HomeMy WebLinkAbout20101014PAC to CAPAI 1, 3-5.pdft ~~~OUNTAIN October 13, 2010 Brad M. Purdy Attorney at Law BarNo. 3472 2019 N. 17th St. Boise,ID. 83702 (208) 384-1299 (Land) (208) 384-8511 (Fax) bmpurdycmhotmail.com RE: ID P AC-E-10-07 CAPAI Data Request (1-5) ~ECE L8lß OCT 14 AH9: 20 201 South Main, Suite 2300 Salt Lake City. Utah 84111 Please find enclosed Rocky Mounta Power's responses to CAPAI Data Requests 1, and 3-5. The response to CAP AI 2 will be provided separately. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at (801) 220-2963. Sincerely,JfredÚ/~~, J. Ted Weston Mager, Reguation Enclosure: cc: Jean Jewell/UC (C)/ 3 copies Enc OlsenlIPA (C) Ben OtolICL (C) Radal BudgelMonsanto (C) James R. Smithonsanto (C) Richad AndersnIonsto (C) Gerge C. Carer, IIonsato (C) Denns PeseuIonsaro (C) Ga R. KajanderlMonsanto (C) Mauce BrubakerlMonsanro (C) Bri Collinonsanto (C) Michal Gormonsto (C) Kath IversonIonsanro (C) Ma WidmerlMonsato (C) Melinda DavidsonIne (C) PAC-E-I0-07/Rocky Mounta Power October 13,2010 CAP AI Dat Request 1 CAP AI Data Request 1 Regardig Rocky Mounta Power's (RM) proposal to increase Schedule 36 residential time of use rates more than the proposed increase to the general residential class, Schedule 1, what does RMP believe is the reason that its cost of servce study justifies a need to increase Schedule 36 rates more th Schedule I? In respondig to the foregoing request, please explai all cost "dnvers" tht RM believes causes the cost of service model to conclude tht Schedule 36 rates should receive a proportionately higher rate increase. Response to CAP AI Data Request 1 The Company's proposed increases for Schedules 1 and 36 were in line with the cost of service results that sugest that Schedule 36 needs 1 5.69% increase and Schedule 1 needs 8.12% increase (please refer to the Company's Exhbit NO.4 7, Page 2 of 2, Witness C. Craig Paice). Even with the proposed changes, customers on Schedule 36 will contiue ro benefit from the tie of use rate design. If the Company's proposed rates are approved as fied, the average rae for a time of use customer will be 1.3 5 cents per kWh lower than the average rate for stdad residential Schedule 1 cusromers. The Company has not prepared specific analysis that identifies the root cause(s) for the differences in the cost of serce results for the customer classes referenced in ths request. Differences in percentae chages needed as displayed on Exhbit No. 47 Page 2 of2 are the consequence of the revenue requiments tht have been assigned to eah customer class based on their cost of servce chaactenstics as compared to their present level of revenues. The major dnvers tht infuence a cusromer class' cost of service results are their present revenues, energy usage, demad at the tie of the 12 monthy PacifiCorp system peaks, demand at the tie of the 12 monthy Idao distnbution peak, maum monthy non-coincident peak and cusomer count. Recrdholder: Sponsor: James Zhg I Crag Paice Wiliam R. Gn:fth PAC-E-I0-07/Rocky Mounta Power October 13, 2010 CAP AI Data Request 3 CAP AI Data Request 3 Regardig Rocky Mounta Power's Low-Income Weatherization Assistace progr, it appear tht the Company is not proposing any increase to fuding for ths program. Is there a specific rationale for not proposing such an increase in fuding and, if so, what is that rationale? Response to CAP AI Data Request 3 A Low Income Weathenzation program evaluation is curntly being prepared by an outside consultat. We expect the evaluation to be complete in the fist quaer of20l1. Rocky Mountan Power does not propose to incorprate program or fuding changes in Schedule 21 until the evaluation is completed and reviewed. Recordholder: Sponsor: Becky Eberle To Be Determined PAC-E-IO-07/Rocky Mountan Power October 13, 2010 CAP AI Data Request 4 CAP AI Data Request 4 Please provide the level of fuding ofRM's Low-Income Weathenzation Assistace program for each of the past twelve (12) years and the percentage of rate increases grted by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission to RM, as the result of a general rate case fiing, durg tht same twelve (12) year penod. Response to CAP AI Data Request 4 Agreements in place with Eastern Idaho Communty Action Parership and Southastern Idao Communty Action Agency provided anua fuding up to $35,500 until it was increased in November 2004 to $100,000 per year. Rocky Mountan Power's taff has allowed fuding of up to $150,000 per year since Jan~2006. Rocky Mountan Power did not fie a general rate cae from 1986 to 2005. In September 2005 Rocky Mounta Power was granted a 4.9 percent genera increase. In Janua 2008 there was a 3.7 percent increase, followed by a 3.1 percent increase in Apnl 2009. Recordholder: Sponsor: Becky Eberle To Be Determned P AC-E-l 0-07/Rocky Mounta Power October 13,2010 CAP AI Data Request 5 CAP AI Data Request 5 It appears tht RM is not proposing an increase to its existg Conservation Education Progr. Is there a specific rationae for not proposing such an increase in fuding and, if so, please state what that rationae is. Response to CAP AI Data Request 5 In Case No. P AC-E-08-07 Rocky Mountai Power commttd to provide a one- tie payment of $50,000 for Conservation Education to Southeastern Idao Communty Acton Agency and Eatern Idao Communty Action Parerhip. Company st worked with Communty Action Parership Association of Idaho (CAP AI) to assist them in the development of an Energy Education Program plan. Ths plan was completed in June 2009; as of Apn12010 Rocky Mountan Power ha only received an invoice frm CAP AI for energy effciency kits tht will be distnbuted through the program. The payment for the kits totaed $7,500. As of August 10,2010, the kits had not been ordered and education ha not been provided to Rocky Mountan Power customers. To date the Company ha yet to be biled for $42,500, which is the majonty of these fuds. The Company does not believe it would be appropnate to consider allocating additiona cusomer fuds to cover costs associated with a program not yet fuly operatig. Recordholder: Sponsor: Becky Eberle To Be Determned