HomeMy WebLinkAbout20101124PAC to PIIC 153, 155-159, etc.pdf. ~~\Roo~OUNTAIN November 23,2010 Melinda Davison Davison Van Cleve, P.C. 333 S.W. Taylor St., Ste. 400 Portland, Oregon 97204 RE: ID PAC-E-1O-07 PIlC Data Request (150-176) r-. r: 'c,,Fi,.,... l~\ú 24 \û: ~1 South Main, Suite 2300 , Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Please find enclosed Rocky Mountain Power's responses to PIlC Data Requests 153,155- 159,161-162,165,169-174,176. The remainng responses will be provided separtely. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at (801) 220-2963. Sincerely, J. .I.- l¿t-~~ I~ J. Ted Weston Manager, Regulation Enclosure: cc: Jean JewelllIPUC (C)/ 3 copies Enc Olsen/lIP A (C) Ben Otto/ICL (C) Randill Budge/Monsanto (C) James R. Smith/onsanto (C) Richard AndersonIonsanto (C) George C. Carer, III/Monsanto (C) Dennis Peseau/onsanto (C) Gareth R. Kajander/Monsanto (C) Maunce Brubaker/Monsanto (C) Bnan Collns/Monsanto (C) Michael Gormanonsanto (C) Kathn Iverson/Monsanto (C) Mark Widmer/Monsanto (C) Greg Meyer/PIlC (C) Don Shoenbeck/PIlC (C) PAC-E-I0-07/Rocky Mountain Power November 23,2010 PILC Data Request 153 PIle Data Request 153 Please refer to Shu-Di-Reb-3, lines 6-8. Do the figures quoted reflect regulatory adjustments, such as imputation of SMUD contract revenues, and removal of out of period costs? If so, please restate the figues with those adjustments. Response to PIle Data Request 153 No, as stated in the testimony of Dr. Shu, the quoted numbers are actuil net power costs. The reference adjustment for the SMUD contract is less than $10 millon on a total Company basis for a 12-month penod. Recordholder: Sponsor: Hui Shu Hui Shu PAC-E-10-07/Rocky Mountan Power November 23,2010 PILC Data Request 155 PIle Data Request 155 Please refer to Shu-Di-Reb-3, lines 6-8. Has Dr. Shu made any anilysis of the extent to which load vanations, hydro and wind generation deviations, or the like have impacted the level ofNPC for the penods referenced. Response to PIle Data Request 155 No. Recordholder: Sponsor: Hui Shu Hui Shu P AC-E-1 0-07/Rocky Mountain Power November 23,2010 PIlC Data Request 156 PIle Data Request 156 Please refer to Shu-Di-Reb-3, lines 6-8. Has Dr. Shu performed any analysis of and demonstrated the prudence ofthe costs referenced? Ifnot, what is Dr. Shu's basis for assuming the costs listed were in fact, all prudent? Response to PIle Data Request 156 No. The Company continumly strives to operate in a prudent maner. The Company believes that all of the listed costs are incured prudently to serve its obligations. Recordho1der: Sponsor: Hui Shu Hui Shu PAC-E-I0-07/Rocky Mountain Power November 23,2010 PILC Data Request 157 PIle Data Request 157 Please refer to Shu-Di-Reb-3, lines 6-8. Does Dr. Shu agree that in all of the Wyomig PCAM cases the Company has agreed to reductions to its requested actual net power costs, as par of a stipulation? Resiionse to PIle Data Request 157 Yes. Recordholder: Sponsor: Hui Shu Hui Shu PAC-E-10-07/Rocky Mountain Power November 23,2010 PILC Data Request 158 PIle Data Request 158 Please refer to Shu-Di-Reb-3, line 10. a.) Is it Dr. Shu's position that so long as actual NPC is less than normilized NPC that no adjustment or even correction to GRID model results is reasonable? b.) For example, would correction of a math error in GRID be uneasonable in Dr. Shu's view under curent circumstaces? Response to PIle Data Request 158 a. No. b. No. Recordholder: Sponsor: Hui Shu Hui Shu P AC-E-1 0-07/Rocky Mountain Power November 23,2010 PIlC Data Request 159 PIle Data Request 159 Please refer to Shu-Di-Reb-3, lines 20-23. Is it Dr. Shu's position that only a complete "cost plus" type ofECAM arangement provides the Company a fair opportty to recover its power costs? Response to PIle Data Request 159 No. Recordholder: Sponsor: Hui Shu Hui Shu P AC-E-l 0-07/Rocky Mountain Power November 23,2010 PIlC Data Request 161 PIle Data Request 161 Please refer to Shu-Di-Reb-3, lines 20-23 top page 4, line 1. Does Dr. Shu acknowledge that at the time the Company made its Idaho filing it was aware that its projected NPC dunng the rate effective penod was much higher th the amount it was requesting in the test year? Response to PIle Data Request 161 Yes. Recordholder: Sponsor: Hui Shu Hui Shu PAC-E-IO-07/Rocky Mountain Power November 23,2010 PIlC Data Request 162 PIle Data Request 162 Please refer to Shu-Di-Reb-5, lines 4-10. Did Dr. Shu apply the modified screenig analysis to all gas fired plants? Identify the resources to which the screens were applied. To the extent not provided previously, please provide the workpapers for the new screens. Response to PIle Data Request 162 The modified screenig anilysis was applied to the Gadsby Steam unts, the Gadsby CTs, Curant Creek, Lake Side, and Chehmis. The Hermiston unts were not screened since the gas supply contract rates in effect in the test penod were significantly cheaper than market rates. Please refer to the Company's response to PILC Data Request 144. Recordholder: Sponsor: Hui Shu Hui Shu PAC-E-I0-07/Rocky Mountain Power November 23,2010 PIlC Data Request 165 PIle Data Request 165 Please refer to Shu-Di-Reb-14, lines 9-11. Does Dr. Shu consider BPA's practice of charging wholesale transmission customers for wind integration services reasonable? Please explain why PacifiCorp's transmission ta:fs contain no charge for wid integration services. Response to PIle Data Request 165 a. Yes b. Wind integration has only recently begu to playa signficant role on the Company's transmission system. BPA's rates do not have to meet FERC's just and reasonable standard, so it has been able to more quickly adapt its ta:frates to reflect changes on its systems. Please refer to Dr. Shu's rebutt testimony from page 5, line 12 to page 17, line 2. Recordholder: Sponsor: Hui Shu Hui Shu P AC-E-l 0-07/Rocky Mountain Power November 23,2010 PILC Data Request 169 PIle Data Request 169 Please refer to Shu-Di-Reb-23 Figue 1. Does Dr. Shu acknowledge that Bear River energy production in 1994 was approxiately the same as the most level shown on the char and that by 1996 Bear River was operating in Flood Control mode. Response to PIle Data Request 169 No. Recordholder: Sponsor: Hui Shu Hui Shu PAC-E-1 0-07/Rocky Mountain Power November 23, 2010 PILC Data Request 170 PIle Data Request 170 Please refer to Shu-Di-Reb-23 Figue 1. Does Dr. Shu believe that in 1986 it would have been proper to assume that the Company would never be in drought conditions in prepanng its NPC forecasts? Respone to PIle Data Request 170 No. Recordholder: Sponsor: Hui Shu Hui Shu P AC-E-1 0-07/Rocky Mountain Power November 23,2010 PILC Data Request 171 PIle Data Request 171 Please refer to Shu-Di-Reb-23 Figue 1. Does Dr. Shu see any evidence in this figue to demonstrate that recent pnor history is usefu in predicting the presence or absence of flood control operations of the Bear River facilty? If so, please indicate how she would use ths data to make such predictions. Response to PIle Data Request 171 Yes. The Company does look to the histoncil information to set expectations for the test period. The recent history indicated that the Company has not been operating in the flood control mode since 2001. And, given the curent elevation of the Bear Lake, the Company is not expected to operate in the flood control mode in the near futue. Please refer to Dr. Shu's rebuttal testimony for fuher discussion, especially from page 20, line 16 to page 21, line 9. Recordholder: Sponsor: Hui Shu Hui Shu P AC-E-l 0-07/Rocky Mountain Power November 23,2010 PILC Data Request 172 PIle Data Request 172 Please refer to Shu-Di-Reb-24 line 17. Provide workpapers supporting the figue $4.7 millon. Response to PIle Data Request 172 Please refer to the Company's response to PILC Data Request 143. Recordholder: Sponsor: Hui Shu Hui Shu PAC-E-I0-07/Rocky Mountan Power November 23,2010 PILC Data Request 173 PIle Data Request 173 Please refer to Shu-Di-Reb-24 line 17. Explain how the $4.7 milion figue is relevant given the fact that the Company has changed is screenig methodology in ths case. Response to PIle Data Request 173 Mr. Falkenberg's stap cost adjustment (#2) is based on the screens originally filed by the Company. Recordholder: Sponsor: Hui Shu Hui Shu PAC-E-1 0-07/Rocky Mountain Power November 23,2010 PILC Data Request 174 PIle Data Request 174 Please refer to Shu-Di-Reb-24 line 17. Provide the same anlysis as applies to the $4.7 millon but for the Company's rebutt NPC filing. Response to PIle Data Request 174 The Company has not conducted the requested analysis. Recordholder: Sponsor: Hui Shu Hui Shu PAC-E-10-07/Rocky Mountain Power November 23,2010 PUC Data Request 176 PIle Data Request 176 Please refer to Shu-Di-Reb-38 line 1-11. Does Dr. Shu agree that one of the ultimate benefits of the new transmission line would be to eliminate the need for short-term transmission purchases, such as the contract in question? Response to PIle Data Request 176 No. Please refer to Mr. Cupparo's testimony for discussion on the puroses and benefits of the new transmission line. Recordholder: Sponsor: Hui Shu / John Cupparo Hui Shu / John Cupparo