HomeMy WebLinkAbout20100907Monsanto 12 (1-4) to PAC.pdfLAW OFFICES OF RACINE OLSON NYE BUDGE Be BAILEY CHARTEREDW. MARCUS W. NYE RANDALL C. BUDGE JOHN A. BAILEY, JR. JOHN R. GOODELL JOHN B. INGELSTROM DANIEL C. GREEN BRENT O. ROCHE KIRK B. HADLEY FRED J. LEWIS ERIC L. OLSEN CONRAD J. AIKEN RICHARD A. HEARN, M.D. LANE V. ERICKSON FREDERICK J. HAHN, III DAVID E. ALEXANDER PATRICK N. GEORGE SCOTT J. SMITH JOSHUA D. JOHNSON STEPHEN J. MUHONEN CANDICE M. MCHUGH CAROL TIPPI VOLYN BRENT L. WHITING JONATHON S. BYINGTON DAVE BAGLEY THOMAS J. BUDGE JONATHAN M. VOLYN MARK A. SHAFFER JASON E. FLAIG Mrs. Jean Jewell, Secretar Idaho Public Utilties Commission P.O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 Re:PAC-E-10-07 Dear Jean: 201 EAST CENTER STREET POST OFFICE BOX 1391 POCATELLO, IDAHO 83204-1391 TELEPHONE (208) 232-6101 FACSIMILE (208) 232-6109 ww.racinelaw.net SENDER'S E-MAIL ADDREss:rcbléracinelaw.net September 2, 2010 BOISE OFFICE 101 SOUTH ,CAPITOL- BOULEVARD~ SUITE 208 BOISE, IDAHO 83702 TELEPHONE: (208)395-0011 FACSIMILE: (208) 433-0167 IDAHO FALLS OFFICE 477 SHOUP AVENUE SUITE 107 POST OFFICE BOX 50898 IDAHO FALLS, ID 83405 TELEPHONE: (208) 528"'6101 FACSIMILE, (208) 528-6109 ALL OFFICES TOLL FREE (877) 232-6101 LOUIS F.RACINE (1917-2005) WILLIAM D. OLSON, OF COUNSEL t?..e: ~ i-l -0~ N....0' Enclosed for fiing please find the original and three copies of Monsanto Company's Twelfh Data Requests to Rocky Mountain Power. Than you for your assistace. RCB:rr Enclosures cc: Service List ~ . BUDGE~. " Randall C. Budge, ISB No. 1949 RACINE, OLSON, NYE, BUDGE & BAILEY, CHARTERED P.O. Box 1391; 201 E. Center Pocatello, Idaho 83204-1391 Telephone: (208) 232-6101 Fax: (208) 232-6109 rcbimracinelaw.net ~t: zomSEP -7 PM 2:16 Attorneys for Intervenor Monsanto Company BEFORE TI IDAHO PUBLIC UTITIES COMMSSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICA nON OF ) ROCKY MOUNTAI POWER FOR APPROVAL) OF CHANGES TO ITS ELECTRIC SERVICE ) SCHEDULES AND A PRICE INCREASE OF ) $27.7 MILLION, OR APPROXIMATELY )13.7 PERCENT ) ) Case No. PAC-E-I0-7 MONSANO COMPAN'S TWLFTH DATA REQUESTS TO ROCKY MOUNAI POWER MONSANTO COMPANY, by and though their attorneys, hereby submits this Eleventh Data Request to Rocky Mountain Power, pursuant to Rule 225 of the Idaho Public Utility Commission's Rules of Procedure, IDAPA 31.01.01, as follows: Monsanto 12.1. Referrng to Confidential Exhbit No. 40 ofHui Shu's direct testimony, please provide the following information: a. For each purchase transaction line item included in the GRID purchases categories Long Term Firm Purchases, Qualifyng Facilties, Mid- Columbia Contracts, Storage and Exchange, Short Term Firm Purchases, and System Balancing Purchases, identify the transaction's demand charges, energy charges, and other charges by month. Identify all other charges by tye and amount for each month. If the monthy transaction charges (demand, energy, and/or other) are not biled on a monthy basis, please explain in detail how such charges are allocated to each month. MONSANTO'S lWLF DATA REQUESTS TO ROCKY MOUNAI POWER - i . b. For each sale transaction line item included in the GRID categories Long Term Firm Sales, Short Term Firm Sales, and System Balancing Sales, identify the transaction's demand charges, energy charges, and other charges by month. Identify all other charges by tye and amount for each month. If the monthly transaction charges (demand, energy, and/or other) are not biled on a monthly basis, please explain in detail how such charges are allocated to each month. Monsanto 12.2 For each turbine upgrade (Hunter, Huntington, and Jim Bridger) referenced in the response to Monsanto Data Request 7.4, please reconcile the total installed costs in dollars based on the $/k W values included in the response to Monsanto Data Request 7.4 par a. with the $129 millon for the thee turbine upgrades referenced in Mr. Teply's testimony at lines 3-4, p.12. Monsanto 12.3. For each turbine upgrade (Hunter, Huntington, and Jim Bridger) referenced in the response to Monsanto Data Request 7.4, please reconcile the total installed costs in dollars based on the $/kW values included in the response to Monsanto Data Request 7.4 par a. with the tubine upgrade line item costs included in Steven McDougal's Exhibit No.2, page 8.6.2 ($31,714,226 for Hunter; $31,260,581 for Huntington; and $9,471,009 for Jim Bridger). Monsanto 12.4. Please provide the following information for the Top of the World wind purchased power agreement (PPA): a. The economic analysis upon which the Company relied to enter into the PP A. Include all work papers in Excel format with formulas intact. b. A copy of the Company's expenditue requisition and project approval documents for the PP A. DATED this 2nd day of September, 2010. RACINE, OLSON, NYE, BUDGE & BAILEY, CHARTERED BY~~'~ RANDALL C. BUDGE MONSANO'S lWLFTH DATA REQUESTS TO ROCK MOUNAI POWER - 2 '" CERTIFICATE OF MAING I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this 3rd day of September, 2010, I served a tre, correct and complete copy of the foregoing document, to each of the following, via the method so indicated: Jean D. Jewell, Secretar (original and 3) Idaho Public Utilties Commission P.O. Box 83720 Boise, il 83720-0074 E-mail: jjewell~puc.state.id.us U.S. Mail Ted Weston Rocky Mountain Power 201 South Main, Suite 2300 Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 E-mail: ted.weston(ipacificorp.com E-Mail Paul J. Hickey Hickey & Evans, LLP 1800 CareyAve., Ste 700 PO Box 467 Cheyenne, WY 82003 E-mail: phickey(ihickeyvans.com E-Mail Mark C. Moench Daniel So lander Rocky Mountain Power 201 S. Main Street, Suite 2300 Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 E-mail: mark.moench(ipacificorp.com danie1.so lander(ipacificorp.com E-Mail Data Request Response Center PacifiCorp 825 NE Multnomah, Suite 2000 Portland, Oregon 97232 E-mail: datarequest(ipacificorp.com E-Mail Scott Woodbur Deputy Attorney General Idaho Public Utilties Commission P. O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 E-Mail MONSANTO'S lWLFTB DATA REQUESTS TO ROCKY MOUNAI POWER - 3 E-mail: scott.woodbury(ßpuc.daho.gov Katie Iverson Brubaker & Associates 17244 W. Cordova Court Surrise, Arizona 85387 E-mail: kiverson(ßconsultbai.com E-Mail James R. Smith Monsanto Company P. O. Box 816 Soda Springs, Idaho 83276 E-mail: jim.r.smith(ßmonsanto.com E-Mail Eric L. Olsen Racine, Olson, Nye, Budge & Bailey P.O. Box 1391 Pocatello, Idaho 83204-1391 E-mail: elo(ßracinelaw.net E-Mail Anthony Yanel 29814 Lake Road Bay Vilage, Ohio 44140 E-mail: tony(ßyankeI.net E-Mail Tim Buller Jason Haris Agrium, Inc. 3010 Conda Road Soda Springs, Idaho 83276 E-mail: tbuller(ßagrium.com j aharis(ßagrium.com E-mail Benjamin J. Oto Idaho Conservation League P. O. Box 844 Boise, Idaho 83702 E-mail: botto(ßidahoconservation.org E-Mail Melinda J. Davison Davison Van Cleve, P.C. 333 SW Taylor, Suite 400 Portland, Oregon 97204 E-mail: mjd(ßdvclaw.com E-Mail Ronald L. Wiliams Willams Bradbury, P.C. 1015 W. Hays Street MONSANO'S lWLF DATA REQUESTS TO ROCK MOUNAI POWER - 4 ". Boise, Idaho 83702 E-mail: ron(ßwillamsbradbury.com Brad M. Purdy Attorney at Law 2019 N. 17th Street Boise, Idaho 83702 E-mail: bmpurdy(ßhotmail.com E-Mail E-Mail ~~v~ RADALL C. BUDGE MONSANO'S lWLFm DATA REQUESTS TO ROCKY MOUNTAI POWER - 5