HomeMy WebLinkAbout20100924PAC to Staff 287-294, 296-301.pdf~~~OUNTAIN or:rr:."Lv''' September 23,2010 zmn SEP 24 AM 9: 20 201 South Main, Suite 2300 Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 irJi~l=lCj Scott Woodbur UTiLITIES Idaho Public Utilties Commission 472 W. Washington Boise, ID 83702-5918 Neil Price Idaho Public Utilties Commission 472 W. Washington Boise,ID 83702-5918 RE: ID PAC-E-1O-07 IPUC Data Request (271-286) Please find enclosed Rocky Mountan Power's Responses to IPUC Data Requests 287-301, excluding IPUC 295. Ths response will be provided separately. Provided on the enclosed CD are Attchments IPUC 287, 288, 289, 291, 292, and 294 -(1-2). If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at (801) 220-2963. Sincerely, :r. f-t' W~! ~ J. Ted Weston Manager, Reguation Enclosure: cc: Jean JewellllPUC (C)/ 3 copies Eric Olsen/IP A (C) Ben OttollCL (C) Randal BudgelMonsanto (C) James R. Smithonsanto (C) Richard Anderson/onsanto (C) George C. Carer, IIIIonsanto (C) Denns PeseauIonsanto (C) Gareth R. KajanderlMonsanto (C) Maurce BrubakerlMonsanto (C) Brian CollnslMonsto (C) Michael Gormanonsanto (C) Kath Iverson/onsanto (C) Mark WidmerlMonsto (C) P AC-E-1 0-07/Rocky Mounta Power September 23,2010 IPUC Production Data Request 287 IPUC Production Data Request 287 Please explai the process used to separate residential customer sales and demad into Schedule 1 and Schedule 36 in moving from forected residential data to schedule-specific data used in the cost of servce study. Please provide any supporting documentation. Response to IPUC Production Data Request 287 a. Please refer to page 10, row 9 though page 11, row 10 of Mr. Eelkema's direct testimony for a description of the process used for allocation of class level sales forecast across individual rate schedules. In addition please refer to Attchment IPUC 287, which conta supporting documentation showig how residential class saes forecast is allocated to individua rate schedules Schedule 1 and Schedule 36. b. Schedule 1 and Schedule 36 demand data is derived from 2009 actu load research sample data ratioed up or down to reflect test year 2010 monthy energy levels. Recordholder: Sponsor: Romita Biswas / C. Craig Paice Pete Eelkema / C. Craig Paice P AC-E-1 0-07/Rocky Mountan Power September 23,2010 IPUC Production Data Request 288 IPUC Production Data Request 288 Please provide the ratios of Schedule 36 customers to all residential customers for the last five years. Response to IPUC Production Data Request 288 Please refer to Attchment IPUC 288 for the requested data. Recordholder: Sponsor: James Zhang Wiliam R. Grffth ;. P AC-E-1 0-07/Rocky Mountain Power September 23,2010 IPUC Production Data Request 289 IPUC Production Data Request 289 Why does the Company believe Schedule 36 wil shr in 2010 relative to 2009? Please provide any supporting documentation used to justify the response. Response to IPUC Production Data Request 289 Please refer to Attchment IPUC 289. Test year Schedule 36 energy is followig the decreasing trend from previous years. Recordholder: Sponsor: Pete Eelkema Pete Eelkema PAC-E-10-07/Rocky Mountain Power September 23, 2010 IPUC Production Data Request 290 IPUC Producton Data Request 290 How did the Company divide energy into on-peak and off-peak periods in determg 2009 sales for Schedule 36? Is the sae relation us for 2010 saes? Please explain why or why not. Response to IPUC Production Data Request 290 The on-peak and off-peak energy amounts in 2009 for Schedule 36 were developed from the cusomers' actu biling data. The 2010 amounts were derived frm the 2009 on-peak and off-peak energy proportions for Schedule 36. Recordholder: Sponsor: James Zhang Wiliam R. Grffth PAC-E-10-07/Rocky Mountan Power September 23,2010 IPUC Production Data Request 291 IPUC Production Data Request 291 Please provide a comparson of the forecasted normalized sales used in ths case to actu weather normalized sales for all available months in 2010 for residential customers, separted by schedule. Response to IPUC Production Data Request 291 Please refer to Attchment IPUC 291. The Company has calculated weather normalized rate schedule saes for the fit six months of the 2010. Recordholder: Sponsor: Pete Eelkema Pete Eelkema PAC-E-10-07/Rocky Mountain Power September 23,2010 IPUC Production Data Request 292 IPUC Production Data Request 292 Please provide a comparson of the forecasted customers used in ths case to actu customers for all available months in 2010 for residential customers, separated by schedule. Response to IPUC Production Data Request 292 Please refer to Attchment IPUC 292. The Company does not record the number of customers by rate schedule; however, the attchment ha the rate schedule number of bils compared to the rate schedule number of bils in the forecas. Recordholder: Sponsor: Pete Eelkema Pete Eelkema PAC-E-10-07/Rocky Mountan Power September 23, 2010 IPUC Production Data Request 293 IPUC Production Data Request 293 Please provide the actul capital strctue for PacifiCorp as of June 30, 2010. Response to IPUC Production Data Request 293 As of June 30, 2010 PacifiCorp's capita strctue was; Long-Term Debt Preferred Stock Common Equity $6,372,343,000 $40,733,100 $6,996,799,250 47.5% 0.3% 52.2% Recordholder: Sponsor: Bruce Wiliams Bruce Wiliams P AC-E-1 0-07/Rocky Mountan Power September 23,2010 IPUC Production Data Request 294 IPUC Production Data Request 294 Please provide schedules showig the embedded cost of debt and preferred stock for PacifiCorp as of June 30, 2010. Response to IPUC Production Data Request 294 At June 30, 2010 PacifiCorp's embedded cost of debt and preferred stock was 5.86% and 5.43%, respectively. Please refer to Attchment IPUC 294 -1 for the embedded cost of debt calculation and Atthment IPUC 294 -2 for the embedded cost of preferred stock. Recordholder: Sponsor: Bruce Wiliam Bruce Wiliams P AC-E-1 0-07/Rocky Mountan Power September 23,2010 IPUC Production Data Request 296 IPUC Production Data Request 296 Please provide a schedule showig the amount of AFUDC included in the Bridger coal strpping costs. Please provide ths inormation in excel formt by month for the period 2009 - 2010 to date. Response to IPUC Production Data Request 296 Bridger Coal Company is a joint ventue operation with IERCO. Each company fuds its share of capita and operational requiements. Due to the natue of the joint ventue and the fuding argements, AFUDC is not recorded by PacifiCorp at Bridger Coal Company. Recordholder: Sponsor: Brian Durg Cindy Crane P AC-E-1 0-07/Rocky Mountain Power September 23,2010 IPUC Production Data Request 297 IPUC Production Data Request 297 Please provide the amounts received from successful real estate ta appeals for the period from 2005-2009 and 2010 to date. Response to IPUC Production Data Request 297 The amount of tax refuded durng the 2005-1010 period is shown below: State Year Received Amount Matter Idaho 2005 101,908 2004 Assessment Idao 2006 49,225 2005 Assessment Idaho 2007 88193 2006 Assessment Uta 2008 292,715 2006 Assessment Uta 2008 241,149 2007 Assessment Utah 2009 16,305 2006 Assessment Utah 2009 203,398 2007 Assessment Uta 2010 310,415 2007 Assessment Wyoming 2007 231,497 2005 Assessment Wyoming 2007 90,105 2006 Assessment Wyoming 2010 103,837 2009 Assessment While the beneficial effect of chages in apprasal methods resultig from previous appeals is taen into account in the appraisal methods employed when estimating futue period tax expense, the outcome of futue propert ta appeals and the effect tht such appeals may have on futue ta expense, if any, canot be tstimated by reference to past appeal and refud activity. Recordholder: Sponsor: Norm Ross To Be Deterined P AC-E-10-07/Rocky Mountan Power September 23, 2010 IPUC Production Data Request 298 IPUC Production Data Request 298 Please provide a naative of all Company saety measurs underten durg 2008 and 2009. Response to IPUC Production Data Request 298 . Ensured Company policy was developed, that effectively communcated to employees and was being followed at all levels of the organzation and that there was suffcient control, monitor and correct procedures in place to meet the requied safety performance which is to be in the top 10% of our industr peer group. . Ensured the Company's safety vision of zero tolerance was clearly understood thoughout the Company. Ensured employees understood their expectations and responsibilties for safety and they provide feedback though two-way communcation to prevent near misses and incidents. . Designed and implemented saety improvement initiatives that delivered quatifiable performance improvements on 2007 and 2008 tagets. . Implemented communcations and safety programs tht continuously enhance individual safety staff, supervisors and managers' safety support capabilities. . Established an endurng road risk mangement program to reuce preventable vehicle accidents by 10% below 2007 and 2008 tagets. . Proactively managed potential musculoskeleta and hazdous materal risk by educating and providing technical support for managers and employees. . Ensured the general public and contractors have accurte tiely information regarding electrcal safety. . Ensured that employees wea approved personal protective equipment including hearg protection as required. The 2008 and 2009 plan contaed detaled implementation plans designed to achieve the above and was used to track Rocky Mounta Power's safety performance and the performance of the safety organzation. The plan continued to emphasize adherence to safety policies and procedures. Ths included crew audits in the field, managers' walk the dock, management's mornng stretch and flex and a daly safety brief at the sta of each shift. Safety contiued quarly facilty audits and monthy crew audits. All deficiencies observed by safety or management were corrected and responsible employees received coachig, counseling and trainng. The plan included the SafeSta behavioral modification program, which was utilzed to help improve the safety behavior of high risk individuas. The plan enforced local inquies to be conducted for all recordable incidents. The goal of the inquiry was to prevent a futue accident by understading and correcting the root cause. Preventative actions were established by the saety plan's support of apprentice traing, techncal trg, OSHA mandated safety traig, accident prevention manua rues, grounding PAC-E-1O-07/Rocky Mounta Power September 23, 2010 IPUC Production Data Request 298 requirements manual rues, safety resource manua, documented safety policies and procedures and construction stadads. Two-way communcation was driven by the plan to ensure the safety vision was received. The consistency of monthy safety meetings was assured by the anua traig of the local safety chairen and secretaes with an outlined and defied safety topic for every month's safety meeting. Field management's support, paricipation, and ownership of the safety plan was implemented in the plan by means of the saety advisory commttee meterig (SACM), and the field operation's Rocky Mountain Power safety advisory commttee (RPSAC). The saety advisory commttees meet monthy, at a minimum, to review the safety plan and address safety issues and corrective action plans as needed. The unions were encouraged in the plan to contrbute and support the saety plan by their parcipation in the employee saety advisory group which meets semi- anualy to correct safety issues and share ideas. The safety plan addressed and encouraged union support of employees' safety through open communcations. The plan fostered a parership approach with the unons and Company by also shang weekly status updates, new intiatives and semi-anual safety sumt meetings. Recordholder: Sponsor: Mike Felice To Be Determined P AC-E-1 0-07/Rocky Mountain Power September 23,2010 IPUC Production Data Request 299 IPUC Production Data Request 299 Please provide a narative of all cost saving measures underten by the Company from 2008-curent. Response to IPUC Production Data Request 299 No additional cost savings measures were underten by the Company in 2008, other than continued compliance with MEHC trsaction commtments. Please refer to the Company's response IPUC Data Request 34 for cost cutting measurs taen durg 2009 and 2010. Recordholder: Sponsor: Nikk Kobliha To Be Determined P AC-E-1 0-07/Rocky Mountan Power September 23, 2010 IPUC Production Data Request 300 IPUC Production Data Request 300 Does Rocky Mounta Power require a certain level of expertse to connect or disconnect a meter? In other words, can a collector or a meter reader connect or disconnect a meter? Please provide the title and hourly wage for those employees who are authorized to perform meter connects and disconnects. Response to IPUC Production Data Request 300 Yes, Rocky Mountain Power requies a cert level of expertise to connect or disconnect a meter, and ths is also madated by OSHA. Any employee who connects or disconnects a site at the meter must be traied and have all PPE's (persona protective equipment) in place. The work is usualy performed by a field metering specialist (collector); however, a meter reader who has received the proper tring and PPE's can do the work and is then upgrded in wages to compensate for tht work. The curent wage schedule for a field metering specialist is $21.88-$23.46 per hour. The first point of contact is for a field metering specialist to do the work. However, occasionaly, if the collector is il or on vaction and the connect needs to be done that day, a joureyman meterm or joureyman linema can do the work. In the case of a remote area where there is a lineman on cal, he will get the call from dispatch to connect. Also, since a field metering specialist is not required to be on call, if there is afer hour or weekend connect and the field meterig specialist canot be reached, the troubleman (lineman) on call will do the work. The curent wage schedule for a joureyman meterman is $37.97 per hour. The curent wage schedule for a joureyman lineman is $38.73-$39.83 per hour. Recordholder: Sponsor: Arc Muhstein To Be Determned PAC-E-10-07/Rocky Mountain Power September 23, 2010 IPUC Production Data Request 301 IPUC Production Data Request 301 On average, on a regular work day, Monday though Friday, in Idao, how many transfers of account responsibilty occur? Ths should also include not only transfers of responsibilty for existing residences and small businesses but customers moving into newly constrcted homes and businesses. Response to IPUC Production Data Request 301 Numbers are for new connects tht were completed on a weekday in 2009 for schedules 1,36,6, 6A, 23 and 23A. Total number of connects in 2009 = 14,380. Number of weekdays in the year = 261 Average connects per day = 55 Recordholder: Sponsor: Arie Muhstein To Be Determed