HomeMy WebLinkAbout20100903PAC to IIPA 103-113.pdf'M ~~:OUNTAIN ~l t:~i f'" '1 IU~ 9: 56iß\~ SJ -,J tU September 2, 2010 Eric L. Olsen ISB# 4811 Racine, Olson Nye, Budge & Bailey, Chartered P.O. Box 1391; 201 E. Center Pocatello, Idao 83204-1391 RE: il PAC-E-I0-07 lIPA Data Request (103-113) . 201 South Main, Suite 2300 Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Please fid enclosed Rocky Mounta Power's responses to lIP A Data Requests 103-113. Provided on the enclosed Confdential CD are Confdential Attchments LIP A 104, 105, 106, 108, 110, and 111. The Confdential Attachments are Confdential and are provided to pares that have signed a protective order in ths docket. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at (801) 220-2963. Sincerely, J r w. lVA-"t ) ~ J. Ted Weston Manger, Regulation Enclosure: cc: Rady BudgelMonsanto (C) Jea JewelllPUC (C)/ 3 copies Anthony Y anell A (C) Ben Oto/ICL (C) James R. Smithonsanto (C) Richad AndersonIonsanto (C) George C. Carer, III/Monsato (C) Denns Peseau/onsato (C) Gath R. KajandelMonsanto (C) Mauce BrubakerlMonsanto (C) Brian CollinlMonsanto (C) Michal Gormonsato (C) Kath IversonIonsto (C) Mark Widmer/Monsanto (C) PAC-E-l 0-07/Rocky Mounta Power September 2, 2010 LIP A Data Request 103 LIP A Data Request 103 Regardig the coincident peak and energy "Metered Load" data listed on the top of pages 10.13 and 10.14 of the Company's Exhbit 2, is the development of ths data described between page 7 line 19 and page 8 line 18 of Mr. Eelkema's testony? If ths is not, or if it is described elsewhere, please explain where? Response to lIP A Data Request 103 Yes. Recordholder: Sponsor: Pete Eelkema Pete Eelkema P AC-E-1 0-07/Rocky Mountan Power September 2, 2010 LIP A Data Request 104 IIPA Data Request 104 Regardig the development of the coincident peak and energy "Metered Loads" data listed on the top of pages 10.13 and 10.14 of the Company's Exhbit 2, please provide a flow-char tht depicts where alI of the data comes from and how it is manpulated in order to produce the data on these pages. Response to IIA Data Request 104 Pleas refer to Confdential Atthment LIP A 104. Confdential inormation is provided subject to the terms and conditions of the protective agreement in ths proceeding. The development of data on page 10.13 can be found in the (unlabeled) box in the bottom right comer and the development of the data on page 10.14 can be found in box E. Recordholder: Sponsor: Pete Eelkema Pete Eelkema P AC-E-l 0-07/Rocky Mountan Power September 2, 2010 LIP A Data Request 105 IIPA Data Request 105 On page 7 line 21 of his testimony, Mr. Eelkema states: "Afer the Company develops test year monthy energy sales by customer class, test year hourly loads is developed in two step:". If the "monthy energy sales by customer class" is used in either ths fist or second step (see Eelkema page 7 line 23 through page 8 line 14), please explai the methodology and all calculations used to tae ths "monthy energy sales by customer class" and incorporate it into: a. "(M)onthyand seasona peak for each stte" (See Eelkema page 7 line 23); b. "The monthy pea model uses historic peak-producing weather" (See Eelkema page 7 line 23 though page 8 line 1); and c. Pleae provide a detaled example of "a" and "b" above, using July 2010 as an example. Response to lIP A Data Request 105 Please refer to Confdential Atthment II A 105 for an export of the Idaho monthy (non-coincident) pea model from MetrxND to ExceL. Confdential informtion is provided subject to the terms and conditions of the protetive order in this proceeding. a. Pleas refer to the yellow highighted colums Q and R on the "Input" sheet. b. Please refer to the blue highighted colum P on the "Input" sheet. c. Pleae refer to cell F164 on the "Predicted" sheet (note tht th value is only an example and is slightly less tht the predicted value beause the example does not include the auto regressive adjustment). . Recrdholder: Sponsor: Pete Eelkema Pete Eelkema P AC-E- 10-07 /Rocky Mountain Power September 2, 2010 LIP A Data Request 106 IIPA Data Request 106 Please explai how the "monthy peak model uses historic peak-producing weather" (Eelkema page 8 line I). Please provide In Excel formt all background data used and all calculations used to derive each monthy peak for each jursdiction. Please site the source of ths data. Response to IIPA Data Request 106 please refer to the Company's response to lIP A 105, speifcaly par (b) for an explantion of how historic pe-producing weather is usd in the monthy pea modeL. Please refer to Confdential Atthment LIP A 106 for a copy of the peak model for all the other jursdictions. Confdential inormation is provided subject to the terns and conditions of the protective order in ths proceedg. Please note that Wyoming test year peak is develope using two models, one for Eat .Wyoming and one for West Wyoming. The weather data is purchad from MDA Federal, Inc., Rockvile, Marland; the historical peak data is from PacifiCorp's hourly loads estimates. Recrdholder: Sponsor: Pete Eelkema Pete Eelkema PAC-E-I 0-07/Rocky Mounta Power September 2, 2010 LIP A Data Request 107 IIPA Data Request 107 Please explain how the Company "incorporates the impact of weather on pea loads though several weather varables which drve heating and cooling usage. " (Eelkema page 8 lines 2-'3). Please provide in Excel format all backgrund data used and al calculations used to derive each monthy peak for each jursdiction. Please site the source of ths data. Response to IIPA Data Request 107 Please refer to the Company's response to rip A 105, speifcally par (b) and lip A Data Request 106 for an explanation of how historic pea-producing weather is used in the monthy peak modeL. The weather data is purchased from MDA Federal, Inc., Rockvlle, Marland, and the historical pea datais from PacifiCorp's hourly loads estimates. Recordholder: Sponsor: Pete Eelkema Pete Eelkema PAC-E-1O-07/Rocky MountanPower September 2, 2010 LIP A Data Request 108 IIPA Data Request 108 Pleas provide in Excel format a copy of the "state-specific hourly load data and daily weather varables" used to develop "hourly load for each state from hourly load models". (See Eelkema page 8 lines 7-8) Please site the soure of ths da. Response to I1PA Data Request 108 Please refer to Confidential Atthment LIP A 108. Confdential inormation is provided subject to the terms and conditions of the protective agreement in ths proceedig. The weather data is purchaed from MDA Federal, Inc., Rockvile, Marland, and the historical data is from PacifiCorp's Jursdctiona Load Systm databae. Recordholder: Sponsor: Pete Eelkema Pete Eelkema P AC-E-l 0-07/Rocky Mountain Power September 2, 20 I 0 LIP A Data Request 109 llPA Data Request 109 Please provide copies of each "hourly load model" for each state. (See Eelkema page 8 line 8) Response to llPA Data Request 109 Based on a discussion with LIP A and other paries, the Company will respond to ths request by hosting a web-conference on September 9, 2010 with interested pares in the case to walk them through the models. Recordholder: Sponsor: Pete Eelkema Pete Eelkema PAC-E-IO-07/Rocky Mounta Power September 2,2010 LIP A Data Request 110 IIPA Data Request 110 Please provide in Excel formt a copy of the "hourly loads" that are developed using 21-year average temperatues, tyical weather pattern, and day-type varables. (See Eelkema page 8 lines 9--11 ) Please site the source of ths data. Response to IIPA Data Request 110 Please refer to Confdential Atthment LIP A 110. Confdential information is provided subject to the terms and conditions of the protective agreement in ths proceeding. The time period referenced on line 6, page 8 of Dr. Eelkema's testiony is a 20-year time period. Ths data is developed usin the Company's (2004 to 2008) hourly loads and weather varables which were purchased from MDA FederaL. Recordholder: Sponsor: Pete Eelkema Pete Eelkema P AC-E-l 0-07/Rocky Mountan Power September 2, 2010 LIP A Data Request 111 II A Data Request 111 Please provide in Excel format a copy of the "calbrations" used to match monthy and seasona peak from the fit step. (See Eelkema page 8 lines 11-12) Response to IIPA Data Request 111 The calibrated hourly loads are developed using proprieta softare (MetrxL T). The purose of the calibraon is to fit the normized load shapes to the monthy energy sales forecats and monthy peak loads forecasts. The softare develops ths calibration in severa steps: fist, the hourly loads are convert into a monthy load durtion cure; second, bringig the highest hour of each month to match the monthly peaks; and thd pivoting the monthy load duration cure so that the energy under the cure matches the monthy sales plus line losses. The pre-calibration hourly loads and post-caibration hourly loads can be identified; however, each intermediate step in the softare canot be identified. Pleas refer to Confdential Attchment II A III for a copy of the Idaho calibrations. Confdential inormtion is provided subject to the terms and conditions of the protective ageement in ths proceedg. Recordholder: Sponsor: Pete Eelkema Pete Eelkema PAC-E-IO-07/Rocky Mountan Power September 2, 2010 lIP A Data Request 112 LIP A Data Request 112 Please provide in Excel format a copy of the "calibrations" used to match the hourly loads to the monthy sales plus line losses. (See Eelkema page 8 lines 12-14) Response to lIP A Data Request 112 Please refer to the Company's response to lIP AlII. Recordholder: Sponsr: Pete Eelkema Pete Eelkema P AC-E-l 0-07/Rocky Mounta Power September 2, 20 I 0 LIP A Data Request 113 LIP A Data Request 113 Please explain how two different sets of calibrations are used such tht when the second calibration is mae to develop the hourly loads (See Eelkema page 8 lines 12-14), that the original calibrate value for the peak is not chaged. Please provide a detaled example for July 2010. Response to lIP A Data Request 113 Please refer to the Company's response to lIP AlII. Recordholder: Sponsor: Pete Eelkema Pete Eelkema