HomeMy WebLinkAbout20100929PAC to IIPA 124-133.pdf~~,.~OUNTAIN September 28, 2010 Eric L. Olsen ISB# 4811 Raine, Olson Nye, Budge & Baíley, Chared P.O. Box 1391; 201 E. Center Pocatello, Idaho 83204-1391 RE: ID PAC-E-10-07 IIPA Data Request (124-133) rH:('t:í'ü- v'" r~j zumSEP 29 AM 10:20 ~~ ~~~hc~:~nù~~i~4~~o \Dß~i40' ~JTIUT\ES Please find enclosed Rocky Mountan Power's responses to IIPA Data Requests 124-133. Provided on the enclosed CD are Attchments IIPA 124, 127, 129 and 132. If you have any questions, pleae feel free to cal me at (801) 220-2963. Sincerely, :JTu!tl~/~ J. Ted Weston Manager, Regulation Enclosure: cc: Rady Budge/Monsato (C) Jean Jewell/UC (C)/ 3 copies Anthony Y anell A (C) BenOtto/ICL (C) James R. Smithonsto (C) Richad Anderson/onsanto (C) George C. Carer, ITonsto (C) Dens Peseau/onsto (C) Gareth R. Kajander/Monsanto (C) Maurce Brubaker/Monsanto (C) Brian Collins/onsanto (C) Michael Gormanonsanto (C) Kath Iversn/onsanto (C) Mark Widmer/Monsanto (C) P AC-E-1 0-07/Rocky Mountain Power ' September 28, 2010 IIP A Data Request 124 nPA Data Request 124 In response to lIP A Request 4 the Company provided hourly border load data for Idaho as well as for all rate schedules (and special contract customers) for 2008 and 2009. Please provide similar information for each of the other jursdictions during this same timeframe and for all jurisdictions (including Idaho) for 2004-2007. . Response to np A Data Request 124 The followig border load information is provided as Attachment lIPA 124. This data was provided in response to discovery requests in past Idaho general rate cases. No other information is readily available. The following time periods are provided: ApriI2003-March 2004 - from PAC:-E-05-01 January2006-December 2006 -from PAè-E-07-05 Januar 2007-December 2007 - from PAC-E-08-07 Recordholder: Sponsor: Scott Thornton To Be Determined~)1¡.... "LJ' j' ,'l r ',) , ~~ PAC-E-10-07/Rocky Mountain Power September 28,2010 LIP A Data Request 125 IIPA Data Request 125 Is the border load data supplied in response to lIPA Request 4 at the same "level" as the Metered Load data on pages 10.13 and 10.14 of Company Exhibit 2, or do additional losses need to be added? If additional losses need to be added, what are they? Response to lIP A Data Request 125 The data are at the same "level" but represent different time periods. The data presented in the Company's response to lIPA Data Request 4 presents actual jurisdictional load measurements for both the 2008 and 2009 calendar years. The data presented in Company Exhibit 2, pages 10.13 and 10.14, represent jurisdictional load estimates for the forecast year 2010. Recordholder: Sponsor: Scott Thornton To Be Determined . ~'- ; ~' ~ r .1 i. /, :c. \ ,. : .~. PAC-E-10-07/Rocky Mountain Power September 28, 2010 IIP A Data Request 126 LIP A Data Request 126 The flowchar provided in response to IIP A Request 104 contains an item near the bottom left that portrays the inclusion/introduction of losses into the sales data. What loss factors were used for each month for each jurisdiction? Response to lIP A Data Request 126 Annual line loss factors were applied to each month of sales data with the following breakdown by jurisdiction: . Oregon - 10.89% . Washington - 10.90% . California - 15.00% . Uta -7.28% . Idaho-9.88% . Wyoming -6.89% Recordholder: Sponsor: Romita Biswas Pete Eelkema PAC-E-10-07/Rocky Mountain Power September 28,2010 LIP A Data Request 127 LIP A Data Request 127 The response to lIP A Request 5 lists "pricing Kwh" data for each class/rate schedule in Idaho by month for 2009. Please provide similar "pricing Kwh" data for all jursdictions on a monthly basis from January 2004 through December 2009. Response to lIP A Data Request 127 The following "pricing kwh" data is provided as Attachment IIPA 127. This data was provided in response to requests in past Idaho general rate cases. No other information is readily available. The following time periods are provided: April2003-March 2004 - from PAC-E-05-01 Janua 2006-December 2006 - from PAC-E-07-05 Januar 2007-December 2007 - from PAC-E-08-07 Recordholder: Sponsor: Scott Thornton To Be Determined ¡ '.~ i,j ¡ " "l, :.) .,'It !', r:;' :¡~~ ¡," ,"! ;.,1 ! j l:t :i " .,1,I., ;," P AC-E-1 0-07/Rocky Mountain Power September 28, 2010 LIP A Data Request 128 IIPA Data Request 128 With respect to Monsanto Request 13-1c, raj please explain how the losses for each jursdiction were developed and rb) how those values relate to border load and "pricing Kwh". Response to lIP A Data Request 128 a. PacifiCorp uses a five year average to develop line loss factors. The years 2005 - 2009 were used since that was the most recent five-year period available at the time the load forecast was developed. Anual line losses are determined as jurisdictional load (sales with line losses) minus total retail sales by jurisdiction divided by total retail sales by jurisdiction, where retail sales are measured at the customer meter. b. Please refer to the response to subpar "a" above. Border loads include losses since they are measured at system input. "Pricing K whs" are measured at the customer meter. Recordholder: Sponsor: Romita Biswas Pete Eelkema ,,,:1 \;, , i. d. .J:i;. .i:-l PAC-E-10-07/Rocky Mountain Power September 28,2010 lIPA Data Request 129 LIP A Data Request 129 With respect to Monsanto Request 1J.:1c, please provide the losses for each jurisdiction on a monthly basis for the five years in question. Response to lIPA Data Request 129 Please refer to Attchment lIPA 129'for the monthly line losses as requested, and also refer to the Company's response to IIPA Data Request 126 for the annua line loss factors that were applied to the monthly forecasted sales. PacifiCorp uses an anual five year (2005-2009) average line loss factor. Monthly line loss factors are not used for planing puroses. Recordholder: Sponsor: Romita Biswas Pete Eelkema J.i', L.. . I;I:~ ~,~~, ~.. ~t i' i' P AC-E-1 0-07/Rocky Mountain Power September 28, 2010 LIP A Data Request 130 LIP A Data Request 130 Comparing the total hourly border loads and the hourly sales levels (using energy loss factors to scale the sales values up) found in response to lIP A Request 4 on a monthly basis for 2009, it can be calculated that on an average monthly basis for 10 months (excluding June and August) that the scaled up sales figures are consistently below the border load data. Since the sales figures have been grossed up for losses as well as adjusted for actual monthly sales, this suggests that either the border load data is too high or the loss factors are too low. Please comment on the reason for the general discrepancy that occurs between these two sets of figures on a monthly basis. Response to lIP A Data Request 130 It is unealistic to expect the sum of the class loads to approximate the jursdictional loads with any degree of certinty. The requestor has identified what would be considered the two primar factors: Loss factors - Jursdictional loads are directly measured at their point of input into the system. As such, they are considered to include actual losses. Class loads are measured at the customer meter level, so do not include losses. Losses are assigned to the classes based on single, voltage level specific factors developed and summarzed in the Company's loss factor studies. The same factor is applied to all 8,760 hours of a given year for a given class/voltage leveL. In any hour where the measured losses differ from those statically derived losses, the difference will be reflected in the comparson of the sum of class loads to the jursdictional measurements. . .', .,', Sample error - The Company utlÌì~é.s a:cpipbination of census metering and load studies to estimate class contrbution):o system peak. The load studies are used to provide estimates for approximately' 90% of tota Idaho load. These load studies have been designed to meet the PURP A stadard of:: 1 0% accuracy at the 90% confidence level for the variable of interest. While we expect these load studies to provide a reasonable estimate, they are not designed to provide an exact meaurement of actual usage. Any difference between actua usage and the estate of usage will be reflected .in.thecomparison of jursdictional load meaurements to class load estimates:."' .. The Company recognzes that these'~ay!not be the only contrbutors to this mismatch. Among others considered: ~ . . Cusomer owned generation-s~all residential and commercial generation facilties (paricularly wind/solar) are not measured in a time series format, and so are not reflected in the jursdictional load mix. Nor is this resource being adequately captued in the class load data. . Curent diversion - Energy resources lost due to theft are stil included in the jursdictonal level data but not the customer level (class load) data. ~ . ';\ j ,! :l. PAC-E-IO-07/Rocky Mountan Power September 28,2010 LIP A Data Request 130 .. Metering error - Meters are designed to meet strict accuracy requirements, but they do faiL. Depending on the type of customer, the failure can go unoticed for a period of time. In these situtions, the jurisdictional level data is captuing usage, but the customer level data is not, and this difference wil also contrbute to differences between jurisdictional and class load measurements. The recognition that there are differences between jursdictional load measurements and the sum of class load estimates is not new, or even unique to this Company. In the California market, for example, these differences are referred to as Unaccounted for Energy (UFE). In a 2002 Load Research Working Group report fied with the Utah PUblic Service Commission, the issue was examined and it was recommended that the practice of calibration be discontinued. It is believed, for the reasons stated above, that a definitive identification of the source(s) and level of contribution canot be accurately determined. Recordholder: Sponsor: Scott Thornton. To Be Determinedi ~ I' :1,11',.. '1' 'T/"~ ~ ;"' PAC-E-10-07/Rocky Mountain Power September 28,2010 LIP A Data Request 131 lIPA Data Request 131 Comparng the total hourly border loads and the hourly sales levels (using energy loss factors to scale the sales values up) found in response to IIP A Request 4 on a monthly basis for 2009, it can be calculated that on an average monthly basis for June and August that the scaled up sales figures are consistently and significantly above the border load data. Since the sales figures have been grossed up for losses as well as adjusted for actual monthly sales, this suggests that either the border load data is too low or something else is taking place-the variation is so great that loss factors would not have a significant impact. Please comment on the reason for the general discrepancy that occurs between these two sets of figues on a monthly basis. Response to IIPA Data Request 131 Please refer to the Company's response to lIPA Data Request 130. Recordholder: Sponsor: Scott Thornton To Be Determined i. . i.; i-: . ¡.¡'j ¿;, I' 1.: ,¡'i .': P AC-E-1 0-07/Rocky Mountain Power September 28, 2010 lIPA Data Request 132 LIP A Data Request 132 J. ' The border load data provided in response to lIP A Request 4 is said to be a compilation of all energy that flows into and out of Idaho as measured at specific locations. Please list for each hour öf2008 and 2009 the name of each border location and the value of energy that either went into the Idaho jurisdiction or left the Idaho jursdiction as well as all energy that was generated within the jurisdiction. Response to lIP A Data Request 132 Please refer to Attachment LIP A 132: Recordholder: Sponsor: Tom Beck Pete Eelkema . T 1"; ). PAC-E-10-07/Rocky Mountain Power September 28,2010 LIP A Data Request 133 LIP A Data Request 133 Exhibit 2, Tab 1 page 1.3 lists the total Idaho normalized General Business test year revenue at $202,733,163. Exhibit 50 lists the present Idaho revenue at $202,733,000 associated with 3,325,872 MWH. Exhibit 49, Tab 5, page 14, line 10, lists test year sales (~sale level) as 3,325,873 MWH which is associated with 3,557,594 MWH on line 14 ~ Input. By:comparison, Exhibit 2, Tab 10, page 10.14 uses a load of 3,628,130 MWH to allocate costs to Idaho. Please explain why the base Idaho revenue in this case is being based upon 3,557,594 MWH ~ Input, while the allocation of jursdictional costs is based upon 3,628,130 MWH. Response to lIP A Data Request 133 There are thee reasons for this diffeFence: 1. The Cost of Service (COS) study. only includes the losses associated with retail sales and differentiates line losses by voltage leveL. Also COS uses line losses based on an anual analysis of Idaho operations applicable to metered retal sales. Line losses used in the Jursdictional Allocation Model (JAM) includes total system line losses, which includes losses associated with serving both retail and wholesale sales obligations. JAM uses a five year average system loss factor. 2. Please refer to the Company's response to lIPA Data Request 15. COS results are presented as if there are no, c#railments or interrptions to Monsanto.'., i:. .,_ ,f 3. The COS study includes the weåihernormalization of Januar 2010 actual sales. Please refer to the Coinp~y's response to Monsanto Data Request 13.1 d for additional information. ~"C Recordliolder: Sponsor: Pete Eelkema To Be Determined',I. ... .t.Vi:;j¡-: ..1 .r~., .l ..U' .\ j.' I.i., ; . :;'" ~..