HomeMy WebLinkAbout20110104Vol XIV Preston pp 2444-2527.pdfI I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF PACI FICORP DBA ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER FOR APPROVAL OF CHANGES TO ITS ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULES Case No. PAC-E-10-07 gg-.- HEARING BEFORE: C-;iz I Co,, ;::: co...rc COMMISSIONER MARSHA H. SMITH (Presiding) COMMISSIONER JIM KEMPTON COMMISSIONER MACK REDFORD Place:Franklin County Fairgrounds Robinson Building 186 West Second North Preston, Idaho Date: Time: December 15, 2010 7:00 p.m. VOLUME XiV -- Pages 2444 - 2527 (REPORTER'S COUNT Pages 1 - 83) I..................-T&T REPORTING CERTuiED SHORrHAND REPORTERS ORIGINAL REpORTED By POST ÛFICE Box 51020 IDAHO FALLS, IDAHO 83405 208.529.5491 · FAX 208.529.5496. 1.800.529.5491 Crystal Hereford, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PUBLIC HEARG - 12/15/2010 ROCKY MOUNAI CHAGES TO ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE PRESTON, IDAHOi- SHEET i PAGE i ~ PAGE 3 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION E X H I BIT S No. DESCRIPTION _ PAGE 4 1 PROCEEDINGS 2 COMMISSIONER SMITH: This is the time 3 and place set for a public hearing before the Idaho 4 Public Uti~ies Commission in Case No. PAC.E.10.07, 5 further identified as In the Matter of the Application 6 of PacifiCorp doing business as Rocky Mountain Power 7 for Approval of Changes to ~s Electric Service 8 Schedules. 9 My name is Marsha Smith. I'm one of the 10 three commissioners, and I'LL be chairing tonight's 11 hearing. On my left is Commissioner Jim Kempton, 12 who's also the president of the Commission, and on my 13 right is Commissioner Mack Redford. The three of us 14 are your state public util~ies commission and the 15 persons who wil be making the decision in this case. 16 I want to recognize our state senator Bob 17 Geddes, who is w~h us tonight, and state 18 representative Tom Loertscher who is also there. 19 Welcome to the hearing. They've been with us all day, 20 so they'll be w~h us all night. 21 We'll now take appearances from the 22 parties. For the company. 23 MR. SOLANDER: Yes. Daniel Solander, I'm 24 the attorney for Rocky Mountain Power. And i have Page 2 25 w~h me Ted Weston, our Idaho regulatory affairs IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF PACIFICORP DBA ROCKY MOUNTAIN POER FOR APPROVAL OF CHAGES TO ITS ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULES ) ) I Case No. PAC-E-IO-07 I I HEARING BEFORE: COMMISSIONER MASHA H. SMITH (Presiding) COMMISSIONER JIM KEPTON COMMISSIONER MACK REDFORD Place: Franklin County Fairgrounds Robinson Building186 West 2nd North Preston, Idaho Date: December 15, 2010 Time: 7:00 p.m. Crystal Hereford, CSR, RPR ~ PAGE 2 APPEARANCES For the Company: DANIEL E. SOLANDER, ESQ. 201 South Main Street Suite 2300 Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 For Conuission Staff: NEIL PRICE. ESQ. Deputy Attorney General 472 West Washington Street Boise, Idaho 83729 Also Present: Ted Weston 918 919 920 Budget Suiary - Barbara Taylor Statement - Melvin E. Beutler Statement - Shelley Cambell Page 3 ww.TandTReporting.com (208) 529-5491T&T REPORTING I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PUBLIC HEARG - 12/15/2010 ROCKY MOUNTAI CHAGES TO ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE PRESTON, IDAHO _ PAGE 7 1 to consider a rate increase when ~ comes to us. Our 2 job is to balance the interests of you the public with 3 those of the util~. So we don' have the option or 4 the luxury of just saying no. We are required by law 5 to allow util~ies to recover pruently incurred 6 expenses and to have the opportun~ to earn a 7 reasonable return on their investment. 8 We may deny recovery of util~ requests 9 if they fail to provide adequate evidence to support 10 their expend~ures. 11 Information about the many issues that 12 are, some of them, very complex in this case can be 13 found on our website at ww.puc.idaho.gov. There may 14 also be summaries of testimony or other information by 15 the parties in the back of the room. 16 After the record is closed, the 17 commission wil deliberate the merits of the case and 18 issue a wr~en order that describes our decision and 19 describes the evidence we relied upon to make that 20 decision. Because - that is necessary because 21 commission orders are appealed directly to our state 22 supreme court. 23 So we're very pleased to be here to 24 listen to your testimony and your concerns. 25 And if you decide to do written comments _ SHEET 2 PAGE 5 1 manager. 2 MR. PRICE: Neil Price, Deputy Attorney 3 General. i represent commission staff. 4 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Thank you. I'm just 5 going to take a moment to describe our hearing 6 process. A commission hearing is similar to a 7 district court proceeding. Commission decisions have 8 to be based on evidence that's in a written record, 9 and so we have a court reporter here tonight who wil 10 take down all the statements that are made as 11 testimony to the commission. 12 Therefore, ~ is very important that on~ 13 one person speak at a time. So the court reporter 14 can't handle more that one person at a time. It is 15 not appropriate to speak out of turn, call out from 16 the audience, clap, or in any other way to disrupt our 17 hearing. 18 We are here to listen to your statements, 19 and, unfortunately, our procedure doesn't.. is not a 20 process where we answer questions or make comments. 21 I think i speak for all of us when I say 22 that we are very much aware of the current state of 23 the economy and the burden that significant additional 24 rate increases place on customers. This is a 25 significant case, and we take it very seriously, as we _ PAGE 6 1 do. all the work - as we do all of the work that we 2 have to do. 3 Our procedure for tonight is that if you 4 wish to testify, we will call you in the order in 5 which you signed up on the sign.up sheets, which were 6 at the door as you came in. I wil call your name, 7 and you wil come forward. Commissioner Kempton wil 8 ask you to raise your right hand and give you the oath 9 where you promise to tell us the truth. Then 10 Mr. Price has two questions for you. He wil ask you 11 your name, and he will ask you to spell it, and then 12 we wil ask for your mailing address. And that is to 13 get you properl into the record for identification. 14 Once you've been identified, then you're free to make 15 your statement to the commission. 16 Vlen you're finished, there may be 17 clarifying questions from either the parties or from 18 the commissioners. 19 If you do not wish to make a public 20 statement oral~ tonight, you may use the wr~en form 21 that's in the back ofthe room to submit a writtn 22 comment. Or if ~'s more convenient, you may also 23 send us comments online, and there is a form online 24 forthat. 25 The commission is required by state law ww.TandTReporting.com _ PAGE 8 1 instead of oral, then would you please be sure you 2 have that sent to us by next Monday. Next Monday 3 night we're doing a telephonic hearing for people who 4 couldn' attend one of our public hearings in person 5 so they can call in and give us their comments, and 6 after that the record in this case wil be closed. 7 So with that, i'll start with our first 8 name on our list, which is Don Christensen, and he'll 9 be followed by Jeanette Christensen. 10 COMMISSIONER KEMPTON: On the swearing 11 in, some of you may be a little concerned when I say 12 "the truth and nothing but the truth." The concern 13 that we saw up in Grace was that some were concerned 14 that they don't know if it's real~ the truth or not. 15 They just read ~ in the papers. 16 Well, as far as we're concerned, if 17 that's the truth as best you know ~, we're not going 18 to quibble over technical~ies. Vlat we're trying to 19 get at is the evidence that you understand to the best 20 of your knowledge, and so when I give the oath and ask 21 that you tell the truth to the best - to swear that 22 you're tellng the truh, that's the caveat that I 23 want to give you before you do that right up front. 24 So who was ~ that's coming up? 25 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Don Christensen. T&TREPORTING (208) 529-549'1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PUBLIC HEARG - 12/15/2010 ROCKY MOUNAI CHAGES TO ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE PRESTON, IDAHO ~ PAGE 11 1 COMMISSIONER SMITH: We really appreciate 2 your comments, Ms. Christensen. 3 MS. CHRISTENSEN: Thank you. 4 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Thank you. 5 We have Krissy Hinckley, wh would be 6 followed by Mario - is that a J? Jimersn? Thank 7 you. 8 KRISSY HINCKLEY WAS FIRST DULY SWORN 9 REGIE RAWLINGS WAS FIRST DULY SWORN 10 COMMISSIONER KEMPTON: Whoever is going 11 to go first- 12 MS. HINCKLEY: Oh, I am. 13 MR. PRICE: Okay. State your name and 14 spell it, please. 15 MS. HINCKLEY: Krissy Hinckley. 16 K.R.I.S.S.Y, H.I.N-C-K.L.E.Y. 17 MR. PRICE: And where do you live? 18 MS. HINCKLEY: 117 West 80 South in 19 Preston. 20 MR. PRICE: Go ahead. 21 MS. HINCKLEY: Okay. So we've been 22 talking a lot in class about this increase that they 23 want to put in, and also, I went home and talked to my 24 fami~ about~. And my family was kind of upset 25 about ~ because right now, as you know, our economy ~ SHEET 3 PAGE 9 1 COMMISSIONER KEMPTON: Mr. Christensen. 2 COMMISSIONER SMITH: If you really didn't 3 intend to testify and you mistakenly signed in, you 4 can tell us that too. 5 We don't see - Don or Jeanette 6 Christensen? 7 MS. CHRISTENSEN: I'm Jeanette. He's 8 going to pass. 9 COMMISSIONER SMITH: All right. Don 10 passes. That's fine. 11 COMMISSIONER KEMPTON: Just come right up 12 here, and then turn facing me for a minute. 13 JEANETIE CHRISTENSEN WAS FIRST DULY SWORN 14 MR. PRICE: Go ahead and grab the 15 microphone, and stand behind the lectern or wherever 16 you'd like. 17 MS. CHRISTENSEN: Okay. 18 MR. PRICE: State and spell your name. 19 MS. CHRISTENSEN: J.E.A.N.E.T.T.E, 20 C.H.R-I-S.T.E-N.S.E.N. 21. MR. PRICE: And what is your mailng 22 address? 23 MS. CHRISTENSEN: 893 South 800 East in 24 Preston. 25 MR. PRICE: Thank you. _ PAGE 10 1 MS. CHRISTENSEN: This past year we 2 decided to .. because of all the advertising they've 3 had - to change our refrgerator. And when we did 4 that, ~ didn't really help as far as the power was 5 concerned, as far as the price rate was concerned. 6 The usage did go up. And then we decided that we 7 needed to put more insulation in the ceilng of our 8 house, which we did, and that didni help the price go 9 down either. 10 So the things that we have had done 11 should have done something about that, but I don't 12 feel like that ~ has done. So I'm wondering if the 13 propaganda they put out as far as the rate increase .. 14 decreasing if you did some of those things was real~ 15 the truth or not. 16 But that's what our s~uation has been, 17 that we can see that the - can't see any less power 18 usage with doing those things. And that would be all 19 I had. 20 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Okay. Thank you for 21 your statement. I don't know what to say except maybe 22 compare the weather and see if ~ was colder this year 23 than last. 24 MS. CHRISTENSEN: No. It was colder last 25 year than this year. ww.TandTReporting.com ~ PAGE 12 1 isn't doing so well. And already w~h people losing 2 their jobs and wih the homes - they're losing their 3 homes. They're losing lots of things that before - 4 because of our economy. 5 And so I think - I have seen like kind 6 of the reasons, because we also had someone from Rocky 7 Mountain Power come and present. And i can see that 8 they - you know, they may have some reasons. But I 9 never really saw a reason why they need it more than 10 we need money now. Because we're in such a bad year 11 this year, I don't think that their reasons are truly 12 fair. 13 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Okay. Thank you. 14 MR. PRICE: Go ahead and state and spell 15 your name. 16 MS. RAWLINGS: Regie Rawlings, R.E.G.I.E, 17 R.A.W.L.I.N.G.S. 18 MR. PRICE: And where do you live? 19 MS. RAWLINGS: 49 East Main, Franklin, 20 Idaho. 21 MR. PRICE: Go ahead. 22 MS. RAWLINGS: I understand that Rocky 23 Mountain Power needs an increase due to increased 24 prices of windmils and steel, but they don't need as 25 big of an increase as they are asking for. Right now T&T REPORTING (208) 529-5491 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PUBLIC HEARG - 12/15/2010 ROCKY MOUNTAI CHAGES TO ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE PRESTON, IDAHO ~ PAGE 15 1 K.H.Y.L.E.I.G.H, B.R.O.W.N. 2 MR. PRICE: And where do you live? 3 MS. BROWN: I live at 173 South 60 East 4 in Preston. 5 Okay. So I would like to share my 6 opinion on the proposed rate increase from Roc 7 Mountain Power. I personally believe that this 8 request is very unfair because where the rates in 9 Idaho are already very above the average, we should be 10 considering more effective but less expensive 11 alternatives. 12 Unfortunate~, this power increase, like 13 the rates increasing, is going to continue. They're 14 going to keep wanting to increase our rates no matter 15 how much farther down the road, and it's going to 16 affect my lifetime and my children's lifetime. 17 But in conclusion, I just strongly 18 believe that we should find an alternative that will 19 be very effective but less costly. Thank you. 20 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Thank you, 21 Ms. Brown. 22 After Mr. Womack, we'll hear from Jim 23 Gilbert. 24 LYNN WOMACK WAS FIRST DULY SWORN 25 MR. WOMACK: My name is Lynn Womack, ~ SHEET 4 PAGE 13 1 they're asking for 9.6 percent, but they only really 2 need 3 percent. So that's an extra 6.6 percent of our .3 money that they don't real~ need, but they just want 4 it for themselves. 5 And the Rocky Mountain Power 6 representative that came to talk to us the other day, 7 he said that he knew that their company wasn~ going 8 to get the increase they wanted. So why would they 9 ask for that big of an increase? Is it just to see 10 how much money they can get? Are they just trying to 11 rob us of our money? 12 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Thank you for your 13 testimony. 14 Mario - I think ~'s a J .. Jimerson. 15 MR. JIMERSON: Yeah. 16 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Yes, sir. Thank 17 you. He wil be followed by Khyleigh Brown. 18 MARIO JIMERSON WAS FIRST DULY SWORN 19 MR. PRICE: Please state and spell your 20 name. 21 MR. JIMERSON: My name is Mario Jimerson, 22 M.A.R.I.O, J.I.M.E.R.S-O-N. My address is 2977 East 23 Highway 36 in Preston. It's out in Riverdale. 24 It's not really so much a question, but 25 what little bit of information i have read is that _ PAGE 14 1 some of this money that is being asked by the 2 utilties is for power for windmils in Oregon and 3 California. If that's true, I don't know. My 4 question would be, Wny would we want to pay money for 5 something that's not happening here in Idaho? 6 These people here are ranchers, students, 7 farmers, businessmen, and the economy is bad right 8 now. And I myself, I'm retired from the Air Force. 9 But this b~ of a rate increase I find out of this 10 world. These people have other responsibil~ies. And 11 that's why they're here. This is a big group of 12 people, and they're concerned. 13 And so my question is, Wny are we paying 14 for something that's going out of this state and we're 15 not benefiting? That's all I've got to say. 16 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Thank you, 17 Mr. Jimerson, for your testimony. 18 Khyleigh Brown, to be followed by Lynn 19 Womack. 20 KHYLEIGH BROWN WAS FIRST DULY SWORN 21 MS. BROWN: Okay. Good evening, ladies 22 and gentleman. 23 MR. PRICE: First, can you just state and 24 spell your name? 25 MS. BROWN: My name is Khyleigh Brown, ww.TandTReporting.com _ PAGE 16 1 L-Y-N-N, W.O.M.A.C.K 2 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Mr. Womack, if you 3 would stand behind the podium, I think the court 4 reporter would be able to hear you better. 5 MR. WOMACK: Okay. My address is 6 1863 East 4800 South in Franklin. 7 I would like to address most~, I think, 8 the time.of.use increase, a~hough all of the increase 9 concerns me. But probably near~ 20 years ago when 10 Rocky Mountain Power -- I think ~ was Utah Power at 11 that time - offered that a~ernative, they said that 12 the reason they were doing that was to tr to even out 13 the usage of electricity during off and on-peak times, 14 which would decrease the need for more generation 15 capacity and so on. 16 And, of course, I decided to try that 17 because I thought maybe ~ would save money for me as 18 well. During the past 20 years we've been fairly 19 successful~ at doing that. In fact, we've used 20 probab~ nearly 75 percent of our power on the 21 off.peak time compared to about 25 percent on the 22 on.peak. That's been a good savings for us. 23 But ~ concerns me that they want to 24 increase the time-of-use rates as much more than they 25 are their other residential rates. It seems like that T&T REPORTING (208) 529-5491 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PUBLIC HEARG - 12/15/2010 ROCKY MOUNTAI CHAGES TO ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE PRESTON, IDAHO PAGE 19 1 up and just keep going. 2 So I run a - I raise beef cattle, and I 3 have a cow.calf operation. And we bring the calves 4 from New Barn up to Fats, and then we take them to - 5 usually to Miler's to market them. And right now, 6 that price is up good. The price last week - I took . 7 a load down, and ~ was $1.60 a pound for hanging 8 weight, which is - I've never seen ~ that high 9 before. 10 So ~ probably won't last very long. 11 It'll been done here before we know, and the price 12 wil be back down, just like milk's done. And it 13 comes up a little bit when things come up, but ~ 14 seems like they sure have a hard time dropping. 15 And I see all the cement the last year or 16 so go by headed for Downey to fix and make this new 17 substation that the power company is putting 18 together. And, by golly, there's just lots and lots 19 of money involved there. So I guess these things are 20 real pricey. 21 But also, as you look around, there's a 22 lot of people - and you look at Sa~ Lake City, you 23 look at Ogden and Logan and .. well, not Logan 24 particularly. But all these people that live in these 25 areas all have hookups to PacifiCorp, so there's got _ SHEET 5 PAGE 17 1 is taking away that incentive to do that, which they 2 persuaded me to do because it was going to cause them 3 to have less need for generation capac~ and other 4 types of things that they would have to invest in. 5 Now, I know that they're saying they need 6 this increase because they are doing just that. 7 They're building generation capacity. They're 8 building transmission lines. They're doing 9 infrastructure kinds of things that are costing a lot 10 of money. 11 It seems that now would be the time to 12 encourage people to use off.peak power rather than 13 discourage them by raising the rates higher on that 14 one than on any other. And so I would like to speak 15 against that proposaL. 16 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Thank you. Any 17 questions? Thank you very much. 18 Jim Gilbert. 19 JIM GILBERT WAS FIRST DULY SWORN 20 MR. GILBERT: Jim Gilbert, J.I.M, 21 G.I-L.B.E.R.T. I live at 68 East 48 South, 22 Preston. 23 Okay. The thing I was concerned about is 24 they have talked about wanting over a 10 percent 25 increase in rates. And we get looking at commodities .. PAGE 18 1 we buy and things we need to farm with, and they just 2 keep going up and keep going up. 3 Take, for instance, corn seed for one 4 good example. It wasn't very many years ago you could 5 buy a bag of corn seed for $40, and now, by golly, 6 it's up to $20 a bag. Last year, some of ~ was $240 7 a bag. And you look at all these corn seed companies, 8 and they've all been bought out by Dow Chemical and 9 DuPont and all these different big chemical outfits, 10 and they just keep stacking this stuff on and making 11 it more expensive. 12 Well, I got a note from the Social 13 Secur~ the other day, and they said that they're not 14 going to raise our Social Security because there's not 15 been any increase in inflation, that everything is 16 just hunky-dory. And how come all these things keep 17 going up? Wny do we need rate increases if things are 18 not - if we don't have any inflation? 19 You go to town and look at all this new 20 equipment. Man, it looks nice unti you look at the 21 price of the stuff, and ~'ii take you 40 years to pay 22 for something like that. And as a result, all the 23 equipment I have is stuff that is ready to go into the 24 relic hall. And people would just love ~, you know, 25 because it's so old. But we try and keep ~ patched ww.TandTReporting.com _ PAGE 20 1to be a lot of money coming in. And if we could just 2 regulate it carefully so we didn't have to raise 3 things so high so quick, i think ~ would be really 4 good. Thank you. 5 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Thank you for your 6 testimony. 7 Demar Romrell, to be followed by Cal 8 Kunz. 9 DEMAR ROMRELL WAS FIRST DULY SWORN 10 MR. ROMRELL: Demar Romrell, D-E-M.A.R, 11 R.O-M.R.E-L-L. 12 MR. PRICE: Wnere do you live? 13 MR. ROMRELL: 60 Pegram Road, 14 Montpelier, Idaho. 15' MR. PRICE: Thank you. 16 MR. ROMRELL: I came tonight because I'd 17 been contacted by several elderly individuals in our 18 area who were concerned because of not only low income 19 but set incomes who are struggling now because of 20 being able to pay their medical expenses or 21 prescription drugs and be able to pay their power 22 bils. And three individual cases or individuals that 23 I had visited with in the last week and a half, 24 wearing heavy coats and a very cold atmosphere, very 25 unconducive to comfortable living. T&TREPORTING (208) 529-5491 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PUBLIC HEARG - 12/15/2010 ROCKY MOUNAI CHAGES TO ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE PRESTON, IDAHO .. PAGE 23 1 control costs. I take exception to that for three 2 reasons. The wind farms being bum, according to the 3 reading I've done, are extremely ineffcient. Second, 4 the advertising I see the power company do on 5 television, vastly cost~. Wny would they need to 6 advertise at all? It's not like we can buy the power 7 from someone else. They don' need to encourage us to 8 use more for heaven's sakes. I think that's a 9 squandering of the monies they're taking in. 10 I'm sorry. That's~. I've lostthe 11 third point I was going to make. Thank you very much 12 for your time. 13 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Well, those are good 14 points, and I just want to assure you that the 15 commission excludes from rates any monies we find 16 spent on corporate image advertising or lobbying. So 17 hopefully, none of that gets into your rates. Thank 18 you, sir. 19 John Brough, followed by Dr. Barbara 20 Taylor. 21 JOHN BROUGH WAS FIRST DULY SWORN 22 MR. BROUGH: My name is John Brough, 23 B.R.O.U.G.H, 216 South 3rd East, Preston. 24 I go along with what Cal just said about 25 the cost of their equipment. If you ever look at the .. SHEET 6 PAGE 21 1 I vis~ed - or went to the meeting in 2 Montpelier when Montpelier .. or when Monsanto made 3 their plea, and they did an excellent job. And we 4 recognize that if there's a high energy rate passed on 5 to them, that probably they wil be competing with 6 China on Roundup. 7 I use a lot of Roundup and wil be using 8 a lot more in the next five years, and I can imagine 9 what that's going to do to my personal operation. 10 I guess I'm more concerned about set 11 income individuals and low income. I believe ~'s 12 going to be a detrimental effect on their lives and 13 their abil~ to, you know, actually survive. 14 I want totell just one instant out of 15 the three. An elderly gentleman had a 500 cow mother 16 ranch and - a very good manager and lived very 17 conservatively all of his life. And when i went there 18 the other day, he was carrying a cane in one hand and 19 a stick of wood in the other hand. i knew that his 20 home when he built it was probab~ Utah Power & Light, 21 and it was Gold Medallon. 22 And i told him, Henry, why don't you qu~ 23 packing the wood at your age and just go back to 24 electric heat? And he said, I cannot --I just can't 25 affrd to do~. And i noticed all of his other rooms _ PAGE 22 1 were closed off. His bed was moved into his living 2 room. 3 And i just feel that it's going to be a 4 great hardship on many individuals. Thank you. 5 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Thank you very much 6 for your testimony. 7 Cal Kunz, followed by John Brough. 8 CAL KUNZ WAS FIRST DULY SWORN 9 MR. PRICE: Please state and spell your 10 name, sir. 11 MR. KUNZ: My name is Cal Kunz, K.U-N-Z. 12 I live at 2267 South.. excuse me, 2267 East 13 800 South. i hope i can find my way home in the fog 14 tonight. 15 MR. PRICE: In what city? 16 MR. KUNZ: Preston. 17 MR. PRICE: Preston. Thank you. 18 MR. KUNZ: I've got tw points to make. 19 First, I understand a fair and reasonable rate of 20 return for the investors in any organization. 21 However, in excess of 10 percent return when most of 22 us, if we have any money to invest, are happy to get 23 1 or 2 percent, the 10 percent plus is ridiculous. 24 The second point I'd like to make is the 25 power company I~erature says they're working hard to ww.TandTReporting.com _ PAGE 24 1 Utah Power trucks, they certainly look all brand new. 2 I mean, boy, they got the best equipment and four or 3 five men riding around in them. 4 Now, about a month ago or less we had 5 three power outages in three days in this commun~. 6 Two times at the hospital. And when I woke up 7 Saturday morning to go out and get the paper at 8:55, 8 the transformer 300 feet from my house, the part over 9 there by the gul~ by the high school, blew up. And 10 lights flickered, went off, come back on. About 30 11 minutes later, I was reading the paper and another one 12 blew up. 13 And i kept looking out the window waiting 14 to see when Utah Power was going to arrive. Well, 15 about 30 minutes later they final~ got a truck back 16 there, and they spent all day going back and forth 17 frm that gul~ and back and forth and back and 18 forth. 19 And I even called in, and final~ at one 20 time they told me, Well, if you leave your number, 21 we'll call you when we have the thing back on. Well, 22 a couple hours they called back and left a message on 23 the recorder that the power was on. The power wasn' 24 on. So I called back to tell them. The lady says, 25 Oh, well, we just had ~ all automated, and you were T&TREPORTING (208) 529-5491 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PUBLIC HEARG - 12115/2010 ROCKY MOUNAI CHAGES TO ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE PRESTON, IDAHO ~ PAGE 27 1 have a lot better deaL. 2 The one time we had a guy here, didn't 3 know what was happening, so they fired him. Well, 4 they brought a guy down from Rexburg named Ryan 5 Hobley, and he came down here and straightened up this 6 organization down here. He was so good they 7 transferred him to - he's been down there. Now he's 8 so good they transferred him to Sa~ Lake. They ought 9 to make him president of this company, and then they 10 could have a good company. 11 Now, I don't how many of you know Ryan 12 Hoblèy. Is there anybody here that knew Ryan Hobley 13 when he was here? Excellent gentleman. Got things 14 done. Got things done. I could go on, but I guess 15 there's a time limit. 16 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Well, we ,want you to 17 be respectful of the others who have signed up, and .. 18 MR. BROUGH: Okay. 19 COMMISSIONER SMITH: - we'd appreciate 20 if you'd address your comments to - 21 MR. BROUGH: There's another thing I have 22 to bring up real quick that had to do with me. ' 23 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Well, we'd 24 appreciate ~ if you'd address your comments to us. 25 Thank you. _ SHEET 7 PAGE 25 1 considered in the same block. 2 And if you know, the grocery store was 3 running out that day, and so they had to reroute the 4 power. Instead of going through Preston by the high 5 school, they went around the other way and gave them 6 at least power temporarily. 7 Of course, Utah Power's idea is we don' 8 fix anything until it's broken. 9 And I think that the rate increase needs 10 to be given to people here in this community where the 11 power is generated. Oh, they don't have enough 12 generation, but they're sending ~ to Oregon, and 13 they're sending it to California, but they don't have 14 enough. 15 They built this whole big thing out there 16 outside of Downey so they can send all the power from 17 the substation up here out there - or I mean the dam, 18 out to Downey, and then they can send ~ down to Utah 19 on that new line they just built down there .. I think 20 called the Polus (sic) line. 21 Well, today I got this paper and this big 22 ad in our local paper here, and it's got so many 23 crooked things said jn here about~. The first thing 24 I want to bring up is - i don't know if any of you 25 have seen it, but ~ was in today's paper. They say .. PAGE 26 1 that the rates here that we're paying are 8.42 cents a 2 kilowatt. 3 Well, I looked at my bil, and during the 4 summer I'm paying 11.3 cents a kilowatt. And right 5 now, in the fall, I'm paying 9.7. Well, that didn' 6 add up. I'm paying more than what they're saying 7 we're paying. 8 And they said that they need .. to cover 9 their cost they need 9.24 cents a kilowatt. Well, I'm 10 already paying that, so I guess I don't need to have 11 an increase because I'm already paying more than what 12 they say they need. And I've got my bil right here 13 in front of me if they want to question~. I just 14 paid ~ today. 15 In Idaho Falls they pay 42 percent less 16 than what we pay for power. In Pocatello they pay 17 24 percent. In Twin Falls they pay 46 percent. In 18 Boise they pay 12.7 percent less. Wny? Because they 19 have Idaho Power. Idaho Falls has their own. The 20 rest of them have Idaho Power. 21 At one time when they went from Utah 22 Power and sold out to PacifiCorp, we were told that 23 this could be an option, that they could have gone 24 with Idaho Power to buy in. If we had Idaho Power 25 right now, we'd be paying all less money and probab~ ww.TandTReporting.com PAGE 28 1 MR. BROUGH: Okay. Is that they told us 2 many years ago, or several years ago, that if we put 3 in new appliances and new things they would give us 4 rebates. Okay. I put a new refrigerator in. Wnen 5 they came and got the old one, i final~ - after 6 about six months and complaining about it, I got my 7 $3. But it was supposed to be 40, but they said they 8 had lowered ~ down to $30. 9 Then I put in two new water heaters and 10 was supposed to get $75. That's been four years ago, 11 and I have not seen one dime on~. I keep callng 12 and callng and callng, and I haven' seen one dime. 13 They told us if you put in these new 14 lights they'll send you an energy cred~ thing if you 15 send the thing into them. I haven' seen anything on 16 that, and we've gone completely to those new kind of 17 light bulbs they have. 18 So my question is - I think that we need 19 to have Utah Power .. and I can't refer to them as 20 PacifiCorp or Rocky Mountain Power. They just keep 21 changing the name to make ~ look like it's a 22 different company. And you know, when you talk about 23 their investors, they're all back in Omaha, Nebraska, 24 now that bought the company. 25 So I just disagree that the power that T&TREPORTING (208) 529-5491 PUBLIC HEARG - 1211512010 ROCKY MOUNAI CHAGES TO ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE PRESTON, IDAHO _ PAGE 31 1 between a 7 and half and a 10 percent cut. 2 We did receive ARRA funds. We did 3 receive job funds. But we lose the ARRA funds this 4 year, and we're trying to save the job funds to cover 5 that to keep us out of the hole. But we wil stil be 6 reduced by whatever percentage that the legislature 7 does. 8 Because of that, the rate increase that 9 you are looking at for our organization of - i 10 believe ~ was 14.6 percent - would tru~ be 11 devastating. Last year when people would say, How are 12 you doing? i would say, I'm trying to keep the lights 13 on: i tru~ do not want that to be a true statement 14 this year, and that's what it would be. 15 The rate increase to the district would 16 be over $25,00 at the rate that you have designated. 17 For us that articulates into one to one and a half to 18 two persnnels, depending on if they are part.time 19 people. I don't have a lot else to cut. 87 percent 20 of our budget isin personnel. And so if I'm faced 21 with another milion dollar cut this year, then you 22 wil see even more jobs lost, you wil see more 23 reduction in hours, and you wil see the children 24 hurt. And I know that's not the intent. 25 So i ask that when you make this decision I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ SHEET 8 PAGE 29 1 we're generating right up the road here is going to go 2 to Oregon or California or anyplace else .. or down 3 into Utah and they want us to pay more so other people 4 can have~. Thank you. 5 COMMISSIONER SMITH: And would you 6 please, sir, get with Curtis Thaden .. he's raising 7 his hand in the back - and he can help you with these 8 rebates and the issues concerning Rocky Mountain not . 9 getting back to you on that. Thank you. 10 Dr. Taylor, to be followed by Kaywin 11 Cottle. 12 BARBARA TAYLOR WAS FIRST DULY SWORN 13 DR. TAYLOR: i thank the commissìoners 14 for being in Preston tonight. I appreciate the 15 opportunity. 16 MR. PRICE: Could you start w~h your 17 name and spell it Thanks. 18 DR. TAYLOR: I'm sorry. I just got done 19 with a board meeting, so I apologize for that. 20 MR. PRICE: That's all right. 21 DR. TAYLOR: Barbara Taylor, 22 Superintendent, Preston School District. District 23 offce address, 120 East 2nd South in Preston. 24 MR. PRICE: Thank you.- 25 DR. TAYLOR: Thank you. I do appreciate _ PAGE 30 1 you being here this evening and coming to Preston and 2 hearing our concerns. 3 As I'm sure you are aware, education has 4 had two very diffcult years, the fiscal year '09 and 5 the fiscal year '10. I just want to recap briefly 6 some of the experiences we have had here in Preston. 7 We had an 8 percent cut last year, which 8 articulated for our district a little over a millon 9 dollars. It was $1,000,06. We did run a levy. We 10 had a one.year supplemental levy, which our community 11 supported, which was a $250,00 levy. So we were able 12 to have our taxpayers help us with about a quarter of 13 that. 14 We did some other things. We did some 15 quite major changes. We went to a four.day week to 16 save money, and then we began cuting - because of 17 that, we cut salaries, we cut benef~s, we reduced 18 persnnel, and then we began cuting programs. So 19 last spring was a diffcu~ year for us to meet what 20 was given to us by the state legislature. 21 I tell you that because this year is no 22 different. Last year they told us ~ would be a 23 diffcu~ year, and they told us this year it wil be 24 even more diffcu~. The early projections that our 25 legislators have been giving us is that it wil be ww.TandTReporting.com _ PAGE 32 1 you are very mindful of the public entities, 2 especially education, and what we wil be facing this 3 upcoming year. So again, i thank you for your time 4 and the opportun~ to address you this evening. 5 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Thank you, 6 Dr. Taylor. We appreciate your comments. 7 Kaywin Cottle, followed by Robert Geddes. 8 KA YWN COTTLE WAS FIRST DULY SWORN 9 MS. COTTLE: Kaywin Cottle, K.A.Y.W.I.N, 10 C.O.T.T.L.E, P.O. Box 172, 526 East Highway 36, 11 Malad, Idaho. 12 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Thank you. 13 MS. COTTLE: About the year 20 my 14 husband and i had been planning to put in a camp s~e 15 facilty off the interstate at Ex~ 17 in Malad. 16 Idaho. This endeavor would have brought approximate~ 17 eight to ten jobs to our local community and brought 18 in a number of tourists that would have utilized Rocky 19 Mountain Power's services. 20 The Rocky Mountain Power plant then began 21 process to put in the Populus to Terminal from Downey 22 to Salt Lake. The market value changed, and my 23 husband and i, compounded w~h anxiety, decided to 24 drop that endeavor. Therefore, I know firsthand that 25 Rocky Mountain Power did cost our small commun~ a T&TREPORTING (208) 529-5491 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PUBLIC HEARG - 12/15/2010 ROCKY MOUNTAI CHAGES TO ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE PRESTON, IDAHO _ PAGE 35 1 Robert Geddes. Senator, good to see you 2 again. 3 MR. GEDDES: Don' promote me. I'm just 4 a representative. 5 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Oh, okay. 6 ROBERT GEDDES WAS FIRST DULY SWORN 7 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Sorry, 8 Representative Geddes, but some people would consider 9 that a promotion. 10 MR. GEDDES: I would too. 11 MR. PRICE: Start by stating and spellng 12 your name. 13 MR. GEDDES: I'm Robert Geddes, 14 R.O.B.E.R.T, last name Geddes, G.E.D-D.E.S. 15 MR. PRICE: And where do you live? 16 MR. GEDDES: 7235 North, 260 West 17 Preston, former~ and current~ known as Povert 18 Flats. 19 MR. PRICE: Go right ahead. 20 MR. GEDDES: Mr. President, I suspect 21 that my testimony here wil be no more persuasive than 22 it was when I was in the legislature and you as one of 23 my compatriots there. It's good to have you all here 24 and meet some of myoid friends and associates that I 25 served with in Boise. ~ SHEET 9 PAGE 33 1 handful of jobs that are needed in this downward 2 economy. 3 As our communit continues to age, 4 shrink, and lose jobs, ~ is a shame that Rocky 5 Mountain Power is adding insu~ to injury by asking us 6 to pay for this monstrosity that is plaguing our 7 community. Therefore, I was pleased to know that the 8 commission staff has suggested removing most of the 9 requested recovery of the 34 kilovolt commission 10 line. However, I am more inclined to support the 11 complete removal of all of the Populus to Terminal 12 transmission cost from the proposed rates, as ~ has 13 not benefited one Southeastern Idaho customer to date 14 and has, in fact, been detrimental to our local 15 economy. 16 As a residential customerí I believe that 17 the current economy cond~ions are just reasons that 18 Rocky Mountain Power should not receive any of the 19 proposed rate hikes at this time. 20 Just as PacifiCorp is setting -- are 21 setting back in expenditures, my family has also 22 scaled back. We are bringing home less money. As 23 Dr. Taylor just told you, I am a teacher, and my 24 income is less, as is my husband's. We are also 25 getting less in investments. ,. PAGE 34 1 However, to compensate, we are spending 2 less. And we have installed end line water heaters in 3 our home. We have installed the more effcient 4 lighting, and we have conducted some weatherization to 5 lower our persnal impact. We are doing our part. 6 As a teacher, I see that my students' 7 education is suffering. These.are trying times. 8 Fami~ stress is at an all time high. And as you now 9 know, we have also gone down to four.day school week 10 to save on electrical costs of that fifth day. Our 11 students are to suffer even more just so that the 12 Rocky Mountain managers can get a salary increase for 13 2009 and 2010? I don' believe this is just. 14 Our residents and business owners wil no 15 longer quietly accept that we have the highest average 16 in the state, as this gentleman pointed out a while 17 ago, while Rocky Mountain Power continues to strip our 18 propert of ~s value and try to make us pay for ~ 19 too. 20 I hope you as our protectors, the 21 commission, will not allow Rocky Mountain Power's 22 proposed rate hikes to affect us until we see a turn 23 in the economy. Thank you. 24 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Thank you very much 25 for your testimony. ww.TandTReporting.com == PAGE 36 1 I'm going to be right up front. I'LL 2 give you some reasons that I do not support any 3 increase of Rocky Mountain Power. We're in a 4 depression. \/ether the politicians say we are or 5 not, we're in a depression in this area, and the folks 6 in the area, in my opinion, cannot afford any increase 7 in anything to - in order to be - to satisfy their 8 needs that they have to survive in this communit, 9 this county. 10 Some would say no problem. I was in a 11 professional offce the other day, and we asked the 12 question, "Can you stand this increase?" \/at do you 13 suspect his answer was? It was, "Yes. I can stand ~ 14 because I can pass it on to my clients." Most of 15 us -- most of the people here cannot do that. They 16 can't pass ~ on to their clients. 17 I'm going to give a couple of examples, 18 other examples, why i think we should not extend this 19 rate increase. As has been suggested here already, 20 the seniors, of which there are many and many here 21 tonight, got no increase because they're inflation 22 rate is static. 23 Even Congress today, with only a 24 13 percent approval rating, recognized that the 25 citizens of this country - and I would extend this on T&T REPORTING (208) 529-5491 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PUBLIC HEARG - 12/15/2010 ROCKY MOUNAI CHAGES TO ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE PRESTON, IDAHO _ PAGE 39 1 would hope to speak for some of the people that aren't 2 here tonight as their representative. 3 My first comment would have been the 4 impact on education, but our Superintendent Taylor 5 prett much hammered that idea through, so I would 6 just say ditto to what she said. 7 My other big objection to this is in my 8 job I work a lot with the elder~, senior citizens, 9 and the homebound, and so i see a lot of these people 10 on fixed incomes that .. the majority of these people, 11 for a variety of medical reasons, tend to keep their 12 homes warmer. Even in the summer their home will be a 13 lot warmer than we keep ours. 14 And so any kind of an impact that their 15 bil would have from them keeping their thermostat up 16 is going to M them harder than it wil me. i can 17 put on an extra blanket. i can cuddle a IMle more 18 with my wife and stay warm. Some of them don't have 19 that option. So i would really like you to consider 20 the impact on our senior citizens on fied income. 21 And I don't know if ~'s true or not, 22 based on what's in the paper, that some of this rate 23 increase is to cover capital expenditure of Rocky 24 Mountain Power for other states. It's totally their 25 right to expand their business, interstate commerce, - SHEET 10 PAGE 37 1 to this state and this community - cannot stand a 2 increase in taxes, in power, any other expense that 3 might be imposed upon them. If that Congress is smart 4 enough to resist tax increases, we ought to be, and we 5 ought to demand it from those who provide our 6 services. 7 i am not here to bash the power company. 8 I grew up - my first 14 years as a child - grew up 9 without electric~. And how grateful we are that we 10 had it after that period of time. So I'm not here to 11 bash them. I'm here only to suggest that they have 12 p~ on those ratepayers who pay their bils and 13 provide our service. 14 But I would also suspect that there's not 15 a person in this room that wil look forward to a 5, 16 a 10, or a 15 percent increase on their investments 17 this year or next. i think its only prudent that our 18 commission go to bat for us and help us survive an 19 economy that is not good, even in this area. 20 i don' know what else to say other than 21 to say - well, let me give you one more example. I 22 sit on a hospital board here, and a lot of the ' 23 citizens of the community thought we ought to have a 24 new hospital, so they brought forth an election for 25 bond. Guess what the results of that bond election _ PAGE 38 1 were? It failed by two.thirds to one.third, which was 2 an indicator to me that these people in this community 3 cannot affrd additional costs and taking from them 4 the money that they might need for their own 5 survivaL. 6 Mr. President and members of the 7 commission, I appreciate you being here. I look 8 forwrd to visiting with you a ~ after this is 9 over. But again, a resounding no in regards to any 10' increase. And i speak, i think, from a standpoint 11 that the community opposes ~, the senior citizens 12 oppose it because they get no increase. And most 13 other investments are way far below the amount that's 14 being requested here. Thank you, Mr. President, 15 members of the commission. 16 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Thank you, 17 Mr. Geddes. We appreciate it. 18 Todd Thomas, followed by is Sariah Seare. 19 TODD THOMAS WAS FIRST DULY SWORN 20 MR. THOMAS: Todd Thomas, T.O.D.D, 21 T.H.O.M.A.S. 100 South 4th West in Preston. 22 MR. PRICE: Go ahead. 23 MR. THOMAS: Thank you. I'm here 24 speaking as a citizen and, I hope ~'s fair to say, as 25 a member of Preston C~ Council, a council member. i ww.TandTReporting.com _ PAGE 40 1 that type of thing. I don't criticize them for that. 2 But there's such a thing in Idaho that .. 3 called an impact fee that cities can levy on new 4 development. And I would draw the correlation here 5 that if Rocky Mountain wants to get new business, new 6 development, let them use an impact fee on those new 7 customers, not on old existing customers that have 8 been paying for years, similar to an impact fee. 9 If they're worried about shareholder 10 return, I would ask them to look a IMle closer at 11 how they're running their business. Cut CEO pay. Cut 12 perks. We've had to. i would love to make six 13 figures, but I don't And if that's a way for them to 14 return shareholder investment, then that's what they 15 should do. 16 In their ad in the paper, they mention 17 that this rate increase on a residential customer 18 would be less than a dollar a month. Now, if i took 19 . my average bil, subtract off some of the taxes and 20 the franchise things that are on there, including one 21 to Preston city, my average bil would probab~ be 22 80 bucks, 90 bucks even. Their residential rate 23 increase, on the percentage they list in their ad, 24 that would be more like a 5 to $6 a month increase, 25 not less than a dollar. So somebody's calculator is T&T REPORTING (208) 529-5491 PUBLIC HEARG - 12/15/2010 ROCKY MOUNAI CHAGES TO ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE PRESTON, IDAHO .. PAGE 43 1 things, they could use the money for things that - 2 for the things that they are asking for. 3 The schools wil also suffer from this 4 great~. Increased power costs wil deplete the 5 school's budget even more, and we are already on a 6 four.day school budget to save costs on power and 7 buses. Since the school is paid through our taxes, 8 our taxes would have to be raised to pay for 9 increasing power costs for the schooL. That's like a 10 double whammy. We pay for our power increase and the 11 school's. 12 i believe that Rocky Mountain Power is 13 doing just fine now. Because this is a terrible time 14 for our economy and just raising the prices would hurt 15 our - rate, i don't see how they can justify raising 16 power costs. Thank you. 17 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Thank you very much 18 for your comments. 19 Kevin Peck, followed by Herbert Rallson. 20 If you folks are leaving, I just want to 21 tell you how much I appreciate the participation by 22 the younger generation in our hearings, because public 23 participation is one thing that we value very highly, 24 and ~'s good to see them starting young. 25 KEVIN PECK WAS FIRST DULY SWORN I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ SHEET 11 PAGE 41 1 broken. 2 And last~, I'LL make a point that just 3 recently our Congress, United States Congress and 4 Senate - love them or hate them - saw the insight to 5 not increase our taxes by extending the Bush.era tax 6 cuts that were put in place. If they saw the need to 7 not raise taxes right now due to the economy, Rocky 8 Mountain Power should have that same insight. Thank 9 you. 10 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Thank you very 11 much. We appreciate your comments. 12 Sariah, followed by Kevin Peck. 13 SARIAH SEARE WAS FIRST DULY SWORN 14 MR. PRICE: Start off by stating and 15 spellng your name. 16 MS. SEARE: My name is Sariah Seare, 17 S.A.R.I.A.H, S.E.A.R.E. 18 MR. PRICE: And what is your mailing 19 address? 20 MS. SEARE: 40 South 4th East, Preston, 21 Idaho 8326. 22 MR. PRICE: Thanks. 23 MS. SEARE: My name is Sariah Seare. My 24 parents and I are customers of Rocky Mountain Power, 25 and we are not happy w~h their rate increase _ PAGE 42 1 proposal. Idaho averages at one of the lowest costs 2 for power in the U.S., which is 79.99 per thousand 3 kilowatts per hour. Rocky Mountain Power charges 4 95.95 per thousand kilowatts per hour. That's about a 5 $16 difference. Clear~, there's something wrong. 6 Currently, our povert rate is at 7 150 percent compared to the average of the Un~ed 8 States. i don' see how they can justify raising our 9 power costs since this is the case. 10 I also don't understand exactly what they 11 are using the extra money for. They say that they 12 want to use it for greener solutions, but I .. but how 13 much is going towards that, and how much is going 14 towards raised paychecks and investors? 15 It also seems that they are - they don't 16 tru~ need the money but that it's just a nice thing 17 to have. For example, there was a piece of paper that 18 I was given when a Rocky Mountain Power employee came 19 to our schooL. It was much smoother and very colorful 20 compared to that of a normal printed piece of paper. 21 In fact, one of my friends commented about ~. 22 But our school could never affrd such a 23 nice piece of paper because we suffer budget cuts all 24 the time. Maybe instead of giving us colorfl paper 25 and using their resources towards more frivolous ww.TandTReporting.com _ PAGE 44 1 MR. PECK: Kevin Peck, 700 West 2 Glover Road, Arimo, Idaho. 3 MR. PRICE: And can you spell your name 4 just for the record? 5 MR. PECK: K.E.V.I.N, P.E.C.K 6 MR. PRICE: Thank you. 7 MR. PECK: And a lot of the points I 8 wanted to bring up have already been talked about, but 9 I would like to just talk about from the perspective 10 of my business, which is a farmer, and I'm sure many 11 here are. 12 As farmers we are price takers, not prie 13 setters, and yet our pumping rates in the last ten 14 years have gone up by 180 percent. For an example, I 15 took a .. went back through my books. On a . 16 45 horsepower pump in 1999 through the year 202, so 17 for a four.year period, that pumping cost was 18 $63,135. 19 Now, if I fast.forwrd to 2007 through 20 2010, that same pump, watering the same acreage and 21 crop, is $104,833, which is 166 percent rate increase. 22 One other quick example, a 25 horspower 23 pump for the same time period of '99 through 20 was 24 $35,000.71; 207 through 2010, it was $63,60, a rate 25 of 182 percent. T&T REPORTING (208) 529-5491 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PUBLIC HEARG - 12/15/2010 ROCKY MOUNAI CHAGES TO ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE PRESTON, IDAHO .. PAGE 47 1 diffculty with your water or - you know, what we 2 heard today was sometimes when they shut them off, 3 they're not using the water and too much water goes 4 down and floods the downstream takers. 5 MR. PECK: Well, the hard part with the 6 load control options is that you need to put a lot of 7 extra investment into your pumping system so that 8 it'll shut off not on~ the well but shut off the 9 pivot from moving, shut off the water going to a 10 wheel line, for example. So you need to put in valves 11 and electrical components so those are all correlated 12 together. 13 If not, yeah, it become a mess. Many 14 times we've had pivots get stuck because they run for 15 six hours in one place because the pump didn't shut 16 off the pivot .. the water to the pivot. So ~'s an 17 incurred cost to put your system in line so you can 18 use the load control. 19 We have 21 pumping stations, and we can 20 only use it on 13 because some are gravity flow, so 21 even if the pump goes off, the water stil runs. Th 22 pressure's too low to reach it. So it's not feasible 23 on all systems, but the ones that you can do, ~ does 24 take a lot of extra cost to get them set up so you can 25 use the load control. F= SHEET 12 PAGE 45 1 Now, I do realize that there was a BPA 2 credit that was taken away during that period of time, 3 which we were also told was on a three.year 4 investigation period which would end next year. So my 5 question is what the progress of that credit is. 6 Also, in the year 200 - or '99 through 7 200 there was also no load control credit, so those 8 prices would be much more skewed than that if that . 9 credit was instated in those years. 10 The load control credit proposal right 11 now is to cut the rate $5, from $30 to $25 per 12 kilowatt, which would mean that instead of a 13 10 percent increase, it would really be closer to 14 22 and a half percent increase per irrigator pumper. 15 Because we'd lose the credit for load control, yet 16 we'd stil pay the 10 percent increase for our fees. 17 This is not in line with inflation or an 18 increase in other sectors of business. Therefore, 19 again, as a price taker, I cannot pass on a . 20 182 percent increase on my crop, and I am opposed to 21 the rate increase. Thank you. 22 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Thank you. If you 23 don't mind, i just had a question. We had some 24 testimony earlier today in Grace about difficulties 25 with the load control program for one canal company. po PAGE 46 1 So I was curious whether overall the load control 2 program is actually working for you the way you 3 irrigate. 4 MR. PECK: Well, I think if I was to 5 speak for the people that I've talked with, it's kind 6 of a necessary eviL. We really don't want ~, but .. 7 like this year i received $3,00 back, which I would 8 have increased my fee. . 9 And so it's an inconvenience fot two 10 reasons. One is if you have set sprinklers that run 11 on 24-hour, 12.hour sets, to take six hours out of 12 that set real~ messs up your timing. 13 But the second reason that ~ is is that 14 these dispatch options where you can opt out on the 15 time frame, they don' always work. We've had a lot 16 of problems w~h the computer programing that is 17 programmed from the headquarters to shut off the pumps 18 at certain times of day. Well, there's been a lot of 19 malfunction w~h that. And I'm sure over time, you 20 know, that wil get taken care of and the bugs out of 21 it better. 22 But I think we do ~ not because ~'s 23 something that we feel is a good program; ~'s out of 24 necessity to cut the power bil rate back. . 25 COMMISSIONER SMITH: But there's no ww.TandTReporting.com .. PAGE 48 1 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Thank you very much 2 for your comments tonight. 3 Herbert Rallson, followed by Launa 4 Moser. 5 HERBERT RALLSON WAS FIRST DULY SWORN 6 MR. RALLSON: On- 7 MR. PRICE: Sir, start by stating and 8 spellng your name. 9 MR. RALLSON: Herbert S. Rallson, 10 H.E.R.B,E.R.T, S., R-A.L.L.I.S.O.N. 11 MR. PRICE: Thank you. And where do 12 you.. 13 MR. RALLISON: I got this ad in the 14 Preston Citizen, and I was looking at why Idaho's 15 power is 5.2, one of the lowest. Well, all right. 16 Idaho is a unique state. We are part - or not the 17 southeastern end. We got excluded by - I think ~ 18 was District Court Three judge excluded us out of that 19 Bonnevile Power that was - or not Bonneville 20 Power.. but ~ was money that went for the Columbia 21 River Basin so they could use it for dams and things 22 like that and generate power. Well, here in the 23 southeastern end, because of a judge's decision, we 24 lost that. So there was a big rate increase that we 25 had to them. T&TREPORTING (208) 529-5491 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PUBLIC HEARG - 12/15/2010 ROCKY MOUNAI CHAGES TO ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE PRESTON, IDAHO _ PAGE 51 1 years, but the last 10, 11 have been very, very bad. 2 I've taught, like I said, 30 years, and 3 our students - ~ is suffering. They've had to drop 4 several programs from the schools. I was a coach for 5 30 years. And they dropped some of the programs, so 6 they're suffering, some major programs. Not just 7 coaching, but many others from our schools. 8 Our school is one of the largest 9 employers in this county. Many of our helpers have 10 had to be let go, and the students, of course, suffer 11 because of that. 12 Added on to that, our propert taxes are 13 due on the 20th this month. Mine for the year went up 14 $570 with absolutely no change in anything in my 15 home. A large part of that was because the schools 16 didn't get the money from the State, and so we had to 17 pass a bond. And it was over $200 of that. It was 18 about $280 of that raise was the bond money. 19 So more and more people are taking from 20 my paycheck, and my paycheck is less and less and 21 less. I've got more health costs, more insurance 22 costs. Everything has gone up. And like they've been 23 saying, my husband, he is on retired National Guard 24 and Social Security, and we received letters just last 25 week saying that they were all frozen. I don' think .. SHEET 13 PAGE 49 1 Now, we didn' - no judge just looked at 2 that out of the blue and said, Hey, I'm going to take 3 that away from them. Somebody had to lobby or do 4 something for that to cause to happen. Judges just 5 don't work that way. 6 And not only that, our power, Ido 7 believe, comes basically from hydroelectric in Idaho. 8 And I don't know where the excess of Arco's atomic 9 energy power goes. Is that sold back into Idaho? I 10 really don't know where that plays a factor. 11 But I do know this. From the people in 12 our development, the older ones, the houses are up 13 higher on heat. Mine is too. But I'm on gas, but you 14 stil have the other expenditures of the fan and . 15 running that thing, and I don' know how much ~ 16 really costs to do that. But the older people, they 17 have had two years this coming year with no raise in 18 Social Security. 19 Now, every company has to run and have 20 some prof~, but how much profit you can get by with 21 is the determining factor. We're in one of the worst 22 times that I've seen in my 71 years of life. 23 Economy.wise, we just don't have it. Idaho has a high 24 unemployment. School teachers are hurting and all. 25 i think this hurt ought to go a little .. PAGE 50 1 both ways. So instead of getting their 10 percent 2 increase, maybe they might get 1 and stil be able to 3 get by with~. It's whatever the commission works 4 out that they can get by with, but I sure don't feel 5 ~ ought to be a big one. 6 i want to thank the commission for their 7 time and the opportun~ to come here and talk to you. 8 MR. PRICE: Before you finish, sir, could 9 you just give your mailng address? 10 MR. RALLSON: My mailng address is 11 1176 East 90 South, Preston, Idaho. 12 MR. PRICE: Thank you. 13 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Thank you for being 14 here tonight. We appreciate your comments. 15 LAUNA MOSER WAS FIRST DULY SWORN 16 MS. MOSER: I'm Launa Moser, L.A.U.N.A, 17 M.O.S.E.R, 370 West 160 South, Preston, Idaho. 18 MR. PRICE: Thank you. 19 MS. MOSER: You're welcome. 20 i just want to address the state of 21 economy here in Franklin County. I'm a 22 schoolteacher. This is my 30h year. i got these 23 facts from my superintendent. We have been - we have 24 not had a COLA since 1996. We've had nine years of 25 frozen salaries. And I have seen some really good ww.TandTReporting.com _ PAGE 52 1 we can support the increase. 2 Again, and then the last thing. Somebody 3 brought up .. and I'm glad they did .. about our last 4 subsidy, the BPA. I read everything that comes to me, 5 and - from the Rocky Mountain Power. And that was, I 6 believe.. ~ was kind of vague. It was hard to 7 understand what was going on. But that was one.third 8 of my power bil that we lost when that happened a few 9 years ago, and we thought ~ was going to come back 10 in. So they took a third jump right there with losing 11 that BPA. 12 Anyway, that's alii have to say. Thank 13 you for listening to me. 14 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Thank you for being 15 here. We appreciate your comments. 16 Richard Free, followed by Todd Garbtt. 17 RICHARD FREE WAS FIRST DULY SWORN 18 MR. FREE: Richard Free, R.I.C.H.A.R.D, 19 F.R.E.E, 6843 East Highway 36, Preston, Idaho. 20 . I was going to take qu~e a b~ of time, 21 and I'm not, because a lot of what I want to say has 22 been said. But I really think the legislature this 23 year has had to come back and the Governor's having to 24 start over things w~h a zero budget. So they have to 25 reconsider everything they're doing. And I hear T&TREPORTING (208) 529-5491 PUBLIC HEARG - 12115/2010 ROCKY MOUNAI CHAGES TO ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE PRESTON, IDAHO ¡= PAGE 55 1 time to heat our entire house. 2 My mom used to work for the school 3 district, but she had to quit and find a new job 4 because she wasn't making enough because of the 5 economy in Preston, and it hasn't gotten any better. 6 She was expecting to make a lot more than she is now, 7 but she hasn't gotten any raises or anything in the 8 past because no one can afford it. So we can't afford 9 a price increase. 10 And I know that you guys are the only 11 people that provide power in Preston. We can't get it 12 from anywhere else. But if we can' afford it, what 13 are we supposed to do? 14 Also, my dad used to work for a cable 15 company, and when someone would call and complain that 16 their cable was out, wasn't working properly, they got 17 there super fast, within five minutes. And then just 18 recently, there was a power outage, and ~ was in the 19 morning, and they said the power wouldn' be back on 20 unli4 o'clock in the afternoon. And then ~ ended 21 up coming on a lot sooner, which was great, but I lost 22 a lot of hours at my job. 23 And everything i am wearing right now i 24 have paid for myself because I don't have my parents 25 to rely on to buy me everything. i have to buy I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .. SHEET 14 PAGE 53 1 there's huge cuts coming. Okay? 2 And we've already heard about the 3 school. You've heard about the economy here in the 4 county. And I don't think it's getting any better. I 5 do work for several businesses. Okay? None of them 6 are making more money. Several of them are running at 7 losses this year. This just adds to the insult. 8 We're talking about Utah Power. They're 9 a huge organization - i mean Rocky Mountain Power. 10 Okay? None of us can afford to have an attorney here 11 or anything else, and I'd hate to guess what their 12 individuals are making, some of their people in their 13 company. They need to take a real look at this. 14 We cannot afford rate increases. This 15 county cannot. And we do not need them. Thank you. 16 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Thank you, 17 Mr. Free. We appreciate you coming. 18 Todd Garbett, followed by Rob.. is ~ 19 Tardin? 20 Is Todd Garbett here? 21 AN AUDIENCE MEMBER: He left. 22 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Rob? 23 AN AUDIENCE MEMBER: He left. 24 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Amanda Ransbottom. 25 AMANDA RANSBOTTOM WAS FIRST DULY SWORN .. PAGE 54 1 MS. RANSBOTTOM: Okay. My name is Amanda 2 Ransbottom, A.M.A.N.D.A, R.A.N.S.B.O.T.T.O.M. I live 3 on 46 South 100 East, Preston, Idaho. 4 And I'd just like to thank you guys for 5 coming to listen to us. 6 And you might think I'm a 1~le young, 7 like too young to know what I'm talking about. But i 8 have lived here my entire life, and all that .. 9 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Hold the mike a 10 little closer. 11 MS. RANSBOTTOM: I'm getting ~ there. 12 Okay. And all that my mom talks about is 13 how hard life is. We have been struggling our entire 14 lives. My 1~le sister has surgeries every six 15 months, which is now less often than when she was 16 younger. And we don' have the money to pay for a 17 price increase. 18 We have one furnace in our living room, 19 and ~ heats our entire house, which is two stories. 20 And there's three bedrooms upstairs. That's where me 21 and my sister sleep, but ~'s too cold to sleep up 22 there. No matter how many blankets you have, it's 23 freezing. L~erally, ~'s freezing. It's about 24 32 degrees. So I just - I don't think that's right 25 because we can't afford to keep our furnace on all the ww.TandTReporting.com ¡= PAGE 56 1 everything myself, and I don' have money to do all of 2 that stuff, and they don't have money to do it 3 either. So everyone is struggling, and we can' 4 handle the increase, like I've already said. 5 And you guys may be struggling, but I'm 6 prett sure that we're wors. So we have ourselves to 7 like take care of, and you guys have a lot of people. 8 But I just don' understand why you started to expand 9 on everything if you didn't have the money to finish 1 0 ~,and ~ shouldn't be our problem that you didn't 11 plan how you spent the money right so that you had 12 enough to keep it the whole way. And that's it. 13 Thank you. 14 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Thank you very 15 much. We appreciate your testimony. 16 Doug .. oh, did you have a question? 17 COMMISSIONER KEMPTON: I do, Amanda. 18 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Would you please 19 come back,.Ms. Ransbottom? Commissioner Kempton has a 20 question. 21 MS. RANSBOTTOM: All right. I'm coming. 22 COMMISSIONER KEMPTON: Okay. So I have a 23 couple of questions. The furnace you're talking about 24 i assume is an electrical furnace. 25 MS. RANSBOTTOM: It's actually gas, but T&T REPORTING (208) 529-5491 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PUBLIC HEARG - 12/15/2010 ROCKY MOUNTAI CHAGES TO ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE PRESTON, IDAHO PAGE 59 1 anymore. 2 I want to know where the BP tax credit 3 went. You know, we have a great resource out here, 4 and I personally wish there was .. utilized the power 5 from that river more. 6 I thank you for the opportunity to be 7 here tonight and speak to you, but its not time to 8 raise the bil. 9 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Thank you, Mr. West. 10 Eric Allred, followed by Mike Taylor. 11 ERIC B. ALLRED WAS FIRST DULY SWORN 12 MR. ALLRED: I'm glad for the opportun~ 13 to say something. 14 -MR. PRICE: Can you state and spell your 15 name first? 16 MR. ALLRED: Oh, I'm sorry about that. 17 Eric B. Allred, E.R.I.C, 8., A.L.L.R.E.D, 18 304 Park Avenue, Preston, Idaho. 19 MR. PRICE: Thank you. 20 MR. ALLRED: All right. Yeah, I'm glad 21 to be here. Just about four quick things I want to 22 say. 23 Like a lot of people here, you know, 24 we're not getting pay raises or anything and that. 25 But I think that investments are important. I'm ~ SHEET 15 PAGE 57 1 the fan and everything .. and like the thermostat, all 2 that fun stuff that takes electric~, itsreally 3 expensive even though we don1 have it on very often. 4 COMMISSIONER KEMPTON: And do you know if 5 your parents have applied for energy assistance 6 payments? 7 MS. RANSBOTTOM: I am not sure on that 8 one. 9 COMMISSIONER KEMPTON: Okay. So when you 10 go back, would you mind asking your parents if they 11 have applied for energy assistance, and if they 12 haven't, would you ask them to call the commission? 13 MS. RANSBOTTOM: Yes, I wil. 14 COMMISSIONER KEMPTON: Okay. 15 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Thank you. 16 Doug West, followed by Eric Allred. 17 DOUG WEST WAS FIRST DULY SWORN 18 MR. WEST: My name is Doug West, D.O.U.G, 19 W.E.S.T, 215 East 2nd South, Preston, Idaho. 20 MR. PRICE: Thank you. 21 MR. WEST: I concur w~h - you know, I 22 have several things to say, but a lot of the things 23 have been said. 24 We've had a business on Main Street for 25 about 65 years. We know a lot ofthe farmers, .- PAGE 58 1 ranchers, local people that live here and in the 2 surrounding communities of Malad, Grace, Soda, 3 Montpelier, Bear Lake. It doesn't take a rocket 4 scientist to take a ride around these three, four 5 counties and see - and not realize what people are 6 going through right now. 7 There's a lot of people that if they had 8 the money, they would fix their places up. They'd 9 take - be able to repair things. And right now, 10 people are hurting. - People are hurting very bad. We 11 have a business that we've - we're doing more repairs 12 on vehicles. A lot of people don't have the money to 13 buy new. 14 I wish you guys had compet~ion. I wish 15 the power companies had someone to compete more w~h 16 them. If you took a vote today, if you had this vote, 17 I guarantee you it would go down in sound defeat, and 18 I wish ~ would. I wish the public could get out and 19 vote. 20 We have several people that come in every 21 day and can't pay their bils. You look around the 22 counties and you look at the businesses that have been 23 there for years, and they're not there anymore. And 24 why aren't they there anymore? Because their expenses 25 and everything went to where they couldn1 make ~ ww.TandTReporting.com PAGE 60 1 looking at this piece of paper that we got and looking 2 at how Rocky Mountain Power is investing in different 3 things and infrastructure and this and that, and 4 that's great. 5 I don't know about everybody else, but 6 I've invested within the past - well, let me reflect 7 here. You said that in the past four years we have 8 reduced our administrative and general costs by 9 76 millon, which is 32 percent. 10 To me, that's a phenomenal huge reduction 11 in overhead, and if that's true, gosh, we should all 12 be clapping. Okay? If that's really true. And so 13 I'm going all right, maybe that is the truth. I'm not 14 here to contest that with you, but I just think that's 15 an amazing number for any company to reduce overhead 16 like that. . 17 Well, I've been trying to reduce my 18 overhead, and I've invested quite a bit of money in 19 new insulation and new windows and things for my 20 home. And that brings up something I think that 21 perhaps may be considered more, and that is that 22 perhaps Rocky Mountain should be investigating more 23 helping customers, businesses, and residences and 24 things to reduce their electrical usage. Not through 25 like giving in or turning in the old refrigerator, but T&TREPORTING (208) 529-5491 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PUBLIC HEARG - 12115/2010 ROCKY MOUNAI CHANGES TO ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE PRESTON, IDAHO _ PAGE 63 1 MR. PRICE: Thank you. 2 MR. TAYLOR: My objection to this is on 3 two levels. First of all, on~ a crazy man wants to 4 pay more money for something that is not going to be 5 improved, and there's no defin~ive improvement in my 6 electrical service that wil result from this 7 increase. 8 Second of all- and this is a little 9 broader than anybody's talked about this evening - 10 the lunatic legislatures in California and Oregon have 11 both mandated that extensive portions of the electric 12 grid have to be from renewable sources. As a resuft, 13 Rocky Mountain Power has to increase the amount of 14 power that's generated by renewable sources. This 15 stuff, the electricit generated by this equipment, is 16 inherently ineffcient, and so they have to spend a 17 great deal of money to make the thing work, and 18 government subsidies are the only way that they can 19 make ~ work. 20 The problem when you're dealing with a 21 company that runs interstate is that they can take 22 money from Idaho and apply it in California and 23 Oregon. And it bothers me - it real~ bothers me - 24 that we're stuck having to pay for some legislature .. 25 some legislative act over which we had no control. We i= SHEET 16 PAGE 61 1 actually going to the business or going to the home 2 and looking at the business, looking at the building. 3 Okay? 4 VVere I work there's huge, obvious.to.see 5 wasting of energy going on. I don' see anything done 6 about~. Okay? And I go to other people's homes, 7 and i see the same thing, huge gaps under doors, old 8 windows, you know, little to no insulation in older 9 homes, and things like this. 10 And so if we're real~ going to do 11 anything good here, we need to not just argue or have 12 ~ all about rates and whine and cry about everybody's 13 lack of income, which I'm with everybody else there. 14 But we need to do something about using less energy 15 and be smarter w~h the energy we have. All right? I 16 don' know if that makes a coherent point or 17 anything. 18 But the last thing I'd like to say is 19 that Rocky Mountain Power needs to look at ~self and 20 especially the overhead that comes from the multiple 21 layers of management and control that goes with any 22 large corporation. Wiats a very common thing and .. 23 common thing that recurs over and over in large 24 corporations is they become over .. they become top 25 heavy. Okay? Departments and all the many strata of .- PAGE 62 1 management continues to grow and grow and grow qu~e 2 often when any given company's output or profit may 3 stay stagnant or actually be shrinking. For some 4 reason, we've got to have a greater and greater amount 5 of overhead because of our management levels. 6 So I ask Rocky Mountain Power to look at 7 that. If we have trimmed back 32 percent of our 8 overhead in the past four years, wow, that's 9 wonderfL. Have we trimmed a lot of extra paper 10 pushers, a lot of extra level upon level of 11 supervisors and area representatives and, you know, 12 managers? And can we do more of that? 13 And i think ~'s on~ fair that we ask 14 you to do the same, to look at your corporate 15 structure and see if it can be trimmed in that way. 16 Freeze corporate salaries. The rest of us aren't 17 getting pay raises either. We ask that corporate does 18 the same thing. 19 Thank you very much for your time. 20 COMMISSIONER SMITH: We appreciate your 21 comments. Thank you, Mr. Allred. 22 Mike Taylor, followed by Melvin Beutler. 23 MIKE TAYLOR WAS FIRST DULY SWORN 24 MR. TAYLOR: Mike Taylor, M.I.K.E, 25 T.A.Y.L.O.R, 3934 East Cub River Road, Preston. ww.TandTReporting.com i= PAGE 64 1 didn' vote for it. So essentially, it's taxation 2 without representation. 3 The only ones who can stop this lunacy 4 are you folks, and i hope you have the nerve to do ~. 5 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Thank you, sir, for 6 your comments. We appreciate them. 7 Melvin - I'LL let you tell me your last 8 name. 9 MR. BEUTLER: Beutler. 10 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Beutler. Thank you. 11 MELVIN BEUTLER WAS FIRST DULY SWORN 12 MR. PRICE: Can you start off by stating 13 and spellng your name? 14 MR. BEUTLER: Melvin Beutler, 15 M.E.L.V.I.N, B.E.U.T.L.E.R. And I'm representing the 16 West Side School District. 17 MR. PRICE: And what is your mailng 18 address? 19 MR. BEUTLER: Mailng address is 7 South 20 Highway 36, Preston, Idaho. 21 MR. PRICE: Thank you. 22 MR. BEUTLER: Barbara Taylor was here 23 earlier and talked about the Preston School District. 24 We're the West Side School District on the other side 25 of Bear River. I have the same concerns. T&T REPORTING (208) 529-5491 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PUBLIC HEARG - 12115/2010 ROCKY MOUNAI CHAGES TO ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE PRESTON, IDAHO r= PAGE 67 1 careful in carrying out their fiduciary responsibilty 2 to the Rocky Mountain Power ratepayers, as has been 3 requested by many of the other people who have given 4 testimony tonight. I understand that setting rates 5 that would be economically infeasible for the power 6 company would not be in the best interest of the 7 ratepayers. We do need to set rates that wil allow 8 them to carr on their business and provide the 9 service that they provide to us. 10 i would, however, ask the commission to 11 thoroughly scrutinize the request that Rocky Mountain 12 Power has brought forward. Theoretically, rates of 13 return should vary w~h the amount of risk that is 14 inherent in the investment that's being made. I would 15 consider that the level of risk that Rocky Mountain 16 Power takes on when they invest in their business is 17 at the low end of the nsk scale. 18 The reason is because they have a 19 guaranteed rate of return that's guaranteed by the 20 commission, and they also have a guaranteed customer 21 base. So they have very little risk when they make 22 investments on being able to get a return on that 23 money. So therefore, i would expect that the rate of 24 return that they would get would also be at the low 25 end of the scale. However, i do not believe that the e= SHEET 17 PAGE 65 1 In 2009 we took a 5 percent cut in our 2 pay. We educate 600 students and have a budget of 3 about $2.5 milion. That cut equaled two teachers 4 that retired, and we didn't hire them back. We also 5 didn' hire back any of our paraprofessionals. Of 6 cours, that just trickles down to what we can do for 7 the students. 8 This year we took an 8 percent cut in our 9 pay, and that became awful hard because we'd already 10 cut kind of, i felt like, to the bone. But we didn't 11 hire back two more teachers that retired and let 10 12 paraprofessionals go which work with those kids that 13 are having problems. 14 And we've had to pick up the pieces and 15 try to make ~ happen from there, and we feel like 16 we've done a good job, and we've really worked hard to 17 make it happen. Everyone's taken on other jobs, and 18 we've felt like we're stil doing a good job. 19 This next year we're told we'll take 20 another 7 and a half to 10 percent cut. In this 21 economy and in this s~uation, it really feels like we 22 shouldn't be asking for an increase. We should be 23 looking for effciencies and tightening our belts and 24 actually looking for a decrease in cost. We really 25 will be hard pressed to keep things going for our .. PAGE 66 1 regular students, so I would encourage you to not have 2 an increase. 3 i think -I work for the people. You 4 work for the people. I always say if we work for the 5 people and we dan' watch out for their taxes, we 6 don' watch out for their increases, we're not doing 7 our job. So please watch out for us. Please watch 8 out for the children of Idaho. Thank you. 9 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Thank you for your 10 comments. 11 Helen Smith, followed by Sherrie Love. 12 HELEN K SMITH WAS FIRST DULY SWORN 13 MR. PRICE: State and spell your name. 14 Please grab the microphone over there. 15 MS. SMITH: I'm Helen K Sm~h. 16 H.E.L.E.N, K., S.M.I.T.H. I live at 2088 East 17 Riverdale Road, Preston. 18 MR. PRICE: Thank you. 19 MS. SMITH: I am employed by Monsanto, 20 and I - Monsanto's testimony has been given as an 21 intervenor, and I request that the commission 22 serious~ consider that testimony. My husband and 23 sons ranch here in Franklin County, and I am 24 testifying for myself, not on behalf of Monsanto. 25 I request that the commission be very ww.TandTReporting.com r- PAGE 68 1 rate of return that is being requested in this rate 2 case is at the low end of current market rates. 3 I would ask you to consider the rate of 4 return that you're getting on your personal 5 investments and compare that to what Rocky Mountain 6 Power is asking for. I know that my personal '7 investments that are in low risk.type instruments are 8 only getting about a half of a percent to 2 percent 9 return, so I think 10.6 is a 1~le bit on the high 10 end of that scale for a low risk investment. So I 11 would ask the commission to seriously consider that as 12 they look at this rate proposal. 13 The other thing that gives me concern 14 about Rocky Mountain Powets rate increase is that 15 because of the structure that the rates are set by, 16 they are rewarded for investing more money. The more 17 money they invest, the more money they spend, the more 18 money they make. And so we rely on the commission to 19 very careful~ scrutinize the need for that 20 expenditure and make sure that they are spending money 21 wise~. They really have no incentive to be effcient 22 or to optimize cost because that would actually 23 impinge on their profits. 24 And so we rely on the commission to very 25 carefully scrutinize those expenditures and hopefully T&TREPORTING (208) 529-5491 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PUBLIC HEARG - 12115/2010 ROCKY MOUNAI CHAGES TO ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE PRESTON, IDAHO = PAGE 71 1 all over. People are having to be on a budget, and 2 that budget just doesn~ stretch far enough for them 3 to have the food, the medical care, the medicine, and 4 the electricity that they need. They're on a budget. 5 So I'm saying, Rocky Mountain, put 6 yourself on a budget. Stay within your means. You 7 can do that. 8 i understand from the news that this 9 increase would amount to only, starting out, about a 10 dollar a month. But over a few months or the next 11 couple of years, this increase would really be 12 substantial, and I've heard figures as high as 13 75 percent increase. Whew. 14 A large number in my community find a 15 dollar substantial, and when that dollar becomes a 16 choice between food, medicine, and electricity, I'm 17 really concerned. Many of my friends and neighbors 18 are on a fixed income, and my husband and I are on a 19 fixed income. Every dollar already has a place to go, 20 and we can't wiggle that around too much or else 21 somebody's going to miss out an a payment and 22 something's going to be shut off or cut off, or we're 23 not going to be able to get food or .. 24 Well, my husband was in the Guard for a 25 number of years and retired, so we do get our _ SHEET 18 PAGE 69 1 help them to apply wise cost management that all of 2 the rest of us, as has been expressed by other people 3 who have given testimony, have to do in our 4 businesses. Thank you for the opportunity to give 5 testimony. 6 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Thank you, 7 Ms. Smith. We appreciate you being here. 8 Sherrie Love. How about Ralph Love? 9 MS. LOVE: I'm here. 10 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Oh, you're here. 11 Excellent. 12 MS. LOVE: Hi. I kind of had to write 13 things down, so fi took longer. Yes. 14 SHERRIE LOVE WAS FIRST DULY SWORN 15 MR. PRICE: Ma'am, go ahead and grab the 16 microphone. Start off with your name and- spell it, 17 please. 18 MS. LOVE: Okay. My name is Sherrie, 19 S.H.E.R.R.I.E, Love, L.O.V.E. 20 MR. PRICE: Thank you. And what is your 21 mailng address? 22 MS. LOVE: My mailng address is 23 P.O. Box 163, Downey, Idaho. My street address is 24 375 East 3rd North. 25 MR. PRICE: All right. Thanks. t- PAGE 70 1 MS. LOVE: Okay. I know and I understand 2 the need of Rocky Mountain Power to recover their 3 expenses, to make a profit. After all, they are a 4 business, and I understand business. 5 But i am a retired schoo~eacher, and as 6 such, I need to ask, Why are the numbers so jumbled 7 up? Why aren't things working out - these numbers 8 working out? You know, I see them saying that this 9 rate increase wil only amount to so much, and 10 they're - okay. Let's get down to it. Who didn't 11 attend their prealgebra or slept through prealgebra? 12 There's a mess up here, and let's get that 13 straightened out. Okay? 14 You say customer prices are lower, but 15 according to my bil and my using less electricity, 16 I'm paying more. So ~'s not working out. We need to 17 stop and really look at the human side of this 18 s~uation. . 19 Today my husband and I worked with ICAN, - 20 volunteered with ICAN. We worked w~h them from 21 8 o'clock this morning until a IMle after 6:00 when 22 we hurried up and left the Downey Commun~ Center and 23 scurried through the fog to Preston. We were helping 24 them get food to people that needed food. 25 Things are desperate. They're desperate ww.TandTReporting.com _ PAGE 72 1 medication. We're luckier. We get our medication 2 through the insurance there. But my friends and 3 neighbors aren~ that lucky, and I'm really concerned 4 about them. 5 I'm saying, Rocky Mountain, you need to 6 put yourself in the place of the people, especially 7 the people here in Southeastern Idaho. We're on a 8 budget. Put yourslves on a budget. Take a cut in 9 your own pay. 10 \Mh the current economy and the 11 additional trauma many are experiencing with cuts in 12 pay and lack of increase in funding w~h their Social 13 Security, this is not a good time for an increase. 14 It's also not time for Idahoans to have to support 15 power going to other states. 16 This increase is hMing hardest those 17 who can least affrd it, and I saw this today, and I'm 18 hurting from what I saw. Please commission, please 19 help Rocky Mountain stay w~hin their budget. Thank 20 you. 21 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Thank you very much. 22 Ralph Love, followed by Shelley Campbell. 23 RALPH LOVE WAS FIRST DULY SWORN 24 MR. PRICE: Please state and spell your 25 name. T&TREPORTING (208) 529-5491 PUBLIC HEARG - 12115/2010 ROCKY MOUNAI CHAGES TO ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE PRESTON, IDAHO ,. PAGE 75 1 good citizens of Idaho. 2 It's not realistic. We need to be 3 realistic about what we're dealing with here. Rocky 4 Mountain Power needs to be realistic in what they're 5 doing in the rates that they request, first of all, 6 and how they manage their business. 7 There's been numerous people that have 8 talked about the equipment that they have. I don't 9 know that I've seen older vehicles in their fleets. i 10 think it's also been noted that often times you see 11 multiple workers there. One has to hand the item up 12 while one's climbing the pole or whatever. 13 It's also been noted that Rocky Mountain 14 Power needs to have a budget that they can work under, 15 and I believe you good people of the commission can 16 help ensure that happens. And I certainly hope that 17 that wil happen. 18 Now, as my wife noted, we're on fixed 19 income. Many, many, many of you people are. And as 20 we've moved to Downey, we have really, really enjoyed 21 our time there, because we met some great people. 22 We've been helped. And we have been pleased at the 23 friendships that we've been able to make. 24 My wife also mentioned that ~'s been 25 very troubling to see the state of the economy and how , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I F' SHEET 19 PAGE 73 1 MR. LOVE: Ralph Love, R.A.L.P.H, Love, 2 L.O.V.E. 3 MR. PRICE: And what is your mailng 4 address? 5 MR. LOVE: Mailng address is Post Offce 6 Box 163, Downey, Idaho 83234. 7 MR. PRICE: Thank you. Go ahead. 8 MR. LOVE: Same as my wife's. 9 MR. PRICE: All right. 10M R. LOVE: There's been a lot of comment 11 tonight about Rocky Mountain Power and their request, 12 some enormous~ viable comments, numerous points that 13 you as commissioners have the responsibil~ to help 14 protect the citizenry of this good state. 15 My wife and I have on~ been here in the 16 state for just a little less than a year, but we moved 17 to Idaho w~h the expectation and the hope of enjoying 18 some retirement. 19 It's been real eyeopeners to see some of 20 the things that we've seen as of recent. It's also 21 been a little disheartening to see some of the things 22 that have been allowed to go on by some .. I would 23 think it's on~ fair to say monopolies like Rocky 24 Mountain Power. They may not like to hear ~, but 25 what else is it? \Mo else is their compet~ion for ~ PAGE 74 1 our area? Now, I believe in some instances monopolies 2 are ilegal. There's things that, say, the federal 3 government does to help eliminate monopoly.type 4 actions and activities. 5 Rocky Mountain Power needs to really take 6 a look at what they're doing. Now, we weren1 here in 7 Downey when the big push was to put in that monstrous 8 distribution station out there. And according to what 9 I understand, ~'s on~ a third, a fourth, or maybe a 10 fifth of the size of what ~'s potential~ going to 11 grow to, and maybe - how many lines do we have coming 12 into it now? Four or five from different areas, other 13 lines going out to other areas. Possibly not even to 14 Idaho, to Utah -I mean, we came from Utah. We 15 possibly had benefited from that - but other areas 16 like other states. 17 And as mu~iple people have already 18 noted, and i think justifiab~ noted, these other 19 states have mandated requirements that Rocky Mountain 20 Power has to follow. You get your power from 21 renewable sources. Okay? Is that true? Seems to be 22 so. And i suggest that if other states are mandating 23 that Rocky Mountain Power require to get their power 24 from green areas, if you wil, then let those other 25 states, those other customers, foot that bill, not the ww.TandTReporting.com _ PAGE 76 1 it has impacted so many people. 2 Rocky Mountain Power people, you can s~ 3 there as big company paycheck earners. Shame on you. 4 If y.ou don't have the concern for your customers .. 5 and it's obvious as being a monopoly you don't, and 6 especially when you request rates that are 7 unjustifiable, as you have. It would be interesting 8 if you would even have the courage to identify - just 9 you two gentlèman - what your salaries are compared 10 to some of the salaries that I know.. 11 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Mr. Love, would 12 you- 13 MR. LOVE: I know. Okay. 14 COMMISSIONER SMITH: - please stay on 15 topic and address your comments to us. 16 MR. LOVE: Okay. 17 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Thank you. 18 MR. LOVE: It would be interesting stil 19 if they would have the fort~ude to do so. 20 Okay. Let me also suggest, as another 21 example of the state of some of your customers, some 22 of our friends and neighbors. 23 Now, Downey -I don't know for sure, but 24 I believe we are probably in the neighbor of 200 25 familes. Not very big. Depending upon which sign T&TREPORTING (208) 529-5491 PUBLIC HEARG - 12/15/2010 ROCKY MOUNAI CHAGES TO ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE PRESTON, IDAHO _ PAGE 79 1 windmils. So we've got a real problem growing. 2 i also find it hard that this line 3 between Malad and Downey is just for the local 4 patrons. To me, ~ looks like that we're more 5 involved in trying to send out electricity to other 6 states and make more money. 7 Also, I don' know how you commissioners 8 do~, but effciency obviously has been brought up. 9 How do you really check on effciency? How do you 10 really - when they are using cement - they're using 11 loads of cement that they're wasting in the building 12 of their projects. It's a real challenge to find out 13 how effcient. 14 And I think you can .. i think that they 15 can doctor the records to make it look like anything 16 they want. That's a real challenge for the 17 commissioners to try and siphon through that and see 18 if it's really what they need or what they wat. 19 i do want to say one more thing about 20 agriculture. We rely on agriculture, and we just 21 can't pass that cost on to anyone, and i think 22 agriculture is really important. So we need to keep 23 that in mind. 24 And also, the time-of.day. I'm with 25 Mr. Womack. Wny would they double the increase on I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I _ SHEET 20 PAGE 77 1 you see when you ride into the town, 615 or 60 2 citizens, but let's just say 200 hundred familes. 3 This year for this Christmas there are 29 familes 4 that are needing Sub for Santa. Their children wil 5 not get Christmas if there isn't help. That's a high 6 percentage. And ~ could be very similar to here in 7 Preston and other areas. It most likely is. 8 It's sad to see that. II's sad to see 9 requests of enormous rates, and not only just for this 10 one, but for the years projected forward. Shame on 11 you. Despicable. Shame on you. 12 I'm going to make one other comment. 13 Some areflot going to like this reference. How many 14 of you have ever looked into the eyes of a sexual 15 predator of either children or older people? Now, I 16 know you don't1ike L I'm sorr. 17 COMMISSIONER SMITH: I think we're now 18 way off the topic of a public util~ies-commission 19 rate case. 20 MR. LOVE: It's no difference. It's not 21 difference. We need to .. 22 COMMISSIONER SMITH: i beg to differ, 23 sir. 24 MR. LOVE: .. have them stay in line with 25 whaUs realistic and fair and appropriate. _ PAGE 78 1 COMMISSIONER SMITH: And that's our job. 2 Thankyou. 3 MR. LOVE: Please hear the majority of 4 the people. They have spoken. No rate increase. 5 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Thank you, Mr. Love. 6 Shelley Campbell. 7 SHELLEY CAMPBELL WAS FIRST DULY SWORN 8 MS. CAMPBELL: Shelley Campbell, 9 S.H.E.L.L.E.Y¡ C.A.M.P.B.E.L.L, 297 East Depot Street, 10 Weston, Idaho. 11 And much of everything that I wanted to 12 say has, of course, already been said, but i just want 13 to just cap~alize on a couple of things. 14 One thing is, ~ is frustrating to me 15 that we have investors in public util~ies making a 16 high return when there's no competition. That doesn't 17 seem right to me. 18 And one of the .. i have visited with the 19 State a little bit, and one of the things I learned 20 about the windmils is they're pulling monéy into 21 windmils that are only about 30 to 40 percent 22 effcient. And I said, But why are you doing that? 23 And they said, Because the carbon tax that's going to 24 be placed on the coal plants is going to be more 25 costly than the ineffciency of 30 and 40 percent ww.TandTReporting.com _ PAGE 80 1 time.of.day people when the regular one is like about 2 8 percent? It's really all about encouraging us to be 3 more effcient. It's about that, and we do~. So I 4 think that ought to be relooked at too on that, asking 5 for that kind of an increase. 6 And basically, that's~. Thank you very 7 much. 8 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Thank you very much 9 for being here tonight and for being - patiently 1 0 awa~ing your turn. 11 Ladies and gentlemen, that brings us to 12 the end of those Who have signed up to testify. Are 13 there any in the audience - 14 Yes, sir. Please come forward. 15 SCOnWORKMAN WAS FIRST DULY SWORN 16 MR. WORKMAN: Scott Workman, S.C.O.T.T, 17 W.O.R.K.M.A.N, 144 East 740 North, Preston, Idaho. 18 i guess I'm kind of the representative of 19 Franklin County because I'm a Franklin County 20 Commissioner. 21 I just want to point out the wide variety 22 of things you've heard tonight. I listened to 23 everybody's testimony ranging from schools to farmers 24 to agriculture to dairymen. The rate increases from 25 8 to 18 percent wil put a burden on most of the T&TREPORTING (208) 529-5491 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PUBLIC HEARG - 12/15/2010 ROCKY MOUNTAI CHAGES TO ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE PRESTON, IDAHO _ PAGE 83_ SHEET 21 PAGE 81 1 people in Southeastern Idaho as far up to .. I'm 2 sure you were in Idaho Falls recently and heard the 3 testimony up there. 4 So any time - a rate increase like that 5 is a detriment to our communities right now w~h the 6 struggling of the economies, with the way wages - 7 unemployment is, also with the effect that it wil 8 have on the schools. 9 I just would encourage you to look at the 10 testimony and take into effect how much effect ~ wil 11 have on our communities, because i know it wil 12 greatly impact everybody, let alone schools, 13 hosp~als, county employees, different things like 14 that. So in your process of deliberating, take that 15 into effect. 16 And thanks for being down here. It's 17 good to have somebody from Boise here once in a while. 18 COMMISSIONER SMITH: And we appreciate 19 your comments, and we're happy to be here, and we 20 appreciate the comments of all your c~jzens. 21 Ma'am? 22 JEANETTE McKAY WAS FIRST DULY SWORN 23 MS. McKAY: Jeanette McKay, 24 J.E.A.N.E-T-T.E, M.c-K.A.Y, 1523 North Highway 34, 25 Preston. REPORTER'S CERTIFICATE STATE OF IDAHO COUNTY OF BONNEVILLE ss. I, Crystal Hereford, CSR and Notary Public, in and for the State of Idaho, do hereby certify: That said public hearing was taken down by me in shorthand at the time and place therein named and thereafter reduced to typewriting under my direction, andthat the foregoing transcript contains a full, true, and accurate record of said deposition. I further certify that I have no interest in the event of the action. WITNESS my hand and seal this 28th day ofDecember 2010. Crystal Hereford, RPR Idaho CSR No. SRT-937 Notary Public in and for the State of Idaho My commssion expires:02-28-2014 PAGE 82 1 MR. PRICE: Thank you. 2 MS. McKAY: Franklin County Treasurer. 3 Our taxes last year was 7 percent 4 delinquent - I mean, two years ago it was 7 percent 5 delinquent. Last year ~ was 8 percent delinquent. I 6 have a feeling it may even go up this year. So with 7 the rate increase, taxes are going to go more 8 delinquent. People are not going to pay them now 9 because they have their power. Thank you. 10 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Thank you for your 11 comment, Ms. McKay. 12 Would there be anyone else who wishes to 13 make a comment to the commission tonight? 14 Seeing no one, we wil adjourn this 15 public hearing for tonight. 16 Our last public hearing is next Monday 17 evening. It's a telephonic hearing for those who 18 didn't get the opportun~ to come in persn and wish 19 to speak direct~ to the commission, and that wil 20 happen at 7:00 p.m. Monday night. 21 So we wish you well and safe travels this 22 night, and thank you for being here. We're adjourned. 23 (Proceedings adjourned at 8:58 p.m.) 24 .00000. 25 ww.TandTReporting.com T&TREPORTING (208) 529-5491 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Sheet 1 PUBLIC HEARG - 12115/2010 ROCKY MOUNTAI CHAGES TO ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE PRESTON IDAHO ww.TandTReporting.com T&T REPORTING (208) 529-5491 $1,000,064 - back , $2 6 activities (1174:4 anybody's (1) 63:9 $1,000,064 (1130:9 2 (2) 22:23 68:8 6.6 (1113:2 actually (7 21 :1346:2 56:anyplace (1129:2 2561:1 62:365:2468:22 anyway (1152:12 $1.60 (1119:7 20 (2116:9,18 6:00 (1) 70:21 ad (4)25:2240:16,2348:13 apologize (1129:19$104,833 (1) 44:21 200 (2) 76:24 77:2 600 (2) 15:3 65:2 add (1126:6 appealed (117:21$16 (1)42:5 2000 (3)32:1345:6,7 6000 (1120:13 added (1)51:12 appearances (114:21$2.5 (1) 65:3 2002 (244:16,23 609 (1)77:1 adding (1) 33:5 appliances (1128:3$200 (2 18:6 51:17 2007 (2)44:19,24 615 (1177:1 additional (3) 5:23 38:3 application (114:5$240 (1118:6 2009 (234:1365:1 65 (1)57:25 72:11 applied (2157:5,11 $25 (1145:11 2010 (3134:1344:20,24 68 (1) 17:21 address (2116:129:2213:apply (2 63:22 69:1$25,000 (1) 31:16 2088 (1166:16 6843 (1)52:19 2216:5,727:20,2429:23 appreciate (19111:1 27:$250,000 (1) 30:11 20th (1)51:13 7 32:441:1950:9,10,20 64:19,2429:14,2532:638:7, $280 (1151:18 21 (1)47:19 18,19 69:21,22,23 73:4,5 17 41:11 43:21 50:1452:$30 (3128:7,845:11 215 (1157:19 7 (5131:164:1965:2082:3,76:15 1553:17 56:15 62:20 64:6$30,000 (1146:7 216 (1123:23 4 adds (1) 53:77:00 (1) 82:20 69:781:18,20 $35,000.71 (1144:24 22 (1)45:14 adequate (117:9 appropriate (2) 5:15 77:$40 (1118:5 2267 (2)22:12,12 700 (1144:1 adjourn (1182:14 25 $5 (1145:11 24 (1)26:17 71 (1149:22 adjourned (2) 82:22,23 approval (2) 4:7 36:24$570 (1151:14 24-hour (1) 46:11 7235 (1135:16 $6 (1140:24 7400 (1)80:17 administrative (1) 60:8 approximately (1) 32:16 25 (1116:21 advertise (1123:6 arco's (1149:8 $63,135 (1144:18 250 (1144:22 75 (2 16:20 71:13 advertising (3110:223:4,area (6) 20:18 36:5,6 37:19$63,604 (1) 44:24 2600 (1135:16 76 (1160:9 16 62:11 74:1 $75 (1128:10 29 (1)77:3 79.99 (1142:2 affairs (1) 4:25 areas (6) 19:25 74:12,13, 0 297 (1178:9 8 affect (2 15:16 34:22 15,2477:72977 (1) 13:22 8 (6130:7 65:8 70:21 80:2,afford (11121:2536:638:3 aren't (5) 39:1 58:2462:1609 (1130:4 2nd (2 29:23 57:19 2582:5 42:22 53:10,1454:25 55:8,70:772:3138.42 (1) 26:1 8,1272:17 argue (1161:11 1 (2 22:23 50:2 3 (1113:2 8:55 (1) 24:7 afternoon (1155:20 arimo (1144:2 10 (12) 17:24 22:21 ,23 30:5 30 (6) 24:10,1551:2,578:8:58 (1) 82:23 age (2 21:2333:3 around (6) 19:21 24:3 25: 31:1 37:1645:13,1650:1 21,25 80 (1)40:22 ago (9) 16:9 18:424:428:2,558:4,2171:20 51:165:11,20 300 (1)24:8 800 (3) 9:2311:18 22:13 2,1034:17 52:9 82:4 arra (2 31 :2,3 10.6 (1168:9 304 (1)59:18 83234 (1173:6 agriculture (4) 79:20,20,arrive (1) 24:14 100 (2)38:21 54:3 30th (1) 50:22 83263 (1141:21 2280:24 articulated (1130:8 11 (1151:1 32 (3154:2460:9 62:7 87 (1131:19 ahead (8) 9:1411:2012:articulates (1) 31:17 11.3 (1126:4 34 (1181:24 893 (119:23 14,21 35:1938:2269:15 assistance (2) 57:5,11 117 (1111:18 345 (1)33:9 9 73:7 associates (1135:24 1176 (1150:11 36 (4113:2332:1052:1964:air (1114:8 assume (1) 56:24 12-hour (1)46:11 9.24 (1) 26:9 allow (317:534:21 67:7 assure (1123:14 12.7 (1126:18 20 9.6 (1113:1 allowed (1) 73:22 atmosphere (1)20:24370 (1150:17 120 (1) 29:23 9.7 (1126:5 allred (8)57:1659:10,11,atomic (1149:8375 (1169:24 13 (2136:2447:20 90 (1)40:22 12,16,17,2062:21 attend (218:470:113934 (1) 62:25 900 (1150:1114 (1137:8 3rd (2 23:23 69:24 alone (1)81:12 attorney (3) 4:24 5:2 53: 14.6 (1131:10 95.95 (1142:4 already (13) 12:1 15:926:10 1448 (1180:17 4 99 (2 44:23 45:6 10,1136:1943:544:853:audience (4) 5:16 53:21, 15 (1137:16 4 (1)55:20 A 256:465:971:1974:17 2380:13 150 (1142:7 40 (51 18:21 28:741:20 78:a-I-I-r-e-c (1169:17 78:12 automated (1124:25 1523 (1181:24 21,25 a-m-a-n-c-a (1154:2 alternative (2) 15:1816:avenue (1169:18 1600 (1150:17 42 (1)26:15 abilty (1) 21:13 11 average (5115:934:1540: 163 (2 69:23 73:6 450 (1144:16 able 19116:420:20,21 30:alternatives (1115:11 19,2142:7 166 (1144:21 46 (1126:17 11 50:258:967:2271:23 although (1116:8 averages (1142:1 17 (1)32:15 469 (1164:3 75:23 amanda (4153:24,25 54:1 awaiting (1) 80:10 172 (1132:10 4800 (2 16:6 17:21 above (1115:9 56:17 aware (2 6:22 30:3 173 (1115:3 49 (1112:19 absolutely (1151 :14 amazing (1)60:15 away (3117:1 45:249:3 18 (1180:25 4th (2) 38:21 41:20 accept (1)34:15 amount (6) 38:13 62:4 63:awful (1) 66:9 180 (1144:14 5 accord i ng (3 23:2 70: 15 1367:1370:971:9 B182 (2 44:25 45:20 74:8 another (51 24:11 27:21 1863 (1116:6 5 (3 37:15 40:24 66:1 31:21 65:20 76:20 b-e-u-t-I-e-r (1)64:15 1996 (1150:24 5.2 (1148:15 acreage (1144:20 answer (2 6:20 36:13 b-r-o-u-g-h (1123:23 500 (1121:15 act (1163:25 anltiety (1) 32:23 b-r-o-w-n (1115:11999 (1144:16 actions (1174:4 back (316:21 7:15 19:125265 (1)32:10 anybody (1127:12 , 21:2324:10,15,16,17,17,blue (1) 49:2 cal (5)20:722:7,8,11 23:24 christmas (2) 77:3,5 1327:16,19,2329:532:5, 21,22,2428:2329:7,933:board (2) 29:1937:22 calculator (1)40:25 cities (1) 40:3 1234:2435:5,738:1641: 21,22 44:15 46:7,24 49:9 bob (1)4:16 california (5)14:325:13 citizen (2 38:24 48:14 1043:1745:22 46:25 48:1 52:9,23 55:19 56:19 57:10 boise (3~ 26:18 35:25 81:29:263:10,22 citizenry (1)73:14 50:1352:1453:16,22,24 62:7 65:4,5,11 17 call (7 5:15 6:4,6 8:5 24:citizens (8) 36:25 37:23 54:956:14,17,18,19,22 57: bad (4) 12:10 14:751:1 58:bond (4)37:25,2551:17,21 55:1557:12 38:11 39:8,2075:1 77:2 4,9,14,15 59:9 62:20 64:5, 10 18 called (5)24:19,22,2425:81:20 1066:969:6,10 72:21 76: bag (3) 18:5,6,7 bone (1)65:10 2040:3 city (4) 19:22 22:15 38:25 11,14,1777:17,2278:1,5 balance (1) 7:2 bonnevile (248:19,19 callng I328:11,12,12 40:21 80:8,2081:1882:10 barbara (4) 23:19 29:12,books (1) 44:15 calves (1)19:3 clap (1)5:16 commissioners (6)4:10 2164:22 both (2) 50:1 63:11 came (7 6:613:620:16 clapping (1)60:12 6:1829:1373:1379:7,17 barn (1)19:4 bothers (2) 63:23,23 27:528:542:1874:14 clarifying (1)6:17 commodities (1) 17:25 base (1) 67:21 bought (2 18:8 28:24 camp (1)32:14 class (1) 11:22 common (2 61:22,23 based (2 5:8 39:22 box (3) 32:1 0 69:23 73:6 campbell (5) 72:22 78:6,7,clearly (1) 42:5 communities (3) 58:2 81: bash (2 37:7,11 boy (1)24:2 8,8 clients (2 36: 14, 16 5,11 basically (2 49:780:6 bp (1)59:2 canal (1) 45:25 climbing (1)75:12 community (14)24:525: basin (1) 48:21 bpa (3~ 45:1 52:4,11 cane (1121:18 closed (3) 7:168:622:1 1030:1032:17,2533:3,7 bat (1) 37:18 brand (1)24:1 cannot (8)21:2436:6,15 closer (3)40:1046:1354:36:837:1,2338:2,11 70: bear (2) 58:3 64:25 briefly (1)30:5 37:138:346:1953:14,15 10 2271:14 became (1) 65:9 bring (4)19:325:2427:22 capacity (3) 16:1517:3,7 coach (1)51:4 companies (2) 18:7 68:15 become (3)47:1361:24,44:8 capital (1)39:23 coaching (1) 51:7 company (18) 4:22 13:7 24 bringing (1)33:22 capitalize (1)78:13 coal (1)78:24 19:17 22:25 23:4 27:9,10 beomes (1)71:15 brings (2)60:2080:11 carbon (1) 78:23 coats (1) 20:24 28:22,2437:745:2549:19 bed (1)22:1 broader (1)63:9 care (3)46:2056:771:3 coherent (1) 61:16 53:1355:1560:1563:21 bedrooms (1)54:20 broken (225:841:1 careful (1)67:1 cola (1)50:24 67:676:3 beef (1) 19:2 brough (8)22:723:19,21,carefully (3)20:268:19,cold (2 20:24 54:21 company's (1) 62:2 be (1) 77:22 22,22 27:18,2128:1 25 colder (2) 10:22,24 compare (2 10:22 68:5 began I3 30:16,18 32:20 brought (7 27:4 32:16,17 carry (1) 67:8 colorful (242:19,24 compared (4) 18:21 42:7, behalf (1)66:24 37:2452:367:1279:8 carrying (2 21:18 67:1 columbia (1) 48:20 2076:9 behind (29:1516:3 brown (8)13:1714:18,20,case (94:4,156:257:12,come (13) 6:79:11 12:718:compatriots (1) 35:23 believe (131 15:7,18 21:11 2,1,25,25 15:3,21 178:642:968:277:19 1619:1324:1050:752:9,compensate (1) 34:1 31:1033:1634:1343:12 bucks (2 40:22,22 cases (1)20:22 2356:1958:2080:1482:compete (1)58:15 49:752:667:2574:1 75:budget (14) 31:20 42:23 cattle (11 19:2 18 competing (1) 21:5 1576:24 43:5,652:2465:271:1,2,4,cause (2) 17:249:4 comes (5)7:1 19:1349:7 competition I3 58:14 73: below (1)38:13 672:8,8,1975:14 caveat (1) 8:22 52:461:20 2578:16 belts (1)65:23 bugs (1) 46:20 ceilng (1)10:7 comfortable (1)20:25 complain (1156:15 benefited (2 33:13 74:15 building (4)17:7,861:2 cement (31 19:15 79:10,11 coming (10)8:2420:1 30:complaining (1) 28:6 benefiting (1) 14:15 79:11 center (1) 70:22 149:1753:1,1764:555:complete (1)33:11 benefits (1) 30:17 built (4) 21:20 23:2 25:15,cents (3)26:1,4,9 21 56:2174:11 completely (1) 28:16 best (5)8:17,19,2124:267:19 ceo (1)40:11 comment (6) 6:22 39:3 complex (1)7:12 6 bulbs (1) 28:17 certain (1)46:18 73:1077:1282:11,13 components (1) 47:11 better (5)16:427:1 46:21 burden (2 5:23 80:25 certainly (224:175:16 commented (1) 42:21 compounded (1)32:23 53:455:5 buses (1) 43:7 chairing (1)4:10 comments (20)6:20 6:23 computer (1)46:16 between (3)31:171:1679:bush-era (1)41:5 challenge (2)79:12,16 7:258:511:227:20,2432:concern (3)8:1268:1376: 3 business (16)4:634:14 change (2) 10:3 61:14 641:1143:1848:250:14 4 beutler (9) 62:22 64:9,9,10,39:2540:5,1144:1045:18 changed (1) 32:22 62:1562:21 64:666:1073:concerned (11)8:11,13, 11,14,14,19,22 57:2468:11 61:1,267:8,changes (24:730:15 1276:1581:19,20 1610:5,514:1217:2320: big (131 12:25 13:9 14:9,11 1670:4,475:6 changing (1)28:21 commerce (1)39:25 1821:1071:1772:3 18:925:15,21 39:748:24 businesses (4) 53:5 58:charges (1)42:3 commission (3314:4,12,concerning (1)29:8 50:574:776:3,25 22 60:23 69:4 check (1)79:9 145:3,6,7,116:15,257:17,concerns (5)7:24 16:9,23 bil (10) 26:3,1239:1540:businessmen (1) 14:7 chemical (2) 18:8,9 21 23:1533:8,934:21 37:30:264:25 19,21 46:2452:8 59:8 70:buy (7 18:1,5 23:6 26:24 child (1) 37:8 1838:7,1550:3,657:12 conclusion (1) 15:17 1574:25 55:25,2558:13 children (4) 31:23 66:8 77:66:21,2567:10,2068:11,concur (1) 57:21 bils (3) 20:22 37:12 58:21 C 4,15 18,2472:1875:1577:18 conditions (1) 33:17 bit (7 13:25 19:1338:852:children's (1) 15:16 82:13,19 conducted (1) 34:42060:1868:978:19 c-a-m-p-b-e-I-I (1)78:9 china (1)21:6 commissioner (74)4:2,congress (4136:23 37:3 blanket (1)39:17 c-h-r-i-s-t-e-n-s-e-n (1)choice (1)71:16 11,135:46:78:10,259:1,41:3,3 blankets (1) 64:22 9:20 christensen (14) 8:8,9,25 2,9,11 10:20 11:1,4,1012:conservatively (1)21:17 blew (2)24:9,12 c-o-t-t-I-e (1) 32:10 9:1,6,7,13,17,19,2310:1,1313:12,1614:1615:20 consider (7 7:1 35:839: block (1) 25:1 cable (2 55:14,16 2411:2,3 16:217:1620:522:523:19 66:22 67:15 68:3,11 I I I I I I I I I I I, I I I I I I I I Sheet 2 PUBLIC HEARG - 12/15/2010 ROCKY MOUNAI CHAGES TO ELECTRC SERVICE SCHEDULE PRESTON IDAHO ww.TandTReportìng.com T&TREPORTING (208) 529-5491 back - consider I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Sheet 3 PUBLIC HEARG - 12115/2010 ROCKY MOUNTAI CHAGES TO ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE PRESTON IDAHO ww.TandTReporting.com T&TREPORTING , considered (2 25:1 60:curtis (1) 29:6 14 823:21 29:1232:835:6 67:17,2568;2,1080:12 21 customer (5) 33:13,1640:devastating (1) 31:11 38:1941:1343:2548:550:endeavor ~2) 32: 16,24 considering 11) 15:10 1767:2070:14 development (3) 40:4,6 1552:17 53:25 57:17 59:ended 11) 55:20 contacted (1)20:17 customers (8) 5:24 40:7,49:12 11 62:2364:11 66:1269:energy (8)21:428:1449:9 contest (1) 60:14 741:2460:2374:2576:4,differ (1) 77:22 1472:2378:780:1581:22 57:5,1161:5,14,15 continue (1) 15:13 21 difference (3) 42:577:20,dupont (1)18:9 enjoyed 11) 75:20 continues (3) 33:3 34:17 cut (17)30:7,17,1731:1,19,21 during (4) 16:13,18 26:3 enjoying (1)73:17 62:1 21 40:11,11 45:11 46:24 different (6) 18:9 28:22 45:2 enormous 11) 77:9 control (11)23:1 45:7,10,65:1,3,8,10,2071:22 72:8 30:22 60:2 74:12 81:13 E enormously (1) 73:12 15,2546:1 47:6,18,2561:cuts (4)41:642:2353:172:d ifficu It (4) 30:4,19,23,24 enough (6) 25:11,14 37:4 2163:25 11 difficulties 11)45:24 e-r-i-c 11) 59:17 55:456:1271:2 convenient 11)6:22 cutting (2 30:16,18 difficulty 11)47:1 earlier (2 45:2464:23 ensure (1)75:16 corn (3) 18:3,5,7 D dime (2)28:11,12 early 11) 30:24 entire (4) 54:8,13,19 55:1 corporate (4) 23:16 62:14,directly (2) 7:21 82:19 earn (1)7:6 entities (1)32:1 16,17 d-e-m-a-r (1) 20:1 0 disagree (1) 28:25 earners (1) 76:3 equaled (1) 65:3 corporation (1) 61:22 d-o-u-g (1) 57:18 discourage (1) 17:13 east (2) 9:2312:19 13:22 equipment ~6) 18:20,23 corporations 11) 61:24 dad (1)55:14 disheartening (1) 73:21 15:316:617:2122:1223:23:2524:263:1575:8 correlated (1) 47:11 dairymen (1) 80:24 dispatch (1)46:14 2329:2332:1041:2050:eric (4)57:1659:10,11,17 correlation (1) 40:4 dam 11) 25:17 disrupt (1) 5:16 1152:1954:357:1962:25 especially 14)32:2 61 :20 cost (11) 23:25 26:9 32:25 dams (1) 48:21 distribution (1) 74:8 66:1669:2478:980:17 72:676:6 33:1244:1747:17,2465:daniel (1) 4:23 district (10) 5:7 29:22,22 economically (1) 67:5 essentially 11) 64:1 2468:2269:1 79:21 date (1) 33:13 30:831:1548:1855:364:economies (1) 81:6 even (15)16:1224:1930: costing (1) 17:9 day (10) 4:1913:618:13 21:16,23,24 economy (17) 5:2311:25 2431:2234:11 36:2337: costly (3 15:19 23:5 78:1824:1625:334:1036:11 ditto (1) 39:6 12:4 14:733:2,15,1734:1939:1240:22 43:5 47:21 25 46:1858:21 doctor 11)79:15 2337:1941:743:1450:21 57:374:1376:882:6 costs 113)23:134:1038:3 days (1) 24:5 doing (18) 4:68:3 10:18 53:355:565:21 72:1075:evening 15)14:21 30:1 32: 42:1,943:4,6,9,1649:16 deal (2 27:1 63:17 12:1 16:12,1917:6,831:25 463:982:17 51:21,2260:8 dealing (2) 63:20 75:3 1234:543:1352:2558:11 economy-wise (1) 49:23 everybody (3) 60:561:13 cottle (6) 29:11 32:7,8,9,9,decide (1) 7:25 65:1866:674:675:578:educate (1) 65:2 81:12 13 decided (4) 10:2,616:16 22 education (4)30:332:2 everybody's (2)61:1280: couldn't (2) 8:4 58:25 32:23 dollar (7 31:21 40:18,25 34:739:4 23 council (2 38:25,25 decision (5)4:157:18,20 71:10,15,15,19 effect (5) 21:,1281:7,10,10,everyone (1) 56:3 counties (2) 58:5,22 31:2548:23 dollars (1)30:9 15 everyone's (1) 65:17 country (1) 36:25 decisions (1) 5:7 don (4) 8:8,25 9:5,9 effective (2 15:10,19 everyhing (11) 18:15 51: county (10) 36:9 50:21 51:decrease (2) 16:14 65:24 done (11)10:10,11,1219:efficiencies (1) 65:23 22 52:4,25 55:23,25 56:1, 953:4,1566:2380:19,19 decreasing (1) 10:14 11,1223:327:14,1429:18 efficiency (2 79:8,9 9 57:1 58:25 78:11 81:1382:2 defeat (1) 58:17 61:565:16 effcient 15)34:3 68:21 78:evidence 14) 5:8 7:9,19 8: couple (524:2236:1756:definitive (1) 63:5 door (1)6:6 22 79:13 80:3 19 2371:1178:13 degrees (1) 54:24 doors (1) 61:7 eight (1)32:17 evil (1) 46:6 courage (1) 76:8 deliberate (1)7:17 double (2 43:1 079:25 either (5) 6:1710:956:3 exactly (1)42:10 course (5) 16:16 25:7 51:deliberating (1)81:14 doug (4)56:1657:16,17,62:1777:15 example (7 18:4 37:21 1065:678:12 delinquent (4) 82:4,5,5,8 18 elderly (3) 20:17 21:15 39:42:1744:14,22 47:1076: court (6)5:7,9,137:2216:demand (1) 37:5 dow (1)18:8 8 21 348:18 demar (3) 20:7,9,10 down (20)5:10 10:9 15:15 election (2) 37:24,25 examples (236:17,18 cover ~3) 26:831:439:23 deny (1)7:8 19:7,1225:18,1927:4,5,6,electric (3)4:721:2463:excellent 13) 21:3 27:13 cow (1)21:15 departments (1) 61 :25 7 28:8 29:2 34:9 47:4 58:11 69:11 cow-calf (1) 19:3 depending (2 31:18 76:1765:669:1370:1081:16 electrical (5)34:1047:11 except (1)10:21 crazy (1) 63:3 25 downey (11)19:1625:16,56:2460:2463:6 exception (1) 23:1 credit (6) 28:14 45:2,5,7,9,deplete 11) 43:4 18 32:21 69:2370:22 73:6 electricity (8)16:13 37:9 excess (2 22:21 49:8 10,1559:2 depot 11)78:9 74:775:2076:2379:3 57:263:1570:1571:4,16 excluded (2)48:17,18 criticize (1) 40:1 depression (2) 36:4,5 downstream (1) 47:4 79:5 excludes 11) 23:15 crooked 11) 25:23 deputy (1) 5:2 downward (1) 33:1 eliminate (1) 74:3 excuse (1) 22:12 crop (2) 44:21 45:20 describe (1) 5:5 draw (1)40:4 employed (1)66:19 existing 11)40:7 cry 11)61:12 describes (27:18,19 drop (2 32:24 51:3 employee (1)42:18 exit (1)32:15 cub 11) 62:25 designated (1) 31:16 dropped (1)51:5 employees 11) 81:13 expand (2 39:25 56:8 cuddle (1) 39:17 desperate (2 70:25,25 dropping 11) 19:14 employers 11) 51:9 expe (1) 67:23 curious (1) 46:1 despicable 11) 77:11 drugs 11) 20:21 encourage 14) 17:12 23:7 expectation (1)73:17 current (4) 5:22 33:17 68:determining 11)49:21 due (3) 12:2341:751:13 66:1 81:9 expecting (1) 55:6 272:10 detriment 11)81:5 duly ~30 9:1311:8,913:18 encouraging 11) 80:2 expenditure (2) 39:23 68: currently (2 35:17 42:6 detrimental (2 21:12 33:14:20 15:2417:1920:922:end (9 34:2 45:4 48:17,23 20 (208) 529-5491 considered - expenditure , expenditures (417:1033:fiduciary (1167:1 free (616:1452:16,17,18,21 55:1660:1 62:479:1 he'll (1) 8:8 21 49:1468:25 fifth (2 34:1074:10 1853:17 gotten (2 55:5,7 headed (1)19:16 expense (1)37:2 figures (2)40:1371:12 freeze (1162:16 government (21 63:1874:headquarters (1)46:17 expenses (417:6 20:20 finally (3) 24:15,1928:5 freezing (2154:23,23 3 health (1151:21 58:2470:3 find (8114:915:1822:13 friends (5)35:2442:21 71:governor's (1)52:23 hear (5115:22 16:452:25 expensive (3)15:10 18:23:1555:371:1479:2,12 17 72:2 76:22 grab (319:1466:1469:15 73:2478:3 1157:3 fine (219:1043:13 friendships (1175:23 grace (3) 8:13 45:24 58:2 heard (6J47:2 53:2,3 71: experiences (1)30:6 finish (2150:856:9 frivolous (1142:25 grateful (1)37:9 1280:2281:2 experiencing (1)72:11 finished (116:16 front (318:2326:1336:1 gravity (1147:20 hearing (1114:3,11,195:5, expressed (1169:2 fired (1)27:3 frozen (2150:2551:25 great (6122:455:21 59:3 6,178:330:282:15,16,17 extend (236:18,25 first (40) 8:7 9:1311:8,9,11 frustrating (1)78:14 60:463:17 75:21 hearings (2) 8:4 43:22 extending (1)41:5 13:1814:20,2315:2417:fun (1)57:2 greater (2162:4,4 heat (3121:2449:1355:1 extensive (1163:11 19 20:9 22:8,19 23:21 25:funding (1172:12 greatly (243:481:12 heaters (2)28:9 34:2 extra (7 13:2 39:17 42:11 2329:1232:835:637:8 funds (4) 31:2,3,3,4 green (1)74:24 heats (1)54:19 47:7,2462:9,10 38:1939:341:1343:2548:furnace (4154:18,2556:greener (1)42:12 heaven's (1) 23:8 extremely (1)23:3 550:1552:1753:2557:17 23,24 grew (2 37:8,8 heavy (2)20:2461:25 eyeopeners (1) 73:19 59:11,1562:2363:364:11 further (114:5 grid (1)63:12 helen (366:11,12,15 eyes (1)77:14 66:1269:1472:2375:578:G grocery (1) 25:2 help (11) 10:4,8 29:7 30:12 780:1581:22 group (1) 14:11 37:1869:172:1973:1374:F firsthand (1) 32:24 g-e-d-d-e-s (1135:14 grow (4162:1,1,174:11 375:1677:5 f-r-e-e (1)52:19 fiscal (2 30:4,5 g-i-I-b-e-r-t (1117:21 growing (1179:1 helped (1175:22 faced (1)31:20 five (4121:824:355:17 74:gaps (1) 61:7 guarantee (1158:17 helpers (1151:9 facilty (1) 32: 15 12 garbett (3) 52:1653:18,20 guaranteed (3) 67:19,19,helping (2 60:23 70:23 facing (2 9:12 32:2 fix (3) 19:16 25:8 58:8 gas (249:13 56:25 20 henry (1121:22 fact (3) 16:19 33:14 42:21 fixed (5139:10,2071:18,19 gave (1125:5 guard (2 51:23 71:24 herbert (4) 43:1948:3,5,9 factor (249:10,21 75:18 geddes (13) 4:17 32:7 35:guess (7 19:19 21:10 26:hi (1)69:12 facts (1)50:23 flats (1) 35:18 1 ,3,6,8,10,13,13,14,16,20 1027:1437:2553:1180:high (11) 19:8 20:3 21:4 24: fail (117:9 fleets (1)75:9 38:17 18 925:434:849:2368:971: failed (1) 38:1 flickered (1124:10 general (2 5:3 60:8 gully (2124:9,17 1277:578:16fair (6J 12:12 22:19 38:24 floods (1)47:4 generate (1) 48:22 guy (2 27:2,4 higher (2 17:13 49:1362:1373:2377:25 flow (1) 47:20 generated (3 25:11 63:14,guys (5)54:455:1056:5,7 highest (1)34:15 fairly (1) 16:18 fog (2) 22:13 70:23 15 58:14 highly (1) 43:23 fall (1126:5 folks (3) 36:5 43:20 64:4 generating (1)29:1 H highway (5)13:23 32:10 falls (4)26:15,17,1981:2 follow (1) 74:20 generation (5) 16:14 17:3,52:1964:20 81:24 familes (3 76:25 77:2,3 followed (218:911:613:725:1243:22 h-e-I-e-n (1)66:16 hikes (2)33:1934:22 family (4)11:24,24 33:21 17 14:1820:7 22:7 23:19 gentleman (5) 14:22 21:h-e-r-b-e-r-t (1148:10 hinckley (7 11:5,8,12,15,34:8 29:1032:738:1841:1243:1527:1334:1676:9 h-i-n-c-k-I-e-y (1111:16 15,18,21 fan (2 49:1457:1 1948:352:1653:1857:16 gentlemen (1) 80:11 half (6J 20:23 31:1 ,17 45:hire (3 65:4,5,11 far (7 8:16 10:4,5,13 38:13 59:10 62:22 66:11 72:22 gets (1123:17 1465:2068:8 hit (1)39:1671:281:1 food 15170:24,2471:3,16,getting (9129:933:2550:hall (1) 18:24 hitting (1)72:16 farm (1) 18:1 23 1 53:454:11 59:2462:17 hammered (1) 39:5 hobley (3 27:5,12,12 farmer (1)44:10 foot (1174:25 68:4,8 hand l5 6:8 21:18,19 29:7 hold (1) 54:9farmers (4) 14:7 44:12 57:force (1) 14:8 gilbert (5)15:2317:18,19,75:11 hole (1) 31:52580:23 form (2) 6:20,23 20,20 handful (1133:1 home (9) 11:23 21:20 22:farms (1) 23:2 formerly (1) 35:17 give (1016:88:5,20,2328:handle (2 5:14 56:4 1333:22 34:3 39:12 51:15 farther (1) 15:15 forth (4) 24:16,17,18 37:24 336:2,17 37:2150:969:4 hanging (1) 19:7 60:2061:1 fast (1)55:17 fortitude (1176:19 given (7 25:10 30:20 42:happen (5)49:465:15,17 homebound (1139:9 fast-forward (1)44:19 forward (6J 6:7 37:15 38:8 18 62:2 66:20 67:3 69:3 75:1782:20 homes (5)12:2,339:1261: fats (1) 19:4 67:1277:1080:14 gives (1) 68:13 happened (1)52:8 6,9 feasible (1)47:22 found (1)7:13 giving (3) 30:25 42:24 60:happening (2) 14:5 27:3 hookups (1) 19:25 federal (1)74:2 four (7 24:228:1058:459:25 happens (1) 75:16 hope (7 22:13 34:20 38: fee (4)40:3,6,846:8 21 60:762:874:12 glad (3152:359:12,20 happy (3)22:2241:2581:2439:1 64:473:17 75:16feel (5) 10:1222:346:23 four-day (3 30:15 34:9 43:glover (1) 44:2 19 hopefully (2 23:17 68:2550:465:15 6 gold (1121:21 hard (9) 19:1422:2547:5 horsepower (2 44:16,22 feeling (1182:6 four-year (1)44:17 golly (2 18:5 19:18 52:654:1365:9,16,2579:hospital (3) 24:6 37:22,24 feels (1165:21 fourth (1174:9 gosh (1)60:11 2 hospitals (1) 81:13 fees (1)45:16 frame (1) 46:15 got (23 14:1518:1219:25 harder (1) 39:16 hour (2 42:3,4 feet (1) 24:8 franchise (1) 40:20 22:18 24:2,15 25:21 ,22 26:hardest (1)72:16 hours (5) 24:22 31:2346: felt (2) 65:10,18 franklin (7 12:1916:6 50:1227:13,1428:5,629:18 hardship (1122:4 1147:1555:22few (2 52:8 71:10 2166:2380:19,1982:2 36:2148:13,17 50:22 51:hate (2 41:4 53:11 house (4) 10:8 24:8 54:19 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Sheet 4 PUBLIC HEARG - 12/15/2010 ROCKY MOUNAI CHAGES TO ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE PRESTON IDAHO ww.TandTReporting.com T&T REPORTING (208) 529-5491 expenditures - house I I PUBLIC HEARG - 12/15/2010 ROCKY MOUNAI CHAGES TO ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE PRESTON IDAHO, 55:1 37:2,16 38:10,1239:2340:1638:1359:2567:2268:5,kilovolt (1133:9 12 houses (1149:12 17,23,2441:5,2543:1044:7 kilowatt (4) 26:2,4,9 45:12 likely (1) 77:7 however (5122:21 33:10 21 45:13,14,16,18,20,21 investors (4) 22:2028:23 kilowatts (2 42:3,4 limit (1127:15 34:1 67:10,25 48:2450:252:1 54:17 55:42:1478:15 kind (10111:2412:528:16 line (9125:19,2033:1034: huge (5) 53:1,960:1061:4,956:463:7,1365:2266:2 involved (2) 19:19 79:5 39:1446:552:665:1069:245:1747:10,1777:2479: 7 68:1470:971:9,11,1372:irrigate (1146:3 1280:5,18 2 human (1)70:17 12,13,16 78:4 79:25 80:5 irrigator (1145:14 kinds (1) 17:9 lines (3117:874:11,13 hundred (1) 77:2 81:482:7 isn't (2) 12:1 77:5 knowledge (1) 8:20 list (2 8:8 40:23 hunky-dory (1) 18:16 increased (3112:2343:4 issue (1) 7:18 known (1) 35:17 listen (315:187:2454:5 hurried (1) 70:22 46:8 issues (2) 7:11 29:8 krissy (3) 11:5,8,15 listened (1) 80:22 hurt (3) 31:24 43:14 49:25 increases (6) 5:2418:17 it'll (3118:21 19:11 47:8 kunz (720:822:7,8,11,11,listening (1) 52:13 hurting (4149:2458:10,10 37:453:1466:680:24 item (1) 75:11 16,18 literally (1) 54:23 72:18 increasing (2 15:1343:9 itself (1)61:19 L literature (1) 22:25 husband (732:14,2351:incurred (2 7:5 47:17 little (16) 8:11 13:25 19:13J23 66:22 70:19 71:18,24 indicator (1138:2 I-a-u-n-a (1150:16 30:839:1740:1049:2564: husband's (1) 33:24 individual (1120:22 j-e-a-n-e-t-t-e (2) 9:19 81:l-o-v-e (2)69:19 73:2 6,10,1461:863:867:21 hydroelectric (1149:7 individuals (5120:17,22 24 I-y-n-n (1)16:1 68:970:2173:16,2178:19 I 21:11 22:453:12 j-i-m (1) 17:20 lack (261:1372:12 live (12) 11:1712:1815:2,3 ineffciency (1) 78:25 j-i-m-e-r-s-o-n (1) 13:22 ladies (2) 14:21 80:11 17:2119:2420:1222:12ican (2170:19,20 inefficient (2) 23:363:16 jeanette (6) 8:99:5,7,13 lady (1)24:24 35:1554:258:1 66:16idaho (42) 4:3,25 12:20 14:infeasible (1167:5 81:22,23 lake (4) 19:22 27:8 32:22 lived (2 21:1654:85 ~5:9 20:14 26:15,19,19,inflation (4118:15,1836:jim (5)4:1115:2217:18,19,58:3 lives (2) 21:12 64:1420,24,2432:11,1633:13 2145:17 20 large (4151:1561:22,23 living (320:2522:154:1840:241:2142:144:248:information (317:11,14 jimerson (7 11:613:14,71:14 load (9) 19~7 45:7,10,15,251649:7,9,2350:11,1752:13:25 15,18,21,2114:17 largest (1) 51:8 46:1 47:6,18,251954:357:1959:1863:22 infrastructure (2 17:9 job (11) 7:221:331:3,439:last (22 10:23,24 18:6 19:6,loads (1)79:1164:20 66:8 69:23 72:7 73:60:3 855:3,22 65:16,18 66:7 10,1520:2330:7,19,22 31:lobby (1) 49:36,1774:1475:178:1080:inherent (1) 67:14 78:1 1135:1444:1351:1,2452:lobbying (1)23:161781:1,2 inherently (1)63:16 jobs (6) 12:231:2232:17 2,361:1864:782:3,5,16 local (5)25:2232:1733:14idaho's (1148:14 injury (1133:5 33:1,465:17 lastly (1) 41:2 58:179:3idahoans (1172:14 insight (2)41:4,8 john (4) 22:7 23:19,21 ,22 later (2) 24:11,15 loertscher (1)4:18idea (2) 25:7 39:5 installed (2 34:2,3 judge (2)48:1849:1 launa (3148:3 50:15,16 logan (2) 19:23,23 identification (1) 6:13 instance (1) 18:3 judge's (1) 48:23 law (2) 6:25 7:4 long (1) 19:10 identified (2)4:56:14 ,instances (1) 74:1 judges (1) 49:4 layers (1161:21 longer (2) 34: 15 69: 13 identify (1) 76:8 instant (1121:14 jumbled (1) 70:6 learned (1)78:19 look (23) 18:7,19,20 19:21, ilegal (1) 74:2 instated (1) 45:9 jump (1) 52:10 least (2 25:6 72:17 22,2323:25 24:1 28:21 37:image (1123:16 instead (5) 8:1 25:442:24 justifiably (1) 74:18 leave (1) 24:20 1538:740:1053:1358:21,imagine (1121:8 45:1250:1 justify (2)42:843:15 leaving (1) 43:20 2261:1962:6,1468:1270:impact (8 34:539:4,14,20 instruments (1) 68:7 K lectern (1)9:15 17 74:6 79:15 81:940:3,6,881:12 insulation (3) 10:7 60:19 k-a-y-w-i-n (1) 32:9 left (5 4:11 24:22 53:21 ,23 looked (3) 26:3 49:1 77:14impacted (1) 76:1 61:8 70:22 looking (10) 17:25 24:13impinge (1) 68:23 k-e-v-i-n (1144:5 legislative (1163:25insult (2) 33:5 53:7 k-h-y-I-e-i-g-h (1) 15:1 31:948:1460:1,161:2,2important (3) 5:12 59:25 insurance (2) 51:21 72:2 legislators (1) 30:25 65:23,2479:22 intend (1) 9:3 k-r-i-s-s-y (1) 11:16 legislature (51 30:20 31:6 looks (2 18:20 79:4imposed (1) 37:3 k-u-n-z (1) 22:11 35:22 52:22 63:24 lose (3) 31:333:445:15intent (1)31:24 kaywin (4) 29:10 32:7,8,9improved (1) 63:5 interest (1) 67:6 legislatures (1) 63:10 losing (4) 12:1,2,352:10improvement (1163:5 interesting (2)76:7,18 keep (17) 15:1418:2,2,10,less (21) 10:1715:10,1917:losses (1) 53:7incentive (2 17:1 68:21 interests (1) 7:2 16,25 19:1 28:11,2031:5,324:426:15,18,25 33:22,lost (5)23:1031:22 48:24inclined (1)33:10 interstate (3) 32: 15 39:25 1239:11,1354:2556:12 24,2534:240:18,2551:20,52:855:21including (1) 40:20 65:2579:22 20,21 54:1561:1470:15 lot (3 11:2217:919:2263:21 keeping (1)39:15income (9)20:1821:11,11 intervenor (1) 66:21 73:16 20:1 21:7,827:1 31:1937:33:2439:2061:1371:18,invest (4117:422:22 67: kempton (12) 4:11 6:78:letters (1) 51:24 22 39:8,9,1344:746:15,1975:19 1668:17 109:1,1111:1056:17,19,level (362:10,1067:15 1847:6,2452:21 55:6,21,incomes (2)20:1939:10 invested (2 60:6,18 22 57:4,9,14 levels (2 62:5 63:3 22 56:7 57:22,25 58:7,12inconvenience (1) 46:9 investigating (1) 60:22 kept (1124:13 levy (4) 30:9,10,11 40:3 59:2362:9,1073:10increase (68) 7:1 10:1311:investigation (1)45:4 kevin (4)41:1243:19,25 life (4) 21:17 49:2254:8,13 lots (3) 12:319:18,1844:1 lifetime (2 15:16,1622 12:23,25 13:8,9 14:9 investing (2) 60:268:16 khyleigh (4) 13:1714:18,love (2 18:2440:1241:415:6,12,14 16:8,8,24 17:6,investment (5 7:7 40:14 light (2) 21:20 28:17 66:11 69:8,8,9,12,14,18,2518:1525:926:11 31:8,47:767:1468:10 20,25 lighting (1134:4 19,2270:1 72:22,2373:1,kids (1) 65:121534:1236:3,6,12,19,21 investments (7 33:25 37:lights (3) 24:10 28:14 31:1,1,5,8,10 76:11,13,16,18 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Sheet 5 ww.TandTReporting.com T&T REPORTING (208) 529-5491 house -love , 77:20,2478:3,5 meeting (2) 21:1 29:19 morning (3)24:755:19 70:2,6,1671:472:575:2 977:15 low (8)20:1821:1147:22 melvin (4)62:22 64:7,11,70:21 77:21 79:18,22 omaha (1)28:23 67:17,2468:2,7,10 14 moser (5)48:450:15,16,needed (3)10:733:1 70:on-peak (2 16:13,22 lower (2 34:5 70:14 member (4)38:25,2553:16,19 24 once (2)6:1481:17 lowered (1)28:8 21,23 most (7 22:21 33:836:14,needing (1)77:4 one (44)4:95:13,148:417: lowest (2)42:148:15 members (2)38:6,15 1538:1277:780:25 needs (7 12:23 25:9 36:8 1418:.321:14,1824:11,19 luckier (1)72:1 men (1)24:3 mostly (1)16:7 61:1974:575:4,14 26:2127:228:5,11,1231: lucky (1)72:3 mention (1)40:16 mother (1)21:15 neighbor (1176:24 17,1733:1335:2237:21 lunacy (1)64:3 mentioned (1)75:24 mountain (49)4:6,2412:7,neighbors (3)71:1772:3 40:20 42:1 ,21 43:2344:22 lunatic (1)63:10 merits (117:17 2313:515:716:1028:20 76:22 45:2546:1047:1548:15 luxury (1)7:4 mess (247:1370:12 29:832:19,20,2533:5,18 neil (1)5:2 49:21 50:561:854:1855: lynn (3)14:1816:24,25 message (1)24:22 34:12,17,2136:339:2440:nerve (1)64:4 857:875:1177:10,1278: M messes (1)46:12 541:8,2442:3,1843:12 never 13)12:9 19:842:22 14,18,1979:1980:182:14 met (1)75:21 52:553:960:2,2261:19 new (20)18:19 19:4,1624:one's (1)75:12m-a-r-i-o (1)13:22 microphone (3 9:15 66:62:663:1367:2,11,1568:1 25:19 28:3,3,4,9,13,16 one-third (2 38:1 62:7m-c-k-a-y (1)81:24 1469:16 5,1470:271:572:5,1973:37:2440:3,5,5,655:3 58:one-year (1)30:10 m-e-I-v-i-n (1)64:15 might (4137:338:450:2 11,2474:5,19,2375:4,13 1360:19,19 ones (3)47:2349:12 64:3m-i-k-e (1)62:24 64:6 76:2 news (1)71:8 online (2) 6:23,23m-o-s-e-r (1)50:17 mike (5)54:959:1062:22,moved (3)22:173:1675:next (8)8:2,221:837:17 only (22)5:1213:120:18ma'am (2)69:1581:21 23,24 20 45:465:1971:1082:16 36:23 37:11,1747:8,20 49:mack (1)4:13 milk's (1)19:12 moving (1)47:9 nice (3)18:2042:16,23 655:1062:1363:3,1864:made (35:1021:267:14 miler's (1)19:5 ms (45)9:7,17,19,2310:1,night (4)4:208:382:20,22 368:870:971:973:15,23mailng (11)6:129:2141:milion (4)30:831:21 60:9 24 11 :2,3, 12, 15, 18,21 12:nine (1)60:24 74:977:978:211850:9,1064:17,1969:21,65:3 16,19,22 14:21,25 15:3,21 none (3 23:17 53:5,10 00000 (1)82:242273:3,5 mind (3)45:2357:1079:32:9,1341:16,20,2350:16,normal (1)42:20 operation (2 19:3 21:9main (2 12:19 57:24 23 1954:1,11 56:19,21,2557:north (4)35:16 69:2480:opinion (2 15:636:6major (2 30:1551:6 mindful (1)32:1 7,1366:15,1969:7,9,12,1781:24 opportunity (8)7:629:15majority (2 39:1078:3 mine (2) 49:1351:13 18,2270:1 78:881:2382:note .(1)18:12 32:450:7 59:6,12 69:4 82:malad (4)32:11,15 58:2 minute (1)9:12 2,11 noted (5)74:18,1875:10,1879:3 minutes (3)24:11,1555:much (3)5:22 13:10,24 13,18 oppose (1)38:12malfunction (1)46:19 17 15:1516:2417:17 22:5 23:nothing (1)8:12 opposed (1)45:20man (2)18:20 63:3 miss (1)71:21 1134:2439:541:1142:13,noticed (1)21:25 opposes (1)38:11manage (1J 75:6 mistakenly (1)9:3 13,1943:17,21 45:847:3 number (5)24:2032:18 opt (1)46:14management (4)61:21 mom (2 54:12 65:2 48:149:15,2056:1562:19 60:1571:14,25 optimize (1)68:2262:1,569:1 moment (1)5:5 70:971:2072:21 78:11 80:numbers (2)70:6,7 option (3)7:326:23 39:19manager (2)5:121:16 monday (4)8:2,282:16,20 7,881:10 numerous (2) 73:1275:7 options (2 46:14 47:6managers (2 34:1262:12 money (41)12:10 13:3,10,multiple (3)61:20 74:17 0 oral (1)8:1mandated (263:11 74:19 11 14:1,4 16:17 17:10 19:75:11 orally (1)6:20mandating (1)74:22 1920:1 22:22 26:25 30:16 myself (4)14:8 55:24 56:1 o'clock (2 56:20 70:21 order (3)6:47:18 36:7many (2)7:11 18:422:4 33:22 38:442:11 ,16 43:1 66:24 oath (2 6:8 8:20 orders (1)7:2126:22 27:11 28:236:20,20 48:2051:16,1853:654:16 N objection (2 39:7 63:2 oregon (5)14:225:1229:44:1047:1351:7,964:22 56:1,2,9,1168:8,1260:18 obvious (1)76:5 263:10,2361:2567:371:17 72:11 74:63:4,17,2267:2368:16,17,name (3)4:96:6,11 8:8 9:obvious-to-see (1)61:4 organization (4J 22:20 27:11 75:19,19,1976:1 77:13 17,18,20 78:20 79:6 1811:1312:1513:20,21 obviously (1)79:8 631:963:9mario (4111:613:14,18,21 monies (2)23:9,15 14:24,25 15:2522:10,11 off-peak (2 16:21 17:12 other (42)6:167:1413:6market (3 19:5 32:22 68:monopolies (2) 73:2374:23:2228:2129:17 36:12,offered (1)16:11 14:1016:2517:3,1418:13211441:15,16,2344:348:8 office (3129:2336:11 73:5 21:18,19,2525:529:330:marsha (1)4:9 monopoly (1)76:5 54:1 57:1869:1564:8,13 often (4)54:1557:362:2 1436:11,1837:2,2038:13 matter (3)4:5 15:1454:22 monopoly-type (1)74:3 66:1369:16,1872:25 75:10 39:7,2444:2245:1849:14mckay (5)81:22,23,2382:monsanto (3 21:266:19,named (1)27:4 ogden (1)19:23 61:664:2465:17 67:3 68:2,11 24 national (1)51:23 okay (33J 9:17 10:20 11:13,1369:272:1574:12,13,15,mean (6124:226:1745:12 monsanto's (1)66:20 nearly (2 16:9,20 21 12:13 14:21 15:5 16:5 16,18,22,24,2577:7,1279:63:974:1482:4 monstrosity (1)33:6 nebraska (1)28:23 17:2327:1828:1,435:5 5means (1)71:6 monstrous (1)74:7 necessary (2 7:20 46:6 63:1,5,1054:1,1266:22 others (2 27:17 51:7medallon (1)21:21 month (5) 24:440: 18,24 necessity (1)46:24 67:9,1460:1261:3,6,25 ought (7 27:8 37:4,5,23medical (3)20:20 39:11 51:1371:10 need (37) 12:9,10,24 13:2,69:1870:1,10,1374:2176:49:25 50:5 80:471:3 months (3 28:654:1571:3 16:1417:3,5 18:1,1723:13,16,20 ourselves (1)66:6medication (2) 72:1,1 10 5,726:8,9,10,1228:1838:old (61 18:25 28:5 35:2440:out (44)5:15,1510:1313:medicine (271:3,16 montpelier (4)20:1421:2,441:642:1647:6,1053:760:2561:7 2314:9,1416:1218:821:meet (2)30:1935:24 258:3 13,1561:11,1467:768:19 older (5)49:12,1661:876:1424:7,1325:3,15,17,18 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Sheet 6 PUBLIC HEARG - 12/15/2010 ROCKY MOUNTAI CHAGES TO ELECTRC SERVICE SCHEDULE PRESTON IDAHO ww.TandTReporting.com T&TREPORTING (208) 529-5491 love - out , 26:22 31:5 34:16 46:11 ,14,paycheck (3J 51:20,20 76:planning (1J32:14 41:2048:1450:11,1752:prudent (1J 37:17 20,2348:1849:2 50:4 55:3 plant (1132:20 1954:3 55:5,11 57:19 59:prudently (1J 7:5 1658:1859:366:5,6,7,8 paychecks (1142:14 plants (1J 78:24 1862:2564:20,2366:17 public (13)4:3,4,146:197: 67:170:7,8,13,1671:9,21 paying (11J 14:13 26:1,4,5,plays (1)49:10 70:2377:780:1781:25 28:432:143:2258:1877: 74:8,1379:5,1280:21 6,7,10,11,2540:870:16 plea (1J 21:3 pretty (2) 39:5 56:6 1878:1582:15,16 outage (1155:18 payment (1)71:21 please (1618:1 11:1413:price (66) 5:2,2 6: 10 9: 14,pump (5)44:16,20,2347: outages (1J 24:5 payments (1)57:6 1922:929:656:1866:7,7,18,21,2510:5,811:13,17,15,21 outfits (1J 18:9 peck (9)41:1243:19,2544:1469:17 72:18,18,2476:2012:14,18,21 13:1914:pumper (1)45:14 output (1)62:2 1,1,5,746:447:5 1478:380:14 23 15:2 18:21 19:6,6,11 pumping (4J44:13,17 47: outside (1)25:16 pegram (1)20:13 pleased (3 7:23 33:7 75:20:12,1522:9,15,1729:16,7,19 over (16) 8:18 17:2424:8 people (55) 8:3 12:1 14:6,22 20,2435:11,15,1938:22 pumps (1)46:17 30:831:1638:946:1951:10,1217:1218:2419:22,plus (1J 22:23 41:14,18,2244:3,6,12,12 push (1)74:7 1752:2461:23,23,2463:2425:1029:331:11,1935:pocatello (1J 26:16 45:1948:7,1150:8,12,18 pushers (1J62:10 2566:1471:1,10 836:1538:239:1,9,1046:podium (1)16:3 54:1755:957:2059:14,19 put (19J 10:7,1311:23 28:2, overall (1)46:1 549:11,1651:1953:1255:point (5J22:2423:11 41:2 63:1 64:12,17,21 66:13,18 4,9,1332:14,2139:1741: overhead (6)60:11,15,18 1156:758:1,5,7,10,10,12,61:1680:21 69:15,20,2572:2473:3;7,647:6,10,17 71:5 72:6,8 61:2062:5,8 2059:23 66:3,4,5 67:3 69:pointed (1J34:16 982:1 74:780:25 own (3)26:19 38:4 72:9 270:2471:172:6,774:17 points (4J22:18 23:1444:prices (4)12:2443:1445:putting (2 19:17 78:20 owners (1J 34:14 75:7,15,19,2176:1,277:773:12 870:14 Qp1578:480:1 81:1 82:8 pole (1J75:12 pricey (1119:20 quarter (1)30:12people's (1J 61:6 politicians (1J 36:4 printed (lJ42:20p-e-c-k (1J 44:5 per (6) 42:2,3,4,4 45:11,14 polus (1J 25:20 probably (8J 16:9,20 19:question (1OJ 13:2414:4, p.m (2 82:20,23 percent (43)13:1,2,2 16:populus (2) 32:21 33:11 1021:5,2026:2540:21 76:1326:1328:18 36:12 45:5, p.o (2) 32:1069:23 20,21 17:2422:21,23,23 portions (1J 63:11 24 2356:16,20 pac-e-10-07 (1J 4:4 26:15,17,17,1830:731:1,possibly (274:13,15 problem (4J 36:10 56:10 questions (5)5:20 6:10, pacificorp (5)4:6 19:25 10,1936:2437:1642:744:post (1)73:5 63:2079:1 17 17:17 56:23 26:22 28:20 33:20 14,21,2545:13,14,16,20 potentially (1)74:10 problems (2) 46:1665:13 quibble (1)8:18 packing (1J 21:23 50:1 60:962:765:1,8,20 pound (1)19:7 proceure (2)5:196:3 quick (4)20:327:2244:22 paid (3J 26:14 43:7 55:24 68:8,871:1378:21,2580:poverty (2J35:17 42:6 proceeding (1)5:7 59:21 paper (13J 24:7,11 25:21,2,2582:3,4,5 power (9 4:6,24 10:4,17 proceedings (1)82:23 quietly (1134:15 22,2539:22 40:16 42:17,percentage (3 31:6 40:12:7,2313:514:215:7,12 process (4)5:6,20 32:21 .quit (2 21:22 55:3 20,23,2460:1 62:9 2377:6 16:10,10,2017:1219:17 81:14 quite (4J 30:1552:20 60: papers (1J 8:15 perhaps (2160:21,22 20:21 21:2022:2523:4,6 professional (1J 36:11 1862:1 paraprofessionals (2 period (5)37:1044:17,23 24:1,5,14,23,23 25:4,6,11,profit (4)49:20,20 62:2 70:R65:5,12 45:2,4 1626:16,19,20,22,24,24 3 r-a-I-I-i-s-o-n (1)48:10parents (4J 41:24 55:24 perks (1J40:12 28:19,20,25 32:20,25 33:5,profits (1) 68:23 r-a-I-p-h (1J 73:157:5,10 person (5)5:13,148:437:1834:17 36:3 37:2,7 39:program (3J 45:25 46:2,r-a-n-s-b-o-t-t-o-m (1Jpark (1)59:18 1582:18 2441 :8,2442:2,3,9,1843:23 54:2part (5) 24:8 34:5 47:5 48:personal (4)21:934:568:4,6,9,10,12,1646:2448:programing (1)46:16 r-a-w-I-i-n-g-s (1J 12:171651:15 4,6 15,19,20,2249:6,952:5,8 programmed (1J 46:17 r-e-g-i-e (1J 12:16part-time (1) 31:18 personally (2J 15:7 59:4 53:8,9 55:11,18,1958:15 programs (4130:1851:4,r-i-c-h-a-r-d (1) 52:18participation (2 43:21,personnel (230:1831:20 59:460:261:1962:663:5,6 r-o-b-e-r-t (1)35:1423personnels (1) 31:18 13,1467:2,5,12,16 68:6 progress (1J 45:5 r-o-m-r-e-I-I (1J 20:11particularly (1)19:24 persons (1J4:15 70:272:1573:11,2474:5,projected (1J77:10 raise (8J 6:818:1419:220:parties (3J 4:22 6:17 7:15 perspective (1J 44:9 20,20,23,2375:4,1476:2 projections (1J 30:24 241:749:1751:1859:8pass (6) 9:8 36:14,16 45:persuaded (1117:2 82:9 projects (1)79:12 raised (2 42: 1,443:81951:1779:21 persuasive (1135:21 power's (4J 25:732:1934:promise (1J 6:9 raises (3)55:759:2462:passed (1)21:4 phenomenal (1J 60:10 21 68:14 promote (1J 35:3 17passes (1J9:10 pick (1J 65:14 prealgebra (2 70:11,11 promotion (1J 35:9 . raising (5)17:1329:642:8past (6) 10:1 16:1855:860:piece (4J 42:17,20,23 60:1 predator (1)77:15 propaganda (1110:13 43:14,156,762:8 pieces (1J 65:14 prescription (1120:21 properly (2 6:13 55:16 rallson (8 43:1948:3,5,6,patched (1J 18:25 pity (lJ37:12 present (1J 12:7 propert (2 34:18 51:12 9,9,1350:10patiently (1J 80:9 pivot (3)47:9,16,16 president (5)4:1227:9 proposal (4J 17:1542:1 ralph (4J 69:8 72:22,23 73:patrons (1J 79:4 pivots (1J47:14 . 35:20 38:6,14 45:1068:12 1pay (28)14:4 18:21 20:20,place (6J4:35:2441:647:pressed (1J 65:25 proposed (4)15:6 33:12,ranch (2)21:1666:232126:15,16,16,17,1829:3 1571:1972:6 pressure's (lJ47:22 1934:22 ranchers (2 14:6 58:133:634:1837:1240:1143:placed (1)78:24 preston (36) 9:2411:19 protect (1)73:14 ranging (lJ 80:238,1045:1654:1658:2159:places (lJ 58:8 13:2315:417:2222:16,17 protectors (1J 34:20 ransbottom (10)53:24,252462:1763:4,2465:2,9 plaguing (lJ 33:6 23:2325:429:14,22,23 30:provide (6)7:9 37:5,13 55:54:1,2,11 56:19,21,2557:72:9,1282:8 plan (1156:11 1,635:1738:21,2540:21 1167:8,9 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .1 I I I I Sheet 7 PUBLIC HEARG - 12/15/2010 ROCKY MOUNAI CHAGES TO ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE PRESTON IDAHO ww.TandTReporting.com T&T REPORTING (208) 529-5491out - ransbottom , 7,13 reduced (3)30:17 31:6 60:return (13)7:722:20,21 40:santa (1)77:4 seriously (3) 5:25 66:22 rate (43)5:247:1 10:5,13 8 10,1467:13,19,22,2468:1,sariah (5J38:1841:12,13,68:11 14:9 15:6 18:17 21:4 22:reduction (2 31:2360:10 4,978:16 16,23 served (lJ 35:25 19.25:931:8,15,1633:19 refer (lJ 28:19 rewarded (1)68:16 satisfy (1)36:7 service (4J4:7 37:13 63:6 34:2236:19,22 39:22 40:reference (lJ 77:13 rexburg (lJ 27:4 saturday (lJ 24:7 67:9 17,2241:25 42:6 43:1544:reflect (1)60:6 richard (3)52:16,17,18 save (5)16:1730:1631:4 services (2)32:1937:6 21,2445:11,21 46:2448:refrigerator (3)10:3 28:4 ride (2 58:4 77:1 34:1043:6 set (8J4:320:1921:1046: 2453:1467:19,2368:1,1,60:25 ridiculous (1)22:23 savings (lJ 16:22 10,1247:2467:768:15 3,12,1470:977:19 78:4 regards (lJ 38:9 riding (1)24:3 saw (6)8:1312:941:4,6 sets (1J46:11 80:2481:482:7 regie (2)11:912:16 risk (5)67:13,15,17,21 68:72:17,18 setters (1)44:13 ratepayers (3)37:1267:2,regular (2)66:1 80:1 10 saying (8)7:4 17:5 26:6 setting (3J 33:20,21 67:4 7 regulate (1)20:2 risk-type (1)68:7 51:23,2570:871:572:5 several 17 20:17 28:2 51: rates (21J 15:8,13,14 16:24,regulatory (1)4:25 river (4)48:21 59:5 62:25 says (2J 22:25 24:24 453:5,657:22 58:20 2517:13,2523:15,1726:1 relic (lJ 18:24 64:25 scale (3)67:17,2568:10 sexual (lJ 77:14 33:1244:1361:1267:4,7,relied (1)7:19 riverdale (21 13:23 66:17 scaled (1)33:22 shame (4)33:476:377:10, 1268:2,1575:576:677:9 relooked (lJ 80:4 road (6)15:1520:1329:1 schedules (lJ 4:8 11 rather (1)17:12 rely (4)55:2568:18,2479:44:262:2566:17 school (16)24:925:529:share (1)15:5 rating (1)36:24 20 rob (3 13:11 53:18,22 2234:942:19,2243:6,7,9 shareholder (21 40:9,14 rawlings (5)11:912:16,16,removal (1)33:11 robert (4J 32:735:1,6,13 49:2451:853:355:264:sheets (lJ 6:5 19,22 removing (lJ 33:8 rocket (lJ 58:3 16,23,24 shelley (4J 72:22 78:6,7,8 reach (1J 47:22 renewable (3J 63:12,14 rocky (49)4:6,24 12:6,22 school's (2J 43:5,11 sherrie (4)66:11 69:8,14, read (3J 8:15 13:25 52:4 74:2l 13:5 15:6 16:1028:2029:schools 1743:3 51:4,7,15 18 reading (2J 23:324:11 repair (1)58:9 832:18,20,2533:4,1834:80:2381:8,12 shouldn't (21 56:10 65:22 ready (1)18:23 repairs (1)58:11 12,17,21 36:3 39:23 40:5 schoolteacher (2 50:22 shrink (lJ 33:4 real 17 19:2O~7:22 53:13 reporter (3)5:9,13 16:4 41:7,2442:3,1843:1252:70:5 shrinking (lJ 62:3 73:1979:1,12,16 represent (1)5:3 553:960:2,2261:1962:6 scientist (lJ 58:4 shut 17 46:17 47:2,8,8,9, realistic (4)75:2,3,4 77:25 representation (lJ 64:2 63:1367:2,11,1568:5,14 scott (2)80:15,16 1571:22 realize (2 45:1 58:5 representative (6) 4:18 70:271:572:5,1973:11,scrutinize (3J67:11 68:19,sic (1J 25:20 really (36) 8:14 9:210:4,14 13:635:4,8 39:2 80: 18 2374:5,19,23 75:3,13 76:25 side (4J 64:16,24,24 70:17 11:1 12:913:1,3,2420:3 representatives (1162:2 scurried (1)70:23 sign (lJ 76:25 39:1945:1346:6,1249:10,11 romrell (6)20:7,9,10,10,seare 1738:1841:13,16,sign-up (lJ 6:5 1650:2552:22 57:2 60:12 representing (lJ 64:15 13,16 16,20,23,23 signed (4J 6:59:327:17 61:1063:23 65:16,21,24 request 17 15:8 66:21,25 room (5)6:21 7:1522:237:second (4J 22:24 23:3 46:80:12 68:2170:1771:11,1772:3 67:11 73:11 75:576:6 1554:18 1363:8 significant (2)5:23,25 74:575:20,2079:9,10,18,requested (4)33:938:14 rooms (1)21:25 sectors (lJ45:18 similar (3)5:640:877:6 2280:2 67:368:1 roundup (2 21:6,7 security (5J 18:13,1449:since (3)42:943:7 50:24 reason (5)12:9 16:1246:requests (21 7:8 77:9 run (5)19:230:946:1047:1851:2472:13 siphon (1)79:17 1362:467:18 require (1)74:23 1449:19 see (3219:510:17,17,2212:sir (9 13:16 22:10 23:18 reasonable (2J 7:7 22:19 required (21 6:25 7:4 running (4)25:340:11 49:7 13:9 19:15 23:424:14 29:648:7 50:8 64:5 77:23 reasons (8)12:6,8,11 23:2 requirements (1)74:19 1553:6 31:22,22,2334:6,22 35:1 80:14 33:17 36:2 39:11 46:10 reroute (1)25:3 runs (247:21 63:21 39:942:843:15,2458:5 sister (2 54:14,21 rebates (2 28:4 29:8 residences (1) 60:23 ryan (3J 27:4,11,12 61:5,762:1570:873:19,sit (2)37:22 76:2 recap (lJ 30:5 residential (4J 16:25 33:5 21 75:10,2577:1,8,879:site (1)32:14 receive (3J 31:2,3 33:18 1640:17,22 17 situation (3)10:1665:21 received (2146:751:24 residents (lJ 34:14 s-a-r-i-a-h (1)41:17 seed (3J 18:3,5,7 70:18 recent (lJ 73:20 resist (lJ 37:4 s-c-o-t-t (lJ80:16 seeing (lJ 82:14 six (5) 28:6 40:12 46:11 47: recently (3J41:3 55:18 81:resounding (lJ 38:9 s-e-a-r-e (lJ 41:17 seem (lJ78:17 1554:14 2 resource (lJ 59:3 s-h-e-I-I-e-y (1)78:9 seems (5J 16:25 17:11 19:size (lJ74:10 recognize (2 4:1621:4 resources (lJ42:25 s-h-e-r-r-i-e (1)69:19 1442:1574:21 skewed (lJ 45:8 recognized (1)36:24 respectful (lJ 27:17 s-m-i-t-h (lJ 66:16 seen (10)12:5 19:8 25:25 sleep (2 54:21 ,21 reconsider (1)52:25 responsibilties (lJ 14:sad (2 77:8,8 28:11,12,1549:2250:25 slept (lJ 70:11 record (5) 5:8 6:13 7:16 8:10 safe (1)82:21 73:2075:9 small (1)32:25 644:4 responsibilty (2 67:1 sakes (lJ 23:8 senate (1)41:4 smart (1)37:3 recorder (lJ 24:23 73:13 salaries (5)30:17 50:25 senator (2) 4: 16 35: 1 smarter (1) 61:15 records (1)79:15 rest (3J 26:2062:1669:2 62:1676:9,10 send (6) 6:23 25:16,18 28:smith (67J 4:2,95:48:259: recover (2 7:5 70:2 result (3J 18:22 63:6,12 salary (lJ34:12 14,1579:5 2,910:2011:1,412:1313: recovery (2 7:8 33:9 results (lJ 37:25 salt (3J 19:22 27:8 32:22 sending (21 25:12,13 12,1614:1615:2016:217: recurs (lJ61:23 retired (6) 14:8 51:23 65:4,same (10)25:141:844:20,senior (3 38:11 39:8,20 1620:522:523:1327:16, redford (1)4:13 11 70:571:25 20,2361:762:14,1864:25 seniors (1)36:20 19,23 29:5 32:5,12 34:24 reduce (3)60:15,17,24 retirement (1)73:18 73:8 sent (1)8:2 35:5,738:1641:1043:17 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Sheet 8 PUBLIC HEARG - 12/15/2010 ROCKY MOUNTAI CHAGES TO ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE PRESTON IDAHO ww.TandTReporting.com T&TREPORTING (208) 529-5491 ransbottom - smith , 45:22 46:25 48:1 50:1352:starting (243:2471:9 summer (2) 26:4 39:12 temporarily (1) 25:6 topic (2) 76:1577:18 1453:16,22,2454:956:14,state (27) 4:14,16,175:22 super (1)55:17 ten (232:1744:13 totally (1) 39:24 1857:1559:962:2064:5,6:257:21 9:1811:1312:superintendent (3) 29:tend (1) 39:11 tourists (1) 32:18 1066:9,11,12,15,15,1969:1413:1914:14,2322:930:22 39:4 50:23 terminal (2) 32:21 33:11 towards (3) 42:13,14,25 6,7,1072:2176:11,14,17 2034:1637:148:1650:20 supervisors (1) 62:11 terrible (1)43:13 town (2) 18:19 77:1 77:17,22 78:1,580:881:51:1659:1466:1372:24 supplemental (1) 30:10 testify (3) 6:4 9:3 80:12 transferred (2) 27:7,8 1882:10 73:14,1675:25 76:21 78:support (5) 7:9 33:10 36:2 testifying (1) 66:24 transformer (1) 24:8 smoother (1)42:19 19 52:1 72:14 testimony (19)5:117:14,transmission (2) 17:8 33: social (5)18:12,1449:18 statement (4) 6:15,2010:supported (1) 30:11 2413:1314:1720:622:6 12 51:2472:12 21 31:13 supposed (3)28:7,1055:34:2535:21 45:2456:15 trauma (1) 72:11 soda (1)58:2 statements (25:10,18 13 66:20,22 67:4 69:3,5 80:travels (1) 82:21 solander (2)4:23,23 states (9)39:2441:342:8 supreme (1) 7:22 2381:3,10 treasurer (1) 82:2 sold (2) 26:22 49:9 72:1574:16,19,22,2579:6 surgeries (1) 54:14 thaden (1) 29:6 trickles (1) 65:6 solutions (1)42:12 static (1) 36:22 surrounding (1) 58:2 thanks (4)29:1741:2269:trimmed (3) 62:7,9,15 somebody (3) 49:352:2 stating (4)35:11 41:1448:survival (1) 38:5 2581:16 troubling (1) 75:25 81:17 764:12 survive (3 21:1336:837:themselves (1) 13:4 truck (1) 24:15 somebody's (240:2571:station (1) 74:8 18 theoretically (1) 67:12 trucks (1) 24:1 21 stations (1)47:19 suspect (3) 35:20 36:13 there's (22) 18:1419:18,true (6) 14:331:1339:21 someone (4) 12:6 23:7 55:stay (6) 39:18 62:3 71:6 72:37:14 21,2521:427:15,2137:14 60:11,1274:21 1558:15 19 76:14 77:24 swear (1) 8:21 40:242:546:18,2553:1 truly(4)12:1131:10,1342: something's (1) 71:22 steel (1) 12:24 swearing (1)8:10 54:20 58:7 61:463:570:16 sometimes (1)47:2 stick (1) 21:19 sworn (30)9:1311:8,913:1273:1074:275:778:16 truth (9)6:98:12,12,14,17, sons (1) 66:23 stil (7 31:5 45:16 47:21 1814:20 15:2417:19 20:9 therefore (5 5:1232:24 21,2210:1560:13 sooner (1) 55:21 49:1450:265:1876:18 22:823:21 29:1232:8.35:33:745:1867:23 try (6) 16:12,16 18:2534: sorry (5) 23:1 029:1835:7 stop (2 64:3 70:17 638:1941:1343:2548:5 thermostat (2 39:15 57:1 1865:1579:17 59:1677:16 store (1) 25:2 50:1552:1753:2557:17 they'll (24:20 28:14 trying (7 8:1813:10 31:4, sound (1) 58:17 stories (1)54:19 59:11 62:23 64:11 66:12 they've (5)4:1910:218:8 1234:760:1779:5 sources (363:12,1474:straightened (2) 27:5 70:69:1472:2378:780:1581:51:3,22 turn (4)5:159:1234:2280: 21 13 22 third (3) 23:11 52:1074:9 10 south (16) 9:2311:1815:3 strata (1)61:25 system (2) 47:7,17 thomas (5)38:18,19,20,20,turning (1) 60:25 16:617:21 22:12,1323:23 street (3) 57:24 69:23 78:9 systems (1) 47:23 23 twin (1) 26:17 29:2338:21 41:2050:11,stress (1) 34:8 T thoroughly (1) 67:11 two (14) 6:10 22:18 24:6 1754:357:1964:19 stretch (1)71:2 though (1) 57:3 28:930:431:1846:949: southeastern (5 33:13 strip (1) 34:17 t-a-y-I-o-r (1) 62:25 thousand (2 42:2,4 1754:1963:365:3,11 76: 48:17,2372:781:1 strongly (1) 15:17 t-h-o-m-a-s (1) 38:21 three (10)4:10,1320:2221:982:4 speaking (1) 38:24 structure (2 62:15 68:15 t-o-d-d (1) 38:20 1523:124:5,548:1854:two-thirds (1) 38:1 spell (13)6:11 9:1811:14 struggling (5) 20:1954:taker (1)45:19 2058:4 type (1)40:1 12:1413:1914:2422:929:1356:3,581:6 takers (2) 44:12 47:4 three-year (1) 45:3 types (1) 17:4 1744:359:1466:1369:16 stuck (2) 47:14 63:24 talked (7 11:2317:2444:tightening (1) 65:23 U72:24 students (7 14:6 34:11 846:563:9 64:23 75:8 time-of-day (2 79:24 80: spellng (4) 35:11 41:15 51:3,1065:2,766:1 talks (1) 54:12 1 u.s (1)42:2 48:864:13 students' (1) 34:6 tardin (1) 53:19 time-of-use (2 16:8,24 unconducive (1) 20:25 spend (2)63:1668:17 stuff (6) 18:10,21,23 56:2 taught.(l) 51:2 timing (1)46:12 under (2)61:775:14 spending (2 34:1 68:20 57:263:15 tax (4) 37:441:5 59:2 78:today (8) 25:21 26:1436:understand (11) 8:1912:. spent (3) 23:16 24:16 56:sub (1)77:4 23 2345:2447:258:1670:19 2222:1942:1052:756:8 11 submit (1) 6:21 taxation (1) 64:1 72:17 67:470:1,4 71:8 74:9 spoken (1) 78:4 subsidies (1) 63:18 taxes (10)37:240:1941:5,today's (1) 25:25 unemployment (2) 49:24 spring (1)30:19 subsidy (1)52:4 743:7,851:1266:582:3,7 todd (8)38:18,19,2052:16 81:7 sprinklers (1)46:10 substantial (271:12,15 taxpayers (1)30:12 53:18,20 unfair (1) 15:8 squandering (1) 23:9 substation (2 19:17 25:taylor (18) 23:20 29:10,12,together (2) 19:18 47:12 unfortunately (2 5:1915: stacking (1) 18:10 17 13,18,21 ,21,25 32:6 33:23 tom (1)4:18 12 staff (2 5:3 33:8 subtract (1)40:19 39:459:1062:22,23,24,24 tonight (18)4:175:96:3,unique (1) 48:16 stagnant (1) 62:3 successfully (1) 16:19 63:264:22 20 20:16 22:1429:1436:united (2) 41:3 42:7 ~tand (5)9:1516:336:12,suffer (4) 34:11 42:2343:3 teacher (2 33:23 34:6 21 39:248:250:1459:7 unjustifiable (1) 76:7 1337:1 51:10 teachers (3) 49:24 65:3,67:473:11 80:9,22 82:13,until (5) 18:20 25:8 34:22 standpoint (1) 38:1 0 suffering (3) 34:7 51:3,6 11 15 55:2070:21 start (8) 8:729:1635:11 suggest (3) 37:1174:22 technicalities (1) 8:18 tonight's (1)4:10 up (51) 6:5 8:13,23,24 9:11 41:1448:752:2464:1269:76:20 ted (1)4:25 took (8119:640:1844:15 10:618:2,2,6,1719:1,4,6, 16 suggested (2) 33:836:19 telephonic (2) 8:382:17 52:1058:1665:1,869:13 13,1324:6,9,1225:17,24 started (1)56:8 summaries (1)7:14 television (1) 23:5 top (1) 61:24 26:627:5,17,2229:1 36:1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Sheet 9 PUBLIC HEARG. - 12/15/2010 ROCKY MOUNTAI CHAGES TO ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE PRESTON IDAHO ww.TandTReporting.com T&TREPORTING (208) 529-5491 smith - up I I I I I I I I I I I I I PUBLIC HEARG - 12/15/2010 ROCKY MOUNTAI CHAGES TO ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE PRESTON IDAHO, 37:8,839:1544:8,1446:website (1)7:13 1670:7,8,16 1247:2449:1251:13,22 week (5119:620:2330:15 workman (3180:15,16,16 52:3 54:21 55:21 58:8 60:34:951:25 works (1150:3 2065:1470:7,12,2275:11 weight (1119:8 world (1114:10 79:880:1281:1,382:6 welcome (24:1950:19 worried (1140:9 upcoming (1)32:3 west (13) 11:18 35:16 38:worse (1156:6 upset (1) 11:24 2144:1 50:1757:16,17,18,worst (1149:21 upstairs (1)54:20 18,21 59:964:16,24 wow (1162:8 usage (4)10:6,18 16:13 weston (2)4:2578:10 write (1169:12 60:24 whammy (1143:10 written (515:8 6:20,21 7: using (8) 21:7 42:11 ,25 47:whatever (3)31:650:375:18,25 361:1470:1579:10,10 12 ww.puc.idaho.gov (11 utah (12) 16:10 21:20 24:1,wheel (1147:10 7:13 1425:7,1826:21 28:1929:wherever (1)9:15 y353:874:14,14 whether (2) 36:4 46:1 utilties (6) 4:4,147:5 14:whew (1) 71 :13 year (39) 10:1,22,25,25 12: 277:18 78:15 whine (1)61:12 10,1118:619:1530:4,5,7, utilty (2 7:3,8 who's (1)4:12 19,21,22,23,23 31:4,11 ,14, utilzed (2 32:1859:4 whoever (1111:10 2132:3,1337:1744:1645: V whole (2 25:15 56:12 4,646:749:1750:22 51: wide (1) 80:21 13 52:23 53:7 65:8,19 73: vague (1)52:6 wife (4)39:1873:1575:18,1677:382:3,5,6 value (3) 32:22 34:1843:24 years (28)16:9,18 18:4,21 23 wife's (1173:8 21:828:2,2,1030:437:8 valves (1147:10 wiggle (1) 71:20 40:844:1445:949:17,22 variety (2139:11 80:21 wil (46) 4:15 5:96:4,6,7,7,50:2451:1,2,552:957:25 vary (1167:13 10,11,127:17 8:613:17 58:2360:762:871:11,25 vastly (11 23:5 15:1819:1221:5,730:23,77:1082:4 vehicles (2 58:1275:9 2531:5,22,22,2332:234:young (3143:2454:6,7 viable (1173:12 14,21 35:21 37:1539:12,younger (2)43:22 54:16 visited (3) 20:2321:1 78:1643:3,446:20 57:13 63:yourself (2 71:672:6 18 665:25 67:7 70:9 74:24 yourselves (1) 72:8 visiting (1) 38:8 75:1777:480:2581:7,10,Zvolunteered (1) 70:20 vote (4158:16,16,1964:1 1182:14,19 zero (1)52:24wind (1)23:2 W windmils (5) 12:24 14:2 w-e-s-t (1157:19 78:20,21 79:1 w-o-m-a-c-k (1) 16:1 window (1)24:13 w-o-r-k-m-a-n (1) 80:17 windows (2) 60:1961:8 wages (1181:6 wise (1169:1 waiting (1)24:13 wisely (11 68:21 wanted (3) 13:844:8 78:wish (916:4,1958:14,14, 11 18,1859:482:18,21 wanting (2 15:14 17:24 wishes (1)82:12 wants (2 40:5 63:3 within (4) 55:17 60:6 71:6 warm (1139:18 72:19 warmer (2) 39:12,13 without (2 37:9 64:2 wasting (2 61:579:11 woke (1124:6 watch (4166:5,6,7,7 womack (8114:1915:22, water (8128:934:247:1,3,24,25,25 16:2,5 79:25 3,9,16,21 wonderful (1162:9 watering (1144:20 wondering (1) 10:12 way (12) 5:16 22:13 25:5 wood (221:19,23 38:1340:1346:249:556:work (16) 6:1,1 39:846:15 1262:1563:1877:1881:6 49:553:555:2,1461:463: ways (1)50:1 17,1965:1266:3,4,4 75: wearing (2 20:24 55:23 14 weather (1) 10:22 worked (3) 65:1670:19,20 weatherization (1) 34:4 workers (1) 75:11 working (6122:2546:2 55: I I I I I I ww.TandTReporting.com Sheet 10 T&TREPORTING (208) 529-5491 up -zero I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I REPORTER'S CERTIFICATE STATE OF IDAHO ss. COUNTY OF BONNEVILLE I, Crystal Hereford, CSR and Notary Public, in and for the State of Idaho, do hereby certify: That said public hearing was taken down by me in shorthand at the time and place therein named and thereafter reduced to typewriting under my direction, and that the foregoing transcript contains a full, true, and accurate record of said deposition. I further certify that I have no interest in theevent of the action. WITNESS my hand and seal this 28th day of December 2010. ¡'iI, ~ ( Ii ,~~e e ord .RPR ~ Idaho CSR No. SRT-937 Notary Public in and for the State of Idaho My commission expires:02-28-2014 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Budget Summary for Preston School District #20 I December IS, 2010 20ft JAN -3 AM 9= 22 · PSD experienced an 8% cut to the FYII budget which was $1, ~MlJ" - . A one-year $250,000 supplemental levy was passed in May of2010. · The district went to a four-day week which reduced some classified workers' wages by 20%. · Approximately 87% of the budget is for salary and benefits. · There has been federal support through the stimulus dollars and the Jobs Bils but next year the district will lose its AARA funds which has help to funded special education services. · Early Legislative projected budget cuts for FI2 range between 7.5% to 10%. . If projections are accurate, programs and personnel wil be reduced further. . PSD cannot withstand a rate increase in its power bilL. Impact to the district would be between $24,000 and $26,000. If approved, at least two classified positions would , be lost. '-~CM~0~? cdtJ .st-~. 0 A~ 5 (y8:ø1 I.os)': E; ..¿J ~~ P.~,"4- ó5:L~5 Exhibit No. 'l l ßDa~'2IO T &T REPORTING I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I To: December 15~10i,C!~ lllll JAN.. -:'" 'h, _ v Al1 9. (1"1'11 f lJ/~ Lei ,-', _ _ . 2,911l./"F¡J"iC'- C.. . . ... ... ../ j.l"'t. v l'.:-ij'('/iEfficiency _ ~v CO,'ii¡!ìf.;" How does the commission monitor or demand efficiency of R~~~¥IOiV Mountain Power - (which has a monopoly)? In 2006, West Side School District requested to hook up power for our auditorium. Our building transformer is 200 feet from our irrigation pump pole. The power was taken from that pole to the transformer for $16,393.80 to be paid over five years. That price was outrageous to me, but I had no other options. Idaho Public Utilities Commission 1. 2.Rate increases in this economy? - West Side School District's challenge: In 2009, we experienced a 50/0 cut in state funding which represented $170,777. As a result, we cut one teaching position through retirement attrition and cut all para-professional positions that were not returning. In 2010, we experienced an 80/0 cut in state funding which represented $280,229. As a result, we cut two more teaching positions through retirement attrition and 10 para-professional positions. Field trips are no longer funded through district funds -only by donation. Athletic travel was drastically reduced. In 2011, our legislators are tellng us to plan on another 7.5 to 100/0 cut. What more wil we be forced to cut? THIS IS TRULY A TIME OF BELT TIGHTENING FOR ALL OF US. WE SHOULDN'T BE ASKING FOR AN INCREASE IN POWER RATES, BUT EXPLORING ALL OPTIONS OF DECREASING POWER RATES. Melvin E. Beutler, Superintendent West Side School District I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SHELLEY CAMBELL 297 EAST DEPOT STRET WESTON, IDAHO 83286 (208)747-3465 TO: IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMSSION FU= r: t: i r'-~~ ";if.,; ¡ J lOH JAN -3 AM 9= 23 The following reflect my views on the increae of public utilties: AN INCREE DURIG AN ECONOMIC DOWNTURN: To increase the utilities during a time when unemployment is higher tha in recent years and when growth in the economy is at best a standstil wil add a burden on an aleady "stretched to the limit" societ. The problem is that every entity wants an increase. At some point the "pigg ban" is going to brea. An increase should only be considered at the very least possible amount. When I saw the char shown by Senator Geddes at the workshop, I was a bit troubled by the retrn on money for utility stockholders as compared to other investments. While I ca see that it is perhaps a great investment, I stil think tht we have to be very careful on something like "public utilities" where there is no competition to kee prices competitive. WIDMI AND WID FARS: The windmils are only around 300/Ó - 400/Ó effcient. We are paying for somethng that is not cost effective. I was sickened. as I was told that even with the ineffciency it was going to cost less than what wil be chaged by the federal government for carbon ta on the coal plants in the futue. Somethin is very wrong with what the government is doing to our cuent energy sources. MITRUST: It is diffcult to believe that the 800 milion dollar project from Downey through Malad is only about keeping utilty customers up to date. I can't help but believe that the value of that power line is more about selling eleccity to places like California for a high price tha it is about sustaining the local customers. EFFICIECY: This is a problem for me as we watch the effciency of the utility workers. Perhaps there are often too many workers for an impending job site. So often we see men standing around, heading home at an early time of day. I haven't been able to find out if these workers belong to unions (which are notorious for ineffciency) or if they are private contractors. I listened at the workshop as we heard testimony of trck load afer trck load of cement tued away day afer day on the DowneylMalad projec. Ifwe have professionas doing these jobs, shouldn't they be able to better judge the amount of cement/supplies needed each day. Ifwe were as ineffcient in our own occpations we wouldn't be afoat. How do you as commissioners judge appropriately the effciency of the utility company? How can we be proteced from paying for waste and lack of effciency? I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DOCTORIG THE RECORDS: I believe that companies have the ability to put on paper as "a nee" anything they realy "want". What do you as commissioners do to study the situation in such a way that you ca decipher between the wants of the utilty company and the desire to get "more than enough increase" on the backs of everyone who depds on utilities to sustain everday life? AGRICULTURE: Unfortately, the agcultue industry, which depends a great dea on electncity to produce food, canot really pass the increases on to the consmer. It is well demonstrated by the "power shut down progr" used in the summer durng the irrgation season when sellng the elecncity to consumers who will pay a lot (or dunng high demand times) is more important that the producton offood. .i wonder if the power company or the commission considers the effect that an increase of power rates will have on agcultue---which is vital to keeing people from being hungr. TIME OFDAY USERS: I see that "time of day users" rate increase was almost double that of standard residential serce. Whle I understand that 15.6 % of the lesser rate is not as great as 8% of the standard service, I stil don't understan why the double increase. It sems that the purose of "time of day use" is to get people to use power during the least demanding times. It appears that they tacked on the most increase they dared and yet stll offer "time of day use". It would appea that rasing the percent of "time of day use" should not be any higher than the standard servce. Afer alL, it is designed to encourge more effciency. THE PEOPLE WHO DID THE WORKHOP At the workshop, a question was asked the four members who they worked for and who paid their saares. Also, they did not indicate their saares. No clear answer was given. 1 was left with impression tht night tht they were biased for the power company in their presentation. I also did not thnk that the meeing was well publicized. 5~l1~ I d.--15--) Ù I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I IDAHO PUBLIC UTiliTIES COMMISSION PUBLIC HEARG PAC-E-10-07 December 15,2010 IF YOU WISH TO TESTIFY ~~,~ PUBLIC WITNESS LIST Case No. PAC-E-10-07 c.~ \c. ~ 1... ~If you wish to testify during this hearing, please provide your name and address below: Address (L~ á Hi U4¿ t/ _11 f1 tdC e .,()Nl.r /) i~ l, iV Dü+ /2(''' rJ",lott,Jv ¿Lv c, ¿J II &1 tV Løv tt Xl) iq~) WOod fuf\You ~a¿¿Sp )2''( t~~('Cy Ct/r ,SdrRA. Sfl'' 2.2. l: _ ;3.R rAt'~ ::,),.A SPI4,J~ 25 t !2 rJ Sour ~f"')5 eto lJ ¿ Ë (cfA£ f"-iV&S,1 (ù i 151 0 ~~rçev~ è& I ¿;~da. ~er'71 :(j) J- '0 £. 3/~ AI, )P~.: C HA t¿ E S ) J L Co jV 5 ì /' \"v\ C CiA II 0 G ~ ~eCtlfuWJ~ . V :5 J ~ N L. c. 61;/J at rTO,lN 15110 Li"('e.,, ~C1 ç~c\ Sp (\ s.:D 1 Lt. Z. HepkiIA CS le,,\( ~&~Sp "5 L ~ Grace, Idaho I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I IDAHO PUBLIC UTiliTIES COMMISSION PUBLIC HEARNG PAC-E-I6-7 December 15, 2010,- i.'- r:..l ~-- ~ r:--; e- ::\:2: i: ff¡¿;:, ;;c:.t)'(:.., ,'.,i WIF YOU WISH TO TESTIFY PUBLIC WITNESS LIST Case No. PAC.E.10.07 ~ 1... ~ If you wish to testify during this hearing, please provide your name and address below: Name (Please PRINT) Addrs ~ iZ êii~ r15SØu~ffTOo ~ P,,,'S7d7/~ l / r Iiv" . K~'\M b..~n,I~¿C) \\1 \'4, ~~' u,' ~ hrJ )( m£t\O sìWt~sö.. ~911 E. Hw'J '3l 'l(es-hJ~~\3hßtD\Nh ~\te~ \1? S. ~(1) ~. -øi¡ ",0 WOmBI' ~ l.m.H., yrlUO s i~n\L\f o,tJ ønì NtAJ ct!b¿¡r ~~¿lr Lrgco6C1 ~re5W ~~a ¿: ell (,PdJ e ¡'~h1 "e~~ ê-;.~ ~f'CAL KWf\(z :224 b 2£ 5-- /~/~~-fN ß 0 :26 Xr 3A~ ~ 'i , bavkifc(( , or \'20 ~ ~~ ~fu P~c:~ ~ // . .C (L .D.t¡ò'f h1- V\c.~ ~eA i ?t 0 i3--t;-i N-y Wi Vì ~rn L e. ~1. ç t: lfttJ"f' lç~~O\oQrT G-~d'€S 72;;5 f\i. 2k,OO W. lf~id) X¡oJitll(:V\ ~ (0- So ,l(ø "Vvi+ i?Y"~~ )lSBr-iah S~. ~O S. ~lI f. PmlonJP i2U3 Preston, Idaho I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION PUBLIC HEARNG PAC-E-I0-07 December 15,2010 r- ~.: -¡:.- :. PUBLIC WITNESS LIST ~~. ~ Case No. PAC-E-1 0-07 U)~l"~ i'-C" W (')""'l'" If you wish to testify during this hearing i:;~(~.: ~ :1 please provide your name and address below: :~i;~';; i.f); Ñc! t. X I¿ViN. Vø. )( e,Per1 5. fiA it ì 5 C lJ ¥ka LiAA'.. D1Q$~t xÆdnJ ff-ee~d~ft m~d,'n: ~.kle:~M ~¿rii: ß, t-'e~( v1ilL, . \lì 7Õò, ~/lJv(K A r¿/Y/ T:" J /7(, E 'I ()O5, frl'ioN 1 D. '3'7 Ii U,I. i ~ Ous - ?nil ~ :CO ¿¡Lß ß. 42G ßÀ 11) G~ '$ tE I¿¡S- s &~ i ~~ ~ I Wo 8 .. ;r~~.- ~2r~I:70,:r:Æ'~ ? ~ k ~~\. 3ì3! t ~\o~w~~£JC~ p~ ï ¿? "'J ,?i lJ/dD Ai Jel 27 IEtiÐ rJ k ri;f;ri0~C7Je/Vill fiei. tJ-er 29 30 31 32 33 Preston, Idaho I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I IDAHO PUBLIC UTiliTIES COMMISSION PUBLIC HEARNG PAC-E-I0-07 December 15,2010 PUBLIC WITNESS LIST Case No. PAC-E-10-07 c: i;-\ - ~'-- ~'~d e- rf;~~: ~ r;?ë5 ¿iJ,") ...,..'~:,c:. ~ ~g\~?',:,::, '9 If YOU wish to testify during this hearing please provide your name and address below: 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Preston, Idaho