HomeMy WebLinkAbout20110120Monsanto 19 (1-9) to PAC.pdfLAW OFFICES OF RACINE OLSON NYE BUDGE Be BAILEY CHARTEREDW. MARCUS W. NYE RANDALL C. BUDGE JOHN A. BAILEY, JR. JOHN R. GOODELL JOHN B. INGELSTROM DANIEL C. GREEN BRENT O. ROCHE KIRK B. HADLEY FRED J. LEWIS ERIC L. OLSEN CONRAD J. AIKEN RICHARD A. HEARN, M.D. LANE V. ERICKSON FREDERICK J. HAHN, III DAVID E. ALEXNDER PATRICK N. GEORGE SCOTT J. SMITH JOSHUA D. JOHNSON STEPHEN J. MUHONEN CANDICE M. MCHUGH CAROL T1PPI VOLYN BRENT L. WHITING JONATHON S. BYINGTON DAVE BAGLEY THOMAS J. BUDGE JONATHAN M. VOLYN MARK A. SHAFFER JASON E. FLAIG FERRELL S. RYAN, III Mrs. Jean Jewell, Secretar Idaho Public Utilities Commission P.O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 Re: PAC-E-10-07 Dear Jean: 201 EAST CENTER STREET POST OFFICE BOX 1391 POCATELLO, IDAHO 83204-1391 TELEPHONE (208) 232-6101 FACSIMILE (208) 232-6109 ww.radnelaw.net SENDER'S E-MAIL ADDREss:rcb(§racinelaw.net Januar 4,2011 BOISE OFFICE , 0 1 SOUTH CAPITOL BOULEVARD, SUITE 208 BOISE, IDAHO 83702TELEPHONE: (208) 395-0011 FACSIMILE: (208) 433-0167 IDAHO FALLS OFFICE 477 SHOUP AVENUE SUITE 107 POST OFFICE BOX 50698IDAHO FALLS, 1083405 TELEPHONE: (208) 528-6101FACSIMILE: (208) 528-6109 ALL OFFICES TOLL FREE (877) 232-8101 LOUIS F. RACINE (1917-2005) WILLIAM D. OLSON, OF COUNSEL ~- '-:i%No rr'l :i:: 'l ç-(. Enclosed for filing in the captioned matter please find the original and thee copies of Monsanto Company's Nineteenth Data Requests to Rocky Mountain Power. Than you for your assistance. RCB:rr Enclosures cc: Serice List (w/encls.) Si~4 RANDALL C. BUDGEK Randall C. Budge, ISB No. 1949 RACINE, OLSON, NYE, BUDGE & BAILEY, CHARTERED P.O. Box 1391; 201 E. Center Pocatello, Idaho 83204-1391 Telephone: (208) 232-6101 Fax: (208) 232-6109 rcbßYracinelaw.net RE 1\/ r, Z31 f JAN 20 AM 8: 43 Attorneys for Intervenor Monsanto Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ) ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER FOR APPROVAL) OF CHANGES TO ITS ELECTRIC SERVICE ) SCHEDULES AND A PRICE INCREASE OF ) $27.7 MILLION, OR APPROXIMATELY )13.7 PERCENT ) ) Case No. PAC-E-I0-07 MONSANTO COMPANY'S NINETEENTH DATA REQUESTS TO ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER MONSANTO COMPANY, by and through their attorneys, hereby submits this Nineteenth Data Request to Rocky Mountain Power, pursuant to Rule 225 of the Idaho Public Utility Commission's Rules of Procedure, IDAPA 31.01.01, as follows: Monsanto 19-1: Please provide all workpapers for the Januar 2011 rebuttal testimonies of Mr. Duvall, Mr. Clements, and Mr. McDougal, including all workpapers and models in electronic format with all formulas intact. Monsanto 19-2: With respect to Mr. Clements' Januar 2011 rebuttal testimony at page 6, lines 10-19, please provide the following information: a. The IRP analysis performed by the Company, including all workpapers and models in electronic format with all formulas intact. b. A description of the methodology used by the Company in performing the analysis. MONSANO'S NIETEENTH DATA REQUESTS TO ROCKY MOUNTAI POWER - 1 c. The results of the IRP analysis in electronic format with all formulas intact. Monsanto 19-3: With respect to the table at the bottom of page 8 and on page 9 in Mr. Clements' Januar 2011 rebuttal testimony, please provide the following information: a. Identify all units that are operating strictly as simple cycle combustion turbines (i.e., exclude combustion turbines that are par of a combined cycle facility). b. Indicate whether the simple cycle combustion turbines in par a. have Automatic Generation Control (AGC) equipment installed. c. For each simple cycle combustion turbine in par a., indicate whether that simple cycle combustion turbine resides in a load pocket on the PacifiCorp system (where a load pocket is an area on the PacifiCorp system that, because of transmission limitations, must have interal generation resources available because the area canot be served entirely by exteral resources). d. Indicate, by year, for each simple cycle combustion turbine in par a. whether any of the operational hours included in the table were for servng load inside load pockets and not for the purose of providing ancilar serices. e. Indicate, by year, for each simple cycle combustion tubine in par a. how many of the operational hours included in the table were for sering load inside load pockets and not for the purose of providing ancilar serces. £ Indicate, by year, for each simple cycle combustion tubine in par a. whether any of the operational hours included in the table were for reactive supply and voltage control or support on the PacifiCorp system. g. Indicate, by year, for each simple cycle combustion turbine in par a. how many of the operational hours included in the table were for reactive supply and voltage control or support on the PacifiCorp system. h. Indicate, by year, for each simple cycle combustion tubine in par a. whether any of the operational hours included in the table were for reguation and frequency response on the PacifiCorp system. 1. Indicate, by year, for each simple cycle combustion turbine in par a. how many of the operational hours included in the table were for regulation and frequency response on the PacifiCorp system. MONSANO'S NINETEENTH DATA REQUESTS TO ROCKY MOUNAI POWER - 2 J. Indicate, by year, for each simple cycle combustion turbine in par a. whether any of the operational hours included in the table were for energy imbalance on the PacifiCorp system. k. Indicate, by year, for each simple cycle combustion turbine in par a. how many of the operational hours included in the table were for energy imbalance on the PacifiCorp system. 1. Indicate, by year, for each simple cycle combustion turbine in par a. whether any of the operational hours included in the table were for spinning reserve on the PacifiCorp system. m. Indicate, by year, for each simple cycle combustion turbine in par a. how many of the operational hours included in the table were for spinning resere on the PacifiCorp system. Monsanto 19-4: With respect to the table at the bottom of page 8 and on page 9 in Mr. Clements' Januar 2011 rebuttal testimony, please provide the following information: a. Identify all combined cycle units. b. Indicate whether the combined cycle units in par a. have Automatic Generation Control (AGC) equipment installed. c. For each combined cycle unit in par a., indicate whether that combined cycle unt resides in a load pocket on the PacifiCorp system (where a load pocket is an area on the PacifiCorp system that, because of transmission limitations, must have interal generation resources available because the area canot be sered entirely by exteral resources). d. Indicate, by year, for each combined cycle unit in par a. whether any of the operational hours included in the table were for sering load inside load pockets and not for the purose of providing ancilar serces. e. Indicate, by year, for each combined cycle unit in par a. how many of the operational hours included in the table were for sering load inside load pockets and not for the purpose of providing ancilar serices. f. Indicate, by year, for each combined cycle unit in par a. whether any of the operational hours included in the table were for reactive supply and voltage control or support on the PacifiCorp system. g. Indicate, by year, for each combined cycle unit in par a. how many of the operational hours included in the table were for reactive supply and voltage control or support on the PacifiCorp system. MONSANO'S NIETEENT DATA REQUESTS TO ROCKY MOUNAIN POWER - 3 h. Indicate, by year, for each combined cycle unit in par a. whether any of the operational hours included in the table were for regulation and frequency response on the PacifiCorp system. 1. Indicate, by year, for each combined cycle unit in part a. how many of the operational hours included in the table were for regulation and frequency response on the PacifiCorp system. J. Indicate, by year, for each combined cycle unit in par a. whether any of the operational hours included in the table were for energy imbalance on the PacifiCorp system. k. Indicate, by year, for each combined cycle unit in par a. how many of the operational hours included in the table were for energy imbalance on the PacifiCorp system. 1. Indicate, by year, for each combined cycle unit in par a. whether any of the operational hours included in the table were for spinning resere on the PacifiCorp system. m. Indicate, by year, for each combined cycle unit in par a. how many of the operational hours included in the table were for spinnng reserve on the PacifiCorp system. Monsanto 19-5: With respect to Mr. Duvall's Januar 2011 rebuttal testimony at page 2, line 11, please explain in detail how the Company calculated the $73.09 per kilowatt-year value. Include all workpapers in electronic format with all formulas intact that ilustrate the derivation of the $73.09 per kilowatt-year value. Monsanto 19-6: With respect to Mr. Duvall's Januar 2011 rebuttal testimony at page 2, line 19, please explain in detail how the Company calculated the $30 per kilowatt-year value paid to irrgators. Include all workpapers in electronic format with all formulas intact that ilustrate the dervation of the $30 per kilowatt-year value. Monsanto 19-7: With respect to Mr. Duvall's Januar 2011 rebuttal testimony at page 3, lines 10-17, please provide the following information: a. Mr. Duvall's definition of "peaking units." b. The next unt (type of unit and amount in MW) identified by the Company's most recent IRP that is planed to be added to the PacifiCorp East system. MONSANO'S NITEENT DATA REQUESTS TO ROCKY MOUNAI POWER - 4 c. The year the unit identified in par b. above is planned to be added to the PacifiCorp East system. d. The title and date of the most recent IRP, along with page numbers, referenced for the response to pars b. and c. above. e. The IRP planing period assumed for the response to pars b. and c. above. f. Does the response to par b. above assume that Monsanto's interptible products are economic? Explain your response in detaiL. Monsanto 19-8: With respect to Mr. Duvall's Januar 2011 rebuttal testimony at page 4, lines 11-13, please provide the following information: a. Do the 2008 IRP and 2008 IRP Update assume that Monsanto's interrptible products are economic? Explain your response in detaiL. b. The East Capacity Position as deterined in the 2008 IRP Update assuming that Monsanto's interptible products are economic. Include all workpapers in electronic format with all formulas intact that ilustrate the dervation of the East Capacity Position assuming that Monsanto's interrptible products are economic. c. The East Capacity Position as determined in the 2008 IRP Update assuming that Monsanto's interptible products are not economic. Include all workpapers in electronic format with formulas intact that ilustrate the derivation of the East Capacity Position assuming that Monsanto's interptible products are not economic. Monsanto 19-9: At page 4, footnote 3 of his Januar 2011 rebuttal testimony, Mr. Duvall states the following formula appears in the testimony of Mr. Collins: Net Firm Obligation - Purchases - DSM - Interrptible Please confirm or deny that this is the actual formula contained in Mr. Collins' testimony. MONSANO'S NINETEENT DATA REQUESTS TO ROCKY MOUNAI POWER - 5 DATED this 18th day of Januar, 2011. RACINE, OLSON, NYE, BUDGE & BAILEY, CHARTERED By kL¿ r 'RDALL C. BUDGE CERTIFICATE OF MAILING I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this 18th day of Januar, 2011, I served a true, correct and complete copy of the foregoing document, to each of the following, via the method so indicated: Jean D. Jewell, Secretar (original and 3) Idaho Public Utilties Commsion P.O. Box 83720 Boise, il 83720-0074 E-mail: jjewell~puc.state.id.us U.S. Mail Ted Weston Rocky Mountain Power 201 South Main, Suite 2300 Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 E-mail: ted.weston~pacificorp.com E-Mail Paul J. Hickey Hickey & Evans, LLP 1800 Carey Ave., Ste 700 PO Box 467 Cheyenne, WY 82003 E-mail: phickey~hickeyvans.com E-Mail Mark C. Moench Danel Solander Rocky Mountain Power 201 S. Main Street, Suite 2300 Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 E-mail: mark.moench~pacificorp.com daniel .solander~pacificorp.com E-Mail MONSANO'S NIETEENT DATA REQUESTS TO ROCKY MOUNAI POWER - 6 Data Request Response Center PacifiCorp 825 NE Multnomah, Suite 2000 Portland, Oregon 97232 E-mail: dataequest(fpacificorp.com E-Mail Scott Woodbur Deputy Attorney General Idaho Public Utilties Commission P. O. Box 83720 Boise, Idao 83720-0074 E-mail: scott.woodbury(fpuc.idaho.gov E-Mail Katie Iveron Brubaker & Associates 17244 W. Cordova Cour Surrise, Arzona 85387 E-mail: kiverson(fconsultbai.com E-Mail James R. Smith Monsanto Company P. O. Box 816 Soda Sprigs, Idaho 83276 E-mail: jim.r.smith(fmonsanto.com E-Mail Eric L. Olsen Racine, Olson, Nye, Budge & Bailey P.O. Box 1391 Pocatello, Idaho 83204-1391 E-mail: elo(fracinelaw.net E-Mail Anthony Yanel 29814 Lake Road Bay Vilage, Ohio 44140 E-mail: tonYrmanel.net E-Mail Tim Buller Jason Hars Agrum, Inc. 3010 Conda Road Soda Sprigs, Idao 83276 E-mail: tbul1er(fagrium.com jaharis(fagrium.com E-mail Benjamin J. Otto Idaho Conservation League P. O. Box 844 Boise, Idaho 83702 E-mail: botto(fidahoconservation.org E-Mail MONSANO'S NIETEENT DATA REQUESTS TO ROCKY MOUNAI POWER-7 9210/191610 Melinda J. Davison Davison Van Cleve, P.e. 333 SW Taylor, Suite 400 Portland, Oregon 97204 E-mail: mjd(ßdvclaw.eom E-Mail Ronald L. Wiliams Wiliams Bradbur, P.C. 1015 W. Hays Street Boise, Idao 83702 E-mail: ron(ßwiliamsbradbury.eom E-Mail Brad M. Pudy Attorney at Law 2019 N. 17th Street Boise, Idaho 83702 E-mail: bmpurdy(ßhotmaiL.eom E-Mail ø/!taß Iv RAND C. BUDGE MONSANTO'S NITEENT DATA REQUESTS TO ROCKY MOUNAI POWER - 8 \