HomeMy WebLinkAbout20101126PAC to Monsanto Reb 3 (1-7).pdf1 1 ~~~OUNTAIN RECE i" Loin HOV 26 t\~1 9: 52 201 South Main, Suite 2300 Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 November 24,2010 if D j~~J.'I c~ UTIUTn=:s Randall C. Budge RACINE, OLSON, NYE, BUDGE & BAlLEY, C~TERED P.O. Box 1391; 201 E. Center Pocatello, Idao 83204-1391 RE: ID P AC-E-1O-07 Monsanto Rebutt3rd Set Data Request (1-7) Please fid enclosed Rocky Mounta Power's responses to Monsanto Rebutt3rd Set Data Requests 3.1-3.7. Provided on the enclosed CD are Attchments Monsanto Rebutt 3.1, 3.2 -(1- 2), and 3.7. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at (801) 220-2963. Sincerely, J(Tdtv~/~ J.Ted Weston Maner, Reguation Enclosure: cc: Jea JewelllUC (C)/ 3 copies Enc Olsen/IPA (C) Ben Oto/ICL (C) James R. Smithonsato (C) Richard Anderson/onsanto (C) George C. Carer, IIIIonsanto (C) Denns Peseau/onsanto (C) Gareth R. Kajander/Monsanto (C) Maurce Brubaker/Monsanto (C) Bnan Collinonsto (C) Michal Gormanonsanto (C) Ka Iverson/onsanto (C) Mark WidmerlMonsanto (C) 1 t P AC-E-1 0-07/Rocky Mountain Power November 24,2010 Monsanto Rebutt Data Request 3.1 Monsanto Rebuttal Data Request 3.1 At page 5 of Mr. Willams' testiony, he states that PacifiCorp is investing more in doing business th is generated from operations. He states that in the fist six month of2010, the Company invested $876 milion into capita expenditues while generating only $779 milion of net cash flow from operations. Please provide the sources of cash the Company relied on to supplement the amount of internal cash flow generation to meet its capital expenditues in 2010. Response to Monsanto Rebuttal Data Request 3.1 Please refer to Attachment Monsanto 3.1, in paricular the sections titled "Cash flows frm fiancing activities" and ''Net change in cash and cash equivalents" Recordholder: Sponsor: Bruce N. Wiliams Bruce N. Wiliams , P AC-E-l 0-07/Rocky Mountain Power November 24,2010 Monsanto Rebutt Data Request 3.2 Monsanto Rebuttal Data Request 3.2 At pages 5 and 6 of Mr. Wiliams' testimony, he is cntical of Mr. Gorman for relying on data only up through June 30, 2010. Pleas provide complete copies of the most recent FERC filings, and Securties and Exchage Commssion filings, which show more recent fincIal data for PacifiCorp and Rocky Mounta Power th that relied on by Mr. Gorman. Response to Monsanto Rebuttal Data Request 3.2 Please refer to Atthments Monsanto 3.2 -1 and 3.2 -2. Recordholder: Sponsor: Bruce N. Wiliams Bruce N. Wiliams " ~ P AC-E-l 0-07/Rocky Mountain Power November 24, 2010 Monsanto Rebutt Data Request 3.3 Monsanto Rebuttal Data Request 3.3 With respect to pages 6 and 7 of Mr. Willam' testimony, he states some concern with Mr. Gorman's use of off-balance sheet debt adjustments to his credit metrc calculation. With respect to ths testimony, please answer the following: a Pleae identify the differences in off-balance sheet debt used by Mr. Gorman and that estimated by Stadard and Poor's. b. To the extent any amount of this is related to post-retirement benefits or pension expense, please anwer the followig: i. Does the Company have discretion on how to mae cash contnbutions it makes to the trt fuds for post-retirement benefits, and pension expense? 11. Does the amount of off-balance sheet debt reflect the difference between the Company's obligation and the value of the trt fud assets? iii. Can the Company reduce the off-balance sheet debt for post-retiment benefits and pension expense by increasing its cas contrbutions to the trst fud assets? Response to Monsanto Rebuttl Data Request 3.3 a.Gormanxhbit No. 218 S&P October 7, 2010/ Rang Direct Report Operating Leases Interm. Hybnds Post Retirement Oblig. Accred interest Power purchase agmts Asset retirement oblig Tota $36.5 milion o o o 395.7 millon o $432.2 millon $36.5 millon 20.5 millon 369.9 milion 111.0 milion 395.7 millon 66.3 milion $999.8 millon Difference $567.6 millon b. i. Yes, however there are mium fuding requirements and limits from a maimum tax deductible stadpoint and other considerations. 11. S&P states tht the adjusent to the balance sheet, if the net pension and postetirement fuded statu is a deficit, is multiplied by (1- ta rate). ii. The fuded statu of post-reent benefit plans depends upon a numbe of factors, includi the rates of retu on plan assets, the level and na of benefits provided, discount raes, the interest rates us to measure ~ P AC-E-1 0-07/Rocky Mountain Power November 24,2010 Monsanto Rebuttl Data Request 3.3 required minium fundig levels, chages in benefit design changes in laws and governent reguation and requid or volunta contrbutions made to the plan. Recordholder: Sponsor: Bruce N. Wiliams Bruce N. Wiliams ~ PAC-E-I0-07/Rocky Mountain Power November 24,2010 Monsanto Rebutt Data Request 3.4 Monsanto Rebuttl Data Request 3.4 Referrng to page 3 of Dr. Hadaway's rebutt testiony, he refers to the most recently alowed retu on equity in Idaho for Avista Corp. as 10.5%. Pleae stte whether or not that retu on equity was a settlement or a litigated position. Please identify the date the paries agreed to that retu on equity findig. Response to Monsanto Rebutt Data Request 3.4 As stated in Dr. Hadaway's Rebutt Testiony, the Avista case was setted and the Commssion approved a 10.5% ROE on July 17,2009. Dr. Hadaway does not know when the pares agreed to tht retu on equity fidig. Recordholder: Sponsor: Dr. Samuel C. Hadway Dr. Samuel C. Hadaway P AC-E-1 0-07/Rocky Mountan Power November 24,2010 Monsanto Rebutt Data Request 3.5 Monsanto Rebuttal Data Request 3.5 At page 10 of Dr. Hadaway's testimony, he cites certin deficiencies of the CAPM. Please identify any proceeding in which Dr._Hadaway has filed in the last five year where he has relied on the results of a CAPM study to support his recommended retu on equity. For each such proceeding, identify the name of the utilty, the state jurisdiction, the docket and the order date. Response to Monsanto Rebuttal Data Request 3.5 Dr. Hadaway has used the CAPM in some cases, such as Illinois, where that model is accepted. He has not researched his testiony for the last five years to determine which cases. Recordholder: Sponsor: Dr. Samuel C. Hadaway Dr. Samuel C. Hadway P AC-E-l 0-07/Rocky Mounta Power November 24,2010 Monsanto Rebuttal Data Request 3.6 Monsanto Rebuttl Data Request 3.6 Concernng pages 21 and 22 of Dr. Hadaway's testimony, please identi the number of proceedings where Dr. Hadaway has recommended his methodology for supporting a GDP growt forecast for use in a DCF study. For all these proceedings, please identif any reguatory commssion tht ha accepted hi GDP growt forecast methodology. Response to Monsanto Rebuttal Data Request 3.6 Dr. Hadaway has not researched his past testimony to determine the number of cases in which he ha used the GDP grwt rate in his DCF calculations. To the best of his recollection, he has done so in each case for about the last seven years or so. In many cases, Commssions don't specify exactly how they arve at their ROE conclusions. Dr. Hadway's base ROE recommendation was accepted as fied by the Missour Public Service Commssion in December 2006 (Missour Public Servce Commission, Cae No. ER -2006-0314, filed Janua 27, 2006) and tht recommendation was in par based on the GDPgrowth rate methodology. He does not know the effect tht his GDP growt rate recmmendations may have ha in other cases. Recordholder: Sponsor: Dr. Samuel C. Hadaway Dr. Samuel C. Hadaway " " P AC-E-l 0-07/Rocky Mountan Power November 24,2010 Monsanto Rebutt Data Request 3.7 Monsanto Rebuttal Data Request 3.7 Please provide complete copies of all Dr. Hadaway's workpapers supportg his updated retu on equity estimates on an electronic spreadsheet with all formulas intat. Response to Monsanto Rebuttal Data Request 3.7 Provided as Attachment Monsanto 3.7 are the Excel spreadsheets supportng Dr. Hadaway's Exhibits 58, 59, and 60. Recordholder: Sponsor: Dr. Samuel C. Hadaway Dr. Samuel C. Hadway