HomeMy WebLinkAbout20101124PAC to PIIC 177-184.pdf~~l~OUNTAIN Ç!b_~ ;¡ November 23,2010 201 South Main, Suite 2300 "f'in lin\! 211 ñLi'HQ: S4 Salt Lake City, Utah 84111LOni r,u, ." '. i Melinda Davison Davison Van Cleve, P.C. 333 S.W. Taylor St., Ste. 400 Portland, Oregon 97204 RE: ID PAC-E-1O-07 PILC Data Request (177-186) Please find enclosed Rocky Mountain Power's responses to PIlC DataRequests 177-184. The remainig responses will be provided separately. Provided on the enclosed CD are Attachments PILC 177, 179, 180, and 184. Provided on the enclosed Confdential CD is Confdential Attachment PILC 178. The Confdential Attachment is Confdential and is provided to paries that have signed a protective order in this docket. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at (80l) 220-2963. Sincerely, j ,Jl tuLd1"K)~ J. Ted Weston Manager, Regulation Enclosure: cc: Jean JewelllPUC (C)/ 3 copies Eric Olsen/IlPA (C) Ben OttolICL (C) Randall Budge/Monsanto (C) James R. Smithonsanto (C) Richard Anderson/onsanto (C) George C. Carer, III/Monsanto (C) Denns Peseau/onsanto (C) Gareth R. Kajander/Monsanto (C) Maurce Brubaker/Monsanto (C) Brian Collns/Monsanto (C) Michael GormanMonsanto (C) Katln Ivernon/Monsanto (C) Mark Widmer/Monsanto (C) Greg Meyer/PIlC (C) Greg Meyer/PIlC (C) PAC-E-I0-07/Rocky Mountain Power November 23,2010 PILC Data Request 177 PIle Data Request 177 Please provide the anual number of employees who have left Rocky Mountain Power durng the last 5 years which cited compensation as the reason for leaving Rocky Mountain Power. Please provide the information by year. Response to PIle Data Request 177 The Company objects to ths request to the extent it requests inormation from time periods not relevant to this proceeding. Without waiving this objection, the Company responds as follows: Please refer to Attchment PIlC 177. Since 2006, the Company has offered resignng non-unon employees the opportty to parcipate in an exit interview. Only a small percentage of employees choose to paricipate. Durg the interview, employees are asked to identify their priar and secondar reason for resigng. Among the reasons listed on the questionnaie are "benefits" and "salar," which the Company defies as compensation for the puroses of this request. Recordholder: Sponsor: Erich D. Wilson Erich D. Wilson PAC-E-I0-07/Rocky Mountain Power November 23,2010 PILC Data Request 178 PIle Data Request 178 Does Rocky Mountan Power/PacifiCorp conduct exit interviews or employee exit sureys? Are these interviews or sureys documented? Please provide a copy of any documentation used to conduct exit interviews or exit sureys. Response to PUC Data Request 178 Please refer to the Company's response to PIlC Data Request 177. A copy of the curent template used to document exit interviews is provided as Confdential Attachment PILC 178. Confdential information is provided pursuat to the terms of the protective agreement in this proceeding. Recordholder: Sponsor: Erich D. Wilson Erich D. Wilson P AC-E-l 0-07/Rocky Mountan Power November 23,2010 PILC Data Request 179 PIle Data Request 179 Whatis the average employment tenure of Rocky Mountain Power/PacifiCorp employees over the past five years? Please provide the information on a unon and non-unon basis. Response to PUC Data Request 179 Please refer to Attchment PIlC 179. Please note that this information could only be provided for the last three years on a total company basis, as prior to 2008 Mining was not par of the curent system of record. Recordholder: Sponsor: Erich D. Wilson Erich D. Wilson PAC-E-l 0-07/Rocky Mountan Power November 23,2010 PILC Data Request 180 PIle Data Request 180 For calendar years 2008 and 2009, please provide the number and percentage of Rocky Mountain Power/PacifiCorp employees who did not receive any incentive compensation payments. For the same period of time, please provide the number and percentage of employees who received target, below taget and above target incentive compensation payments. Response to PUC Data Request 180 Please refer to Atthment PILC 180. The eligibilty for payment is based on ful time or par time employment as of August 30, 2008, and August 30, 2009, respectively. Employees who resigned, retired, or were on long term disabilty afer the eligibilty date and before the payment date of December 17, 2008, and December 17,2009, respectively were not eligible for incentive payments and therefore did not receive payments. Recordholder: Sponsor: Erich D. Wilson Erich D. Wilson P AC-E-l 0-07/Rocky Mountain Power November 23,2010 PILC Data Request 181 PIle Data Request 181 Please indicate the last year when Rocky Mountan Power/PacifiCorp did not pay incentive compensation to its employees. Please provide an explanation why there was no incentive compensation paid for that year. Response to PIle Data Request 181 PacifiCorp has not had a year in which incentive compensation was not provided as an element of the employees' market competitive total compensation. Recordholder: Sponsor: Erich D. Wilson Erich D. Wilson PAC-E-I0-07/Rocky Mountain Power November 23,2010 PIlC Data Request 182 PIle Data Request 182 Please indicate the last year when the Rocky Mountan Power/PacifiCorp workforce, as a whole, was paid incentive compensation below the taget leveL. Response to PIle Data Request 182 Because incentive compensation is par of the Company's overall market-based compensation approach, the Company's goal is to pay incentive compensation at the overall workforce taget level each year. In 2009, the overall average award was at roughly 93% of target due to not achieving the overall safety improvement goal. Recordholder: Sponsor: Erich D. Wilson Erich D. Wilson PAC-E-I0-07/Rocky Mountain Power November 23,2010 PILC Data Request 183 PIle Data Request 183 Historically has Rocky Mountain Power/PacifiCorp only made incentive compensation payments up to the level that was determned to be recovered in customer rates? Response to PIle Data Request 183 Since 2006, the year in which the Company adjusted the approach to incentive compensation as par of both the acquisition by MidAerican as well as incorporating feedback from the commssions in the states in which the Company provides service to customers, the Company has only sought to recover up to the taget incentive leveL. As discussed in the Company's response to PILC Data Request 182, the Company's goal is to pay overall workforce incentive compensation at the target leveL. Recordholder: Sponsor: Erich D. Wilson Erich D. Wilson PAC-E-I0-07/Rocky Mountain Power November 23,2010 PILC Data Request 184 PIle Data Request 184 Please provide the 20 year normal for weather as calculated by Rocky Mountain Power/PacifiCorp. Is the 20 year normal based off of 50 degree cooling degree day temperatue? If so, please provide all rational for use of that level of CDn temperatue. If not please provide the CDD temperatue used. What is NOAA's temperatue for measurng CDD? Response to PUC Data Request 184 Please refer to Attchment PILC 184. The Company uses CDD and HDD temperatues with different base temperatues depending on the customer class. The base temperatues which were used for each customer class was chosen based on which temperatues provided the best fit of the data and having the expected sign on the coeffcient. NOAA calculates a CDD based on a base temperatue of 65 degrees. Recordholder: Sponsor: Pete Eelkema Pete Eelkema