. Notwithstanding anything in Sections 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3 to the contrary, no Transfer of any Member's interests in this Agreement shall be effective unless and until the Company has obtained any necessary prior approvals from the FERC to effectuate any changes to this Agreement to reflect such Transfer and the change in the parties to this Agreement. ARTICLE IV MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS 4.1 Notices. Any notice, demand, or communication required or permitted to be given by any provision of this Agreement shall be deemed to have been sufficiently given or served for all purposes if delivered personally or by telecopy to the party or to an executive officer of the party to whom the same is directed or, if sent by registered or certified mail, postage and charges prepaid, addressed to the Member's and/or Company's address, as appropriate, which is set forth in this Agreement or to such other address as a Member shall advise the other Members and the Company from time to time in writing. 4.2 Choice of Law. This Agreement shall in all respects be governed by and construed and enforced in accordance with the internal laws of the State of Illinois, without regard to its choice of law provisions. 4.3 Entire Agreement. This Agreement, together with the LLC Agreement, sets forth the complete understanding of the Parties hereto with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior discussions, agreements, and undertakings relating to the subject matter hereof, including the Original Common Facilities Agreement. 4.4 Interpretation. All personal pronouns used in this Agreement, whether used in the masculine, feminine or neuter gender, shall include all other genders; the singular shall include the plural; and the plural shall include the singular. Titles of articles and sections in this Agreement are for convenience only and neither limit nor amplify the provisions of this Agreement. All references in this Agreement to articles, sections, subsections or paragraphs shall refer to articles, sections, subsections and paragraphs of this Agreement, unless specific reference is made to the articles, sections or other subdivisions of another document or instrument. The word "including" shall mean "including without limitation". This Agreement shall not be interpreted in favor of any Party by virtue of said Party not having prepared this Agreement. The unenforceability, invalidity, or illegality of any provision of this Agreement shall not affect or impair the continuing enforceability or validity of any other part, all of which shall survive and be valid and enforceable. 4.5 Waiver. No consent or waiver, express or implied by any Party hereto, to or of any breach or default by the other in the performance by the other of its obligations hereunder shall be deemed or construed to be a consent or waiver to or of any other breach or default in the performance by such other Party of the same or any other obligations of such Party hereunder. Failure on the part of any Party hereto to complain of any act or failure to act of any other Party, 16 HOU:3 186077.7 or to declare such other Party in default, irrespective of how long such failure continues, shall not constitute a waiver of such Party of its rights hereunder. 4.6 No Third Party Beneficiaries. This Agreement and the terms and provisions hereof are solely and exclusively for the benefit of the Parties hereto. No third party may rely on any of the provisions herein contained or lay claim to any of the rights of the Parties hereto. 4.7 Counterparts: Facsimile Signatures. This Agreement may be executed in counterparts each of which when so executed and delivered shall be deemed to be an original and all of which together shall constitute one instrument Facsimile signatures shall be binding upon the Parties hereto with the same force and effect as original signatures. 4.8 Amendments: Term. Except as specifically provided in this Agreement, this Agreement shall not be amended except by the written agreement of the Company and all the Members. This Agreement shall be in effect for so long as the Common Facilities are in existence. 4.9 Further Assurances. Upon the reasonable request of any Member at any time after the Effective Date, the other Members shall forthwith execute and deliver such further instruments of assignment, transfer, conveyance, endorsement, direction or authorization and other documents as the requesting Member or its or their counsel may reasonably request in order to effectuate the purposes of this Agreement. Each Member agrees to cooperate fully with the other Members in assisting it to comply with the terms of this Agreement, including, but not limited to, assistance in obtaining consents, waivers, authorizations, waivers, authorizations, orders and/or approvals of third parties. Notwithstanding the foregoing, no Member shall be required to make any substantial payment or incur any material economic burden, except for a payment otherwise required of it, pursuant to this Section 4.9. Each Member agrees to cooperate with the reasonable requests of any Power Purchaser, the Interconnector, or any Financing Member in conjunction with the financing of the Common Facilities and another Member's Projects. Each Member agrees to execute any customary consent and assignment in favor of a Power Purchaser, Interconnector or a Financing Member requested by any other Member. [Signature Page Follows] 17 HOU:3 186077.7 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the Effective Date. WOLVERINE CREEK GOSHEN INTERCONNECTION LLC By: WOLVERINE CREEK ENERGY LLC, its Manager By:____________________________ Name: Title: 011111 ILIA 04910 1 04 0CM i*ieawz• By: Name: Title: GOSHEN PHASE II LLC By: Name: Title: RIDGELINE ALTERNATIVE ENERGY, LLC By: Name: Title: MEADOW CREEK PROJECT COMPANY LLC By:___________________________ Name: Title: Signature Page EXHIBIT M EXHIBIT M EXPLANATION PROVIDING ASSURANCE THAT THE PROPOSED TRANSACTION WILL NOT RESULT IN CROSS-SUBSIDIZATION OR PLEDGE OR ENCUMBRANCE OF UTILITY ASSETS Each Applicant verifies with respect to itself, based on facts and circumstances known to it or that are reasonably foreseeable, that the Proposed Transaction will not result in, at the time of the Proposed Transaction or in the future: (1)any transfers of facilities between a traditional public utility associate company that has captive customers or that owns or provides transmission service over jurisdictional transmission facilities, and an associate company; (2)any new issuances of securities by a traditional public utility associate company that has captive customers or that owns or provides transmission service over jurisdictional transmission facilities, for the benefit of an associate company; (3)any new pledge or encumbrance of assets of a traditional public utility associate company that has captive customers or that owns or provides transmission service over jurisdictional transmission facilities, for the benefit of an associate company; or (4)any new affiliate contracts between a non-utility associate company and a traditional public utility associate company that has captive customers or that own or provide transmission service over jurisdictional transmission facilities, other than non-power goods and services agreements subject to review under Sections 205 and 206 of the Federal Power Act. ATTACHMENT 1 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA BEFORE THE FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION Ridgeline Alternative Energy, LLC ) Wolverine Creek Goshen Interconnection LLC ) Docket No. EC12- -000 PROTECTIVE ORDER (Issued 1.This Protective Order shall govern the use of all Protected Materials produced by, or on behalf of, any Participant. Notwithstanding any order terminating this proceeding, this Protective Order shall remain in effect until specifically modified or terminated by the Presiding Administrative Law Judge ("Presiding Judge") or the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission ("Commission"). 2.A Participant may designate as protected those materials which customarily are treated by that Participant as sensitive or proprietary, which are not available to the public, and which, if disclosed freely, would subject that Participant or its customers to risk of competitive disadvantage or other business injury. 3.Definitions—For purpose of this Order: (a)The term "Participant" shall mean a Participant as defined in 18 C.F.R. § 385.102(b). (b)(1) The term "Protected Materials" means (A) materials (including depositions) provided by a Participant in response to discovery requests and designated by such Participant as protected; (B) any information contained in or obtained from such designated materials; (C) any other materials which are made subject to this Protective Order by the Presiding Judge, by the Commission, by any court or other body having appropriate authority, or by agreement of the Participants; (D) notes of Protected Materials; and (E) copies of Protective Materials. The Participant producing the Protected Materials shall physically mark them on each page as "PROTECTED MATERIALS" or with words of similar import as long as the term "Protected Materials" is included in that designation to indicate that they are Protective Materials. (2)The term "Notes of Protected Materials" means memoranda, handwritten notes, or any other form of information (including electronic form) which copies or discloses materials described in Paragraph 3 (b)(1). Notes of Protected Materials are subject to the same restrictions provided in this order for Protected Materials except as specifically provided in this order. (3)Protected Materials shall not include (A) any information or document contained in the files of the Commission, or any other federal or state agency, or any federal or state court, unless the information or document has been determined to be protected by such agency or court, or (B) information that is public knowledge, or which becomes public knowledge, other than through disclosure in violation of this Protective Order. (c)The term "Non-Disclosure Certificate" shall mean the certificate annexed hereto by which Participants who have been granted access to Protected Materials shall certify their understanding that such access to Protected Materials is provided pursuant to the terms and restrictions of this Protective Order, and that such Participants have read the Protective Order and agree to be bound by it. All Non-Disclosure Certificates shall be served on all parties on the official service list maintained by the Secretary in this proceeding. (d)The term "Reviewing Representative" shall mean a person who has signed a Non-Disclosure Certificate and who is: (1)Commission Litigation Staff; (2)an attorney who has made an appearance in this proceeding for a Participant; (3)attorneys, paralegals, and other employees associated for purposes of this case with an attorney described in (2); (4)an expert or an employee of an expert retained by a Participant for the purpose of advising, preparing for or testifying in this proceeding; (5)a person designated as a Reviewing Representative by order of the Presiding Judge or the Commission; or (6)employees or other representatives of Participants appearing in this proceeding with significant responsibility for this docket. 4.Protected Materials shall be made available under the terms of this Protective Order only to Participants and only through their Reviewing Representatives as provided in Paragraphs 7, 8, and 9. 5.Protected Materials shall remain available to Participants until the later of the date that an order terminating this proceeding becomes no longer subject to judicial review, or the date that any other Commission proceeding relating to the Protected Material is concluded and no longer subject to judicial review. If requested to do so in writing after that date, the Participants shall, within fifteen days of such request, return the Protected Materials (excluding Notes of Protected Materials) to the Participants that produced them, or shall destroy the materials, except that copies of filings, official transcripts and exhibits in this proceeding that contain Protected Materials, and Notes of Protected Material may be retained, if they are maintained in accordance with Paragraph 6, below. Within such time period each Participant, if requested to do so, shall also submit to the producing Participant an affidavit stating that, to the best of its knowledge, all Protected Materials and all Notes of Protected Materials have been returned or have been destroyed or will be maintained in accordance with Paragraph 6. To the extent Protected Materials are not returned or destroyed, they shall remain subject to the Protective Order. 6.All Protected Materials shall be maintained by the Participants in a secure place. Access to those materials shall be limited to those Reviewing Representatives specifically authorized pursuant to Paragraphs 8 and 9. The Secretary shall place any Protected Materials filed with the Commission in a non-public file By placing such documents in a non-public file, the Commission is not making a determination of any claim of privilege. The Commission retains the right to make determinations regarding any claim of privilege and the discretion to release information necessary to carry out its jurisdictional responsibilities. For documents submitted to Commission Litigation Staff ("Staff'), Staff shall follow the notification procedures of 18 C.F.R. § 388.112 before making public any Protected Materials. 7.Protected Materials shall be treated as confidential by each Participant and by the Reviewing Representative in accordance with the certificate executed pursuant to Paragraph 9. Protected Materials shall not be used except as necessary for the conduct of this proceeding, nor shall they be disclosed in any manner to any person except a Reviewing Representative who is engaged in the conduct of this proceeding and who needs to know the information in order to carry out that person's responsibilities in this proceeding. Reviewing Representatives may make copies of Protected Materials, but such copies become Protected Materials. Reviewing Representatives may make notes of Protected Materials, which shall be treated as Notes of Protected Materials if they disclose the contents of Protected Materials. 8.(a) If a Reviewing Representative's scope of employment includes the marketing of energy, the direct supervision of any employee or employees whose duties include the marketing of energy, or the provision of consulting services to any person whose duties include the marketing of energy, such Reviewing Representative may not use information contained in any Protected Materials obtained through this proceeding to give any Participant or any competitor of any Participant a commercial advantage. (b) In the event that a Participant wishes to designate as a Reviewing Representative a person not described in Paragraph 3(d) above, the Participant shall seek agreement from the Participant providing the Protected Materials. If an agreement is reached that person shall be a Reviewing Representative pursuant to Paragraph 3(d) above with respect to those materials. If no agreement is reached, the Participant shall submit the disputed designation to the Presiding Judge for resolution. 9.(a) A Reviewing Representative shall not be permitted to inspect, participate in discussions regarding, or otherwise be permitted access to Protected Materials pursuant to this Protective Order unless that Reviewing Representative has first executed a Non-Disclosure Certificate provided that if an attorney qualified as a Reviewing Representative has executed such a certificate, the paralegals, secretarial and clerical personnel under the attorney's instruction, supervision or control need not do so. A copy of each Non-Disclosure Certificate shall be provided to counsel for the Participant asserting confidentiality prior to disclosure of any Protected Material to that Reviewing Representative. (b) Attorneys qualified as Reviewing Representatives are responsible for ensuring that persons under their supervision or control comply with this order. 10.Any Reviewing Representative may disclose Protected Materials to any other Reviewing Representative as long as the disclosing Reviewing Representative and the receiving Reviewing Representative to whom the Protected Materials are disclosed ceases to be engaged in these proceedings, or is employed or retained for a position whose occupant is not qualified to be a Reviewing Representative under Paragraphs 3(d), access to Protected Materials by that person shall be terminated. Even if no longer engaged in this proceeding, every person who has executed a Non-Disclosure Certificate shall continue to be bound by the provisions of this Protective Order and the certification 11.Subject to Paragraph 17, the Presiding Administrative Law Judge shall resolve any disputes arising under this Protective Order. Prior to presenting any dispute under this Protective Order to the Presiding Administrative Law Judge, the parties to the dispute shall use their best efforts to resolve it. Any participant that contests the designation of materials as protected shall notify the party that provided the protected materials by specifying in writing the materials whose designation is contested This Protective Order shall automatically cease to apply to such materials five (5) business days after the notification is made unless the designator, within said 5-day period, files a motion with the Presiding Administrative Law Judge, with supporting affidavits, demonstrating that the materials should continue to be protected. In any challenge to the designation of materials as protected, the burden of proof shall be on the participant seeking protection. If the Presiding Administrative Law Judge finds that the materials at issue are not entitled to protection, the procedures of Paragraph 17 shall apply. 12. All copies of all documents reflecting Protected Materials, including the portion of the hearing testimony, exhibits, transcripts, briefs and other documents which refer to Protected Materials, shall be filed and served in sealed envelopes or other appropriate containers endorsed to the effect that they are sealed pursuant to this Protective Order. Such documents shall be marked "PROTECTED MATERIALS" and shall be filed under seal and served under seal upon the Presiding Judge and all Reviewing Representatives who are on the service list. For anything filed under seal, redacted versions or, where an entire document is protected, a letter indicating such, will also be filed with the Commission and served on all parties on the service list and the Presiding Judge. Counsel for the producing Participant shall provide to all Participants who request the same, a list of Reviewing Representatives who are entitled to receive such material. Counsel shall take all reasonable precautions necessary to assure that Protected Materials are not distributed to unauthorized persons. If any Participant desires to include, utilize or refer to any Protected Materials or information derived therefrom in testimony or exhibits during the hearing in these proceedings in such a manner that might require disclosure of such material to persons other than reviewing representatives, such participant shall first notify both counsel for the disclosing participant and the Presiding Judge of such desire, identifying with particularity each of the Protected Materials. Thereafter, use of such Protected Material will be governed by procedures determined by the Presiding Judge. 13.Nothing in this Protective Order shall be construed as precluding any Participant from objecting to the use of Protected Materials on any legal grounds. 14.Nothing in this Protective Order shall preclude any Participant from requesting the Presiding Judge, the Commission, or any other body having appropriate authority, to find that this Protective Order should not apply to all or any materials previously designated as Protected Materials pursuant to this Protective Order. The Presiding Judge may alter or amend this Protective Order as circumstances warrant at any time during the course of this proceeding. 15.Each party governed by this Protective Order has the right to seek changes in it as appropriate from the Presiding Judge or the Commission. 16.All Protected Materials filed with the Commission, the Presiding Judge, or any other judicial or administrative body, in support of, or as a part of, a motion, other pleading, brief, or other document, shall be filed and served in sealed envelopes or other appropriate containers bearing prominent markings indicating that the contents include Protected Materials subject to this Protective Order. 17.If the Presiding Judge finds at any time in the course of this proceeding that all or part of the Protected Materials need not be protected, those materials shall, nevertheless, be subject to the protection afforded by this Protective Order for three (3) business days from the date of issuance of the Presiding Judge's decision, and if the Participant seeking protection files an interlocutory appeal or requests that the issue be certified to the Commission, for an additional seven (7) business days. None of the Participants waives its rights to seek additional administrative or judicial remedies after the Presiding Judge's decision respecting Protected Materials or Reviewing Representatives, or the Commission's denial of any appeal thereof. The provisions of 18 C.F.R. § 388.112 shall apply to any requests for Protected Materials in the files of the Commission under the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. § 552). 18.Nothing in this Protective Order shall be deemed to preclude any Participant from independently seeking through discovery in any other administrative or judicial proceeding information or materials produced in this proceeding under this Protective Order. 19.None of the Participants waives the right to pursue any other legal or equitable remedies that may be available in the event of actual or anticipated disclosure of Protected Materials. 20.The contents of Protected Materials or any other form of information that copies or discloses Protected Materials shall not be disclosed to anyone other than in accordance with this Protective Order and shall be used only in connection with this (these) proceeding(s). Any violation of this Protective Order and of any Non-Disclosure Certificate executed hereunder shall constitute a violation of an order of the Commission. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA BEFORE THE FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION Ridgeline Alternative Energy, LLC ) Wolverine Creek Goshen Interconnection LLC ) Docket No. EC12- -000 NON-DISCLOSURE CERTIFICATE I hereby certify my understanding that access to Protected Materials is provided to me pursuant to the terms and restrictions of the Protective Order in this proceeding, that I have been given a copy of and have read the Protective Order, and that I agree to be bound by it. I understand that the contents of the Protected Materials, any notes or other memoranda, or any other form of information that copies or discloses Protected Materials shall not be disclosed to anyone other than in accordance with that Protective Order. I acknowledge that a violation of this certificate constitutes a violation of an order of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. By:_____________________ Title:_____________________________ Representing:_____________________ Date:___________________________ UNITED STATES OF AMERICA BEFORE THE FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION Ridgeline Alternative Energy, LLC ) Wolverine Creek Goshen Interconnection LLC ) Docket No. EC12- -000 NON-DISCLOSURE CERTIFICATE FOR COMPETITIVE DUTY PERSONNEL I hereby certify my understanding that access to Protected Materials marked "CONTAINS INFORMATION NOT AVAILABLE TO COMPETITIVE DUTY PERSONNEL" in the above-captioned case is provided to me pursuant to the terms and restrictions of the Protective Order in said proceeding, that I have been given a copy of and have read the Protective Order, and that I agree to be bound by it. I understand that the contents of the Protected Materials that may come into my possession or under my control, any notes or other memoranda, or any other form of information that copies or discloses Protected Materials may not be disclosed to anyone other than in accordance with that Protective Order. I promise not to make or facilitate any such prohibited disclosure, and I acknowledge my understanding that a violation of this certificate constitutes a violation of an order of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and may subject me to sanctions and punishment in accordance with law. an Title: Representing: Date: ATTACHMENT 2 VERIFICATIONS UNITED STATES OF AMERICA BEFORE THE FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION Ridgeline Alternative Energy, LW ) Wolverine Creek Goshen Interconnection LLC) Docket No. EC12- -000 STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) COUNTY OF KING ) NOW, BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, personally came and appeared, Robert Ellis, who, after first being duly srn by me, did depose and say: That he is Vice President of Ridgeline Alternative Energy, LLC ("RAE") and has the authority to verify the foregoing Application on behalf RAE and its subsidiaries, and that to the best of his knowledge, information, and belief, all of the stat9neatkpontained in said Application with respect to such entities are true and correct. 1 My Commission expires pj 311 '' J'•. 131 - / of '4 ".InI" 04*2L9905.10224 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA BEFORE THE FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION WCGI VERIFICATION PURSUANT TO 18 C.F.R. §33.7 Alex George_, being duly sworn, deposes and says that: he is a _Vice President of Wolverine Creek Goshen Interconnection LLC ("WCGF') and has the authority to verify the foregoing application filed by WCGI; he has read said application; and to the best of his knowledge, information and belief, all of the statements contained therein are true and accurate with respect to WCGI and Wolverine Creek Energy LLC and its affiliates. I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and co11e ,,/( Subscribed and Sworn to before me on this J4ay of March, 2012. OFFICIAL SEAL ubZ?N 14 NOTARY PUBLIC - STATE OF ILLINOIS MY COMMISSION EYPPIRES:02123113 My commission expires ## ## 4* 4* 4*## # # ### #4*4*4* ## ### ##### ### # 4* #4* 4* 4* # #### ## # ## 4* #4* #4* ### ##### ###### 4* # 4* ###### # #4*4*4* 4* 4* # 4* 4* 4* 4* ## # ## 4* 4* 4* #4* # #4*4* ## # # ## 4* # # ### ## #### #4* ### ##### ##### ##### #### #4*4* ### Job : 134 Date: 4/23/2012 Time: 4:03:06 PM