HomeMy WebLinkAbout20100907PAC to IIPA 99-102.pdf¡i ~ ~~l~OUNTAIN September 3, 2010 Eric L. Olsen ISB# 4811 Raine, Olson Nye, Budge & Bailey, Chared P.O. Box 1391; 201 E. Center Pocatello, Idaho 83204-1391 RE: ID P AC-E-1 0-07 LIP A Data Request (99-102) Qi:r:ç;!.,L ';,¿ :¡-= 20m SfP - ì Mi 9: 09 ~~;t ~hC~~"ù:~ít:i~~~ Please find enclosed Rocky Mountan Power's responss to IIPA Data Requests 99-102. Provided on the enclosed CD ar Atthments LIP A 102-(1 -2). If you have any questions, please feel fre to call me at (801) 220-2963. Sincerely, JrT ¿d IV.H I ~ J. Ted Weston Manger, Regulation Enclosure: cc: Rady Budge/Monsanto (C) Jean Jewell/IUC (C)/ 3 copies Anthony Yanel/IPA (C) Ben Otto/ICL (C) James R. Smithonsanto (C) Richad Anderson/Monsanto (C) George C. Carer, IIIIonsanto (C) Dens Peseau/onsanto (C) Gaeth R. Kajander/Monsanto (C) Maurce Brubaker/Monsto (C) Brian Collins/Monsanto (C) Michal Gormanonsto (C) Kath IversonIonsto (C) Ma Widmer/Monsto (C) ;, ; P AC-E-l 0-07/Rocky Mounta Power September 3,2010 LIP A Data Request 99 LIP A Data Request 99 The response to Monsanto Request 5.5 was designed to explai how the normalized revenues were developed to each group of customers. Under a colum entitled "Booked" revenue, the tota Irgation amount is $37,541,443. Please answer the following: a. Is the $37,541,443 actu 2009 Irgation revenue? Ifnot, what is it? b. Wht is the basis for the "Normalization" adjustents that totaed $233,778? c. Please provide all calculations tht produced the $233,778 figue, includig the rates, biling determts, and eqlltions and data useg to deve10pthe uonni?ed biling determinants. d. Please explai the basis and provide the calculation for the "BP A" adjustments. Response to lIP A Data Request 99 a. Yes, the $37,541,443 was the actu2009 Irgation revenue includig BPA Balancing Account and Line Extension revenue. b. The "Normalization" adjustments that totaed $233,778 were out of period adjustments. c. The out of period adjustments remove revenues biled and report in 2009 that were based on mete reading dates tht were not in 2009. Ths anysis was prepared based on a maie data query that analyzed eah irgation customer's biling data history in the Company's customer biling database. The tota out of period adjusents by rate code were presented in the atthment to the Company's response to Monsanto Data Request 5.5. d. The BP A Balancing Account adjustents were the tota balance at the end of 2009 representig the difference between what BPA paid to the Compay and what the Company passed on as a credit to the qualifyg Idao Residential and Far customers under the Pacific Nortwest Electrc Power Plang and Conservation Act. Recrdholder: Sponsor: James Zhag Willi R. Grffth ~ .J P AC-E-I 0-07/Rocky Mountan Power September 3,2010 LIP A Data Request 100 IIPA Data Request 100 The responses to lIP A Requests 56 and 72 contan a disclaier tht: "Note: The MV90 Load Research System usd to calculate class averages and class load does not save the individua customer data used to generate the class averages and class loads..." Please answer the followig: a. Historically, the Company has "cleaned up" its raw load research data in order to remove data that may be incomplete or of suspicious quaity. Was ths "cleanup" done prior to the data being entered into the MV90 Load Researh System and then used to calculate class averages and class loads? If it wa "cleaned up", pleae provide the original data and the "cleaned up" data tht served as input to the MV90 Load Research System. b. If the Compay was able to supply individua hourly load research data by sample customer in the response to lIP A Request 56, why doesn't the Company know what data was supplied to the MV90 Load Research System prior to makng its calculations? c. Wht evidence or basis does the Company have for assumng tht the MV90 Load Research System data (and thus results) is more accurte than what can be derived from the hourly load researh data tht was supplied in response to IIPA Request 56? Response to IIA Data Request 100 a. The individua sample customer data provided in LIP A Request 56 is the data tht served as input to the MV90 Load Researh System to caculate class averages and class load. Manua clean up fuctions such as removig data tht may be incomplete or of suspicious quaity wa performed prior to input into the MV90 Load Researh System ard is reflected in the data provided. The MV90 Load Research System also provides some automated clean up fuctons. Curntly the clean up fuctons active in the MV90 Load Resech Systm are to exclude "lapse in data" and accounts with "1000!c missin data". The MV90 Load Reseach System does not save ths cleaned up data on an individua customer basis. Because the system does not save individua customer data it is extremely diffcult, if not impossible, to duplicate the Load Research system da in an Excel spreadsheet. b. The individua cusomer data supplied in lI A Request 56 is the data supplied to the MV90 Load Reseh Systm. Bece theMV90 Load Reseach System does not save individua cusomer data the automated clean up fuctons performed by the syste ar not known on an individua cusomer basis. P AC-E-l 0-07/Rocky Mountain Power September 3, 2010 lI A Data Request 100 c. The MV90 Load Research System reviews, validates and processes data at a more granular level than can be achieved by a simple extract of the customer load data into spreadsheet compatible softare. As such, estites derived from ths process are deemed to be more accurte th what can be derived from the hourly load research data that was supplied in response to lIP A Request 56, in the sense tht it has been fuer cleaned up by excluding data for "lapse in data" and "100% missing". Recordholder: Sponsor: Scott Thornton To Be Determined P AC-E-l 0-07/Rocky Mounta Power September 3,2010 LIP A Data Request 101 lIP A Data Request 101 The responses to lIP A 38 and lI A 65 indicate that thee years of data (2006, 2007, and 2008) were used to establish distrbution factors such as NCP and Schedule peak data. Please anwer the followig: a. Why wasn't 2009 data used? b. Wht was the source that was used to derive the NCP data and the Schedule peak data the saple data that was provided in response to lIP A Request 56 or did it come from the MV90 Load Reseach System? If the NCP and Schedule peak values were not derived from either of the above, please provide a copy of the Irrgation sample data sets tht were used. Response to IIPA Data Request 101 a. NCP data was estimated based on a thee year average of the ratio of NCP/Schedule pea. 2009 data was used in the sense tht the thee yea average ratio was applied to 2009 schedule peak data to estimate NCPfor 2010. b. The source data used to estiate data for 20 I 0 came from the MV90 Load Reseach System. Recordholder: Sponsor: Scott Thornton To Be Determed P AC-E-l 0-07/Rocky Mounta Power September 3, 2010 liP A Data Request 102 IIPA Data Request 102 Regarding the response to lIP A Request 67 regarding the cost of the Cool Keeper program in Uta, please anwer the followig: a. Wht was the "levelized cost of Rocky Mounta Power's Cool Keeper program that was procured and implemented in 2003 under a I 0 year pay- for-performance program strctue"? Please provide a copy of any report tht was produced in 2003 that support ths levelized costs and explais the assumptions involved. b. On a simlar basis as the above justfication for the Uta Cool Keeper progr requested in "a" above, what was the levelized cost of the Idao Irgation curlment program? Pleae provide a copy of any report tht was produced when the designted day progr was implemented tht support ths levelized costs and explai the assumptions involved. Please provide a copy orany report tht was produced when the Company Option progra was implemented that supports ths levelized cost and explains the assumptions involved. ' c. With respect to the Cool Keeper program as addresse by the Quatec Report and the response to lIP A Request 67, what was the cost associated with "new resources" and what was the cost of "operatig" the system? d. With respect to the Idaho Irgation Curlment program( s) as addressed by the Qutec Reprt and the respons to lIP A Request 67, what was the cost associated with "new resoures" and what was the cost of "operatig" the system? Response to IIA Data Request 102 a. The averge or levelized cost of the 10 year pay-for-performce based progr under the Utiity Cost Test (inclusive of customer incentives) when fied in 2003 was calculated to be $60.02 pe kilowatt. Please refer to Atthment liP A 102 -1 for a copy of the origi program fiing, see the seon titled "Air Conditionig Load Control Servces Program: Economic Analysis in Support of Uta Tarff Filing" prepar by Quate LLC, dated May 8, 2003. b. The Idao irgaton curent progr is a yea-by-year program offerig with loa curlments subject to day-ahea pacipant notification. The leveliz cost to delivery ths program ca be calculated from da provided in the anua Schedule 72 and 72A Idao Irgaton Load Control Progr Credit Rider Intiative Fin Report filed with the Idao Public Utilities Commssion each November. Please refer to Atthment lI A 102 -2. The values var from year to yea bas on pacipatin progr load and actu costs (includig parcipaon credits) and have raged from a low of approximatly $22 kW in 2007 to a high of $45 kW in 2009 (as caculate by the tota progr costs for a given year divided by the mea of the net parcipating load (net of opt-outs) in tht year. Unlike Uta's COL Ker ai conditioner load manement program, ~~. P AC-E-l 0-07/Rocky Mountan Power September 3, 2010 LIP A Data Request 102 the loads used in calculating the levelized costs of the Idao irgation curaient progr are derived from parcipating loads, not meaured load curiled or assumed curled at the tie of dispatch. c. The Qutec Report assumed $93/kW per year for new residential air conditionig load control resources. For inormation regardig the basis for the Qutec cost assumption see the Final Report - Volume II of the Assessment of Long-Term System-Wide Potetial for Demad-Side and other Supplementa Resources: Appendices, also referred to as the Qute Report at the followig web link: http://ww.pacifcorp.com/contentldam/pacificorp/doc/Energy Sources/Demand Side Managem ent/Demand Side Management 1. pdf See the Company's response to lIP A 102a for the 10-year cost of operatig Rocky Mounta Power's Cool Keeper programsystem. d. The Quatec Report assumed $47 /k W per year for new irgation load manement resources. For inormation regardig the basis for the Quatec cost assumption see the Fili Report - Volume II of the Assessment of Long-Term System-Wide Potenti for Demand-Side and other Supplementa Resources: Appendices, also referred to as the Quatec Report at the following web link: http://ww.pacificorp.com/contentidam/pacíficòrp/doclEnergy Sources/Demand Side Managem ent/Demand Side Management 1.pdf See the Company's respons to lIP A 102b for the anua costs of operating Rocky Mountain Power's Idaho irgation curailment program. Recordholder: Sponsor: Jeff Bumgarer To Be Determed