HomeMy WebLinkAbout20110217PAC to XRG 53-63.pdfLOVIGER I KAUF LL 825 NE Multnomah . Suite 925 Portand, OR 97232-2150 offce (503) 230-7715 fax (503) 972-2921 . J~tTLt"Y S. I.ovi"b'lTI.J:\'111gcklaw.(."( Februar 15,2011 V"UI electronic mail and First-Class Mai i.---rg Jean D. Jewell, Secretar Idaho Public Utilties Commission 472 W Washington Street PO Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 -..rr~ ~~..,-~ Re: Case No. PAC-E-I0-08 XRG-DP-7, XRG-DP-8, XRG-DP-9, XRG-DP-I0, LLCs, Complainants, vs. PACIFICORP dba ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER, Defendant Dear Ms. Jewell: Enclosed for filing in the above-captioned docket are thee (3) copies of ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER'S RESPONSES TO XRG 'S THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST. An extra copy of ths cover letter is enclosed. Please date stamp the extra copy and retu it to me in the envelope provided. Than you in advance for your assistance. Sincely, () ~viger cc: PAC-E-I0-08 Service List Enclosures Mark C. Moench Daniel E. Solander Rocky Mountain Power 201 South Main Street, Suite 2300 Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Telephone: (801) 220-414 Fax: (801) 220-3299 mark. moench§pacicorp. com daniel.solander§pacicorp.com Jeffey S. Loviger Kenneth E. Kaufmnn Lovinger Kaufman LLP 825 NE Multnomah, Suite 925 Portand, Oregon 97232 Telephone: (503) 230-7715 Fax: (503) 972-2921 loviger§law.com kaufmann§law.com Attorneys for Defendant Rock Mountain Power ZOlf FEB i 7 AM 9= 31 BEFORE TH IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITS COMMSION XRG-DP-7, XRG-DP-8, XRG-DP-9, XRG-DP-lO, LLCs, Complainant, Case No. PAC-E-10-08 v. ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER'S RESPONSES TO XRG'S THI PRODUCTION REQUEST PACIFICORP, DBA ROCKY MOUNTAI POWER, Defendant. PaciCorp, dba Rock Mountain Power, hereby responds to request 53 though 63 ofXRG's third sèt of producton requests dated January 11,2011. On February 4, 2011, Rocky Mountain Power fied a motion for summary judgment. At the same time, Rocky Mountain Power fied a motion for protectve order to stay dicovery regardig XRG requests 24 though 52 pendig resolution of the motion for summar judgent. Rocky Mountain Power reserves the right to respond to request 24 though 52 in the event Rocky Mountain Power's motions are denied. 1 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER'S RESPONSES TO XRG'S THI PRODUCTON REQUEST REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 53 Please admit or deny that, on or about October 15, 2010, the XRG LLCs offered to forego any claim to the higher rates in Order No. 30744 and to accept the rates in Order No. 31025 if Rocky Mountain Power would agree to accept conditional fi transmision deliver. RESPONSE TO XRG REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 53 (a) Rocky Mountain Power respectlly object to XRG's Request for Producton No. 53 as irelevant and as not reasonably ealcuated to lead to the dicovery of admissible evidence.1 XRG's complaint requests the avoided cost rates in effect prior to March 12,2010 (as establihed by Order No. 30744).2 Any information regardig XRG's eligibilty for the rates in effect after March 16,2010 (as established by Order No. 31025) is irelevant to the relief sought in XRG's complaint.3 (b) Rocky Mountain Power respectlly object to XRG's Request for Production No, 53 as irelevant and as not reasonably calcuated to lead to the discovery of admisible evidece. XRG's request seeks information regarding compromie discussions between the pares. Information regarding failed attempts to compromise or sette is inadmissible evidence.4 Any information provided by Rocky Mountain Power in response to XRG's request would be inadmisible and is irelevant. i IDAPA; Idaho Rule of Civil Procedure 26(b)(1); See In the Mater of the Invtigation into Whether Packsaddle Developmen Corpraton is a Public Utility Subject to Commision Regulaton, IPUC Case No. GNR. W-95-1 Order No. 26399 (1996) ("The general rules governing the scope of discover are found in IRCP Rule 26(b)(1) ... partes may obtain discovery regarding any matter that is not pnvileged and which is relevant to the subject matter involved in the pending acton. "). 2 SeeFormalComplaintofXRG-DP-7, XRG-DP-8, XRG-DP-9, XRG-DP-10v. PacifCorp, dbaRocky Mountain Power, Case No. Pac-E-IQ.08, at 7 (July 29, 2010) (XRG's complaint). 3 In the Mater of the Applicaton of Avia Corpration for the Authority to Increase its Rates an Charges for Electc an Natural Ga Serice to Electc an Natral Ga Cusomes in the State of Idaho, Case No. AVU- E-D-0 I, Order No. 29583 (200) (denying discover ofinformation regarding an issue not properly before the Commission as irelevant to the subject matt of the procedings.) 4 See IDAPA (stating the Commission generally wil follow the rules as to admissibilty of evidence followed by the distict court ofIdaho); Hatfeld v. Rouse & Sons, 100 Idaho 840, 845-6 (1980) (excluding all information regading offer to compromise as inadmisible in civil proceedings). 2 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER'S RESPONSES TO XRG'S TH PRODUCTION REQUEST REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 54 Please admit or deny that Rock Mountain Power is able to accept deliver under conditional fi tranmission from the 4 XRG QFs at Brady. RESPONSE TO XRG REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. S4 Rocky Mountain Power admits that it does not discrimate between offsystem QFs deliverig to Rock Mountain Power's system using fi transmision and those using conditional fi transmision. Recordholder: Sponser: Bruce Griwold Bruce Griswold 3 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER'S RESPONSES TO XRG'S THIR PRODUCTION REQUEST REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO, 55 Please identi all instances in which Rock Mountain Power has agreed to accept conditional fi transmission from QF or non-QF generators under long or short term agreements. Please lit al such agreements separately, and include the miimum followig information: date Rocky Mountain Power agreed to accept conditional fi transmission, date the deliverg entity commenced delivery (or is projected to commence deliver), generator-tye, entity deliverig energy, and description of the nature of the agreement, e.g. long term PP A, short term market purchase, etc. RESPONSE TO XRG REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO, 55 Rock Mountain Power does not have any network resources using conditional fi transmision servce to deliver power to network load, Recordholder: Sponser: Bruce Griwold Bruce Griswold 4 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER'S RESPONSES TO XRG'S THI PRODUCTION REQUEST REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 56 Please admit or deny that Rocky Mountain Power requested to stay discovery in this case on or about October 18, 2010, in order to respond to XRG's agreement to accept the Order No. 31025 rates. RESPONSE TO XRG REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 56 (a) Rock Mountain Power object to XRG Request for Producton No. 56 as irelevant for the reasons discussed in objecton (a) to XRG Request for Producton No. 53. (b) Rocky Mountain Power object to XRG Request for Producton No. 56 as irelevant for the reasons dicussed in objecton (b) to XRG Request for Producton No. 53. 5 ROCKY MOUNAI POWER'S RESPONSES TO XRG'S THIR PRODUCTON REQUEST REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 57 Please admit or deny that, on December 16,2010, Rocky Mountain Power uniateraly lifed the discover freeze in this case. If adIntted, please answer the followig: (a) Explain why Rocky Mountain Power recommenced litigation after XRG offered to agree to the rates in Order No. 31025, and forego the relief sought in the complaint for the rates in Order No. 30744. (b) Does Rocky Mountain Power believe it had an obligation to negotite with XRG in good faith after fiing of the complaint? If not, then between the tie of the settement offer on October 15, 2010, and the date Rocky Mountain Power lifed the discovery stay? Please explain. (c) Please explain why dicovery is necessar to understand that XRG is wiing to enter into stadard PURA PPAs containing the rates in Order No. 31025. (d) Please explain the reason Rocky Mountain Power wi not provide standad PPAs for the project containing the rates in Order No. 31025. (e) Please explain what term are unown in a stadad Rocky Mountain Power PUR A PP A for Idaho. Please explain in reference the Windland PP As approved in Case No. PAC-E-10-05. RESPONSE TO XRG REQUEST FOR PRODUCTON NO. 57 (a) Rocky Mountain Power object to XRG Request for Producton No. 57 as irelevant for the reasons discussed in objecton (a) to XRG Request for Producton No. 53. (b) Rocky Mountain Power objects to XRG Request for Producton No. 57 as irelevant for the reasons discussed in objecton (b) to XRG Request for Producton No. 53. (c) Rock Mountain Power object to XRG's Request for Producton No. 57 to the extent that it seeks an exper opinion, a legal opinion, or legal argument and to the extent it calls for Rocky Mountain Power to state an opinion not previously written.s 5 IDAPA 3L.0L.0L.225(b)(1). 6 ROCKY MOUNTAI POWER'S RESPONSES TO XRG'S THIR PRODUCTON REQUEST REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 58 Has Rocky Mountain Power's position regarding the availabilty of the published rates in Order No. 31025 to XRG's project changed since the fiing of the complaint in this case? When did Rock Mountain Power fist become aware that the availabilty of the rates may change? RESPONSE TO XRG REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 58 (a) Rocky Mountain Power object to XRG Request for Producton No. 58 as irelevant for the reasons discussed in objecton (a) to XRG Request for Producton No. 53. (b) Rock Mountain Power object to XRG Request for Producton No. 58 as seekig opinion to which XRG is not entitled as discussed in objecton (c) to XRG Request for Producton No. 57. 7 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER'S RESPONSES TO XRG'S THIR PRODUCTON REQUEST REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 59 What were Rocky Mountain Power's publihed Idaho avoided cost rates in effect for the tie perods from: (a) October 15, 2010 to November 5, 2010; (b) from November 5,2010 to December 14, 2010; and (c) from December 14, 2010 to the date of this producton request? What is the eligibilty cap for availabilty of those rates during the same tie perods -10 aM, 100 kw, or some other amount? Is the response diferent for dierent QF resource tyes? Please explain and direct XRG to the tari or rate schedule on fie supportg the responses for each date. RESPONSE TO XRG REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO, 59 (a) Rock Mountain Power object to XRG Request for Producton No. 59 as irelevant for the reasons discussed in objecton (a) to XRG Request for Producton No. 53. 8 ROCKY MOUNAI POWER'S RESPONSES TO XRG'S TH PRODUCTON REQUEST REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 60 How did the informtion in the response to the last request affect Rocky Mountain Power's consideration ofXRG's settement offer on October 15, 2010, and Rocky Mountain Power's apparent deciion to reject the offer on December 16, 201O? RESPONSE TO XRG REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 60 (a) Rocky Mountain Power object to XRG Request for Producton No. 60 as irelevant for the reasons discussed in objecton (a) to XRG Request for Producton No. 53. (b) Rock Mountain Power object to XRG Request for Producton No. 60 as irelevant for the reasons discussed in objecton (b) to XRG Request for Producton No. 53. 9 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER'S RESPONSES TO XRG'S TH PRODUCTION REQUEST REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 61 Please provide or describe Rocky Mountain Power's policy regarding when an Idaho QF obligates itself to PPA so as to lock in the rates in effect on a parcular date as contemplated in 18 C.F.R. § 292.304(d)(2)(ii)? Which of the followig actons are required in Rocky Mountain Power's view to lock in rates on a particuar date- submittg a bindig offer to enter into a PPA, enterig into an interconnecton agreement, securig network resource designation, securing any necessary transmision serice agreements for an off-system project, fiing a complaint aleging the utiity failed to negotiate in good faith? RESPONSE TO XRG REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 61 (a) Rocky Mountain Power object to XRG Request for Producton No. 61 as seekig opinion to which XRG is not entitled as discussed in objecton (c) to XRG Request for Producton No. 57. 10 ROCKY MOUNTAI POWER'S RESPONSES TO XRG'S TH PRODUCTON REQUEST REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 62 Reference Rocky Mountain Power's comments fied in Case No. IPC-E-1O-22 (statig that "Rocky Mountain Power agrees with Staffs characteration of the Commsion's grandfather crteri. In order to qualif for grandfathered rates under these criteria (the QF must) . . . (b) before the rate change, fie with the Commission a meritorious complaint alegig that but for the utity's improper conduct the QF would have secured a power sales contract before the rate changed.") (a) Does Rock Mountain Power sti support these crteria, or have its crteria changed? (b) Did the Commission approve of Rock Mountain Power's crteria in Case No. IPC-E-1O-22, or some less onerous requirement? (c) Admit or deny that XRG meets Rocky Mountain Power's criteria descrbed in its comments with regard to the rates in Order No. 31025. RESPONSE TO XRG REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 62 (a) Rocky Mountain Power object to XRG Request for Producton No. 62 as irelevant for the reasons discussed in objecton (a) to XRG Request for Producton No. 53. (b) Rocky Mountain Power object to XRG Request for Producton No. 62 as seekig opinion to which XRG is not entitled as discussed in objecton (c) to XRG Request for Producton No. 57. 11ROCKY MOUNTAI POWER'S RESPONSES TO XRG'S THIR PRODUCTION REQUEST REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 63 Please explain how XRG has failed to meet Rock Mountain Power's test with regard to the rates in Order No. 31025. Is the relief requested in XRG's Complaint's Prayer for Reliefunclear as to XRG's commtment to PURPA PPAs? RESPONSE TO XRG REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 63 (a) Rocky Mountain Power object to XRG Request for Producton No. 63 as irelevant for the reasons discussed in objecton (a) to XRG Request for Producton No. 53. (b) Rocky Mountain Power object to XRG Request for Producton No. 63 as seekig opinion to which XRG is not entitled as discussed in objecton (c) to XRG Request for Producton No. 57. 12 ROCKY MOUNTAI POWER'S RESPONSES TO XRG'S THIR PRODUCTION REQUEST CERTICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIY that, on the 15th day of Februar, 2011, I served a tre and correct copy of the foregoing ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER'S RESPONSES TO XRG'S THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST in Case No. PAC-E-lO-08 on the following named persons/entities by electronic mail and First-Class Mail: Jean Jewell Peter J. Richardson Commission Secretar Richardson & O'Lear, PLLC Idaho Public Utilties Commission sis N. 27th Street 472 W Washington PO Box 7218 POBox 83720 Boise, ID 83707 Boise, ID 83720-0074 peterCIrichardsonandolear.com jean. jewellCIpuc.idaho. gov secretarCIpuc.idaho. gov Mark C. Moench Gregory M. Adams Rocky Mountan Power Richardson & O'Lear, PLLC 201 South Mai Street, Suite 2300 S 15 N. 27th Street Salt Lake City, UT 84111 PO Box 7218 mark.moench(ßacifcorp.com Boise, ID 83707 greg(chardsonandolear.comDanel E. Solander Rocky Mountai Power 201 South Main Street, Suite 2300 Salt Lake City, UT 841 i 1 daniel.solander(ßacificorp.com DATED ths 15th day of Februar, 2011. LOVINGER KAUFMNN LLP inger ocky Mountan Power