HomeMy WebLinkAbout20100910PAC to IIPA 114-123.pdf~~;~OUNTAIN ?~ECt p \ nM'\ g~ 45 201 South Main, Suite 2300'lM ~ St.\ \. Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 September 9, 2010 Eric L. Olsen ISB# 4811 Raine, Olson Nye, Budge & Bailey, Charred P.O. Box 1391; 201 E. Center Pocatello, Idaho 83204-1391 RE: ID PAC-E-1 0-07 IIP A Data Request (114-123) Please find enclosed Rocky Mounta Power's responses to IIPA Data Requests 114-123. Provided on the enclosed CD are Attchments IIP A 120 and 123. If you have any questions, pleae feel free to call me at (801) 220-2963. Sincerely, ~ T¿d tvulò/~ J. Ted Weston Maner, Reguation Enclosure: cc: Rady Budge/Monsanto (C) Jea JewelJ.UC (C)I 3 copies Anthony Y ane1lP A (C) Ben Ott/ICL (C) James R. Smithonsanto (C) Richad Anderson/onsanto (C) Gerge C. Carer, IIIIonsato (C) Dens PeseuIonsto (C) Ga R. Kajander/Monsato (C) Maurce Brubaker/Monsanto (C) Brian Collins/onsanto (C) Michal Gormanonsto (C) Ka Iversn/onsanto (C) Mar Widmer/Monsto (C) P AC-E-1 0-07/Rocky Mounta Power September 9, 2010 IIP A Data Request 114 IIPA Data Request 114 The Company "Demand Side Mangement Anual Report-Idaho" for 2009 lists on Table 26 on page 37 a "Tota Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conservation Adder" costnefit ratio of 5.808 for Idaho's Irrgation Load Control program. The Company "Demand Side ManagementAnua Report-Uta" for 2009 lists in Appendix 1 on page 54 a "Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conservation Adder" cost!enefit ratio of2.124 for Utah's Irrgation Load Control program. Because these programs ar quite simlar, and because the incentive payments .are quite similar, please explai why there is such a large difference in the cost!enefit ratios and if this difference is expected to generaly contiue in 2010. Response to LIP A Data Request 114 The pri drver is the single year cost differences in deliverig the two programs. 2009 was the first year a dispatchable control program (Schedule 96A) was offered in Uta. Its introduction led to a fourold growt in paricipating loads from the Schedule 96 program (10 megawatts in 2008 to rougy 40 megawatts in 2009), with.the majority of tota paricipatig load electing to . .............--j)ãrCípafêiñ-ilê..dispaiCM'61êprogram.A1tloug1iilê-iistrãtíôïi.ofdìšpãtcnã.blë control equipment began in Uta in 2008 in anticipation of the dispatchable progr, the majority of new equipment and instlation costs were reaizd in 2009. In addition, delivering the Uta progr is impacted fuer by the grter geographical area to cover in deliverng the progr and generay smaller avere pump sizes. In regards to the Company's benefit cost ratio expectations for the programs in 20 i 0, the Company does expe greater convergence in 2010; however, for the reasons noted above, it expets the Uta progr will continue to ru lower benefit cost ratios overalL. Recrdholder: Sponsor: Jeff Bumgarer To Be Deteed P AC-E-l 0-07/Rocky Mountan Power September 9, 2010 lIP A. Data Request 115 LIP A Data Request 115 The Company's response to IIPA Request 67 indicates that the cost of the Uta Residential Direct Load Control Program is reflective of the cost to operate the program, but not the "levelized maket costs". Please explai what is included in the "levelized market costs" tht is in addition to what is included in the operating costs. Response to lIP A Data Request 115 There seems to be some confsion regardig the Company's response to IIPA 67. The response meant to convey tht the cost assumed by Quatec in their July 11, 2007 report was the levelized market cost (what the market was curently charging) of a 10-year progr in 2007 dollars if the Compay were contractig for additional resources at tht time. As noted in the Company's response to IIP A Data Request 67, the Quantec cost used in the report was NOT reflective of the cost of Rocky Mounta Power's Cool Keeper progr resources, which were procured under a 10 yea pay-for-peormance agreement in 2003. ~~~_--_".~~~'W~=M==m_=","~Á'~",Á"~'H-~~~'_--_'_'~""~"__;,.~,_w_'_"~~'._d__G.~~..m~m,~~,~~~~_'__"_'~",,, _,_,._._____~,u...~._....._.__,~~.,~~.~~_~.~~.n~'n'~n.."'~n._,.~~'~'~NNW.'''.., __~____~~~____..._._.__M._"AAWn_.'nn_~ Recordholder: Sponsor: Jeff Bumgarer To Be Determed PAC-E-l 0-07/Rocky Mountan Power September 9, 2010 lIP A Data Request .116 IIPA Data Request 116 The Company "Demand Side Management Anual Report-Uta" for 2009 lists in Appendix 1 on page 54 a table tht conta the progr inputs and the values for Uta's Irgaton Load Control program. Please provide a similar table for the Uta Cool Keeper progr for 2009 and the Idaho Irrgation Load Management progr for 2009. Response to lIP A Data Request 116 No such table exists for the Cool Keeper program for 2009. As explaied in Appendix 1 of the 2009 Demand Side Maagement Anua Report - Uta page 56, "Cost effectiveness anysis of the Cool Keeper program was conductd on a program lifecyc1e basis for program years 2003 to 2013 in order to remove the cost dierences from year to year associated with the contrctu payment schedule under the pay for performance contrct with the progra delivery vendor where the cost of the progr vares by program year." Cost effectiveness for the Irgation Load Control program is analyzed on an anua basis, utilizg 2009 kW and 2009 costs alone. The table on page 54 '~'~'.~'."-'--i)roviaes-ile aiUã"costs-and1eneñts ofile'Jigatiõii-rõacfCõñtrôrprgrãn'~ .......~___._,_,_._..._..__w,'_ for 2009. Recordholder: Sponsor: Jeff Bumgarer To Be Determed P AC-E-l 0-07/Rocky Mountan Power September 9,2010 IIP A Data Request 117 LIP A Data Request 117 The Company's response to lIP A Request 46 states that the latest estmate of the benefit of the Idaho Irgation Load Control Program is $73.09 kW-year. The Company "Demand Side Mangement Anual Report-Uta" for 2009 lists in Appendix 1 on page 54 the same value of$73.09 for the dispatched program. The Company "Demand Side Management Anual Report-Uta" for 2009 lists in Appendix 1 on page 56 a value of $ 100.62 / kW-year for the Uta Cool Keeper progr which includes a value of"$23/ kW-year associated with deferral of transmission and distrbution inftrctue". Please answer the followig: a Should the $23 / kW -year be added to the figue for the Idao Irgation Load Control Progr benefit? b. Please explai and quatif all diferences between the benefit assigned to the Idaho Irgation Load Control Program and the Uta Cool Keeper Program. Response to lI A Data Request 117 a ...Nõ:....Tl¿träïmissìõnaia.cüstn6iitìon(1&D)investmenraeferrlcrecûilšnöi.. factored into the Idao Irgation Load Control Program valuation methodology. b. The mai benefit differences between the Idaho Irrgation Load Control Program . and the Uta Cool Keeper Progra stem from differences in program siz, available hour, notice provisions, and location. The Company has not quatified the benefit differences ascribed to these individual program atbutes. Recordholder: Sponsr: Jeff Bumgarer / Pete Waren To Be Deterined P AC-E-l 0-07/Rocky Mountan Power September 9, 2010 LIP A Data Request 118 lI A Data Request 118 On page 2 of Exhbit 56 (Hedm's testimony) there is a "Utiity Cost (OCT)" listed of $20,032,734. Please provide a breakdown of all costs that make up ths figue. Response to lIP A Data Request 118 Table 1 below lists the components tht make up the $20,032,734. Table i Tota Program Costs Administrative Support Evaluation Field Expenses .~._.~_..._.",.. ..lIQ.~______~~._._... ._....~.___....w.... Mangement Incentive Credits Tota Program Costs CY2008 CY2009 Tota 2008- 2009 $2,239.92 $3,543.75 $6,561,452.19 '-$6~õ63:437:95...,~-.--.w.'$69~¡i6:9f'."'$6:Õ723jf4~86 -----....--~.-.~ $94,051.68 $7,298,531.14 $7,392,582.82 $8,917,785.14 $11,114,948.40 $20,032,733.54 $1,640.50 $2,268.75 $2,816,386.26 $599.42 $1,275.00 $3,745,065.93 Recrdholder: Jeff Bumgarer Sponsor: To Be Detered PAC-E-I0-07IRocky Mountain Power September 9,2010 LIP A Data Request 119 IIPA Data Request 119 On page 2 of Exhbit 56 (Hedman's testiony) there is a "Utilty Costper kW" listd of $43.24. Please provide an explantion of what kW figue was usd and how it was derived. Response to lIP A Data Request 119 Table 2 ilustrates the calculation of the Utiity Cost per kW. The 2008 and 2009 kW values are those used for the cost effectiveness anysis reported in the anua reports. fied with the Idao commssion. Table 2 Tota 2008-2009 Program Costs $20,032,733.54 2008kW 2009kW ........................ __Inla..kW............ 204,912 258,355 __._.46.3..161- CostperkW $43.24 Recordholder: Sponsor: Jeff Bumgarer To Be Deteined P AC-E-l 0-07/Rocky Mountain Power September 9, 2010 LIP A Data Request 120 LIP A Data Request 120 The response to LIP A Request 45 contaed loss stdies for each of the Company's jursdictions. The trmission level energy losses were the sae for all jursdictions. The Uta energy loss for seconda was 8.757%, while it was 10.148% for Idaho. Please answer the following: a. Pleae provide a detailed explantion of how the calculation of the trsmission level losses produces the same loss factor for all jursdictions. b. Please provide a detaled explanation of how the calculation of secndar losses produces different levels for different jursdictions. c. Please provide a detaled explanation of all reasons why the losses at secondar would be higher in Idao than in Utah. Please provide a copy of any studies the Company has conducted in the las 10 years that would address these differences. Response to lIP A Data Request 120 a Tliê..trmission.losi fa.aors..fofdêñiãrd(kW)-ãrdenêigyTi¿WlJ..arê...identicâI'for... all stte jursdictions based on detailed system wide loss calculations. In order to captue and recover losses in an equitable maner, all of the PacifiCorp transmission losses were included and composite factors derived and applied as the stag point for each state jursdiction. The athed PAC 2007 Transmission loss analysis, Atthment IIPA 120, des the sumar results for trmission voltages of 500 kV though and includig 46 kW, b. The detaed losses consider individua class loadings and circuit representation for distrbution substation, primar lines, distrbution line trformer, seconda conductors and servces. Using seconda estimates of peak load and anua kWh consption, losses ar calculated at each delivery component level and included with the asociated load as tota loading for the next level of facilties requi to provide servce to customers. By recogng the instled facilties and losses for eah state by voltage level of sece along with their corrspndig loads and losses, different losses, load, and equivalent ratings will be experienced which would result in different loss chactercs. To quatify these dierences for Uta and Idao, for example, a sm of the loss results is suarze below frm the information provided in respns to IIA Request 45: PAC-E-I0-07/Rocky Mounta Power September 9, 2010 LIP A Data Request 120 TABLE 1 DEMA LOSSES (kW) Idaho (LIP A 45-2), Utah (lPA 45-4), Exhibit 5 (ÏIrst 6 columns) Idaho Uta 1.021800Priar1.028400 Seconda Line Transformers Seconda Servces 1.022075 1.001014 1.003632 1.016551 1.002307 1.006141 Composite (Cumulative - Colum 6)1.114615 1.104839 For the demand loss facors, a review of the above data shows that different estimates for priar circuits and line trformer losses account for the major differences based on loadng levels and instaled facilties. ._._,....__,_,___._.__v,.v_._,_,__,._"..,_._,_._~."_._._'-.'-'_n'...,."_n_"-,m.'.,_.__~'."""_"'_"_"""'''-'."'.~~'_h.'''~~,~n__,"..~..,.~._,.~_..........____".c.._.._r__'_'__'_~"'''__'_'''-'.'..''_.'~_.,.~nY~_.~~,~,~_.'.'_'_'',.'.-....A'~..'.",,'_ò....~._._____.'_,._,__,,'-~_,.~..._~".,.'-='n~~hh~:.'YUy~.~__..i.,....,..._,.~..._'''_'-~h~'~hy.~~_.'~"_._~,..~_...,.__.,,.,..,~-,.,.,'-'_"_M,"~'.'_N~'~._...,_.,."'..,..c-'...,...,....¿,....~'_,........_._....__.-'-'--' For line trsformers, a review of Exhbit 3 (last data row) shows tht the average intaled size and percent loading levels indicate tht the more urban system (Uta) instals much larger trformers and loadg levels with both of these factors contrbuting to much lower losses due to higher effciencies and lower equipment losses ratings. These loss chaacteristics and difference are much more pronounced for the kWh energy loss chateristics sumed below for the same Uta and Idao comparsons: TABLE 2 ENERGY LOSSES (kWh) Idaho alP A 45-2), Utah (lA 45-4), Exhibit 5 (last 6columnsl Idao Uta 1.0153868Pr1.0207321 Seconda Line TraformersSecnda Serces 1.0303020 1.0007709 1.0032528 1.0209477 1.0017724 1.0054173 Composite (Cumulative - Colum 6)1.1016147 1.0875681 P AC-E-l 0-07/Rocky Mounta Power September 9,2010 IIPA Data Request 120 As mentioned previously, the major differences which contrbute to the calculated jursdictional results are due to primar and at a much larger level for line transformers with respect to anua energy (kWh). Here agai equipment loadng levels and average sizes contrbute to higher losses for Idao and much lower for Uta. Finally, another factor which can contrbute to losses is customer load charcteristics. For example, highy seasonal loads will greaty increase the energy losses associated with fixed losses which are essentially consistent for each hour of the year regardless of load leveL. c. Please refer to the Company's response to Item b. above. Recordholder: Sponsor: Kenneth Houston To Be Determined P AC-E-l 0-07/Rocky Mountan Power September 9,2010 lIP A Data Request 121 IIA Data Request 121 What loss factor did the Company assume for its Irgation Load Management load in its "Demand Side Mangement Anua Report-Idaho" for 2009? Response to lIP A Data Request 121 As noted in the table on page 22 of Appendix 1 of the 2009 Demand Side Management Annual Report - Idaho, the loss factor utilized for cost effecveness analysis was 10.392%. The assumed losses and source of assumptions are listed on page 3 of Appendix 1 of 2009 Demand Side Management Annual Report - Idaho. Recordholder: Sponsor: Jeff Bumgarer To Be Determined P AC-E-l 0-07/Rocky Mountai Power Septembe 9, 2010 LIP A Data Request 122 LIP A Data Request 122 What loss factor did the Company assume for its Irgation Load Management load in its "Demand Side Management Anua Report-Uta" for 20091 Response to lI A Data Request 122 As noted in the table on page 54 of Appendix 1 of the 2009 Demand Side Management Annual Report - Utah, the loss factor utiized for cost effectiveness analysis was 6.33%. The assumed losses and source of assumptions are listed on page 4 of Appendix 1 of 2009 Demand Side Management Annual Report -Utah. Recordholder: Sponsor: Jeff Bumgarer To Be Determined P AC-E-l 0-07/Rocky Mounta Power September 9,2010 LIP A Data Request 123 IIPA Data Request 123 The Company's response to IIPA Request 73 listed "SO" values for all jursdictions over the 2000-2009 timeframe. Please provide (in Excel format if available) data similar to that found on page 10.13 and 10.14 of Exhibit 2 in ths filing, that would support the inormation provided in the response to UP A _ Request 73. Response to lIP A Data Request 123 Pleae refer to Attchment liP A 123. Recordholder: Sponsor: Steven R. McDougal Steven R. McDougal