HomeMy WebLinkAbout20101126PAC to PIIC 150-152, 160, etc.pdf. ~~~~~OUNTAIN Qi=r.Fi~"-.,~,'" -~ ri l1nu 2r Mi 9: SOinmnL;' ,J 201 South Main, Suite 2300 Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 November 24,2010 Melinda Davison Davison Van Cleve, P.C. 333 S.W. Taylor St., Ste. 400 Portland, Oregon 97204 RE: ID P AC-E-1O-07 PILC Data Request (150-176) Please find enclosed Rocky Mounta Power's responses to PILC Data Requests 150-152, 160, 163-164, 166-168, and 175. Provided on the enclosed CD is Attchment 166. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at (801) 220-2963. Sincerely, J. T.¿¿( Ú/L~/~ J. Ted Weston Manager, Reguation Enclosure: cc: Jean Jewell/UC (C)/ 3 copies Enc Olsen/IIPA (C) Ben Oto/ICL (C) Radal Budge/Monsanto (C) James R. Snithonsanto (C) Richard AndersonIonsanto (C) George C. Carer, IlI/onsanto (C) Denns Peseau/onsanto (C) Gareth R. Kajander/Monsanto (C) Maunce Brubaker/Monsanto (C) Bnan Collns/Monsanto (C) Michal Gormanonsanto (C) Kath IversonIonsanto (C) Mark Widmer/Monsanto (C) Greg MeyerlPIlC (C) Don ShoenbekIIlC (C) PAC-E-10-07/Rocky Mountan Power November 24,2010 PIlC Data Request 150 PIIC Data Request 150 Please refer to Teply Di-Reb-5, line 23. Explain how the liquidated daages payment was credited to Idaho retail customers. Explain where the adjustment was made in ths case or in a pnor case. Response to PIIC Data Request 150 Due to the timng of ths incident and the related payment of liquidated daages, neither the costs of the incident nor the liquidated daages payment were passed on to customers. The Company's first ECAM filing in Idao covered the penod of July though November 2009, and the liquidated daages payment was not included as a credit to customers. However, the NPC baseline set in the previous general rate case did not reflect the cost of the event. Now that an ECAM is established, the cost of similar events occurg in the futue, net of any liquidated damages received, will be passed on to customers though tht mechansm. Recordholder: Sponsor: Steve McDouga / Hui Shu Steve McDougal / Hui Shu PAC-E-I0-07/Rocky Mountain Power November 24,2010 PILC Data Request 151 PIIC Data Request 151 Please refer to Teply Di-Reb-6, lines 1-4. Does Mr. Teply acknowledge that, if prudent, the costs of ths incident will be recovered in an ECAM filing that ha been or wil be filed by the Company. If so, explai the justification for additional collection of these costs via inclusion in the NPC baseline. Response to PIIC Data Request 151 No. Due to timig, the dirct costs of ths incident will not be recovered in an ECAM filing. The Company's previously filed ECAM included actul costs from July though November 2009, and the costs of ths incident were incured pnor to July 2009; the associated liquidated daages were received subsequently but not included in the ECAM filing. Recordholder: Sponsor: Steve McDougal / Hui Shu Steve McDougal / Hui Shu ../PAC-E-10-07/Rocky Mountai Power November 24,2010 PILC Data Request 152 PIIC Data Request 152 Please refer to Teply Di-Reb-6, lines 1-12. Explai Mr. Teply's understding of the recovery of outage costs as occur in the ECAM and in the setting of the NPC baseline. Doesn't Mr. Teply's proposal result in double recovery of the costs of outages? Ifnot, please explai why. Response to PIIC Data Request 152 Outage costs are included in the NPC baseline based on the four-year average outage rate for thermal generating unts. Tht NPC baseline is compared to actul NPC in the ECAM proceeding with the difference between actu costs and the baseline either recovered from or retued to customers afr application of a 10 percent sharg band. Actu outage costs in NPC are included in the companson. Ultimately it is actu, prudent outage costs durg each ECAM penod, less applicable sharg, that are recovered from customers. There is no double recovery. Recordholder: Sponsor: Steve McDougal / Hui Shu Steve McDougal / Hui Shu PAC-E-I0-07/Rocky Mountan Power November 24,2010 PILC Data Request 160 PIIC Data Request 160 Please refer to Shu-Di-Reb-3, lines 20-23. Has Dr. Shu, or the Company performed any analysis to examne why it has under-recovered Net Power Costs in Idao, or in any other state? Has the Company performed any type of analysis to determine why its GRID (normalized NPC) is lower than actu NPC? If so, please provide all documents. Response to PIIC Data Request 160 The under recovery ofNPC is due to the fact tht NPC are volatile and are largely outside the control of the Company. The Company manages its net open position so loads and resources are balanced; however, significant vanations subsequently occur in the net open position though the actual penod as a result of the large, uncontrollable and unpredictable volatilty in both loads and resources tht occur simultaeously with large, uncontrollable and unpredictable volatilty in pnces of natual gas and electrcity. Please also refer to the Company's response to PILC Data Request 155. Recordholder: Sponsor: Hui Shu Hui Shu PAC-E-I0-07/Rocky Mountain Power November 24,2010 PILC Data Request 163 PIIC Data Request 163 Please refer to Shu-Di-Reb-8, lines 7-10. Please provide copies of any pnor testimony or discovery responses made by Dr. Shu in the 2008 and 2009 Washigton general rate cases which discuss the issue of the time penod (i.e., one year vs. multi-year average) used for modeling of transmission costs and capacity. Response to PIICData Request 163 Copies of Dr. Shu's testimony for the 2008 and 2009 Washigton general rate cases can be located at the below lins: UE-080220 htt://wutc.wa.gov/rms2.nsf/fr005VwDSWeb! OpenForm&vw2005L 1 DktSh=O 80220-Documents&NA V999999 UE-090205 htt://wutc. wa.gov/rms2.nsf/fr005VwDSWeb!OpenForm&vw2005L 1 DktSh=O 90205-Documents&NA V999999 PIlC may use the Company's responses provided in Docket's UE-080220 and UE-090205, subject to the Company's reservation of all evidentiar objections. Use of the Company's confdential data provided in the above-referenced docket will be subject to maintag the confdentiality of such data on the terms and conditions of protective orders and confdentiality agreements in tht docket. Use of confdential responses from other proceedings is also subject to the terms and conditions of the protective order in ths docket. Recordholder: NI A Sponsor: N/ A PAC-E-10-07/Rocky Mountain Power November 24,2010 PIlC Data Request 164 PUC Data Request 164 Please refer to Shu-Di-Reb-14,lines 9-11. a.) Pleae explai the basis for Dr. Shu's assumption tht BP A provides a valid benchmark for judgig the reasonableness of wind integration chages. b.) Does Dr. Shu acknowledge that BP A sets its own rates without a conventiona public service commission review? Response to PIIC Data Request 164 a BP A is an entity that has a wind integrtion charge in its taff. b. Yes. Recordholder: Sponsor: Hui Shu Hui Shu PAC-E-I0-07/Rocky Mounta Power November 24,2010 PIle Data Request 166 PIIC Data Request 166 Please refer to Shu-Di-Reb-15, lines 15-20. Please provide copies ofPacifiCorp's 2004 and subsequent IRP documents. Indicate the level of wid integration charges included in the Company's 2004 and subsequent IRs. Response to PUC Data Request 166 Please refer to Attchment PILC 166 for the level of wid integration charges in the IRP documents since 2004 IR. Recordholder: Sponsor: Michael Liljenwall Hui Shu PAC-E-l 0-07 /Rocky Mountain Power November 24, 2010 PIlC Data Request 167 PIIC Data Request 167 Please refer to Shu-Di-Reb-16, lines 6-9. Please provide the documents Dr. Shu relied upon in framg her discussion of the PSE and Westa cases. Response to PUC Data Request 167 The documents relied upon for ths portion of the discussion come from two public dockets at the Federal Energy Reguatory Commssion ("FERC"). The PSE docket is "FERC Docket No. ERlO-1436". The Westa docket is "FERC Docket No. ER09-1273". Both of these dockets and the publicly available documents associated with each may be accessed through FERC's "eLibrar" using the "General Search" lin and the docket numbers provided above: http://ww.ferc. gov I docs- fiihg/elibrar.asp Recordholder: Sponsor: Sarah E. Edmonds Darell Gerrard "P AC-E-l 0-07/Rocky Mounta Power November 24,2010 PIlC Data Request 168 PIIC Data Request 168 Please refer to Shu-Di-Reb-16, line 23. Provide copies of all documents the Company has reviewed in its trckig of FERC wind integration issues. Response to PUC Data Request 168 Please refer to the Company's response to PILC Data Request 167. In addition, the documents relied upon for ths portion of the discussion also include the public ruemakg docket at the Federal Energy Reguatory Commssion ("FERC"). The docket is "FERC Docket No. RM10-11". Ths docket and the publicly avaiable documents associated with each may be accessed though FERC's "eLibrar" using the "Genera Search" lin and the docket number provided above: http://ww.ferc.gov/ docs- fiing/elibra.asp Recordholder: Sponsor: Sarah E. Edonds Darell Gerrard ,PAC-E-10-07/Rocky Mountain Power November 24,2010 PIlC Data Request 175 PIIC Data Request 175 Please refer to Shu-Di-Reb-38 line 1-11. Please state Dr. Shu's understading of the purose of a pro-forma adjustment. Is it Dr. Shu's view that a pro-forma adjustment for the new transmission line should include all of the costs of the line, but only some of the benefits it produces? Response to PUC Data Request 175 The pro-forma adjustments are to reflect known-and-measurble chages to the histoncal data that are expected to occur durg the test penod. The Company ha made adjustments to the short-term fi tranmission the Company acquied histoncally to reflect the addition of the Populus to Termal line. There are no known chages to the terms of the transmission contract with Idao Power Company in the test penod. No. Recordholder: Sponsor: Hui Shu Hui Shu