HomeMy WebLinkAbout20100913PAC to Staff 250-255, 257-270.pdf~~:OUNTAIN RECE n lOID SE? l 3 AM 10: '3 201 South Main, Suite 2300 Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 September 10, 2010 Scott Woodbur Idaho Public Utilties Commission 472 W. Washington Boise, ID 83702-5918 Neil Price Idaho Public Utilties Commission 472 W. Washigton Boise, ID 83702-5918 RE: ID P AC-E- 10-07 IPUC Data Request (252-270) Please find enclosed Rocky Mountan Power's responses to IPUC Data Requests 252-270, excluding IPUC 256. Ths response will be provided separately. Provided on the enclosed CD are Attachments IPUC 252 -(1 -6), 253 -(1 -2), 254, and 264. Provided on the enclosed Confdential CD are Confdential Attchments IPUC 253 -(3-4), 257, 258, 259 -(1-2),260, and 262. The Confdential Attchments are Confdential and ar provided to paries tht have signed a protective order in ths docket. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at (801) 220-2963. Sincerely, :J I~¿l Ú/4.Z1(~ J. Ted Weston Manager, Regulation Enclosure: cc: Jean Jewell/IUC (C)/ 3 copies Eric OlsenlIPA (C) Ben Oto/ICL (C) Radall Budge/Monsanto (C) James R. Smithonsanto (C) Richad Anderson/onsanto (C) George C. Carer, III/onsanto (C) Denns Peseau/onsanto (C) Gareth R. Kajander/Monsanto (C) Maurce Brubaker/Monsanto (C) Brian Collin/Monsanto (C) Michael Gormanonsanto (C) Kath Iverson/onsanto (C) P AC-E- 1 0-07/Rocky Mounta Power September 10, 2010 IPUC Production Data Request 252 IPUC Production Data Request 252 Please provide copies of the Actual Reports for the Company's pension plan for 2007-2009. Response to ¡PUC Production Data Request 252 Please refer to Attachments IPUC 252 - 1 and 252 -2 for the 2007 reports, IPUC 252 -3 and 252 -4 for the 2008 reports, and IPUC 252 -5 and 252 -6 for the 2009 reports. Recordholder: Sponsor: Erich D. Wilson Erich D. Wilson P AC-E- 10-07 /Rocky Mountain Power September 10, 2010 IPUC Production Data Request 253 ¡PUC Production Data Request 253 Please provide copies of any correspondence between the Company and its actues, specifically any corrspondence regarding futue fuding levels or chages in assumptions for 2009 and 2010. Response to ¡PUC Production Data Request 253 Please refer to Attchments IPUC 253 - 1 and 253 -2 for changes in assumptions for 2009 and 2010. For futue fuding levels, please refer to Confdential Attchments IPUC 253 -3 and 253 -4. Ths inormation is confdential and is provided subject to the terms and conditions of the protective agreement in ths proceeding. Recordholder: Sponsor: Erich D. Wilson Erich D. Wilson P AC-E- 1 0-07/Rocky Mountain Power September 10,2010 IPUC Production Data Request 254 ¡PUC Production Data Request 254 Please provide a table comparg the anua taget incentive amounts to the amounts actully paid for the year 2007-2009. Response to ¡PUC Production Data Request 254 Please refer to Attchment IPUC 254. Recordholder: Sponsor: Erich D. Wilson Erich D. Wilson PAC-E-1O-07/Rocky Mountain Power September 10, 2010 IPUC Production Data Request 255 ¡PUC Production Data Request 255 Please describe in detal the natue of all afliate relationships between PacifiCorp or its parent companes and any company under contract to trport coal to any of the PacifiCorp coal-fired plants. Response to ¡PUC Production Data Request 255 PacifiCorp is a subsidiar of MidAerica Energy Holdings Company. MidAerican Energy Holdigs Company is a subsidiar Berkshire Hathaway Inc. In Febru of2010 Burlington Northern Santa Fe Corporation and BNSF Ralway Company became subsidiares of Berkshie Hathaway Inc. PacifiCorp Energy receives coal at the Dave Johnston and Cholla Plants under long-term rail agreements with the BNSF Railway Company. Both ageements were contracted prior to the Berkshie Hathaway's acquisition of the BNSF Railway Company. The transporttion agreement for the Dave Johnston Plant was negotiated in 1998 and expires in December 2013. The tranporttion agreement for the Cholla Plant was negotiated in 2005 and extends though December 2017. Recordholder: Sponsor: Brian Durg Cindy Crane P AC-E-I0-07 /Rocky Mountain Power September 10,2010 IPUC Production Data Request 257 ¡PUC Production Data Request 257 Please describe the method of determg cost of coal for the BCC. Please provide all backup documentation and spreadsheets with formulas intat used in ths determnation. How does ths cost of coal compare to the cost of coal agreed to in the most recent IERCO-IdaoPower coal contrct? Response to ¡PUC Production Data Request 257 The cost of coal for Bridger Coal Company is based on mine production costs as forecast and fied by the Company. By agreement with the Idaho Public Servce Commssion, the Company adjusted Bridger Coal production costs to remove the inventory effects of the Finacial Accountig Stadads Board Emerging Issues Task Force (EITF) No. 04-6, Accounting for Strpping Costs Incured durng Production in the Mining Industr. The supporting work papers are in found in Confdential Atthment IPUC 257. Ths information is confdential and is provided subject to the terms and conditions of the protective agreement in ths proceeding. The Company canot comment on the Idaho Power cost of coal as test periods and related filings are specific to that company. Recordholder: Sponsor: Brian Durng Cindy Crane PAC-E-I0-07/Rocky Mountan Power September 10, 2010 ¡PUC Production Data Request 258 ¡PUC Production Data Request 258 What is the all-in cost of coal per ton for the BCC coal? Ths all-in cost should identify both the detailed coal cost and the detaled retu component. Please provide all backup documentation includig spreadsheets with formulas intat used for ths anysis. Response to ¡PUC Production Data Request 258 Please refer to Confdential Attchment IPUC 258 for the all-in cost of Bridger Coal as well as a comparson to Powder River Basin coal costs. Ths inormation is confdential and is provided subject to the terms and conditions of the protective agreement in this proceeding. Recordholder: Sponsor: Brian Durng Cindy Crane P AC-E-l 0-07/Rocky Mountain Power September 10, 2010 IPUC Production Data Request 259 ¡PUC Production Data Request 259 Please provide all studies/cost-benefit analyses since 2000 performed by PacifiCorp or under its direction related to obtainig all or par of the coal used by the Bridger coal plant from any source other than BCC? Response to ¡PUC Production Data Request 259 In 2003 the Company initiated a study to review the viabilty of implementing an underground longwall minig operation at Bridger Coal Company. A sumar of the approved project is provided in Confdential Attchment IPUC 259 -1. Ths information is confdential and is provided subject to the terms and conditions of the protective agreement in ths proceeding. In 2008 the Company began coal contract negotiations with Kiewett Ming Company, Black Butte Coal Company for a new coal supply agreement beging in 2010. An internal review and analysis ofthis contract is provided in Confdential Attchment IPUC 259 -2. Ths inormation is confdential and is provided subject to the terms and conditions of the protective agreement in this proceeding. Recordholder: Sponsor: Brian Durng Cindy Crane PAC-E-I0-07/Rocky Mountan Power September 10, 2010 IPUC Production Data Request 260 ¡PUC Production Data Request 260 Please provide the same information as the above request for comparsons at all other coal plants. Response to ¡PUC Production Data Request 260 With respect to the Company's afliate mines, the Company recently reviewed the cost!nefit of contiuig to produce coal from the Company's Deer Creek Mine in central Uta. The Deer Creek Mine provides a portion of the coal consumed by the Company's Carbon, Huntington and Hunter power plants. Deer Creek's longwall minng unt wa approaching the end of the expected operating life of the longwall shields. In 2009, the Company evaluated the cost of rebuilding the curent longwall system relative to a) purchasing a new longwall system and b) closing the mine and replacing Deer Creek's production with external coal. Please refer to Confdential Attchment IPUC 260 for a copy of the analysis and justification for the longwall rebuild. Ths information is confdential and is provided subject to the terms and conditions of the protective agreement in ths proceeding. Recordholder: Sponsor: Brian Durg Cindy Crae PAC-E-10-07/Rocky Mountain Power September 10,2010 IPUC Production Data Request 260 ¡PUC Production Data Request 261 Wht retrofitting would the Bridger coal plant need in order to economically bum a lower Btugher ash coal than tht supplied by Black Butte/BCC? Wht are the estimated costs for ths retrofit? Response to ¡PUC Production Data Request 261 The Company expets conversion to Powder River Basin coals would require signficant modifications. A futue comprehensive unt specific study would nee to be completed prior to fmalizing any equipment modifications and project economics. Recordholder: Sponsor: Brian Durng Cindy Crane P AC-E-l 0-07/Rocky Mountain Power September 10, 2010 IPUC Production Data Request 262 ¡PUC Production Data Request 262 For the Naughton-Chevron Minng coal contract, please provide a schedule showing the dollar amount of the coal costs in 2010 when the contract effective date is changed from Janua 1, 2010 to July 1, 2010. In your response, please include all supporting documentation and spreadsheets with formulas intact that were used in this analysis. Please show the line item detail to identify the difference between this schedule and the Company's PAC-E-I0-07 gener rate case (RAJAM amounts. Response to ¡PUC Producton Data Request 262 As reflected in Confdential Attchment IPUC 262, the reduction in test period coal costs related to the chage in the Naughton contract reopener is $7.63 millon on a tota system basis. This information is confdential and is provided subject to the terms and conditions of the protective agreement in ths proceeding. Recordholder: Sponsor: Brian Durg Cindy Crae P AC-E-I0-07 /Rocky Mountain Power September 10,2010 IPUC Production Data Request 263 ¡PUC Production Data Request 263 What is the composition of the suspended solids in the water pumped from the Bridger Underground Mine? What is the BCC plan for reclamation of ths water? Response to ¡PUC Production Data Request 263 The water from the mie can be categorized as a brackish solution of sodium bicarbonate and sodium sulfate with varable levels of tota suspended solids. Based on sample testing conducted by SPF Water Engineering between September 2007 and October 2009 of water pumped from the Bridger underground mie, the average Suspended Solids (mg/) is 91, and average Tota Dissolved Solids (mg/) is 1,084. Additional mine water quality chacteristics were reported as follows: 91 1084 8.1 775 49 0.52 0.08 46 1100 8.1 780 50 .29 0.09 3 - 538 692 - 1690 7.5 -8.8 640-890 33 -60 0:0.01-4.1 0.01-0.14 The plan for water reclamation is storage at the mine, and for cooling water us at the Bridger Power Plant. Water treatment processing will be requied to use the ru of mine water as a power plant cooling water source. A water clarfication project was approved at the mine in May of 2010. The clarfier project will be conducted over two years, with expected completion by Augut 2011 and a projected life of th years. Recordholder: Sponsor: Brian Dug Cindy Crane P AC-E-l 0-07/Rocky Mountan Power September 10,2010 IPUC Production Dat Request 264 ¡PUC Production Data Request 264 In response to Sta Production Request No. 126, Rocky Mounta Power stated that in 2009 there were 15,158 customers on Schedule 36 (Time of Use pricing). It also reported that in 2008 there were 16,723 on Schedule 36. That is 1,565 fewer paricipants in 2009 than in 2008. Has Rocky Mountain Power done a sureyor an internal review of those customers that are no longer parcipatig in the time-of-use pricing to determine why those customers chose to be dropped from Schedule 36? If so, what were the fidings? Response to ¡PUC Production Data Request 264 Rocky Mountan Power conducts intern reviews to ensure customers are being biled on the appropriate rate. A comparson of Idaho Residential Rate 1 and Rate 36 utilzing the last twelve months' usage was conducted in June 2009. For those customers disadvantaged on Rate 36, their account was updated to tae advantage of the lower residential rate. A letter was mailed informng customers to contat the Company if they preferred to remain on Rate 36. Please refer to Attchment IPUC 264 for a copy of the letter. New customers are also informed about Rate 1 and Rate 36 at the time of new connects, which may also inuence Rate 36 customer counts. Recordholder: Sponsor: Arc Muhstein To Be Determined PAC-E-l 0-07/Rocky Mounta Power September 10, 2010 IPUC Production Data Request 265 ¡PUC Production Data Request 265 In response to Production Request No. 137, Rocky Mounta Power stted that the theshold at which it would go out and physically disconnect a meter if no one had signed up for the premises was 1,000 kwhs. In response to the same question in Case PAC-E-05-01 (Sta Production Request No. 50), Rocky Mounta stated tht its theshold was 400 kwhs. Why did the Company raise the theshold from 400 kwhs to 1000 kwhs? If a cost analysis was completed, please provide tht anysis. Response to ¡PUC Production Data Request 265 The threshold was chaged from 400 kWhs to 1000 kWhs in 2002 and system chages implemented in 2003. The benefits associated with ths change included reduction in number of work requests sent to the field where the revenue loss potential was less than the cost of the field visit, savings in field labor costs and reductions in back office time requied for call center agents to work the using reports and issue work requests to disconnect. Recordholder: Sponsor: Arc Muhstein To Be Determined P AC-E-l 0-07/Rocky Mountain Power September 10, 2010 IPUC Production Data Request 266 IPUC Production Data Request 266 Regarding those accounts that met the 1,000 kwh theshold, how many ofthose 835 customer accounts were physically disconnected: a) withn 3 days, b) with 4-5 days, or, c) after 5 days? Response to ¡PUC Production Data Request 266 In 2009,322 sites were physically disconnected. The remaining orders were cancelled because the new customer signed for service or the order expired. In 2009, orders expired after 20 days if not worked or if a new cusmer ha not signed for service. In 2010, ths process was changed and these orders no longer expire for these reasons. a) 140 with 3 days b) 24 4-5 days c) 158 afer 5 days Recordholder: Sponsor: Arc Muhstein To Be Determined P AC-E-l 0-07/Rocky Mountan Power September 10, 2010 IPUC Production Data Request 267 ¡PUC Production Data Request 267 Regarding Rocky Mountain Power's response to Sta Production Request #132, the answer was not responsive. To fuer clarfy the question, for all the customer-requested account closures in 2009, by rate class, how many of those accounts that were closed, were reconnected to a new .customer: a) withn 3 calenda days, b) within 4-5 days, or c) went longer than 5 days before a new customer signed up for service? Response to ¡PUC Production Data Request 267 Customer-requested account closures in 2009, by rate class, closed and reconnected to a new customer a) with 3 calenda days, b) with 4-5 days, or c) longer than 5 days before a new customer signed up for service. COM IND IRG RES Grand Total *The tota count differs from the Company's response to IPUC Data Request 132 delivered August 13th, due to two residential customers updated to not closed and one additional commercial customer back-dated disconnect. Recordholder: Sponsor: Arc Muhstein To Be Determined P AC-E-l 0-07/Rocky Mounta Power September 10,2010 IPUC Production Data Request 268 ¡PUC Production Data Request 268 In response to Sta Production Request No. 135, Rocky Mountain states that if a customer-requested account close/open date is 5 days before or 5 days afer a scheduled monthy meter reading date tht the close or open reading will be computer estimated based upon the per day usage. So in the remaig 2/3 of the days in a month, in 2009, what was the lengt of time it took the Company to obtain an actul reading (Le., by rate class, how many were obtaned withn 3 days, 4-5 days, or took more than 5 days)? Response to IPUC Production Data Request 268 Commercial 259 55 23 13 12 23 385 Industral 1 2 1 1 3 8 Irgation 48 24 9 7 1 8 97 Residential 4932 805 444 247 190 210 6828 Grand Total 5240 88 477 267 284 244 7318 Percentage complete 72%12%7%4%3%3% Recordholder: Sponsor: Arc Muhstein To Be Determed P AC-E-l 0-07/Rocky Mountan Power September 10, 2010 IPUC Production Data Request 269 ¡PUC Production Data Request 269 Regarding RM's response to the above question, in all the scenaos above, whether it took 3 days to obtan an actu readg or more than 5 days, would an estimate always be done to tae the reading back to the actual date reuested by the customer to close or open the account? Response to ¡PUC Production Data Request 269 The Company does prorate the open and/or close read except in the following scenaros: i. An open read is being filled with no active prior customer; 11. The open and/or close read is a CUT read - there should not be any consumption as the service was physically disconnected. Recordholder: Sponsor: Arc Muhstein To Be Determned P AC-E-l 0-07/Rocky Mounta Power September 10, 2010 IPUC Production Data Request 270 ¡PUC Production Data Request 270 Regarding RM's Landlord Agreement program, is it possible for a landlord at any time to obta a real time copy of the propert listing showig the propertes covered by the agreement and whether the account is tued on or tued off at the time of the request? If yes, can ths listing mailed or faxed to the customer, or is it available on line? Response to ¡PUC Production Data Request 270 Upon request, the Company will provide a complete listing of propertes covere by the landlord agreement. The sttus of the service can be provided, but no other inormation if the service is curently biling in the tenant name. Ths inormation can be provided to the landlord by mail, fax or e-maiL. Recordholder: Sponsor: Are Muhstein To Be Determned P AC-E-l 0-07/Rocky Mountain Power September 10, 2010 ¡PUC Production Data Request 270 ¡PUC Production Data Request 270 Regarding RM's Landlord Agreement program, is it possible for a landlord at any time to obtain a real time copy of the property listing showig the propertes covered by the agreement and whether the account is tued on or tued off at the time of the request? If yes, can this listing mailed or faxed to the customer, or is it available on line? Response to ¡PUC Production Data Request 270 Upon request, th Company will provide a complete listing of properties covered by the landlord agreement. The statu of the servce can be provided, but no other information if the service is curently billng in the tenat name. Ths information can be provided to the landlord by mail, fax or e-maiL. Recordholder: Sponsor: Arc Muhstein To Be Determed