HomeMy WebLinkAbout20101103PAC to Monsanto 15 (1-2).pdf~~l~OUNTAIN November 2, 2010 Radall C. Budge RACINE, OLSON, NYE, BUDGE & BAILEY, CHATERED P.O. Box1391; 201 E. Center Pocatello, Idaho 83204-1391 RE: ID PAC-E-10-07 Monsanto 15th Set Data Request (1-4) ~-l"lt. ZOlfNOV -3 AHIO: 26 201 South Main, Suite 2300 Salt Lake City. Utah 84111 Please find enclosed Rocky Mounta Power's responses to Monsato 15th Set Data Requests 15.1-15.2. Provided on the enclosed Confdential CD is Confdential Attchment Monsanto 15.1 c. The Confdential Atthment is Confdential and is provided to paries that have signed a protective order in ths docket. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at (801) 220-2963. Sincerely, :J T~d ~-r /~ J. Ted Weston Manager, Reguation Enclosure: cc: Jea Jewell/IUC (C)/ 3 copies Enc Olsen/ A (C) Ben Oto/lCL (C) James R. Smithonsanto (C) Richard AndersonIonsanto (C) Gerge C. Carer, III/onsto (C) Denns Peseauonsto (C) Ga R. KajanderlMonsanto (C) Maurce BrubakerlMonsanto (C) Bnan CollinlMonsanto (C) Michal Gormanonsato (C) Ka IversnIonsto (C) Mark WidmerlMonsto (C) PAC-E-IO-07/Rocky Mountai Power November 2,2010 Monsanto Data Request 15.1 Monsanto Data Request 15.1 With respect to Mr. Paul H. Clements' supplementa testimony, please provide the followi inormion for the GRID and Front Offce models used in the economic evaluation of Monsato's curlment: a. A listig of all assumptions used in each model; b. Complet executable copy of eah model in native format with all formulas intat; c. All workpapers and supporting documentation for the forward pnce cures; and d. All other workpapers supporting the modeling and calculations of the value of interrptible power. Response to Monsanto Data Request 15.1 For the requested inormation on the GRI model, please refer to the Company's response to Monsanto Data Request 15.3. The Company considers the requested inormation on the Front Offce model to be of utmost commercial sensitivity and highy confdential. Please contact Ted Weston at 801-220-2963 to discuss arangements for review. One option avaiable is in connection with the workshop tentatively scheduled for Boise, Idaho on November 18 or 19. The Company is willing to discuss other options that would adequately protet the inormtion. Pleae refer to Confdential Atthment Monsanto 15.1c for the 06-30-2010 Forward Pnce Cure to Brokers Comparson. Confidential inormation is provided subject to the terms and conditions of the protective order in ths proceeding. Recrdholder: Sponsr: Hui Shu / Rick Lin Paul Clements P AC-E-l 0-07/Rocky Mountan Power November 2,2010 Monsanto Data Request 15.2 Monsanto Data Request 15.2 Concerng Mr. Clements' supplementa testiony, unot provided in response to other da request, please provide for the "Front Offce Model" the followig: a The generating unts evaluated to calculate the value of operting reserves, the number of megawatts of reserves evaluated on each unt, the incremental cost .for each unit and the maket pnce. b. The nae and incrementa cost of the untes) selected as the untes) '~in-the- money" for the operating reserve valuation; c. All assumptions in the operating reserve valuaion used to determe the incrementa cost of each unt evaluated includg heat rates, gas pnces and varable operating and maintenace expenses; d. The source of the market pnces used in the valuation of operating reseres and the date the market pnce forecast wa prepared; e. The hour (per day, per month and per year) and load of Monsanto modeled in the valuation of operating reserves; f. The market pnce values for each hour in the year, with the parcular 850 "highest pnced" hours identified in the economic curlment valuation; g. The source of the maket pnce values used in the valuation .of the economic curlment and the dae the market pnce foreast was prepar; h. The denvation of the "anua averge market pnce" used for the system integnty valuation, with workpapers to show the values for each hour of each day; i. A descnption and explantion of any adjusent mae in the Front Offce Model for lost revenues; and j. A descrption, denvation, and explantion of any discount rate used in the Front Offce ModeL. Respons to Monsanto Data Request 15.2 a. Pleae refer to the Company's respnse to Monsto 15.1. The data are on the 'Multiplier Input' tab whch is par of the model the Company consders highy confdential. Th unts include Gadsby (pg unts), Laeside, Curt Crek, and Choll b. Pleae refer to the Company's rens to 15.2a above. ~ ~ PAC-E-1O-07/Rocky Mountain Power November 2,2010 Monsanto Data Request 15.2 c. Please refer to the Company's response to Monsanto 15.1. d. The source of the market pnces used in the valuation of operating reserves and the date the market pnce forecast was prepared using the Company's forward price cure dated 06-30-2010, which was prepared on 06-30- 2010. e. Load were not used in the valuation. The valuation assumes 90.7 MW of reserves, 162 MW of system integnty capacity (12 hour), and 67 MW of curlment capacity (800 hours) is available over the valuation period. f. Please refer to the Company's response to Monsanto 15.1. g. Please refer to the Company's response to Monsanto 15.1. h. Please refer to the Company's response to Monsanto 15.1. i. No adjusent was made for lost revenues. J. The highly confdential model referenced in the Company's response to Monsanto 15.1 uses the zero-coupon Treasur cure to denve discount factors. Recordholder: Sponsor: Rick Lin Paul Clements