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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20100901PAC to IIPA 83-98.pdf~~~OUNTAIN RECE "¡'il ft ('tP - l Mi 9: 32L...1V..i. 201 South Main, Suite 2300 Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 August 31,2010 Eric L. Olsen ISB# 4811 Raine, Olson Nye, Budge & Bailey, Charered P.O. Box 1391; 201 E. Center Pocatello, Idaho 83204-1391 RE: il PAC-E-1O-07 LIP A Data Request (83-98) Please fid enclosed Rocky Mounta Power's responses to lI A Data Reques 83-98. Provided on the enclosed CD are Atthments IIPA 84, 85, 86,87, 88c, 91b --1-2),92, and 95-(a-b). . Provided in hard copy to the requesting par only ar Attchments lIP A 95 -- a-b). Provided on the enclosed Confdential CD is Confdential Attchment IipA 91a. The Confdential Attchment is Confdential and is provided to paries tht have signed a protective order in this docket. If you have any questions, pleas feel fr to call me at (801) 220-2963. Sincerly, J(T.dÚ/~/~i J. Ted Weston Manager, Reguation Enclosur: cc: Rady Budge/Monsto (C) Jea Jewell/UC (C)! 3 copies Anthony Y anel/IP A (C) Ben OtIICL (C) James R. Smithonsto (C) Richad AndersnIonsto (C) Gerge C. Carer, III/onsto (C) Denns PeseauIonsanto (C) Ga R. Kajander/Monsato (C) Maurce Brubaker/Monsto (C) Brian Collonsato (C) Michal Gormonsanto (C) Ka IversnIonsto (C) Ma Widmer/Monsanto (C) P AC-E-1 0-07/Rocky Mountain Power August 31,2010 LIP A Data Request 83 LIP A Data Request 83 Regarding the Response to lIP A Request 16-b, please supply: a. The specific "actual load research sample data" that was used for each of the five years (Please supply this information by sample customer if this was the source of the data.). b. Please detail how this data was "adjusted to test period energy." c. Please explain why five years of historical data is being used where there has been such a large change in the program over that period. d. How does the five years of historic data incorporate (or not incorporate) Irigation curilments? Response to lIP A Data Request 83 a. Please refer to Attchment LIP A 56. b. The 5 year average represeIits a normalized year, rather than a simple averaging of the system peak. Each of the contributing years (2005-2009) was adjusted to fit the 2009 day-of-the-week profie. For instance, June 1,2009 occured on a Monday. The closest corresponding Monday to June I in the 2005 data was June 6th. So the 2005 data was shifted 5 days (+ 4 years) to align with the 2009 data. In 2007, the closest corresponding Monday to June 1 was June 4, so the data was shifted 3 days (+ 2 y,ears). Once this alignent of all the contrbuting years was complete, the years were averaged together to obtain a normalized, on-season representation for the 2009 irrgation average/customer and the 2009 irrgation population of 4834 was used to expand the averages. At that point, kWh for the 2009 normalized year (5 yr. avg.) was compared to the test period kWh (forecasted kWh) and adjustment factors were calculated. These adjustment factors were used to ratio¿up:or down, the normalized year (5 yr. avg.) to tie to the testperiod kWh. Please refer to the Company's response LIP A Data Request 72 for an example of the flow of calculations. c. Since a forecast test period was used in this filing, it was felt tht a normalization of the irrgation class loads was most appropriate' as representative of what might occur in the futue. Because the load curlment program operated durg most of this five year period, the load curailment program impact is reflected in the five year average dat. The level of curlment is based on ths five year average and does not represent any individua year or any specific L l ," .~.~ . ~ :1:. ,\., PAC-E-10-07/Rocky Mountain Power August 31,2010 LIP A Data Request 83 curtailment amount that would havep~en reflected in a future test period had the normalization not been performed. .' d. See answer to c. above. Recordholder: Sponsor: Scott Thornton To Be Determined r r P AC-E-1 0-07/Rocky Mountain Power August 31,2010 LIP A Data Request 84 LIP A Data Request 84 What was the number of customers used during each month in order to establish the use per customer data that was supplied in Response to lIP A Request 22-e. Response to IIPA Data Request 84 Please refer to Attachment LIP A 84. Recordholder: Sponsor: Pete Eelkema Pete Eelkema ,iii PAC-E-10-07/Rocky Mountain Power August 31,2010 LIP A Data Request 85 LIP A Data Request 85 What are the number ofIrrigation customers used/assumed during each month in test year? Response to lIP A Data Request 85 Please refer to Attachment LIP A 85. Recordholder: Sponsor: Pete Eelkema Pete Eelkema PAC-E-10-07/Rocky Mountan Power August 31, 2010 LIP A Data Request 86 LIP A Data Request 86 Please provide the meter reading and biling schedules for Irigation customers for each month from Januay 2000 through December 2010. Response to lIP A Data Request 86 Please refer to Attachment LIP A 86. Recordholder: Sponsor: Arc MuhlsteIn To Be Determined .r: ". , P AC-E-l 0-07/Rocky Mountain Power August 31,2010 LIP A Data Request 87 LIP A Data Request 87 Please provide for each month from Januar 1990 though December 2009 the calendar (sometimes referenced by the Company as "pricing kWh") month usage level of Irrgation customers. Response to lIP A Data Request 87 Please refer to Attchment IIP A 87. The Company has data from Januar 2000 forward. Recordholder: Sponsor: Aric Muhlstein Aric Muhlstein PAC-E-l 0-07/Rocky Mountain Power August 31,2010 LIP A Data Request 88 \ LIP A Data Request 88 "'r i According to the Company's Response to, lIP A Request 22, it weather normalizes Irrigation usage: a. Please provide in Excel format all input data used to weather normalized Irrigation usage data. b. What is the source(s) of the weather data that is used to normalize Irrgation usage? c. Please provide a copy of all original documents in the Company's possession that were used to weather normalizelrngation data. d. Please provide a copy of the statistical results of the regression analysis that was ru upon which the Irrigation usage levels were normalized in this case (R-square, t-statistic, residuals, etc.). e. With respect to the response to lIP A Request 22- f, what was the formula used to weather normalize the actual data that was provided in response to 22-c? f. Was the data provided in response to IIPA Requests 22-c and 22-e on a calendar or biling month basis? Response to lIP A Data Request 88, n, " a. Please refer to the Company's response to IPUC Data Request 215, specificially the sheet labeled "Input" on the spreadsheet "Irrigation UPC per day.xls." b. The Company purchases weather data from MDA Federal, Inc., Rockville, Marland. ! '6 l.' 1t (t.;~" ,; c. Please refer to Attachment 88b ~hicil c~ntains data from the Company's biling system. In addition, please refer to the response to (a) above which has the monthly weather data that ha$ been calculated from the purchased weather data. d. Please refer to the Company's response to IPUC 215, specifically the sheet labeled "Input" on the spreadsheet "Irgation UPC per day.xls." e. The formula used was: Weather normalized sales = actual sales + CDD, base 40 coeffcient * (normal CDD,base 40:- actul CDD, base 40). f. The data ~rovided was on a calerlclar basis. Recordholder:Pete Eelkema I.'.ü ¡:: ; t . PAC-E-10-07IRocky Mountain Power August 31, 2010 IIP A Data Request 88 Sponsor:Pete Eelkema i ;'1 '-I'' ,,¡ ,.:i¡ :: ,.1 : ~ ." /' ¡' P AC-E-l 0-071R0cky Mountain PowerAugUst 31, 2010 y LIP A Data Request 89 If the Company has ever considered/attempted to weather normalize Idao Irrgation data based upon other weather variables in addition to cooling degree day, please answer the following: IIPA Data Request 89 a. Why has the Company chosen to not include those weather variables in the normalization used in this case? , '¡.'. ,f b. Please provide copies (in Excel fomia,t if available) of the data associated with these other weather varables that theCo~pany considered before. Response to lIP A Data Request 89 a. The Company did consider using other weather variables but decided to only use temperatue as the basis for its weather normalization adjustment. This decision was made in par because of the diffièultyiii defining a "normal" non-temperature variable that corresponds with the normal temperature varable. b. Please refer to (a) above. Recordholder: Sponsor: Pete Eelkema Pete Eelkema .i!t! . " ¡ ,;,:ë ,t ',' ~ :': PAC-E-I0-071R0cky Mountain Power August 31,2010 LIP A Data Request 90 LIP A Data Request 90 The response to lIP A Request 64-b indicates that the Company used a "potential" curailment for Irrigators of229 MW in its development of the class peaks. The potential available load for curailment from the November 14, 2009 curailment report at Table Twenty is approximately 240 MW. Please answer the following: a. What is the amount of curailment that is available (at sales level) for the dispatchable program for the 2010 Irrigation season in Idaho? b. Why was a value of only 229 MW of potential interrptibilty chosen for the test year as opposed to the level availablein 2009 or 201 O? a. Please refer to Attachment lIP A 23a for the expected 2010 paricipation. Response to lIP A Data Request 90 .b. The value reflects the level of potential interrptibilty of paricipating loads during a given dispatch event. It's the maximum paricipating load that can be scheduled to shed during a dispatch.event and stil maintain adequate system voltage to the remaining non-irrgation loads. The heavy dominance of irrgation load on some of the Company's circuits creates an unacceptable spike in voltage if dispatched in its entirety. The Company is investigating system voltage automation upgraâès that would allow for a greater utilization of paricipating loads while stil maintaning acceptable system voltages. Should these upgrades be implemented, it's anticipated a greater potential contrbution from the program would be realized. Recordholder: Sponsor: Pete Eelkema Pete Eelkema .1 \.. : ..."õ ~f . . ',';:t. \?l ' PAC-E-I0-07/Rocky Mountain Power August 31, 2010 LIP A Data Request 91 LIP A Data Request 91 Please provide for each hour from J¡muar 1, 2005 through the most recent data available: a. The actual jurisdictional loads on the same basis as that presented in Exhibit 2, Tab 10 for jurisdictional allocation puroses. b. If there were interrptions/curilment of non-contract customer load during any of these hours, what was the level of that curtilment or what would the jurisdictional load have been, absent each of those interrptions/curilments? Response to lIP A Data Request 91 a. The Company assumes this request refers to Page 10.13 of Exhibit 2 Tab 10. Please refer to Confidential Attachment LIP A 91 a Confidential information is provided subject to the terms and conditions of the protective order in this proceeding. b. For Cool Keeper information~ please refer to Attchment IIPA 91b -1 for 2005, 2006 and 2007 information, and to the Company's response to lIP A Data Request 12 -1 1st Supplemental for 2008,200.9 anEi2010 information. For Uta Irrgation information, please refer to the Company's response to LIP A Data Request 12 _21st Supplemental". ' For Idaho Irrigation information, please refer to Attachment IIPA 91b -2 for 2005 and 2006 information, and the Company's response to lIPA Data Request 25 for 2007, 2008 and 2009 information. With the information provided in (a) and (b) above, IIPA will be able to calculate the jursdictional load absent each of those interrption/curailments. Recordholder: Sponsor: Pete Eelkema Pete Eelkema 'i".' . "!' 10 ~ ~'; -t ,~ PAC-E-I0-071R0cky Mountain Power August 31, 2010 LIP A Data Request 92 LIP A Data Request 92 The response to lIP A Request 38 contans NCP data and schedule peak data for 2006,2007, and 2008 for all rate schedules. Please supply simlar NCP and schedule peak data for 2009. Response to lIP A Data Request 92 Please refer to Attchment LIP A 92. Recordholder: Sponsor: Joe Ahlberg To Be Determined .,t . t 'I " PAC-E-I0-07/Rocky Mountain Power August 31, 2010 LIP A Data Request 93 LIP A Data Request 93 Regarding the Irrigation customers in the Company's load research program(s) over the 2005-2009 timeframe, please identify by the customer identification numbers already supplied, which customers were in the dispatchable or designated day load control program for each year. If on the designated day program, please indicate the day of the scheduled interrptions. Response to lIP A Data Request 93 Recordholder: Sponsor: To Be Determined To Be Determined The Company objects to this request on the grounds that it is overly burdensome. The Company has not matched up irrigation customers in the maner requested; to do so would require an inordinat~ :uo:it of resources. í~ . "$ '.': P AC-E-l 0-071R0cky Mountain Power August 31,2010 LIP A Data Request 94 LIP A Data Request 94 An explanation is sought regarding the response to lIP A Request 3 and the development of the load research data for the Irrigation customers: a. Attachment UP A 3 for the Irrigators generally lists five years of data (6-Jun-05, 5- Jun-06, 4-Jun-07, 2-Jun-08, and I-Jun-09) for 1-Jun-09: i. How are each ofthese values for each year (hour and day) derived? n. What customer count is used for each of these years? 11. What weighting factors are used for each stratum for each year's data? iv. Why are the specific days of6-Jun-05, 5-Jun-06, 4-Jun-07, 2-Jun-08, and 1-Jun- 09 used to develop the I-Jun-09 data as opposed to some other grouping of days from each ofthe five years? b. How are the five, years of data used/averaged/incorporated in order to produce the hourly data for 2009? ~, c. How is the derived 2009 hourly data'incqrporated into the data that is used in the filing? Is ths data used to develop demand and/or energy values, and where in the filing does it appear? d. The data lists for 2-Jun-08 at 1 :00 a value of 14.58515 at sales leveL. The load research data for all sample Irrgation customers was provide in response to lIP A Request 56. Using the weightings provided, a value of 15.645 at sales level can be calculated for the 1 :00 tie on 2-J;une-QS. Why are these values so different?(. " ',-.'i i.1. . , e. June 18, 2008 was a day when approximately 200 MW of dispatchable Irrigation load control was curailed. The data in LIP A Request 3 does not appear to show ths curlment on June 18, 2008. Please explain how this data was developed with respet to curilment (dispatchable and scheduled) on the system. Response to lIP A Data Request 94 .', ,I ,.'. Response: a. 1.These values are derived from io~ research customer sample data from eah specific year. iI:... ...: ~-!. P AC-E-l 0-071R0cky Mountain Power .f. August 31,2010 LIP A Data Request 94 '; 11. The individual years that went into the 2009 normalized estimates were based on average customer usage. The 5 years of average customer data was averaged together and the data was expanded using 2009 irrgation population of 4834. 11. Please refer to Attachment lIP A 56. for a listing of weight factors. iv. Please refer to the Company's response to lIPA Data Request 83. b. Please refer to the Company's response to LIP A Data Request 83. c. The derived 2009 hourly data for irrigation represents the class load data for irrgation and is used to develop demand values for Merged Company Peaks and Distrbution Peaks as shown in exhibit 49, tabs 7 and 12. d. The 2008 averages have been ratioed to pricing energy which has been adjusted for unbiled energy. The adjustment factors needed for 2008 averages are:June .8967751 'July .761522 ' .' August 1.1129362 September 1.4821801 , e. Irrigation loads provided in LIP A Request 3 are based on a normalized load cure comprised of 5 years of historical data. This cure has been ratioed to match the forecast monthy energy le~~ls specified in the test period. Insofar as that forecast energy includes c\nailment at the monthy level, the class loads will also include that cUÌÌmen( 'The forecast class loads are not, however, adjusted to reflect c~lment at the daily leveL. ,i' Recordholder: Sponsor: Scott Thornton To Be Determned , ., ,., ',' \ ~Hf j";' ." . r l; l ~ ,f : 4 PAC-E-I0-071R0cky Mountain Power August 31, 2010 LIP A Data Request 95 I1PA Data Request 95 Please provide copies of the Company's 2008, and 2009 FERC Form 1. Response to LIP A Data Request 95 Please see hardcopies of the Company's 2008 and 2009 Form 1, or electronic copies in Attachments lIP A 95a and lIP A 95b. Recordholder: Ryan Weems Sponsor: To Be Determined P AC-E-l 0-071R0cky Mountai Power August 31, 2010 LIP A Data Request 96 liP A Data Request 96 With respect to the response to lIP A Request 21-a, the Company provided various data for a number of months. What is the meaning of and the significance of the values listed in the colum entitled "Number of Households"? Response to lIP A Data Request 96 "Number of Households" is the IHS Global Insight historical and test year county number of households (in thousands)'that best fits the Company's Idaho service terrtory. This is the economic driver for the test year residential number of customers. Recordholder: Sponsor: Pete Eelkema Pete Ee1kema ,.:.J. . ~~ . i i . ~ . ... -' ~ J .t PAC-E-10-07/Rocky Mountan Power August 3 1,2010 LIP A Data Request 97 LIP A Data Request 97 Please explain as well as provide all supporting data that serves as the basis for the monthly forecasted Irigation salès in this case. We are looking for the data that was utilzed and the calculations use to tae this data and derive the forecast values. Response to lIP A Data Request 97 Please refer to the Company's response to IPUC Data Request 215. The calculations were performed using a proprietary software package, MetrxND. The model can by demonstrated at the Company's Portland offices or by web link at the Company's Salt Lake City offices. Recordholder: Sponsor: Pete Eelkema Pete Eelkema .~l.. '-I ¡ .,',:,"1I '. P AC-E-1 0-07/Rocky Mountain Power August 31, 2010 LIP A Data Request 98 LIP A Data Request 98 The response to lIP A Request 22-c indicated (among other things) that the actual monthly sales per Irrigation customer for June 2007 was 38,884 kWh per customer. The response to LIP A Request indicates that for June 2007 there were 115,178,683 kWh of sales to 4,721 Irrgation customers. This equates to 32,872 kWh per customer (115,178,683/4,721). Please reconcile these two "use/customer" values as well as the other use/customer values in Response 22-c and those that can be calculated from IIPA 26. Response to lIP A Data Request 98 The monthly data in the response to lIP A Request 22-c was obtained from the Company's revenue report system 305 Report. It includes not only the biled kWh in that month, but also the unbiled kWh for each revenue month. Since LIP A Request 26 requested detaled usage information for each customer, rather than aggregate data provided by the 305 Report, the monthly data for lIPA Request 26 were obtaned from the Company's customer billng system rather than the 305 report. The Company's customer billng system contains individual customer usage data for each month based on a customer's meter reading date. The monthy individual customer data can 'also be revised to reflect any biling adjustments or other changes that occur to a customer's bil at a later date. In sumar, the data in the two responses differed in the following thee main areas: (1) the data in lIPA Request 22-c was based on the biled month at the aggregate level while the data in LIP A Request 26 was based on meter reading month at the individual customer level; . (2) the data in LIP A Request 22-c included unbiled kWh while the data in IIP A Request 26 did not include any unbiled kWh and (3) the data in lIPA Request22-c is not subject to change or revision once it is published while the monthly data in lIP A Request 26 can be changed at a later date if there are any billng adjustments. Recordholder: Sponsor: James Zhang. ", ,. Wiliam R. Grffth' . , í i ;.1 ,. '.;.