HomeMy WebLinkAbout20100908PAC to PIIC 2-49 partial.pdf~~l~UNTAIN RECE!\/ tum SEP -8 ArU I: 03 201 South Main, Suite 2300 Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 September 7, 2010 Melinda Davison Davison Van Cleve, P.C. 333 S.W. Taylor St., Ste. 400 Portand, Oregon 97204 Randal J. Falenberg RFI Consulting, Inc. PMB362 8343 Roswell Road Sandy Springs, GA 30350 RE: il PAC-E-1O-07 PILC Data Request (2-49) Pleae fid enclosed Rocky Mounta Power's responses to PILC Data Request 2-49, excludig PIlC 9, 11-14, 17,32,34,40,43, and 47-48. These responses wil be provided separately. Provided on the enclosed CD are Attchments PIlC 2 -1, 3 -1,4 -(a-b), 5, 6, 21, 28, 30, 39, and 49. Provided on the enclosed Confdential CD are Confdential Atthments PILC 2 -2, 3 -2, 15, 33,35,37,41,44, and 45. The Confdential Attchments are Confdential and are provided to paries tht have signed a protective order in ths docket. If you have any questions, pleae feel free to call me at (801) 220-2963. Sincerely, JJ:rd/(~/~ J. Ted Weston Manager, Reguation Enclosue: cc: Jean Jewel1PUC (C)/ 3 copies Eric OlsenIPA (C) Ben Otto/ICL (C) Radall Budge/Monsto (C) James R. Smithonsto (C) Richad Anderson/onsanto (C) Gerge C. Carer, IIIonsto (C) Denns Peseau/onsto (C) Gar R. Kajander/Monsanto (C) Maunce Brubaker/Monsto (C) Brian Collionsanto (C) Michal Gormanonsanto (C) Ka Iversn/onsanto (C) Ma Widmer/Monsto (C) PAC-E-10-07/Rocky Mountan Power September 7, 2010 PILC Data Request 2 PUC Data Request 2 Pleae provide copies of Rocky Mounta Power's responses to Sta Production Requests 1-59,97-98, 111, 121-123, 158-164, 167-187, 194-201,208-209, and 214-222. Response to PIIC Data Request 2 Please refer to Attchment PIlC 2 -1 for the requested responses and atchments and to Confdential Attchment PILC 2 -2 for confidential attchments. Confdential information is provided subject to the terms and conditions of the protective agreement in ths proceedig. Recordholder: N/ A Sponsor: N/ A P AC-E-1 0-07/Rocky Mountan Power September 7, 2010 PILC Dat Request 3 PIIC Data Request 3 Pleas provide copies of Rocky Mounta Power's responses to Idao Irgation Pumpers Association Production Requests 1-24, 27-30, and 36-45. Response to PUC Data Request 3 Please refer to Attchment PUC 3 -1 for the requested responses and atthments and to Confdential Atthment PUC 3 -2 for confdential atthments. Confdential inormtion is provided subject to the terms and conditions of the protective agrement in ths proceedng. Recordholder: N/ A Sponsor: N/A PAC-E-1O-07/Rocky Mountan Power September 7, 2010 PILC Data Request 4 PUC Data Request 4 For each Company distrbution substation in the stte ofIdao, provide a schedule in an EXCEL file indicating the nae of the substation, the instled trsformer capacity, the winter and sumer pe rating used by the Company for the substation, the peak load for each month (including the date and time when each peak occured), and the peak load for each distrbution feeder (including the date and time when each peak occured) for 2009. Response to PUC Data Request 4 Attched is an Excel fie (Attchment PUC 4a) that lists each PacifiCorp distrbution substation in the state of Idao, curent trformer capacity, and monthy peak loads for 2009. Also atthed is an Excel file (Atthment PILC 4b) tht lists the 2009 monthy peak loads for each PacifiCorp distrbution feeder in the state ofIdaho.Most of the distrbution substations and feeders in Idao have drag had meterig that is only read once a month by field personneL. Since the meterig is only read monthly, date and time stps are not available for most of the data. Recordholder: Sponsor: Joshua Jones To Be Determined PAC-E-IO-07/Rocky Mounta Power September 7,2010 PUC Data Request 5 PUC Data Request 5 Please provide a complete copy of the Company's distrbution engineer design manual. Response to PUC Data Request 5 Plea see Attchment PUC 5. Recordholder: . Sponsor: Doug Bennon To Be Determed PAC-E-1O-07/Rocky Mountain Power September 7, 2010 PILC Data Request 6 PUC Data Request 6 Plea provide a complete copy of the Company's transmission engieer design manual. Response to PUC Data Request 6 Pleas Atthment PUC 6. Recordholder: Sponsor: Doug Bennon To Be Determined PAC-E-I0-07/Rocky Mounta Power September 7, 2010 PUC Data Request 7 PUC Data Request 7 Provide the calculation of the labor costs such tht it shows the amount the Company is proposing to include in rates. Response to PUC Data Request 7 Tota Company Non-Utility / Capita Labor Portion Utility Labor Porton (Accts 500 to 935) Idaho Allocation (5.537%) $733,743,074 $210,344,679 $523,398,394 $28,980,569 Please also refer to Exhbit No.2, page 4.3.4, colum "Proforma" Recordholder: Sponsor: Steven R. McDougal Steven R. McDougal P AC-E-l 0-07/Rocky Mounta Power September 7, 2010 PILC Data Request 8 PUC Data Request 8 Provide the followig inormation for each of the calenda yea 2004 though 2009: a. Bas pay b. Incentive compensation c. Pension and benefit costs Response to PUC Data Request 8 The Company objects to ths request to the extnt that it requests inormation related to time periods not relevant to ths proceeding. Notwthtadi ths objection, the Company responds as follows: Please see below for the requested data from fiscal year 2006 though calendar year 2009. . Reg~larPii .. OIrtme and Premium Other Bare Labor Incent.. Compeation Penios & Bents Payrol Taxes 12 Mas Ended .. ..Mar-Q§ . . . 4t,~6,332 _ 55,033,635 . 29,204,747 5(,72,948 l60,~:L~3l 36,328,631 .. 732,33,67~ .... . ... ..6,~l4~?3~ ..... 192,735,64 533,38,30 NonlliUiYL:iir .. capiizedL:ti O&M Porio CY200gy 2()!._~Y~0~8~V.20~ ~~8,i79,Cl? ~,9~!9~ ..,5!771,165.i18,~!378 ..6~S23'047 . 63,503,118 ...... 64,7.,818 ... 57!~l4~46 g2SS!793 13,52~é54 ..... .. 6Æ~,317 _ M12()'23 33,879,482 .. .. 29,8',~ 32,67,~ 30,776,233 .173,615,927 ......172,641,410 146!.~15!051 l5'~'138 36,613,260 35,60,79 37,42,m 38,397,33 ~?,~,575 . .70~IQn,§6 . ~~'~19,I\.703'95,78 6,226'54..~,~4,l~.~71,?ll. (S7~'~??) 187,99,247 19,543,029 199,46,977 202,67,999 56,874,784 50,905,501 492,121,797 502,146,763 Recordholder: Sponsor: Steven R. McDougal Steven R. McDougal PAC-E-I 0-07/Rocky Mountain Power September 7, 2010 PILC Data Request 10 PUC Data Request 10 Provide the actu bonuses and incentive compenson for each calenda that would be added to "bare labor expenss" to arve at tota wages and salares that are comparble to the Company's proposed rate case total wages and salares. Response to.PllC Data Request 10 Please see below for the requested data from fiscal year 2006 though calenda year 2009. Twelve Month Ended Marh 2006 Bare Labor Bonuses and Incentive Compensation Calenda Year 2006 Bare Labor Bonuses and Incentive Compensation $484,864,713 50,728,948 $535,593,661 $512,990,907 33,879.482 $546,870,389 Calenda Year 2007 Bare Labor Bonuses and Incentive Compensation Calenda Year 2009 Bare Labor Bonuses and Incentive Compensation $463,954,508 29,875,948 $ 493,830,456 $477,398,300 32,677,359 $510,075,659 $483,834,081 30,776,233 $514,610,314 Calendar Year 2008 Bar Labor Bonuss and Incentive Compensation Recordholder: Sponsor: Steven.R. McDougal Steven R. McDougal P AC-E-I 0-07/Rocky Mountain Power September 7, 2010 PUC Data Request 15 PUC Data Request 15 Provide the anua base salar, bonuses, stock options, and all other compensation included in Rocky Mountain Power's proposed revenue requiement for the rate period test year for each of Rocky Mountan Power's and PacifiCorp's executive offcers including all individuas with the title of Vice President or higher in the organzation. Response to PUC Data Request 15 Please refer to Confdential Atthment PUC 15. Ths inormtion is confdential and is provided subject to the terms and conditions of the protective agrement in ' this proceeding. Recordholder: Sponsor: Steven R. McDougal Steven R. McDougal PAC-E-10-07/Rocky Mounta Power September 7, 2010 PILC Data Request 16 PUC Data Request 16 If wages and salaries and the costs of related employee benefits and payroll taes included in the test period, and include any costs allocate or assigned from an afliate, please provide the base wage, overte, benefits, taes, and other amounts for each employee. Include a description of the seices provided and the basis for the allocation/assignent of these amounts to Rocky Mountan Power. Response to PUC Data Request 16 There are no affiated wages (includig wage and benefit adjustment) except for those chaged in the Affliated Management Fee. For the 12 month endig 12/31/2009, both labor and non-labor charges totaled $11,568,011.05 of which only $8,353,029.34 was booked above the line. This was fuer reduced to $7,300,000 as shown in Adjustment 4.8 in Exhbit No.2. Recordholder: Henr E. Lay 1 Steven R. McDougal Sponsor: Steven R. McDougal PAC-E-10-07/Rocky Mountan Power September 7,2010 PII C Data Request 18 PUC Data Request 18 Provide a list of all testimony, schedules, and workpapers in the company's filing that impact wages and salares, employee benefits, and payroll taes. Response to PUC Data Request 18 Wages and salares, employee benefits, and payroll taes are addressed in: Dirt Testiony of Steven R. McDougal Exhbit No.2, Adjustment 4.2 and 4.3 Recordholder: Sponsor: Steven R. McDougal Steven R. McDougal PAC-E-IO-07/Rocky Mounta Power September 7, 20 I 0 PUC Data Request 19 PUC Data Request 19 Provide the following information for Rocky Mounta Power Idaho for each of the calendar years 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, and 2004: a. Total wages and salares b. Tota wages and salares charged to accounts 500 thoug 932 c. Tota wages and salares chaged to capita or other balance sheet accounts d. Tota regular wages and saares e. Tota overtme wages and salares. Response to PUC Data Request 19 The Company objects to ths request to the extent tht it requests inormtion related to tie periods not relevant to this proceeding. Notwthtading ths objection, the Company responds as follows: Wages and salares are added to benefits to arve at tota labor before being alocated to accounts and jursdictions. For ths reason junsdictional allocation can only be provided for tota labor. Attchment PILC 21 provides the tota labor allocated to Idaho for accounts 500 though 935 and to capita accounts for fisca year 2006, calendar year 2006 though 2009. Calendar year 2010 is not yet available. The pro forma calenda year 2010 test period is provided in PILC 7. Recordholder: Sponsor: Steven R. McDougal Steven R. McDougal P AC-E- 1O-07/Rocky Mounta Power September 7, 20 I 0 PUC Data Request 20 PUC Data Request 20 Provide the followig inormation for Rocky Mounta Power Idao by month for 2009: a. Tota wages and salares b. Tota wages and salares charged to acunts 500 through 932 c. Tota wages and salares chaged to capital or other balance sheet accounts d. Tota regular wages and salares e. Tota overtime wages and salares. Response to PUC Data Request 20 The anua amount of tota wages and salares allocated to Idao ar provided in the Company's response to PILC 21. Ths inormtion is not prepared on a monthly basis. Recordholder: Sponsor: Steven R. McDougal Steven R. McDougal PAC-E-IO-07/Rocky Mountain Power September 7, 2010 PILC Data Request 21 PUC Data Request 21 Provide the followig inormaton for PacifiCorp for each of the calenda years 2010,2009,2008,2007,2006,2005, and 2004: a. Tota wages and salares b. Tota wages and salares charged to accounts 500 though 932 c. Total wages and salares chaged to capital or other balance sheet accounts d. Tota reguar wages and salares e. Tota overtme wages and salares. Response to PUC Data Request 21 The Company objects to ths request to the extent tht it requests inormation related to tie periods not relevant to ths proceedig. Notwthstading ths objection, the Company responds as follows: Pleae refer to the Company's response to PUC 8 for (a) tota wages and salares, (d) tota reguar wages and salares, and (e) tota overte wages and salares. Attchment PILC 21 provides (b) tota labor for accounts 500 though 935 in total and (c) capita and other balance sheet accounts for fisca year 2006 thugh calendar year 2009. Actual calendar year 2010 is not yet available. The pro forma calenda year 2010 test period is provided in Exhbit No.2, page 4.3.4 and in data response PILC 7. Recordholder: Sponsor: Steven R. McDougal Steven R. McDougal PAC-E-1O-07/Rocky Mountain Power September 7,2010 PILC Data Request 22 PUC Data Request 22 Explai in detal how Rocky Mountan Power's Idao waes and salares are determned. Response to PUC Data Request 22 Al PacifiCorp wages and salares are allocated to Idaho under the Revised Protocol Allocation methodology. For example, the costs of a distrbution lineman in Idaho are situ assigned to Idao. Simarly, the costs of a distbution lineman in Uta are situ assigned to Utah. The costs related to generation, trsmission, and genera across the system ar allocated to Idaho based on the applicable Revised Protocol allocation factors. Pleas refer to Case No. P AC-E- 02-3 for detals regarding Revised Protocol methodology cost allocations. Recordholder: Sponsor: Steven R. McDougal Steven R. McDougal P AC-E-l 0-07/Rocky Mounta Power September 7,2010 PILC Data Request 23 PUC Data Request 23 Are Rocky Mounta Power's Idaho wages and salares included in the total wages and salares ofPacifiCorp? Response to PUC Data Request 23 Yes. Please refer to the Company's response to PUC 22. Recordholder: Sponsor: Steven R. McDougal Steven R. McDougal PAC-E-I0-07/Rocky Mountan Power September 7, 2010 PILC Data Request 24 PUC Data Request 24 Provide al workpapers, calcultions, assumptions, and source documentation necessa to replicate all of the Company's proposed adjustments for wages and salares though the end of the test year. Provide as much inormation as possible in working electronic format (unocked and includig all formulas). Response to PUC Data Request 24 Please refer to the attachment previously provided in data response Monsanto 1.5, specifically the fie named "4.2 & 4.3 WEBA - il GRC Dec09.xls" Please also refer to the atthment previously provided in data response IPUC 168. Recordholder: Sponsor: Steven R. McDougal Steven R. McDougal PAC-E-I0-07/RockyMountain Power September 7, 2010 PIIC Data Request 25 PUC Data Request 25 Provide all wages and salares schedules and workpapers included in the company's application in workig electronic format (unocked and including formulas). Response to PLLC Data Request 25 Please refer to the attachment previously provided in data response Monsanto 1.5, specifically the fie naed "'4.2 & 4.3 WEBA - ID GRC Dec09.x1s" The "Escalation" and "Labor Increases" tabs of the atthment provide the derivation of wages and salares. Recordholder: Sponsor: Steven R. McDougal Steven R. McDougal PAC-E-1O-07/Rocky Mountan Power September 7,2010 PILC Data Request 26 PUC Data Request 26 Provide all employee benefits schedules and workpapers included in the company's application in workig electronic format (unocked and includig formulas). Response to PUC Data Request 26 Please refer to the atthment previously provided in data response Monsanto 1.5, specifically the file named "4.2 & 4.3 WEBA - ID GRC Dec09.xls" The "Penion & Benefits" tab of the attchment provides the derivation of employee benefits. Recordholder: Sponsor: Steven R. McDougal Steven R. McDougal P AC-E-I0-07 /Rocky Mountain Power September 7, 2010 PILC Data Request 27 PUC Data Request 27 Provide all payroll ta schedules and workpapers included in the company's application in workig electronic formt (unocked and includg formulas). Response to PUC Data Request 27 Please refer to the attchment previously provided in data response Monsanto 1.5, specifically the fie naed "4.2 & 4.3 WEBA - ID GRC Dec09.x1s" The "Payroll Tax" tab of the attchment provides the derivation of payroll taes. Recordholder: Sponsor: Steven R. McDougal Steven R. McDougal P AC-E-I 0-07/Rocky Mountain Power September 7, 2010 PILC Data Request 28 PUC Data Request 28 Provide the amount of incentive compensation included in the actu results of operations for the twelve month of the test period by FERC account. Response to PUC Data Request 28 Please refer to Attchment PILC 28. Recordholder: Sponsor: HenrE. Lay Steven R. McDougal P AC-E-1 0-07/Rocky Mounta Power September 7, 2010 PILC Data Request 29 PUC Data Request 29 Provide the number of employees included in Idaho operations by month for the twelve month test period. Response to PUC Data Request 29 PacifiCorp does not trck employees for Idaho operations or by any other state operations. Recordholder: Sponsor: Erich D. Wilson To Be Deteed PAC-E-IO-07/Rocky Mountai Power September 7, 2010 PUC Data Request 30 PUC Data Request 30 Regarding PacifCorp's legal deparent, please provide the number of employees for each position for 2000-2010. Response to PUC Data Request 30 The Company objects to ths request to the extent tht it requests inormation related to time periods not relevant to ths proceedng. Notwithstading ths objection, the Company responds as follows: . Pleae refer to Attchment PILC 30 for the requested information from fiscal yea 2006 though calenda year 2010. Recordholder: Sponsor: HenrE. Lay To Be Determned PAC-E-I 0-07/Rocky Mounta Power September 7, 2010 PIlC Data Request 31 PUC Data Request 31 Regarding PacifiCorp's legal deparent, please provide the expected number of employees for each position for 2010-2015. Response to PllC Data Request 31 The Company objects to ths request to the extent that it requests informtion related to time periods not relevant to ths proceeding. Notwthstading ths objection, the Company responds as follows: Please refer to Attchment PIle 30 for the budgeted number of employees in PacifiCorp's legal deparent in calenda year 2010. The Company has not yet budgeted at this level of grularty beyond 2010. Recordholder: Sponsor: HenrE. Lay To Be Detered P AC-E-1 0-07/Rocky Mountain Power September 7, 2010 PILC Data Request 33 PUC Data Request 33 Please identify whether the Company's proposed revenue requiement includes the costs associated with the Company's genera rate proceedings. If so, please identify the tota costs, a categorical breakdown of the costs, the Idao allocated costs, and an explanation of the Idao allocation. Response to PllC Data Request 33 The Company's proposed revenue requirement includes the costs associated with the Company's general rate proceedgs. Please refer to Confdential Atthment PILC 33 for details. Ths inormation is confdential and is provided subject to the term and conditions of the protective agreement in ths proceeding. The costs associated with the Company's genera rate proceedigs include both labor and non-labor components. The non-labor costs were $ 1,255,586 on a tota Company basis. Idaho's porton of these costs is $ 36,656, which was calculated using the interjunsdctional allocation factors. The labor expense associated with the Compay's general rate proceedigs were $966,051 on a tota Company basis. Labor expenses are generaly combined with all other labor and benefits before being allocated to jursdictions. As a result, the labor expenses are not directly available on an Idao allocate basis. However, the Idao allocated porton of the labor expenses can be derived using an Idaho allocation of tota utility labor of 5.537%. Recordholder: Sponsor: Henr E. Lay I Steven R. McDougal Steven R. McDougal P AC-E-1 0-07/Rocky Mountan Power September 7, 2010 PIIC Data Request 35 PUC Data Request 35 Plea identify the tota legal deparent costs for 2000-2010, and expected legal deparent costs for 2010-2015. Please provide a categorical breakdown and description of PacifCorp' s legal departent costs. Response to PUC Data Request 35 The Company objects to ths request to the extent tht it requests inormation related to time periods not relevant to ths proceedg. Notwthtading this objection, the Company responds as follows: Please refer to Confdential Atthment PIle 35 for the legal deparent costs and tota legal costs for 2005-2009. The budgeted inormation for 2010 is also provided. This information is confdential and is provided subject to the terms and conditions of the protective agreement in ths proceeding. The Company ha not yet budgeted at the same level of granularty beyond 2010. The legal deparent costs for 2011-2015 are expected to escalate due to ination . and will fluctute based on the number of matters processed. Recordh01der: Sponsor: Henr Lay To Be Determined PAC-E-10-07/Rocky Mountain Power September 7, 2010 PUC Data Request 36 PUC Data Request 36 Please identify PacifCorp's total legal costs for 2000-2010, and expcted legal costs for 2010-2015. Please provide a categorical breakdown and description of PacifCorp's legal costs. Response to PUC Data Request 36 The Company objects to ths request to the extent tht it requests inormtion related to tie periods not relevant to ths proceedg. Notwthstadig ths objection, the Company responds as follows: Please refer to the Company's response to PILC Data Request 35. Recordholder: Sponsor: HenrE. Lay To Be Detrmned PAC-E-IO-07/Rocky Mounta Power September 7, 2010 PIlC Data Request 37 PUC Data Request 37 Please identify the number of in-hous attorneys, saares per each titles, and their tota salares and other compensation. Response to PUC Data Request 37 Please refer to Confdential Atthment PIlC 37. Confdential inormation is provided subject to the terms and conditions of the protective agrment in this proceeding. Recordholder: Sponsor: HenrE. Lay To Be Determed P AC-E-l 0-07/Rocky Mountai Power September 7, 2010 PILC Data Request 38 PUC Data Request 38 Regarding outside legal expenses, ha PacifiCorp taen any action to reduce outside legal expenses through negotiating lower biling rates? If the anwer is yes, please quatify the impact of the lower billig rates on the test year outside legal expenses assumg all other assumptions regardig the determtion of outside legal expenss rema constat. Response to PUC Data Request 38 Yes. PacifiCorp follows its practice of negotiating lower billng rates, discounted biling rates or alternative biling argements (e.g. flat fee or capped fee services) for cert outside legal services. For matters that were expected to incur significant legal fees, PacifiCorp solicited bids from law firms for providi PacifiCorp legal servces. Whle ths ensured the company paid the lowest reasonable cost for servces received, it did not necessarly result in an absolute reduction in legal costs or biling rates compared to prior years. It did reduce legal costs compared to what they otherwse would have been. Because it ha been PacifiCorp's past practice to attempt to control outside legal expenses in ths maner, and assuming all other assumptions regarding the detertion of outside legal expense remais constat, PacifiCorp does not expect test year outside legal fee expenses to be materially impacted by the contiuation of this practice. Recordholder: Sponsor: Henr Lay To Be Determned P AC-E-l 0-07/Rocky Mountain Power September 7,2010 PUC Data Request 39 PUC Data Request 39 Please provide the actu or estimted biling rates for PacifiCorp's in house and outside legal experts forFY 2003 though FY 2010. Response to PUC Data Request 39 Please see AttchmentPUC 39. Recordholder: Sponsor: HenrE. Lay To Be Determed PAC-E-1O-07/Rocky Mountan Power September 7,2010 PUC Data Request 41 PUC Data Request 41 Regarding PacifCorp's outside legal expenses included in the test period. Please provide a detailed explantion for the tys of cases included in each group of costs included in each "FERC Description," a list of cases or matters included in each "FERC Description," and a breakdown of the costs attbutale to each case or matter. In addition, please explain the differences between cert groups of costs that have the sae "FERC Description." Response to PUC Data Request 41 Please refer to Confdential Attchment PUC 41 for the outside legal expenses included in the test year by FERC account and matter. Outside legal expenses are recrded to the varous FERC accounts accordig to the natue of the costs in accordance with the Code of Federal Reguations (CFR). "FERC Description" is the name of the corresponding FERC account. Confdential inormtion is provided subject to the terms and conditions of the protective ageement in this proceedig. Recordholder: Sponsor: HenrE. Lay To Be Deted PAC-E-l 0-07/Rocky Mounta Power September 7, 2010 PILC Data Request 42 PUC Data Request 42 Regarding outside legal expenses included in the test period. For each "FERC Description," please provide a detaled explantion for why each "il Factor" was selected. Response to PllC Data Request 42 The FERC account and relate FERC description to which Outside Legal Expenses ar booked is derived from the underlying legal mattr being processed for each of the Company's business unts. As such, legal expenses are spread across a range of Operations and Maitenace FERC accounts. With test year results, each FERC account is categorized by FERC fuction. Based on the Revised Protocol allocation methodology, "ID factors" are assigned based on the speific Function, FERC account and location of each tranaction posted. Plea refer to Confdential Attchment PUC 41 for outside legal expenses included in the test period. Confdential inormation is provided subject to the terms and conditions of the protective agement in ths proceeing. Recordholder: Donald R. Barsel / R. Bryce Dalley Sponsor: To Be Determned PAC-E-10-07/Rocky Mounta Power September 7, 2010 PILC Data Request 44 PUC Data Request 44 Plea provide an explantion and all supportg information regardig the difference between the amount of outside legal expenses included in the test period, and the calendar year outside legal expense for 2008, 2009 and 2010. For example, please identify specific cost categories, cases or matters tht are expected to differ. Response to PUC Data Request 44 Pleae refer to Confdential Attchment PIlC 44 for the outside legal expenses for the periods requested. Confdential inormation is provided subject to the terms and conditions of the protective agreement in ths procedig. Calenda year 2008 included envionmenta litigation expenses associated with McConnell v PacifiCorp tht did not continue in 2009. If the costs of this proceedng are taen out of CY 2008, total outside legal costs for CY 2008 are comparable to CY 2009, which is comparable to the CY 2010 budget. Recordholder: Natae Hocken / Dean Brokban 1 Mar Moech Sponsor: To Be Determined P AC-E-l 0-07/Rocky Mounta Power September 7, 2010 PIlC Data Request 45 PUC Data Request 45 Please provide PacifiCorp's outside legal fee budgets for each calendar year from 2000-2010. Response to PUC Data Request 45 Pleas refer to Confdential Atthment PUC 45 for the outside legal fee budgets for the calenda years 2000-2010. Confdential inormation is provided subject to the terms and conditions of the protective agreement in ths procedg. Recordholder: Sponsor: HenrE. Lay To Be Determned P AC:E-I 0-07/Rocky Mounta Power September 7,2010 PILC Data Request 46 PUC Data Request 46 Please identify the amount of outside legal fees tht were included in rates for each general rate case in Oregon, Uta Californa, Washin, Idaho and Wyomig since 2000. If the specific amount is unown because ofa settement or other reason, please identify the amount of outside legal fees proposed by the Company to be included in rates and the Company's best estimate of the amount oflegal fees included in rates. Response to PUC Data Request 46 The Company objects to ths request to the extent that it requests information related to time perods not relevant to ths proceedg. Notwthstdig th objection, the Company responds as follows: The Company ha not performed the requested analysis. However, in Confdential Attchment PILC 35 the Company has provided extern legal costs for 2005 -2009. These figues serve as the basis for general rae case filings made durg ths period. Because of rate case settlements, it is not possible to determe the exact amount of legal fees included in rates. However, these amounts serve as the Company's best estiate of legal costs included in rates. Recordholder: Sponsor: HenrE. Lay To Be Determined P AC-E-1 0-07/Rocky Mounta Power September 7, 2010 PILC Data Request 49 PUC Data Request 49 Please provide a copy of distbution and trsmission facilties maps for each of the Company's six servce terrtories. Response to PUC Data Request 49 Please see Attchment PILC 49. Recordholder: Sponsor: Doug Bennon To Be Determed