HomeMy WebLinkAbout20100923PAC to PIIC 86-101.pdf~~~OUNTAIN pi=ri:,,,..v- 2ßin SfP 23 AM to: 15 September 22, 2010 Melinda Davison Davison VanCleve, P.c. 333 S.W. Taylor St., Ste. 400 Portand, Oregon 97204 RE: ID PAC-E-10-07 PilC Data Request (86-101) 201 South Main, Suite 2300 Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Please find enclosed Rocky Mounta Power's responses to PILC Data Requests 86-101. Provided on the enclosed CD are Attchments PILC 89, 91, 92, 94 -(1-2),96, and 97. Provided .. on the enclosed Confdential CD is Confdential Atthment PilC 90. The Confdential Atthment is Confdential and is provided to paries tht have signed a protective order in this docket. If you have any questions, pleas feel free to call me at (801) 220-2963. Sincerely,~tltdlL~/~ J. Ted Weston Maner, Reguation Enclosure: cc: Jean Jewel1/UC (C)/ 3 copies Eric Olsen/IPA (C) Ben Otto/ICL (C) Radal BudgelMonsanto (C) James R. Smithonsanto (C) Richad AndersonIonsato (C) Gerge C. Carer, ill/Monsato (C) Demrs PeseauIonsto (C) Gaeth R. KajanderlMonsanto (C) Maurce BrubakerlMonsanto (C) Brian Collinonsto (C) Michal Gormanonsto (C) Kath IversonIonsanto (C) Mark WidmerlMonsanto (C) PAC-E-I 0-07/Rocky Mountain Power September 22, 2010 PILC Data Request 86 PIle Data Request 86 Please refer to PIIC Data Request 64. Please identify Idaho O&M expense by year and FERC USA, and separately identify all labor O&M. Response to PIle Data Request 86 Please refer to Attachment PILC 64. Recordholder: Sponsor: Steven R. McDougal Steven R. McDougal P AC-E-1 0-07/Rocky Mountain Power September 22, 2010 PUC Data Request 87 PIle Data Request 87 Please identify by year, the last 5 years of Idaho (please separately identify allocations) injuries and damages expenses and claims paid. Please identify amount included in rate case. Is amount included in rate case based on historical expense, historical clais paid, or budgeted expense level? Response to PIle Data Request 87 Please refer to PILC Attachment 74. For the amount included in the rate case please refer to Adjustment 4.14 in Steven R. McDougal's Exhibit No.2. Injuries and damages expenses in the case are based on a three year historical average. Recordholder: Sponsor: Margaret Reed / Steven McDougal Steven R. McDougal ~¡ PAC-E-l 0-07/Rocky Mountain Power September 22, 2010 PUC Data Request 88 PIle Data Request 88 Please identify the amount of Idaho bad debts included in the rate case. Response to PIle Data Request 88 The amount of bad debts included in the test year is $472,263. Please refer to Exhibit No.2, page 2.12, FERC Account 904. /( Recordholder: Sponsor: Steven R. McDougal Steven R. McDougal r;' ¡" . l PAC-E-1O-07/Rocky Mountain Power September 22, 2010 PILC Data Request 89 Please identify by year, the last 5 years ofIdaho power plant maintenance. For each year, identify the costs as materials, outside labor (Non-PacifiCorp employees), and internal labor (including allocated labor). Please identify amount included in rate case. Please separate amount included in rate case by as materials, outside labor (Non-PacifiCorp employees), and Ìnternallabor (including allocated labor). PIle Data Request 89 Response to PIle Data Request 89 Please refer to Attachment PUC 89 for a summar of plant maintenance costs by plant for years 2005 through 2009. Test Year Plant maintenance costs are actual 2009 amounts with adjustments for Incremental GenerationO&M and overhaul expenses. Please refer to Adjustment 4.6 - Incremental Generation O&M, which includes incremental Generation O&M expected through December 2010 and Adjustment 4.10 - Generation Overhaul Expense, which adjusts 2009 test year overhaul expense to a four-year average. The "Contracts" category represents Non-Company labor and materials. Detail for outside labor is not available separately. All plant maintenance costs with the exception of Cholla and Gadsby peaker\.its are allocated to Idaho using the SG allocation factor. Cholla is allocatedJo Idaho using the SSGCH factor and Gadsby peaker units are allocated using the SSGCT factor. All factors can be found in tab 10 of Steven R. McDougal's Exhibit NO.2. The "Labor" category represents internal Company labor. This expense is combined with all other labor and benefit expenses before being allocated to jursdictions. As a result, these costs are not directly available on an Idaho allocated basis. However, this expense can be calculated using the Idao allocation of total utilty labor in the test year of approximately 5.537%. The calculation shown below details tlie aiçunt of Idaho allocation of this expense in the test year. '" . ,'.'. Total Company r'$160,361,669 $45,970,880 $114,390,789 $6,333,818 Non-Utilty / Capital Portion (28.667%) Utilty Labor Portion Idaho Allocation (5.537%) ! -1 Recordholder: Sponsor: Chad Teply / Stev.ên McDougal Chad Teply / Stev~~ NIcDougal PAC-E-I0-07/Rocky Mountain Power September 22, 2010 PILC Data Request 90 PIle Data Request 90 Please provide a 10-year history level of scheduled power plant maintenance outages. Response to PIle Data Request 90 Please refer to Confidential Attachment PUC 90. This information is confidential and is provided subject to the termsånd conditions of the protective agreement inthis proceeding. . Recordholder: Sponsor: Dean Haron Chad Teply ¡; ! " PAC-E-10-07/Rocky Mountain Power September 22, 2010 PUC Data Request 91 PIle Data Request 91 Please identify by year, the last 5 years of Idaho storm restoration expense. For each year, identify the costs as materials, outside labor (Non-PacifiCorp employees), and internal labor (including allocated labor). Please identify amount included in rate case. Please separate amount included in rate case by as materials, outside labor (Non-PacifiCorp employees), and internal labor (including allocated labor). Response to PIle Data Request 91 Please refer to Attachment PUC 91 for 2005 through 2009 storm restoration expenses net of reimbursements directly attributed to Idaho. As reflected in this attachment, Idaho test year figures are equivalent to the CY 2009 amount for a total of ($11,197). Recordholder: Sponsor: James Bennett / Steven McDougal Steven McDougal (. ¡ a ,~,I i';'; -:.¡\, " j ; ~ .( , \ P AC-E-1 0-07/Rocky Mountain Power September 22,2010 PUC Data Request 92 PIle Data Request 92 Please identify by year, the last 5 years of Idaho program vegetation management (tree-trimming) expense. For each year, identify the costs as materials, outside labor (Non-PacifiCorp employees), and internal labor (including allocated labor). Please identify amount included in rate case. Please separate amount included in rate case by as materials, outside labor (Non-PacifiCorp employees), and internal labor (including allocated labor). Response to Pile Data Request 92 Please refer to Attachment PUC 92 for 2005 through 2009 vegetation management expenses directly attributed to Idaho. As reflected in this attachment, Idaho test year figures are equivalent to the CY 2009 amount for atotal of $781 ,04 1. . Recordholder: Sponsor: Rady Miler Steven McDougal PAC-E-1 0-07/Rocky Mountain Power September 22, 2010 PUC Data Request 93 Pile Data Request 93 Please identify by year and by FERC USOA, the next 5 years of Idaho capital and O&M expense budgets reflecting all allocated costs. Response to PIle Data Request 93 The budget is not prepared at this level of detaiL. Recordholder: Sponsor: Henr Lay Steven McDougal l ;"!¡. , J." ", ..(...;...." PAC-E-10-07/Rocky Mountain Power September 22, 2010 PUC Data Request 94 PIle Data Request 94 Please provide copies of all incentive plan documents for the test year and any subsequent revisions. Response to Pile Data Request 94 Please refer to Attachments PUC 94 -1 and 94 -2. Recordholder: Sponsor: Erich D. Wilson Erich D. Wilson i .~ PAC-E-1O-07/Rocky Mountain Power September 22, 2010 PUC Data Request 95 Pile Data Request 95 Please identify by year for the last 5 years, Idaho amount of allocated costs separated by entity allocating costs. Response to PIle Data Request 95 Costs are allocated to Idaho according to the Revised Protocol allocation methodology. Five years of Idaho allocated operation and maintenance expenses have been provided in the Company's responses to PILC Data Request 64. Recordholder: Sponsor: Steven McDougal Steven McDougal PAC-E-IO-07/Rocky Mountain Power September 22, 2010 PUC Data Request 96 Pile Data Request 96 Has PacifiCorp, Rocky Mountain Power, and/or the Idaho operations of Rocky Mountain Power sold any SOi Emission Allowances in the past 5 years? If so, please identify by year for the last 5 years the SOi Emission Allowance revenues. Response to Pile Data Request 96 Yes. Please refer to Attachment PUC 96. Recordholder: Sponsor: Craig Wardle Chad Teply PAC-E-IO-07/Rocky Mountain Power Septembèr22,2010 PUC Data Request 97 PIle Data Request 97 Please provide a breakdown of Id¡io miscellaneous revenues by type and by year for the last 5 years. Response to Pile Data Request 97 Please refer to Attachment PUC 97 for Idaho miscellaneous revenues for years 2005 through 2009. Note: These amounts are unadjusted results prior to any regulatory adjustments. For example, they include DSM revenues, which are removed from base rates because they are par of the System Benefit Charge (SBC). Recordholder: Sponsor: Steven McDougal Steven McDougal :\- ..1'':' .! ~ PAC-E-10-07/Rocky Mountain Power September 22, 2010 PUC Data Request 98 PIle Data Request 98 Please provide a sumary sheet detaling the percentage of the service company costs allocated to each operating jurisdiction for each of the last 5 years. Response to Pile Data Request 98 Rocky Mountain Power doesn't have a service company and therefore doesn't have any service company costs to allocate. Recordholder: Sponsor: Steven McDougal Steven McDougal : ItI ,:¡ '. '-¡ ! , ' I ~ : ' PAC-E-10-07/Rocky Mountain Power September 22, 2010 PUC Data Request 99 PIle Data Request 99 Please identify by year for the lastS years, Idaho level of outside services expense. Response to Pile Data Request 99 Please refer to the Company's response PUC Data Request 75. Recordholder: Sponsor: Gar Tawwater Steve McDougal PAC-E-1O-07/Rocky Mountain Power September 22,2010 PUC Data Request 100 PIle Data Request 100 Please list all adjustments proposed (and value of adjustment) that extend the costs beyond the test year. Response to PIle Data Request 100 The requested information can befound in the Revenue Requirement Exhibit Accompanying Direct Testimonyo(Steven R. McDougal, Volume 3. In Tabs 4- 8, any adjustment listed as a "Type 3" adjustment represents a known and measurable change to revenue requirement which extends beyond the 12 months ended December 2009. As discussed in the direct testimony of Company witness Steven R. McDougal, the test year in this case is the twelve-months ended December 31, 2009 with limited known and measurable adjustments though December 31, 2010. Recordholder: Sponsor: Steven McDougal Steven McDougal : . "I t. . ~ , ." "j ",1 l.. ¡ . .i PAC-E-10-07/Rocky Mountain Power September 22, 2010 PUC Data Request 101 PIle Data Request 101 Please provide the following: a. The Company policy which describes all steps that are taken in the process of writing off an account as uncollectible from beginning to end. b. Are there a specific number of days before an account is written off? If yes, are those days calculated as calendar days or business days? c. Please explain the point at which the Company stars calculating a write-off period. Is it different than the first biling of the last unpaid bil? If yes, please identify the difference or lapse of time that occurs. Response to Pile Data Request 101 a. During the course of business, a customer may move out of a location and car an outstading balance. Every effort is made by Rocky Mountain Power to deliver the closing bil to the customer. Sometimes the Company is unsuccessful or the customer does not pay the closing bilL. After the closing bil due date, if no payment has been received, the balance is assigned to a collection agency. When a balance is outstanding for more than 180 calendar days, it is considered uncollectible debt and the amount is written-off. b. An account is written off after 180 calendar days from the closing bil due date. :l ¡ c. Rocky Mountain Power stas ~al¿ulating a wrte-off period on the date at which the closing bil was due. Recordholder: Sponsor: Aric Muhlstein To Be Determined :i . : to.