HomeMy WebLinkAbout20100917PAC to Monsanto 12 (1-4).pdf. v ~~~~OUNTAIN REC:EJ\1 September 16, 2010 zniû SEP 17 AM 9= ll 4 Radall C. Budge RACINE, OLSON, NYE, BUDGE & BAILEY, CHATERED P.O. Box 1391; 201 E. Center Pocatello, Idaho 83204-1391 RE: il PAC-E-10-07 Monsanto 12th Set Data Request (1-4) 201 South Main, Suite 2300 Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Please find enclosed Rocky Mountan Power's responses to Monsanto 12th Set Data Requests 12.1 -12.4. Provided on the enclosed CD is Atthment Monsanto 12.3. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at (801) 220-2963. Sincerely, ;;f¿ltv~/~ 1. Ted Weston Manager, Reguation Enclosure: cc: Jea Jewel1lUC (C)/ 3 copies Eric Olsen/IP A (C) Ben Oto/lCL (C) James R Smithonsanto (C) Richad Anderson/onsato (C) George C. Carer, III/Monsto (C) Denns PeseauIonsanto (C) Garth R Kajander/Monsato (C) Maurce Brubaker/Monsanto (C) Brian Collionsanto (C) Michael Gormanonsto (C) Kath Iverson/onsto (C) Mark WidmerlMonsto (C) ./PAC-E-l 0-07/Rocky Mountain Power September 16, 2010 Monsanto Data Request 12.1 Monsanto Data Request 12.1 Referring to Confidential Exhibit No. 40 ofHui Shu's direct testimony, please provide the following information: . a. For each purchase transaction line item included in the GRID purchases categories Long Term Firm Purchases, Qualifying Facilties, Mid-Columbia Contracts, Storage and Exchange, Short Term Firm Purchases, and System Balancing Purchases, identify the transaction's demand charges, energy charges, and other charges by month. Identify.all other charges by type and amount for each month. If the monthly transaction charges (demand, energy, and/or other) are not biled on a monthly basis, please explain in detail how such charges are allocated to each month. b. For each sale transaction line item included in the GRID categories Long Term Firm Sales, Short Term Firm Sales, and System Balancing Sales, identify the transaction's demand charges, energy charges, and other charges by month. Identify all other charges bytype and amount for each month. If the monthly transaction charges (demand, energy, and/or other) are not biled on a monthly basis, please explain in detail how such charges are allocated to each month. Response to Monsanto Data Request 12.1 The Company has not prepared tneteqtiêsted information, but has provided all contracts modeled in GRID in the C6'rpany's response to Monsanto Data Request 2.47. The requested infonrition fò'r all line items in Confidential Exhibit No. 40, except Short Term Firm Purchases and Sales, and System Balancing Purchases and Sales, can be computed by Monsanto using the data contained in the Demand Charge, Energy Charge and/or Other Cost data series in GRID (which are expressed as unt costs), combined with the appropriate volume components of the respective contract which are also in GRID. For Short Term Firm Purchases apd'SalèS;,' the charges are all on a dollar per megawatt-hour basis. Please refer tö: the Company's 1 st supplementa response to Monsanto Data Request 2.60 for mote detals. The System Balancing Purchases and Sales are generated by the GRID model to balance the system. The prices are based on the Company's official price cure, which is provided in GRID, as well as the Company's response to Monsanto Data Request 2.10, specifically Confdential Attchment Monsanto 2.10 -3. 'I ¡ __..;, :'; 1.i! P AC-E-l 0-07/Rocky Mountain Power September 16, 2010 Monsanto Data Request 12.1 Recordholder: Sponsor: Hui Shu Hui Shu ï fI P AC-E-l 0-07/Rocky Mountain Power September 16, 20 I 0 Monsanto Data Request 12.2 Monsanto Data Request 12.2 For each turbine upgrade (Hunter, Huntington, and Jim Bridger) referenced in the response to Monsanto Data Request 7.4, please reconcile the total installed costs in dollars based on the $/kW values included in the response to Monsanto Data Request 7.4 par a. with the $129 milion for the three turbine upgrades referenced in Mr. Teply's testimony at lines 3-4, p. 12. Response to Monsanto Data Request 12.2 The $129 milion mentioned in Mr. Teply's testimony included other projects in addition to the tubine upgrades. Please refer to the Company's response to Monsanto Data Request 12.3 for a reconcilation of the turbine upgrade project costs. Recordholder: Sponsor: Chad Teply Chad Teply PAC-E-I0-07/Rocky Mountain Power September 16, 2010 Monsanto Data Request 12.3 Monsanto Data Request 12.3 For each turbine upgrade (Hunter, Huntington, and Jim Bridger) referenced in the response to Monsanto Data Request 7.4, please r~concile the total installed costs in dollars based on the $/kW values included in the response to Monsanto Data Request 7.4 par a. with the turbine upgrade line item costs included in Steven McDougal's Exhibit No.2, page 8.6.2 ($31,714,226 for Hunter; $31,260,581 for Huntington; and $9,471,009 for Jim Bridger). Response to Monsanto Data Request 12.3' Please refer to Attachment Monsanto. 12.3. In addition to the dollars based on the $/kW values and the turbine upgrade project dollars as filed, this summar includes a recent forecast for the projects. Also note that the Bridger Unit 1 Turbine Upgrade project was originally approved for the high pressure, intermediate pressure, and low pressure (HP/IP/LP) components as a single project. Subsequent to the original approval, the LP portion of the project was deferred to 2018. The filing amount and recent forecast dollars for Bridger Unit 1 as presented in the attachment are. related to the HP/IP components only. Recordholder: Sponsor: Chad Teply Chad Teply f! I i;_, \:' ,lj'hU; ,l'! . I PAC-E-I0-07/Rocky Mountain Power September 16,2010 Monsanto Data Request 12.4 Monsanto Data Request 12.4 Please provide the following information for the Top of the World wind purchased power agreement (PP A): a. The economic analysis upon which the Company relied to enter into the PP A. Include all work papers in Excel format with formulas intact. b. A copy of the Company's expenditure requisition and project approval documents for the PP A. Response to Monsanto Data Request 12.4 a. The Company considers the e,conomic analyses of RFP bids to be of utmost commercial sensitivity and highly confidential. The model wil be made available for review at the Company'soffices. Please contact Greg Duvall at 503-813-7069 to discuss arangments for review onsite. b. The Company does not have an expenditure requisition or project approval document for the PP A. Recordholder: Sponsor: Rick Link I Stacey Kusters Stefan Bird ,,I ..i.; ..; U" I... l.\' i-l: . l'!,.1 \~.\