HomeMy WebLinkAbout20101118PAC to XRG 1-15.pdf~~\R:OUNTAIN -r~~=' ZØIO NOV f 7 AM 10= l 4 201 Souh Main, Suite 2300 Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 September 27,2010 Peter J. Richardson Gregory M. Adams Richardson & O'Lear, PLLC 515 N. 27th Street P.O. Box 7218 Boise, Idaho 83702 Telephone: (208) 938-7901 Fax: (208) 938-7904 petertßrlchardsonandolear.com gregtßrichardsonandolear.com RE: ID PAC-E-IO-08 XRG Data Request (1-15) Please find enclosed Rocky Mountan Power's responses to XRG Data Requests 1-15. Provided on the enclosed CD are Attchments XRG 1 and 5. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at (801) 220-2963. Sincerely, ::, T-/d Ú/~ / ~ J. Ted Weston Manager, Regulation ;.~ PAC-E-1O-08/Rocky Mountain Power September 27, 2010 XRG Data Request 1 Please identify and provide all docum,ents (including correspondence, internally or externally distributed), and all studies regarding XRG's request for PURPA PPAs and interconnection with Rocky Mountain Power's system in Idaho for the XRG QF projects referenced in the Complaint in this case. Please organize documents chronologically. l l XRG Data Request 1 Response to XRG Data Request 1 Rocky Mountain Power objects toXRG's Data Request 1 to the extent that it calls for all documents and studies on the grounds that it is unduly burdensome, overly broad, and may seek irrelevant and or privileged information. Notwithstanding and without waiving the foregoing objections, Rocky Mountain Power responds as follows. Please refer to Attachment XRG 1. Recordholder: Sponsor: Bruce Griswold To Be Determined 't '1 ,. I. f, PAC-E-IO-08/Rocky Mountain Power September 27, 2010 XRG Data Request 2 XRG Data Request 2 Reference Answer, 1 9. Please explain why Rocky Mountain Power delivered a PP A for only one of the XRG projects? Did Rocky Mountain Power receive requests for PPAs for all four XRG projects? Response to XRG Data Request 2 Rocky Mountain Power objects to XRG's Data Request 2 to the extent that it seeks an expert opinion, a legal opinion, or legal argument and to the extent it calls for Rocky Mountain Power to statea'n opinion not previously written. See IPUC Rule 225. Notwithstanding and without waiving the foregoing objections, Rocky Mountain Power responds as follows. Yes, Rocky Mountain Power did recèive requests from XRG for four PP As for the XRG projects. Rocky Mountain Power previously explained why it prepared only one PP A, in an e-mail from Bruce Griswold to James Carkulis dated October 2,2009, and in a letter from PacifiCorp's legal counsel, Kenneth Kaufmann, to XRG's attorney, Peter Richardson, on April 13,2010. Please refer to Exhibits A-19 and A-25 to Rocky Mountain Power's First PrQ,d~ctiori Request to the XRG LLCs, attached as par of Attachment XRG 1. ' . .', " Furhermore, even if there were no issues with any of the four PP As requested, PacifiCorp initially would have sent XRG a single PPA, and then prepared individual PP As at the end of the negotiation, after all terms and conditions had been fully negotiated. Recordholder: Sponsor: Bruce Griswoid To Be Determine(l 'j PAC-E-I0-08/Rocky Mountain Power September 27, 2010 XRG Data Request 3 XRG Data Request 3 Reference the email communication by Bruce Griswold to XRG dated Oct. 2, 2009, regarding the XRG projects. Does Rocky Mountain Power admit that it denied XRG PPAs for three ofthefout XRG projects. If yes, please explain Rocky Mountain Power's legal basis'for dQing so. Response to XRG Data Request 3 Rocky Mountain Power objects to XRG's Data Request 3 to the extent it seeks an expert opinion, a legal opinion, or legal argument and to the extent that it calls for Rocky Mountain Power to state an opinion not previously written. See IPUC Rule 225. Notwithstanding'and without waiving the foregoing objections, Rocky Mountain Power responds as follows. No, Rocky Mountain Power does not admit that Bruce Griswold's email of October 2, 2009 denied XRG PPAs for three of the four XRG projects. Recordholder: Sponsor: Bruce Griswold To Be Determined ,", i, ...1 PAC-E-I0-08/Rocky Mountain Power September 27, 20 I 0 XRG Data Request 4 XRG Data Request 4 Did Rocky Mountain Power informXRG on November 1,2009, that transmission may be available for all four XRG projects if the projects came online on or after June 2011? If so, please identify and provide supporting documents establishing when Rocky Mountain Power first became aware of this possibility of additional transmission capacity. Response to XRG Data Request 4 No, Rocky Mountain Power didnotinforn XRG on November 1,2009, that transmission may be available for alltour XRG projects if the projects came online on or after June 2011. Recordholder: Sponsor: Bruce Griswold To Be Determined il' .1 \. '1 PAC-E-I0-08/Rocky Mountain Power September 27,2010 XRG Data Request 5 XRG Data Request 5 Reference Answer, 1 8. Please proviçle supporting documents or studies establishing that transmission capacity for no more than 23 MW of net output was available at the time period from January 2009 to March 20 i O. Please provide supporting documents or studies establishing that transmission capacity for no more than 23 MW would be available at all proposed online dates discussed by XRG, including June 2011. Response to XRG Data Request 5 Rocky Mountain Power objects to XRG's Data Request 5 to the extent that it calls for all documents and studies on the grounds that it is unduly burdensome, overly broad, and may seek irrelevant and or privileged information. Notwithstanding and without waiving the foregoing objections, Rocky Mountain Power responds as follows. Please refer to Attachment XRG 1, which includes emails from Jim Portouw to Bruce Griswold dated Januar 29, 2009 and Attachment XRG 5, a letter from Rocky Mountain Power to XRG dated September 21,2010. Recordholder: Sponsor: Bruce Griswoln' ~,l .1. To Be Determined(', t ¡ n !l' , ~- H !' ; :i' PAC-E-10-08/Rocky Mountain Power September 27, 2010 XRG Data Request 6 XRG Data Request 6 Does it appear at this date that transmission capacity wil exist for over 23 MW at the proposed point of interconnection for the XRG projects at any point prior to the end of 20 II? If so, please identify and provide supporting documents establishing when Rocky Mountain Power first became aware of this possibility of additional transmission capacity. Response to XRG Data Request 6 Rocky Mountain Power objects to xRG's Data Request 6 to the extent that it calls for all documents and studies on the grounds that it is unduly burdensome, overly broad, and may seek irrelevant and or privileged information. Rocky Mountain Power objects to XRG's Data Request 6 to the extent that it seeks an expert opinion, a legal opinion, or legal argument and to the extent it calls for Rocky Mountain Power to state an opinion not previously written. See IPUC Rule 225. Notwithstanding and without waiving the foregoing objections, Rocky Mountain Power responds as follows. Yes. It now appears that transmission capacity exists suffcient to accommodate 70 MW of capacity from XRG's foUr proposed projects delivering net output to Rocky Mountain Power's Brady Substation in Idaho. Rocky Mountain Power became awarê; of adcljtional transmission capacity across Path C on July 15, 2010-the datePacifiCorp Transmission Services declared a new Point of DeliverylPoint of Receipt called "Path C". On September 14, 2010, Rocky Mountain Power first recognized that the July 15,2010 change eliminated all identified bariers to acceptingall70 MW output from the XRG projects at Brady Substation. On September21¡2010, Rocky Mountain Power notified XRG that it is able to purchase output fropj allf~ur proposed XRG projects at the Brady Substation Point of Delivery at the published avoided cost rates in effect on the,1'1 " , idate the paries execute PPAs for suchprojects. Please refer to Attachment XRG 5 for a copy of the September 21, 201a letter. Recordholder: Sponsor: Bruce Griswold To Be Determined (I' ri; ':t r¡ ? .. ; ¡ ~ ",'1 ',¡ PAC-E- 1 0-08/Rocky Mountain Power September 27,2010 XRG Data Request 7 XRG Data Request 7 Reference Anser, 1 11. Please explain whether Rocky Mountain Power lacked any project-specific information regarding the XRG projects, necessary to complete standard PURP A PPAs prior to March 16, 20 1 O. Please identify any missing project-specific information, and organize the missing information by project. Please identify and provide any communication by Rocky Mountain Power to XRG informing XRG that Rocky Mountain Power required more information. If no such communicat~on exists, please state so. Response to XRG Data Request 7 Rocky Mountain Power objects to XRG's Data Request 7 to the extent that it calls for all documents and studies on the grounds that it is unduly burdensome, overly broad, and may seek irrelevant and or privileged information. Rocky Mountain Power objects to XRG's Data Request 7 to the extent that it seeks an expert opinion, a legal opinion, or legal argl,tnent and to the extent it calls for Rocky Mountain Power to state an opinion nöt prèviously written. See IPUC Rule 225. Notwithstanding and without waiving the foregoing objections, Rocky Mountain Power responds as follows. Rocky Mountain Power sent XRG a draft PPA and asked for comments more than 16 months ago on May 11,2009. XRG did not respond with comments, revisions, or additional information regarding the draft PP A. Rocky Mountain Power reiterated its request for comwents on the draft PPA on October 2, 2009. Again, XRG did not respond. 'f, :.; ..;1 . Necessar next steps in negotiating1the, dtaft PPA are the responsibilty ofXRG. XRG needs to verify that the informdtìon provided by it in Januar 2009 is stil correct (as Rocky Mountain Powerrequestedin October 2009 and April 13, 2010). XRG needs to tell Rocky Mountain Power if any of the terms of the PP A are not acceptable and propose alternative language, if any. XRG also needs to make choices in the draft PP A, such as electing what form of delay default security it wil provide and whether it wil provide financial information in aid of Rocky Mountain Power's creditworthiness review. Until XRG provides such information, Rocky Mountain Power canot determine what project-specific information is missing, what infonpation\ia ,incorrect, or what additional information may stil be required. '" '" .\,. ~ However, Rocky Mountain Power is presently aware of a number of patent flaws and omissions in XRG's application materials, which Rocky Mountain Power described in attchments to its September 21, 2010 letter (provided as Attachment XRG 5). Recordholder: Sponsor: Bruce Griswold' , : To Be Determineq ,~ ;, PAC-E- i 0-08/Rocky Mountain Power September 27,2010 XRG Data Request 8 XRG Data Request 8 Reference Answer, 1 i O. Please identify any terms and conditions in the draft PP A provided to XRG that needed to be negotiated. Other than the statements in the disclaimer clause, why could XRG nohely on the terms and conditions in the draft PP A as being the Commission-authorized terms applicable to all four XRG projects? Why could XRG not at least rely on the rate structure in the draft PPA as being applicable to all four XRG 'projects when XRG requested PP As well in advance of any likely change in published avoided cost rates? Response to XRG Data Request 8 Rocky Mountain Power objects to XRG's Data Request 8 to the extent that it seeks an expert opinion, a legal opinion, or legal argument and to the extent it calls for Rocky Mountain Power to state an opinion not previously written. See IPUC Rule 225. Notwithstanding and without waiving the foregoing objections, Rocky Mountain Powerresponds as follows. All terms of an Idaho small QF powerpurchase agreement may be negotiated with the consent of the QF and the utility.' A QF may insist on certain terms, such as pricing, which are prescribed by Commission order. However, in such cases, the QF does not perfect its rights to those terms prior to the time it establishes a legally enforceable obligation with the utilty. Rocky Mountain Power's obligation to enter into a PP A with XRG is contingent, among other things, upon XRG providing, and Rocky Mountain:Pqwer reviewing, information required for reasonable due dilgence. 'J, Because XRG did not provide comrr~hts' on the PPA provided, nor provide information to Rocky Mountain Pow~r necessar for due dilgence, the parties could not meaningfully negotiate executable PP As and XRG could not rely on the rates provided in the draft PP A. In sum, a QF perfects its rights to a rate structure at the time it establishes a legally enforceable obligation with the utility, not at the time it requests PP As or provides all necessary project information. l t"f Recordholder: Sponsor: Bruce Griswold To Be Determined i,") PAC-E- 1 0-08/Rocky Mountain Power September 27,2010 XRG Data Request 9 XRG Data Request 9 Reference Answer, FIRST AFFIRMÀTIVE DEFENSE. Please explain how XRG could execute PPAs when Rocky Mountain Power did not provide XRG's requested PP As. Please identify and¡proyide the communication from Rocky Mountain Power informing XRG that the one PP A provided for one of the four XRG projects should be used for the remaining XRG projects. Response to XRG Data Request 9 Rocky Mountain Power objects toXRu'sData Request 9 to the extent that it seeks an expert opinion, a legal opinion, or legal argument and to the extent it calls for Rocky Mountain Power to státe an opinion not previously written. See IPUC Rule 225. Notwithstandir1gand without waiving the foregoing objections, Rocky Mountain Power responds as follows. XRG could not execute PPAs because XRG did not negotiate PPAs to completion with Rocky Mountain Power prior to the March 15,2010 rate change. ì I Rocky Mountain Power did not explain to XRG in writing that the one draft PPA provided by Rocky Mountain Power on May 11,2009, should be used for the remaining XRG projects. XRGdecl~red;ìn a July 6, 2009 e-mail, and again in a March 11, 2010 e-mail to Bruce GTiS~019 that it would take the draft PP A provided by Rocky Mountain Poweirpti May 11, 2009 and replicate it to create PPAs for its other three projects. Ph~¡ie refer to Exhibits A-17 and A-23 to Rocky Mountain Power's First Prodûctiòn 'Request to the XRG LLCs, attached as part of Attachment XRG 1. XRG also declared on March 11, 2010, that it would present Rocky Mountain Power with redline markups of these four draft PP As for Rocky Mountain Power's review and approvaL. XRG has never presented the drafts to Rocky Mountain Power. Recordholder: Sponsor: Bruce Griswold. .' To Be Determined"¡ PAC-E-I0-08/Rocky Mountain Power September 27,2010 XRG Data Request 10 XRG Data Request 10 Reference Answer, SECOND AFFlRMA TIVE DEFENSE. Please explain where Rocky Mountain Power has made available to Idaho QFs a list of "required information" referred to in this affrmative defense. If no such list exists, please provide the communication from Rocky Mountain Power to XRG explaining the complete list of information XRG needed to provide to perfect its right to PP As, or to enable Rocky Mountain Power to complete standard PP As. Response to XRG Data Request 10 Rocky Mountain Power objects to XRG's Data Request 10 to the extent that it seeks an expert opinion, a legal opinion, or legal argument and to the extent it calls for Rocky Mountain Power to state an opinion not previously written. See IPUC Rule 225. Notwithstanding and without waiving the foregoing objections, Rocky Mountain Power responds as follows. f l:\ Rocky Mountain Power does not maintain a list of required information for Idaho QFs. The Idaho Public Utilties Commission does not to require utilties to maintain such a list. The Commission has recognized that a public utility is entitled to conduct due diligence befòre offering and executing a PPA. Rocky Mountain Power obtains the information required to perform reasonable due dilgence and to complete and execute a PPA through a process of negotiation with QFs requesting a PPA. The process is iterative and sensitive to the facts of a particular case. t There is no communication from Rocky Mountain Power to XRG explaining the complete list of information XRG needed to provide. As discussed above, the Idaho Public Utilty Commission dOe''nottequire, and Rocky Mountain Power does not maintain, an exhaustive orexclusive list of required information. Rather, the necessary information is develop~d aId obtained through the iterative and fact specific process of negotiating a PPA fòr a specific project.i i ,! ~ In the case ofXRG's request for PPAs, Rocky Mountain Power indicated some of the information it required on May i 1, 2009 and again on October 2, 2009 when it provided XRG with a draft PP A that contained placeholders for information required to produce an executable PP A. In providing XRG with a draft PP A, Rocky Mountain Power requested thatXRG provide comments or a redline markup of the document with XRG',a',propösed changes for discussion and otherwise populate the draft PPAW¡'t~'up-tö~ date information regarding XRG's proposed project. However, XRG ha,snoiyet done so. Given that XRG refused to substantively respond to either drålfP~A, Rocky Mountain Power did not have the opportunity to complete the iterative process of obtaining all required information from XRG prior to the March 15, 2010 change in rates. Recordholder: Sponsor: Bruce Griswold To Be Determined PAC-E-I0-08/Rocky Mountain Power September 27, 2010 XRG Data Request II ;I .'\ XRG Data Request 11 Reference Answer, THIRD AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSE. Would Rocky Mountain Power consider action in contradiction with FERC interconnection rules to be bad faith? Would Rocky Mountain Power consider it to be bad faith to refuse to process requests for PP As on the grounds that transmission capacity is perceived to be lacking at a time when Rocky Mountain Power knew, or could reasonably anticipate, that transmission capacity would not be a problem on the proposed online date in the PPAs?~ t Response to XRG Data Request 11 Rocky Mountain Power objects toXRG'sData Request 11, on the grounds that it seeks expert opinion, a legal opinion, or legal argument and on the grounds that it calls for Rocky Mountain Power to state an opinion not previously written. See IPUC Rule 225. Recordholder: Sponsor: Bruce Griswold" To Be Determined 1 PAC-E- i 0-08/Rocky Mountain Power September 27,2010 XRG Data Request 12 XRG Data Request 12 Does PacifiCorp or any of its affiiates cQnsider transmission upgrades that are likely to occur when it commits itself and Íts ratepayers to utilty-owned generation resources? If so, please 'e1íplain how Rocky Mountain Power processed XRG's requests for intercònnection and PPAs on a nondiscriminatory basis compared to other customers, including utility-owned generation resources. Reference 18 C.F.R. § 292.306(a). l Response to XRG Data Request 12 Rocky Mountain Power considers pending transmission upgrades when considering generation resources that wil be owned by Rocky Mountain Power. Rocky Mountain Power has not processed an XRG request for interconnection. XRG has not proposed to interconnect its projects with Rocky Mountain Power's system. XRG presumably has an interconnection request pending or completed between itself and the utility that owns the system with which XRG proposes to interconnect. Rocky Mountain Power administered XRQ',sQF PPA requests in accordance with its PURPA obligations and Idaho Commission rules and orders. Non-QF resources would be administered thraugh; the Company-issued Request For Proposal (RFP) process where allreSbultes; including any independent developers (including interested QFs) and"-itility-owned generation resources who11 ,-"Ichose to bid into the RFP, are treated'Ìn a non-discriminatory maner, with independent evaluator oversight of the process and communication. Rocky Mountain Power's RFP process and documents are posted on its website. If the QF is not selected under the RFP process, the QF can still request a PPA from Rocky Mountain Power under PURP A obligations. Rocky Mountain Power treats all QFs requesting a PPA undetPURPA obligations in the same non- discriminatory manner. " Recordholder: Sponsor: Bruce Griswold To Be Determined , ,-, " I, , PAC-E-I0-08/Rocky Mountan Power September 27,2010 XRG Data Request 13 XRG Data Request 13 Reference Answer, FOURTH AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSE. Please explain how Rocky Mountain Power believes that XRG's projects were not sufficiently mature when Rocky Mountain Power refused to process XRG's requests for PPAs by even providing draft PPAs for all projects. Upon what information or belief is this affrmative defense based? ' Response to XRG Data Request 13 Rocky Mountain Power objects to XRG's Data Request 13, on the grounds it seeks an expert opinion, a legal opinion, or legal argument and on the grounds it calls for Rocky Mountain Power to state an opinion not previously wrtten. See IPUC Rule 225. Recordholder: Sponsor: Bruce Griswold " To Be Determined l PAC-E-I0-08/Rocky Mountain Power September 27,2010 XRG Data Request 14 XRG Data Request 14 Reference Answer, FIFTH AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSE. Please explain how XRG could "bind itself to a legally enforceable obligation prior to March 15, 2010" when Rocky Mountain Power denied XRG's request for PPAs for all of the XRG projects. Does Rocky Mountain Power maintain that QFs must draft and submit PP As of their own when Rocky Mountain Power refuses to provide draft PPAs or otherwise reasonably negotiate PPAs? Response to XRG Data Request 14 Rocky Mountain Power objects to XRG's Data Request 14 to the extent that it seeks an expert opinion, a legal opinion, or legal argument and to the extent it calls for Rocky Mountain Power to state an opinion not previously written. See IPUC Rule 225. Notwithstanding and.without waiving the foregoing objections, Rocky Mountain Power responds as follows. The most obvious way in which XRG could have bound itself to a legally enforceable obligation prior to March 15,2010 would have been to substantively respond to Rocky Mountain Power's May 11,2009 draft PPA or October 2,2009 draft PP A and to have negotiated that PP A to conclusion and execution prior to March 15,2010. On July 6, 2009.ançl ag~in on March 11,2010, XRG informed Rocky Mountain Power that XRG,wquldprovide redline comments and proposed revisions to the draft PP A which Rocky ,Mountain Power provided on May i 1, 2009, and October 2,2009. Howeve-t,'for its own reasons XRG chose not to do so; indeed, XRG has never provided 'Rocky Mountain Power with comments or proposed revisions on the May 1 1, 2609 'draft PP A or the October 2, 2009 draft PPA. Because XRG did not respond to requests for comments on the draft PPA, Rocky Mountain Power could not undertake further due diligence necessary to develop an executable PPA, including without limitation: review ofXRG's required facility documents; development of anunçlerstanding and appropriate contractual provisions to address station service;:lcieteriirttion of whether XRG has secured suffcient transmission services tod~#riyer it; output to Brady; and determination ofXRG's creditworthiness and any related security issues. Recordholder: Sponsor: Bruce Griswold To Be Determined t, PAC-E-lO-08/Rocky Mountain Power September 27,2010 XR G Data Request 15 1\ XRG Data Request 15 Reference Answer, SIXTH AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSE. Please explain why XRG is estopped from bringing this complaint. Has the statute of limitations expired to bring a grandfather claim? How is Rocky Mountain Power harmed by any perceived delay in filing this complaint? Response to XRG Data Request 15 Rocky Mountain Power objects toXR,G's Data Request 15 to the extent that it seeks an expert opinion, a legal opinion, or legal argument and to the extent it calls for Rocky Mountain Power to state an opinion not previously written. See IPUC Rule 225. Notwithstanding and without waiving the foregoing objections, Rocky Mountain Power responds as follows. Since Februar 25, 2009, XRG has known about Rocky Mountain Power's position that it could accommodate output from only one ofXRG's proposed 20 MW projects at the Brady Substation pending resolution of Rocky Mountain Power's concerns regarding transmission constraints. XRG has had a draft PPA for a 20 MW project since May 11, 2009, Notwithstanding these facts, XRG neither provided any substantive respönse regarding the draft PP A nor initiated a challenge before the Commission to Rocky Mountain Power's position regarding the impact of the transmission constraint prior to the March 15,2010 rate change. A rate change occurred more than nine months after Rocky Mountain Power provided XRG with a draft PPA and more than a year after Rocky Mountain Power identified the transmission constraint issue. XRG had ample time prior to the March 15,2010 rate change to respond to the draft PPA or challenge Rocky Mountain Power's position that a tran~mission constraint prevented it from accommodating more than 23 M,Wqfoutput at the Brady point of delivery. However, XRG elected not to commeBt ori,the draft PPA or pursue any challenge prior to the March 15, 2010 rate chapge, and indeed waited a further four months before filing a complaint with the Cdnlission. Under these facts, Rocky Mountain Power believes that the Commission can and should conclude that XRG is estopped from a claim to the pre-March 15,2010 published avoided cost rates. Recordho lder: Sponsor: Bruce Griswold . To Be Deternilied, iI"